The Bob Cesca Podcast: Captain Sunshine

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Missed this yesterday because of our recent database kerfuffle, but here’s the latest program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show:

Captain Sunshine — [Explicit Content] Bob’s in a foul mood today. Trump’s cover-up of the insurrection phone logs gets more obvious. Some actual good news from the Justice Department about the insurrection. The actual reason why CBS News hired Mick Mulvaney. Truth Social continues to crash and burn. The Republican coke orgies. The number of morons in Congress. The enthusiasm gap is worsening for Democrats…or is it? Putin if you’re listening. Putin misinformed by his advisers. With Jody Hamilton and David TRex Ferguson, music by Pasha Black and Barker & Roof. And more!

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Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 12:51:16pm
Dopamine Fish  Apr 1, 2022 • 12:53:14pm

CL’d on the last thread.

re: #82 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Unless an email was end to end encrypted or used S/MIME or PGP/GPG signatures (something rarely done on routine messages by anyone other than security freaks and definitely not done by anyone doing anything remotely shady), the only “crypto signatures” involved here would be DKIM or TLS in the server-to-server connections when it was sent.

The only thing that verifies is that the email was sent from the organization or domain it claims. Not from any specific person.

In reading the article, it also says the emails CAN BE verified - not that they HAVE BEEN. The article is also very explicit that the experts offered no substantiation of any of the contents as a whole; they basically only said, “Yeah, the emails? These look legit. We can’t even say if they were put here by somebody else or if they came with the hard drive, but they look like his emails.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 12:54:51pm
Belafon  Apr 1, 2022 • 12:55:48pm

re: #1 Backwoods_Sleuth

Everyone was required to sit in the back of the bus, and Rosa couldn’t take it anymore.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 12:57:11pm
Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2022 • 12:58:47pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 12:58:57pm

re: #4 Belafon

Everyone was required to sit in the back of the bus, and Rosa couldn’t take it anymore.

IIRC, Rosa was already sitting in the first row of the “colored section” of the bus. All the seats in the whites only section were full and she refused to give up her seat to a whiney-ass cracker.

Crush White Nationalism  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:00:27pm

re: #6 Charles Johnson

Republican propaganda is what’s going on. The Republicans have made the willfully-ignorant narcissist Conservatives the craziest that they’ve been in my lifetime.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:02:18pm

these people…

Belafon  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:02:24pm

re: #7 Backwoods_Sleuth

IIRC, Rosa was already sitting in the first row of the “colored section” of the bus. All the seats in the whites only section were full and she refused to give up her seat to a whiney-ass cracker.

You are correct. I’m just referring to everyone having to wear a mask as compared to only blacks having to move.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:03:13pm


Belafon  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:05:21pm

re: #9 Backwoods_Sleuth

these people…

“Do you think my answers are going to become wishy-washy both-siderism now that I am thinking about joining a network?”

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:07:51pm

re: #9 Backwoods_Sleuth

I don’t remember any point in the past where this was asked of anyone else leaving that position.

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:07:53pm

Do I have to read that WaPo HBL story? I mean, I like to keep up on current events but my eyes are now glazing over at the mere thought of reading any more right wing bullshit filtered and given a facade of credibility through the media. Do I really have to?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:08:19pm
Mattand  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:11:58pm

re: #14 Charles Johnson

Do I have to read that WaPo HBL story? I mean, I like to keep up on current events but my eyes are now glazing over at the mere thought of reading any more right wing bullshit filtered and given a facade of credibility through the media. Do I really have to?

I’m guessing HBL is “Hunter Biden Laptop”, and not “Humorous Balloon Llamas”?

I web surfing on my phone the other day, and I swear I saw CNN not only post a “The Hunter Biden story is more serious than you think” story, but it was practically a headline.

When I went back later to CNN on my actual computer, I could not find hide nor hair of it. Kinda wondering if I severely misread or straight-up imagined it, but giving credence to this Hunter Biden nonsense is right in CNN’s both sides wheelhouse.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:13:30pm

re: #14 Charles Johnson

Do I have to read that WaPo HBL story? I mean, I like to keep up on current events but my eyes are now glazing over at the mere thought of reading any more right wing bullshit filtered and given a facade of credibility through the media. Do I really have to?

Given this:

Maxey had alerted The Washington Post to this issue in advance, saying that others had accessed the data to examine its contents and make copies of files. But the lack of what experts call a “clean chain of custody” undermined Green’s and Williams’s ability to determine the authenticity of most of the drive’s contents.

“The drive is a mess,” Green said.

He compared the portable drive he received from The Post to a crime scene in which detectives arrive to find Big Mac wrappers carelessly left behind by police officers who were there before them, contaminating the evidence.

That assessment was echoed by Williams.

“From a forensics standpoint, it’s a disaster,” Williams said. (The Post is paying Williams for the professional services he provided. Green declined payment.)

So in other words it’s horseshit. One of the investigators refused payment. That translates to: “You want me to say this is real, and I’m not going to do that. Keep your money.”

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:14:18pm
Dopamine Fish  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:15:26pm

See my #2 in this thread. TL;DR for you, my friend: The whole thing is complete bullshit. The emails they have may be Hunter Biden’s real emails; how they got on that hard drive is a mystery, as is the provenance of literally everything else on the hard drive, including all the supposedly incriminating stuff.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:16:15pm
William Lewis  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:20:53pm

A couple of “wow” tweets:

Crush White Nationalism  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:29:05pm
(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Friday rejected former congressman Devin Nunes’ effort to revive a $250 million lawsuit accusing the Washington Post of defamation for implying that he lied to former President Donald Trump, a close ally.

In a 3-0 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., said Nunes “does not point to a single statement” that was false or defamatory on its face in the February 2020 article about Russia’s desire for Trump to win a second White House term.

Nunes “failed to plausibly allege a claim of defamation,” the court said.

Trump ally Devin Nunes loses Washington Post defamation appeal (Reuters via MSN)

Crush White Nationalism  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:29:52pm

re: #21 William Lewis

A couple of “wow” tweets:

That cat is not having a good time.

EPR-radar  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:30:50pm

re: #23 Punish Domestic Terrorists

That cat is not having a good time.

It doesn’t like the noise, but the irritation is not enough to get it to leave its perch.

Dopamine Fish  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:31:44pm

re: #22 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Trump ally Devin Nunes loses Washington Post defamation appeal (Reuters via MSN)

It is very, very difficult to sue someone for defamation in this country. Doubly so when it is a public figure/company like the Post. This is why Clarence Thomas wants to reverse NYT v. Sullivan.

ckkatz  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:34:47pm

From last night -
re: #27 ckkatz

In other news, the Fairfax County tornado, if it ever existed, apparently just went south of me.

I guess that I am relieved rather than disappointed.

Yup, it went south of me. And kind of embarrassingly miniscule:

The National Weather Service confirmed that a tornado struck Tysons Corner in Fairfax County on Thursday evening as a powerful storm system swept across the region. The tornado caused minor damage but no injuries.

The tornado, rated EF0 on the 0 to 5 scale for twister intensity, touched down at 8:41 p.m. along Chain Bridge Road, just northwest of the Tysons Mall, the Weather Service reported in its damage survey released Friday afternoon.

The twister was on the ground for only a minute, the survey said, producing winds up to 85 mph along a 200-yard path. Its maximum width was 50 yards.
Damage was reported at two gas stations along Chain Bridge Road. The Sunoco Station at the corner of Chain Bridge Road and International Drive suffered serious damage to its canopy. “Winds lifted upwards under the canopy and caused the northwest corner of the canopy to collapse on the service station building,” the damage survey said. The tornado also tossed around “packs of water and other small items,” the survey said.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:40:41pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:41:47pm
Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:42:40pm

I feel this is necessary again.

ckkatz  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:46:13pm
William Lewis  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:50:26pm

Oh, good grief. This is insane.

Group B at the world cup is:
and one of Wales, Scotland or Ukraine depending on the qualifier.

The US isn’t even near this class of play.

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:57:02pm

re: #31 William Lewis

So what you’re saying is we’re about to get our butts handed to us.

Citizen K  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:57:06pm

re: #31 William Lewis

Oh, good grief. This is insane.

Group B at the world cup is:
and one of Wales, Scotland or Ukraine depending on the qualifier.

The US isn’t even near this class of play.

Haven’t we only been that close to that level like for one World Cup? Maybe two?

Captain Magic  Apr 1, 2022 • 1:58:55pm

re: #33 Citizen K

Haven’t we only been that close to that level like for one World Cup? Maybe two?

We played Iran once before in a World Cup - forget which year.

EstebanTornado1963  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:15:33pm

I’m about done with Southwest and their racist, misogynist, white supremacist pilots.

ckkatz  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:17:07pm

About rising home prices and low availibility of housing:

Corporate landlords are gobbling up U.S. suburbs. These homeowners are fighting back.

Like hundreds of communities across the United States, Hamilton’s neighborhood had become the target of large companies amassing empires of suburban homes for rent. Since the Great Recession, when millions of Americans lost their homes to foreclosure, these companies have been expanding their portfolios of tens of thousands of single-family houses, a disproportionate number of them located in majority-Black neighborhoods like Potters Glen.
As investors have targeted the American suburbs, faraway companies have begun to take over entire blocks. Last year, investors bought nearly 1 in 7 homes sold in the nation’s top metropolitan areas — the most in two decades of record-keeping, according to a Washington Post analysis of data from realty company Redfin.
In Charlotte and surrounding Mecklenburg County, landlords backed by Wall Street own roughly 11,500 houses — more than 4 percent of single family homes, according to an analysis last year by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Urban Institute. Most of the houses are in the starter home price range, “likely putting the most pressure on the lower end of the market,” said the institute’s Ely Portillo.

ckkatz  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:27:16pm

The twitter account @oryxspioenkop has been compiling and verifying Open Source Intelligence on lost Russian military equipment in Ukraine. He has been fairly careful in evaluating evidence and is considered reasonably credible.

However, the recent Russian retreats with their massive equipment losses have inundated him with more data than he can process in a timely fashion:

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:28:01pm

re: #35 EstebanTornado1963

If they were denied boarding, shouldn’t they have not been allowed on the fucking plane in the first place?

Crush White Nationalism  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:29:08pm

jaunte  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:32:06pm

Senator from state without significant cities has criticisms.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:34:03pm

re: #36 ckkatz

The past year I’ve been harping about the great real estate scramble.

Deep pockets are buying up real estate. Said deep pockets get preferential access to capital that the individual without deep pockets does not have.

This is going to be a long term trend unless we change the laws of this land.

One thing Congress could do is reduce or eliminate the deductible for interest payments on rentals that are single family dwellings. This will make the house buying less attractive.

Or, it could stimulate the deep pockets to build more multi-family investments, which should raise the number of rentals and take some pressure off of rents.

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:34:11pm

re: #36 ckkatz

Greedy ass motherfuckers ruin everything in this country.

jaunte  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:35:20pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:36:08pm

re: #40 jaunte

Because a man who walks to work instead of commuting in a big ass SUV or insanely expensive sports car has failed at life.


Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:36:14pm

The more I think about it, the more I think Congress should just eliminate mortgage interest deductions for anything that is not owner-occupied, as far a single family structure.

I Would Prefer Not To  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:36:44pm

I’m off to do a show at a new club in Newark, NJ. See you latter.

darthstar  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:41:43pm

re: #1 Backwoods_Sleuth

Anne Frank never made it to Long Beach, either.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:42:23pm

Speculation in real estate is a very American thing to do.

This started way back in the early 19th century when Congress gave land to those who served in the Revolutionary War.

Veterans poured into Ohio, gobbling up land left and right (including my ancestors.)

Even more so, said land grants could be bought and sold and some people became very rich by buying up said rights from veterans who didn’t want to go pioneer.

So the US in large part was built on land speculation.

This was a problem then, but because the continent is so big (and the former inhabitants killed off or pushed into smaller reservations), Americans could just go willy nilly westward keeping on our land-grabbing ways.

Those days are over, but they are so romanticized that politicians like Cotton can make hay out of stupid assertions.

darthstar  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:48:39pm

re: #37 ckkatz

The twitter account @oryxspioenkop has been compiling and verifying Open Source Intelligence on lost Russian military equipment in Ukraine. He has been fairly careful in evaluating evidence and is considered reasonably credible.

However, the recent Russian retreats with their massive equipment losses have inundated him with more data than he can process in a timely fashion:

[Embedded content]

Her/His website is great - click on the numbers and you get a picture of each object captured/destroyed/abandoned/etc.

The Pie Overlord!  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:51:43pm

re: #1 Backwoods_Sleuth

Chris Evans had a long thread about this yesterday. Everyone on that flight who had a connecting flight, missed their flight thanks to Roseanne Parks Frank aka “Karen”

Grunthos the Flatulent  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:52:07pm

Database corruption isn’t the end of the Wordle you know.

Wordle 287 3/6


This one looks like a long par 3.

Citizen K  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:53:14pm

I don’t get the joke. You mean it wasn’t the state bird to begin with? ///

Dangerman  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:56:37pm

re: #1 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

probably didn’t make sense for Rosa either”“It probably didn’t make sense for Anne Frank either..we have to take a stand”

don’t know your name
never knew your name
never gonna know your name

nice try rando

jaunte  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:59:39pm

re: #50 The Pie Overlord!

Nasty, passive-aggressive cultist.

Jay C  Apr 1, 2022 • 2:59:52pm

re: #48 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Those days are over, but they are so romanticized that politicians like Cotton can make hay out of stupid assertions.

Disagree: to me, ol’ Cottonmouth’s blathering is just another iteration of the barely-coded racist BS that RWNJs always love to spout when it comes to ANY urban/suburban issue: i.e. that “What Dems want” [false, but never mind] is for Americans to live like poor *urban* folks - in crowded, noisy, crime-infested hellhole cities - you know, like THOSE people - because they all Hate America, and can’t stand the idea that anyone might want to live in a single-family home on a tidy lot in a “safe” car-centric suburb because Democrats (i.e. self-abusing America-Haters…)..
With extra points for mention of today’s GOP boogeyman-du-jour (Pete Buttigeig)….

darthstar  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:00:19pm

re: #50 The Pie Overlord!

Chris Evans had a long thread about this yesterday. Everyone on that flight who had a connecting flight, missed their flight thanks to Roseanne Parks Frank aka “Karen”

[Embedded content]

I hope Southwest had the forethought to tell the other airlines that there was an anti-maskhole and not to sell her a ticket.

Okay…just watched the video. Center seat back row…remember passengers on Southwest get to choose their seats.

Dangerman  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:02:32pm

re: #44 Eclectic Cyborg

Because a man who walks to work instead of commuting in a big ass SUV or insanely expensive sports car has failed at life.


or can afford to live close to work

Barefoot Grin  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:17:15pm
The Pie Overlord!  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:24:56pm
Moe Avattar  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:40:02pm

re: #59 The Pie Overlord!

Airplane panic attack

jaunte  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:41:13pm
A Cranky One  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:47:05pm

re: #61 jaunte

I’m a fan of malicious compliance.

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:48:16pm

re: #62 A Cranky One

I’m a fan of malicious compliance.

Me too. :D

darthstar  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:48:19pm

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:53:03pm

Summer goes shopping:


PhillyPretzel  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:53:08pm

re: #64 darthstar

Now there is a cat who has seen things.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:54:00pm

re: #65 Backwoods_Sleuth


John Hughes  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:54:01pm

re: #1 Backwoods_Sleuth

“the noncompliant passenger was denied boarding and refunded for her Southwest travel.

refunded? Why?

No Malarkey!  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:54:20pm

Graphic images from the war zone


darthstar  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:54:37pm
steve_davis  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:54:42pm

re: #31 William Lewis

Oh, good grief. This is insane.

Group B at the world cup is:
and one of Wales, Scotland or Ukraine depending on the qualifier.

The US isn’t even near this class of play.

are you kidding? The U.S. is competitive with all of those. We should easily beat Iran. Wales, Scotland, or Ukraine are all doable. We tied England the last time we played them in the World Cup, and our talent is significantly better than it was in 2010.

darthstar  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:56:39pm

re: #69 No Malarkey!

Graphic images from the war zone

[Embedded content]

That’s godawful. It’s like they were pissed off that they were retreating so they just shot everyone on their way out of town…

Crush White Nationalism  Apr 1, 2022 • 3:58:59pm

re: #70 darthstar

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:00:02pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:01:10pm
Jay C  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:10:38pm

re: #68 John Hughes

refunded? Why?

Probably to just more-easily forestall any cause for suit against the airline. (IANAL, no idea what exactly lurks in the small print)

The Pie Overlord!  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:13:06pm

re: #65 Backwoods_Sleuth

Summer goes shopping:

Elka’s 1 month birthday:


PhillyPretzel  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:15:53pm

re: #77 The Pie Overlord!


Crush White Nationalism  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:17:06pm
nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:18:17pm


No Malarkey!  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:19:26pm
Dopamine Fish  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:20:12pm

Yay, got my power back online!

PhillyPretzel  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:22:11pm

re: #82 Dopamine Fish

That is good news.

(((Archangel1)))  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:31:05pm
William Lewis  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:33:01pm

re: #32 Eclectic Cyborg

So what you’re saying is we’re about to get our butts handed to us.

If we’re lucky it’ll be that good…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:33:57pm
William Lewis  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:40:10pm

re: #71 steve_davis

are you kidding? The U.S. is competitive with all of those. We should easily beat Iran. Wales, Scotland, or Ukraine are all doable. We tied England the last time we played them in the World Cup, and our talent is significantly better than it was in 2010.

Watching the last few qualifier matches, I can’t really agree. Hell, the US Women’s team, OTOH, could probably beat them all and then some. But the Men’s team just doesn’t inspire confidence in me. It would be fun to be wrong though!!!

No Malarkey!  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:42:33pm

A reason to watch Face the Nation Sunday

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:43:10pm

what’s going on with his hand?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:44:01pm
nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:46:42pm

re: #88 No Malarkey!

A reason to watch Face the Nation Sunday

On CBS who has shit the bed. Maybe new hire Mulvaney will cross examine cementing the gutting of whatever was left of CBS?

PhillyPretzel  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:47:41pm

re: #89 Backwoods_Sleuth

It is either some sort of intravenous treatment or just a plain old injury.

nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:48:29pm

re: #92 PhillyPretzel

Shitty nurse.
Thank you shitty nurse.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:50:38pm

re: #93 nines09

Maybe. But keep in mind DT in his desire to look young might be doing some things that are questionable regarding his health.

nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:51:10pm

re: #94 PhillyPretzel

We can only hope.

Barefoot Grin  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:56:30pm

re: #87 William Lewis

Watching the last few qualifier matches, I can’t really agree. Hell, the US Women’s team, OTOH, could probably beat them all and then some. But the Men’s team just doesn’t inspire confidence in me. It would be fun to be wrong though!!!

We seem to be forever young and developing.

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2022 • 4:59:29pm

re: #49 darthstar

Her/His website is great - click on the numbers and you get a picture of each object captured/destroyed/abandoned/etc.

A second party has taken the cautious, credible, oryx data and created graphical representations.

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:00:44pm

re: #89 Backwoods_Sleuth

what’s going on with his hand?

It’s attached to an asshole.

nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:03:42pm

re: #89 Backwoods_Sleuth

It’s holding her ass?

mmmirele  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:04:47pm

re: #19 Dopamine Fish

See my #2 in this thread. TL;DR for you, my friend: The whole thing is complete bullshit. The emails they have may be Hunter Biden’s real emails; how they got on that hard drive is a mystery, as is the provenance of literally everything else on the hard drive, including all the supposedly incriminating stuff.

Yeah, that’s the argument the anti-abortion crowd are making about Lauren Handy’s fetus collection. *iT’s ILlEgal*. But:

It appears the owner of the house where Lauren Handy was living works at Jones Day, after clerking for the 5th Circuit and Clarence Thomas. Oh yeah, a member of the Federalist Society.

Dangerman  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:06:45pm
nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:07:54pm

re: #101 Dangerman

The same one who jacks up asthma inhalers and Epi pens?

piratedan  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:08:39pm

re: #90 Backwoods_Sleuth

man…. that is some META level hubris…. we just hired a guy who was working within the most corrupt administration in the history of the nation, admitting that the hire was based on establishing access to the party in opposition because you feel” like they will win next year (based on who the fuck knows what) and that being the main qualification and you wanna throw stones at the current administration regarding ethics?


nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:14:18pm

re: #21 William Lewis

Look at every photo of Ukraine fighters. On just about every one and every vehicle there will be a blue marker. Tape. Blue duct tape.
On the exhaust of a vehicle. Just enough to let Ukraine sniper know.
Blue tape.

EPR-radar  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:14:54pm

re: #103 piratedan

man…. that is some META level hubris…. we just hired a guy who was working within the most corrupt administration in the history of the nation, admitting that the hire was based on establishing access to the party in opposition because you feel” like they will win next year (based on who the fuck knows what) and that being the main qualification and you wanna throw stones at the current administration regarding ethics?


I sure hope the Republican dictatorship never comes, but if it does I want to live long enough to see the mainstream media both sides liars be first up against the wall.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:18:02pm

Spring is here and the new crop of Trump hair has sprouted. Carefully tended by devoted cultists, it will ripen to a golden calf brown and be ready for consideration by Emperor Cheeto the Naked himself. (A friend suggests that some of it might be Boris Johnson grass).

mmmirele  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:29:33pm

re: #106 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

Spring is here and the new crop of Trump hair has sprouted. Carefully tended by devoted cultists, it will ripen to a golden calf brown and be ready for consideration by Emperor Cheeto the Naked himself. (A friend suggests that some of it might be Boris Johnson grass).

[Embedded content]

Is that pampas grass? Because there’s a “Christian influencer” (also currently in big trouble with the Texas AG’s office for cheating people over a diet plan) who is super big on “decorating” with pampas grass.

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:29:35pm

PhillyPretzel  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:31:04pm

re: #108 retired cynic

Where is a good proof-reader when you need them?

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:32:30pm
Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:33:02pm

re: #108 retired cynic

The best kind!

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:37:50pm
EPR-radar  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:39:26pm

re: #110 Charles Johnson

Look at this lying piece of shit (R) go. He’s obviously coordinated this pack of lies with McCarthy et al. to try to get out of the GOP doghouse after admitting that DC Republicans were the relevant coke orgy participants.

Romantic Heretic  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:41:38pm

re: #6 Charles Johnson

They regard themselves as ‘heroes’, Charles.

Among the few to see the Great Evil (tm) and the fewer to stand against it.

Plus it’s a good excuse to act like a raving nutter.

(((Archangel1)))  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:45:03pm

re: #110 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Who says Republicans don’t have a sense of humor… /WaitEveryoneActually

William Lewis  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:45:44pm

re: #104 nines09

Look at every photo of Ukraine fighters. On just about every one and every vehicle there will be a blue marker. Tape. Blue duct tape.
On the exhaust of a vehicle. Just enough to let Ukraine sniper know.
Blue tape.

It also fulfills Geneva Convention rules that uniforms between the combatants must be easily distinguished. The Blue mark also protects those without official uniforms as combatants like the video of the woman fighter a week or so ago in sunglasses and shemagh and both arms marked in blue.

Barefoot Grin  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:45:58pm

re: #108 retired cynic

[Embedded content]

Phew. I was worried for a moment that they were criminalizing my onion fetish.

nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:49:07pm

re: #116 William Lewis

Yes. I bet all the dead Ukraine bodies have that marker.
I think for the most part it’s to keep friendly fire losses down.

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:50:27pm
nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:50:53pm

re: #119 Charles Johnson

Trump wants his contacts…

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:51:15pm

re: #107 mmmirele

Is that pampas grass? Because there’s a “Christian influencer” (also currently in big trouble with the Texas AG’s office for cheating people over a diet plan) who is super big on “decorating” with pampas grass.

I think it is. It is weird, but not surprising, that a Christian influencer would be attracted to something that resembles Cheeto’s hair. Maybe it’s part of a shamanistic ritual.

Sherlock Hound  Apr 1, 2022 • 5:54:20pm

re: #111 Charles Johnson

The best kind!

I’ll criminalize some onions this weekend!

(((Archangel1)))  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:04:17pm

Palin 2022: Moron Asshat Grifting Again

Romantic Heretic  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:06:08pm

re: #110 Charles Johnson

You won’t back down to the mob, Cawthorn, because you are fucking leading it!

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:07:44pm

re: #123 (((Archangel1)))

Palin 2022: Moron Asshat Grifting Again

Sarah Palin announced she is running for Congress. What will her political slogan be?

“And your little dog, too”

b.d  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:09:23pm

re: #124 Romantic Heretic

You won’t back down to the mob, Cawthorn, because you are fucking leading it!

Release the pee tape but please burn the Gohmert, Graham, Cruz and Foxx cocaine orgy tapes please….

We’ll let you keep Crimea!

Jay C  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:11:09pm

re: #123 (((Archangel1)))

Palin 2022: Moron Asshat Grifting Again

[Embedded content]

“A Face You Can Trust”??

b.d  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:13:54pm

re: #123 (((Archangel1)))

Palin 2022: Moron Asshat Grifting Again

aw f*ck.

Palin really announced she’s running for Congress on April Fool’s Day?

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:14:05pm

re: #124 Romantic Heretic

You won’t back down to the mob, Cawthorn, because you are fucking leading it!

Madison Cawthorn is what happens when someone from the fascist rabble actually believes the bullshit those in power are saying and thinks he can join them. Now he’s getting a rude awakening when he finds out it’s all just a fucking game to most of these people.

But because he’s a prick, he’s not getting any help from us.

nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:14:31pm

re: #123 (((Archangel1)))

Guess how many surgeries I’ve had and win a free eyelid lift!

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:16:21pm
b.d  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:18:29pm

re: #129 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

Madison Cawthorn is what happens when someone from the fascist rabble actually believes the bullshit those in power are saying and thinks he can join them. Now he’s getting a rude awakening when he finds out it’s all just a fucking game to most of these people.

But because he’s a prick, he’s not getting any help from us.

Cawthorn cracked the wingnut code and learned the language of the wingnuts. He decoded their inch deep philosophy, learned its basic talking points and emotions and rode it to Congress.

Critical thinking, basic common sense and logic were hindrances.

b.d  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:21:34pm

Doesn’t Sarah Palin live in Arizona with her kids Track Suit, Furlong, Stretchy Pants and Hunten Eat?

nines09  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:23:30pm

Later Lizards.
These guys kicked ass. That’s Jimmy Lee Vaughan, Stevie Rays older brother on guitar, Kim Wilson on vocals and a killer harp player and that base player?
Preston Hubbard
Drummer went as is wont.

Youtube Video

Nite Nite all

EstebanTornado1963  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:25:26pm

re: #123 (((Archangel1)))

Palin 2022: Moron Asshat Grifting Again

[Embedded content]

She’s the live version of Madame of Wayland Flowers and Madame.

b.d  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:25:48pm

Boebert, Cawthorn, Gosar and Greene a year from now:

That bitch is crazy and doesn’t speak for us!

Barefoot Grin  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:27:58pm

re: #123 (((Archangel1)))

Palin 2022: Moron Asshat Grifting Again

[Embedded content]

Sarah Palin announced she is running for Congress. What will her political slogan be?

“You still love me, Byron?

Cheechako  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:28:42pm

So far, over 50 candidates have filed for the “shotgun” primary on June 11th. And, Sarah Palin, along with Santa Clause from North Pole Alaska, have filed. Remember, only the top 4 vote getters will be in the final, ranked choice election. The final election is also scheduled for the same day as the regular primary for this falls election.

As deadline nears, Palin joins crowded field in special Alaska U.S. House election

b.d  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:31:07pm

re: #137 Barefoot Grin

Sarah Palin announced she is running for Congress. What will her political slogan be?

“You still love me, Byron?

Q. Which district in Alaska will you represent Sarah?


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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