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1 CuriousLurker  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 5:27:28pm



2 EPR-radar  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 5:27:53pm

This link is to an ALEC web page, as opposed to the original GAO report.

ALEC is right wing propaganda, and can be summarily dismissed as such.

3 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 5:28:25pm

francis, I think you will make more friends over at

4 Sionainn  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 5:32:52pm

re: #1 CuriousLurker



That was my original response, but I think I knocked myself out when I thudded, so you beat me to posting.

5 Randall Gross  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 5:47:54pm

bah, i figured this person was just a spambot, now it’s confirmed.

6 CuriousLurker  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 5:48:58pm

re: #4 Sionainn

That was my original response, but I think I knocked myself out when I thudded, so you beat me to posting.


7 francis  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 6:13:16pm

re: #2 EPR-radar

I suppose what you read is the only authority. I gave you a report and I have seen other reports higher. What is your difficulty accepting another view point? Are you in complete denial?

8 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 6:35:14pm

re: #7 francis

I suppose what you read is the only authority. I gave you a report and I have seen other reports higher. What is your difficulty accepting another view point? Are you in complete denial?

It’s not “another view point” it’s a bunch of bullshit bought and paid for by the Koch brothers.

francis why are you sucking the butthole of the super rich? They don’t give a shit about you.

9 Sionainn  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 6:47:06pm

re: #7 francis

I suppose what you read is the only authority. I gave you a report and I have seen other reports higher. What is your difficulty accepting another view point? Are you in complete denial?

Not denial. Just a bit more discerning in where we get our information. You should try it some time.

10 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 7:09:09pm
11 francis  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 8:08:44pm

re: #8 Vicious Babushka

Super rich like Gates, Spielberg, Soros, and half of Hollywood, are democrats, I make up my own mind. I heard about the Koch brothers in the last election and could care less about them also. I am not a fan of the Republican Party, as a matter of fact I think they are a feckless bunch along with the democrats who have fractured this country into race and class differences. Simple, and see if you can understand this, rich people don’t make rich people rich, the poor and middle class do inadvertently and rich people don’t hang out with poor people, money hangs with money and they only care about one color, green. If your going to hang a label on me, you can call me an American.

12 francis  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 8:10:23pm

re: #10 Vicious Babushka

Read your history, Europe was modeled after the new deal, that wasn’t so great either.

13 francis  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 8:12:54pm

re: #3 Vicious Babushka

I’m not interested in friends, just opinions. I respect any valid view point pro or con.

14 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 8:13:45pm

re: #11 francis

Super rich like Gates, Spielberg, Soros, and half of Hollywood, are democrats, I make up my own mind. I heard about the Koch brothers in the last election and could care less about them also. I am not a fan of the Republican Party, as a matter of fact I think they are a feckless bunch along with the democrats who have fractured this country into race and class differences. Simple, and see if you can understand this, rich people don’t make rich people rich, the poor and middle class do inadvertently and rich people don’t hang out with poor people, money hangs with money and they only care about one color, green. If your going to hang a label on me, you can call me an American.

And yet you get all your information from Koch-sponsored sources.

Also, did you finish elementary school? Back in the day they taught punctuation and spelling.

15 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 8:14:47pm

re: #13 francis

I’m not interested in friends, just opinions. I respect any valid view point pro or con.

Viewpoints (it’s one word, not two) only have value when based on facts. Opinions based on bullshit are just bullshit.

16 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 8:18:29pm

re: #12 francis

Read your history, Europe was modeled after the new deal, that wasn’t so great either.

I have read actual history. There is no “my” history and “your” history, there is stuff that happened in the past.

The “New Deal” was FDR’s policy for mitigating the economic effects of the Great Depression, FDR was President of the United States. There was no “New Deal” in Europe. Are you perhaps thinking of the “Marshall Plan” for rebuilding after World War II? That turned out great, Germany and Japan are wealthy and successful nations today.

17 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 8:18:38pm

Why do I even bother?

18 jamesfirecat  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 9:12:38pm

re: #12 francis

Read your history, Europe was modeled after the new deal, that wasn’t so great either.

And Austarity is working out great for them these days?

19 gwangung  Sun, Sep 1, 2013 10:13:07pm

re: #13 francis

I’m not interested in friends, just opinions. I respect any valid view point pro or con.

I find this highly doubtful from someone who thinks Europe was built on a New Deal (and if you meant the Marshall Plan, that was a STAGGERING success—-it turned out extremely well).

20 francis  Mon, Sep 2, 2013 6:07:26am

re: #14 Vicious Babushka

Maybe my school wasn’t as good as yours, or I wasn’t as good a student, you are still getting the message.

21 francis  Mon, Sep 2, 2013 6:09:09am

re: #19 gwangung

Greece and Spain are model examples?

22 Sionainn  Mon, Sep 2, 2013 6:31:55am

re: #21 francis

Greece and Spain are model examples?

You are bringing up countries with austerity programs…the same thing that many in the U.S. want to do here? That’s funny.

23 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Sep 2, 2013 7:11:00am

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