WATCH LIVE: US Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump

Politics • Views: 21,222


The Senate Impeachment Trial of Former President Trump continues with arguments from the House managers.

UPDATE at 2/10/21 10:40:54 am by Charles Johnson

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Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:21:02am

Make sure he never returns to national office!!!

Barefoot Grin  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:26:05am

Lester Maddox said the answer to conditions in GA prisons was a “better class of prisoner,” but I don’t see Trump really classing the joint up.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:26:12am

Sixteen hours of the house managers presentations. How am I supposed to get anything done over the next two days? I ordered a Target pickup order so I guess I can listen to it on MN Public Radio for a while.

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:27:28am

This is America. It’s the America of the KKK.

Dr. Matt  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:29:10am

In Summary: The QOP want to suspend Section 4 of the constitution every January during an outgoing administration.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:29:14am

re: #4 No Malarkey!

This is America. It’s the America of the KKK.

We have been living in an Alternate Media Reality for some time now, it is starting to lose its ability to dictate the narrative, but it still remains strong across much of the nation.

Dr. Matt  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:30:44am


stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:31:27am

One of the first things that Jamie Raskin did was provide a parental (and teacher’s) warning about graphic content they’ll be presenting. He said they would try to provide advanced warning for such content.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:35:48am

re: #7 Dr. Matt


[Embedded content]

Well that’s the best match up between a client and attorney I’ve ever seen. It’s right up there with the crawling-on-all-fours, convict adopting defense lawyer in the dog mailing case.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:41:12am

I wonder how many pens Rand Paul is going to break while doodling through this prosecution?

Dr. Matt  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:41:54am
“We will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield, we will never give in, we will never give up, we will never back down, we will never, ever surrender”

Hërr Stephen Miller thought this sounded like Churchill when he wrote it.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:47:14am

re: #11 Dr. Matt

Hërr Stephen Miller thought this sounded like Churchill when he wrote it.

more like Captain Taggart in Galaxy Quest

Dr. Matt  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:48:09am

re: #12 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

more like Captain Taggart in Galaxy Quest

Highly underrated movie.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:50:01am

re: #13 Dr. Matt

Highly underrated movie.

I read that a sequel was in the works but was sidelined by the demise of co-star Alan Rickman, although it is still being reworked

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:50:30am
Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:52:26am

Ask the Rs:
What do you think would have happened if they got through the doors?

You think they we’re going to pull back on all that rhetoric and talk?
Air their grievances?
Discuss policy?

Optionally and optimally: what the fuck is wrong with you and your party?

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:53:32am

re: #5 Dr. Matt

In Summary: The QOP want to suspend Section 4 of the constitution every January during an outgoing Republican administration.

Dr. Matt  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:54:16am

Twitter says Trump ban is permanent, even if he runs in 2024

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:54:46am

re: #15 🌹UOJB!

There are plenty of people who still insist that it was a false-flag op: the equivalent of shouting “Theater!” at a crowded fire.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:55:19am
jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:58:42am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 10, 2021 • 9:59:53am

re: #20 jaunte

Look….the Senate GOP is likely to let Trump walk but in so doing they’ll confirm that the Republican Party is the MAGA/QAnon party and there will be no coming back from that.

That was also the point of the first Impeachment Trial, to make the GOP go on record as having no trouble with Trump’s flouting of the law and abuse of powers.

(((Archangel1)))  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:01:47am

Former ambassador making a fool of himself

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:04:05am

re: #23 (((Archangel1)))

Former ambassador making a fool of himself

[Embedded content]

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:08:18am
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:09:27am
Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:09:27am

re: #25 jaunte

One of the number one things I have to constantly tell myself when I am speaking in public or doing one of my videos for YouTube is: SLOW DOWN.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:10:10am

re: #27 Eclectic Cyborg

One of the number one things I have to constantly tell myself when I am speaking in public or doing one of my videos for YouTube is: SLOW DOWN.

Ditto when playing music…kills the groove

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:10:29am

I wonder if Fox News is televising the trial? This would be the first time most of them were exposed to reality about Trump.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:16:36am

re: #29 No Malarkey!

I wonder if Fox News is televising the trial? This would be the first time most of them were exposed to reality about Trump.

Too bad about Covid - Fox could probably use a missing white girl in some tropical paradise about now.

Teukka  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:21:11am

An article that caught my attention:
How to deprogram America’s extremists [Axios]

It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month’s attack on the Capitol, experts tell Axios.
Online platforms, meanwhile, must be unwavering in their commitment to root out conspiracy theories and lies that undermine faith in democracy, according to experts interviewed by Axios.
The U.S. needs a “Marshall Plan against domestic extremism,” Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies, told Axios.
The latest: Twitter’s ongoing purge of far-right conspiracy theorists who have spread the lie that Trump won the 2020 election continued apace over the weekend, as the company suspended the account of Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft.
A key part of breaking extremists’ rising mainstream influence will be making it unacceptable for white nationalists, anti-government extremists and conspiracy theorists to serve in the military, in police forces or as lawmakers.
One idea, courtesy of Christian Picciolini, a former neo-Nazi leader who founded the Free Radicals Project, which works to help people leave violent extremist groups: a “single entry point” akin to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline “that people recognize, that people trust, that people understand.”
The bottom line: “Any sort of solution is going to have to be holistic and is going to have to have empathy at its core,” said Jared Holt, a visiting research fellow with the Atlantic Council.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:24:09am
Dr. Matt  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:24:50am

re: #29 No Malarkey!

I wonder if Fox News is televising the trial? This would be the first time most of them were exposed to reality about Trump.

Their website is “on point”:

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:26:59am

re: #33 Dr. Matt

Their website is “on point”:

[Embedded content]

Did we expect anything else from FAUX?


darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:27:27am

If the Senate acquits, they take this defense away from all of the people using it.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:28:48am

re: #33 Dr. Matt

“Link” being that they use the same brand of soy sauce?

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:29:06am

re: #35 darthstar

The senators will eagerly grind up a few followers to retain power.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:29:22am


jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:30:35am
jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:37:31am
Barefoot Grin  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:37:34am

Trump’s lawyers’ only defense was “unconstitutionality” of the impeachment trial. That’s gone. They have nothing left. How will they fill their hours?

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:38:21am
Belafon  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:38:33am

re: #33 Dr. Matt

Their website is “on point”:

[Embedded content]

I forget, which one is it and what was the story about the spy?

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:39:53am

re: #42 Charles Johnson

That’s been a foregone conclusion since Day 1. I can only hope that one day, the GOP will finally be held to account for this shameful chapter in American history.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:40:13am

An acquittal will mean the case will continue, right in the face of every Republican who runs for any office.

Teukka  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:40:48am

Evening noms in this Lizardim’s lair:

Chinese Cuisine Inspired Sweet & Sour Pork…
Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:43:39am
lawhawk  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:43:56am
Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:46:27am

Biden was just on announcing sanctions against the Burmese coup, including the individual leaders. This involves a freeze on both government and individual assets. Joe pointedly added that humanitarian programs would not be affected.

TedStriker  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:48:48am

re: #48 lawhawk

Guess what, Larcenous Louie? We’re coming to put you out on your ass (and, hopefully, put it in jail)…

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:49:37am

re: #48 lawhawk

It’s a start. DeJoy has got to go. 💯

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:50:30am
stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:57:48am

re: #27 Eclectic Cyborg

One of the number one things I have to constantly tell myself when I am speaking in public or doing one of my videos for YouTube is: SLOW DOWN.

The one time I spoke at a hearing in front of the St. Paul city council, I froze up in a panic before I started talking and just stared at everyone thinking I was going to have to sit down without saying anything. I did eventually manage to get my statement out, and I got compliments from some friends and the president of the council for the way that I sized up and stared down everyone before I spoke.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 10:59:07am
plansbandc  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:00:50am

re: #54 darthstar

My sister-in-law would go nuts over your dogs. She’s had cattle dog mixes forever.

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:02:06am
jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:03:47am
darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:04:11am
Belafon  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:05:09am

re: #56 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

And that’s the reason this trial needs to go on, even if Republicans refuse to convict him. And Democrats need to figure out a way to get some type of testimony from the rioters.

Belafon  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:06:09am

re: #58 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Though I think Sarah just wants to make another video, which I totally agree with.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:06:30am
BlueSpotinAL  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:07:09am


I endorse this choice.

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:07:15am
jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:08:12am

Trump supporters are unable to see this photo.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:09:33am
William Lewis  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:09:42am

re: #62 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Correlation. I have had heavy financial problems and have not abandoned the constitution or socialism.

Now they may well claim it as justification…

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:10:44am
jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:11:01am
Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:12:17am

Even the best things often turn out to be terrible when you get a look behind the scenes.

Charisma Carpenter Details Buffy/ Angel Boss Joss Whedon’s Allegedly ‘Toxic’ and ‘Hostile’ Misconduct: ‘I Can No Longer Remain Silent’ (MSN-TVLine)

Belafon  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:12:17am

re: #67 William Lewis

Correlation. I have had heavy financial problems and have not abandoned the constitution or socialism.

Now they may well claim it as justification…

I think the prior is pretty high, it just doesn’t apply to everyone. These are people who think they deserve to succeed and take gambles accordingly, but when they fail, they don’t adjust their behavior.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:13:08am

re: #68 Dread Pirate Ron

Someone should sneak a cam in the balcony to check what HeeHawley is watching on his phone.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:15:11am
Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:15:29am
🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:15:39am

re: #65 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Trump supporters are unable to see this photo.

Relatives insist that was photoshopped.

TedStriker  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:15:58am

re: #63 BlueSpotinAL

I’d probably put that behind a private tag…can’t be too safe these days with the Web and the ease for determined (and often ill-intentioned) people to put 2+2 together.


Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:16:54am

re: #58 darthstar

Nicolle was my favorite Republican until she left the party because of Trump.

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:19:29am
stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:19:57am

re: #77 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Nicolle was my favorite Republican until she left the party because of Trump.

It’s fun when she brings Lincoln Project members on her show, and good fireworks fly when Nicolle, Rachael, and Joy get together.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:20:07am
BlueSpotinAL  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:20:36am

re: #76 TedStriker

I was of two minds about it - I am proud of where I work. We have handled the covid pandemic well, and for all her faults Governor MeeMaw does listen to us.

But put behind private tag anyway.

Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:23:21am

Catching up on 2x speed.

Belafon  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:23:37am

re: #80 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I would love for the House members to bring up information showing their involvement.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:23:45am
TedStriker  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:23:53am

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:24:49am

Good to hear the opening arguments in the Georgia trial getting previewed.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:25:09am
darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:26:08am

re: #80 jaunte

re: #83 Belafon

I would love for the House members to bring up information showing their involvement.

I think it would be great if they did, but they won’t. Senators would balk at any accusations of complicity with Trump even though they know it’s true.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:26:37am

re: #88 darthstar

I think it would be great if they did, but they won’t. Senators would balk at any accusations of complicity with Trump even though they know it’s true.

But I do expect a House investigation into these GOP Senators in the coming months.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:26:44am

re: #87 Dread Pirate Ron

Oh it’s more like, “We’re doing God’s Will and it doesn’t matter what those Democrats think!”

Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:26:46am

Rookie mistake with that tweet with a link leading to Carlson’s article, a good defense could seize this and say the managers are distorting the facts because it was evidence in Trump’s head when he posted it etc. etc. An entirely avoidable, if small, shot in own foot.

TedStriker  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:27:17am

re: #81 BlueSpotinAL

I was of two minds about it - I am proud of where I work. We have handled the covid pandemic well, and for all her faults Governor MeeMaw does listen to us.

But put behind private tag anyway.


jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:28:30am

Think how many of these same senators received threatening calls from Trump themselves.

Belafon  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:31:51am

re: #91 Nyet

Rookie mistake with that tweet with a link leading to Carlson’s article, a good defense could seize this and say the managers are distorting the facts because it was evidence in Trump’s head when he posted it etc. etc. An entirely avoidable, if small, shot in own foot.

Not as useful as you’re implying since Trump kept saying it after the correction.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:32:06am

re: #65 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Trump supporters are unable to see this photo.

Trump supporters: “It doesn’t look like anything to me”

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:32:10am

I was out walking Merle and Milo this morning and got sand in my shoes, so I had to sit down on the beach for a minute to clear them.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:32:40am
No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:33:58am

re: #59 Belafon

And that’s the reason this trial needs to go on, even if Republicans refuse to convict him. And Democrats need to figure out a way to get some type of testimony from the rioters.

They did have video of realtor Jenna Ryan.

Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:34:05am

re: #94 Belafon

Not as useful as you’re implying since Trump kept saying it after the correction.

The correction still says “dead people voted”.

plansbandc  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:34:21am

I think if the mob had murdered any of the R Congress members, the surviving members would still have kissed Needy’s ass. A few dead coworkers means less competition for his love.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:36:16am
BlueSpotinAL  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:37:21am

Polenta with mushroom Italian sausage ragu, while working. OK, taking a break.

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:37:38am

re: #100 plansbandc

I think if the mob had murdered any of the R Congress members, the surviving members would still have kissed Needy’s ass. A few dead coworkers means less competition for his love.

A too close to reality Onion story.

Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:40:57am

re: #102 BlueSpotinAL

Polenta with mushroom Italian sausage ragu, while working. OK, taking a break.

[Embedded content]

08. Borat - Magic Mamaliga (OST)

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:43:26am
Eventual Carrion  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:44:38am

re: #78 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

They spelt ‘irrelevant’ incorrectly.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:44:46am

Stacey Plaskett - delegate from the US Virgin Islands…how’s that for diversity?

Fox must be apoplectic.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:45:39am

re: #102 BlueSpotinAL


darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:45:50am

re: #78 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Did Ingraham get cancelled too?

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:47:13am

re: #109 darthstar

Did Ingraham get cancelled too?

No, she’s still on at the same time. They moved other wingnuts around.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:48:09am

re: #71 Belafon

I think the prior is pretty high, it just doesn’t apply to everyone. These are people who think they deserve to succeed and take gambles accordingly, but when they fail, they don’t adjust their behavior.

When I was involved in talk radio, I noticed a rather striking common characteristic among the outspokenly conservative, especially libertarian, activists. Almost without exception, they were people who had not done as well in life as their parents. These were not office holders but the people who advocate, raise funds and preach the word on a regular basis.
One guy, a Bircher and crypto-nazi who was given to hysterics, was the son of a famous surgeon. By the time I knew him, he was in his late 50s but had never had a paying job in his life. He called himself an investment advisor but he actually ran a whole menagerie of MLM scams. Another one, the local lepertarian chair, was even older and had likewise never had a paying job. He came from a big ranching family and called himself a music promoter. He actually lived on a dwindling inheritance in a ramshackle house he had also inherited but could not afford to maintain.
What is going on there? I think it is aggrieved entitlement. They believe they were born to status, and they don’t really have any.
Rather than blame themselves and their various fuck-ups, they turn all responsibility outward, to “others” who have stolen their birthright.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:48:46am

re: #110 Charles Johnson

No, she’s still on at the same time. They moved other wingnuts around.

That’s unfortunate.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:49:14am
stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:49:22am

I wish that the house presenters had brought in someone to sanitize the podium in between speakers like Biden always does. It would have made a point.

Dr. Matt  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:50:46am

They are playing the “Proud Boys stand back and stand by” clip. Boom.

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:51:55am
No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:52:14am
Hecuba's daughter  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:53:00am

re: #100 plansbandc

I think if the mob had murdered any of the R Congress members, the surviving members would still have kissed Needy’s ass. A few dead coworkers means less competition for his love.

They were probably hoping that the mob would focus its fury on Democrats and thereby help Republicans retake the Senate and the House, by removing a few officeholders.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:53:37am

re: #116 Charles Johnson

Look at the way they treated the BLM protests - fucking driving through people! Pretending to join in the protests to instigate riots! All of this was explicitly encouraged, calling BLM and Antifa “the enemy”, “those people”, and defending the “very fine people” who performed those despicable acts.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:54:13am

re: #117 No Malarkey!

Marco’s a useless wimp. We can impeach Trump and then we can charge him but Mr. Sanctimonious Bible Verse Prick would complain then.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:54:22am
darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:54:33am

re: #117 No Malarkey!

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:54:49am
Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:54:52am

Mosley it is. Harry is not infallible, though he is pretty damn close.

Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:54:52am

Watching the impeachment reminds me of watching Seth Meyers, but there’s no funny after the clips of Trumpist insanity.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:55:00am

re: #119 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Look at the way they treated the BLM protests - fucking driving through people! Pretending to join in the protests to instigate riots! All of this was explicitly encouraged, calling BLM and Antifa “the enemy”, “those people”, and defending the “very fine people” who performed those despicable acts.

We’ve been seeing conservatives trying to find legal loopholes to attack protesters for awhile now. It’s fucking sick.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:56:23am

re: #123 Charles Johnson

Jason Isbell is one of my favorite singer songwriters.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:58:06am

re: #127 darthstar

Jason Isbell is one of my favorite singer songwriters.

I really want to see him perform live when live music is a thing again. My last live show was Drive By Truckers.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Feb 10, 2021 • 11:59:07am

Paralegal hot take here but the impeachment managers have been great. Proud of all them.

Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:03:45pm

“Destroy the GOP”
I guess I don’t entirely disagree with Trump’s cult.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:04:29pm

They pretty much saw 1/6 as their Lexington and Concord but it was actually our version of the ‘23 Beer Hall putsch. The footage has terrified me and honestly all that’s gone on has made me disengage a little out of sadness, anger, confusion, & frustration.

danarchy  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:04:40pm

re: #43 Belafon

I forget, which one is it and what was the story about the spy?

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:09:45pm
Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:11:45pm

re: #131 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Hey HW, how are you.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:12:54pm
Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:13:11pm

Not without some bumps on the road, but the D presentation is extremely good so far.

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:14:23pm

Stacy Plaskett is doing a fantastic job, and I wish I could shut up that little voice in my head that keeps telling me, “yeah, but it’s futile.”

After all this, the GOP is still going to acquit the rotten bastard.

sagehen  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:14:35pm

There’s more to repairing federal courts than Supreme Court expansion

Yet Congress has not provided a significant increase of lower-court federal judgeships since 1990, even as our nation’s population has grown and the demands placed on our judicial system have increased. The Judicial Conference of the United States — established by statute as the official, nonpartisan, policy-making body of the federal courts — assesses judicial workload. In March 2019, the body recommended creating five new permanent appellate judgeships, 65 new permanent district court judgeships, and converting eight district court judgeships from temporary to permanent status. In fact, the Judicial Conference’s recommendation likely understates the actual need.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:16:24pm

re: #137 Charles Johnson

Good material for future Dem campaign ads though.

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:17:11pm

re: #137 Charles Johnson

Stacy Plaskett is doing a fantastic job, and I wish I could shut up that little voice in my head that keeps telling me, “yeah, but it’s futile.”

After all this, the GOP is still going to acquit the rotten bastard.

But at least the case is being made to the entire nation, so we will know what they have acquiesced to.

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:18:30pm

re: #138 sagehen

There’s more to repairing federal courts than Supreme Court expansion

GOP won’t expand the courts until there is a GOP President to make the nominations.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:18:49pm

re: #137 Charles Johnson

Stacy Plasket is doing a fantastic job, and I wish I could shut up that little voice in my head that keeps telling me, “yeah, but it’s futile.”

After all this, the GOP is still going to acquit the rotten bastard.

I know. I keep hearing the republicans saying “So what?” or “Cool”.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:18:55pm

re: #139 Eclectic Cyborg

And debates.
“Will my opponent in future whine that the election was “rigged” and “stolen as he has learned to do by Donald Trump? Will he call for violence to overturn the votes of the majority, a tactic his party approves?”

HRH Stanley Sea  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:19:34pm


LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:20:13pm

Lllre: #134 Nyet

Hey HW, how are you.

Doing well, thanks.

PrairieQueen  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:21:09pm

The outcome of this is pretty much predestined. Sure, it puts the GOP on record as doing nothing, like the first impeachment. To some people, that might mean something, but it mattered little the first time they gave him a pass. Basically, it’s the party of no consequences, ever.

This doesn’t shame the GOP. This doesn’t change the GOP’s longterm goals. It does not diminish them in the eyes of their Qunstituents. There won’t be any epiphany. And Fox News and the rest of the consipracy-feeding outlets will keep on doing what they do best: Lying about it.

The best I can hope for is humiliatingly bad legal strategy and embarrassing soundbites, for entertainment value. At this point, that isn’t much. It certainly isn’t enough.

Dr. Matt  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:21:20pm

Damn. She was impressive.

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:21:35pm

re: #143 jaunte

And debates.
“Will my opponent in future whine that the election was “rigged” and “stolen as he has learned to do by Donald Trump? Will he call for violence to overturn the votes of the majority, a tactic his party approves?”

There is maybe, less than a 1% chance, that they will say, “wow, we didn’t know all of this, but now we do, we have to convict.” Not holding my breath.

nines09  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:21:37pm


No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:22:11pm

re: #147 Dr. Matt

Damn. She was impressive.

The FBI needs to have a chat with Dan Scavino.

garzooma  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:22:51pm

re: #139 Eclectic Cyborg

Good material for future Dem campaign ads though.

If they choose to make them. I don’t know if they used anything from the first impeachment. In fact, AFAIK, none of the Democratic presidential candidates made GOP abuse of power a major theme of their campaigns.

Jay C  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:24:15pm

re: #124 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Mosley it is. Harry is not infallible, though he is pretty damn close.

Actually William Joyce (otherwise-obscure British Fascist) was “Lord Haw Haw” ), Oswald Mosley mostly spent the war in slam.

EPR-radar  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:25:44pm

re: #146 PrairieQueen

The outcome of this is pretty much predestined. Sure, it puts the GOP on record as doing nothing, like the first impeachment. To some people, that might mean something, but it mattered little the first time they gave him a pass. Basically, it’s the party of no consequences, ever.

This doesn’t shame the GOP. This doesn’t change the GOP’s longterm goals. It does not diminish them in the eyes of their Qunstituents. There won’t be any epiphany. And Fox News and the rest of the consipracy-feeding outlets will keep on doing what they do best: Lying about it.

The best I can hope for is humiliatingly bad legal strategy and embarrassing soundbites, for entertainment value. At this point, that isn’t much. It certainly isn’t enough.

What I’m hoping for out of this is significant damage to the great both-sides lie of much of the mainstream media.

Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:26:50pm

Love her using these excerpts from the pro-Trump sites.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:26:56pm

re: #148 No Malarkey!

They know their voters.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:27:34pm
The Ghost of a Flea  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:27:52pm

re: #135 jaunte

Aspiring to mid-level goon status, where you can truncheon someone whimsically twice a day without filling out a form

and are automatically entered into raffle for who gets to hold the mop at this week’s elite blood orgy.

William Lewis  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:31:46pm
Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:35:04pm

Wingnuts were hoping to use the “it was all preplanned so his speech had no effect” argument, the Dems have masterfully preempted this.

The Ghost of a Flea  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:35:51pm

For all the Conan-the-Barbarian posturing, most of these people want nothing more than a Daddy who will tell them the sick shit they want to do is okay.

As I’ve said before, they’re not brave enough to actualize as libertines, so they’ve reached this mealy compromise where they co-opt existing moral and legal structures to create authority figures that tell them that *actually* Castle Silling is necessary to the moral character of the nation, and nothing that goes on there is actually bad.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:37:20pm
Belafon  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:40:36pm

re: #146 PrairieQueen

The outcome of this is pretty much predestined. Sure, it puts the GOP on record as doing nothing, like the first impeachment. To some people, that might mean something, but it mattered little the first time they gave him a pass. Basically, it’s the party of no consequences, ever.

This doesn’t shame the GOP. This doesn’t change the GOP’s longterm goals. It does not diminish them in the eyes of their Qunstituents. There won’t be any epiphany. And Fox News and the rest of the consipracy-feeding outlets will keep on doing what they do best: Lying about it.

The best I can hope for is humiliatingly bad legal strategy and embarrassing soundbites, for entertainment value. At this point, that isn’t much. It certainly isn’t enough.

All it takes is 1-2% of Republicans to decide they can’t support the party anymore and the party will be hurting.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:41:57pm

I heard some doucecanoe from the federalist on the BBC coming back from the dentist this morning - they’re wearing mini-space suits, now - who was proclaiming how normal and ‘murikan everything about 6 Jan was. Gallows (there was a guillotine at the WH during BLM, dontcha know) and we fight for everything, and it was just good ole campaigning and shit-for-brains was a calming influence. But the was only so much Razia Iqbal could say without screaming, you’re fucking lying — she didn’t, unfortunately.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:43:16pm
Eventual Carrion  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:44:25pm

re: #151 garzooma

If they choose to make them. I don’t know if they used anything from the first impeachment. In fact, AFAIK, none of the Democratic presidential candidates made GOP abuse of power a major theme of their campaigns.

But then there were no visuals/audio as we have now of this incident. Then there was testimony of “the call” but no audio and no real transcript. Now there is visual recording and audio recordings of the event, along with actual people dead and maimed. Might make a difference.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:45:52pm

re: #164 jaunte

That seems like it could be illegal.

Dr. Matt  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:46:55pm

re: #164 jaunte

Trump hid $771m in campaign spending from the public.

$771 MILLION!?! WTF.

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:49:55pm

re: #165 Eventual Carrion

But then there were no visuals/audio as we have now of this incident. Then there was testimony of “the call” but no audio and no real transcript. Now there is visual recording and audio recordings of the event, along with actual people dead and maimed. Might make a difference.

And covid-19 was a much more immediate issue.

The Ghost of a Flea  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:54:42pm

re: #161 jaunte

This is why I called them mid-level goons.

They’ve accepted the idea of hierarchy mattering more than any kind of consistent position, such that it makes sense that the guy with the most power could send a mob to attack Congress…if they could acquire that power, they’d use it the same way, and therefore can’t bring themselves to condemn that power…and they’re angrier about the idea that they could be deprived of that power than they are that they were subject to that power.

The instinct to get under somebody with more power is stronger than any ideology. The aspiration to get a little more unchecked power is all that matters.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:54:45pm

re: #164 jaunte

Simon Rosenberg
Trump hid $771m in campaign spending from the public.

That’s really rich given all the facilities and people who never got paid by the campaign.

mmmirele  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:55:22pm

re: #152 Jay C

Actually William Joyce (otherwise-obscure British Fascist) was “Lord Haw Haw” ), Oswald Mosley mostly spent the war in slam.

I dunno…Mosley was also a member of the British aristocracy. He spent part of his time in stir with his wife, Diana Mitford (also an aristocrat and a fascist who was married to Mosley in the presence of Goebbels and Hitler). They were housed in the women’s prison Holloway until November 1943, then on house arrest.They weren’t granted passports until 1949.

For the record, Diana Mitford’s younger sister, Jessica (Decca), emigrated to the USA at the start of WW2 and ended up in the Communist Party. I remember reading in Decca’s autobiography that she and her husband and children applied for passports, shouldn’t have gotten them (because KNOWN COMMUNISTS), got them anyway, and went to the UK and Europe for several weeks. Their passports were confiscated upon their return but ultimately they got passports again in the 1960s.

Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:56:13pm

They can only pull five of six doses from each vial.

Japan to discard millions of Pfizer vaccine doses because it has wrong syringes (The Guardian)

Patricia Kayden  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:56:29pm

But for Trump, no insurrection on January 6th

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:57:17pm

I’m watching this on PBS and the republican consultant that they’re talking with on breaks is just incredibly rancid. Her smile could spoil milk.

EPR-radar  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:58:20pm

So far, it seem the worst consequence that Trump has faced for anything, ever, is the loss of his Twitter account.

Let’s hope that state-level criminal prosecutions and convictions change that ridiculous state of affairs.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 12:59:30pm

David Corn:

“…With this trial, the Republicans are in the dock. Trump’s infamy is already guaranteed. In the years ahead, Americans will watch the 13-minute-long video compiled by the impeachment managers—as we now watch the videos of the brutality on the Edmund Pettus Bridge or the footage of the Kent State shootings—and render the obvious and appropriate judgment. There will be no changing that. But the Republicans had a chance to separate themselves from this American horror story. To show they are a party, not a cult. To demonstrate they are loyal to the Constitution, not to a narcissist who conned millions into believing his dangerous lies. And they said, no thanks, we’ll stick with what we got. This is no shocker. It’s been their M.O. since they joined in with the “lock her up” chants at the GOP convention in 2016 and cheered Trump’s “American carnage” speech at his inauguration. They have continuously excused or embraced Trump’s brutal demagoguery and his never-ending deceit. And they are now doing the same even when Trumpism has turned violent and threatened the national security of the United States. With their vote on the opening day of the trial—and with their presumed votes ahead to acquit—these GOP senators are chaining themselves to Trump for all time, and that is certainly a fitting punishment for them.”

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:00:17pm
jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:01:01pm

He planned it directly.

EPR-radar  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:05:29pm

re: #178 jaunte

Look at that. The closest thing to a smoking gun one can get out of someone as intrinsically disordered as Trump.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:06:24pm

re: #176 jaunte

Reporter on PBS says that a republican senator told her that they’re not hearing anything they haven’t already been told. This presentation by the house is purely for the public, which is actually a good thing.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:07:35pm

re: #180 stpaulbear

Sounds like a minimizing “old news, nothing to see here” kind of comment.

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:07:41pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:09:06pm


Totally not a cult.

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts called on constituents to contact Sen. Ben Sasse to tell his office how they feel about Sasse criticising Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, the state GOP has postponed their emergency meeting to censure Sen. Sasse due to the bitter cold.

The Republican governor, a consistent backer of Trump during his presidency, did not say, when asked, whether the former president should face some sort of sanction for urging thousands of his supporters, at a rally on Jan. 6, to “fight like hell” and march to the U.S. Capitol. Ricketts said that each individual who broke into the Capitol made that decision on their own.

Ricketts calls for ‘dialogue’ with Sen. Sasse over comments about Trump (Omaha World-Herald, fifteen minutes ago)

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:09:34pm
Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:10:19pm

re: #178 jaunte

He planned it directly.

That’s a pretty damning fact. First real news from this trial, actually.

Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:12:18pm

Part 2.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:12:39pm

re: #183 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

hiTotally not a cult.

Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts called on constituents to contact Sen. Ben Sasse to tell his office how they feel about Sasse criticising Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, the state GOP has postponed their emergency meeting to censure Sen. Sasse due to the bitter cold.

Ricketts calls for ‘dialogue’ with Sen. Sasse over comments about Trump (Omaha World-Herald, fifteen minutes ago)

So have you and your wife sent your letters yet? It works both ways. :)

BeenHereAwhile  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:13:06pm

re: #164 jaunte

Trump hid $771m in campaign spending from the public

That’s why, even tho they raised $1 billion+, the Trump campaign ran out of money towards the end of the campaign.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:13:57pm

re: #187 stpaulbear

So have you and your wife sent your letters yet? It works both ways. :)

I’ve already called his office to tell him I appreciated his truthful assessment about Trump followers being a cult.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:14:39pm

re: #184 Charles Johnson

I think you can play a section of In The Court of the Crimson King.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:16:48pm

re: #190 stpaulbear

I think you can play a section of In The Court of the Crimson King.

Oops. I meant 21st Century Schizoid Man.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:19:18pm


Teukka  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:20:02pm
John Hughes  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:20:35pm

re: #124 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Mosley it is. Harry is not infallible, though he is pretty damn close.

[Embedded content]

he’s also wrong about “Haw Haw” being a traitor.
Joyce (his real name) was an American, and so couldn’t be a traitor to Britain (even if he obtained a British passport under false pretences).

(Android turned even into reborn, which was pretty funny in context).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:28:52pm

The Party of Law and Order (tm):

Dodge County Attorney Oliver Glass (R) submitted his resignation Wednesday — eight days after getting out of jail on allegations he drove drunk and violated his probation for a March DUI.

“I, Oliver J. Glass, do hereby tender my resignation as the Dodge County Attorney,” Glass wrote the Dodge County Board. “I intend to use my last few days in office to wrap up office affairs and to assist in easing the transition process. I am most certain that the attorneys and staff members remaining in the office will keep it up and running as smoothly and efficiently as possible.”


The county commission will need to appoint a replacement until a new election can be held.

In March, Glass was driving drunk near the Christensen baseball fields on the edge of Fremont while a 911 caller followed him. Fremont police didn’t respond to the call; the caller suggested they were taking their time because they knew who it was. Eventually, a Dodge County sheriff’s deputy fell in behind Glass and pulled him over. His blood-alcohol content was .142, above the legal limit of .08.

That same month, Glass badgered the new boyfriend of his estranged wife — sending him 46 texts calling him a “faggot,” “retart” (sic) and “bitch.” Glass laced the texts with off-kilter questions about whether the boyfriend, Nathan Schany, had seen the ending of “Breaking Bad,” referencing the violent death of a character. “Such a silky game,” he wrote.

Schany had been drinking that night and said the texts, along with 10 phone calls from Glass, sent him into a tailspin, culminating in him taking one of his buddy’s Adderall pills to try to calm his anxiety. That morning, he called his parents and told them he was thinking about killing himself. His mother called Fremont police, who took him to Methodist Health-Fremont.


In April, Schany was arrested after he confronted Glass outside a Casey’s gas station and contended that Glass had been following him and Glass’s estranged wife, Katie. Schany shoved and punched Glass and later was convicted of misdemeanor assault for that incident.

In August, Glass was placed on 15 months of probation for the March DUI. As part of his probation, he was required to abstain from alcohol, and he had 60 days where he was required to blow into a device to prove he was sober before he could drive his truck.

Prosecutors allege he violated that probation at least three times. They are investigating a December crash in which he severely damaged his pickup truck during a snowstorm. Glass walked away from the crash and didn’t report it for several hours.

In mid-January, Glass tested positive for alcohol during a routine urine test administered by a probation officer. Then, about 9 p.m. Jan. 28, Glass had arrived at his estranged wife’s home to pick up his kids for his parenting time. The children, ages 9 and 11, noticed he was drunk and refused to get in the car with him.

Katie Glass called 911. Before Fremont police could arrive, Glass drove to a home owned by his parents near the Fremont Country Club. Police caught up to him there and Glass blew a .202 in a preliminary breath test, three times the legal limit.

However, after taking Glass to jail on the probation violation, Fremont police did not administer a more detailed test involving a Datamaster alcohol testing machine. That jeopardizes a second DUI prosecution of Glass — preliminary breath tests are not admissible in court.

Glass’s probation violation is pending. If convicted of that, he faces up to 60 days in jail.

Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:31:23pm
jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:33:12pm
Eric The Fruit Bat  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:37:00pm

re: #195 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Schany had been drinking that night and said the texts, along with 10 phone calls from Glass, sent him into a tailspin, culminating in him taking one of his buddy’s Adderall pills to try to calm his anxiety

Uh, Adderall don’t work that way….

HRH Stanley Sea  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:38:49pm

re: #144 HRH Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]


Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:39:16pm

Hm. “pEace oUt”.

HRH Stanley Sea  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:41:17pm

“Spazz” is one of the most creepy scary of em all.

Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:41:41pm

re: #199 HRH Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]


Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:41:50pm

Anyone who is not a pig will vote to convict.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:42:08pm

re: #152 Jay C

Actually William Joyce (otherwise-obscure British Fascist) was “Lord Haw Haw” ), Oswald Mosley mostly spent the war in slam.

I know that, but the guy in the picture is Mosley.
To make it clear, I am agreeing with the second poster that Harry had misidentified the man in the picture, who is NOT William Joyce but IS Oswald Mosley.

Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:42:16pm

re: #201 HRH Stanley Sea

“Spazz” is one of the most creepy scary of em all.

No one wants to be around a man named “Spazz.”

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:43:07pm

Plaskett is really good. This is why I didn’t get poo pooing Harris for being a former prosecutor.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:43:12pm
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:43:45pm

A lawyer, she says of the aptly named Calhoun with disgust.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:44:19pm

re: #207 jaunte

These guys are the modern SA.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:46:43pm

I just hope the Democrats are smart enough to allow for the conviction votes to be secret - that’s the only way that Trump loses, and with the subsequent vote to deny him any further chance to run for any government seat….

Belafon  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:49:24pm

re: #210 Eric The Fruit Bat

I just hope the Democrats are smart enough to allow for the conviction votes to be private - that’s the only way that Trump loses, and with the subsequent vote to deny him any further chance to run for any government seat….

I would prefer to make it impossible for Trump to run again, for sure. And let 20 of the 50 Republicans vote against him, and later have 40 of them talk about how they couldn’t vote to convict.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:49:41pm

lawhawk  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:49:48pm

Bogus ads are appearing in the NYC subways lampooning the Trump legal team.

b.d. (America is Great Again)  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:51:12pm

Washington Post story headline sums it up for me:

The Jan. 6 images were already disturbing. The impeachment-trial video makes them terrifying.

lawhawk  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:51:47pm

The same people who were out there rallying with Trump and then marched down to the Capitol all while waving their Trump flags and wearing Trump gear, are actually antifa and BLM? That’s what the know nothing right wing conspiracy mongers are going with?

That conflicts directly with the very people who were arrested who say they’re Trumpists and were misled by Trump (because they’re going to be sorry for the jail time, legal costs, and loss of income they’re going to suffer as a result of being insurrectionists).

Eric The Fruit Bat  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:52:13pm

re: #213 lawhawk

That’s a pretty good gag.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:55:08pm
lawhawk  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:56:38pm

Fuck the GOP.

This pisses me off to no end. Staffers were close to being killed or becoming hostages thanks to Trump and his insurrectionists.

How close did they get? A door. One of these fuckers broke down one door, but when facing a second, decided it wasn’t worth it.

HRH Stanley Sea  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:57:06pm

re: #202 Punish Domestic Terrorists


The Pie Overlord!  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:57:34pm


jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:57:45pm

If only he would maintain it.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:59:26pm
plansbandc  Feb 10, 2021 • 1:59:33pm

re: #218 lawhawk


Punish Domestic Terrorists  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:00:29pm

re: #219 HRH Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]


nines09  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:01:34pm

re: #198 Eric The Fruit Bat

Uh, Adderall don’t work that way….

Speed will make you sober quicker than anything besides time.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:02:13pm

re: #221 jaunte

[Embedded content]

If only he would maintain it.

Looks like Mitt is in Don Corleone mode…

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:02:15pm

re: #218 lawhawk

Fuck the GOP.

This pisses me off to no end. Staffers were close to being killed or becoming hostages thanks to Trump and his insurrectionists.

How close did they get? A door. One of these fuckers broke down one door, but when facing a second, decided it wasn’t worth it.

A vote to acquit the chief terrorist must be hung around these fuckers’ necks from now to doomsday. To that end, this footage should figure very heavily in mid-term election advertising.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:03:08pm
lawhawk  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:07:15pm

re: #228 jaunte

Pence is a fucking lunatic who is a craven coward for good measure. He wont testify. He’s afraid of the very people that Trump sicced on him. He was a loyal Trumpist right up to the moment Trump directed their attention at Pence’s loyalty to the Constitution over Trump and confirmed the EC counts.

He wont do it for the good of the nation, even if he should. I doubt he has it in him.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:07:19pm
gwangung  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:09:11pm

re: #230 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

OK, this made me laugh.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:09:22pm
Orange Impostor  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:09:31pm

re: #218 lawhawk

Fuck the GOP.

[Embedded content]

This pisses me off to no end. Staffers were close to being killed or becoming hostages thanks to Trump and his insurrectionists.

How close did they get? A door. One of these fuckers broke down one door, but when facing a second, decided it wasn’t worth it.

Never forget that there are multiple Republicans in Congress as well as the Trump inner circle whose only problem with the insurrection was that Democratic members were not killed by the rioters.

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:13:42pm

If D.C. was an open carry jurisdiction, January 6th would’ve been a bloodbath.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:14:00pm

HOLY FUCKING SHIT - the film of Schumer walking up a ramp and then running back down is fucking scary.

Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:18:57pm

The lawyers presenting the Trump case will look as assholes after this.

Belafon  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:19:57pm

Someone should tell Hawley and Cruz that they won’t be able to run in 2024 if Trump can.

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:20:43pm

cre: #237 Nyet

The lawyers presenting the Trump case will look as assholes after this.

They looked like assholes when they took his case.

The audio from the Capitol Police is horrifying.

danarchy  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:21:50pm

re: #230 Dread Pirate Ron

There is an easy solution to this…don’t do video unless it is actually necessary ffs. I keep my video off during meetings unless absolutely necessary, and most of the time it isn’t necessary. A study recently showed that audio only uses something like 96% less energy than an SD video call so it is greener too. HD is almost twice as bad as SD and Ultra HD is even more than twice the energy cost of HD.

Unless you are talking to grandkids, family, friends who you actually want to see, video is so pointless on most calls.

Jay C  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:27:15pm

re: #196 Charles Johnson

Unfortunately,I really don’t think it’s a matter of “seriously underestimated” as it is “seriously don’t give a shit”.

Today’s Republican Party…

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:27:24pm
Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:27:49pm

just tuned in to the last 30 minutes

i want to scream at the R’s - what the hell is wrong with you??

and still, i can see the defense and the voting justification:

this is terrible
trump didnt cause it

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:27:52pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:27:54pm
stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:34:29pm

re: #239 darthstar

They looked like assholes when they took his case.

The audio from the Capitol Police is horrifying.

I hope that the next speaker after the dinner break speaks about how Trump and his people denied reinforcements to the capitol police.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:35:13pm

re: #210 Eric The Fruit Bat

I just hope the Democrats are smart enough to allow for the conviction votes to be secret - that’s the only way that Trump loses, and with the subsequent vote to deny him any further chance to run for any government seat….

I want every one of the cowards to own their vote publicly. I want them defending it from that day until their reëlection.

I find it interesting that people like Jeff Flake and Pat Toomey chose to take a powder rather than stand up against the Fascist Party.

They reason Republicans have argued so hard for secret votes is precisely because they don’t want to be held responsible for their own actions. Nope. Make ‘em squirm. Make their own voters and those who sit out elections see what that party has represented for half-a-century: If they can’t get their way at the ballot box, they’ll murder cops and overthrow government to get it.

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:35:33pm


Philip Bump: “The House impeachment managers arguing for Trump to be convicted by the Senate are… framing that day as the culmination of months of incitement by the former president. Before the Nov. 3 election, Trump claimed that he could lose his reelection bid only if rampant fraud occurred; once he lost, that’s precisely what he alleged. Week after week, Trump elevated any random allegation of fraud in an effort to show that something suspect had occurred, to create a miasma of uncertainty aimed at rationalizing his effort to peel back Joe Biden’s win. It was successful: Most Republicans still falsely believe that the election was marred by fraud.”

“Trump had a lot of assistance in pushing that case, including from the conservative media and his campaign team. But he was also assisted by a large segment of the Republican Senate caucus, the group that is currently being asked to see his behavior after the election as part of an effort to overthrow the results of the presidential election.”

“Nearly half of the Republican caucus, in other words, is being asked to judge that the falsehood they helped propel was an instrumental part of an attempted insurrection against the U.S. government.”

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:36:49pm
Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:39:26pm

you support a pig, you’re a pig.
though with this kind of smarmy shit, you’d be a pig anyway

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) reassured former President Donald Trump that he will be acquitted on a charge of inciting an insurrection, The Hill reports.

Said Graham: “I think his team will do better, can do better. I reinforced to the president, the case is over. It’s just a matter of getting the final verdict now.”

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:40:37pm

re: #248 Dangerman

The house republicans are just as bad as the senate republicans, but Nancy is in control of the house.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:42:16pm
Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:43:21pm
Barefoot Grin  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:44:50pm

I haven’t seen it brought up yet, but I thought I saw it here awhile ago—there was already a form of “stop the steal” concocted by Roger Stone in place in 2016. There was a kind of playbook in place already. Now I just have to find the source and hope it’s not Louise Mensch.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:45:50pm

I was listening on NPR in the car as Eric Swalwell spoke and I kept tearing up over the terror the police clearly felt. I think it was more powerful somehow on radio.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:45:57pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:48:42pm

re: #221 jaunte

Officer Goodman absolutely deserves a Congressional Gold Medal. I wonder how many Republicans would oppose that bill.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:49:10pm
austin_blue  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:49:38pm

re: #137 Charles Johnson

Stacy Plaskett is doing a fantastic job, and I wish I could shut up that little voice in my head that keeps telling me, “yeah, but it’s futile.”

After all this, the GOP is still going to acquit the rotten bastard.

Maybe, but I remain hopeful that 17 of the 34 or so R Senators who aren’t up until 2024-26, by which time Drumpf might be taking a long hoped for and well-deserved dirt bath, might turn on the rat-fucker and convict him.

One nerver knows, do one?

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:50:43pm

re: #254 Barefoot Grin

I haven’t seen it brought up yet, but I thought I saw it here awhile ago—there was already a form of “stop the steal” concocted by Roger Stone in place in 2016. There was a kind of playbook in place already. Now I just have to find the source and hope it’s not Louise Mensch.

here’s a CNN story

Stop the Steal’s massive disinformation campaign connected to Roger Stone

Decatur Deb  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:51:08pm

re: #259 austin_blue

Maybe, but I remain hopeful that 17 of the 34 or so R Senators who aren’t up until 2024-26, by which time Drumpf might be taking a long hoped for and well-deserved dirt bath, might turn on the rat-fucker and convict him.

One nerver knows, do one?

If McConnell tells them to swarm, they’ll swarm.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:51:47pm

re: #260 Dangerman

here’s a CNN story

Stop the Steal’s massive disinformation campaign connected to Roger Stone

Thanks. I’m sure now that the managers will get around to that. They’ve very impressive in the way they’ve laid this out methodically.

sagehen  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:52:25pm

re: #220 The Pie Overlord!

[Embedded content]


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:52:30pm

re: #245 Dread Pirate Ron

Is Mike Pence still on St. Croix, or has he returned?

Decatur Deb  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:54:06pm

re: #264 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Is Mike Pence still on St. Croix, or has he returned?

Pence is on the Holy Cross? Third-rate Passion play.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:57:58pm

re: #257 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Officer Goodman absolutely deserves a Congressional Gold Medal. I wonder how many Republicans would oppose that bill.

I think there should be a special “Capitol Defense Medal” for everyone except elected officials (police, staffers, and Capitol maintenance) who took part in the defense. Elected officials should be excluded because so many of them were in fact on the enemy side.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 2:59:02pm

re: #220 The Pie Overlord!


jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:02:31pm

re: #265 Decatur Deb

Pence is on the Holy Cross? Third-rate Passion play.

The fly stuns in his role as Dismas.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:08:36pm
Ming5000  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:08:38pm

re: #220 The Pie Overlord!

re: #220 The Pie Overlord!


Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:10:10pm
(((Archangel1)))  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:11:10pm
jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:13:06pm

One of Trump’s brainwashed fools now calling in on CSPAN, claiming voter fraud.

jaunte  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:18:31pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:21:35pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:22:14pm
No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:22:32pm

re: #261 Decatur Deb

If McConnell tells them to swarm, they’ll swarm.

Mitch will never do the right thing just for the sake of it. He’ll only vote against Trump if he thinks that is his best route back to power. And such a vote would divide the GOP.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:23:37pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:26:44pm
Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:29:09pm

re: #274 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Did trump incite those?
If not then irrelevant

Florida Panhandler  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:31:30pm

re: #272 (((Archangel1)))

There is no use arguing with a large group of sitting Senators who are willfully at war with the very government they serve and with contempt for any sense of historical Constitutionality or Law. They only serve their new agenda, which is to advance a radical Christian fascism based on conspiracy loony-tunes with a dictator as leader by any means possible, even at risk of their own personal safety.

This is the new reality going forward. Democratic government officials must move forward with the knowledge that their counterparts on the other side of the aisle will side with violent insurrectionists should this happen again… and it will if another Republican in in the White House.

Gone is any sense of one people, one nation. In its place is a Republican agenda at physical war with most of the country and with the entire world in general. They consider themselves soldiers, not just Congress members. They consider themselves soldiers in a war fighting for a funhouse mirror- agenda influenced directly from ISIS and advanced by Putin.

Any mistaken notion of “working with” people trying to kill you is a fool’s errand. Treat them as a hostile entity and fight for every liberal bill and policy you can. If this country is to go down in flaming fascism at least go down swinging.

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:31:55pm

re: #275 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

You think if they broke through they would only go after dems????????

(((Archangel1)))  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:32:09pm
Nyet  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:37:45pm

-Nowsthetime 7 hours ago +46 / -2
Here’s what would be really fun during the impeachment:
Showing Biden’s death certificate and his doctor testifying that he’s been dead for a long time. :)
Ashli Babitt admitting it was staged (dunno how, but it would be fun)
A video with Obama speaking about rigging the election
A video with AOS and Bernie Sanders speaking about rigging the election
Epstein on video saying Clinton is a pedo
John Roberts admitting to knowing about the fraud (deal made with Dems)
Yeah, I know, one can always dream. But still NCSWIC. :)

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:40:13pm

re: #284 Nyet

-Nowsthetime 7 hours ago +46 / -2
Here’s what would be really fun during the impeachment:
Showing Biden’s death certificate and his doctor testifying that he’s been dead for a long time. :)
Ashli Babitt admitting it was staged (dunno how, but it would be fun)
A video with Obama speaking about rigging the election
A video with AOS and Bernie Sanders speaking about rigging the election
Epstein on video saying Clinton is a pedo
John Roberts admitting to knowing about the fraud (deal made with Dems)
Yeah, I know, one can always dream. But still NCSWIC. :)

These QAssholes are B.S.

B.S. = Beyond Stupid.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:40:46pm

Agreed Jonah but it ain’t gonna happen.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:42:28pm

re: #256 Dread Pirate Ron

Patricia Kayden  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:42:38pm

re: #274 jaunte

Which Democratic politician told people in Seattle or Portland to riot? Never happened.

stpaulbear  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:42:48pm

re: #246 stpaulbear

I hope that the next speaker after the dinner break speaks about how Trump and his people denied reinforcements to the capitol police.

I’m getting my wish.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:44:06pm

re: #288 Patricia Kayden

Which Democratic politician told people in Seattle or Portland to riot? Never happened.

Oh ask my family and they will reply that THE SQUAD told them to riot.

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:44:48pm
John Podhoretz: “I understand Republicans in the Senate are not going to vote in sufficient numbers to convict Trump—let’s say because their constituents do not want it, he poses a political danger to them, and, who knows, they might actually fear for their lives from the same kinds of people who were in the building on January 6. But how can they have watched the footage of Mitt Romney narrowly avoiding his own murder and not understanding that could have been any one of them? And how can they avoid the understanding that the mob was there because Trump summoned a crowd to Washington on that day?”

“Are they just going to let… it… slide?”

Commentary magazine

The bold is the key and how they’ll justify it

The Ghost of a Flea  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:45:12pm

re: #284 Nyet

-Nowsthetime 7 hours ago +46 / -2
Here’s what would be really fun during the impeachment:
Showing Biden’s death certificate and his doctor testifying that he’s been dead for a long time. :)
Ashli Babitt admitting it was staged (dunno how, but it would be fun)
A video with Obama speaking about rigging the election
A video with AOS and Bernie Sanders speaking about rigging the election
Epstein on video saying Clinton is a pedo
John Roberts admitting to knowing about the fraud (deal made with Dems)
Yeah, I know, one can always dream. But still NCSWIC. :)

Dear Penthouse,

I can’t believe something like this would ever happen to me but…one day in a parking lot I encounter a blonde and a brunette making out on the hood of my car, and them they told me all about how George Soros had paid them to storm the Capitol….

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:47:26pm

re: #290 🌹UOJB!

Oh ask my family and they will reply that THE SQUAD told them to riot.

Not trump not relevant

If you think the squad did it, indict them

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:50:32pm

My POS senator
He doesn’t mean he’s ready to convict, right?

gwangung  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:50:46pm

re: #290 🌹UOJB!

Oh ask my family and they will reply that THE SQUAD told them to riot.

As a Seattle resident, what riot?
(which echoes my nephew who lived 1000 feet away from CHAC, WTF are people talking about?).

(((Archangel1)))  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:51:02pm

re: #286 Patricia Kayden

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:52:09pm


Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:53:33pm

re: #286 Patricia Kayden

Agreed Jonah but it ain’t gonna happen.

[Embedded content]

Mike pence is a coward
And politically deluded

William Lewis  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:53:34pm

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:54:06pm

re: #294 Dangerman

My POS senator
He doesn’t mean he’s ready to convict, right?

[Embedded content]

Did we expect PRICK Scott to say anything else?

The same PRICK Scott who demanded that vote counting STOP at Midnight?

The Same PRICK Scott who authored a bill to ban early voting AND stop counting votes at midnight Eastern Time on Election Night which would mean that the West Coast would disenfranchise millions of voters?

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:54:29pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:54:55pm

re: #295 gwangung

As a Seattle resident, what riot?
(which echoes my nephew who lived 1000 feet away from CHAC, WTF are people talking about?).

All conservatives lie.

That would be a good bumper sticker for my car, but it would get me killed.

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:55:31pm

re: #294 Dangerman

My POS senator
He doesn’t mean he’s ready to convict, right?

If any eyes are opened around the country, the trial is worth it. This should be devastating for the GOP to acquit Trump, but I don’t know if it will be.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:55:40pm

re: #301 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Now watch the corrupted court kill the ACA.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:56:21pm

re: #299 William Lewis

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:57:01pm
Patricia Kayden  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:58:32pm

re: #290 🌹UOJB!

Oh ask my family and they will reply that THE SQUAD told them to riot.

Your family is delusional. Sorry to have to say that.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:59:08pm

re: #305 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

“Mommie Dearest” my fucking godmaned ass.

Lock that zipped asshole up and throw the key away.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:59:51pm

re: #307 Patricia Kayden

Your family is delusional. Sorry to have to say that.

This is what happens when your family locks the TV on Fox, OANN, Newsmax…

darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 3:59:51pm

re: #305 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

I always hated it when my mom took me with her to commit felonies.

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:00:05pm

re: #304 🌹UOJB!

Now watch the corrupted court kill the ACA.

I don’t think so. Creating a healthcare crisis in the middle of a pandemic may be the only way to get 50 Democratic Senators to vote to abolish the filibuster.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:01:37pm

re: #305 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Some people say there’s a woman to blame,
But I know, it’s my own damn fault.

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:01:38pm

re: #305 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

He should claim she’s taking him to Mexico on a vacation

Sherlock Hound  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:02:02pm

re: #310 darthstar

I always hated it when my mom took me with her to commit felonies.

Paging Kyle Rittenhouse…

plansbandc  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:02:43pm
darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:03:32pm

re: #314 Sherlock Hound

Paging Kyle Rittenhouse…

At least he’s still a teen. Zip-tie guy is 30.

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:03:40pm

re: #312 Patricia Kayden

Some people say there’s a woman to blame,
But I know, it’s my own damn fault.

I don t think buffet meant his momma

TedStriker  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:03:52pm

re: #312 Patricia Kayden

Some people say there’s a woman to blame,
But I know, it’s my own damn fault.

Wastin’ away again in Trump’s MAGAville

The Ghost of a Flea  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:06:08pm

re: #305 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

On one hand I’m the guy who’s always declaring these people literally don’t believe in anything except their own entitlement to never be held accountable, but…

…for fuck’s sake THEY HAVE NO HONOR and the Klingon part of my soul is indignant.

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:06:16pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:07:20pm
Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:07:35pm
No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:08:31pm

The case against Trump is so overwhelming, he faces serious criminal liability when he gets indicted for insurrection.

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:08:53pm
TedStriker  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:09:52pm

re: #319 The Ghost of a Flea

On one hand I’m the guy who’s always declaring these people literally don’t believe in anything except their own entitlement to never be held accountable, but…

…for fuck’s sake THEY HAVE NO HONOR and the Klingon part of my soul is indignant.

Someone should have taken Rudy up on his offer of “trial by combat”.

Then, when he was beheaded or run through, his (presumable) Dem challenger could have yelled, “There can be only one!” as lightning struck Trump and the rallygoers.

That. Would. Have. Been. Awesome.


Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:10:03pm

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:10:05pm
darthstar  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:10:14pm
Charles Johnson  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:11:32pm

I was curious about that gallows the Trumpites set up outside the Capitol so I found a high res image at Getty to get a better look:

This does look like it could have been used to execute someone in real life if it was put together correctly, but I’m no gallows expert nor would I want to be. Who the fuck carries around the materials and tools to build something like this on short notice though?!

The Pie Overlord!  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:12:45pm

re: #329 Charles Johnson

I was curious about that gallows the Trumpites set up outside the Capitol so I found a high res image at Getty to get a better look:

This does look like it could have been used to execute someone in real life if it was put together correctly, but I’m no gallows expert nor would I want to be. Who the fuck carries around the materials and tools to build something like this on short notice though?!

I don’t think that gallows could hang anyone who is over 3 feet tall.

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:13:21pm

re: #329 Charles Johnson

I was curious about that gallows the Trumpites set up outside the Capitol so I found a high res image at Getty to get a better look:

This does look like it could have been used to execute someone in real life if it was put together correctly, but I’m no gallows expert nor would I want to be. Who the fuck carries around the materials and tools to build something like this on short notice though?!

Or once you had beaten someone to death, you could hang their corpse on it as a message.

Dangerman  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:13:32pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:13:34pm
Patricia Kayden  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:14:47pm
b.d. (America is Great Again)  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:16:00pm

re: #330 The Pie Overlord!

I don’t think that gallows could hang anyone who is over 3 feet tall.

They were after Rubio!?

No Malarkey!  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:16:13pm

re: #330 The Pie Overlord!

I don’t think that gallows could hang anyone who is over 3 feet tall.

Unless there is a trapdoor. Whether it works or not, it sends a clear message of deadly intent.

A Mom Anon  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:16:58pm

re: #329 Charles Johnson

That’s one of many pieces of evidence that this was not spontaneous. Someone had this either unassembled or partially assembled and put together on site. That would require a truck or van with materials and tools.. And what happened to the gallows once this was over? Who built and brought it and where are they?

TedStriker  Feb 10, 2021 • 4:19:50pm

re: #337 A Mom Anon

That’s one of many pieces of evidence that this was not spontaneous. Someone had this either unassembled or partially assembled and put together on site. That would require a truck or van with materials and tools.. And what happened to the gallows once this was over? Who built and brought it and where are they?

It shows premeditation and intent.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 10, 2021 • 5:50:37pm

re: #329 Charles Johnson

I was curious about that gallows the Trumpites set up outside the Capitol so I found a high res image at Getty to get a better look:

This does look like it could have been used to execute someone in real life if it was put together correctly, but I’m no gallows expert nor would I want to be. Who the fuck carries around the materials and tools to build something like this on short notice though?!

it was an infowars prop

Decatur Deb  Feb 10, 2021 • 6:25:58pm

re: #338 TedStriker

It shows premeditation and intent.

And shit-poor carpentry.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Feb 10, 2021 • 6:37:44pm

re: #329 Charles Johnson

I was curious about that gallows the Trumpites set up outside the Capitol so I found a high res image at Getty to get a better look:

This does look like it could have been used to execute someone in real life if it was put together correctly, but I’m no gallows expert nor would I want to be. Who the fuck carries around the materials and tools to build something like this on short notice though?!

re: #337 A Mom Anon

That’s one of many pieces of evidence that this was not spontaneous. Someone had this either unassembled or partially assembled and put together on site. That would require a truck or van with materials and tools.. And what happened to the gallows once this was over? Who built and brought it and where are they?

Exactly, the gallows were designed to be transportable with relative ease in assembly/disassembly, built to proof, disassembled, transported to the Capitol, assembled then at some point disassembled and removed.

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