Simply Gorgeous: “The Lakes of Pontchartrain” - Trevor Gordon Hall, Sönke Meinen, and Bjarke Falgren

Music • Views: 20,038


The Lakes of Pontchartrain - Arranged by Sönke Meinen (Germany) and Trevor Gordon Hall (USA) - Featuring Bjarke Falgren on Violin (Denmark). Although the origin of the song is unknown, this old traditional ballad is thought to have been composed in the American south during the early 1800’s.


Sönke Meinen:​

Trevor Gordon Hall:​

Bjarke Falgren:


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Dave In Austin  Oct 15, 2022 • 11:42:07am
A Cranky One  Oct 15, 2022 • 11:49:16am

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2022 • 11:54:51am

the entire thread…wow

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2022 • 11:55:49am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2022 • 11:57:45am
Dr Lizardo  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:12:51pm

re: #4 Backwoods_Sleuth

Sounds like a prisoner revolt has broken out at Evin Prison. That’s a major news story.

dharmamark  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:17:33pm

re: #6 Dr Lizardo

I was there in 1978. This sounds errily familiar.

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:18:54pm

re: #3 Backwoods_Sleuth

re: #6 Dr Lizardo

I read the name of the prison as “evil.”

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:22:07pm

71,000 Karma. As usual there will be a buffet at dinner in celebration. :)

Dr Lizardo  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:25:53pm

re: #7 dharmamark

I was there in 1978. This sounds errily familiar.

I don’t remember all the details, but wasn’t there some big prison break from Evin right around the time of the Iranian Revolution?

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:26:15pm

WaPo ping: There is bitter infighting at Truth Social.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:32:00pm
Dr Lizardo  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:33:16pm

Gonna call it a day. Have a good one, Lizards and stay healthy.

dharmamark  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:34:21pm

re: #10 Dr Lizardo

We were out of country by then, but in early ‘79 there was a prison break. My Dad may have still been there at the time, but I’m not sure. We were evaced in December of 78.

JC1  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:48:26pm

re: #1 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

I’m confused. Is Musk saying that he’ll continue offering starlink to Ukraine or not? Not sure if he’s being sarcastic or matter of fact.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:49:53pm
nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 12:57:44pm


jaunte  Oct 15, 2022 • 1:06:56pm
retired cynic  Oct 15, 2022 • 1:08:19pm

re: #3 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

the entire thread…wow


A Cranky One  Oct 15, 2022 • 1:23:52pm

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 15, 2022 • 1:30:38pm

re: #18 jaunte

“Return the Republican Party to normal, thoughtful and caring folks.”

Oh buddy, do I have some bad news for you…

retired cynic  Oct 15, 2022 • 1:36:26pm

Think Again
by Half Empty

Here is something for Sergei: an amazing coincidence, or …?

retired cynic  Oct 15, 2022 • 1:39:00pm

Also from Juanita Jean:

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 1:44:31pm


KingKenrod  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:01:39pm

Trump’s crime spree continues unabated.

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:10:29pm

Urban legend watch:

I never did this.

I did, however, change a few hot-linked images to point to goatse.

No Malarkey!  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:20:51pm
Grunthos the Flatulent  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:24:21pm

Tomorrow’s Wordle should have bought a Lotto ticket.

I’ll take the eagle.

Wordle 484 2/6


SibData: 2,3,3,4

William Lewis  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:26:16pm

re: #26 Charles Johnson

Urban legend watch:

I never did this.

I did, however, change a few hot-linked images to point to goatse.

“Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time…”

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:26:36pm

re: #3 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

the entire thread…wow

Bastille 2.0

William Lewis  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:33:29pm

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:35:27pm

Phils throttle the Braves.
3-1 series win.
Division leader Braves.
Loser Braves.
On to the NL Championship.
Phils looking downright dangerous.
Love it. Just love it.
As a kid listening to the Phils on the radio with my buds….
I would think a Johnny Callison home run in a 4-2 loss was a good thing.

Captain Ron  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:42:16pm
nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:45:36pm
No Malarkey!  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:47:35pm
ericblair  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:49:20pm

re: #15 JC1

I’m confused. Is Musk saying that he’ll continue offering starlink to Ukraine or not? Not sure if he’s being sarcastic or matter of fact.

He is an officer of a public corporation and is out making announcements that sound like statements of intent, and could just be sarcastic bullshit. This whiny overprivileged snowflake needs to be yanked off the stage for everyone’s good.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:50:22pm

Radar sez rain should be here but it’s not….

… what’s that sound I hear outside my window?

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:52:48pm

Charles, when I click on the number (re: #xx) in a quoted or replied-to post, I’m suddenly seeing a cut off rectangle, about half the width of a post. It can be scrolled up and down, but it cuts off the right half of the post. It happens in both portrait and landscape. (On my phone — safari— it only happens in landscape.) Happens in both chrome and safari. Quitting and restarting didn’t help.

It looks like if the replied-to post is text only, the text wraps, but any graphics are chopped.

TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:54:46pm

re: #32 nines09

Congrats to the Phillies. Winning that first game set the tone. I believe Philly was the last defending champ to make it back to the World Series in 2009. The additional rounds, and baseball’s random nature, are why we have had 8 different champions since 2014.

Dangerman  Oct 15, 2022 • 2:55:39pm

re: #27 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]Seb Gorka says the Pelosi footage on J6 was all staged, complains about her taking mask off while on the phone, and says her statement that she wanted to punch Trump shows how the Democratic Party has “normalized violence in America.”

I knew it. I effing knew it on Thursday.
Yep i posted it.
Then waited

I’m taking a big effing bow.

Some asshat just had to complain about the mask.
Ignoring they were literally in hiding because other idiots were storming the castle.

Dangerman  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:02:53pm

re: #25 KingKenrod

Trump’s crime spree continues unabated.

[Embedded content]

Oh spy45’s wife…

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:09:09pm

::: pushing the curtains aside to reveal this evenings buffet :::
Thanks again for 71,000 Karma points.

Belafon  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:14:21pm
nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:16:52pm

re: #39 TarHellion

True Philly sports fans stand through good bad dead and indifferent.
They root for the jersey. They cheer the effort. They love a fighter.
They can also smell a fraud at 5000 feet.
Give the effort, show you care, and never quit they will love you forever.
Just play hard.
Play. Hard.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:21:14pm
Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:23:35pm

re: #36 ericblair

He is an officer of a public corporation and is out making announcements that sound like statements of intent, and could just be sarcastic bullshit. This whiny overprivileged snowflake needs to be yanked off the stage for everyone’s good.

I’ve suggested squeezing him out at SpaceX, a tall order since it is not publicly traded, but not impossible, especially if the squeezers have outside (ie governmental) help.

Btw, a yokel on Twitter denounced the idea of throwing a business’s founder out of his own creation as “pure communism.” This told me that the poster has no idea how communism works or any conception of how business works, since examples abound of founders getting the boot from their own companies.
One of my favorites is Alexander de Seversky, a Russian aristocrat, fighter ace and aviation promoter who stayed in the US after the Revolution and founded Seversky aircraft on Long Island. Fellow emigre Alexander Kartveli (a Georgian) served as chief designer.
By 1939, the company was losing money and, worse, Seversky had sold 20 A8V fighters to Japan for use in the war against China. This wasn’t illegal at the time but it made Seversky extremely unpopular with the press and Congress, which was bound to hurt the bottom line even further. His board of directors fired him as president and re-organized as Republic Aircraft. Kartveli went on to design the P-47 Thunderbolt of World War II fame, the F-84 Thunderjet of the Korean era, and the Vietnam era F-105 Thunderchief. He ended his career as a consultant on the A-10 Thunderbolt II, better known as the Warthog and still in service.
Seversky and Karveli died 3 weeks apart in 1974.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:29:12pm

Thunder god is such a tease. The sidewalk barely got wet, and only where there were not trees overhanging.

TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:30:35pm

re: #44 nines09

Sacking Girardi proved to be a great move.

Eagles unbeaten, Phillies in the NLCS, and 76ers should be contenders in the Eastern Conference. Good time to be a Philadelphia fan!

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:34:12pm

re: #38 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS

Reload and it will be fixed.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:36:07pm

Low pressure center is just to our southwest, and it is tilted a bit to the northeast:

Lots of thunderstorms in the desert, but alas it’s hard for them to get over the mountains.

Rightwingconspirator  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:36:26pm

re: #47 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Thunder god is such a tease. The sidewalk barely got wet, and only where there were not trees overhanging.

We were in full-fledged “drizzle watch” this morning. It’s so ridiculous for the local news to get all excited about what will be hundredths of inches of rain in the metro area.

HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:37:05pm
HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:37:59pm

re: #51 Rightwingconspirator

We were in full-fledged “drizzle watch” this morning. It’s so ridiculous for the local news to get all excited about what will be hundreds of inches of rain in the metro area.

Not even rush hour trauma!

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:39:57pm

re: #51 Rightwingconspirator

… local news to get all excited about what will be hundreds of inches of rain in the metro area.

Well, I’d get excited about hundreds of inches too 🕵.

Rightwingconspirator  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:41:00pm

re: #54 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Well, I’d get excited about hundreds of inches too 🕵.

LOL whoops. Fixed.

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:43:48pm

re: #48 TarHellion

Sacking Girardi proved to be a great move.

Eagles unbeaten, Phillies in the NLCS, and 76ers should be contenders in the Eastern Conference. Good time to be a Philadelphia fan!

I never understood hiring Girardi, but that’s me.
He was absolutely useless. Just cashing a check.
Eagles made some very smart moves once Wentz failed his first character check.
Flyers have a lot to do, and I think sometime in February Torts and Gritty have at it at center ice…
And the Sixers have a true star with Joel and they just might sort it out.
But yes it is.
Just play hard.

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:47:16pm

As I said a bit earlier the buffet is open. :)

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:49:01pm

Very strong cyclone up at 500mb (where jets fly) is bringing a lot of moisture from the Gulf of California to the deserts. Over there this year has been a strong monsoon season - good for the desert. But not on this side of the mountains:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:51:40pm

Lovely sack of snowcap shiitakes. More to be harvested Sunday. Tonight we charred some cauliflower florets in a skillet, then caramelized some sweet onion with garlic, threw those two together with sliced shiitakes and soy sauce to simmer for about 3 minutes. Mmmmmmmm. Already thinking of variations on the basic recipe.

TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:51:40pm

re: #56 nines09

The NHL’s Eastern Conference is so stacked with good teams, it’s hard for anyone to break through. That said, the Hurricanes could be a Cup contender this year.

darthstar  Oct 15, 2022 • 3:58:14pm
Belafon  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:00:55pm
TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:06:34pm

This Alabama-Tennessee game is off the chain. 49-42 Bama with 8 minutes to play. Tennessee was up 28-10 in the first half.

A Mom Anon  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:09:22pm

It’s been a very hard month here. It’s been an unbelievable 6 months since my husband died this past Monday and what would have been his 56th birthday was yesterday. I’ve been a huge mess with endless problems to solve and my anxiety is off the charts. Since the memorial in June, the calls and visits have stopped, pretty much everyone has forgotten about us. My phone hasn’t rang with a call from a friend since August 25. I’m not sure how I feel about all that.

I need some good news. Something happy to focus on, even if it’s just for a little bit. Whatcha Got? I will take anything from the teeniest little thing that brought a smile to a full fledged miracle or anything in between.

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:12:16pm

re: #60 TarHellion

The NHL’s Eastern Conference is so stacked with good teams, it’s hard for anyone to break through. That said, the Hurricanes could be a Cup contender this year.

The Flyers are picked to do just as they did the last 2 years, which is nothing.
I love hockey. The game. The ice and the speed and skill. If the NHL truly wanted to open up the game they would go Olympic Rink size, but then some of the checking will fall off.
Torts is a not bad coach. Love him or hate him, he is honest. And he cares.
Philly has lived off the ghost of the Broad Street Bullies for too long. It’s gone.
It’s dead, Jim.
No Big Bad Bruins.
No Flying Frenchmen.
No. No. No.
Carolina has a fine coach in Brindy.
And an intelligent organization.
Hurricanes have been contenders the last few years but that choke last year against the Rangers really hurt.
Hockey is my sport. I actually started to play open hockey in my 40’s. No checking but collisions aplenty. Paybacks, intentional or just for kicks…
I still want to skate, but I would die if I hit the ice wrong.
I cannot skate because I’m not hallucinating.
I do miss that rush.
Clean sheet of ice, sharp skates and a frozen puck and good stick…..Heaven.

BigPapa  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:12:38pm

re: #59 Backwoods_Sleuth

That sounds delicious. Shitakes might be the best mushroom. But all mushrooms matter.

I turn on the TV in the hotel room to CNN: take once guess about they’re talking about WRT Fetterman.

TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:12:47pm

re: #64 A Mom Anon

You have friends on here and a community that cares about you.

Eventual Carrion  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:13:49pm

re: #28 Grunthos the Flatulent

Tomorrow’s Wordle should have bought a Lotto ticket.

[Embedded content]

I finally got around to doing todays. I got a way with a 3/6

Wordle 483 3/6


Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:16:34pm

Bama / Tennessee now tied at 49 with a couple mins to go.

HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:17:11pm

Go Gators!

Eventual Carrion  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:20:45pm

Well we finally pulled the trigger and got a “new to us” vehicle. We bought a 2019 Subaru Crosstrek. Trading in the 2012 Corolla. Corolla has been a good car, but the wife wanted something all wheel drive for winter. Actually got more for the tradein than I expected.

All kinds of bells and whistles on the new vehicle. We got a pretty good deal since we were paying cash. We pick it up Thursday. Wife is really excited. But she won’t be able to drive it until we get the apparatus installed for here to use her left foot for the accelerator.

TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:20:54pm

re: #69 Eclectic Cyborg

Never seen anything quite like Tennessee’s offense. The Vols get plays off at such a fast pace. And the wide splits by the wide receivers at the line make it tough for the defense to match up and cover the middle.

TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:22:12pm

re: #71 Eventual Carrion

Two ladies in my department love their Crosstreks.

Eventual Carrion  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:24:51pm

re: #45 Backwoods_Sleuth

Lying, criminal, scumbag riddled, degenerate fucks? Yep sounds like tRump party alright. Checks out.

Captain Ron  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:25:34pm
TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:27:06pm

re: #65 nines09

Long said that hockey is the best game to watch in person. You can see the line shifts, the way the puck is moved about. Took my wife to a Hurricanes game when we first started dating. Got seats near the boards. Within a few minutes, guys were coming at us and crashing into the boards. My wife was absolutely giddy with excitement.

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:28:27pm


calochortus  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:28:30pm

re: #64 A Mom Anon

It’s been a very hard month here. It’s been an unbelievable 6 months since my husband died this past Monday and what would have been his 56th birthday was yesterday. I’ve been a huge mess with endless problems to solve and my anxiety is off the charts. Since the memorial in June, the calls and visits have stopped, pretty much everyone has forgotten about us. My phone hasn’t rang with a call from a friend since August 25. I’m not sure how I feel about all that.

I need some good news. Something happy to focus on, even if it’s just for a little bit. Whatcha Got? I will take anything from the teeniest little thing that brought a smile to a full fledged miracle or anything in between.

Hmm. Happy things? Can’t remember if I’ve mentioned it here, but my daughter-in-law is pregnant with their first. A boy. Due in March.

And as Tarhellion said, we care about you here.

Teddy's Person  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:28:38pm

re: #64 A Mom Anon

It’s been a very hard month here. It’s been an unbelievable 6 months since my husband died this past Monday and what would have been his 56th birthday was yesterday. I’ve been a huge mess with endless problems to solve and my anxiety is off the charts. Since the memorial in June, the calls and visits have stopped, pretty much everyone has forgotten about us. My phone hasn’t rang with a call from a friend since August 25. I’m not sure how I feel about all that.

I need some good news. Something happy to focus on, even if it’s just for a little bit. Whatcha Got? I will take anything from the teeniest little thing that brought a smile to a full fledged miracle or anything in between.

In one of my classes, we are doing an oral history project. One of the groups is doing theirs on the Cold War and 1980s influenced popular culture. I introduced them to Genesis’ Land of Confusion (song and video) and felt I had a very successful day of teaching.

Captain Ron  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:28:53pm
HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:35:33pm

re: #79 Teddy’s Person

In one of my classes, we are doing an oral history project. One of the groups is doing theirs on the Cold War and 1980s influenced popular culture. I introduced them to Genesis’ Land of Confusion (song and video) and felt I had a very successful day of teaching.


HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:37:04pm

re: #79 Teddy’s Person

Have you watched the BBC movie Threads???

Terrifying. Look it up.

BeachDem  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:38:11pm

Rex Huppke’s bothsiderism is hilarious (and also frustrating as hell)

TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:39:05pm

Vols beat Bama 52-49. One of the best college football games I’ve seen.

BigPapa  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:41:01pm

re: #64 A Mom Anon

I translated ‘sending our love’ in Hawaiian:


BigPapa  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:43:12pm

This guitar piece is exquisite. They masterfully bring in the violin and lower guitar chords into playing together.

Another amazing new find is R.D. King. Found right here in House Dracarys.

HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:45:59pm

re: #85 BigPapa


nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:48:39pm

re: #76 TarHellion

Long said that hockey is the best game to watch in person. You can see the line shifts, the way the puck is moved about. Took my wife to a Hurricanes game when we first started dating. Got seats near the boards. Within a few minutes, guys were coming at us and crashing into the boards. My wife was absolutely giddy with excitement.

The best seat in the house is just off to the left or right of the visiting goalie and behind the glass enough so if you stood up you would not need a ride to the hospital.
Seen Flyers/Hershey Bears games since 1970.
I always told folks if you were never at a hockey game 3 rows off the ice, you have no idea.
Now the nets are up. But still….
I was at a Philly Flyers game back at the Spectrum in the early 80’s.
It was warmups. Slap shots on the goalie from the blue line.
Just as the PA instructed the crowd to be aware of pucks flying into the stands I watched a NY Ranger crank a slapper into the second level and smack a guy in the head.
Went down like rain.
Security immediately was there and he was rocked.
We figured he got a jacket, jersey, stick, puck and a 4 pack of tix.
Free stitches too.
Hockey fans….

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:53:42pm

re: #64 A Mom Anon

You are never alone as you think you are.
You are with us.
And you are us.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:55:26pm

re: #84 TarHellion

Vols beat Bama 52-49. One of the best college football games I’ve seen.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:56:36pm

re: #88 nines09

The best seat in the house is just off to the left or right of the visiting goalie and behind the glass enough so if you stood up you would not need a ride to the hospital.
Seen Flyers/Hershey Bears games since 1970.
I always told folks if you were never at a hockey game 3 rows off the ice, you have no idea.
Now the nets are up. But still….
I was at a Philly Flyers game back at the Spectrum in the early 80’s.
It was warmups. Slap shots on the goalie from the blue line.
Just as the PA instructed the crowd to be aware of pucks flying into the stands I watched a NY Ranger crank a slapper into the second level and smack a guy in the head.
Went down like rain.
Security immediately was there and he was rocked.
We figured he got a jacket, jersey, stick, puck and a 4 pack of tix.
Free stitches too.
Hockey fans….

Early 90s I went to half the home games of the Pittsburgh Penguins. Lemieux-era and saw the hockey machine Badger Bob put together win two Stanley Cups. (Along with a couple of killer trades that cemented the teams depth and among others brought in Ron Francis as the #2 Center.)

Our seats were last row of the balcony on one end. Arguably as far from the ice as you could be. However, you could view almost the entire ice and if you were a student of the game could easily follow game flow, success of line changes, and whether a particular player might be dogging a shift. And with no one behind us we could stand up if we wanted. (And pound on the roof of the Civic Arena to make noise.)

I also saw a slap shot from the blue line deflected and reach the front rows of that balcony a few times.

Ice hockey is one of my favorite sports to watch and I agree it is one of the better games to go see in person.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:57:30pm

If so, thanks, dudebro.

Dangerman  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:59:02pm

re: #85 BigPapa

I translated ‘sending our love’ in Hawaiian:

[Embedded content]

I def thought you were taller had hair

Dangerman  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:59:36pm

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2022 • 4:59:50pm
Dopamine Fish  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:00:30pm

re: #92 Nyet

If so, thanks, dudebro.

Elon is such a fragile individual. He is so afraid of public criticism that he literally makes massive policy changes just because he got bad feedback.

Florida Panhandler  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:00:36pm

re: #88 nines09

Having not grown up in hockey culture I was excited when my son started his youth league a few years ago. What I didn’t know was how explosive pro-level hockey actually is in real life. There were a few pro level players at a practice at our rink and they just make the ice practically light on fire. Never seen anything like it.

mmmirele  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:00:47pm

re: #75 Captain Ron

You can watch the lettuce decompose live here:

LIVE: Can Liz Truss outlast a lettuce?

The music is awful and scratchy, but I was amused that the lettuce has been dressed up with a wig and googly eyes.

Seriously, though, Liz Truss is not in a good place:

Senior Tories hold talks to discuss ousting Liz Truss to ‘rescue’ party

As new chancellor Jeremy Hunt rips up prime minister’s economic plans, Conservatives plot route to replace her

It was explained to me that there’s hardly no way to force the Tories to call snap elections before the end of term in late 2024. As of right now, the polling is so terrible for the Tories that every single one of them would lose their seats in Parliament. They wouldn’t even be a minority party. They’d be a nonexistent party, coming in after the LibDems, the Scottish Nationalists, Plaid Cymru and that Protestant Northern Ireland party that escapes my memory. Obviously, Labour would be the very majority party.

So of course the Tory leadership is trying to figure out a way to get a PM in who isn’t going to fuck up quite as badly as Truss has. As of right now, she would have to serve another 80 days to pass up the guy who was the shortest serving prime minister, a guy named George Canning, who died in office in 1827.

Teddy's Person  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:01:39pm

re: #82 HRH Stanley Sea

Have you watched the BBC movie Threads???

Terrifying. Look it up.

I’ll check it out.

austin_blue  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:03:28pm

Congrats to the Vols on defeating the Evil Empire!

Good old Rocky Top.

sagehen  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:10:24pm

re: #76 TarHellion

Long said that hockey is the best game to watch in person. You can see the line shifts, the way the puck is moved about. Took my wife to a Hurricanes game when we first started dating. Got seats near the boards. Within a few minutes, guys were coming at us and crashing into the boards. My wife was absolutely giddy with excitement.

The athletes are dressed like the Michelin Man, plus helmets… I prefer to see who I’m cheering for.

This was my initial attraction (at onset of puberty) to basketball. Shorts, tank tops, you can see the expressions on their faces, the sweat dripping down their backs, the flex of their ass and thighs when they jump…

It was only later I came to appreciate the game.

HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:12:09pm

re: #90 Backwoods_Sleuth

The Saban tantrum is worth sooo much.

Dangerman  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:12:41pm
Dangerman  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:13:07pm
PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:14:52pm

re: #104 Dangerman

Well said Mr Fetterman.

Dangerman  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:15:10pm
A Mom Anon  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:15:48pm

re: #85 BigPapa


And to the rest of you who have responded, thank you from the bottom of my battered soul.I feel like a pinball, just bouncing off of things all the time. I am not “me” right now, I’m not sure what that’s supposed to be anymore. I just don’t want to be scared all the time, I’m not sure if that is worse than the loneliness or not. 62 is not a fun time to have to start over almost from scratch, it’s scarier than any Halloween movie that’s for sure.

BigPapa  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:17:01pm

re: #93 Dangerman

I def have a lot of hair, everywhere, except there. My alternate ego is Vanilla Gorilla.

Dangerman  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:17:23pm

What I said

Do not accept the premise that he is a legitimate candidate

TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:18:14pm

re: #101 sagehen

Mom, who would have been 83 yesterday, always said she loved watching those guys in their basketball shorts. This is the same woman I took to see the Mamma Mia movie. I said something about Pierce Brosnan’s lack of singing ability as we were leaving. She said. “I know. But he looks so good!”

She was one of a kind. Gone nearly 4 years now and miss her every day.

BigPapa  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:23:17pm

re: #110 TarHellion

I’ve met him in person. He looks great in the salt and pepper with a beard. And boy he swears as beatifully as any Irish gentleman.

BigPapa  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:29:17pm

He also liked the dankity dank and had the his little ‘roll station’ in his closet with these super fancy paper brown papers, not sure if paper or tobacco. Some time after lunch he’d be in the Living Room making a cloud, looking at the waves.

Must suck.

Grunthos the Flatulent  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:29:20pm

re: #98 mmmirele

Seriously, though, Liz Truss is not in a good place:

Senior Tories hold talks to discuss ousting Liz Truss to ‘rescue’ party

As new chancellor Jeremy Hunt rips up prime minister’s economic plans, Conservatives plot route to replace her

Ah, Jeremy the unfortunately named.

Language advisory:

As for Liz Truss, “don’t you think she looks tired?”

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:31:48pm

re: #97 Florida Panhandler

Having not grown up in hockey culture I was excited when my son started his youth league a few years ago. What I didn’t know was how explosive pro-level hockey actually is in real life. There were a few pro level players at a practice at our rink and they just make the ice practically light on fire. Never seen anything like it.

You only think you can skate until you step on the ice with a semi pro/club player.
I was turned inside out by club guys. I was stupid enough to stand in front of slap shots until my shin guards were actually perforated one time and that was that.
Love the game.

sagehen  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:33:54pm

re: #113 Grunthos the Flatulent

Ah, Jeremy the unfortunately named.

Language advisory:

[Embedded content]

As for Liz Truss, “don’t you think she looks tired?”

for those poor unfortunates unfamiliar with Doctor Who…

The Doctor Vs The Prime Minister | Doctor Who | The Christmas Invasion | BBC

TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:42:08pm

re: #114 nines09

Didn’t realize until a few years ago that hockey shifts are quite short. Maybe 25-35 seconds of clock time per shift. But you think about how draining skating forward and backward while in full pads must be. Let alone gathering speed to play offense or defense

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:42:13pm

re: #115 sagehen

Was the Penelope Wilton playing the PM?

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:43:22pm

re: #116 TarHellion

Didn’t realize until a few years ago that hockey shifts are quite short. Maybe 25-35 seconds of clock time per shift. But you think about how draining skating forward and backward while in full pads must be. Let alone gathering speed to play offense or defense

If you ever went full tilt on the ice either hanging on a guy or him on you, 45 seconds is a lifetime.

The Pie Overlord!  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:43:38pm

re: #26 Charles Johnson

Urban legend watch:

[Embedded content]

I never did this.

I did, however, change a few hot-linked images to point to goatse.

Some anti-Semitic sites were using images from my history website so I replaced them with this:

BigPapa  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:45:25pm

re: #107 A Mom Anon


HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:47:22pm

Stressed watching the Gators, but relishing in the Alabama loss.

Belafon  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:49:41pm

re: #117 PhillyPretzel

Was the Penelope Wilton playing the PM?

Yes. Iconic character.

“I’m Harriet Jones.”
Everyone, including the Daleks: “Yes, we know.”

Nyet  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:50:04pm

re: #165 John Hughes

You posted a huge chunk of text, with a link after.
It was not clear that the link was the same text.

Yes. I post things that I think might be interesting to the lizards. Sometimes they have to go one step further to decipher to it, that’s a given. It’s a smart crowd. Depending on what device I post from, I may provide further information.

Jay C  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:50:20pm

re: #117 PhillyPretzel

Was the Penelope Wilton playing the PM?

Four episodes of Doctor Who in 2005 and 2008.

Teukka  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:51:20pm
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:52:46pm

re: #116 TarHellion

Didn’t realize until a few years ago that hockey shifts are quite short. Maybe 25-35 seconds of clock time per shift. But you think about how draining skating forward and backward while in full pads must be. Let alone gathering speed to play offense or defense

And the game flow is such that you have to hustle and play at full speed the entire shift in order to get where you need to be. Which is why there is all the strategy involved in timing shifts, preventing an opponent’s tired line from switching off if you can, and making the most of opportunities which can occur at the high speed the game moves in.

I was never a good skater, but my brother took it up in his late 20s. I think he finally had to give up the weekly games* he played in a few years ago. So the team game I played personally was usually basketball.**

* - A step above shinny. Goalies had full gear, but everyone else chipped in to pay their ice fees. Did not wear full pads, and some local rules regarding slap shots and trying to limit contact and avoid injuries.

** - Have a particular dislike of professional basketball since the pro game has eschewed serious defense in order to general flamboyant scoring. And the obvious long-term advantages of 3-point shooting has made watching mediocre NBA teams play each other tedious. Much prefer watching college or high school play since there seems to be much more attention paid to defense, controlled passing, and teamwork.

ckkatz  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:53:16pm
TarHellion  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:55:17pm

re: #118 nines09

A buddy of mine swore Denis Savard was the greatest pro athlete ever. He was a Chicago native and just a bit of a hockey nut.

Jay C  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:55:35pm

re: #124 Jay C

Odd typo issue: when I tried to italicize “Doctor Who” in #124, it autocorrected the closer to ““ and it italicized the rest of the line. I have run into this problem before on my iPad (iOS 15.6.1) - anyone else having this issue?

ADD: apparently LGF has also autocorrected me: the bad closer (though I can see it on the Preview/Edit) was < slash em >

ADD 2. Never mind: problem is on MY keyboard

sagehen  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:55:37pm

re: #117 PhillyPretzel

Was the Penelope Wilton playing the PM?

It absolutely is.

A Three Hour Tour  Oct 15, 2022 • 5:59:52pm

re: #122 Belafon

Yes. Iconic character.

“I’m Harriet Jones.”
Everyone, including the Daleks: “Yes, we know.”

” Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North.”
“Yes, we know who you are.”

“Harriet Jones, Prime Minister.”
“Yes, we know who you are.”

“Harriet Jones, Former Prime Minister.”

A Mom Anon  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:02:56pm

re: #120 BigPapa


HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:04:08pm

Game delay padres v dodgers. My friend is there. Just a sprinkle. GO PADS

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:09:23pm

re: #128 TarHellion

A buddy of mine swore Denis Savard was the greatest pro athlete ever. He was a Chicago native and just a bit of a hockey nut.

Denis Savard rejuvenated the Blackhawks.

Not every great player is in the HOF.
Ever see this?
Tie Domi was one cement head hard ass player.

Fan Stumbles Into Sticky Situation With Tie Domi

And the time Terry O’Reilly beat a fan with his own shoe…In MSG.

Bruins vs Rangers (Goals & Brawl in Stands) - Dec.23,1979

BigPapa  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:09:56pm

re: #133 HRH Stanley Sea

The Pads haven’t won shit in a long time so I’m sorta a Pad fan RN.

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:10:09pm
HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:13:02pm

re: #135 BigPapa

The Pads haven’t won shit in a long time so I’m sorta a Pad fan RN.


I had a 1/2 season tix when Gwynn, Hoffman & Caminiti were there. Glory days.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:17:36pm

re: #134 nines09

Denis Savard rejuvenated the Blackhawks.

Not every great player is in the HOF.
Ever see this?
Tie Domi was one cement head hard ass player.

[Embedded content]


And the time Terry O’Reilly beat a fan with his own shoe…In MSG.

[Embedded content]

I think I went to 4-5 Flyers games while in Philadelphia. At least one fight in the stands at every one. Flyer fans starting in on someone wearing a jersey of the opposing team and it inevitably escalating to a fight and security throwing people out.

I saw that very rarely, if at all, attending Penguins games in Pittsburgh. There’d be generally good natured verbal heckling back and forth, but I never saw it escalate to people throwing stuff at each other or fighting.

HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:21:39pm

Back in the day sports LGF made pages to talk. It was great. Especially Lakers. Ha.

nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:23:53pm

re: #138 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)


jaunte  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:27:06pm
nines09  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:32:01pm

nite nite lizards.
Phils are on to the NL Championship game.
Iggles are undefeated (F the boys)
Flyers are 2-0
Sixers are in the wings.
And my daughter just texted me this. Some Phils are at xfinity live throwing a party.

Meanwhile Astros Mariners are 16th innings and scoreless.
Every single pitch is a grenade.

HRH Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:37:17pm

42 to 21 we’re dying.

BUT the big Tom Petty tribute coming. ESPN.


retired cynic  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:39:58pm

re: #126 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

** - Have a particular dislike of professional basketball since the pro game has eschewed serious defense in order to general flamboyant scoring. And the obvious long-term advantages of 3-point shooting has made watching mediocre NBA teams play each other tedious. Much prefer watching college or high school play since there seems to be much more attention paid to defense, controlled passing, and teamwork.

Agree. College basketball was the sport I liked to watch for men, and volleyball for women. It’s a GAME rather than a scoring exercise. Run down and pop. Run down and pop. Boring!

EstebanTornado1963  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:43:52pm

I’m watching the 2 worst goalies in the NHL. Kings/Wild, 6-4 in the 2nd period.

Belafon  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:47:15pm

re: #141 jaunte

Who is this person and where is this from:

retired cynic  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:50:51pm

re: #144 retired cynic

Pro sport: Baseball. Strategy!

Sherlock Hound  Oct 15, 2022 • 6:56:23pm

re: #138 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I think 1979 was also the year the Bruins broke Le Jinx that the Montreal Canadiens had on them since forever. The back story is hilarious: The B’s in their team bus were trying to get out of Hartford. The Canadiens’ team bus was in the way.

Reportedly, O’Reilly broke into the Habs bus to start it and move it out of the way.

BeenHereAwhile  Oct 15, 2022 • 7:36:28pm

re: #71 Eventual Carrion

Well we finally pulled the trigger and got a “new to us” vehicle. We bought a 2019 Subaru Crosstrek. Trading in the 2012 Corolla. Corolla has been a good car, but the wife wanted something all wheel drive for winter. Actually got more for the tradein than I expected.

All kinds of bells and whistles on the new vehicle. We got a pretty good deal since we were paying cash. We pick it up Thursday. Wife is really excited. But she won’t be able to drive it until we get the apparatus installed for here to use her left foot for the accelerator.

Good vehicle.

You may already know this, but when Subaru maintenance schedule recommends replacing the timing belts, do it. Break a belt & you’ll have $$valves banging $$pistons.

Know a couple of folk who decided this was not necessary.

I was looking at Subarus until someone offered me a deal on an Escape Hybrid I couldn’t refuse.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2022 • 7:36:39pm

sad news in this thread:

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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