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NetworkKed  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:37:07pm

*intense puking noises*

PhillyPretzel  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:37:58pm


šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:38:19pm

Why is Candace Owens trending on Twitter?????

Oh, sheā€™s suing Facebook for ā€œcensorshipā€.

Is it because they donā€™t like her Hitler loving posts?????

Charles Johnson  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:38:29pm
Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:38:34pm

And on the seventh day, God said, ā€œLet there be booze, because fuck this shit.ā€

goddamnedfrank  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:38:38pm

Nah, I donā€™t watch snuff films.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:38:39pm


teleskiguy  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:39:14pm


Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:39:17pm

So itā€™s the plasma treatment. Apparently supported by Harvard, Yale and MIT.

But Iā€™m sure most of this is bullshit.

bratwurst  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:39:27pm

Has Dinesh Dā€™Souza explained why Trumpā€™s bizarre pronunciation of ā€œplasmaā€ is so worldly and authentic it totally owns the libs?

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:40:02pm

ā€œCase fatality rateā€
Because by all other metrics THE U.S. HAS THE FUCKING HIGHEST FATALITY RATE.

NetworkKed  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:40:43pm

For someone who canā€™t bear to watch, can we get a phonetic rendering?


Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:41:03pm

Emergency Alert from the White House: the correct pronunciation of ā€œplasmaā€ is hereafter ā€œplosma.ā€ Update reporting protocols immediately.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:42:35pm


Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:43:36pm

re: #12 NetworkKed

For someone who canā€™t bear to watch, can we get a phonetic rendering?


ā€œBack in grad school I had to donate PLAHS-ma to get by.ā€

ā€œExcuse me, ā€˜PLAHS-maā€™?ā€

ā€œOh, right. I forgot that me I and the English-speaking world mispronounced it for so long.ā€

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:43:58pm

re: #10 bratwurst

Has Dinesh Dā€™Souza explained why Trumpā€™s bizarre pronunciation of ā€œplasmaā€ is so worldly and authentic it totally owns the libs?

only elitists pronunce it ā€œPLAS-MAā€

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:45:02pm

re: #10 bratwurst

Has Dinesh Dā€™Souza explained why Trumpā€™s bizarre pronunciation of ā€œplasmaā€ is so worldly and authentic it totally owns the libs?

Donā€™t worry. It will.

Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:46:07pm

Wendy O Williams and the Plosmatics.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:47:09pm

ā€œRight to tryā€ = all kinds of snake oil & quack bullshit non-cures!

Charles Johnson  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:47:37pm
Jack Burton  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:48:23pm

So what Iā€™m getting from this is: An experimental treatment we all have known about for months, that has a little bit of success but is no miracle cure is what Trump spent 2 days prepping for an announcement about. Also in those 2 days, he didnā€™t learn how to say the damn word right.

And the announcement is basically ā€œI just heard about this thing. Why are doctors suppressing this?ā€ Because heā€™s as dumb as a box of hair.

Targetpractice  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:49:12pm

re: #21 Jack Burton

So what Iā€™m getting from this is: An experimental treatment we all have known about for months, that has a little bit of success but is no miracle cure is what Trump spent 2 days prepping for an announcement about. Also in those 2 days, he didnā€™t learn how to say the damn word right.

And the announcement is basically ā€œI just heard about this thing. Why are doctors suppressing this?ā€ Because heā€™s as dumb as a box of hair.

He just heard it from Faux, who are so desperate to change the subject from the DNC that they talked Donny into believing that the FDA is conspiring against him.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:49:13pm

re: #20 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

I was going to say, havenā€™t they been using it since the opening days of the pandemic, basically as soon as enough people had recovered to start collecting donations? We should have quite a bit of data, and if it was an earth-shattering success, Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™d have known about it.

Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:51:30pm

Plausmable deniability.

Jack Burton  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:51:36pm

I will relentlessly mock anyone who pronounces the word plasma in this manner unless they have a speech disorder.

NetworkKed  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:51:57pm

To be fair, I think Iā€™ve usually said ā€œPLAHS-maā€ the few times Iā€™ve used it over the years. But this is - excepting the part where heā€™s strongarming the FDA - such a nothingburger. Itā€™s not even snake oil - itā€™s just this thing with very marginal results that theyā€™ve been trying all along.

Ten bucks says he turns this into convention night zero.

Charles Johnson  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:52:25pm
Targetpractice  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:53:49pm

re: #26 NetworkKed

To be fair, I think Iā€™ve usually said ā€œPLAHS-maā€ the few times Iā€™ve used it over the years. But this is - excepting the part where heā€™s strongarming the FDA - such a nothingburger. Itā€™s not even snake oil - itā€™s just this thing with very marginal results that theyā€™ve been trying all along.

Ten bucks says he turns this into convention night zero.

Itā€™s purely about trying to take the mediaā€™s attention away from the Biden/Harris interview in an hour. He is so fucking desperate for attention that heā€™s hocking a ā€œmiracleā€ that was being used by doctors in order to help along victims of the Spanish Flu over a century ago.

teleskiguy  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:54:08pm

Brave Sir Donald Ran Away
Bravely Ran Away Away
When Danger Reared Its Ugly Head
He Bravely Turned His Tail And Fled
Yes, Brave Sir Donald Turned About
And Gallantly He Chickened Out
Swiftly Taking To His Feet
He Beat A Very Brave Retreat
Bravest Of The Brave, Sir Donald!

Jack Burton  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:54:41pm

Next, Trump spends 2 days preparing for an announcement about how zinc is a miracle cure for the common cold and wants to know why the FDA is suppressing that treatment.

He will pronounce it as ā€œZinchā€ through the whole presser.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:55:19pm
b_sharp  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:55:25pm

re: #21 Jack Burton

So what Iā€™m getting from this is: An experimental treatment we all have known about for months, that has a little bit of success but is no miracle cure is what Trump spent 2 days prepping for an announcement about. Also in those 2 days, he didnā€™t learn how to say the damn word right.

And the announcement is basically ā€œI just heard about this thing. Why are doctors suppressing this?ā€ Because heā€™s as dumb as a box of hair.

CBP has been used since the 1880s.


teleskiguy  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:55:29pm

He took three questions, two from Fox News and one from OAN. Then left.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:55:30pm
jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:55:59pm
Targetpractice  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:56:35pm

re: #34 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I remember reading that the reviews on Trump steaks amounted to ā€œYouā€™re paying more for something you could get mail-order from any number of other companies.ā€

Targetpractice  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:57:54pm

re: #35 jaunte

[Embedded content]

IOW, Trump saw that the media wasnā€™t buying this shit like they did HCQ and decided to retreat before the whole wag-the-dog motivation for the exercise was completely undermined by reality.

Jay C  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:58:10pm

re: #23 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

I was going to say, havenā€™t they been using it since the opening days of the pandemic, basically as soon as enough people had recovered to start collecting donations? We should have quite a bit of data, and if it was an earth-shattering success, Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™d have known about it.

I think we Do know about: at least (IANAD disclaimer) Iā€™ve also been hearing about ā€œconvalescent plasmaā€ for months - local blood drives have been asking for it since about April. The problems are (at least AFAIK) that it 1) doesnā€™t confer immunity to infection like a vaccine does; 2) it only confers a level of resistance - victims still can get an infection/reinfection; 3) even if it was/is an effective prophylactic against the Coronavirus, the plasma would still need to be collected, tested, distributed and administered under conditions that donā€™t exist in large areas of the country, and that this incompetent Administration is incapable of implementing in any case.

So not QUITE ā€œsnake oilā€, but not a ā€œmiracle cureā€, either.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:58:44pm

re: #38 Jay C

That is exactly what I thought without having the raw data at hand.

Jack Burton  Aug 23, 2020 • 2:59:34pm

re: #37 Targetpractice

IOW, Trump saw that the media wasnā€™t buying this shit like they did HCQ and decided to retreat before the whole wag-the-dog motivation for the exercise was completely undermined by reality.

*Trump announcement*

*Price is Right Loser horn sounds*

*Trump walks out before he getā€™s asked an actual real question. While the Curb Your Enthusiasm jingle plays*

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:00:45pm
Jay C  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:01:09pm

re: #31 Backwoods_Sleuth

Trump took a grand total of three questions ā€” two of them from Fox News and OAN ā€” before abruptly ending the press conference

So what were the questions/answers?

ā€œHow do you feel about nobody appreciating that youā€™ve personally discovered a cure for COVID-19ā€??

Cheechako  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:01:49pm

OT -

So true!!!

makeitstop  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:02:15pm

re: #37 Targetpractice

IOW, Trump saw that the media wasnā€™t buying this shit like they did HCQ and decided to retreat before the whole wag-the-dog motivation for the exercise was completely undermined by reality.

Thatā€™s one thing weā€™ve got going for us at this point - people arenā€™t falling for his bullshit like they used to, unless theyā€™re morbidly stupid.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:02:53pm
Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:03:26pm

Some of these people who get dragged in to appear with Trump need to at last blink ā€œSOSā€ or ā€œFUBARā€ in Morse Code.

GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:03:51pm

Mayo Clinic brought up convalescent plosma back in May. Trump has absolutely nothing to do with this. Itā€™s not even a new kind of treatment. Itā€™s really not all that effective either. But I guess when youā€™re on your deathbed, why not, right?


Targetpractice  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:05:23pm
PhillyPretzel  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:06:40pm

re: #47 GlutenFreeJesus

I remember a story when this was first happening that at Mt Sinai Hospital in NY they were collecting plasma from those who recovered from COVID-19 and giving it to those who were fighting the virus.

teleskiguy  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:06:48pm
makeitstop  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:08:59pm

Remember when we used to think of summer as ā€˜rerun season?ā€™ It might be back.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:10:11pm

Joe said this last year:

A Three Hour Tour  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:11:14pm

re: #50 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

Perhaps Trump should mix his Imodium with Plosma.

Jay C  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:12:36pm

re: #53 A Three Hour Tour

Perhaps Trump should mix his Imodium with Plosma.

Why? WEā€™RE the ones who need to build up resistanceā€¦.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:13:25pm

re: #45 jaunte

So in this regime, itā€™s propaganda versus science and medical expertise. Good to know.

Charles Johnson  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:14:13pm

OK, well, that stupid. Not even a good batshit crazy rant to make fun of. Boring. Trump is boring.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:15:23pm

ā€œā€¦As a result of Lysenkoism and forced collectivization, 15-30 million Soviet and Chinese citizens starved to death in the Holodomor and the Great Chinese Famine.ā€

Targetpractice  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:16:37pm

re: #55 Patricia Kayden

So in this regime, itā€™s propaganda versus science and medical expertise. Good to know.

Itā€™s been that way for awhile, all weā€™re really seeing is what happens when desperation sets in.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:17:45pm

Trumpā€™s not going to erase his sisterā€™s tapes by only taking three questions.

PhillyPretzel  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:20:20pm

re: #59 jaunte

And if anything happens to Mary Trump or to Maryanne Trump Barry in the next few months a lot of people are going to be asking a lot of questions.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:20:49pm

re: #54 Jay C

Why? WEā€™RE the ones who need to build up resistanceā€¦.

I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about. My skin is resistant to at least 3000 ohms.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:25:41pm

re: #52 The Pie Overlord!

Joe said this last year:

[Embedded content]

I also remember him writing an op-ed in USA Today in January. Trump cared more about his vanity rallies than what was going on in China.

garzooma  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:26:06pm

re: #60 PhillyPretzel

And if anything happens to Mary Trump or to Maryanne Trump Barry in the next few months a lot of people are going to be asking a lot of questions.

I have a question now: Why hasnā€™t Judge Barry said anything?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:26:38pm
stpaulbear  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:27:21pm

re: #63 garzooma

I have a question now: Why hasnā€™t Judge Barry said anything?

My guess is brand protection.

wrenchwench  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:30:43pm

re: #56 Charles Johnson

OK, well, that stupid. Not even a good batshit crazy rant to make fun of. Boring. Trump is boring.

He has more fear of that than of descending a ramp.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:30:44pm

re: #57 jaunte

ā€œā€¦As a result of Lysenkoism and forced collectivization, 15-30 million Soviet and Chinese citizens starved to death in the Holodomor and the Great Chinese Famine.ā€

As Iā€™ve posted before the Republican Party has fully embraced Lysenkoism!

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:32:32pm

Itā€™s fucking always about him, donā€™t you know?

The Food and Drug Administration will issue an emergency authorization for blood plasma as a coronavirus treatment, according to three administration officials.

The agency held off on the decision over concerns from government scientists that evidence for the treatmentā€™s effectiveness is thin ā€” prompting President Donald Trump to accuse the FDA of slow-walking the therapy to harm his reelection chances.

garzooma  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:32:34pm

re: #65 stpaulbear

Brand protection.

The point is, you might expect to hear something like ā€œI didnā€™t mean itā€, ā€œI was under a lot of stressā€, that sort of BS. Now ā€” nothing. Which suggests that she still believes it.

stpaulbear  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:39:43pm

re: #69 garzooma

The point is, you might expect to hear something like ā€œI didnā€™t mean itā€, ā€œI was under a lot of stressā€, that sort of BS. Now ā€” nothing. Which suggests that she still believes it.

Ahh, I thought you were asking why she didnā€™t say anything in public before Mary let the cat out of the bag.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:40:52pm

re: #164 Ace-o-aces

Man, you know things are fucked up when @marwilliamson is the reasonable one in a debate.

Some responses to ā€œreasonable Marianne:

Marianne Williams is no saint here for pushing the ā€œblood is thicker than waterā€ line. I invite her to engage my family if she believes that.

retired cynic  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:43:00pm

h/t Juanita Jeanā€™s Deb T:

Nojay UK  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:46:15pm

Re: discussions of vaccine development timescales

One thing to realise is that development of medical treatments, drugs and vaccines is normally quite a leisurely process ā€” the teams working on the vaccine development work forty-hour weeks, take the weekends off. The leads apply for funding and order equipment and materials and lab space when the budgets and staffing levels allow, waiting months for the magic money tree to sprout a few leaves.

Once thereā€™s a vaccine candidate or two thatā€™s passed the in-vitro and mouse/rhesus tests it can take six months to enrol enough volunteers to even carry out the Phase 2 tests. After that thereā€™s a couple of months waiting for the purple spots to wear off then the statisticians torture the data until it confesses followed by a conference a couple of months later where the research leads and their top subordinates get together and do Powerpoint at each other while schmoozing, lining up funding for other projects and generally figuring out what to do next which is the Phase 3 tests which takes a year or more to get enough human volunteers and enough candidate vaccine material to even begin. Once itā€™s shown that the vaccine candidate is efficacious and the purple-spot thing isnā€™t statistically significant then they start talking to the production houses about fitting the manufacture of the new product into their already packed schedule, some time next year maybe for a few million doses annually.

For COVID-19 there is no limit on funding or restrictions on equipment and lab bench space and staffing, the teams around the world working on a hundred different candidates are not taking weekends off. Volunteers for testing are not a problem, the outcome conferences are being held on Zoom and the data is being passed back and forth between researchers on Google pages. Dedicated production facilities are being built for these candidate vaccines even before they pass the sniff test and production rates of hundreds of millions or even billions of doses annually are anticipated.

The normal safety and review processes are being adhered to, itā€™s just that a lot of slack time in the ā€œnormalā€ process is being squeezed out. There will be deliverable vaccines by early next year available in quantity. They will not be as good as the vaccines available two years from now but they will work and provide some immunity to some of the population for some time. This is a lot lot better than the current situation.

Targetpractice  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:46:42pm

re: #71 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

Some responses to ā€œreasonable Marianne:

[Embedded content]

Marianne Williams is no saint here for pushing the ā€œblood is thicker than waterā€ line. I invite her to engage my family if she believes that.

ā€œTheyā€™re familyā€ should never be a reason to excuse dickish behavior. Keeping silent or (worse) lying does more damage to a familial relationship than speaking our mind and letting them know where you stand.

Florida Panhandler  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:46:45pm

re: #64 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

The Pledge is also the work of an avowed Socialist back around the turn of the Century 1900. Shhhhā€¦ donā€™t tell that to modern Republicans.

stpaulbear  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:47:27pm

re: #72 retired cynic

h/t Juanita Jeanā€™s Deb T:

[Embedded content]


danarchy  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:49:36pm

re: #71 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

I have a feeling the whole thing is just part of the grift. Claudia has become a social media ā€œinfluencerā€ which somehow translates into a paycheck. She is a 15 year old girl, if her parents had a real issue with it they could at least minimize it, take away her devices, ground her etc.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:50:16pm

re: #70 stpaulbear

Ahh, I thought you were asking why she didnā€™t say anything in public before Mary let the cat out of the bag.

she still hasnā€™t said anything public, has she? I thought it was all ā€œsecretly recorded tapesā€.

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:51:22pm

re: #72 retired cynic

My friend and I created this one

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:51:23pm

For fuck sakes. Now Iā€™ve got people trying to guilt trip me for not sharing their ā€œSave our childrenā€ posts.


sagehen  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:51:47pm

re: #63 garzooma

I have a question now: Why hasnā€™t Judge Barry said anything?

Judges have a thing about not expressing political views out loud. Kind of like generals. Even after they retire, itā€™s long-standing habit and theyā€™re reluctant to speak up.

(although now, the White House having called her ā€œan elderly relativeā€ beset by ā€œsibling rivalryā€ā€¦

But thereā€™s also that she had to quit her job, to avoid the investigation brought on my the NYTā€™s expose about how much of her and her siblingsā€™ wealth comes from their dadā€™s tax cheatingā€¦ she may not want to answer questions about that.)

retired cynic  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:52:01pm

Biden and Harris Believe You Deserve Sanity in Your Daily Lives, The Rude Pundit

Just a nice review of both their DNC speeches.

Everyone is talking about Joe Biden and Kamala Harrisā€™s speeches at the Democratic National Convention this past week as being a return of empathy or decency, but Iā€™d go one further with another overarching theme: ā€œRemember sanity?ā€ It was truly like watching a funhouse mirror version of our reality, except it took the warped world around us and made it look natural again. It was honestly like you could exhale and not just wonder what insane shit might follow after the last round of insane shit.

That was what Biden and Harris imparted: a sense that we could possibly exist in a normal nation, one that wasnā€™t constantly on the brink of exploding in violence or just collapsing into itself, unable to bear the weight of one manā€™s insatiable ego. Harris vividly described our national anxiety: ā€œWeā€™re at an inflection point. The constant chaos leaves us adrift. The incompetence makes us feel afraid. The callousness makes us feel alone. Itā€™s a lot.ā€ Then she went full inspirational speaker: ā€œAnd hereā€™s the thing: We can do better and deserve so much more.ā€
When Republicans and the right-wing commentariat declared that Biden and Harris and the whole DNC were ā€œangryā€ or presenting a ā€œdarkā€ perspective on the nation, itā€™s bullshit because they werenā€™t angry at the United States. They were angry at how dark Trump and the GOP have made the country. It would be ludicrous not to be angry, and the whole thing could have been 100 times angrier and still not approached the level of anger that the bastards deserve.

Because the implication of the showing of empathy is that Trump treats us with antipathy, the implication of the fostering of decency is that Trump is indecent, and the implication of the return of sanity is that Trump is insane.

Essentially, Biden and Harris are promising that we can take one fucking terrible thing off the table: the thought that our government is actively, intentionally harming us just for shits and giggles. And then we can work to actually make things better. At this point, goddamn, thatā€™s enough.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:53:06pm

re: #82 retired cynic

Biden and Harris Believe You Deserve Sanity in Your Daily Lives, The Rude Pundit

Just a nice review of both their DNC speeches.

Iā€™m looking forward to their interview tonight on ABC. Itā€™s just so nice to see something normal again. Theyā€™re good people too.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:53:08pm

re: #71 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

Some responses to ā€œreasonable Marianne:

[Embedded content]

Marianne Williams is no saint here for pushing the ā€œblood is thicker than waterā€ line. I invite her to engage my family if she believes that.

Pulpit Pimp Marianne is true to form. Sheā€™s figuring out a way to get $$$$ out of this just like she swooped in and ripped the assets away from people dying from AIDS.

retired cynic  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:53:25pm

From a friend:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:53:46pm

re: #75 Florida Panhandler

The Pledge is also the work of an avowed Socialist back around the turn of the Century 1900. Shhhhā€¦ donā€™t tell that to modern Republicans.

Iā€™m old enough that I remember the brouhaha when ā€œunder godā€ was added

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:54:30pm

re: #79 cat-tikvah

My friend and I created this one

[Embedded content]

Jane Jetson!

stpaulbear  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:55:30pm

re: #80 Eclectic Cyborg

For fuck sakes. Now Iā€™ve got people trying to guilt trip me for not sharing their ā€œSave our childrenā€ posts


Will they shut up if you post ā€œYouā€™re right! Save our Children!ā€ then post pictures of kids in cages?

garzooma  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:55:30pm

re: #78 Backwoods_Sleuth

she still hasnā€™t said anything public, has she? I thought it was all ā€œsecretly recorded tapesā€.

Sure, but if you were secretly recorded bad mouthing a relative, wouldnā€™t you then at least release a statement saying ā€œI take it backā€? The fact that ā€œshe still hasnā€™t said anything publicā€ is the message.

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:55:49pm

re: #87 Backwoods_Sleuth

Thatā€™s what we were going for!
Well done.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:56:54pm
Hecuba's daughter  Aug 23, 2020 • 3:57:05pm

re: #71 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

Some responses to ā€œreasonable Marianne:

[Embedded content]

Marianne Williams is no saint here for pushing the ā€œblood is thicker than waterā€ line. I invite her to engage my family if she believes that.

Marianne Willamson is a grifter and conman (conwoman?) just like Trump, but with a different con. She didnā€™t inherit wealth but accumulated it on her own, through her own deceptions. She doesnā€™t promote hate, division, and racism. Her comments here may reflect, though, her experience as a mother.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:00:27pm

re: #92 Hecubaā€™s daughter

Marianne Willamson is a grifter and conman (conwoman?) just like Trump, but with a different con. She didnā€™t inherit wealth but accumulated it on her own, through her own deceptions. She doesnā€™t promote hate, division, and racism. Her comments here may reflect, though, her experience as a mother.

I have first hand experience of seeing Pulpit Pimp Marianne in action because I saw her appear like a vampire before dying AIDS victims, telling them to stop taking AZT and instead use her healing oils and crystals. In returned they signed their assets away to her. She stripped them of their assets, let them die penniless then she moved on to the next mark. I warned folks about her but sure enough they were seduced and brainwashed by that crook.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:02:16pm

re: #88 stpaulbear

Will they shut up if you post ā€œYouā€™re right! Save our Children! then post pictures of kids in cages?

That doesnā€™t work with brainwashed Qbots.

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:04:18pm

re: #93 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

I have first hand experience of seeing Pulpit Pimp Marianne in action because I saw her appear like a vampire before dying AIDS victims, telling them to stop taking AZT and instead use her healing oils and crystals. In returned they signed their assets away to her. She stripped them of their assets, let them die penniless then she moved on to the next mark. I warned folks about her but sure enough they were seduced and brainwashed by that crook.

She probably excels at feigning compassion and empathy, a skill that Trump clearly lacks.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:05:19pm

re: #93 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

Thatā€™s awful. Sheā€™s not as nice as she appears to be.

stpaulbear  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:05:37pm

re: #94 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

That doesnā€™t work with brainwashed Qbots.

Does it annoy them? ;)

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:06:39pm

re: #96 Patricia Kayden

Thatā€™s awful. Sheā€™s not as nice as she appears to be.

Sheā€™s the phoniest snake oil salesman I ever encountered. I actually lost my temper with her. she showed what an arrogant narcissistic CENSORED she really was.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:10:25pm

re: #98 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

I know her because Stephanie Miller had her on her talk show a few times and she seemed nice but itā€™s good to know who she really is. Wonā€™t be listening to her again.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:10:37pm


Targetpractice  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:13:08pm

re: #100 jaunte

[Embedded content]


Todayā€™s performance had all the purpose of a child throwing a tantrum. ā€œLOOK AT ME!!!ā€

I Would Prefer Not To  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:17:08pm

re: #77 danarchy

I have a feeling the whole thing is just part of the grift. Claudia has become a social media ā€œinfluencerā€ which somehow translates into a paycheck. She is a 15 year old girl, if her parents had a real issue with it they could at least minimize it, take away her devices, ground her etc.

Do you have experience taking away devices from 15 year olds?

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:17:19pm

re: #99 Patricia Kayden

I know her because Stephanie Miller had her on her talk show a few times and she seemed nice but itā€™s good to know who she really is. Wonā€™t be listening to her again.

Maybe the closest analogue is that she is a New Age pulpit pimp.

Jack Burton  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:20:25pm

re: #98 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

Sheā€™s the phoniest snake oil salesman I ever encountered. I actually lost my temper with her. she showed what an arrogant narcissistic CENSORED she really was.

I was really irate when Beau of the Fifth Column interviewed her for his Youtube channel. Unsubscribed from him for about a month after that.

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:22:01pm

re: #77 danarchy

I have a feeling the whole thing is just part of the grift. Claudia has become a social media ā€œinfluencerā€ which somehow translates into a paycheck. She is a 15 year old girl, if her parents had a real issue with it they could at least minimize it, take away her devices, ground her etc.

Which they have. And when she gets back on, she yells at mom.

I Would Prefer Not To  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:27:05pm

re: #105 Belafon

Which they have. And when she gets back on, she yells at mom.

Iā€™d be more worried about Claudia if she didnā€™t yell at her mother. Itā€™s what 15 year olds do. Doubly so when your mother is a very evil and very public person.

Everyone makes choices, kelly ann has made some very bad ones. She does not get out of this without flak. Not how life works.

mmmirele  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:29:18pm

re: #71 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

Some responses to ā€œreasonable Marianne:

[Embedded content]

Marianne Williams is no saint here for pushing the ā€œblood is thicker than waterā€ line. I invite her to engage my family if she believes that.

Agreed. I love my mom, but you know, last night she told me (a) that she thought I was looking for something because she had dreamed I was looking for something three times and (b) that she had a box of glassware and some kidsā€™ toys in the attic. (FTR, I have the glassware and the kids toys went to the Goodwill years ago.) Itā€™s like I told my brother, ā€œWhatā€™s going on in Momā€™s head is not indicative of reality.ā€

That said, if you want to hear the story about how she thought my brother was watching porn in front of her last Wednesday (remember, sheā€™s legally blind and deaf as a post), let me know and Iā€™ll tell it. If I can stop laughing.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:31:11pm
Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:31:35pm

We had a kid in my fifth grade class in Colorado Springs (ca. 1959) who refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance. His parents were members of some pacifist religious sect, donā€™t remember which one, who thought the pledge was militaristic. He was also one of 13 children and seemed chronically malnourished. I know the teachers were concerned with that, but his silence during the pledge was not an issue, another example of how these things only become issues when powerful adults with an axe to grind decide to make them one.
Today, almost everything is a big issue. I have spoken Spanish since I was a child. I was amazed when it started to become a political issue a few years ago. I had a woman walk out of a job interview some time ago because I asked her if she spoke Spanish (it was a useful, but not essential, skill in our line of work). She demanded that I explain why I was asking that, and offered the opinion that if ā€œtheyā€ are going to come here, ā€œtheyā€ need to learn English. I told her that we did not have time to teach them, and nobody would pay us for that anyway, seeing as how we were not teachers. She flounced out threatening to sue me. Iā€™m sure she found some long-suffering lawyer to set her straight on what employment discrimination is, and isnā€™t.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:33:27pm

re: #107 mmmirele

Agreed. I love my mom, but you know, last night she told me (a) that she thought I was looking for something because she had dreamed I was looking for something three times and (b) that she had a box of glassware and some kidsā€™ toys in the attic. (FTR, I have the glassware and the kids toys went to the Goodwill years ago.) Itā€™s like I told my brother, ā€œWhatā€™s going on in Momā€™s head is not indicative of reality.ā€

That said, if you want to hear the story about how she thought my brother was watching porn in front of her last Wednesday (remember, sheā€™s legally blind and deaf as a post), let me know and Iā€™ll tell it. If I can stop laughing.

kinda sad/frustrating that her dreams are more real to her since blind/deaf can still see/hear in their dreams, and they canā€™t when awake.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:35:49pm

re: #109 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

if ā€œtheyā€ are going to come here, ā€œtheyā€ need to learn English.

A few years ago I worked on a design project to revise packaging for a big bakery brand. They held focus groups to check consumer opinions on the new designs, and I was shocked to hear some of the anglo groups in California demand that there be no Spanish words on the package. The package of tortillas.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:37:24pm

re: #111 jaunte

A few years ago I worked on a design project to revise packaging for a big bakery brand. They held focus groups to check consumer opinions on the new designs, and I was shocked to hear some of the anglo groups in California demand that there be no Spanish words on the package. The package of tortillas.

I guess you could call them ā€œfreedom disks.ā€

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:37:36pm

Round flat corn thing trucks on every corner.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:39:38pm

Wow I did not know about this. What scumbags.

Mark McCloskey has run off trustees trying to make repairs to the wall surrounding his property, insisting that he and his wife own it. In 2013, he destroyed bee hives placed just outside of the mansionā€™s northern wall by the neighboring Jewish Central Reform Congregation and left a note saying he did it, and if the mess wasnā€™t cleaned up quickly he would seek a restraining order and attorneys fees. The congregation had planned to harvest the honey and pick apples from trees on its property for Rosh Hashanah.

These fuckers have a long history of nonsense lawsuits.

Targetpractice  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:41:41pm

re: #114 The Pie Overlord!

Wow I did not know about this. What scumbags.

These fuckers have a long history of nonsense lawsuits.

[Embedded content]

But yet theyā€™re about to be presented to the RNC as poor, innocent victims of a ā€œviolent mob.ā€

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:45:45pm

Largest taco truck? We should rent it for the Biden victory party. Plenty of social distance in the parking lot and masks would be required.

This San Antonio company built the worldā€™s most massive food truck

In Texas, where everything is bigger and better, one San Antonio company has made the worldā€™s largest food truck - although itā€™s not just a food truck.

Cruising Kitchensā€™ giant mobile kitchen ā€” appropriately called T.R.U.C.K. for Traveling Restaurant Ultimate Competition Kitchen ā€” measures 90-feet long from bumper to bumper. It is equipped with two full-sized gourmet kitchens and a walk-in cooler, Multimedia Marketing Manager Haley Rose Alvarez said.

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:46:45pm

re: #114 The Pie Overlord!

Iā€™m not really surprised. Seemed pretty obvious they were terrible people.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:47:52pm

re: #92 Hecubaā€™s daughter

Marianne Willamson is a grifter and conman (conwoman?) just like Trump, but with a different con. She didnā€™t inherit wealth but accumulated it on her own, through her own deceptions. She doesnā€™t promote hate, division, and racism. Her comments here may reflect, though, her experience as a mother.

Did her kids disown her? /s

mmmirele  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:48:05pm

re: #110 Backwoods_Sleuth

kinda sad/frustrating that her dreams are more real to her since blind/deaf can still see/hear in their dreams, and they canā€™t when awake.

Actually, thereā€™s another thing I forgot to mention.


Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:49:24pm

re: #94 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

That doesnā€™t work with brainwashed Qbots.

How about the long list of Republican politicians put in jail (including Trump campaign managers) for raping children? It seems to be projection with them always.

Interesting Times  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:50:24pm

re: #109 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

This reminds me of a disturbing video from 2018 which, to me, felt like ā€œthe battle for Americaā€™s soulā€ distilled to a single emblematic incident:

Full context here.

Notice the line she keeps repeating, and how utterly convinced she sounds while doing so?

ā€œYou will lose this country.ā€

Circling back to points The Ghost of a Flea made in prior threads, anything becomes justifiable if itā€™s the name of preventing a supposedly greater harm, and for trump supporters like the woman in the video, the greatest harm is America no longer being a country dominated by Whites.

Once you look at things from that warped lens, the unwavering trump support from the GOP base makes perfect sense.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:51:22pm
Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:53:15pm

re: #99 Patricia Kayden

I know her because Stephanie Miller had her on her talk show a few times and she seemed nice but itā€™s good to know who she really is. Wonā€™t be listening to her again.

The Gay Divide Over Marianne Williamson (Slate)

What did the New Thought author tell people during the AIDS crisis?

ā€œI turned on the TV to watch the end of the debate, realized who she was and went into a rage, screaming at the fucking TV,ā€ the author Rabih Alameddine tweeted in June. ā€œHad no idea that horror was still alive. I had friends who died in 80s and 90s thinking they were unworthy because they couldnā€™t love enough.ā€

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:56:01pm

re: #119 mmmirele


Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:57:14pm

re: #107 mmmirele

That said, if you want to hear the story about how she thought my brother was watching porn in front of her last Wednesday (remember, sheā€™s legally blind and deaf as a post), let me know and Iā€™ll tell it. If I can stop laughing.

You sure you want to tell that one?

unproven innocence  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:57:47pm

Donā€™t know if this has been mentioned here yet:

Protests have broken out in the US state of Louisiana after police shot and killed a Black man on Friday.
Police say Trayford Pellerin was carrying a knife and had been trying to enter a convenience store in the city of Lafayette.
Video appears to show Pellerin walking away from officers, who then shot the 31-year-old after a stun gun failed to work.

US: Protesters demand justice after police shooting of Black man

mmmirele  Aug 23, 2020 • 4:59:32pm

re: #125 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

You sure you want to tell that one?

I did. Itā€™s behind the button in another post.

Jack Burton  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:00:07pm

re: #124 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


Decatur Deb  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:05:55pm

re: #112 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

I guess you could call them ā€œfreedom disks.ā€

Honkey Hyperbolics.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:07:59pm

Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:10:47pm

I donā€™t know if the Claudia Conway thing is real or not, but I wonā€™t be surprised if, when she learns how much money she can make on the dark side, sheā€™s a feature at CPAC 2024. Otherwise, itā€™s between her and her parents. I just hope she manages to stay clean.

stpaulbear  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:11:36pm

The Lincoln Project is running a live preview of the RNC. It started at 7:00

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:13:51pm

re: #130 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

[Embedded content]

ā€œAsshat feverā€ hit my funny bone.

Jay C  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:16:41pm

re: #130 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

LOL. Sorry only have one updingā€¦ā€¦

plansbandc  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:18:38pm
Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:20:16pm

re: #131 Barefoot Grin

I donā€™t know if the Claudia Conway thing is real or not, but I wonā€™t be surprised if, when she learns how much money she can make on the dark side, sheā€™s a feature at CPAC 2024. Otherwise, itā€™s between her and her parents. I just hope she manages to stay clean.

Or she makes money on the Democratic side because she hates her parents.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:21:43pm

The Douglas County, Nebr. (seat: Omaha) Sheriffā€™s Department was going to use CARES Act funding to buy a $1.85 million mobile police command centre.

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:22:01pm

re: #136 Belafon

the yell-all book about that house would be a hoot.

And yes, Iā€™m leaving the mistype because it fits

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:23:16pm

The despotā€™s ultimate goals were unknowable, classified state secrets.

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:25:15pm

re: #139 jaunte

Best decision ever. Why get tied down by believing in anything.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:27:45pm
stpaulbear  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:28:24pm

re: #132 stpaulbear

The Lincoln Project is running a live preview of the RNC. It started at 7:00

Every time Steve Schmidt is asked a question, he ignores it and goes off on a lengthy soliloquy that doesnā€™t have a centimeter of space for anyone else in the room.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:28:41pm

Latest from electoral-vote.com shows Trump slipping in Ohio with that state moving back to a toss-up.

Decatur Deb  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:28:41pm

So it was just survivor plasma? No adrenochrome? No Swiss sheep pituitaries? Bargain-basement bullshit.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:32:31pm

re: #144 Decatur Deb

So it was just survivor plasma? No adrenochrome? No Swiss sheep pituitaries? Bargain-basement bullshit.

An apt summation of Trumpā€™s America.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:33:49pm

Thread, seven tweets:

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:33:57pm

Revealed: Jared Kushnerā€™s Private Channel With Putinā€™s Money Man


Son of a CENSORED needs to be locked up for the rest of his life.

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:34:06pm

re: #142 stpaulbear

Every time Steve Schmidt is asked a question, he ignores it and goes off on a lengthy soliloquy that doesnā€™t have a centimeter of space for anyone else in the room.

Is he pretending to be Trump?

Dave In Austin  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:35:56pm

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:36:22pm

ā€œNobody likes a martyr.ā€ - Jesus, Bless the Harts

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:36:31pm

re: #149 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]


jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:37:58pm
jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:39:53pm

Ted Lieu will never be on Trump Time.

Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:41:33pm

re: #151 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.


Iā€™d like to distract you with a time-travel joke, but you didnā€™t like it.

DodgerFan1988  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:41:55pm

And Fuck Trump.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:42:51pm

The Democratic Caucus in the Unicameral is significantly younger than the Republican Caucus. (Technically, there are no Republicans or Democrats in the Unicameral; it is a legal fiction that the state legislature is non-partisan)

lawhawk  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:42:52pm

re: #116 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

They should donate one to Chef Jose Andres and his World Central Kitchen charity.

Itā€™d give them more press and good will, even though I am now salivating at the thought of tacos.

Charles Johnson  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:43:58pm
Dave In Austin  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:44:57pm

re: #151 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.


Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:48:31pm

The electronic road signs here in the Metroplex are telling people they should fill out the census.

lawhawk  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:48:43pm

Trump intends to speak each night of the convention? Yeah, thatā€™ll go over spectacularly. Spewing nonsense about the FDA (whose head is someone he appointed). Railing about the FBI (which he appointed several times now). Railing about nepotism by Biden (even though Trumpworld has gotten hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds funneled to Trump businesses.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:50:37pm

re: #159 Dave In Austin


BigPapa  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:52:09pm

re: #151 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.


Yeah Dave. You really should be ashamed of yourself Jerkofff.

(rushes to copy/paste onto Facebook)

Dave In Austin  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:52:18pm
šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:52:45pm

re: #160 Belafon

The electronic road signs here in the Metroplex are telling people they should fill out the census.

Jimmy Gomez is pleading with people in my district to complete the census because our district has the lowest response rate in the state.

The Census worker knocked on my door last week asking if there was any way I could get people in my building to respond because most of them refused to cooperate fearing Trump would deport them. Only 4 of our apartments responded to the census and one of those was meā€¦47 other apartments refused to participate and several of them told the census poller to go awayā€¦

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:52:53pm

GOP platform for the convention.

They spelled ā€œresolvedā€ wrong in the second resolution.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:53:12pm

re: #163 BigPapa

Yeah Dave. You really should be ashamed of yourself Jerkofff.

(rushes to copy/paste onto Facebook)

I should note that I always upding the bespoke posts which I comment on in such fashion, and also, that tonight I have been on an excellent run of dad jokes, supplemented by these lines which I have been quipping to Mrs. Fish, earning me some dirty glares and middle fingers.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:54:28pm

re: #144 Decatur Deb

So it was just survivor plasma? No adrenochrome? No Swiss sheep pituitaries? Bargain-basement bullshit.

no demon semen.

i have a disappoint.

Interesting Times  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:55:28pm

Dat partisan gap thoā€¦ o_O

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:55:33pm

re: #165 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

Jimmy Gomez is pleading with people in my district to complete the census because our district has the lowest response rate in the state.

The Census worker knocked on my door last week asking if there was any way I could get people in my building to respond because most of them refused to cooperate fearing Trump would deport them. Only 4 of our apartments responded to the census and one of those was meā€¦47 other apartments refused to participate and several of them told the census poller to go awayā€¦

I worry about undocumented people getting deported but I always wonder if any wingnuts are refus8ng to participate because of government tracking concerns.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:58:10pm

re: #169 Interesting Times

Dat partisan gap thoā€¦ o_O

A response to that:

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:59:22pm

re: #169 Interesting Times

[Embedded content]

Dat partisan gap thoā€¦ o_O

Economic anxiety my ass. They just feel better because Trump validates then being assholes.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 5:59:22pm
Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:00:49pm

Someone my wife has on Facebook that she went to school with in Arkansas put up about the election: ā€œIā€™m not in love with Biden, but I am in love with getting Trump out of office.ā€

Charles Johnson  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:00:54pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:00:58pm

re: #173 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Itā€™s Trumpā€™s party. Thereā€™s no coming back from this for them.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:01:19pm

Like where I live.

Decatur Deb  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:01:39pm

re: #173 jaunte

They are literally admitting that they have no ideas, no plan, no vision. They are just going to follow President Kookpot down the shame spiral

Trump is the GOP. The GOP is Trump.

Charles Johnson  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:01:55pm
Rightwingconspirator  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:02:28pm

re: #149 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

To go?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:02:34pm

re: #174 Belafon

Someone my wife has on Facebook that she went to school with in Arkansas put up about the election: ā€œIā€™m not in love with Biden, but I am in love with getting Trump out of office.ā€

And thatā€™s okay. We donā€™t need to be in love with our President. I like and respect Biden but heā€™s gonna make mistakes but he will try to learn from them and not double down on them.

Decatur Deb  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:03:30pm

re: #179 Charles Johnson

I never thought about it before but I realized Iā€™ve never been suspended by Twitter. Is that because Iā€™m such a goody two-shoes?

They probably think youā€™re that red-bearded fool.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:03:34pm

re: #181 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

And thatā€™s okay. We donā€™t need to be in love with our President. I like and respect Biden but heā€™s gonna make mistakes but he will try to learn from them and not double down on them.

In fact, I would posit that we shouldnā€™t be in love with our President. Thatā€™s how we get Trump. We donā€™t want a Trump, we want a leader who will do a good job. He or she wonā€™t be perfect, and like you said, thatā€™s okay as long as they learn from them.

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:03:34pm

re: #173 jaunte

lawhawk  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:03:47pm

re: #169 Interesting Times

Someone pointed out this morning on CBS News that Trump has delivered for the GOP:

1) Massive tax cuts
2) 2 right wing extremists on the Supreme Court and 100s of right wing extremists on the bench
3) right wing/xenophobic immigration policy
4) massive defense funding.

Doesnā€™t matter that GOP has destroyed economy or that the tax cuts benefited billionaires and millionaires like Trump with everyone else getting screwed, or that Trumpā€™s foreign policy has undermined our security and preparedness or that we are so much weaker thanks to Trump gutting regulations designed to keep people safe and air/water quality.

GOP doesnā€™t care.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:05:16pm

Lre: #183 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

In fact, I would posit that we shouldnā€™t be in love with our President. Thatā€™s how we get Trump. We donā€™t want a Trump, we want a leader who will do a good job. He or she wonā€™t be perfect, and like you said, thatā€™s okay as long as they learn from them.

Exactly. Enough of this cult of personality bullshit. Iā€™m voting for a person. An imperfect one but one whose values I mostly share.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:10:23pm

re: #179 Charles Johnson

VB was suspended a year ago and I never found out the reason. They said VB ā€œbroke the rulesā€ but did not specify which rule. Is there a rule against calling Nazis ā€œfuckheadā€?

dangerman  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:11:46pm
Decatur Deb  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:11:59pm

re: #187 The Pie Overlord!

VB was suspended a year ago and I never found out the reason. They said VB ā€œbroke the rulesā€ but did not specify which rule. Is there a rule against calling Nazis ā€œfuckheadā€?

I think itā€™s OK as long as youā€™re standing at attention in polished boots.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:13:45pm

re: #178 Decatur Deb

Trump is the GOP. The GOP is Trump.

ā€˜lā€™Ć©tat, cā€™est moiā€™

mmmirele  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:13:52pm

Oh dear ā€¦

Sheā€™s right, you know.

Our foreign policy vis-a-vis Israel has gone from something complex and nuanced to ā€œIsrael must exist so Jesus can return,ā€ all because of nutbar Evangelicals who think the book of Revelation (plus some heaping helpings of Daniel, Matthew and other books from the Christian Bible) is a roadmap to Armageddon. Which they WANT.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:14:21pm

VB used to engage with wingnuts, Trumporrhoids & nazis but PO just blocks those fuckheads on sight. Back in the day you could actually carry on a thoughtful conversation and respectful exchange of ideas with a Romney supporter. Those days are long gone.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:15:47pm

re: #192 The Pie Overlord!

VB used to engage with wingnuts, Trumporrhoids & nazis but PO just blocks those fuckheads on sight. Back in the day you could actually carry on a thoughtful conversation and respectful exchange of ideas with a Romney supporter. Those days are long gone.

Yeah I have some cousins who are Trump nuts. I donā€™t even try.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:16:36pm

I mean, could anyone have a thoughtful conversation & respectful exchange of ideas with someone like this:

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:19:20pm

GOP Platform courtesy the law firm of Cut & Paste.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:20:06pm

re: #194 The Pie Overlord!

I mean, could anyone have a thoughtful conversation & respectful exchange of ideas with someone like this:

[Embedded content]

You canā€™t. You simply cannot.

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:20:08pm

re: #174 Belafon

You can vote for, or you can vote against. Either way, vote!

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:20:23pm

re: #194 The Pie Overlord!

I mean, could anyone have a thoughtful conversation & respectful exchange of ideas with someone like this:

Minor conspiracy theories? Like Al-Qanon?

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:22:02pm

Oh, they stopped feeling that a couple of years ago.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:22:25pm

re: #195 jaunte

GOP Platform courtesy the law firm of Cut & Paste.

[Embedded content]

Iā€™ve never liked the GOP. I can legitimately say people in my family have been Democrats for generations but the GOP has become a complete clusterfuck under Trump. Itā€™s all about appeasing his ego and grievances and not actually governing.

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:23:29pm

re: #184 Belafon

And high flush toilets.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:25:00pm

Looks like the US is not the only country having problems with mail-in ballots:

Decatur Deb  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:25:44pm

re: #201 cat-tikvah

And high flush toilets.

Incandescent light bulbs. The Home Depot platform.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:26:54pm

Here he is, predicting what he plans to do:

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:28:29pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:29:59pm

Lllre: #204 The Pie Overlord!

Here he is, predicting what he plans to do:

[Embedded content]

He seems so confident in his chances.

stpaulbear  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:30:13pm

re: #199 jaunte

Themes for this weekā€™s Republican convention:

Fifth Street suffers from overcrowding and congestion. The president has a plan for this.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:31:03pm

re: #205 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I donā€™t think anyone is too complacent. If anything I want to run up the score if I feel which I do that weā€™re kicking his ass.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:31:03pm

re: #184 Belafon

[Embedded content]

and adequate flush toilets

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:31:26pm

re: #205 jaunte

Well I live in one of the suburban collar counties around Philly and have a stack of 200 plus postcards to voters awaiting being addressed and mailed and was out staffing a voter registration table yesterday.
I take NOTHING for granted and expect the GOP to use every avenue possible to cheat and steal the election.
If I have to drive people to the county election board myself to drop off mail in ballots for 3 weeks before election day, Iā€™m ready.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:31:43pm

re: #203 Decatur Deb

Incandescent light bulbs. The Home Depot platform.

And their bullshyte about high-wattage incandescent light bulbs not being available is a lie anyway. All Obamaā€™s orders did was require them to be more efficient.

I can buy 300W bulbs off any grocery store shelf here (and do in the winter to keep my kitchen pipes from freezing in the cellar).

Decatur Deb  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:33:34pm

re: #205 jaunte

Warning: 74 days out and the Dems are too confident which will lead to complacency. I live in Trump country - you can feel it building, they hate you and they are going to vote. Better start acting like Biden is 3 points down in all swing states.

Hee, hee, hee.

Dave In Austin  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:34:15pm
Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:43:47pm

I just saw on my FB that Steve Earleā€™s son Justin Townes has died. No link has any really solid info. I donā€™t know Justinā€™s music, but Iā€™ve followed his fatherā€™s career and know this has got to be a huge blow (as it would be for any parent, of courseā€”what a dumb thing for me to say).

teleskiguy  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:45:03pm
Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:45:46pm

re: #213 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

That video needs more feline.

mmmirele  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:46:06pm
Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:46:56pm

re: #211 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™ve replaced the main lighting in my home with the equivalent in LED lighting. Itā€™s been a solid investment so far. With that said, using an incandescent for a heat-related application only makes sense. Not really any other option, physically speaking.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:47:17pm
A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:48:49pm

re: #71 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

Some responses to ā€œreasonable Marianne:

[Embedded content]

Marianne Williams is no saint here for pushing the ā€œblood is thicker than waterā€ line. I invite her to engage my family if she believes that.

Okay, I just saw this, so Iā€™m late, but all MW is saying is that Twitter is not the place for this kind of quarrel. For the record, I agree. I believe you used not to be a fan of Twitter ā€” has that changed?

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:51:54pm

re: #74 Targetpractice

ā€œTheyā€™re familyā€ should never be a reason to excuse dickish behavior. Keeping silent or (worse) lying does more damage to a familial relationship than speaking our mind and letting them know where you stand.

On Twitter?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:52:40pm

re: #214 Barefoot Grin

I just saw on my FB that Steve Earleā€™s son Justin Townes has died. No link has any really solid info. I donā€™t know Justinā€™s music, but Iā€™ve followed his fatherā€™s career and know this has got to be a huge blow (as it would be for any parent, of courseā€”what a dumb thing for me to say).

Shit thatā€™s awful. Iā€™ve listened to Justinā€™s music a little. I liked it. 38 man. Too fucking young.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:53:11pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:54:14pm

I thought the interview was good overall. Too short, IMHO, but good.

FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Capt'nšŸ˜·Trips  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:55:01pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:55:28pm

re: #224 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I thought the interview was good overall. Too short, IMHO, but good.

I missed it. But I did just read the transcript.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:56:36pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:56:53pm

meanwhile over in lala land

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:57:52pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:57:57pm

re: #225 FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Captā€™nšŸ˜·Trips

[Embedded content]

And they accuse Biden of being just merely anti Trump. Grand old platitudes as one of my favorite presidents said.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 6:59:19pm

re: #229 The Pie Overlord!

[Embedded content]

Yeah emancipation of slaves is nothing compared to Trumpā€™s window dressing criminal justice reform. He really is fucking sick.

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:01:33pm

re: #194 The Pie Overlord!

I mean, could anyone have a thoughtful conversation & respectful exchange of ideas with someone like this:

[Embedded content]

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:01:56pm

re: #231 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Yeah emancipation of slaves is nothing compared to Trumpā€™s window dressing criminal justice reform. He really is fucking sick.

You just know that if some reporter asked him to specifically describe one thing ā€œCriminal Justice Reformā€ has done for Black people, he would just repeat this sickening talking point that heā€™s ā€œbetter than Lincolnā€ over and over.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:02:51pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:03:25pm

re: #233 The Pie Overlord!

You just know that if some reporter asked him to specifically describe one thing ā€œCriminal Justice Reformā€ has done for Black people, he would just repeat this sickening talking point that heā€™s ā€œbetter than Lincolnā€ over and over.

Of course.

teleskiguy  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:04:00pm
Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:04:06pm

re: #205 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I replied to that earlier. When I see Democrats not filling out postcards, not doing voting drives, not going door to door, then Iā€™ll be worried about them being overconfident.

Jack Burton  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:04:49pm

re: #236 teleskiguy

ā€œNobody is better at the sex than I am. Believe Me.ā€

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:05:25pm

Oh please let this happen.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:06:07pm

re: #236 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

Reminds me of how he answered when he was asked about sacrifices in one of the debates that suggested he didnā€™t understand the word.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:06:10pm
Jay C  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:07:29pm

re: #224 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I thought the interview was good overall. Too short, IMHO, but good.

Iā€™d disagree: not a *bad* interview, IMO, but just a little too softball (despite all the ā€œhard questionsā€ hype from ABC) -

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:07:32pm

The ALL-TIME expert on transparency

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:09:20pm

re: #242 Jay C

Iā€™d disagree: not a *bad* interview, IMO, but just a little too softball (despite all the ā€œhard questionsā€ hype from ABC) -

Which Iā€™m going to take as a net positive, because usually, questioning goes:

To Republicans: Is your presidency going to be great?

To Democrats: How you plan on ending world hunger, curing cancer, and bringing peace to the Middle East with only this string and paper clip?

Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:09:54pm

re: #243 jaunte

The ALL-TIME expert on transparency

[Embedded content]

His views on opacity, however, are decidedly less clear.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:10:32pm

re: #245 Barefoot Grin

Heā€™ll be very transparent about killing Obamacare.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:10:34pm
Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:10:55pm

Whatā€™s the world record time for a dog licking its butt?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:11:00pm

re: #243 jaunte

The ALL-TIME expert on transparency

[Embedded content]

Iā€™ve never seen anyone with such great skill at saying so little with so many words.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:12:44pm

Sir, hyperbolic bullshit, tears.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:16:15pm

re: #237 Belafon

Thank you for those suggestions. Postcards to voters is an easy way to get out the vote.


Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:16:54pm

re: #248 Barefoot Grin

Whatā€™s the world record time for a dog licking its butt?

Looks like another visit to the vet.

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:18:44pm

Looks like the problems with her daughter are leading to a change in career:

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:18:54pm

re: #218 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™ve replaced the main lighting in my home with the equivalent in LED lighting. Itā€™s been a solid investment so far. With that said, using an incandescent for a heat-related application only makes sense. Not really any other option, physically speaking.

Most of the lighting in my home is fluorescent, except for an incandescent lamp in the spare bedroom, and the 300W flood lights for the back porch, the 25W light for the front porch, and the usual 2x4W (four watt) lamps in our ceiling fan which are what we usually use to light our living room. In the summertime, I use a 40W bulb in the basement.

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:24:46pm

re: #210 cat-tikvah

Well I live in one of the suburban collar counties around Philly and have a stack of 200 plus postcards to voters awaiting being addressed and mailed and was out staffing a voter registration table yesterday.
I take NOTHING for granted and expect the GOP to use every avenue possible to cheat and steal the election.
If I have to drive people to the county election board myself to drop off mail in ballots for 3 weeks before election day, Iā€™m ready.

I write my six postcards a day. Will be doing more closer to the election.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:25:05pm

re: #253 Hecubaā€™s daughter

Sheā€™s going to miss getting paid well to tell bold faced lies every single day. So sad.

DodgerFan1988  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:25:12pm

re: #253 Hecubaā€™s daughter

Looks like the problems with her daughter are leading to a change in career:

[Embedded content]

Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:25:55pm

re: #256 Patricia Kayden

Sheā€™s going to miss getting paid well to tell bold faced lies every single day. So sad.

When one door closes another one opens.

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:27:40pm

re: #256 Patricia Kayden

Sheā€™s going to miss getting paid well to tell bold faced lies every single day. So sad.

She worked for Ted Cruz before Trump ā€” and among all the candidates for President, Ted was second in lies to Trump. So working for liars was definitely her thing.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:28:22pm
A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:28:58pm

re: #234 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Well, I have medicareā€¦ and private supplemental insurance.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:29:01pm

Well my Spidey Sense is thinking that this Conway shtick was a ruse all along that allowed George and Kellyanne to back away from their respective roles.

mmmirele  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:31:32pm

re: #262 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

Well my Spidey Sense is thinking that this Conway shtick was a ruse all along that allowed George and Kellyanne to back away from their respective roles.

Oh, possible, but teenage kids can be utter brats. /source, me, who once got so upset at my mom that I chucked a half-eaten corncob at my mother one dinnertime. Yes, I was an utter brat. Thatā€™s just the minor stuff.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:31:36pm

re: #220 A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!

Okay, I just saw this, so Iā€™m late, but all MW is saying is that Twitter is not the place for this kind of quarrel. For the record, I agree. I believe you used not to be a fan of Twitter ā€” has that changed?

IĀ“m not a fan of what Twitter enables (Nazis), which they seem to do willingly.

As for Marianne Williamson, sheĀ“s telling the ConwayĀ“s daughter that sheĀ“ll regret being opposed to her mother laterā€”the same blood is thicker than water and love conquers all crap she peddled to AIDS patients in her book.

SheĀ“s telling her daughter she does not have a right to an opinion, or at least doesnā€™t have the right to express it publicly.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:32:06pm

ONG are you guys following the upper shitshow in Canada as the conservatives are selecting their new leader?

This is fucking hysterical.

They were supposed to announce the results at 6:00 pm. The ballot machine is having issues. Twitter #CPCLeadership has me in tears.

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:32:20pm

re: #264 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

IĀ“m not a fan of what Twitter enables (Nazis), which they seem to do willingly.

As for Marianne Williamson, sheĀ“s telling the ConwayĀ“s daughter that sheĀ“ll regret being opposed to her mother laterā€”the same blood is thicker than water and love conquers all crap she peddled to AIDS patients in her book.

SheĀ“s telling her daughter she does not have a right to an opinion, or at least doesnā€™t have the right to express it publicly.

I see you didnā€™t read her tweets.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:33:42pm

re: #263 mmmirele

Oh, possible, but teenage kids can be utter brats. /source, me, who once got so upset at my mom that I chucked a half-eaten corncob at my mother one dinnertime. Yes, I was an utter brat. Thatā€™s just the minor stuff.

When two high profile peopleā€™s kid announces publicly that sheā€™s seeKing emancipation, thereā€™s a big family problem

So Cal Greek Hippie  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:33:51pm

Ventura, CA sunset 2020-08-23

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:34:45pm

re: #266 A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!

I see you didnā€™t read her tweets.

I dealt with Pulpit Pimp Marianne when AIDS first hit when she was gladly fleecing victims of all of their assets.

I know what a liar and crook Marianne Williamson is.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:35:39pm

re: #232 Belafon

I donā€™t give a fuque about your holy book. My affirmation was to the Constitution.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:36:27pm
I Would Prefer Not To  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:37:12pm

re: #262 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

Well my Spidey Sense is thinking that this Conway shtick was a ruse all along that allowed George and Kellyanne to back away from their respective roles.

perhaps. I canā€™t imagine being a liberal person and having Kelly Anne as a mother. Itā€™s hard enough being 15, but her mom was in public every day lying for a racist.

also, liberals are going to get blamed for this. So fuck Kelly Anne.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:38:32pm

re: #270 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:38:49pm

Emancipation cases just donā€™t happen out of the blue. I feel awful for Claudia that itā€™s come to that.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:39:27pm

Automatic Block Function Triggered

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:39:37pm

No platform, but we got bullets.

Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:39:53pm

Weā€™ve had drought conditions here in NH, but tonight itā€™s raining. And the sounds outside made me think of one of my all-time favorite songs from my childhood (listening to my older brotherā€™s albums):

Simon & Garfunkel - Kathyā€™s Song

Jack Burton  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:40:13pm

re: #273 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

[Embedded content]

She needs to tell her GRU handler that dog wonā€™t hunt.

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:40:28pm

re: #256 Patricia Kayden

Nah, sheā€™ll be on cable news doing the same thing.

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:42:26pm

re: #273 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

Hereā€™s the phrases youā€™re looking for:

ŠæŠ¾ŃŠ»ŃƒŃˆŠ½Ń‹Š¹ ŠøŠ½ŃŃ‚Ń€ŃƒŠ¼ŠµŠ½Ń‚ poslushnyy instrument ā€œobedient toolā€

ŠæŠ¾Š»ŠµŠ·Š½Ń‹Š¹ ŠøŠ“ŠøŠ¾Ń‚ poleznyy idiot ā€œuseful idiotā€

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:44:18pm
cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:45:23pm

re: #270 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

Did you know that there are translation errors in the Holy Bible?
There is no commandment ā€œDo not killā€ - itā€™s ā€œDo not murderā€; self defense is necessary.
Also the proof text ā€œa virgin will conceiveā€ is actually ā€œa young womanā€.
Of course this Bible thumping woman will be unable to process any of that as ā€œthe King James Bible was good enough for Jesus and itā€™s good enough for meā€
Perhaps she should study the commandment that reads ā€œYou shall have no other gods besides Meā€ condemning idol worship.

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:46:46pm

re: #258 Barefoot Grin

When one door closes another one opens.

Please let it be the door to Hell.

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:47:34pm

re: #276 jaunte

No platform, but we got bullets.

[Embedded content]

The GOP were originally planning on just recycling their 2016 platform and then discovered that it was all targeting Obama and not appropriate. In any case, platforms are irrelevant documents designed to promote issues that the base loves ā€” and then are forgotten as soon as they are adopted.

FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Capt'nšŸ˜·Trips  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:48:27pm
jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:49:12pm

re: #284 Hecubaā€™s daughter

recycling their 2016 platform and then discovered that it was all targeting Obama

Their constant incompetence continues to be stunning. Doesnā€™t anyone read or think about what they put out? No, of course not.

I Would Prefer Not To  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:49:17pm

re: #285 FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Captā€™nšŸ˜·Trips

[Embedded content]

Did the pool boy give her a WAP?

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:49:45pm

re: #266 A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!

I see you didnā€™t read her tweets.

Marianneā€™s? I did.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:50:34pm
Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:51:20pm

re: #262 šŸŒ¹UOJB!

Well my Spidey Sense is thinking that this Conway shtick was a ruse all along that allowed George and Kellyanne to back away from their respective roles.

A dysfunctional family produces dysfunctional kids. I donā€™t think Kellyanne would give up her lying gig so easily. I mean, would you turn down a job where you get paid to do what youā€™re good at?

FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Capt'nšŸ˜·Trips  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:52:45pm


Barefoot Grin  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:53:24pm

Iā€™ll bet the Conways were thinking they could manage it until she tweeted that she wants to intern for AOC.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:55:41pm

re: #291 FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Captā€™nšŸ˜·Trips


[Embedded content]

No words.

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:55:58pm

re: #291 FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Captā€™nšŸ˜·Trips


[Embedded content]

There was a video the other day that I didnā€™t post. A copā€™s K9 got loose, and was barking at another dog through a fence. So the cop shot the other dog. And the worst part was that it didnā€™t kill the dog. I mentally couldnā€™t post it here.

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:56:33pm

Still eagerly waiting to hear that Kellyanne was Anonymous. (Probably not true but that would be fun!)

I Would Prefer Not To  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:57:54pm

re: #295 Hecubaā€™s daughter

Still eagerly waiting to hear that Kellyanne was Anonymous. (Probably not true but that would be fun!)

It was Barron.

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 23, 2020 • 7:59:22pm

I wonder how the other Conway kids are doing right now.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:05:54pm

re: #287 I Would Prefer Not To

Did the pool boy give her a WAP?

O.M.G. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

danarchy  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:08:51pm

re: #218 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™ve replaced the main lighting in my home with the equivalent in LED lighting. Itā€™s been a solid investment so far. With that said, using an incandescent for a heat-related application only makes sense. Not really any other option, physically speaking.

I am imagining giving a kid an easy bake oven with an LED bulb and the ensuing disappointment.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:08:58pm
Mike Lamb  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:09:12pm

re: #291 FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Captā€™nšŸ˜·Trips


[Embedded content]

Oh my God.

sagehen  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:10:28pm

re: #267 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

When two high profile peopleā€™s kid announces publicly that sheā€™s seeKing emancipation, thereā€™s a big family problem

I wonder how much of George and Kellyā€™s ā€œpolitical disagreementsā€ might be expressed in knock down drag out screaming and throwing things disputes in the home. Perhaps family counseling has the possibility of being at least partially effective.

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:10:38pm

re: #291 FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Captā€™nšŸ˜·Trips


[Embedded content]

There is zero excuse with that many cops around.

šŸŒ¹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:10:47pm

These thug police wonā€™t stop until every last one of them are held accountable for their actions

Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:12:03pm

It kind of tells me that the cops didnā€™t really have anything on him, but were waiting for resisting arrest.

FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Capt'nšŸ˜·Trips  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:15:00pm
jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:19:28pm
I Would Prefer Not To  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:24:36pm

re: #298 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

O.M.G. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Might have to write that into my set.

FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Capt'nšŸ˜·Trips  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:24:49pm

Well, that seems like something that might be a problem

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:25:23pm

re: #302 sagehen

I wonder how much of George and Kellyā€™s ā€œpolitical disagreementsā€ might be expressed in knock down drag out screaming and throwing things disputes in the home. Perhaps family counseling has the possibility of being at least partially effective.

Its definitely not good when your daughter tweets to the world she has suffered years of abuse. No wonder both Conways are dropping out. Hope they can resolve their issues.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:25:57pm

re: #282 cat-tikvah

Did you know that there are translation errors in the Holy Bible?
There is no commandment ā€œDo not killā€ - itā€™s ā€œDo not murderā€; self defense is necessary.
Also the proof text ā€œa virgin will conceiveā€ is actually ā€œa young womanā€.
Of course this Bible thumping woman will be unable to process any of that as ā€œthe King James Bible was good enough for Jesus and itā€™s good enough for meā€
Perhaps she should study the commandment that reads ā€œYou shall have no other gods besides Meā€ condemning idol worship.

Itā€™s not my job to defend the Bible. I donā€™t care if there are ā€œtranslation errorsā€ or not. I care if its claims can be demonstrated to be true. They cannot, though lots of its claims can be demonstrated as false.

It doesnā€™t matter anyway. Each group thinks the other has a false theology, they all think Muslims do, most think Jews do, and Muslims and Jews return the favour.

They all agree Iā€™m going to hell though (however they want to define that).

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:27:59pm

re: #285 FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Captā€™nšŸ˜·Trips

Good Christian, blaming his wife to deflect from his own adultery.

Interesting Times  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:28:27pm

re: #302 sagehen

I wonder how much of George and Kellyā€™s ā€œpolitical disagreementsā€ might be expressed in knock down drag out screaming and throwing things disputes in the home. Perhaps family counseling has the possibility of being at least partially effective.

Erā€¦it might be a good deal more serious than that:

The black-hearted cynical view is that Claudia has her motherā€™s knack for alternative facts and the entire family is engaged in elaborate performance artā€¦but given Kellyanneā€™s character (or lack thereof), Claudiaā€™s story as-is seems entirely plausible.

retired cynic  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:29:49pm

re: #313 Interesting Times

This is totally a wait and see for me.

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:34:52pm

re: #313 Interesting Times

Erā€¦it might be a good deal more serious than that:

I am three thousand miles from this, and I know none of the parties. Taking sides appears to me to be a bad idea, even if one of them ā€” from here ā€” looks more sympathetic than another. How do I know whoā€™s telling the truth? How do I know theyā€™re not all lying?

This is why twitter is a lousy place to argue. And lousy grounds for taking sides.

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:35:14pm

re: #314 retired cynic

This is totally a wait and see for me.

I donā€™t know what sort of problems Claudia Conway has or doesnā€™t have in her family. That sort of advice is the same crap I got in the Seventies.


Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:38:20pm

re: #313 Interesting Times

Erā€¦it might be a good deal more serious than that:

[Embedded content]

The black-hearted cynical view is that Claudia has her motherā€™s knack for alternative facts and the entire family is engaged in elaborate performance artā€¦but given Kellyanneā€™s character (or lack thereof), Claudiaā€™s story as-is seems entirely plausible.

If sheā€™s telling the truth she needs help. If sheā€™s lying she needs help.

sagehen  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:44:28pm

re: #311 Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·

It doesnā€™t matter anyway. Each group thinks the other has a false theology, they all think Muslims do, most think Jews do, and Muslims and Jews return the favour.

They all agree Iā€™m going to hell though (however they want to define that).

Jews donā€™t believe in hell. Does that help?

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:54:04pm

re: #318 sagehen

Thanks! I was going to mention that as well.
My husband is an atheist. Iā€™m Jewish, but Iā€™m a whole lot less concerned with what people believe than in how they act.
My point before was that many people vehemently defend what they claim is the literal word of God, which in this case is rife with mistranslations and in which interpretation is everything.
It seems a fundamental (no pun intended) human challenge to live in a free and open society and be able to navigate the cognitive dissonance in saying that your own religious truth is neither negated or threatened by someone elseā€™s different religious truth.
Perhaps this is easier if you have had the experience of living as a minority in a majority culture. I donā€™t need other people to be the same as me; I only need them to acknowledge my freedom to not be like them.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:09:33pm

re: #253 Hecubaā€™s daughter

Looks like the problems with her daughter are leading to a change in career:

[Embedded content]

I think itā€™s more a case of rats fleeing the sinking ship. ā€œSpending more time with my familyā€ is a well-known alibi for a political figure seeking a way out.

Eventual Carrion  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:19:00am

re: #154 Barefoot Grin

Iā€™d like to distract you with a time-travel joke, but you didnā€™t like it.

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