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Joe Bacon  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:20:37pm


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:34:01pm

On that Onion tweet in the last thread taking a swipe over the New York Times awful opinion pieces on transgender people, you really should read the whole article. The Onion put their whole heart into their dragging.

It Is Journalism’s Sacred Duty To Endanger The Lives Of As Many Trans People As Possible (seven hours ago)

It is against free speech to stop us from fixating on the genitals.

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:34:56pm
ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:37:34pm
Dopamine Fish  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:41:16pm

re: #4 ckkatz

I saw that story earlier, and I literally could not. It just blows my mind how fucking STUPID this whole thing is.

A Three Hour Tour  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:42:51pm

re: #4 ckkatz

“The Wind?”
CIA Colonel Flagg from M*A*S*H???

“I am the Wind. No one sees me come; no one sees me leave. Now, close your eyes.”

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:43:45pm

re: #5 Dopamine Fish

I saw that story earlier, and I literally could not. It just blows my mind how fucking STUPID this whole thing is.

And reading further into the Dominion filings shows that the Fox management and major talking heads agree with you. But they apparently felt that their audience was even more stupid. Stupid enough to believe this nonsense.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:45:53pm

Backing the blue… .

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:47:25pm

Anecdotally, the convicts were told by Wagner that the casualty rate was 15% in the course of the 6 months they were supposed to serve.

And some of the Wagner convicts are reported to have claimed that 60%-80% of their units were casualties. In a period of a month or two.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:47:26pm

re: #7 ckkatz

And reading further into the Dominion filings shows that the Fox management and major talking heads agree with you. But they apparently felt that their audience was even more stupid. Stupid enough to believe this nonsense.

And this is why I can’t be a conservative. It requires being able to grift those beneath you with pitiless abandon.

Captain Ron  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:48:09pm
wrenchwench  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:48:25pm

re: #8 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Backing the blue… .

[Embedded content]

Support the weapon, support the uniform, but send the human to jail.

Charles Johnson  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:51:43pm
wrenchwench  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:53:15pm

re: #10 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

And this is why I can’t be a conservative. It requires being able to grift those beneath you with pitiless abandon.

You earned your empathy the hard way (the only way); by shared experience. Some find it difficult to check their empathy at the door, so they can enter the grift.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:53:20pm

re: #13 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

He’s been hanging out with the right-wing freakazoids, and if there’s anything they all have in common, it’s that they’re hyper-paranoid.

wrenchwench  Feb 17, 2023 • 4:59:35pm

Is there a ‘block/unblock’ parallel at mastodon to cause an unfollow?

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:00:22pm

re: #6 A Three Hour Tour

“The Wind?”
CIA Colonel Flagg from M*A*S*H???

“I am the Wind. No one sees me come; no one sees me leave. Now, close your eyes.”

And then he broke his leg after jumping though the window if I remember that episode correctly.

Charles Johnson  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:01:36pm

re: #16 wrenchwench

I don’t know. I think it probably works the same way but not sure.

wrenchwench  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:03:29pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

I don’t know. I think it probably works the same way but not sure.

Yep. I just did it, and even the notification disappeared.

Dangerman  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:07:10pm
Trump Seeks to Bar Evidence of Other Sexual Assaults

What a great headline
No “alleged”

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:08:01pm

Folks may remember the discussion through January about the Germans authorizing the transfer of German manufactured Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. The Germans resisted this for a long time before agreeing to it. Long enough to alienate a number of their armaments customers and to not reap any foreign policy points when they finally agreed to it.

The plan had been to provide the Ukrainians with enough tanks to field 2 battalions of Leopard 2s. Approximately 80 tanks.

One battalion would be provided by Poland and countries they organized. This battalion is supposedly now fully armed with the Leopard 2s.

The second battalion would have about 50% German donated tanks. The rest would be contributed by Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. Germany donated their tanks. But apparently the rest of the countries have stiffed the Germans.

Thread -

Grunthos the Flatulent  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:08:13pm

Tomorrow’s Wordle welcomes back the sun but still tries to stay out of it.

No missteps, but dealt myself a weak hand.

Wordle 609 5/6


SibData: 3,4,5

Charles Johnson  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:12:50pm

This is brilliant.


First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:24:52pm

re: #13 Charles Johnson

1. Never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately described by stupidity.

2. Any sufficient stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.

Captain Ron  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:25:27pm
First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:28:19pm

re: #25 Captain Ron

original pic didn’t embed, boo

Charles Johnson  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:29:15pm

I don’t know exactly why, but I sort of lost interest in “Rings of Power” after looking forward to it. Maybe it was just me, but something the Peter Jackson films had was missing.

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:29:23pm
Dopamine Fish  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:30:40pm

re: #27 Charles Johnson

I don’t know exactly why, but I sort of lost interest in “Rings of Power” after looking forward to it. Maybe it was just me, but something the Peter Jackson films had was missing.

It was good. Not great, not something that I’d go over the top to recommend to other people, not as epic as the aforementioned films, but a watchable show that had some suitably epic moments.

retired cynic  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:30:59pm

re: #27 Charles Johnson

I don’t know exactly why, but I sort of lost interest in “Rings of Power” after looking forward to it. Maybe it was just me, but something the Peter Jackson films had was missing.

I’m just a Tolkien fanatic, so I’ll watch anyway, but IMO you are correct.

Joe Bacon  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:31:02pm

re: #6 A Three Hour Tour

“The Wind?”
CIA Colonel Flagg from M*A*S*H???

“I am the Wind. No one sees me come; no one sees me leave. Now, close your eyes.”

…not just any wind!…a BROKEN wind…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:34:50pm
First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:37:42pm

re: #27 Charles Johnson

It never scratched any particular itch of mine.

Although, I’m looking forward to more “Wheel of Time” even though the internet says I should hate it.

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:38:13pm

I see that Haley’s campaign is going wonderfully -

Charles Johnson  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:39:22pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:42:33pm

Jesus: The Missing Years

Youtube Video

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:43:19pm

re: #35 Charles Johnson

“When the debate is with someone like a Young Earth creationist, as the late Stephen Gould pointed out - they’ve won the moment you agree to have a debate at all. Because what they want is the oxygen of respectability.

They want to be seen on a platform with a real scientist, because that conveys the idea that here is a genuine argument between scientists. They may not win the argument - in fact, they will not win the argument, but it makes it look like there really is an argument to be had.” - Richard Dawkins

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:44:48pm

re: #27 Charles Johnson

I don’t know exactly why, but I sort of lost interest in “Rings of Power” after looking forward to it. Maybe it was just me, but something the Peter Jackson films had was missing.

There were only two characters that were worth caring about: Nori and the Stanger.

Jebediah, RBG  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:45:55pm

re: #2 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

On that Onion tweet in the last thread taking a swipe over the New York Times awful opinion pieces on transgender people, you really should read the whole article. The Onion put their whole heart into their dragging.

It Is Journalism’s Sacred Duty To Endanger The Lives Of As Many Trans People As Possible (seven hours ago)

agreed - well worth the couple of minutes to read it

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:49:12pm

Or you know, Tom, you could leave the Republican party that you helped build.

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:51:09pm

re: #40 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I’m not the Tom Nichols Defense League by any stretch, but:

Why I’m Leaving the Republican Party (Oct 7, 2018)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:53:27pm

re: #14 wrenchwench

You earned your empathy the hard way (the only way); by shared experience. Some find it difficult to check their empathy at the door, so they can enter the grift.

I don’t know how much of empathy is “nature” versus “nurture,” but thanks.

William Lewis  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:53:35pm

re: #33 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

It never scratched any particular itch of mine.

Although, I’m looking forward to more “Wheel of Time” even though the internet says I should hate it.

I’ll be a broken record and say again, the best fantasy show in the last decade is The Legend of Vox Machina.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:53:59pm

re: #41 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

I’m not the Tom Nichols Defense League by any stretch, but:

Why I’m Leaving the Republican Party (Oct 7, 2018)

Thanks, I was mistaken: I thought he was still in that party. I’ll go read that.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:54:28pm

can’t. keep. up.

Béla Fleck - Wheels Up (Live)

Charles Johnson  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:56:55pm

re: #40 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Or you know, Tom, you could leave the Republican party that you helped build.

I’m so done with this guy.

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 17, 2023 • 5:59:20pm

re: #44 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

To be sure, he’s thin-skinned and blocked me on Twitter years ago for asking what happens on the set of Jeopardy if someone farts audibly on-set.

wrenchwench  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:01:41pm

re: #42 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I don’t know how much of empathy is “nature” versus “nurture,” but thanks.

That would be very nice to know. Perhaps it would help with distribution of more of it.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:02:49pm

re: #31 Joe Bacon

…not just any wind!…a BROKEN wind…

They call her Mariah.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:03:09pm

Ok, I read it.

He is a temporarily embarrassed Republican (an independent). He even acknowledges he left the GOP once before (during the candidacy of Newt Gingrich). He joined right back up for this reason:

As an aside, let me say that I have no love for the Democratic Party, which is torn between totalitarian instincts on one side and complete political malpractice on the other. As a newly minted independent, I will vote for Democrats and Republicans whom I think are decent and well-meaning people; if I move back home to Massachusetts, I could cast a ballot for Republican Governor Charlie Baker and Democratic Representative Joe Kennedy and not think twice about it.

But during the Kavanaugh dumpster fire, the performance of the Democratic Party—with some honorable exceptions such as Senators Chris Coons, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Amy Klobuchar—was execrable. From the moment they leaked the Ford letter, they were a Keystone Cops operation, with Hawaii’s Senator Mazie Hirono willing to wave away the Constitution and get right to a presumption of guilt, and Senator Dianne Feinstein looking incompetent and outflanked instead of like the ranking member of one of the most important committees in America.

So, he’s just waiting for an “acceptable” Republican to jump in, and so will he. I don’t know if he thinks that is Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley or some other less-volcanic member of the GOP, but that article reads like he’s all in. We just need the “right” compassionate conservative.

He doesn’t name what the so-called totalitarian tendencies or malpractice of the Democratic Party are. He just throws that out there for the reader to fill in the blanks.

Although he acknowledges Brett Kavanaugh’s performance before the Senate hearing was deplorable (not his word), he paints the Democratic Party as “Keystone Cops” and “waving away the Constitution” (the part where Democrats are allowed to ask questions about his behaviour presumably).

Nope, he’s still a Republican.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:08:05pm

re: #50 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I’ve seen those. Lots of “both sides are bad” and other screeds about how awful politicians are. But seem to really quickly jump back into the Republican pool with what is generally a pretty light excuse regarding a single candidate* and vote straight R ticket despite all the deplorables that are running for any other position.

* - Or more often it’s an anti move because a Democrat made a policy discussion statement that offends their precious religious beliefs.

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:09:09pm


Joe Bacon  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:09:56pm

I need The Spinners to come to my rescue. It’s cheer-up time from the Friday News Dump.

The Spinners - We’ll Have It Made (Slayd5000)

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:11:00pm

re: #50 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I would disagree that he’s a “Republican”, given the context of what the Republican party currently is. In my view, the current Republican party is Donald Trump, MTG, and the rest of the goon squad. Top to bottom, McConnell notwithstanding. Moreover, the Republican voter base couldn’t give half a fuck about someone like Tom Nichols. He will never, ever get their buttocks pumping up and down the way that Lauren Boebert does.

Nichols is a ‘Never-Trumper’, which is its own special breed. All your characterizations of him are accurate, especially the bit about how they’re just waiting for the “right kind” of Republican to come along, but those do not describe the current Republican party as it seems to me.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:11:18pm

re: #51 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I’ve seen those. Lots of “both sides are bad” and other screeds about how awful politicians are. But seem to really quickly jump back into the Republican pool with what is generally a pretty light excuse regarding a single candidate* and vote straight R ticket despite all the deplorables that are running for any other position.

* - Or more often it’s an anti move because a Democrat made a policy discussion statement that offends their precious religious beliefs.

And it won’t take him much to jump back, when he holds positions like this:

Yes, an anti-constitutional senator like Hirono is unnerving, but she’s a piker next to her Republican colleagues,

He goes in that article on a long diatribe about Democrats not affording Kavanaugh “due process” during the hearing (the talking point of the day, ignoring that a Senate committee is not a court). He accuses Sen. Hirono of being anti-constitutional for performing her Senate duties.

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:13:49pm

re: #52 ckkatz


I remember hearing about that last year. Maybe they think it will be different because it will be run by the British.

I thought it was weird that they actually named it that. It’s like using Soylent Green as a beverage name.

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:16:04pm

re: #54 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Nichols is a ‘Never-Trumper’, which is its own special breed. All your characterizations of him are accurate, especially the bit about how they’re just waiting for the “right kind” of Republican to come along, but those do not describe the current Republican party as it seems to me.

Or to him. He’s gone beyond the usual never-Trumoer and has declared the party corrupt, and that people should vote for Democrats, not because he supports everything, but because Democrats aren’t trying to end our country,

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:16:14pm
Nojay UK  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:18:54pm

re: #56 Belafon

I thought it was weird that they actually named it that. It’s like using Soylent Green as a beverage name.

Skynet has been around for at least fifteen years by my recollection and it’s possibly older than that. The system is upgraded as and when needed, I think this is the sixth iteration since its inception.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:20:14pm

re: #52 ckkatz


Really has these vibes.

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:22:50pm

re: #57 Belafon

A lot of the Never-Trumpers are interesting to watch in that way.

They start to forget what happened to what they think of as “their party”. They start to entertain ideas of returning to what they think of as their home.

Only to have something happen or someone say something. Which completely rips them out of their fond dream and deposits them back into a shell-shocked cold hard reality.

Sort of like the folks who dream of going back to the home and neighborhood they grew up in as a child. Only to get there and realize that the place has been bulldozed to make a superhighway. And all the folks they remember are long gone.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:23:15pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:31:04pm

I’m sorry, I’ll never get past that most of these Never Trumpers were the very ones who contributed to the crazy, helped build it, nurtured and fed it, yet simply can’t believe that they’ve, WE’VE, reaped what they’d sown.

I just can’t get past that.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:35:44pm

Didn’t they do this in Kyiv, and get their butts kicked then?

That looks like a carnival for an A-10.

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:40:17pm

re: #63 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I’m sorry, I’ll never get past that most of these Never Trumpers were the very ones who contributed to the crazy, helped build it, nurtured and fed it, yet simply can’t believe that they’ve, WE’VE, reaped what they’d sown.

I just can’t get past that.

I have no argument with you.

We are indeed dealing with a dangerous mess created by the GOP and their friends, domestic and foreign. One that threatens the existence of the Constitution and The United States of America. And one that we are stuck cleaning up.

On the other hand, the Never Trumpers do vote and we desperately need those votes if we are going to defeat this monster.

Further, a lot of them have skills honed as GOP operatives and functionaries. And those skill can greatly help our cause.

I agree that it is a nasty bit of sausage making. But, at least for me, the stakes are far too high to write them off.

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:52:00pm

re: #65 ckkatz

And a few of them, such as Nichols, actually apologized for contributing.

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:52:40pm

For those of you trying to learn Spanish, I found a good article in using qué vs cuál:


GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:53:12pm

I thought this kind of thing only happens in woke cities where they ban guns. How can this happen in a free state town of only 285 residents?!

jaunte  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:57:45pm

The first rule of Book Banning Club is there’s no such thing as Book Banning Club,
and if you claim there is you’re fired.

ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 6:57:55pm

re: #64 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Didn’t they do this in Kyiv, and get their butts kicked then?
[Embedded content]
That looks like a carnival for an A-10.

You are completely correct!

As I understand it, this mess is because they cannot use
1. the Kerch Bridge into Crimea. Nor the train that goes across it
2. Parts of the train line along the Sea of Azov because it is under Ukrainian fire.
(The Russian military is set up to use the railroads as their primary logistical transport.)

This causes problems for the Russians because they have a
1. limited supply of military trucks.
2. difficulty in repairing and getting parts for worn out trucks
3. lot of other demands for the trucks since any depot within 80 kilometers of the frontline is likely to come under HIMARS or other artillery fire. So they have to schlepp stuff from a much longer distance across crappy roads which further damage the trucks.

This significantly reduces the supplies they can move to the frontline. Which reduces the number of troops they can supply. Which means that the oversupply of troops have little food, fuel, ammunition, and other stuff. Which means those troops have less to fight with and are much less enthusiastic about fighting.

A-10s were developed for this. But would not likely survive long in the current Ukrainian air space due to all the Russian anti-aircraft, Russian aircraft with long range standoff air-to-air missiles and lack of Ukrainian air superiority.

The Brits have talked about supplying Typhoon aircraft with standoff air to surface missiles. I do not know how serious the Brits actually are. How much they can supply. How long a lead time it would take to supply them.

Nor Ukrainian view on having many different types of airplanes, but only a few of each. This approach has been termed the “Petting Zoo Approach”.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:00:35pm
Captain Ron  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:09:33pm
ckkatz  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:32:31pm

I just slipped on a banana skin.
To be honest it doesn’t really fit well.

austin_blue  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:33:53pm

Oliver Rajamani, She Who Must Be Obeyed on harp, and a bunch of other people you don’t know but should appreciate playing a live promo for a gig at the KUT Studio in Austin.

It’s a little Indian /Flamenco Fusion tune.

Oh and the harp is a 41-string pedal model named La Negrita made by Pilgrim Harps in Kent, UK.

Youtube Video

BigPapa  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:34:13pm

Diarrhea is genetic.

It runs in the jeans.

austin_blue  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:35:38pm

re: #75 BigPapa

Diarrhea is genetic.

It runs in the jeans.

Good Dog, man, please don’t!

austin_blue  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:38:02pm

re: #73 ckkatz

I just slipped on a banana skin.
To be honest it doesn’t really fit well.

You should be ashamed.

BigPapa  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:39:02pm

re: #76 austin_blue

Good Dog, man, please don’t!

Some people think it’s funny but it’s gushy green and runny

BigPapa  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:41:51pm

It runs in the jeans

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:43:02pm

Christians on Twitter arguing atheists should be banned from being teachers.

retired cynic  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:47:25pm

retired cynic  Feb 17, 2023 • 7:57:11pm

This guy is AMAZING!
Wild Personalities Flirt With Their Frames in Calvin Nicholls’s Meticulous Paper Sculptures

Moe Avattar  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:10:16pm

re: #56 Belafon

I remember hearing about that last year. Maybe they think it will be different because it will be run by the British.

I thought it was weird that they actually named it that. It’s like using Soylent Green as a beverage name.

austin_blue  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:12:10pm

Early night. Be kind to each other. Sweet scaly dreams.

EPR-radar  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:12:54pm

re: #61 ckkatz

A lot of the Never-Trumpers are interesting to watch in that way.

They start to forget what happened to what they think of as “their party”. They start to entertain ideas of returning to what they think of as their home.

Only to have something happen or someone say something. Which completely rips them out of their fond dream and deposits them back into a shell-shocked cold hard reality.

Sort of like the folks who dream of going back to the home and neighborhood they grew up in as a child. Only to get there and realize that the place has been bulldozed to make a superhighway. And all the folks they remember are long gone.

The never Trumpers that think there can ever be a non-Trumpist GOP to return to are completely delusional.

The GOP has been marching steadily toward Trump for a century, FFS. It all started back in the 1920s with a string of Republican presidents serving under Sec. Treasury Mellon that cemented, once and for all, the GOP as the party of plutocracy.

Everything since then has been filling in the details.

Captain Ron  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:15:04pm

re: #83 Moe Avattar

Soylent Green is people!”

Captain Ron  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:21:06pm

TedStriker  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:21:56pm

re: #56 Belafon

I remember hearing about that last year. Maybe they think it will be different because it will be run by the British.

I thought it was weird that they actually named it that. It’s like using Soylent Green as a beverage name.

Funny, that…


TedStriker  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:26:37pm

re: #73 ckkatz

I just slipped on a banana skin.
To be honest it doesn’t really fit well.

Did you prance around like Buffalo Bill?


teleskiguy  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:26:56pm
teleskiguy  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:29:11pm

They have fiber optic internet here in Silverton. $80/month gets 500 mb/sec. Fastest internet I’ve ever seen and it’s in tiny rugged remote Silverton, CO

retired cynic  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:30:05pm

re: #90 teleskiguy

A good friend lives in Steamboat. They spend nearly every day for hours shoveling, bucketing, blading, to keep their windows uncovered, their roof from caving in, their driveway open… in often below zero temps… 33 FEET of snow so far this winter. And they are close to 70. It makes me feel faint, just thinking about it!

EPR-radar  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:33:59pm

re: #92 retired cynic

A good friend lives in Steamboat. They spend nearly every day for hours shoveling, bucketing, blading, to keep their windows uncovered, their roof from caving in, their driveway open… in often below zero temps… 33 FEET of snow so far this winter. And they are close to 70. It makes me feel faint, just thinking about it!

They will have to leave the mountains before the winters kill them. Same reason my parents left the mountains of CO a few years ago.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:42:37pm

re: #169 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Stand Your Ground was a bizarro-world pendulum-swing against laws in quite a lot of states that say you have a “duty to retreat” before you are legally permitted to use lethal force in self-defense. These “duty to retreat” laws mean that even if you’re 78 years old and wheelchair-bound, you must show that you attempted to retreat from an assailant or home invader before you can defend yourself with force, lest ye be found guilty of murder.

“Castle doctrine” generally means that if someone enters your home against your will, you are assumed to have the right to assume your life is in danger and use lethal force to defend yourself.

Stand Your Ground, as I (barely) understand it extends the no-duty-to-retreat idea to areas outside your home.

Duty to Retreat laws do not require you must show you attempted to retreat. For example, Nebraska is a Duty to Retreat state (because there aren’t quite enough wingnuts in the state legislature to make this a Stand Your Ground state).

The Nebraska law reads:

“the use of force upon or toward another person is justifiable when the actor believes that such force is immediately necessary for the purpose of protecting himself against the use of unlawful force by such other person on the present occasion.”

Note the law favours the person who is defending themselves or another. It is still incumbent on any prosecutor to show that the person could not retreat and/or was not in imminent danger. Note also it says the person can use force to defend themselves against unlawful force (not a potential murder). Try to assault me in my house and I can’t get away from you, I am free to use force against you.

So the argument of your seven year-old wheelchair bound person, if their age or their wheelchair does not permit them to escape they have to prove they couldn’t is not factual. (The prosecutor has to prove they could.)

Stand-Your-Ground laws are devised to extend the “guns everywhere” mentality of gun nuts and the NRA. Home invasions are one of the least likely places you will face someone seeking to use force against you. In states such as Florida, the stand-your-ground law allows you to use lethal force in public for a non-dangerous crime that you see committed. It is notable only white people are extended that in the fascist states. The case of the Jacksonville woman who fired a warning shot from her apartment while an ex- whom she had a restraining order against, who scared him off and did not injure anyone, went to jail (because Black).

“Castle doctrine” was intentionally misdefined by the NRA.


It is a lessened version of “duty to retreat,” not a license to kill. The term is really only used in the USA, but many nations have similar laws.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:46:57pm

re: #90 teleskiguy

My car last week. /s

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 8:57:02pm

Keep driving people away from your religion. Y’all are so much better at it than we are.

There is no hate like Christian love.

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:00:40pm

The end of the article:

The bill currently has seven GOP co-sponsors, including Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.), who is the first openly gay nonincumbent Republican elected to Congress

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:02:11pm

Horrors for Christians: Making cards for sick children.

Superintendent of the Maine-Endwell School District, Jason Van Fossen, said they are not surprised that parents and families were upset to hear about the After School Satan Club being brought to homer brink elementary.

He says parents need to understand all the factors that went into the decision. “The district was put in a very difficult situation,” said Van Fossen.

The Campaign Director of the After School Satan Club, June Everett, said the club is currently active in six different school districts in the United States. She shared how a parent reached out in December, asking to bring the After School Satan Club to the community in order for their kids to have an alternative if they did not want to send them to the Good News Club.

Everett said in their club, they do not teach about Satanism. However, they do ask their volunteers to think about the seven tenants when they often think of activities.

A lot of the activities in the club center around community projects, making cards for the sick children in the local hospitals, dog tie ropes for local SPCAs and kindness rocks that the kids decorate and distribute throughout the community, Everett said.

Everett said “I want to encourage parents to read more about the After School Satan Club.”

(WBNG, Binghamton, New York, February 17, 2023)

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:05:06pm

re: #96 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:10:39pm

re: #79 BigPapa

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:12:07pm
Hecuba's daughter  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:13:10pm

Looks like my “For you” section in Twitter now includes only tweets that interest me; can never be sure if this is a result of my muting a bunch of people or another change that Twitter made to its algorithms.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:13:52pm

re: #97 Belafon

Restrictions do not apply to materials with “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value,” according to the bill.

Because that’s not subjective as hell.


Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:14:01pm

Super duper frustrating: Google new update for Chrome on Android breaks the flag that disables tab grouping. Now, if I click on a tweet here, it puts Chrome and the Twitter page into a tab group.

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:22:29pm

re: #103 Eclectic Cyborg

Restrictions do not apply to materials with “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value,” according to the bill.

Because that’s not subjective as hell.


He wants it that way.

wrenchwench  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:27:21pm

re: #103 Eclectic Cyborg

Restrictions do not apply to materials with “serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value,” according to the bill.

Because that’s not subjective as hell.


If you want to restrict it, it’s political. You made it so, if it wasn’t already.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:36:44pm

re: #97 Belafon

The end of the article:

In debate, Democrats need to ask how this will seek to fulfil their campaign promises to fix inflation, gas prices, “the border,” and “the Fentanyl crisis.”

Or just call them fascists.

jeffreyw  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:37:54pm

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:43:59pm

re: #99 Belafon

That guy is a real moran.

If you think we’re a lost cause, why do you care?

No one has ever seen oxygen either (an atom), but I’ll bet you’d become a believer really quick if you didn’t have it.

I Would Prefer Not To  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:45:44pm

re: #109 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

That guy is a real moran.

If you think we’re a lost cause, why do you care?

No one has ever seen oxygen either (an atom), but I’ll bet you’d become a believer really quick if you didn’t have it.

I’ve never seen gravity, but I’ve fallen on my ass too many times to count.

William Lewis  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:50:36pm

My son arrived today for a 2 week visit…


Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 9:58:31pm

re: #109 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:03:54pm
Alice grew up in a white-supremacist community in the American Deep South. She speaks candidly about her early life experiences, the role of religion in racism in the U.S. and how her lack of racist views placed her at odds with those around her whilst growing up. She describes how the time she spent in this community left her with PTSD and chronic pain disorder and how she moved away and eventually built a new life for herself elsewhere. Her story is one of overcoming a host of negative influences via a strong desire to stand up for what’s right.


Growing up in a white-supremacist community in the American deep south: Alice

Crush White Nationalism  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:04:47pm
EPR-radar  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:04:49pm

re: #109 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I personally believe a certain kind of Christian apologist becomes a one-man honking clown show when they pretend there’s any evidence for their beliefs that should convince any skeptic.

And I’m right, and this Estevez clown is wrong.

Targetpractice  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:05:37pm

re: #65 ckkatz

I have no argument with you.

We are indeed dealing with a dangerous mess created by the GOP and their friends, domestic and foreign. One that threatens the existence of the Constitution and The United States of America. And one that we are stuck cleaning up.

On the other hand, the Never Trumpers do vote and we desperately need those votes if we are going to defeat this monster.

Further, a lot of them have skills honed as GOP operatives and functionaries. And those skill can greatly help our cause.

I agree that it is a nasty bit of sausage making. But, at least for me, the stakes are far too high to write them off.

No, just no. It’s 2023, not 2017, we’ve had three successful election cycles where getting our own voters to the polls carried the day. The only thing we need is to wean ourselves off this idea that we’re a party in deep distress and we’re forced to beg for people to vote for us. Why? Because with very few exceptional people, most every time you scratch past the surface of a “Never Trumper,” you find a fascist who’s just put out that Trump keeps screaming the quiet part out loud. They’re not opposed to his beliefs or his ideas, they’re just embarrassed to be associated with him. And they show it whenever we try to appeal to them and get a long list of “compromises” that always amount to passing their ideas as our own under the label of “bipartisanship.”

If they truly are fed up with the party and its ideals, then we don’t need to appeal to them. If we’re appealing to them for their votes, then it’s not the party they have a problem with.

EPR-radar  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:08:18pm

re: #116 Targetpractice

No, just no. It’s 2023, not 2017, we’ve had three successful election cycles where getting our own voters to the polls carried the day. The only thing we need is to wean ourselves off this idea that we’re a party in deep distress and we’re forced to beg for people to vote for us. Why? Because with very few exceptional people, most every time you scratch past the surface of a “Never Trumper,” you find a fascist who’s just put out that Trump keeps screaming the quiet part out loud. They’re not opposed to his beliefs or his ideas, they’re just embarrassed to be associated with him. And they show it whenever we try to appeal to them and get a long list of “compromises” that always amount to passing their ideas as our own under the label of “bipartisanship.”

If they truly are fed up with the party and its ideals, then we don’t need to appeal to them. If we’re appealing to them for their votes, then it’s not the party they have a problem with.

Both things are true:

1) The margins in these last few election cycles are pitiful for votes that amount to Civilization vs. Nazis.

2) There are much better ways to address that problem than going after the votes of never Trump Republican (their numbers are negligible, and they are still Republicans).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:21:59pm

re: #114 Crush White Nationalism

Former staff writer for the National Review suddenly upset that FOX News lies.

Joe Bacon  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:22:29pm

re: #113 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷


[Embedded content]

Something tells me she’s not welcome on Joe Blowgan’s podcast.

Joe Bacon  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:23:53pm

re: #115 EPR-radar

I personally believe a certain kind of Christian apologist becomes a one-man honking clown show when they pretend there’s any evidence for their beliefs that should convince any skeptic.

And I’m right, and this Estevez clown is wrong.

Memories of how obnoxious the Campus Crusade For JC was at Pitt in the mid 70s since they were nothing more than a branch of the Pruneface for President operation.

Captain Ron  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:26:07pm

Netflix has listed the last two series I started on their Windows App as standard HD but both are 4k and support HDR. I only found out by checking the resolution of the video. (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D)toggle. So then I decided to see if it worked in HDR mode and it did. You can’t trust their Ultra HD to be HDR and you can’t trust standard HD to not be Ultra HD HDR.

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:30:10pm

I went to twitter and got this:

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:34:17pm
Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:36:32pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:37:40pm

Huffington Post, yesterday

Scientology Leader David Miscavige Served With Human Trafficking Lawsuit

Scientology leader David Miscavige was finally served with a long-standing human trafficking lawsuit this week.

The suit was filed last year on behalf of three former members of the church who accused Miscavige of trafficking them into his organization as minors, per Insider.

In court documents viewed by the outlet, Valeska Paris and married couple Gawain and Laura Baxter alleged that they were “coerced” to join the religion — and its notorious Sea Organization arm — to “provide unpaid labor and services for a decade or longer.”

“Plaintiffs were placed on a ship they could not leave and routinely punished by being humiliated, interrogated, and imprisoned, for the sole purpose of ensuring Plaintiffs would continue to perform back breaking free labor,” the suit alleged.


Targetpractice  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:38:15pm

re: #112 Belafon

[Embedded content]

Cue a word salad about “faith” and “belief” that amounts to the “skeptic” arguing that religious dogma says even if he can’t prove “God” exists he’s required to believe he does. Bonus points if he tries to argue that the “proof” of God is in things such as “miracles” or other events that have totally valid scientific explanations but he chooses to believe are the work of a divine power.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:45:41pm

Sigh. Another bogie.

Wordle 609 5/6


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:48:35pm

From two threads ago:

Either “retro” or “current Nebraska Panhandle” list.

I never owned a Walkman.
I never had a MySpace account (MySpace is trending on Twitter right now)
My AOL account was converted from my Quantum Link account when it became AOL

Things I have or use now:
Rotary phone
Photos with a film camera (a Polaroid One-Step, for which you can still buy film)
CD player
Cassette player
Record player
VHS player
Fax machine in village office, fax program in computer
Send postcards
Use paper maps (most recently our trip to Newfoundland and Labrador)
Listed in the phone book, it’s next to my rotary phone
Own several dictionaries
Own an encyclopaedia set
Pay with paper cheques

No longer use:
No longer have a floppy disc drive
No longer use dial up (last time about five years ago)
No longer own a boom box

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:51:22pm
Targetpractice  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:52:56pm

re: #128 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I only get two points: Never had a MySpace account and never paid with a check. Could argue for a third point on the grounds that while I’ve played around with a typewriter, I’ve never actually used one to produce anything of real value.

Belafon  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:54:07pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:56:44pm

re: #128 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

If “listened to music on a Walkman” doesn’t mean “I owned the Walkman,” then I get only one point (never had a MySpace account, though I have looked at MySpace pages).

One point means “push him over, he doesn’t realise he’s dead yet.”

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:56:51pm

re: #128 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

From two threads ago:

[Embedded content]

Either “retro” or “current Nebraska Panhandle” list.

I never owned a Walkman.
I never had a MySpace account (MySpace is trending on Twitter right now)
My AOL account was converted from my Quantum Link account when it became AOL

Things I have or use now:
Rotary phone
Photos with a film camera (a Polaroid One-Step, for which you can still buy film)
CD player
Cassette player
Record player
VHS player
Fax machine in village office, fax program in computer
Send postcards
Use paper maps (most recently our trip to Newfoundland and Labrador)
Listed in the phone book, it’s next to my rotary phone
Own several dictionaries
Own an encyclopaedia set

No longer use:
No longer have a floppy disc drive
No longer use dial up (last time about five years ago)
No longer own a boom box
Pay with paper cheques

3 for me. I never used a walkman, a boombox, or had a MySpace account.

I pay my cleaning people with a paper check. And I use postcards as part of political outreach programs ; for example sending postcards to encourage voters to vote for particular candidates.

retired cynic  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:58:07pm

re: #128 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Two points. Never used a Walkman or had a MySpace account. All the rest, yep.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:58:10pm

re: #131 Belafon

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 10:59:05pm

re: #133 Hecuba’s daughter

I had “pay with paper cheques” in the wrong place. I moved it to “still use.”

darthstar  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:05:42pm

re: #123 Belafon

You must also put your password on your bio page so others may appreciate it.

darthstar  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:07:28pm

re: #136 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I had “pay with paper cheques” in the wrong place. I moved it to “still use.”

I use paper checks for my cleaning woman and her husband who is our yard guy. Also contractors doing our remodel - I have a checkbook from my HELOC I use for them.

Moe Avattar  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:07:35pm

re: #128 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷
I have done all of those things. Zero points.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:11:01pm

re: #131 Belafon

It looks like our village public library in our town of 95 has more books than that public school does. Duval County should be fookin’ embarrassed, but this is the same school district which had massive protests by alumni because people suggested changing the name of Robert E. Lee High School.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:12:52pm

re: #138 darthstar

I use paper checks for my cleaning woman and her husband who is our yard guy. Also contractors doing our remodel - I have a checkbook from my HELOC I use for them.

I had to look up HELOC. I don’t have one of those, just a regular chequing account.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:16:01pm

Replying to
Here’s an idea: Put all the books back, ignore any warnings, dare them loudly to arrest you, go to jail if need be. Be an inspiration so someone writes a book about you. Hopefully it’ll be good enough some yokel threatens to ban it someday.

darthstar  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:19:10pm

re: #141 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I had to look up HELOC. I don’t have one of those, just a regular chequing account.

I work for a bank. HELOC makes sense as I get a discount on the interest rate. Plus, I’ve got about another 40-50 grand to spend before we’re done with the remodel. Don’t want to just dump all our savings - we paid for the first part(hardwood floors, marble countertops, fireplace and door) out of savings before I got the HELOC…so I’m kind of glad that money’s gone…it doesn’t count now. But I’m not using the line of credit to buy a new car or take vacations. Purely remodel shit.

darthstar  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:22:19pm

re: #142 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Replying to
Here’s an idea: Put all the books back, ignore any warnings, dare them loudly to arrest you, go to jail if need be. Be an inspiration so someone writes a book about you. Hopefully it’ll be good enough some yokel threatens to ban it someday.

This. Get arrested for letting a kid read Huck Finn.

Hell, when I was still teaching high school English, when I had a kid say he/she couldn’t read Shakespeare because of religious reasons (total bullshit), I assigned them The Handmaid’s Tale as an alternate text. Yes, I fucked with their heads a little…but every single one of them came to me after and said thank you, but don’t let my mom know you made me read this.

Targetpractice  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:25:15pm

re: #131 Belafon

[Embedded content]

What’s telling is just how big the empty spaces are. When I was in school only 20 years ago, the stack of “Banned Books” was maybe 1-2 feet tall depending upon the school and how religious the faculty was. That same stack now would be taller than I am and is getting taller with each passing week as “concerned parents” find more literature that is “explicit.”

Targetpractice  Feb 17, 2023 • 11:57:57pm

re: #144 darthstar

This. Get arrested for letting a kid read Huck Finn.

Hell, when I was still teaching high school English, when I had a kid say he/she couldn’t read Shakespeare because of religious reasons (total bullshit), I assigned them The Handmaid’s Tale as an alternate text. Yes, I fucked with their heads a little…but every single one of them came to me after and said thank you, but don’t let my mom know you made me read this.

Nah, Bible-thumpers who don’t want their kids exposed to a book about two male penguins caring for a chick or the life story of Michelle Obama are totally cool with Huck Finn and used to regularly defend it back in the day. No points will be rewarded for guessing why.

Moe Avattar  Feb 18, 2023 • 12:14:11am

re: #146 Targetpractice

Nah, Bible-thumpers who don’t want their kids exposed to a book about two male penguins caring for a chick or the life story of Michelle Obama are totally cool with Huck Finn and used to regularly defend it back in the day. No points will be rewarded for guessing why.

“I was a-trembling, because I’d got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself:
“All right, then, I’ll go to hell.” - and tore it up.”

John Hughes  Feb 18, 2023 • 12:15:56am

re: #56 Belafon

I thought it was weird that they actually named it that. It’s like using Soylent Green as a beverage name.

They named it skynet in the mid to late 1960s. The Terminator came out in 1984.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 12:17:54am

I ran across an interesting take down of the “He Gets Us” advert campaign. The woman in question is an Evangelical Christian, author, and apologist, who goes after the campaign as “un-Christian.”

7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign (Natasha Crane, October 27, 2022)

Her arguments against the advert campaign are arguments from Christian apologetics, which might have more traction with Christians than, say, my arguments would.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 12:22:12am

Nikki Haley Kicks Off Campaign Slobbering Over Antisemitic Pastor (Crooks & Liars, February 16, 2023, with video)

Hagee opened Haley’s first campaign event with a prayer.

Nikki Haley has already exemplified the term “two-faced,” but she gave it new, more sinister meaning with the launch of her campaign.

It began with an invocation from Pastor John Hagee. He’s a hate-mongering extremist and a crackpot. As Crooks and Liars has reported in 2013, he told atheists who don’t like Christmas to “leave the country” or “take your Walkman and stuff it into your ears.” In 2014, he predicted the world would end by 2015. Less amusing are his beliefs about Jews, gays and COVID. He has called Hitler a “half-breed Jew,” blamed Catholics for the Holocaust and claimed that the Antichrist is gay, e.g.

As The Recount noted, 2008 presidential candidate John McCain “initially advertised Hagee’s endorsement before rejecting it after Hagee’s attacks on the Catholic Church and comments saying the Holocaust was part of God’s plan came to light.”


Targetpractice  Feb 18, 2023 • 12:25:46am

re: #150 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Nikki Haley Kicks Off Campaign Slobbering Over Antisemitic Pastor (Crooks & Liars, February 16, 2023, with video)

Hagee opened Haley’s first campaign event with a prayer.


Good Zod, I knew her campaign wasn’t long for this world, but I didn’t think she’s try self-immolation this quick.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 12:35:04am

re: #151 Targetpractice

Good Zod, I knew her campaign wasn’t long for this world, but I didn’t think she’s try self-immolation this quick.

She’s trying to go for the same wingnut vote Trump went for. That doesn’t seem to be a winning strategy if either (a) Trump is in the race, or (b) those who don’t normally pay attention to politics get a whiff of what she’s trying to do.

With all the fake Jews uncovered lately in Republican politics (I think we’re up to three now), Haley probably isn’t concerned much about the Jewish vote anyway (about 2.4% of the adult electorate).

William Lewis  Feb 18, 2023 • 12:41:10am

re: #149 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I ran across an interesting take down of the “He Gets Us” advert campaign. The woman in question is an Evangelical Christian, author, and apologist, who goes after the campaign as “un-Christian.”

7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign (Natasha Crane, October 27, 2022)

Her arguments against the advert campaign are arguments from Christian apologetics, which might have more traction with Christians than, say, my arguments would.

Without even looking at your posts I can think of huge numbers of arguments against their garbage. But since all Christians are utterly depraved and evil to you, why should I bother telling you of any effort to oppose them? After all, I have never seen you not insult a religious believer of any sort other than CL and that was probably purely by not looking at the wrong time. Your recent antisemitic arguments against a eruv (despite your claims otherwise) are a reminder that anyone who dares have any religious belief of any kind needs to be hated according to your belief.

Good night all here. I’m not going to play his game tonight. (hint he’ll play the victim and storm off whining that his hate is only misunderstood and that the evil he’s suffered (and, yes, it is real) allows him to be just as evil. He’ll stay away until someone says “oh where is he?” and then he can assuage his ego that way.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 12:47:40am

re: #153 William Lewis

Without even looking at your posts I can think of huge numbers of arguments against their garbage. But since all Christians are utterly depraved and evil to you, why should I bother telling you of any effort to oppose them? After all, I have never seen you not insult a religious believer of any sort other than CL and that was probably purely by not looking at the wrong time. Your recent antisemitic arguments against a eruv (despite your claims otherwise) are a reminder that anyone who dares have any religious belief of any kind needs to be hated according to your belief.

Good night all here. I’m not going to play his game tonight. (hint he’ll play the victim and storm off whining that his hate is only misunderstood and that the evil he’s suffered (and, yes, it is real) allows him to be just as evil. He’ll stay away until someone says “oh where is he?” and then he can assuage his ego that way.

Wow. Okay, then. Good-night.

I’m somewhat surprised you would be upset that I posted an article from a Christian about that multi-hundred million dollar advert campaign and why she thinks it’s un-Biblical and un-Christian (I presume you didn’t read it), and that was what set you off.

I won’t address your distortion of what I thought about the eruv article in the New York Times.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 12:53:29am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 1:00:59am

Squicky medical stuff behind the hide bar.

The VA nurse called me this evening and chewed me out for not going to the hospital (due to weather conditions I could not). She’s insisting I haul my butt to Cheyenne first thing Monday morning.

The issue is bleeding from my behind which has gone on for months. She gives a lot of potentially-bad outcomes (the worst being sepsis).

So Monday I probably won’t be here (not for the reason ascribed to me a couple comments ago). Depending on how it goes, we’ll see about when I can return.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 1:21:37am

re: #155 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

On the proposed six-week ban, one of the co-sponsors of the bill is Democratic state senator Mike McDonnell (District 5) of Omaha.

Thirty-one senators supporting the bill leaves it two votes shy of being able to overcome a filibuster when it reaches the floor of the Unicameral.

Leading the charge against the bill is Democratic Omaha state senator Megan Hunt (District 8). She successfully tanked last session’s attempt to ban abortion. At the time, the Nebraska Medical Association refused to take a position on that bill; a massive caller and letter campaign to physicians throughout the state pushed the NMA to oppose this bill.

Polling (except for one religious outfit) shows the state’s voters are opposed to this about 2-to-1.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 1:36:38am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 1:41:13am

re: #157 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

State Senator Mike McDonnell (D-opposes all abortion for religious reasons) intends to run against Mayor Jean Stothert (R-doesn’t live in Nebraska, opposes all abortion for religious reasons) in the next election there.

It is unfortunate my state party can’t come up with a better candidate for Omaha mayor.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 1:52:05am

I killed the thread. I guess it’s time for a guinea pig photograph.
I hope the Japanese script is safe-for-work.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 2:16:56am

My state senator has designated his two “priority” bills (bills which must be debated on the Unicameral floor and cannot be blocked by a committee).

LB-277 is not his bill. That bill, named the “First Freedom Act,” would allow any religious entity to sue (government, business, not-for-profit, private person) if their exercise of religion or worship service might be burdened or restricted.

This comes up partly as a response to pandemic shutdowns of churches (which didn’t happen in Nebraska), and partly to force proselytisation in private businesses (which has happened in Nebraska), along with stopping preventing religious pickets from harassing women’s clinics.

Interestingly, this bill designates gun ownership as a religious activity. As such, if a companion bill passes (guns everywhere, all the time, without licenses), that means no private citizen could prevent another from bringing a gun into their home (as that would be a burden on their religious expression).

Erdman’s other bill (LB-77) is another attempt to repeal all property and income tax in Nebraska, and replace it with a “consumption tax” which he insists is not a sales tax (because his bill repeals the state sales tax).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 2:21:27am

re: #161 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The previous attempt at “guns everywhere, all the time, without licenses” bill failed. It had a carve-out in that bill due to the concerns of the Omaha and Lincoln Police Departments.

This bill has no such carve-outs (Republicans saying “fuque the police”).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 2:27:09am

Moar guinea pigs.

Targetpractice  Feb 18, 2023 • 2:30:48am

re: #158 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

[Embedded content]

This has been happening in countries across the globe for years, abortion bans that were sold on promises that they would only prohibit elective abortions turning into death sentences for women, but there will still be plenty of idiots here in the good ol’ USA who will lie to themselves that “health of the mother” exceptions will be enough.

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 18, 2023 • 2:36:02am

re: #164 Targetpractice

It’s the “Shirley Exception”.

SkepDick (quoting Alexandra Erin): “The Shirley Exception is a bit of mental sleight of hand that allows people to support a policy they profess to disagree with. It’s called the Shirley Exception because… well, I mean, *surely* there must be exceptions, right?” The post is talking about the belief that it’s okay to have extreme, harsh laws about immigration, abortion, etc. because in practice, on a case-by-case basis, the law will spare people who don’t deserve it: “Surely, they think, surely the leopards will know to only eat the “right” faces, the faces that need eating, and leave alone all the faces that don’t deserve that. But if we try to lay out rules to protect faces from being eaten by leopards, people will take advantage. Best to keep it simple and count on decency and reason to rule the day.”

And so they support a policy which has no exceptions or wiggle room in the conviction that “deserving” people will get some wiggle room anyway. And therefore figure they shouldn’t be criticized for supporting an abortion ban with no exceptions or an immigration ban or a medical policy that allows insurers to deny coverage to pre-existing conditions — sure, the law says that, and they support the law, but that’s not how they want it enforced! They should get credit for good intentions right?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 18, 2023 • 2:43:36am

re: #164 Targetpractice

This has been happening in countries across the globe for years, abortion bans that were sold on promises that they would only prohibit elective abortions turning into death sentences for women, but there will still be plenty of idiots here in the good ol’ USA who will lie to themselves that “health of the mother” exceptions will be enough.

There are no non-religious reasons to ban abortions. The places where these bans have been put (El Salvador, Poland, &c) were always argued on religious grounds; the same is true here.

If the banners actually cared about the health of mothers, they would also support such things as free pre-natal and post-natal care, health and sex education for women, &c.


I’m going to have to mosey off to bed. It’s getting late. For some reason I wasn’t invited to the village dominoes game yesterday; usually they call people to come over. Perhaps for some reason they didn’t have it.

Targetpractice  Feb 18, 2023 • 3:24:59am

re: #165 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

It’s the “Shirley Exception”.

It also allows the writers to profess innocence (“We never intended the law to lead to that!”) and blame the other side (“If they just went case-by-case, this wouldn’t have happened!”) so that they are never at fault for the horrors that their extremism has unleashed because surely the leopards were mistaken and it’s the fault of their critics who are deliberately misinterpreting the law.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 3:28:26am

re: #27 Charles Johnson

I don’t know exactly why, but I sort of lost interest in “Rings of Power” after looking forward to it. Maybe it was just me, but something the Peter Jackson films had was missing.

I followed it for the backstory and lore, but I found the CGI was laid on with a trowel and I was really unable to engage emotionally with any of the characters.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 3:29:42am

re: #37 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

“When the debate is with someone like a Young Earth creationist, as the late Stephen Gould pointed out - they’ve won the moment you agree to have a debate at all. Because what they want is the oxygen of respectability.

If you are a Biblical literalist, you have already rejected science, history and even logic as the Bible contradicts itself in several places.

The only people they should be “debating” are representatives of other religions and their creation myths.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 3:45:46am

re: #55 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

And it won’t take him much to jump back, when he holds positions like this:

He goes in that article on a long diatribe about Democrats not affording Kavanaugh “due process” during the hearing (the talking point of the day, ignoring that a Senate committee is not a court). He accuses Sen. Hirono of being anti-constitutional for performing her Senate duties.

The GOP really won the day with Kavanaugh on using terms like “due process” “innocent until proven guilty” regarding his past activities.

But this Kavanaugh was not on trial for any criminal actions, this was a hearing to determine whether he possessed the character and qualifications to warrant a lifelong appointment to the highest legal instance in the nation.

I see a different set of standards applicable there, but the GOP managed to derail it into a matter of “she-said, he-said”.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 18, 2023 • 3:52:21am

re: #66 Belafon

And a few of them, such as Nichols, actually apologized for contributing.

Kinda like saying “I’m sorry I beat up your grandma, I shouldn’t a did that.”

To ccatz’s point, I get they vote and we need them. I’ll just never look at them as friends or decent people or anything like that. Granny’s on life support and if she dies, you’re responsible for murdering her.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 4:01:43am

re: #133 Hecuba’s daughter

I have several functional monitors that I can no longer use because most computers no longer have ports for those old nine-pin plugs with the plastic screws on the sides.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 4:02:32am

re: #139 Moe Avattar

I have done all of those things. Zero points.

All those plus I listened to music on a reel-to reel tape recorder and eight-track cassette.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 4:05:07am

re: #152 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

She’s trying to go for the same wingnut vote Trump went for. That doesn’t seem to be a winning strategy if either (a) Trump is in the race, or (b) those who don’t normally pay attention to politics get a whiff of what she’s trying to do.

Trump is a cult of personality. Without the person it will crumble. Most of them will still vote GOP but will not come out in such strong numbers.

That was his winning strategy in 2016: He knew that all of his 30% would come out to vote, he just needed to get a reasonable share of the undecideds (in the right places) to ensure an Electoral College win.

TarHellion  Feb 18, 2023 • 4:12:03am


TarHellion  Feb 18, 2023 • 4:14:15am

Back on the birbie bus. Took MrsTarH out yesterday for her first restaurant lunch since getting her lower teeth. She enjoyed her fried oysters and Canadian flounder. It’s great seeing her be perky again! Have a great weekend everyone!

Wordle 609 3/6*


Dangerman  Feb 18, 2023 • 4:39:57am

re: #170 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The GOP really won the day with Kavanaugh on using terms like “due process” “innocent until proven guilty” regarding his past activities.

But this Kavanaugh was not on trial for any criminal actions, this was a hearing to determine whether he possessed the character and qualifications to warrant a lifelong appointment to the highest legal instance in the nation.

I see a different set of standards applicable there, but the GOP managed to derail it into a matter of “she-said, he-said”.

There was maybe a time when a mere credible accusation like this would be disqualifying in and of itself.

Now it’s if you can’t prove it to courttoom standards, we’re good with him on scotus

Targetpractice  Feb 18, 2023 • 4:46:11am

re: #174 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Trump is a cult of personality. Without the person it will crumble. Most of them will still vote GOP but will not come out in such strong numbers.

That was his winning strategy in 2016: He knew that all of his 30% would come out to vote, he just needed to get a reasonable share of the undecideds (in the right places) to ensure an Electoral College win.

The party’s decision to embrace Trump to win an election has basically set the stage for the party’s eventual collapse. He will never pick a successor, never choose someone to replace him in the hearts of his supporters, whether out of a death bed delusion that he will survive or out of malice and spite towards a party he feels has not shown him sufficient loyalty. And the moment he expires, the resulting scramble to put somebody else in his place will ignite a firestorm that will incinerate what little solidarity the party has remaining.

Dangerman  Feb 18, 2023 • 4:48:27am

No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn

carpe some damn diem

Dangerman  Feb 18, 2023 • 5:03:26am

re: #178 Targetpractice

The party’s decision to embrace Trump to win an election has basically set the stage for the party’s eventual collapse. He will never pick a successor, never choose someone to replace him in the hearts of his supporters, whether out of a death bed delusion that he will survive or out of malice and spite towards a party he feels has not shown him sufficient loyalty. And the moment he expires, the resulting scramble to put somebody else in his place will ignite a firestorm that will incinerate what little solidarity the party has remaining.

those who think ‘if he just died’… are being terribly naive
his personal relevance is already fading. there are lots of indications of it.

it’s ‘Trumpism’ that will live on
maybe someone grabs that mantle
maybe it all implodes in the fight

GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 18, 2023 • 5:25:43am

re: #99 Belafon

He will block me for this:

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 5:49:41am

re: #10 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

And this is why I can’t be a conservative. It requires being able to grift those beneath you with pitiless abandon.

Well said. If I had no morals, I would start a dietary supplement business. I don’t like punching down, either

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 6:01:52am

re: #181 GlutenFreeJesus

That poison needs to be blocked by everyone.

Florida Panhandler  Feb 18, 2023 • 6:18:22am

re: #9 ckkatz

Anecdotally, the convicts were told by Wagner that the casualty rate was 15% in the course of the 6 months they were supposed to serve.

And some of the Wagner convicts are reported to have claimed that 60%-80% of their units were casualties. In a period of a month or two.

I consider this a disappointing statistic until it hits 100%.

Dangerman  Feb 18, 2023 • 6:19:32am

Oblongatis  Feb 18, 2023 • 6:21:31am

re: #40 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Great. Now do Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 6:38:22am

re: #186 Oblongatis

Great. Now do Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie.

I think this Twit encapsulates if all.

mmmirele  Feb 18, 2023 • 6:49:12am

Mom news


Parents! (said in the same exasperated tone as “Kids!”)

TarHellion  Feb 18, 2023 • 6:55:55am

Forecast calls for a record 82 degrees on Thursday. The house sits in a lot of direct sunlight, so this will set a new mark for earliest use of air conditioning.

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:01:49am

Is something up with cookies this morning? I have to keep signing in every time I close my browser.

Joe Bacon  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:03:15am

re: #190 Thanos

Is something up with cookies this morning? I have to keep signing in every time I close my browser.

Ever since I did the latest OS update I have to sign in every time I close Safari.

Joe Bacon  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:06:06am

Just maybe ol’ Screwpert Murdoch is getting the karmic retribution he so richly deserves.

‘Pathetic’ Fox News had its ‘dirty underbelly’ exposed in stolen election texts: conservative

Conservative pundit Matt Lewis joined in the pile-on aimed at Fox News after a report was released showing hosts on the conservative network were totally aware that claims of 2020 election fraud from Donald Trump and some of his closest advisors were bogus yet promoted them on-air just the same.

In his column for the Daily Beast, the stalwart conservative, who briefly left the Republican Party over Trump, claimed he was taking a small measure of joy at the network being exposed, and called the Fox crew’s subsequent new PR problem “delightfully pathetic.”

“As a conservative who was exiled to the margins during the Trump administration, and having endured years of gaslighting, it’s reassuring to my own sanity to discover that people at Fox News secretly agree with me about pretty much everything,” he wrote before adding, “Maybe, like me, you’ve been wrestling with the cognitive dissonance of having your formerly favorite TV network tell you things that seem crazy or implausible. The good news for you is that you’re not crazy. They actually agree with you! Just not on TV.”


Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:06:57am

re: #188 mmmirele


jeffreyw  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:08:32am

Good morning!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:09:41am

re: #180 Dangerman

those who think ‘if he just died’… are being terribly naive
his personal relevance is already fading. there are lots of indications of it.

it’s ‘Trumpism’ that will live on
maybe someone grabs that mantle
maybe it all implodes in the fight

He will appoint a psychic medium through whom he will rule from beyond the grave.

Dangerman  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:10:36am

re: #188 mmmirele

Mom news

[Embedded content]

Parents! (said in the same exasperated tone as “Kids!”)

Moms. Ditto

Joe Bacon  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:11:11am

re: #188 mmmirele


First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:11:32am

re: #195 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The Qanon goons think JFK and JFK Jr are still alive. Trump could drop dead on live TV and most of the Republican base would call it a ‘false flag’.

Joe Bacon  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:13:19am

FloriDUMB strikes again.

a rather novel way of…taking a powder…

Florida City Councilman Resigns After Cocaine Allegedly Found in Shoe

A Florida city councilman allegedly found with cocaine in his shoe after drunkenly trying to evade police on a motorcycle has resigned. Pete Filiberto, a Republican from Palm Bay, had initially resisted calls to step down, but he announced his exit on Friday. Among Filiberto’s transgressions in the Saturday night incident: He was speeding, he had a suspended license, and he refused a Breathalyzer. A special election will now be held to replace him.


Memories of former Los Angeles City Clowncilman Mike Hernandez who was caught with having cocaine and women’s panties stuffed in his office desk.

That earned him the nickname of Señor Snort…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:21:05am

re: #199 Joe Bacon

FloriDUMB strikes again.

a rather novel way of…taking a powder…

Florida City Councilman Resigns After Cocaine Allegedly Found in Shoe

“Florida politician” as a sub-category of “Florida man”.

Joe Bacon  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:31:14am

The Onion giving some very helpful advice.

What To Say To Someone Who Is A Fan Of Joe Rogan


Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:34:08am


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:35:34am

re: #201 Joe Bacon

The Onion giving some very helpful advice.

What To Say To Someone Who Is A Fan Of Joe Rogan


I have to admit that I have heard the name and seen it referenced on people’s FB posts but I have no idea of who he is or what he espouses.

darthstar  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:41:08am

re: #201 Joe Bacon

The Onion giving some very helpful advice.

What To Say To Someone Who Is A Fan Of Joe Rogan


That’s pretty funny.

The Squire of Logos  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:43:19am

re: #203 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I have to admit that I have heard the name and seen it referenced on people’s FB posts but I have no idea of who he is or what he espouses.

He espouses dudebro bullshit.
He espouses ignorant dudebro bullshit.
He espouses laughable ignorant dudebro bullshit.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:43:52am

re: #205 The Squire of Logos

He espouses dudebro bullshit.
He espouses ignorant dudebro bullshit.
He espouses laughable ignorant dudebro bullshit.

I gathered that from the references but never looked any furhter.

The Squire of Logos  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:44:07am

Oh, and good Saturday morning to all the Lizards both near and far.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:51:55am

Still Saturday here…

steve_davis  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:52:19am

re: #129 Belafon

no disgust, but grieved and prayed for him. because it couldn’t be, for instance, that his mother had breast cancer and he had his fingernails painted in support of her cause. it had to be because he was routinely being fucked in the ass by somebody other than Target.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:54:00am

re: #209 steve_davis

no disgust, but grieved and prayed for him. because it couldn’t be, for instance, that his mother had breast cancer and he had his fingernails painted in support of her cause. it had to be because he was routinely being fucked in the ass by somebody other than Walmart.

No disgust but that color just did not go with the rest of his makeup or his choice of accessories…let us go home and pray that the Lord gives him more fashion sense.

Dave In Austin  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:54:53am

But if you go real fast…..

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:55:09am

re: #157 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

On the proposed six-week ban, one of the co-sponsors of the bill is Democratic state senator Mike McDonnell (District 5) of Omaha.

Thirty-one senators supporting the bill leaves it two votes shy of being able to overcome a filibuster when it reaches the floor of the Unicameral.

Leading the charge against the bill is Democratic Omaha state senator Megan Hunt (District 8). She successfully tanked last session’s attempt to ban abortion. At the time, the Nebraska Medical Association refused to take a position on that bill; a massive caller and letter campaign to physicians throughout the state pushed the NMA to oppose this bill.

Polling (except for one religious outfit) shows the state’s voters are opposed to this about 2-to-1.

GOP legislators do not care what their constituents think on this issue because they will keep on getting reelected. And that’s true in states where Democrats do run candidates. GOP voters may support abortion rights but depriving minorities of voting rights is more important to them than protecting women’s rights.

steve_davis  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:55:29am

re: #184 Florida Panhandler

I consider this a disappointing statistic until it hits 100%.

according to Kyiv independent, they got over 1,000 yesterday. I don’t want to be greedy. 1,000 a day should be sufficient.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:57:15am

re: #211 Dave In Austin

But if you go real fast…..

wasting money on infrastructure just cuts into profits

steve_davis  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:57:16am

re: #190 Thanos

Is something up with cookies this morning? I have to keep signing in every time I close my browser.

i mentioned this some days ago. yes, coming back to the same computer that I was just on, I always have to sign in now.

jaunte  Feb 18, 2023 • 7:58:11am

re: #211 Dave In Austin

Norfolk Southern management betting they’ll be out the door with the gold before it fails.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:01:28am

re: #176 TarHellion

Back on the birbie bus. Took MrsTarH out yesterday for her first restaurant lunch since getting her lower teeth. She enjoyed her fried oysters and Canadian flounder. It’s great seeing her be perky again! Have a great weekend everyone!

[Embedded content]

Getting the first letter really helps — but a friend took 5 like me even though she did have that in her first word.

jeffreyw  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:02:10am

re: #179 Dangerman

No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn

carpe some damn diem

poke it with a stick

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:02:11am

re: #177 Dangerman

There was maybe a time when a mere credible accusation like this would be disqualifying in and of itself.

Now it’s if you can’t prove it to courttoom standards, we’re good with him on scotus

Only if he’s a Republican.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:02:11am

re: #128 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

From two threads ago:

Either “retro” or “current Nebraska Panhandle” list.

I never owned a Walkman.
I never had a MySpace account (MySpace is trending on Twitter right now)
My AOL account was converted from my Quantum Link account when it became AOL


I got a 1. Never had a MySpace account.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:03:45am

re: #216 jaunte

Norfolk Southern management betting they’ll be out the door with the gold before it fails.

For fuck sakes.

How many VPs does one company need?

retired cynic  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:09:01am

re: #211 Dave In Austin

But if you go real fast…..

[Embedded content]


Belafon  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:25:24am

Creed 3 is a Marvel movie where Kang the Conquerer fights Johnny Storm.

Belafon  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:26:35am
Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:31:32am

re: #215 steve_davis

i mentioned this some days ago. yes, coming back to the same computer that I was just on, I always have to sign in now.

There’s a new “memory” setting for websites in chrome, I flipped it on for LGF in my browser, but it had no effect.

Dr. Matt  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:38:30am

Maga Nazis are frothing:

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:41:05am

re: #226 Dr. Matt

Maga Nazis are frothing:

But it all makes such sense!

Everyone I dislike is an evil pedophile in cahoots with the Devil!!!

The Squire of Logos  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:42:09am

re: #226 Dr. Matt

Maga Nazis are frothing:

Yikes! That guy needs the cozy comfort of a padded cell.

darthstar  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:46:04am

re: #211 Dave In Austin

But if you go real fast…..

[Embedded content]

That bridge could use a coat of paint.

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:46:48am

Twitter telling me I must remove two factor by 3/19 because I don’t have a paid for blue check.

Dr. Matt  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:48:02am

re: #227 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

re: #228 The Squire of Logos

Tom Hanks is trending and it’s a scary unhinged shit show.

nines09  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:51:45am

re: #230 Thanos

Twitter telling me I must remove two factor by 3/19 because I don’t have a paid for blue check.

Elon telling you to pony up, sucker.

The Squire of Logos  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:52:34am

re: #231 Dr. Matt

Tom Hanks is trending and it’s a scary unhinged shit show.

Unhinged is an understatement!

Teukka  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:53:12am
wrenchwench  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:56:43am

I haven’t complimented NPR very often. Maybe my expectations are uncalibrated. Oh, well. Now I’m going to do a fan post for the best person working there.

Jason Beaubien - Correspondent, Global Health and Development

He was in Juarez when the murder rate was at its peak. (That where I became aware of him.) If the cartels started shooting somewhere else, he was there. If there’s ever a disaster or an epidemic, that’s where you’ll find him. So I was not surprised to hear from him in Turkey this morning, walking with a building inspector, rating the damage. He seems at home anywhere on the planet, with any people. And unafraid, or sounding so. His profile at NPR will add some more. This is from the last paragraph:

He joined NPR in 2002 after volunteering to cover a coup attempt in the Ivory Coast.

I was impressed, but not surprised. As always.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 18, 2023 • 8:57:58am

re: #234 Teukka

Yes, we all remember when the Jews were bombing German cities, taking their children, raping their women and executing the German men.

Jay C  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:09:17am

re: #236 Eventual Carrion

Yes, we all remember when the Jews were bombing German cities, taking their children, raping their women and executing the German men.

And if we don’t, I’m sure there are plenty of online commentators who will remind us…..

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:12:01am

re: #234 Teukka

This is the modern world:

Nazis = Jews

Progressives = Pedophiles

Educated experienced specialists = Deep State operatives

Dr. Matt  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:13:17am

re: #238 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

This is the modern world:

Nazis = Jews

Progressives = Pedophiles

Educated experienced specialists = Deep State operatives

Actual facts and reality = fake news.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:13:29am

re: #236 Eventual Carrion

Yes, we all remember when the Jews were bombing German cities, taking their children, raping their women and executing the German men.

The Jews were were not actively involved, they are too shrewd to get their hands dirty: they were just manipulating the media and profiting from selling weapons

wrenchwench  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:14:26am

re: #238 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The Jam - The Modern World

Joe Bacon  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:14:59am

re: #239 Dr. Matt

Actual facts and reality = fake news.

And Sleazy E is pouring plutonium on the fire.

BeenHereAwhile  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:20:27am

re: #180 Dangerman

“re: #178 Targetpractice
The party’s decision to embrace Trump to win an election has basically set the stage for the party’s eventual collapse. He will never pick a successor, never choose someone to replace him in the hearts of his supporters, whether out of a death bed delusion that he will survive or out of malice and spite towards a party he feels has not shown him sufficient loyalty. And the moment he expires, the resulting scramble to put somebody else in his place will ignite a firestorm that will incinerate what little solidarity the party has remaining.”

those who think ‘if he just died’… are being terribly naive
his personal relevance is already fading. there are lots of indications of it.

it’s ‘Trumpism’ that will live on
maybe someone grabs that mantle
maybe it all implodes in the fight

Strophe and antistrophe

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:33:21am
BeenHereAwhile  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:34:11am

re: #211 Dave In Austin

But if you go real fast…..

[Embedded content]

Taxpayer to pay for cleanup on pier 4.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:38:01am

re: #211 Dave In Austin

Chains are better than cable ties..😬

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:40:59am

Just did my taxes, and as it happens I owe $3.

That’s $3 more than Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos paid this year.

This infuriates me a lot more than it should.

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:52:39am

Google now offering 5Gig service in my neighborhood. Debating.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:53:02am

re: #247 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Just did my taxes, and as it happens I owe $3.

That’s $3 more than Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos paid this year.

This infuriates me a lot more than it should.

you mean $3 over what was already deducted?

Teukka  Feb 18, 2023 • 9:54:25am

re: #248 Thanos

Google now offering 5Gig service in my neighborhood. Debating.

As in 5 Gbits/s or 5 GHz frequency wireless?

Moe Avattar  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:10:18am

re: #171 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Kinda like saying “I’m sorry I beat up your grandma, I shouldn’t a did that.”

To ccatz’s point, I get they vote and we need them. I’ll just never look at them as friends or decent people or anything like that. Granny’s on life support and if she dies, you’re responsible for murdering her.

Would that include people who supported George W Bush and the war in Iraq?

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:11:48am

re: #250 Teukka

As in 5 Gbits/s or 5 GHz frequency wireless?

As in 5 GB fiber to router. There’s not a lot of gear out there for these speeds, and it is expensive.

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:14:10am

re: #251 Moe Avattar

Would that include people who supported George W Bush and the war in Iraq?

I hope not, that would include me… I was very wrong and sorry, but there I was…

jeffreyw  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:14:44am

Charles Johnson  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:15:44am
jaunte  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:16:14am

re: #254 jeffreyw

Thrifty King Pork Rind Factory Sweepin’s

BigPapa  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:16:28am

re: #252 Thanos

As in 5 GB fiber to router. There’s not a lot of gear out there for these speeds, and it is expensive.

Hold da baby Geebuz. You know you need it, Thanos. Don’t lie.

Teukka  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:16:47am

re: #252 Thanos

As in 5 GB fiber to router. There’s not a lot of gear out there for these speeds, and it is expensive.

FWIW, I have 1G/1G fiber (up to, I average 600-800M), no choking since I got it, and most Ethernet gear can hack 1G just fine these days. I would consider it if I was running a micro datacenter in a rack with moderate or better traffic to the machines in the rack.

Joe Bacon  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:19:26am

And now a little something from Joe Rogan’s favorite record label!

Damaskas - Making Love In A Subaru (1979)

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:19:36am

re: #257 BigPapa

Hold da baby Geebuz. You know you need it, Thanos. Don’t lie.

Yeah I might wait a year, to do it right would take some serious rewiring here at the res to the latest Cat 6X???, at least 6 hard ports doing at least 2.5GBE, and 4 ports of 10GB - right now all the gear would be a compromise unless I spend mega bucks on 10GBE all the way around.

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:21:40am

re: #258 Teukka

FWIW, I have 1G/1G fiber (up to, I average 600-800M), no choking since I got it, and most Ethernet gear can hack 1G just fine these days. I would consider it if I was running a micro datacenter in a rack with moderate or better traffic to the machines in the rack.

We sometimes have 4 tv’s and some pads streaming together on our existing 2GBS network, no chokes except Paramount & that’s their CE provider, not my network.

wrenchwench  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:22:35am


Wordle 609 3/6*


With a whiff on top. It’s like the Crewcut Woodpecker, if there were such a birb.

ckkatz  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:23:52am

Thread on how to set up security for a twitter account using Google Authenticator App.
I am not familiar enough with this niche to evaluate this solution. So I await more expert opinions.

Behind private to keep thread length down.


BigPapa  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:24:15am

re: #260 Thanos

Yeah I might wait a year, to do it right would take some serious rewiring here at the res to the latest Cat 6X???, at least 6 hard ports doing at least 2.5GBE, and 4 ports of 10GB - right now all the gear would be a compromise unless I spend mega bucks on 10GBE all the way around.

The best you could do with copper is CAT6A. It’s not an actual spec but it’s a slight bandwidth kick up from CAT6. CAT7 copper is not worth the cost: the cabling but most importantly the ends and labor skyrocket. You’re better off with OM3/4 fiber.

If I want to ruin a guy’s day I tell him he has to terminate CAT7 for a week. The sound is somewhere between a drunk rooster and an angry baby seal.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:24:42am

re: #262 wrenchwench


[Embedded content]

4/6 for me

Wordle 609 4/6


BigPapa  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:28:35am

re: #261 Thanos

We sometimes have 4 tv’s and some pads streaming together on our existing 2GBS network, no chokes except Paramount & that’s their CE provider, not my network.

A 1GB/35MB cable ISP would support you just fine. 4K 4/2/2 video at 30 frames is maybe 30MBs. HD Video is 5MBs.

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:29:11am

re: #264 BigPapa

The best you could do with copper is CAT6A. It’s not an actual spec but it’s a slight bandwidth kick up from CAT6. CAT7 copper is not worth the cost: the cabling but most importantly the ends and labor skyrocket. You’re better off with OM3/4 fiber.

If I want to ruin a guy’s day I tell him he has to terminate CAT7 for a week. The sound is somewhere between a drunk rooster and an angry baby seal.

There’s nothing in this house that will ever over run CAT6A, So I have no worries there — but fiber for the sake of it sounds real appealing if I win the lottery.

Dopamine Fish  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:30:44am

Oh yeah, this morning I finally missed the wedge and had to tap in for a par.

Wordle 609 4/6


BigPapa  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:31:17am

re: #267 Thanos

There’s nothing in this house that will ever over run CAT6A, So I have no worries there — but fiber for the sake of it sounds real appealing if I win the lottery.

If you want to waste a large amount of money on exotic tech running on hope and Magic Smoke I’m your Huckleberry with a particular set of skills.

gocart mozart  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:31:31am

re: #255 Charles Johnson

wrenchwench  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:34:25am

Turkish jazz.

Özdemir Erdoğan - Just Friends

Coltrane cover.

wrenchwench  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:34:47am

re: #268 Dopamine Fish

Oh yeah, this morning I finally missed the wedge and had to tap in for a par.

[Embedded content]

Nice picture.

Joe Bacon  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:35:01am


So Cal Greek Hippie  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:36:32am

2023: Morning Surf Ventura, California

So Cal Greek Hippie  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:38:15am

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:38:47am

re: #269 BigPapa

If you want to waste a large amount of money on exotic tech running on hope and Magic Smoke I’m your Huckleberry with a particular set of skills.

My teams used to be very skilled with the PFM, building data centers, upgrading to Ciena, etc. etc. I just haven’t kept up the past five years, but it seems like some things have been in stasis…

Eventual Carrion  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:40:36am

Coming out of the store this morning and this was clip-clopping ahead of me. Not the greatest shot out the car window. There were 3 other buggies in the barn they had put up for the Amish to hitch their horse and buggies under.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:42:25am

re: #273 Joe Bacon


[Embedded content]

But why … WHY!?!?!?

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:42:57am

re: #252 Thanos

As in 5 GB fiber to router. There’s not a lot of gear out there for these speeds, and it is expensive.

I have 1 GB fiber; through WiFi I get about a 400MB / sec d/l upload is comperable. Even my hard-wired computer is not much faster. With two sprogs playing speed needing games, I have no issue with either my games or streaming.

Unless you’re all 8k, it seems excessive.

ckkatz  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:43:12am

On the ‘Geezer’ test…

I never bothered with a MySpace account.
I never had an AOL account… Because I was a techie and “true techies” (TM) had CompuServe Accounts.

I probably still have my walkman, a couple of phone books, and my VHS player somewhere around here.


eta- fixed the story. Apparently I typed an open ‘angle’ rather than an ‘m’. It ‘zapped’ the rest of the story.

About 10 years ago, my sister and her family were visiting. My sister walked over to my record collection, pulled one out, and handed it to her daughter saying “Could you play this for us?”. My niece looked at her mom as if her mom was talking complete gibberish.

It was then that I regretted disposing of my parents’ rotary phone.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:46:07am

re: #280 ckkatz

I have an AOL account now. Sort of. Verizon sold their mail service to AOL, so I go through the AOL server, but my address is still @verizon.net. So not sure how that pans out.

Thanos  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:46:10am

re: #279 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Yeah - it’s total overkill, even at bedtime we only have four to five people streaming themselves to sleep.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:49:55am

re: #282 Thanos

Yeah - it’s total overkill, even at bedtime we only have four to five people streaming themselves to sleep.

But it does sound awesome.

John Hughes  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:52:02am

re: #206 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I gathered that from the references but never looked any furhter.


Unless… Youtube Video

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:55:48am

re: #284 John Hughes


And when he says don’t. Really don’t. It’s a quagmire of filth.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 18, 2023 • 10:58:15am

re: #280 ckkatz

On the ‘Geezer’ test…

I never bothered with a MySpace account.
I never had an AOL account… Because I was a techie and “true techies” (TM) had CompuServe Accounts.

I probably still have my walkman, a couple of phone books, and my VHS player somewhere around here.


eta- fixed the story. Apparently I typed an open ‘angle’ rather than an ‘m’. It ‘zapped’ the rest of the story.

About 10 years ago, my sister and her family were visiting. My sister walked over to my record collection, pulled one out, and handed it to her daughter saying “Could you play this for us?”. My niece looked at her mom as if her mom was talking complete gibberish.

It was then that I regretted disposing of my parents’ rotary phone.

It goes further back. I once asked my mother what the “78 RPM” setting was used with on the family record -player/stereo. (I knew about 45s and LPs of course.)

She just laughed.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 11:00:43am

re: #286 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

It goes further back. I once asked my mother what the “78 RPM” setting was used with on the family record -player/stereo. (I knew about 45s and LPs of course.)

She just laughed.

My BiL has an Edison player. He searches out the wax cylinders. It is amazing how far we have advanced in ~100 years.

mmmirele  Feb 18, 2023 • 11:04:13am

re: #254 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

What the hell is that? “Italian style” pork rind crumbs? And “gluten free”? Seriously?

I also opened up my bill for home insurance. Wallcovering in, since I pay wallcovering out insurance via my HOA. It went up 25 percent over last year, the year before, the year before…. Granted the value of my home has significantly gone up since 2019, but this is like *yikes*. I went ahead and paid it because I don’t have the time to mess with it right now, not with my mother, etc., etc., etc.

Joe Bacon  Feb 18, 2023 • 11:06:33am

re: #278 Eventual Carrion

But why … WHY!?!?!?

Just to spite us… ;)

PhillyPretzel  Feb 18, 2023 • 11:07:19am

Well the Ward Leader came over and I signed 20 petitions. I also have to get signatures for his petition for City Council at Large. We shall see how many I get from my fellow republican neighbors.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 18, 2023 • 11:08:24am

re: #254 jeffreyw

I’m not a labeling expert, but I do know that adding dumb shit to labels (e.g., gluten free meat) violates our (the US) labeling statutes. I frustrate my manglement.

Jebediah, RBG  Feb 18, 2023 • 11:32:30am

re: #128 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I think I score one point; never had a myspace account.

A Three Hour Tour  Feb 18, 2023 • 11:33:08am

re: #128 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

From two threads ago:

[Embedded content]

Either “retro” or “current Nebraska Panhandle” list.

I never owned a Walkman.
I never had a MySpace account (MySpace is trending on Twitter right now)
My AOL account was converted from my Quantum Link account when it became AOL

Things I have or use now:
Rotary phone
Photos with a film camera (a Polaroid One-Step, for which you can still buy film)
CD player
Cassette player
Record player
VHS player
Fax machine in village office, fax program in computer
Send postcards
Use paper maps (most recently our trip to Newfoundland and Labrador)
Listed in the phone book, it’s next to my rotary phone
Own several dictionaries
Own an encyclopaedia set
Pay with paper cheques

No longer use:
No longer have a floppy disc drive
No longer use dial up (last time about five years ago)
No longer own a boom box

My score is either a 0 or 1 depending on how the maker defines the terms encyclopedia and ownership. If the maker means an actual set from Britannica, Colliers, or World Book, then no, I, personally, did not own one. Both sets of grandparents, however, did respectively own an outdated set of World Book Encyclopedias from 1953 that I would read cover to cover for fun.

I had an AOL account and a MySpace page (along with a LiveJournal account I abandoned after the Russians acquired LJ’s parent company, and had a Facebook and am still currently active on tumblr).

I still have a VCR, which sits unused, but available, and two DVD recorders with integrated ATSC tuners (one without a hard drive and one with, neither of which is manufactured anymore, but which are still functional and of which I still make frequent use).

I still have a functional, if temperamental, boombox that plays CDs and cassettes, along with a second whose CD player has died, and we also have a vinyl turntable and records acquired from my late in-laws.

I used a rotary phone up until 1987 and a typewriter until 1994.

And I still write paper checks, but only at a rate of 2-3 per month. For everything else, I use cards (debit or credit, depending - usually debit in person and credit online or at gas pumps) or pay online via the routing numbers on my paper checks. I only use cash when I need to make change for the laundromat. [I am apparently *so* screwed if I ever have to stop off to buy food or gas in the idyllic paradise of Broadwater, Nebraska.]

jaunte  Feb 18, 2023 • 1:27:00pm
jaunte  Feb 18, 2023 • 1:27:38pm

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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