Colbert Interviews Amb. Susan Rice (2 Parts): Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping Benefit the Most From Four More Years of Trump

Politics • Views: 14,945



Ambassador Susan Rice has been a major target of the Republican Party for years, because she’s their worst nightmare: a black woman with a laser intellect, standing up for human rights and freedom. They’ve devoted a huge amount of time and effort to smearing and attacking her; the GOP invariably shows its true self when faced with someone like this.

Former National Security Advisor and Ambassador Susan Rice says that the people who benefit the most from another four years of Trump are Russian President Putin and China’s Xi Jinping. Her book, “Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For,” is available now in paperback. #SusanRice #LateShowLIVE #DNC

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Decatur Deb  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:44:13am


lawhawk  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:44:45am

Going OT but this is important:

Interesting Times  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:48:21am

re: #2 lawhawk

I heard the nasty little fascists already had the multimillion-dollar sorting machines destroyed, so this might be case of bolting the barn door after the horses already ran away (and were shot to boot).

Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:48:47am
The Pie Overlord!  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:49:32am
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:50:13am

re: #2 lawhawk

Going OT but this is important:

[Embedded content]

Is he reinstating overtime to ensure all deliveries?

I don’t buy this for a nanosecond.

goddamnedfrank  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:51:03am
Dr Lizardo  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:51:07am

re: #2 lawhawk

re: #4 Charles Johnson

Watch Trump fire DeJoy (or take to Twitter to piss and moan at least).

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:51:36am

re: #3 Interesting Times

I heard the nasty little fascists already had the multimillion-dollar sorting machines destroyed, so this might be case of bolting the barn door after the horses already ran away (and were shot to boot).

And disallowed hands sorting.

To be fair about those machines, not all were functional. They are all old and there are no spare parts.

There’s also no plan for fixing the problem.

stpaulbear  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:53:26am

re: #3 Interesting Times

I heard the nasty little fascists already had the multimillion-dollar sorting machines destroyed, so this might be case of bolting the barn door after the horses already ran away (and were shot to boot).

If you look at the map of where sorting machines were removed, the locations were very selective (i.e. blue). I hope that the house democrats ‘suggest’ to DeJoy that some machines in untouched (i.e. red) districts be reassigned to districts that had more of their machined destroyed.

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:55:04am
jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:56:07am
Belafon  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:57:20am

re: #2 lawhawk

Going OT but this is important:

[Embedded content]

A number of related DK stories that make me think there’s some coordination going on:

One of the people that will be talking in the House hearing is a former Postal Board member:

Ron Johnson has scheduled a Friday hearing to try to preempt the House one:

McConnell is trying to put the GOP’s “not enough to make a difference” bill but with $10B instead of the $25B the House is pushing for the USPS, along with all the other crappy stuff the Senate GOP has been trying to get through:

Mike Lamb  Aug 18, 2020 • 10:58:43am

From the last thread—my favorite part of the Stuart Baker nonsense is that it is everyone else’s fault that he said blatantly misogynistic on a public platform.

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:00:01am

re: #14 Mike Lamb

His desperate play to be a GOP convention speaker?

Belafon  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:00:40am

re: #14 Mike Lamb

From the last thread—my favorite part of the Stuart Baker nonsense is that it is everyone else’s fault that he said blatantly misogynistic on a public platform.

Wanna bet there are some people who work at the studio that are glad he’s gone?

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:02:44am

re: #2 lawhawk

Going OT but this is important:

[Embedded content]

Huge lawsuit imminent
This afternoon likely if not already

danarchy  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:06:46am

re: #10 stpaulbear

If you look at the map of where sorting machines were removed, the locations were very selective (i.e. blue). I hope that the house democrats ‘suggest’ to DeJoy that some machines in untouched (i.e. red) districts be reassigned to districts that had more of their machined destroyed.

I have a feeling the sorting machines are a red herring and the overtime has a lot more to do with delays. Since it’s peak in 2001 mail delivery has dropped from 104 billion pieces of mail per year down to about 54 billion. There has to be a ton of overcapacity left in the system.

Also those machines only sort letters and postcards, removing them really wouldn’t account for delays in packages like medicine and stuff.

Caveat being I know nothing about logistics so feel free to ignore me.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:07:31am

re: #15 jaunte

His desperate play to be a GOP convention speaker?

Seems to be the way. It’s not like actually having beliefs gets you invited to the RNC but smirking at a Native American vet, aiming at protesters, & promising Trump a place on Mount Rushmore does. And these people think our only platform is orange man bad. Theirs is love me orange man, we’re all being repressed.

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:08:03am

re: #17 dangerman

Huge lawsuit imminent
This afternoon likely if not already

[Embedded content]

Here’s what I found

At least 20 states plan to file lawsuits this week against the U.S. Postal Service and its new postmaster, Louis DeJoy, seeking to reverse service changes that have prompted widespread reports of delays and accusations of an intentional effort to thwart voters from mailing their ballots this fall,” the Washington Post reports.

“The suits, expected to be filed in federal court imminently, will argue that the Postal Service broke the law by making operational changes without first seeking approval from the Postal Regulatory Commission. They will also argue that the changes will impede states’ ability to run free and fair elections

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:08:22am
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:10:53am

re: #14 Mike Lamb

From the last thread—my favorite part of the Stuart Baker nonsense is that it is everyone else’s fault that he said blatantly misogynistic on a public platform.

In true trump fashion. “I accept no responsibility” for my own words and deeds.

stpaulbear  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:13:31am

re: #18 danarchy

I have a feeling the sorting machines are a red herring and the overtime has a lot more to do with delays. Since it’s peak in 2001 mail delivery has dropped from 104 billion pieces of mail per year down to about 54 billion. There has to be a ton of overcapacity left in the system.

Also those machines only sort letters and postcards, removing them really wouldn’t account for delays in packages like medicine and stuff.

Caveat being I know nothing about logistics so feel free to ignore me.

I’m no USPS expert either.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:13:47am

re: #21 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I’d love to see that stamina he bragged he had during the debates in action though I know that’s only reserved for the buffet line.

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:15:19am

re: #24 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I’d let him do it seated in a golf cart, but he’s got to do the 11 hours.

🌹UOJB!  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:15:41am

re: #17 dangerman

Huge lawsuit imminent
This afternoon likely if not already

[Embedded content]

I’ll believe the son of a CENSORED when the mailbox across the street from me is unlocked.

Decatur Deb  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:17:45am
re: #299 Belafon

Which seems like a bad plan considering Democrats have already demonstrated their willingness to stand in line.

In the right areas this would be a good time for organizations to plan life-support for lines—bottled water, disposable ponchos, sealed munchies, loaner chairs.

Taking my own advice from yesterday, I went online to Amazon and found a bulk source of emergency space blankets. They had them for less than $.50 apiece. I got 50 of them to kickstart a voting line support action with our League of Women Voters. If we don’t have long lines and hurricanes or other crap weather, they go to the kids’ and grandkids’ camping supplies.

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:17:45am
dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:18:46am

re: #26 🌹UOJB!

I’ll believe the son of a CENSORED when the mailbox across the street from me is unlocked.

I don’t believe lejoy
I believe the lawsuit

Dr Lizardo  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:18:58am

re: #21 jaunte

He’d be a blubbering, stammering wreck in about 90 minutes. The sweat would send his bronzer running down the front of his shirt.

It’d be glorious to see. He’d crack in under two hours.

Florida Panhandler  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:19:06am

re: #22 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

In true trump fashion. “I accept no responsibility” for my own words and deeds.

More likely, Trump will pull a typical Mafia ruse like Vincent “the Chin” Gigante who put on elaborate stunts to try and prove he was mentally unfit to stand trial. Trump will start acting obviously impaired (moreso than usual), led around in a bathrobe by Roger Stone or some other equally nutty syncophant, and putting on quite the show to a avoid his criminal consequences. Trump’s assertions that he has been impaired will very likely coincide with today’s current occupation in the White House with full Republican approval but what the hey- what’s a little problem like a nutcase on a nuclear trigger got to do with anything?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:21:03am
Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:21:33am

re: #30 Dr Lizardo

[Embedded content]

He’d be a blubbering, stammering wreck in about 90 minutes. The sweat would send his bronzer running down the front of his shirt.

It’d be glorious to see. He’d crack in under two hours.

90 minutes is very generous. He stomps off in a huff when a reporter asks him a slightly challenging question.

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:22:13am

re: #30 Dr Lizardo

[Embedded content]

He’d be a blubbering, stammering wreck in about 90 minutes. The sweat would send his bronzer running down the front of his shirt.

It’d be glorious to see. He’d crack in under two hours.

He’d never last an hour
Hed wouldnt answer one democratic question straight (couldn’t)
But one or two Rs would jerk him off to get him to maybe sixty minutes
No more

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:22:19am

re: #28 jaunte


Dejoy may have made the announcement because he’s already achieved what he wanted.

thecommodore  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:23:14am
jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:23:51am

re: #35 Eclectic Cyborg

Signing the surrender papers and switching over to guerilla warfare.

thecommodore  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:23:59am
🌹UOJB!  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:24:05am

re: #30 Dr Lizardo

[Embedded content]

He’d be a blubbering, stammering wreck in about 90 minutes. The sweat would send his bronzer running down the front of his shirt.

It’d be glorious to see. He’d crack in under two hours.

5 minutes in and he’ll whip out the metal balls and scream about Pocahantas stealing the strawberries!

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:26:13am
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:27:22am
thecommodore  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:27:34am

re: #30 Dr Lizardo

[Embedded content]

He’d be a blubbering, stammering wreck in about 90 minutes. The sweat would send his bronzer running down the front of his shirt.

It’d be glorious to see. He’d crack in under two hours.

He’s a gutless coward. There’s no way he would do it.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:27:42am

re: #39 🌹UOJB!

5 minutes in and he’ll whip out the metal balls and scream about Pocahantas stealing the strawberries!

A senile, racist Captain Queeg. That’s some must-see TV.

Time to call it a day. Have a good one Lizards and stay healthy.

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:27:58am

re: #38 thecommodore

[Embedded content]

While Tom is right about the incremental I oad, the USPS itself has been notifiying states that it doesn’t think it will be able to handle it all on time.

The USPS making the prediction Tom
No Dems involved

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:31:30am

re: #41 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Well, that’s fucking sobering.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:33:15am
🌹UOJB!  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:36:08am

Anderson Cooper smacked down Asshole My Pillow Guy.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:37:07am

KGxvi  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:38:08am

re: #46 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

We basically elected Dr Evil… like he keeps trying to do terrible shit, but his own neuroses and stupidity keep getting in the way of him accomplishing his evil intentions.

KGxvi  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:40:03am

re: #47 🌹UOJB!

My dad bought one of those pillows years ago. He seemed to like it so, good for him, but I think I tried it once (holiday nap time) and it was like a fucking brick. Best pillow you’ve ever used my ass… then again, I’ve had dow pillows, and it’s hard to top that (except for the feathers coming out)

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:40:19am

re: #49 KGxvi

We basically elected Dr Evil… like he keeps trying to do terrible shit, but his own neuroses and stupidity keep getting in the way of him accomplishing his evil intentions.

It’s both a relief and a cause of distress. A relief because I don’t think he’s anywhere near as wily as people afraid want to make him out to be. Distressing. We are in a pandemic due to him.

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:40:29am

re: #49 KGxvi

We basically elected Dr Evil… like he keeps trying to do terrible shit, but his own neuroses and stupidity keep getting in the way of him accomplishing his evil intentions.

More like a cross between Dr. Evil and Fat Bastard.

Decatur Deb  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:40:31am

re: #48 Kamrade Teddy’s Person

[Embedded content]

That’s smart, serious guard dog behavior. Great Pyrs don’t wear themselves out chasing wolves and bears. They disguise themselves as sleeping sheep, and let the wolves come to them. Then they kill them.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:47:15am

re: #53 Decatur Deb

That’s smart, serious guard dog behavior. Great Pyrs don’t wear themselves out chasing wolves and bears. They disguise themselves as sleeping sheep, and let the wolves come to them. Then they kill them.

Teddy doesn’t have much of a killer instinct. We walk with a friend who has two dogs - Edie and Austen. Edie and Austen are always on the the lookout for squirrels, rabbits and other critters. A couple of weeks ago Austen got hold of a mole.

Teddy, on the other hand, is like the kid on the soccer team who’s on the field picking dandelions.

danarchy  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:48:13am

re: #50 KGxvi

My dad bought one of those pillows years ago. He seemed to like it so, good for him, but I think I tried it once (holiday nap time) and it was like a fucking brick. Best pillow you’ve ever used my ass… then again, I’ve had dow pillows, and it’s hard to top that (except for the feathers coming out)

I absolutely hate down pillows. No support, they end up flat where your head is, have to fold them over and then feathers keep escaping and poking you. Also I am allergic to down so i wake up in the morning with red itchy eyes. Give me a quality memory foam pillow any day.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:51:46am

Read this whole thread.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:53:34am

re: #49 KGxvi

We basically elected Dr Evil… like he keeps trying to do terrible shit, but his own neuroses and stupidity keep getting in the way of him accomplishing his evil intentions.

another problem is that his evil is so blatant and extreme that we just don’t know how to react to it until the damage is done, the USPS only being the most recent example.

Think of all those refugee children who will never see their families again.

🌹UOJB!  Aug 18, 2020 • 11:54:59am

Just a reminder about the My Crackhead Pillow Guy!

BURNSVILLE, Minn. - The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has revoked the accreditation of Minnesota-based MyPillow, lowering its rating to an F based on a pattern of complaints by consumers.

The BBB made the decision after reviewing MyPillow’s ongoing “buy one get one free” offer, which violates the organization’s code of advertising.

“Among other issues, BBB has attempted to persuade MyPillow to discontinue their “buy one get one free” (BOGO)/other discount offers without success,” said Dana Badgerow, president and CEO of BBB of Minnesota and North Dakota. “Continuous BOGO offers, which can then be construed as an item’s regular, everyday price, violate not only BBB’s Code of Advertising - which all BBB Accredited Businesses agree to abide by - but also other state and national organizations’ rules.”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:06:08pm

re: #54 Kamrade Teddy’s Person

Teddy doesn’t have much of a killer instinct. We walk with a friend who has two dogs - Edie and Austen. Edie and Austen are always on the the lookout for squirrels, rabbits and other critters. A couple of weeks ago Austen got hold of a mole.

Teddy, on the other hand, is like the kid on the soccer team who’s on the field picking dandelions.

Here honey. 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:10:47pm

This is crazy cool!!!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:13:10pm

Who’s surprised? ANYONE?

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:15:03pm

re: #55 danarchy

I absolutely hate down pillows. No support, they end up flat where your head is, have to fold them over and then feathers keep escaping and poking you. Also I am allergic to down so i wake up in the morning with red itchy eyes. Give me a quality memory foam pillow any day.

Whereas my down pillow has traveled the world with me (and will again!) because I can’t sleep with anything else.

BeachDem  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:15:58pm

So, a month after he won a contested primary, my terrible/awful/horrible Republican State Rep decided to quit (overall a good thing, because he is terrible/awful/horrible, but the timing is, of course, terrible/awful/horrible)

Today was the do-over primary. There is already a Dem candidate, and of the two Repubs running in the new primary, one is sane (and sort of a Dem—at least his whole family is Dems) and the other is a former mayor, who is totally off his rocker. Thus, I felt I had to take safety measures and vote. My precinct polling place is just up the street and never crowded, so I donned my mask and gloves and took my own pen for sign-in. They had shields in front of the poll workers (all masked) and they had swabs they gave out to use on the voting machines (we have those new two-step—insert your ballot, use the touchscreen, it prints it out, then you feed it into a second machine to record it) All in all, pretty efficient and painless.

Would that it were so for the vast majority of voters who get fucked over at every turn.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:18:06pm

So frustrating. Just Dems in Disarray bullshit packaged a little differently.

sagehen  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:18:07pm

re: #38 thecommodore

If every single voter in 2016 decided to vote by mail in 2020, that would still be fewer pieces of mail than the USPS handles in a single day.

Democrats have totally manufactured this conspiracy theory. The USPS is more than capable of handling an increase of mail-in ballots.

Which, y’know, doesn’t explain why the Postmaster General wrote to the SoS’s in 46 states to tell them he can’t and/or won’t be able to deliver ballots on time.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:20:01pm

re: #64 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

So frustrating. Just Dems in Disarray bullshit packaged a little differently.

[Embedded content]

This is the party I want to belong to. One that listens to opinions by experts and people with experience rather than move through life in lock-step waiting for orders from above.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:20:41pm
Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:21:14pm
Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:22:23pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:23:29pm

re: #66 Kamrade Teddy’s Person

This is the party I want to belong to. One that listens to opinions by experts and people with experience rather than move through life in lock-step waiting for orders from above.

Precisely. Well said.

sagehen  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:23:56pm

re: #48 Kamrade Teddy’s Person

[Embedded content]

alternate thought bubble:

“Where is she? She said she’d be here during morning walkies, and I’ve been waiting…”

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:24:23pm

re: #65 sagehen

Which, y’know, doesn’t explain why the Postmaster General wrote to the SoS’s in 46 states to tell them he can’t and/or won’t be able to deliver ballots on time.

Could be that the USPS wanted to be on record for the post-election lawsuits? You can’t sue us, we warned you.

b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:25:09pm

re: #50 KGxvi

My dad bought one of those pillows years ago. He seemed to like it so, good for him, but I think I tried it once (holiday nap time) and it was like a fucking brick. Best pillow you’ve ever used my ass… then again, I’ve had dow pillows, and it’s hard to top that (except for the feathers coming out)

I’ve had several down/feather pillows of varying ratios. I still prefer my sparsely filled chipped foam filled pillow.

b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:27:01pm

re: #55 danarchy

I absolutely hate down pillows. No support, they end up flat where your head is, have to fold them over and then feathers keep escaping and poking you. Also I am allergic to down so i wake up in the morning with red itchy eyes. Give me a quality memory foam pillow any day.

Feathers do not belong with down. A down/feather mix belongs in winter jackets (parka).

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:29:09pm

re: #61 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Who’s surprised? ANYONE?

[Embedded content]

hence the lawsuits

Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:29:27pm
dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:32:03pm

re: #66 Kamrade Teddy’s Person

This is the party I want to belong to. One that listens to opinions by experts and people with experience rather than move through life in lock-step waiting for orders from above…

… while ‘consulting’ with cheats, liars, grifters, cronies, shysters and and all manner of disreputables

sagehen  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:32:59pm
wrenchwench  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:33:54pm

re: #68 Charles Johnson

I enjoy being able to retweet from a popped up comment in Master Spy. No need to leave the page.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:34:05pm

re: #78 sagehen

[Embedded content]

Cory Booker FTW!!

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:36:22pm
A new video shows Marjorie Taylor Greene (R), who recently won a Republican congressional primary in Georgia, unsuccessfully trying to interrogate Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

She falsely claimed that they’re illegitimate members of Congress because they took their congressional oaths of office on the Quran and said she wanted to make them retake their oath on the Bible.

there is no requirement that anyone take their oath “on” any particular book.
or, gasp, even on anything at all.

DodgerFan1988  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:37:30pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:39:14pm

2020 continues to baffle me.

b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:40:34pm

In our new (to us) house, the previous owner had pulled down a wall in the basement to adjust the teleposts and left a pile of wiring dangling all over. The ends all have connectors on them, but those can fall off, so I decided to add a receptacle. I can’t get into the breaker box because the movers stuffed that room with boxes, so I went with working on live wires.

Even as careful as I tried to be, I accidently touched a side terminal on the receptacle.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:41:29pm

re: #81 dangerman

there is no requirement that anyone take their oath “on” any particular book.
or, gasp, even on anything at all.

Congress should make no test based on religion but I can’t expect an QAnon moron like Greene to actually know that.

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:43:24pm

re: #85 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Congress should make no test based on religion but I can’t expect an QAnon moron like Tlaib to actually know that.

Greene, not Tlaib
i know what you meant

b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:43:44pm

re: #85 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Congress should make no test based on religion but I can’t expect an QAnon moron like Tlaib to actually know that.

Did you mean Greene?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:44:59pm

re: #86 dangerman

Greene, not Tlaib
i know what you meant

Yes- mea culpa.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:45:32pm

re: #87 b_sharp

Did you mean Greene?

Yeah I did. SEriously it’s in our goddamn Constitution. WTF is with these people.

lawhawk  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:46:36pm
sagehen  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:47:07pm

re: #84 b_sharp

Even as careful as I tried to be, I accidently touched a side terminal on the receptacle.

And now you have laser vision? Or you can teleport?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:48:02pm

re: #90 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

I know Rudy never deserved his reputation as America’s mayor but it’s really pathetic what he’s reduced himself to.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:48:41pm

re: #90 lawhawk

Trump meets the clinical definition of any number of mental health ailments. But sure, a know nothing who has zero health care qualifications is reading the DSM.

You continue enabling the most corrupt and criminal admin in history.

all about distracting from Trump’s debilitated state

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:49:42pm

re: #93 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

all about distracting from Trump’s debilitated state

It ain;t distracting when Trump opens his mouth everyday and reminds people that there’s something wrong up there. It’s more desperation projection.

EPR-radar  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:51:05pm

re: #90 lawhawk

Rudy is deflecting away from the fact that all future versions of the DSM will have the following definition of malignant narcissism — “E.g., Donald Trump”.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:51:19pm

re: #90 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Somehow, I think the research methodology of a dude, who conducted an interview with his fly open, won’t be - let’s just say - rigorous.

b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:51:54pm

re: #91 sagehen

And now you have laser vision? Or you can teleport?

I survived. Shocking I know, but there it is.

b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:53:45pm

re: #84 b_sharp

Jeez. Wife gave me shit for doing it before I could turn off the circuit.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:54:31pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:55:34pm

re: #99 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Good Vice article. I forgot that part.

b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:55:38pm

re: #91 sagehen

I can charge my phone from a distance.

I Would Prefer Not To  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:56:03pm

re: #101 b_sharp

I can charge my phone from a distance.

There is no better super power.

gocart mozart  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:56:47pm
Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:57:08pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:57:17pm

Kemp needs to go to prison

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 12:57:38pm

re: #101 b_sharp

I can charge my phone from a distance.


Eventual Carrion  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:00:23pm

re: #60 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

This is crazy cool!!!

[Embedded content]

That is wild

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:04:40pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:05:20pm

re: #105 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Kemp needs to go to prison

[Embedded content]

I’m still not convinced the GOP won’t manage to steal the election for Trump.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:06:15pm

re: #109 Eclectic Cyborg

I’m still not convinced the GOP won’t manage to steal the election for Trump.

I know. I’m with you.

Stop paper (absentee) ballots and get everyone to vote electronically.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:07:41pm

re: #109 Eclectic Cyborg

I’m still not convinced the GOP won’t manage to steal the election for Trump.

It still worries me, too. Trump knows that his chances of winning a majority or even a plurality of the popular vote are close to zero, and he does not have apathy and indifference to serve to suppress the vote to the extent that they did in 2016.

So he has to find other ways to suppress the vote in order to win.

Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:11:31pm
🌹UOJB!  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:12:29pm

re: #112 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Anyone hear Taylor apologize?

I haven’t

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:17:06pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:18:29pm

re: #112 Charles Johnson

Florida Panhandler  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:20:54pm

re: #111 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It still worries me, too. Trump knows that his chances of winning a majority or even a plurality of the popular vote are close to zero, and he does not have apathy and indifference to serve to suppress the vote to the extent that they did in 2016.

So he has to find other ways to suppress the vote in order to win.

The model Republicans are looking to for the future of America is South Africa up until the collapse of the Apartheid regime. They know their numbers will not be winning national elections if democracy is universal.

The USA, like South Africa, will become more and more an international pariah who is more frenemies with Russia and China than allies of the EU. And the result will be that much more dwindling resources and opportunities for the average white voter.

The irony is Canada will be budgeting more efforts and technology for sending United States citizens that are sneaking across the border or overstaying Visas back to this country. Oh the bittersweet irony.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:21:15pm

re: #115 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Like Lincoln Project, I’ll take their help but they’ll never be friends.

where were these bastards in 2016? nothing trump has done is the least bit of a surprise to anyone…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:22:50pm

re: #71 sagehen

alternate thought bubble:

“Where is she? She said she’d be here during morning walkies, and I’ve been waiting…”



Belafon  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:22:53pm

re: #117 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

where were these bastards in 2016? nothing trump has done is the least bit of a surprise to anyone…

Bill Kristol opposed Trump in 2016.
Joe Walsh has apologized.
I would have to look up the rest of them.

A Cranky One  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:23:06pm

re: #117 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

where were these bastards in 2016? nothing trump has done is the least bit of a surprise to anyone…

They thought he’d be their useful idiot. They were wrong about the useful part.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:30:21pm

re: #120 A Cranky One

They thought he’d be their useful idiot. They were wrong about the useful part.

They really did not want to see the long-term damage he would do not just to the nation but to the GOP brand…

Mike Lamb  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:31:47pm

re: #90 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Not enabling. He is a criminal co-conspirator.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:32:03pm
Mike Lamb  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:32:44pm

re: #103 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

Is there a cite to support that she didn’t want a pardon? I tried to check, but couldn’t find anything concrete.

Interesting Times  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:32:54pm

re: #68 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:33:56pm

Evening Lizardim.

Interesting Times  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:35:38pm

re: #17 dangerman

Huge lawsuit imminent
This afternoon likely if not already

Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:35:58pm
gocart mozart  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:38:52pm

re: #124 Mike Lamb

I can’t find one either.

Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:39:07pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:40:37pm

re: #84 b_sharp

In our new (to us) house, the previous owner had pulled down a wall in the basement to adjust the teleposts and left a pile of wiring dangling all over. The ends all have connectors on them, but those can fall off, so I decided to add a receptacle. I can’t get into the breaker box because the movers stuffed that room with boxes, so I went with working on live wires.

Even as careful as I tried to be, I accidently touched a side terminal on the receptacle.

MrBWS wants to know if there are pictures…

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:41:29pm

Minnesota’s COVID-19 case rates and hospitalization rates reflect the growing body of data promoting masks as an effective mitigation for the spread of the disease. Since the governor’s mask order dated 7/25, the new positive rate - which had begun climbing again from ~3.5% to over 6% - has reversed its trend, currently at 5%. Our hospitalization numbers have dropped back below 300 for the first time since mid-July as well. Just don’t share the good news with the maskholes, they won’t like hearing how dumb their freedumbs are.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:43:14pm


stpaulbear  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:46:01pm

Gah. I had to go to the laundromat today (my dryer needs repair). There was one other senior doing her laundry so that seemed OK. There was a sign on the door that I didn’t bother to read because I thought it was boilerplate about covid precautions. I later read the sign and it basically stated that the laundromat was a freedom zone and the owner didn’t give a shit if you don’t wear a mask because freedom. It used the word freedom a lot.

I considered taking my wet laundry to another place but decided it was too much of a hassle and I think the same owner now owns the alternate laundromat too. Pissed the hell out of me. I’m trying to de-stress now.

Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:47:05pm

The thing that surprised me the most about the DNC’s opening night: I actually watched an entire Bernie Sanders speech and didn’t get pissed off.

stpaulbear  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:47:33pm

re: #132 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

I posted my comment before I saw yours. Freedums!!

Patricia Kayden  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:47:53pm
A Cranky One  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:48:01pm

re: #131 Backwoods_Sleuth

MrBWS wants to know if there are pictures…

Heh. I confess to working on hot 120 AC occasionally when in a big hurry. Been bitten a few times but was always careful not to be grounded.

MrBWS can’t take those chances. Yikes.

stpaulbear  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:48:43pm

re: #135 Charles Johnson

The thing that surprised me the most about the DNC’s opening night: I actually watched an entire Bernie Sanders speech and didn’t get pissed off.

Same here. Bernie did everything he needed to do short of telling his dead-enders DO NOT FUCK THIS UP. If he would have spoken for two more minutes I think he would have gotten there.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:48:46pm

re: #124 Mike Lamb

Is there a cite to support that she didn’t want a pardon? I tried to check, but couldn’t find anything concrete.

I don’t have a citation about the pardon, but it tracks with her stance that she did not commit a crime by voting (which is why she refused to pay the fine). The 14th amendment gave women citizenship and as a citizen she had the right to vote.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:48:59pm

re: #136 stpaulbear

I posted my comment before I saw yours. Freedums!!

You might call the state. I hate to be a snitch, but to be honest, I’m so sick and goddamn tired of these assholes and their politicization of a pandemic that I really don’t care anymore.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:51:40pm

re: #137 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

You know, except THAT woman.

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:54:29pm
A Cranky One  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:56:13pm

Just spoke to a coworker (via IM) and all was fine until he made comments blaming the Chinese government for the virus. When I mentioned the administrations fault, he started with the “depends on how you look at it routine”. I simply replied that most other developed countries have done much better and there have been 170,000 deaths.


And this is a smart man, who has been sucked into the RW propaganda. Sigh.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:58:13pm

re: #144 A Cranky One

Even if China was somehow to blame for COVID-19 (which it isn’t), that wouldn’t absolve Trump from his horrific mishandling of the virus once it reached American shores.

Decatur Deb  Aug 18, 2020 • 1:58:36pm

re: #138 A Cranky One

Heh. I confess to working on hot 120 AC occasionally when in a big hurry. Been bitten a few times but was always careful not to be grounded.

MrBWS can’t take those chances. Yikes.

Were you taught to raise the foot opposite your reaching hand?

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:00:11pm
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:00:20pm

re: #145 Patricia Kayden

Even if China was somehow to blame for COVID-19 THE CHINESE VIRUS (which it isn’t PRODUCED IN A LAB), that wouldn’t absolve Trump from his horrific mishandling of the CHINESE virus once it reached American shores.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:02:08pm
Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:02:27pm

No 2020, just no.

A California resident has tested positive for plague, marking the state’s first human case of the disease in five years, according to health officials.

The case was confirmed on Monday (Aug. 17) in a resident of South Lake Tahoe, according to a statement from the El Dorado County Department of Health and Human Services.

The individual is described as an “avid walker” who may have been bitten by an infected flea while walking their dog in the Tahoe Keys area or along the “Truckee River Corridor” north of Highway 50, the statement said. Source: LiveScience

William Lewis  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:02:38pm

re: #84 b_sharp

In our new (to us) house, the previous owner had pulled down a wall in the basement to adjust the teleposts and left a pile of wiring dangling all over. The ends all have connectors on them, but those can fall off, so I decided to add a receptacle. I can’t get into the breaker box because the movers stuffed that room with boxes, so I went with working on live wires.

Even as careful as I tried to be, I accidently touched a side terminal on the receptacle.

And you are writing this as a ghost???

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:03:30pm

Hypothetical situation: You need some new windows. You do your homework and end up hiring the best rated company in your area to do the job.

The day comes and the installer pulls up in a company truck WITH a Trump 2020 sticker on the back (Also, this is happening in the Deep South so it’s not at all uncommon for companies and other organizations to be politically conservative). Do you go ahead with the job or tell the guy to get lost and hire someone else?

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:04:15pm

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:06:36pm

re: #152 Eclectic Cyborg

Hypothetical situation: You need some new windows. You do your homework and end up hiring the best rated company in your area to do the job.

The day comes and the installer pulls up in a company truck WITH a Trump 2020 sticker on the back (Also, this is happening in the Deep South so it’s not at all uncommon for companies and other organizations to be politically conservative). Do you go ahead with the job or tell the guy to get lost and hire someone else?

Way too many Trump supporters here to try to limit my business with them.

William Lewis  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:06:36pm

re: #152 Eclectic Cyborg

Hypothetical situation: You need some new windows. You do your homework and end up hiring the best rated company in your area to do the job.

The day comes and the installer pulls up in a company truck WITH a Trump 2020 sticker on the back (Also, this is happening in the Deep South so it’s not at all uncommon for companies and other organizations to be politically conservative). Do you go ahead with the job or tell the guy to get lost and hire someone else?

Tell him bye. I have done so, yes. He wasn’t happy and said he’d sue. I said go ahead and, of course, he didn’t. Hope he got stuck for the cost of that door.

🌹UOJB!  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:06:44pm latest:

Texas shifted sharply from Biden to Trump

Joe now at 335 and Trump at 203

William Lewis  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:08:11pm

re: #156 🌹UOJB! latest:

Texas shifted sharply from Biden to Trump

Joe now at 335 and Trump at 203

[Embedded content]

Smells like Texas is a matter of GOTV because it shifts based on who the polls talk to more than the polls are statistically accounting for.

Jack Burton  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:08:15pm

re: #145 Patricia Kayden

Even if China was somehow to blame for COVID-19 (which it isn’t), that wouldn’t absolve Trump from his horrific mishandling of the virus once it reached American shores.

They did a lot of covering up, lying, and hiding shit for the first couple of months. They do share some blame and need to answer for it somehow, just not right this second. It’s possible for Trump *and* China to both be bad actors in this to some degree. It’s not mutually exclusive.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:08:41pm

re: #152 Eclectic Cyborg

Hypothetical situation: You need some new windows. You do your homework and end up hiring the best rated company in your area to do the job.

The day comes and the installer pulls up in a company truck WITH a Trump 2020 sticker on the back (Also, this is happening in the Deep South so it’s not at all uncommon for companies and other organizations to be politically conservative). Do you go ahead with the job or tell the guy to get lost and hire someone else?

If there’s a non-Trump company, I’d rather give them my money. I stopped going to my hair dresser because he started spouting conspiracy early Qbot stuff.

What are the chances of finding a non-Trump company? If slim to none, I’d go ahead with the job.

Jay C  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:08:53pm


[Embedded content]

You forgot Yahweh Bin Yahweh - I know he’s dead, but maybe Herman Cain can give him a few turns on the OtherSide keyboard….

NetworkKed  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:09:16pm

re: #153 Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel

I had an Obama hat. Still do, though it came sized for tiny east-coast craniums.

A Cranky One  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:09:40pm

re: #146 Decatur Deb

Were you taught to raise the foot opposite your reaching hand?

Basic rule was prevent current through the heart. And if it’s a hot wire, only use one hand instead of two for that reason.

Jack Burton  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:10:19pm

re: #150 Kamrade Teddy’s Person

No 2020, just no.

This happens more often than you think. It can be treated and isn’t a big deal. It’s only being reported right now because clicks and eyeballs on the ads while people are freaked out.

EPR-radar  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:12:16pm

re: #163 Jack Burton

This happens more often than you think. It can be treated and isn’t a big deal. It’s only being reported right now because clicks and eyeballs on the ads while people are freaked out.

This. Plague has been endemic in wild rodents in the US west for decades.

Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:13:16pm

re: #163 Jack Burton

This happens more often than you think. It can be treated and isn’t a big deal. It’s only being reported right now because clicks and eyeballs on the ads while people are freaked out.

The article wasn’t alarmist, and I should have added a snark tag. The Qbots will claim it’s plague produced in a Canadian lab. ///

Jay C  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:13:29pm

re: #156 🌹UOJB! latest:

Texas shifted sharply from Biden to Trump

Joe now at 335 and Trump at 203

[Embedded content]

Still a result I wouldn’t complain (too much) about: though some of the allocations on that map look a bit questionable: I’m thinking that a good campaign is going to turn a couple of them blue: and Joe and the Dems don’t need Texas to win - though a blue TX result would be a crowning FU to this criminal regime….

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:15:30pm

This shouldn’t be controversial, but its a gutsy position for a Republican to take.

William Lewis  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:15:52pm

re: #150 Kamrade Teddy’s Person

For modern medicine, that’s no biggie.

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:17:22pm


This shouldn’t be controversial, but its a gutsy position for a Republican to take.

[Embedded content]

It’s basically the GOP distilled to their essence. They care more about suppressing others than protecting themselves.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:18:28pm

re: #166 Jay C

Still a result I wouldn’t complain (too much) about: though some of the allocations on that map look a bit questionable: I’m thinking that a good campaign is going to turn a couple of them blue: and Joe and the Dems don’t need Texas to win - though a blue TX result would be a crowning FU to this criminal regime….

It would really help to have a Biden blowout landslide. A group of Democratic and GOP strategists war gamed the aftermath of various election scenarios, and the only one which didn’t result in chaos and possible violence was a Biden landslide.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:21:19pm

re: #158 Jack Burton

They did a lot of covering up, lying, and hiding shit for the first couple of months. They do share some blame and need to answer for it somehow, just not right this second. It’s possible for Trump *and* China to both be bad actors in this to some degree. It’s not mutually exclusive.

My Trumphorrid older brother actually believes that Trump is somehow going to break China apart. Too bad for him that the Chinese Communist Party makes the GOP look like limp-wristed douchecanoes.

EPR-radar  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:21:33pm


It would really help to have a Biden blowout landslide. A group of Democratic and GOP strategists war gamed the aftermath of various election scenarios, and the only one which didn’t result in chaos and possible violence was a Biden landslide.

Longer term, the only credible path to necessary reform of the GOP starts with the GOP having massive losses in elections.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:27:57pm

re: #152 Eclectic Cyborg

Hypothetical situation: You need some new windows. You do your homework and end up hiring the best rated company in your area to do the job.

The day comes and the installer pulls up in a company truck WITH a Trump 2020 sticker on the back (Also, this is happening in the Deep South so it’s not at all uncommon for companies and other organizations to be politically conservative). Do you go ahead with the job or tell the guy to get lost and hire someone else?

We would have bought a couple cases of beers and called some friends to help install them ourselves.

Jack Burton  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:28:13pm

re: #172 EPR-radar

Longer term, the only credible path to necessary reform of the GOP starts with the GOP having massive losses in elections.

Needs reform of the type that the Democratic-Republican Party had in 1828.

GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:28:17pm


It would really help to have a Biden blowout landslide. A group of Democratic and GOP strategists war gamed the aftermath of various election scenarios, and the only one which didn’t result in chaos and possible violence was a Biden landslide.

It’s going to be under 10% I think. Unfortunately.

makeitstop  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:29:00pm

Long Island is embarrassing racist shithole, part 2,367…

An independent brewer in Montauk recently posted this image to their Instagram and Facebook pages.

Now, the fucking racist trash that lives out here has started a campaign to get bars on LI to stop selling Montauk’s beer. A ‘Defund Montauk Brewing Co.’ Facebook page was started, and once the bots and ratfuckers joined, the group now has over 20K members.

A support group has also started up on FB and is up to 1.5K members.

As much as I love living here, I have the growing feeling that once my wife is able to cash out and retire, we’re going to move far away from here. I love the place, the people, not so much.

Decatur Deb  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:29:52pm

re: #162 A Cranky One

Basic rule was prevent current through the heart. And if it’s a hot wire, only use one hand instead of two for that reason.

Very old school. Don’t try to use it on the OSHA guy, if there ever is another OSHA guy.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:30:37pm

Still hold out some hope that Texas might be the 2020 Indiana. It’s not a must win but it’d be a nice bonus and Trump would be known as the Republican who lost Texas so that would be nice too. But it’s ultimately about retaining the upper Midwest and PA. Fortunately I think Biden-Harris is an optimal ticket for that region in addition to Arizona and Florida.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:31:18pm

re: #176 makeitstop

Long Island is embarrassing racist shithole, part 2,367…

An independent brewer in Montauk recently posted this image to their Instagram and Facebook pages.

[Embedded content]

Now, the fucking racist trash that lives out here has started a campaign to get bars on LI to stop selling Montauk’s beer. A ‘Defund Montauk Brewing Co.’ Facebook page was started, and once the bots and ratfuckers joined, the group now has over 20K members.

A support group has also started up on FB and is up to 1.5K members.

As much as I love living here, I have the growing feeling that once my wife is able to cash out and retire, we’re going to move far away from here. I love the place, the people, not so much.

Oh but cancel culture.//

Eventual Carrion  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:31:33pm

re: #150 Kamrade Teddy’s Person

No 2020, just no.


A Cranky One  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:32:06pm

We have a neighbor (a couple of blocks over) with multiple Trump signs that he’s never removed.

So I smiled when another neighbor put up a “Anybody but Trump 2020” sign.

Jack Burton  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:32:07pm

re: #175 GlutenFreeJesus

It’s going to be under 10% I think. Unfortunately.

If the popular vote has a bigger range in it than 52-48, it will begin to look like a landslide in the electoral college.

Reagan’s 49-state blowout landslide was 58 to 40 in the popular vote.

makeitstop  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:32:55pm

re: #179 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Oh but cancel culture.//

Yeah. The hypocrisy smells like white fear and Russian fucking bots.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:36:27pm

re: #175 GlutenFreeJesus

It’s going to be under 10% I think. Unfortunately.

What we need is Biden winning a bunch of battleground states by comfortable margins. If he wins Pa and the upper Midwest states by 5 points each, and also takes Florida, NC, Az, and maybe a couple of other states, Trump can rant all he wants about “voter fraud” but the jig will be up.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:38:48pm

re: #152 Eclectic Cyborg

Hypothetical situation: You need some new windows. You do your homework and end up hiring the best rated company in your area to do the job.

The day comes and the installer pulls up in a company truck WITH a Trump 2020 sticker on the back (Also, this is happening in the Deep South so it’s not at all uncommon for companies and other organizations to be politically conservative). Do you go ahead with the job or tell the guy to get lost and hire someone else?

Personally, for me, the latter. I’m pretty vicious about spending my money based on conscience. I couldn’t do it.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:41:01pm

most of the positives and all of the deaths in Lewis County are at the nursing home

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:42:46pm


Way too many Trump supporters here to try to limit my business with them.

it’s not always convenient so what i’d do is let em work.
and this is about windows

so if anyone opens his mouth about anything political, or puts on a radio with - well you know - (headphones ok) - then boot ‘em

Citizen K  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:42:52pm

This is…uh…yeah.

Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:43:50pm
dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:43:57pm

re: #157 William Lewis

Smells like Texas is a matter of GOTV because it shifts based on who the polls talk to more than the polls are statistically accounting for.

and they were pretty clear down at the bottom:

More evidence that Joe Biden should focus on the must-have states like Wisconsin, and not spend time and money on the pie-in-the-sky states like Texas. On the other hand, North Carolina is definitely in play, and possibly Georgia. (Z)

Jay C  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:44:33pm


What we need is Biden winning a bunch of battleground states by comfortable margins. If he wins Pa and the upper Midwest states by 5 points each, and also takes Florida, NC, Az, and maybe a couple of other states, Trump can rant all he wants about “voter fraud” but the jig will be up.

Like I posted the other day: by the time the East Coast/Upper Midwest results come in on Tuesday night, as soon as the (D) ticket racks up even a reasonable prospect of 193 EVs, (and FL will most likely be the push), it’s “Game Over” for Don the Con and his crooked regime. The Western state results (78 or 84 EVs depending on NV) will just be icing on the (sweet sweet cake of victory: well-garnished with Republican tears)…

A Cranky One  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:46:01pm

re: #162 A Cranky One

Basic rule was prevent current through the heart. And if it’s a hot wire, only use one hand instead of two for that reason.

I typically only cheat by working with hot wires on circuits I’ve verified to be correct.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found improperly wired electrical, done by “professionals “.

Like my son’s FIL’s house. Aluminum wiring, no grounds and wires attached to outlets on connectors labeled Cu only. Found that while figuring out why half his house didn’t have power. Amazing the place didn’t burn down.

As I was replacing outlets, a number were sparking and smoking.

Somebody paid off an inspector.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:46:04pm

I think Ohio is more winnable than people think.

Barefoot Grin  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:49:32pm

re: #119 Belafon

Bill Kristol opposed Trump in 2016.
Joe Walsh has apologized.
I would have to look up the rest of them.

Michael Cohen (though someone has likely already posted it or I’m CL’d).

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:51:20pm
“A raft of big-name business groups is warning many employers won’t participate in President Trump’s payroll tax deferral plan,” Politico reports.

“Calling it ‘unworkable,; they said in a letter Tuesday to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin that it risks saddling their workers with large postponed tax bills they could have trouble paying back.”

there is so much about this they haven’t thought through

simple and obvious examples:
- someone switches jobs
- or loses a job and cant find another one
- or has multiple jobs

Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:53:11pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:55:33pm

re: #196 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

It’s not. And I’m sick of the cowardly elected Republicans dodging it. No need to bring up if Obama so much as joked about it.

Decatur Deb  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:56:00pm

re: #196 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

That’s the second time this week.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:57:01pm
dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:57:03pm

re: #196 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

its not a joke
and it doesnt make any sense either - doesnt he know he won?

he obviously doesnt know the definition of treason
let alone the actual facts of the whole thing

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 2:58:48pm

re: #199 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

no doubt this is gonna be like the second dem question
… you’re putting it all back, right? we cant because…
.. i said “you’re putting it all back, right?”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:00:56pm
A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:01:24pm

re: #164 EPR-radar

This. Plague has been endemic in wild rodents in the US west for decades.

About eleven of them. It arrived there after, and partially as a consequence of, the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:02:53pm

re: #202 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Which is why he wants to be president indefinitely. He knows that he should be in prison.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:03:18pm
steve_davis  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:04:54pm

Disappointed in Lovecraft Country so far. The racism is over-the-top, with these poor black characters managing to consistently find themselves in Sundown counties. You think the guy who is producing the Green Book doesn’t know that he’s parked in a Sundown county 20 minutes before the sun goes down? And the monsters. God damnit! Lovecraft isn’t responsible for these travesties. He did actually write The Creation of N***** as a very young man. By the time he died, he’d basically become a socialist, so maybe cut the man a break, considering he was born in 1890, in the whitest society in the world.

sagehen  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:04:58pm

re: #152 Eclectic Cyborg

Hypothetical situation: You need some new windows. You do your homework and end up hiring the best rated company in your area to do the job.

The day comes and the installer pulls up in a company truck WITH a Trump 2020 sticker on the back (Also, this is happening in the Deep South so it’s not at all uncommon for companies and other organizations to be politically conservative). Do you go ahead with the job or tell the guy to get lost and hire someone else?

Do they have a confederate flag? Are they wearing masks?

If they answer those questions properly, depending where you’re located, a single Trump bumper sticker, just the one, might be the best you can hope for.

(pro-tip: Black-owned business directories exist. If you pick from there, it significantly ups your odds of finding Democrats and/or BLM supporters.)

EPR-radar  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:05:11pm

re: #205 Backwoods_Sleuth

Trump’s projection here amounts to a confession of Trump’s treason and that Trump has the most corrupt administration in history.

🌹UOJB!  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:05:30pm

re: #205 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Show me ONE FUCKING REPUBLICAN saying this DICTATOR can’t serve 3 terms!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:05:54pm
Kamrade Teddy's Person  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:07:24pm

re: #206 steve_davis

Disappointed in Lovecraft Country so far. The racism is over-the-top, with these poor black characters managing to consistently find themselves in Sundown counties. You think the guy who is producing the Green Book doesn’t know that he’s parked in a Sundown county 20 minutes before the sun goes down? And the monsters. God damnit! Lovecraft isn’t responsible for these travesties. He did actually write The Creation of N***** as a very young man. By the time he died, he’d basically become a socialist, so maybe cut the man a break, considering he was born in 1890, in the whitest society in the world.

I’ve not watched and don’t know if I will. Jim Crow was horrific enough. It doesn’t need supernatural monsters.

stpaulbear  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:11:00pm

re: #161 NetworkKed

I had an Obama hat. Still do, though it came sized for tiny east-coast craniums.

I just remembered that I have an Obama hat too. I just found it. It’s a ‘Bears for Obama’ hat that I bought at the Twin Cities Pride festival in 2008. It’s a nicely made cap.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:11:07pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:13:03pm

re: #212 stpaulbear

I just remembered that I have an Obama hat too. I just found it. It’s a ‘Bears for Obama’ hat that I bought at the Twin Cities Pride festival in 2008. It’s a nicely made cap.

I have an Obama t-shirt that has a windmill/alternative energy picture.
and an Obama coffee cup.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:13:54pm

re: #200 dangerman

its not a joke
and it doesnt make any sense either - doesnt he know he won?

he obviously doesnt know the definition of treason
let alone the actual facts of the whole thing

[Embedded content]

Obama DID NOT “spy” on the Trump campaign. Even if he did, how would that be illegal, let alone “treason”?


He happily accepted stolen communications from his opponent’s campaign WITH THE HELP OF RUSSIA and that might actually be treason.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:14:09pm
Jebediah, RBG  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:14:46pm

re: #214 Backwoods_Sleuth

I have a “Make America Great Again” tshirt with Barack and Michelle Obama under the text.

makeitstop  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:14:48pm

re: #202 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Given his total lack of filter, I fully expect him to state at one of these low-rent rallies that if he’s not elected he’ll go to jail.

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:16:40pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:16:47pm

re: #214 Backwoods_Sleuth

I have an Obama t-shirt that has a windmill/alternative energy picture.
and an Obama coffee cup.

I also have an invitation to his first inauguration, and a thank you for my support letter after his second term.
Not too shabby for a registered Republican

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:16:57pm

Gotta go eat!

Jay C  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:17:07pm

re: #218 makeitstop

Given his total lack of filter, I fully expect him to state at one of these low-rent rallies that if he’s not elected he’ll go to jail.

Projection, again?

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:17:23pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:19:26pm
Targetpractice  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:20:56pm

re: #224 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

They certainly didn’t have that problem in 2016 when they were breaking away from Hillary giving a speech to show an empty podium with “Breaking News” plastered across the screen.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:21:40pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:22:14pm

re: #225 Targetpractice

They certainly didn’t have that problem in 2016 when they were breaking away from Hillary giving a speech to show an empty podium with “Breaking News” plastered across the screen.

my thoughts exactly

Citizen K  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:22:17pm

re: #224 Backwoods_Sleuth

sagehen  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:24:04pm

re: #224 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

That actually makes sense.

And between cable news, YouTube streams, DNC and C-Span feeds… I’m okay with it.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:24:22pm

re: #212 stpaulbear

I have a pair of sweatpants that have Obama2012 on them.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:25:50pm
William Lewis  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:28:57pm

re: #206 steve_davis

Disappointed in Lovecraft Country so far. The racism is over-the-top, with these poor black characters managing to consistently find themselves in Sundown counties. You think the guy who is producing the Green Book doesn’t know that he’s parked in a Sundown county 20 minutes before the sun goes down? And the monsters. God damnit! Lovecraft isn’t responsible for these travesties. He did actually write The Creation of N***** as a very young man. By the time he died, he’d basically become a socialist, so maybe cut the man a break, considering he was born in 1890, in the whitest society in the world.

I expected nothing good from Lovecraft Country.

But as for old Howard himself? Ah, no. He was as racist the day he died as the day he wrote that. There is very little that can be salvaged from his actual works.

Now, something great based on it? Go find Winter Tide (The Innsmouth Legacy Book 1)
by Ruthanna Emrys or “A Colder War” by Charles Stross. THAT is the way good can be made from old Lovecraft’s hates.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:30:32pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:31:11pm
b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:31:38pm

re: #221 The Pie Overlord!

Gotta go eat!

[Embedded content]

Going to your home and having a meal with you is on my bucket list.

Targetpractice  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:33:38pm

re: #231 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

So the Senate report out today basically put to rest any suggestion that the FBI investigation was baseless, yet they’re gonna keep fucking that chicken.

Well, I guess they gotta stick to what they’re best at.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:34:03pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:35:22pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:35:40pm

Lre: #237 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Rhymes with slack matey.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:37:00pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:38:12pm
jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:40:26pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:40:29pm
goddamnedfrank  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:40:46pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:42:23pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:44:43pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:45:16pm

i need a puppy.

b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:45:54pm

re: #131 Backwoods_Sleuth

MrBWS wants to know if there are pictures…

Sorry no.

Targetpractice  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:46:00pm

re: #242 jaunte

[Embedded content]

He’s offered this bullshit before (“I should get another term because they spied on me!”), it’s just that the media took it like a joke at the time.

It doesn’t seem so funny now, does it?

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:46:47pm

re: #244 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

I saw a fan theory on this the other day. Westley never exposed himself to the iocaine. The poison was “colorless, tasteless, and odorless,” but he had Vizzini take a sniff before supposedly dosing the drinks. What if it was an inhaled poison, rather than a drinkable one? As such, the “battle of wits” was won before the challenge was ever issued - Vizzini was dead before the glasses were placed on the table. Again, it’s a fan theory, it just came to mind when I saw the tweet.

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:47:53pm
gocart mozart  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:49:47pm
Decatur Deb  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:50:07pm

re: #249 Targetpractice

He’s offered this bullshit before (“I should get another term because they spied on me!”), it’s just that the media took it like a joke at the time.

It doesn’t seem so funny now, does it?

There’s no path to that which doesn’t twist the constitution beyond the breaking point. If it happens, this is a different country.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:53:38pm

re: #176 makeitstop

Publicize the support page and help it get more followers. We have to keep pushing back and not give up even when we’re exhausted.

EPR-radar  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:54:22pm

re: #253 Decatur Deb

There’s no path to that which doesn’t twist the constitution beyond the breaking point. If it happens, this is a different country.

I know Satan doesn’t like to call his minions home early, but Trump would be beating the odds to live through a second presidential term.

Sure he doesn’t care about any of the actual duties of the office, but feuding with the media as president still takes a toll.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:54:24pm

re: #253 Decatur Deb

There’s no path to that which doesn’t twist the constitution beyond the breaking point. If it happens, this is a different country.

Not that you’re wrong, but it’s already a different country. The President and the leaders of the Senate have actively conspired to break the law and get away with it, and it has transpired that control of those two entities comprises a de facto oligarchy. It just took someone as corrupt and despicable as the modern Republicans for that possibility to become a reality.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:54:42pm

re: #248 b_sharp

Sorry no.

contact flash was too bright, eh?

Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:55:14pm

re: #224 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Don’t kid yourselves.

The networks will be giving the Republicans full coverage every night during their convention.

Decatur Deb  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:57:01pm

re: #256 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Not that you’re wrong, but it’s already a different country. The President and the leaders of the Senate have actively conspired to break the law and get away with it, and it has transpired that control of those two entities comprises a de facto oligarchy. It just took someone as corrupt and despicable as the modern Republicans for that possibility to become a reality.

We could still put it back together with a little JB Weld and Bondo, maybe a new paintjob. If Trump’s shit continues, it’s going to be a write-off.

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:58:27pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:58:34pm
Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:58:58pm

re: #259 Decatur Deb

We could still put it back together with a little JB Weld and Bondo, maybe a new paintjob. If Trump’s shit continues, it’s going to be a write-off.

To extend the analogy, I always regarded Joe Biden’s presidency as duct tape; we need someone strong enough to hold us together until we can install proper replacement parts and get the job done right.

Targetpractice  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:59:08pm

re: #260 jaunte

[Embedded content]


Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:59:21pm

re: #259 Decatur Deb

We could still put it back together with a little JB Weld and Bondo, maybe a new paintjob. If Trump’s shit continues, it’s going to be a write-off.

also a bit of hammering it out…

Decatur Deb  Aug 18, 2020 • 3:59:59pm

re: #262 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

To extend the analogy, I always regarded Joe Biden’s presidency as duct tape; we need someone strong enough to hold us together until we can install proper replacement parts and get the job done right.


Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:03:24pm

re: #262 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

To extend the analogy, I always regarded Joe Biden’s presidency as duct tape; we need someone strong enough to hold us together until we can install proper replacement parts and get the job done right.

duct tape is magical

b_sharp  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:04:05pm
jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:04:32pm

re: #267 b_sharp

It’s only fair.

makeitstop  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:05:21pm

re: #254 Patricia Kayden

Publicize the support page and help it get more followers. We have to keep pushing back and not give up even when we’re exhausted.

Already done, invited 20 friends and working on more.

jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:05:45pm

Have to split with Mexico, though.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:06:26pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:07:53pm

re: #268 jaunte

It’s only fair.

might first want to make sure it hasn’t been turned into an irredeemable cesspit…

gocart mozart  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:08:26pm
jaunte  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:08:31pm

re: #272 Backwoods_Sleuth

Here Be Monsters.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:08:57pm

re: #272 Backwoods_Sleuth

might first want to make sure it hasn’t been turned into an irredeemable cesspit…

those Superfund sites don’t clean themselves, after all…

Patricia Kayden  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:13:13pm

re: #206 steve_davis

I loved HBO’s Watchmen’s handling of racism and the Tulsa massacre. I’ve seen mixed reviews of Lovecraft Country so I haven’t watched it as yet.

dangerman  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:13:28pm

first attempts at musubi.
ok that very first one didnt come out too well
and they’re not too photogenic
they were yummy

Nojay UK  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:14:00pm

re: #262 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

To extend the analogy, I always regarded Joe Biden’s presidency as duct tape; we need someone strong enough to hold us together until we can install proper replacement parts and get the job done right.

You Yanks do have a mulligan option, the Constitutional Convention. It’s basically a “jack up the license plate and wheel a new car underneath” function the existing but seriously out-of-date Constitution allows for. It allows you to “delete all and replace” everything with a brand-new constitution suitable for a 20th century nation, or maybe late-19th century if you don’t want to rush things. Of course you might end up with “The Handmaid’s Tale” rather than “Utopia” (which, I might add is a vastly over-rated book — Thomas More was not as good a good writer as Margaret Atwood).

Here in the UK we don’t have a constitution as such, we just have a lot of vague ideas flying in close formation. It works for us and it allows us to ditch things which don’t work any more as times change and easily add stuff that we think we might need right now.

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:19:52pm

re: #278 Nojay UK

You Yanks do have a mulligan option, the Constitutional Convention. It’s basically a “jack up the license plate and wheel a new car underneath” function the existing but seriously out-of-date Constitution allows for. It allows you to “delete all and replace” everything with a brand-new constitution suitable for a 20th century nation, or maybe late-19th century if you don’t want to rush things. Of course you might end up with “The Handmaid’s Tale” rather than “Utopia” (which, I might add is a vastly over-rated book — Thomas More was not as good a good writer as Margaret Atwood).

Here in the UK we don’t have a constitution as such, we just have a lot of vague ideas flying in close formation. It works for us and it allows us to ditch things which don’t work any more as times change and easily add stuff that we think we might need right now.

There is a RW group who is trying to rewrite the Constitution by calling for the Convention of States. We will be living in a white supremacist Christian oligarchy if they succeed in their plans. See this one discussion of the efforts:

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:25:43pm
KGxvi  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:26:17pm

re: #278 Nojay UK

You Yanks do have a mulligan option, the Constitutional Convention. It’s basically a “jack up the license plate and wheel a new car underneath” function the existing but seriously out-of-date Constitution allows for. It allows you to “delete all and replace” everything with a brand-new constitution suitable for a 20th century nation, or maybe late-19th century if you don’t want to rush things. Of course you might end up with “The Handmaid’s Tale” rather than “Utopia” (which, I might add is a vastly over-rated book — Thomas More was not as good a good writer as Margaret Atwood).

Here in the UK we don’t have a constitution as such, we just have a lot of vague ideas flying in close formation. It works for us and it allows us to ditch things which don’t work any more as times change and easily add stuff that we think we might need right now.

At this point, a constitutional convention would likely mean the end of the Union. I am not sure you could get the disparate parts of the country to all agree on a brand new constitution. Hell, the convention would probably break down if the subject of a declaration of rights were introduced and included anything like the right to privacy.

Charles Johnson  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:26:28pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:28:20pm

re: #282 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Of course

KGxvi  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:29:07pm

re: #280 Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel

It’s going to be a four day long, 30 car pile up on top of a train wreck, with a plane crash every night as Trump speaks (literally every fucking night, are you cotdam serious????)

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:29:40pm
EPR-radar  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:33:26pm

re: #281 KGxvi

At this point, a constitutional convention would likely mean the end of the Union. I am not sure you could get the disparate parts of the country to all agree on a brand new constitution. Hell, the convention would probably break down if the subject of a declaration of rights were introduced and included anything like the right to privacy.

A constitutional convention would be a disaster, but fixing the flaws in the existing constitution will be somewhere between difficult and impossible.

The fact that equal suffrage of the states in the Senate can’t be amended is especially problematic. Unless the Senate is turned (by amendment) into something fairly useless, it means a red state minority will have serious blocking power, indefinitely.

William Lewis  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:34:05pm

re: #278 Nojay UK

That’s nightmare mode. We’d end up with a horrific mishmash of everyone’s worst ideas in the best case. In the much more likely case, it would make that friendly little squabble in the 1860’s look pleasant.

Belafon  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:42:42pm

re: #144 A Cranky One

Just spoke to a coworker (via IM) and all was fine until he made comments blaming the Chinese government for the virus. When I mentioned the administrations fault, he started with the “depends on how you look at it routine”. I simply replied that most other developed countries have done much better and there have been 170,000 deaths.


And this is a smart man, who has been sucked into the RW propaganda. Sigh.

That was almost the exact conversation I had with a conservative coworker this morning, though he didn’t blame China. His was blaming scientists for getting it wrong at the beginning, including it being their fault that a guy who died in a motorcycle wreck almost got counted as a covid death because he had the virus.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 18, 2020 • 4:50:07pm

re: #285 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

I’m waiting for Dubya tomorrow.

Belafon  Aug 18, 2020 • 5:49:20pm

re: #179 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Oh but cancel culture.//

My son and I were having a discussion of cancel culture related to an American company, Rooster Teeth, that produces online content including RWBY - an Americna anime that is telling a modern story based around the Wizard of Oz (the girl in Doctor Sleep had a poster and action figure from it, and there are now Manga based on it) - that is having to deal with some group, probably an astroturf group, that using some old stuff to try to get the entire company’s production shut down. Rooster Teeth last year signed a big contract with DC comics and Warner Brothers. I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if some of their old stuff is probably a bit sexist, since the company was started by gamer needs nearly 20 years ago, but they have been pulling some stuff down for that reason. But they are calling it part of the cancel culture.

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