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1 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:54:16am

Carried over from last thread.

So would you support raising taxes on the rich then to narrow the gap between Rich and Poor if you find it’s widening a bad thing?

2 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:54:51am

Carried over from last thread

Francis, is there any event that would convince you it was the GOP and not Obama who insist on continuing to make the ACA an issue rather than just letting it get inacted?

Are you at all open to that possibility or do you just think it is flat out impossible?

3 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:55:15am

Carried over from last thread because I am done starting new arguments till we finish up our old ones.

“The people who will sign up for Obamacare are the people that need help and that is good and the people that think they will get something for nothing. When they find out it will cost them something they will disappear, because they know they can walk into any ER and be treated.”

If someone has had their legs broken and is brought into an ER what do you expect the ER to do for them?

Do you expect them to not only put their legs in casts, but also a few months down the line provide them with the physical therapy to help them learn to walk again?

An emergency room is fine for an emmergency but you NEED insurance if you are going to be dealing with any sort of protracted problem.

Do you disagree with this Francis?

4 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 6:09:18am

Franics please forgive me I did not check the previous thread and see that you had already responded to my comments in that one since was not your typical style.

So I will address the points you brought up there over here rather than just repostingmy questions.

5 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 6:12:17am

re: #19 francis

James look up the problem they are having in Mass. People can’t afford the insurance or the co payments/ As I stated before, if the people can only afford to pay 10 dollars a month, give them insurance, but everyone must pay something.

The ACA does not covered undocumented Aliens, so who will pay for them?

Kindly stop asking me to do your arguming for you Franics, if you have stories you wish to provide to strengthen your argument then look them up and give me links.

If there are people who can not afford the ACA would you support including more subsidies to help cover the cost for them?

As for undocumented aliens, we as a society pay the cost for them, the same way that we “pay the cost” for their children when they are enrolled in our schools. I find no point in getting enraged about it, because any attempt at a cure to that problem would be worse than the disease.

Why do you have some suggestions about what we should do about the undocumented aliens?

6 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 6:14:32am

re: #17 francis

I wrote that they should continue to implement the ACA as long as Obama got a guarantee from the GOP that they would support the improvements they need and that would be decided by an independent panel, not the politicians. Get something and give up something else.

So your suggestion is as follows?

Step one: Republicans stop trying to defund and repeal Obamacare,

Step two: Both sides agree to conviently a board of professors/people who know this shit to investigate the ACA.

Step three: GOP and democrats follow the advice of the board when it is done its studying,

Do I have that correct?

7 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 8:06:13am

re: #1 jamesfirecat

Is raising taxes on the rich the answer or making the poor people richer through education and better jobs. I would take the money from the rich to do that.

8 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 8:09:37am

re: #2 jamesfirecat

I want Obama to get a guarantee to fix it. If the plan has problems and the GOP won’t cooperate, it will fail. Put a binding independent panel together to fix Obama care as it is implemented. If the president has to compromise to keep and fix the ACVA at the same time, I’m all for it.

9 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 8:10:39am

re: #7 francis

Is raising taxes on the rich the answer or making the poor people richer through education and better jobs. I would take the money from the rich to do that.

So just to be clear, you would be okay with/ you think it would be good for the country if we raised taxes on the rich in order to free up more funds for America to spend on education and creating more government jobs for the poor to preform? (Like infrastructure construction and repair to pick some ideas at random.)

Is that correct?

10 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 8:52:38am

re: #5 jamesfirecat

James, the more people that are on it contributing something the more successful ACA will be when the bugs are worked out. It is also a great mechanism for documenting the undocumented people and possibly help them with a path to citizenship, if they want it. The fact is they are a major cost to us and anything they contribute will help make the ACA successful.

Everyone can afford something even if it is only 10.00 dollars a month and the people have to pick up the rest.

6. The panel should consist of doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and the people that bill the medical cost out. 30% of the panel should be everyday Americans that use the health system. The GOP, Democrats and the President establish the laws, have the panel review it and pass it. No exceptions or excuses. So you are on the money.

I will give you an example of how the panel can help. I had four Blood test, the same type, for four different doctors, in the same week. This is a waste of money and the results were all the same. I finally put a stop to it and told the last doctor, this is it and that’s all you get.

The panel should be ongoing and rotated with different professionals. If there is an ongoing problem that surfaces then the panel should investigate and act on it.

11 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 9:02:31am

re: #10 francis

James, the more people that are on it contributing something the more successful ACA will be when the bugs are worked out. It is also a great mechanism for documenting the undocumented people and possibly help them with a path to citizenship, if they want it. The fact is they are a major cost to us and anything they contribute will help make the ACA successful.

Everyone can afford something even if it is only 10.00 dollars a month and the people have to pick up the rest.

6. The panel should consist of doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and the people that bill the medical cost out. 30% of the panel should be everyday Americans that use the health system. The GOP, Democrats and the President establish the laws, have the panel review it and pass it. No exceptions or excuses. So you are on the money.

I will give you an example of how the panel can help. I had four Blood test, the same type, for four different doctors, in the same week. This is a waste of money and the results were all the same. I finally put a stop to it and told the last doctor, this is it and that’s all you get.

The panel should be ongoing and rotated with different professionals. If there is an ongoing problem that surfaces then the panel should investigate and act on it.

I find little to argue with here, but Franics I think you would be better off if you wrote letters directly to the Republicans in control of the house explaining to them why they need to stop trying to defund /repeal the ACA without a thought for what it should be replaced with.

It is hard to imagine us being able to improve the ACA when it is so constantly under attack.

In effect until the GOP is willing to accept the ACA as the law of the land which can be improved but not repealed (at least not until they get elected to a vast majority in congress) or defended then there is little hope for any sort of council like you desire coming to be. At the moment the fate of Obamacare is to quote Lewis Caroll

“It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place”.

12 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 10:06:30am
He has to prove the states are keeping people away from the voter box, which is not the case. The real issue here is if you really want to vote then you should do whatever it takes to get registered.

What evidence do you have that the restrictions, which do make it more difficult to vote, are not intended to make it more difficult to vote?

13 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:11:23pm

re: #12 wrenchwench

It is more difficult to get a driver license then it is to register to vote. People move and change all their documents, what is the difficulty with voter registration. One explanation is it not something they need everyday like a license or a pass to get into work.

14 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:13:00pm

re: #13 francis

A driver’s license is not a right.

The ability to vote is.

15 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:13:12pm

re: #13 francis

It is more difficult to get a driver license then it is to register to vote. People move and change all their documents, what is the difficulty with voter registration. One explanation is it not something they need everyday like a license or a pass to get into work.

Driving is a privilege. Voting is a right.

You right-wing fascists do not have the right to make it more difficult to vote.

People who don’t drive have the right to vote. People who don’t work have the right to vote.

16 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:15:51pm

re: #11 jamesfirecat

James I post the letter to my web site and send it to the President and email it to the President, Harry Reid and John Boehner. Reid and Boehner could have fixed the problems, they were too busy avoiding controversy.

17 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:20:49pm

re: #15 wrenchwench

Wrench, you can register to vote by mail if you want to. You can ask for an application at any township hall and they will mail it to you. What is the big deal if you have to get your picture taken. People that are disabled just need to mail proof and that is done by mail. Blind people manage to register, what is the matter with anyone else.

18 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:23:20pm

re: #14 klys

So go get registered, you want to complain, what about the people that are able and registered to vote and don’t.

19 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:24:57pm

re: #17 francis

Wrench, you can register to vote by mail if you want to. You can ask for an application at any township hall and they will mail it to you. What is the big deal if you have to get your picture taken. People that are disabled just need to mail proof and that is done by mail. Blind people manage to register, what is the matter with anyone else.

300,000 people in North Carolina are unable to register under new rules.

Don’t pull this shit of making it more difficult and then tell me how easy it is.

20 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:25:46pm

re: #18 francis

Sweetie pie, I am registered. And I vote.

Thanks for playing.

21 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:33:32pm

re: #11 jamesfirecat

There must be compromise on the ACA or as long as congress has control they will never do what needs to be done to make the ACA successful. The saving grace for the ACA, I think, is there isn’t limits on what they can spend and the IRS can change the rules.

22 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:43:21pm

re: #19 wrenchwench

Wrench, your telling me that 300,0000 people are making excuses why they can get registered and none of them drive. That is hard to believe. The article in the NY Times mention a disproportionate number of blacks will have a problem with Photo ID provided by the Department of Motor Vehicle. Why this is I don’t know, but I know in NJ it is not a problem.

23 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:45:06pm

re: #22 francis

Why this is I don’t know, but I know in NJ in my own little world it is not a problem.

I fixed that for you.

24 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:45:07pm

re: #20 klys

Was it a difficult process and did they try to stop you from voting?

25 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:46:25pm

re: #22 francis

Wrench, your telling me that 300,0000 people are making excuses why they can get registered and none of them drive. That is hard to believe. The article in the NY Times mention a disproportionate number of blacks will have a problem with Photo ID provided by the Department of Motor Vehicle. Why this is I don’t know, but I know in NJ it is not a problem.

You don’t know that they are making excuses. You find it easy, and you assume it’s the same for everyone. If you don’t physically go meet these people and talk to them you don’t get to judge them.

If you don’t know, then don’t speculate. Your fellow Americans deserve better. Don’t be so mean to them.

It’s all for no reason, too. Voter fraud is NOT a problem.

26 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:48:02pm

re: #24 francis

…you really have no idea how to construct an argument, do you.

I mean, I knew you had no idea how to construct a paragraph. The jury is still out on sentences. But really?

I live in a state that has not had to deal with the asinine efforts to restrict voter registration because the Democrats control our state legislature. The last time I had to move my voter registration information was back in 2008, so even then, my experiences would probably not be comparable to what they are today.

Francis, why are all the groups attempting to make voter registration more difficult Republican in political orientation?

27 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:51:49pm

re: #23 klys

Klys, just so you know, to get a license in nj you have to have a birth certificate, an up to date utility bill proving residence, and two other pieces of identification or they send you walking. To vote you just need proof of residence. For my license I had to bring a doctors note because of an eye impairment, and the lines are long at the nj motor vehicle.

28 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:53:44pm

re: #27 francis

Klys, just so you know, to get a license in nj you have to have a birth certificate, an up to date utility bill proving residence, and two other pieces of identification or they send you walking. To vote you just need proof of residence. For my license I had to bring a doctors note because of an eye impairment, and the lines are long at the nj motor vehicle.

Sweetie, I grew up in NJ. I know exactly what they require.

NJ also has a legislature controlled by Democrats and as such has also escaped some of the bullshit restrictions on voter registration seen in states such as TX and NC. Care to explain to me why that makes a difference?

29 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:55:07pm

re: #27 francis

Klys, just so you know, to get a license in nj you have to have a birth certificate, an up to date utility bill proving residence, and two other pieces of identification or they send you walking. To vote you just need proof of residence. For my license I had to bring a doctors note because of an eye impairment, and the lines are long at the nj motor vehicle.

Also, they will accept a marriage certificate or US passport instead of a birth certificate, and the number of other forms of ID and proof of residence you need to bring depends on the “point” value they assign to those items.

But you knew that, right?

30 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:56:18pm

re: #25 wrenchwench

Wrench, this is about the democrats having a stronger base in NC. They can send people out to help these people and get them registered. No one is keeping them from going to register and no one needs special treatment.

31 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:57:00pm

re: #30 francis

It’s such a great day for our country when it relies on the efforts of volunteers to make sure that people are able to exercise their constitutional rights.


32 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:57:11pm

re: #30 francis

Wrench, this is about the democrats having a stronger base in NC. They can send people out to help these people and get them registered. No one is keeping them from going to register and no one needs special treatment.

Why make it harder? Because you disagree with them politically? That’s dishonest, immoral and illegal.

33 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 4:59:41pm

re: #28 klys

Klys, why don’t you explain to me why it is so difficult to get registered in NC and TX. If people really want to vote they will find a way, they just need to do it and stop complaining about it.

34 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:00:35pm

re: #33 francis

I’m not doing your research for you. You are the one making claims that it “isn’t that hard” in the face of all the evidence and articles suggesting otherwise.

The onus is on you for citations.

35 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:01:54pm

re: #33 francis

Klys, why don’t you explain to me why it is so difficult to get registered in NC and TX. If people really want to vote they will find a way, they just need to do it and stop complaining about it.

What a jerk you are.

I’m glad your nasty opinions are in the minority in this great country.

36 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:03:10pm

re: #32 wrenchwench

So what do they do to the people who register independent, shoot them. This doesn’t make any sense to me. You are happy the Supreme Court supported the ACA, but it isn’t ok about voters rights. This is not the sixties.

37 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:05:48pm

re: #36 francis

So what do they do to the people who register independent, shoot them. This doesn’t make any sense to me. You are happy the Supreme Court supported the ACA, but it isn’t ok about voters rights. This is not the sixties.

Now you are incomprehensible.

It’s an improvement.

Want to try that comment again?

38 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:08:16pm

re: #35 wrenchwench

You always result to name calling because someone doesn’t agree with you. There are over 8 states being sued, so your right and they are all wrong. The people in those states that passed the laws are all wrong because Wrench has spoken.

39 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:10:14pm

re: #38 francis

Because the great and mighty Francis knows all, especially that people always vote on other people’s constitutional rights and do the right thing.

40 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:11:34pm

re: #38 francis

You always result to name calling because someone doesn’t agree with you. There are over 8 states being sued, so your right and they are all wrong. The people in those states that passed the laws are all wrong because Wrench has spoken.

‘Incomprehensible’ is an adjective, not an insult. Really, I didn’t understand what you meant. ‘Jerk’ was an insult, but also a descriptor.

Those 8 states being sued, it must be for a good reason.

And yes, people can pass bad laws. That’s why we have courts.

41 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:15:55pm

re: #37 wrenchwench

Wrench, you make a lot of assumptions. Do you really think the politicians in NC, TX, KS, OK, and other states have nothing better to do then keep people from voting?

42 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:17:45pm

re: #41 francis

Wrench, you make a lot of assumptions. Do you really think the politicians in NC, TX, KS, OK, and other states have nothing better to do then keep people from voting?

Absolutely. It’s the only way the right-wing conservatives can stay in office. If you let all the black people vote, the people who discriminate against them get voted out. Funny how that works.

43 EPR-radar  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:18:03pm

re: #41 francis

Wrench, you make a lot of assumptions. Do you really think the politicians in NC, TX, KS, OK, and other states have nothing better to do then keep people from voting?

The GOP has been heavily into selectively suppressing voter turnout for decades. Of course they want to keep (the wrong kind of ) people from voting.

44 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:20:14pm

re: #41 francis

Wrench, you make a lot of assumptions. Do you really think the politicians in NC, TX, KS, OK, and other states have nothing better to do then keep people from voting?

Sure what all the legislation they pass makes it seem like.

Well, that and legislating women’s bodies.

45 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:20:48pm

re: #40 wrenchwench

You are right about bad laws and there are plenty of them, but we can’t pick and choose the ones we like. The opinion that the law suits are pointless came from two liberal law professors. Regardless of who wins, it won’t change anything in Washington.

46 Dark_Falcon  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:21:12pm

re: #16 francis

James I post the letter to my web site and send it to the President and email it to the President, Harry Reid and John Boehner. Reid and Boehner could have fixed the problems, they were too busy avoiding controversy.

Go Away Gordon.

47 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:22:16pm

re: #45 francis

The lawsuits against the state laws won’t change anything in Washington?

Well, given that they’re lawsuits about state laws, I can see where they won’t have much impact on the federal level.

Well done, we’ve mastered an important distinction!

Next thing you know, we might even get the branches of government down!

48 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:23:22pm

re: #45 francis

You are right about bad laws and there are plenty of them, but we can’t pick and choose the ones we like. The opinion that the law suits are pointless came from two liberal law professors. Regardless of who wins, it won’t change anything in Washington.

We can pick which ones we don’t like, and get a lawyer, and go to court. It IS going to change things in Washington. Too bad for you and your fellow fascists.

49 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:23:33pm

re: #43 EPR-radar

EPR what are the wrong kind of people? There are more people leaning toward conservatism of all backgrounds. It is a shame they can’t get it together.

50 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:25:42pm

re: #48 wrenchwench

Wrench, is Alan West a fascist, is Herman Cain a fascist, is Colin Powell a fascist, what makes you think I am a fascist?

51 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:26:09pm

re: #49 francis

EPR what are the wrong kind of people? There are more people leaning toward conservatism of all backgrounds. It is a shame they can’t get it together.

You have fallen for the lies of your fellow fascists. Conservatism is a minority position. The probalem for liberals is that money talks in a country that is supposed to be ‘of the people’, not ‘of the money’.

This is why a community organizer got elected. They know how to defeat money with organized people.

Saul Alinsky is smiling, somewhere.

52 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:26:24pm

re: #49 francis

It plays dumb, how cute.

53 dog philosopher  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:26:48pm

ah, poor francis

he suffers from the delusion of easy answers

francis, what kind of work do you do? i’m wondering what makes you think you have all the obviously right, and suspiciously easy, answers that somehow have eluded everybody else…

54 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:27:05pm

re: #50 francis

Well, Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama, so I don’t think the Republican party likes him very much anymore.

The other two? Yeah, I’d call them fascists.

55 dog philosopher  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:27:09pm

re: #49 francis

EPR what are the wrong kind of people? There are more people leaning toward conservatism of all backgrounds. It is a shame they can’t get it together.

define “conservatism”

56 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:27:16pm

re: #53 dog philosopher

I’m betting retired.

57 EPR-radar  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:27:35pm

re: #49 francis

EPR what are the wrong kind of people? There are more people leaning toward conservatism of all backgrounds. It is a shame they can’t get it together.

The wrong kind of people (to be voting) according to the GOP are blacks, poor people, and any other groups that tilt (D).

From my point of view, US movement conservatism is a festering sewer having creationists, confederates, fascists, plutocrats, and assorted other malicious nuts as members.

Its appointment with the dung heap of history cannot come soon enough.

58 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:28:01pm

re: #50 francis

Wrench, is Alan West a fascist, is Herman Cain a fascist, is Colin Powell a fascist, what makes you think I am a fascist?

You are a fascist because you don’t believe in democracy. If you did, then you would want to make it as easy as possible for EVERYONE to vote. Cain is too, so is West. Colin Powell, I don’t think so.

Why are you only asking about black men?

59 The Ghost of a Flea  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:28:18pm

September 29, 2013

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington D.C. 20500

Dear President Obama,

I don’t understand how you haven’t solved this crisis with your presidential magic yet. I wait and wait in the ivory tower for you to perform the sacred rituals and appease the Republicans before they devour the economy like Saturn his children. It’s all so hard to understand, and my birdlike wrists aren’t made to open up books about the VRA or the history of voter suppression as a part of the civil rights struggle . Also my eyesight is so poor, since the evil stepmother that trapped me here provided me with insufficient lyocpene and B12 supplements, so I can only read a tiny amount of information before my eyes get tired. Therefore I receive most of my political news by interpreting the flight of birds.
But truly, Mr President, I don’t understand why all of these people are so insistent about voting. Is it not enough that I sing and play my harp them, and throw scraps of gluten-free bread down to them from my windows. Is it not enough that an enchanted princess in a beautiful ivory tower condescends to listen to their tales of woe, and shed a single crystalline tear? If only they could understand that the letter of the laws made by the people for the people refers to other people with prettier clothing and county club memberships. After all, if they were supposed to be voting, why would so many clever men spend so much money creating a system that made it difficult for them vote? If only you could overcome your inherent anger and set aside your vitriolic habit of never naming names and not saying bad things about Congress, and work with them to achieve their goals because really you own goals don’t matter, you silly billy.
But fear not Mr President, I shall always be hear to be the silvery voice of conscience, reminding you that it’s petty not to submit.

60 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:29:14pm

re: #59 The Ghost of a Flea

I love you.

You should send this to them. They could probably use a serious laugh after getting francis’s missives every day.

61 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:29:20pm

re: #16 francis

James I post the letter to my web site and send it to the President and email it to the President, Harry Reid and John Boehner. Reid and Boehner could have fixed the problems, they were too busy avoiding controversy.

But why not write a letter directly to John Boehner when he needs to take the step by slapping down his congress’ ideas to repeal and or defund Obamacare before anything else can be done?

Why not just send him a letter, but write a letter clearly telling him to his face what you think of him and focused around why he is wrong?

62 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:29:40pm

OK, my work here is done has become superfluous. SUPER superfluous.

63 EPR-radar  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:29:53pm

re: #59 The Ghost of a Flea

Nicely done. Still a bit too well-reasoned to be authentic wingnut gibberish.

64 jamesfirecat  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:31:32pm

re: #21 francis

There must be compromise on the ACA or as long as congress has control they will never do what needs to be done to make the ACA successful. The saving grace for the ACA, I think, is there isn’t limits on what they can spend and the IRS can change the rules.

What do you mean by “as long as congress has control” do you mean as long as the republicans are in control of congress?

65 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:43:01pm

re: #47 klys

The point is the law won’t change the results in most states. The one thing I do know about government is they don’t give a damn about the poor people in this country other than to use them as pawns when they need their support.
Klys you and others are very bitter and use your education to fester that bitterness. Maybe I’m not as educated as you are, but at least I’m on this site seeking other view points. I like to hear all sides of an argument.

66 EPR-radar  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:45:23pm

re: #65 francis

What is this shit about being bitter? Making simple factual observations on the nature of the present-day GOP is evidence of bitterness?

Too funny.

67 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:47:22pm

re: #65 francis

If you support poor people, why do you vote Republican?

Oh, I’m sorry, we don’t know how you vote, we just know what viewpoints you parrot.

I am only bitter in the sense that I feel like Republicans are increasingly trying to prove they have no interest in actual government, just imposing their view of HOW LIFE SHOULD BE on everyone. When their view impinges on my uterus, I get really testy.

Did you know that the more education someone has, the more likely they are to be liberal?

68 francis  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:51:35pm

re: #51 wrenchwench
There are more rich democrats than republicans. You have the numbers but not the brains. Obama did not have enough experience for the job and it is obvious. I have written him a letter telling him what I think of him. He has never demonstrated that he puts America first or the poor in this country. He is the flimflam man and talks a great game and delivers nothing. I sent him my book and that is on the back cover. I don’t mix my words or hide behind any label. I am an American, not a liberal, conservative or a fascist. Too bad you can’t think for yourself.

69 dog philosopher  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:51:48pm

hmm, francis, i’m having a little difficulty making out your points, so i’ll just say this. i think:

1. the ACA is law, i support it, and i think the republican party has no business holding the budget and the debt ceiling hostage to their plan to eliminate it. let them attack it through normal channels like rhetoric, elections and court challenges.

2. why in the world would any state need to make it harder to vote? there is no ‘voter fraud’ problem that anybody can demonstrate, and voting has been working well for decades. what is the point of these changes to registration and voting time regulations?

70 klys  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:54:13pm

re: #68 francis

I think we all think for ourselves much more than you do here.

Critical thinking is clearly a skill you haven’t exercised much.

71 dog philosopher  Mon, Sep 30, 2013 5:55:35pm

re: #68 francis

There are more rich democrats than republicans.

show your data

You have the numbers but not the brains. Obama did not have enough experience for the job and it is obvious. I have written him a letter telling him what I think of him. He has never demonstrated that he puts America first or the poor in this country. He is the flimflam man and talks a great game and delivers nothing.

the ACA is not ‘nothing’. i for one am really glad to see an america where insurance companies cannot deny you insurance, and where insurance is made easier to obtain for everybody

I sent him my book and that is on the back cover.

maybe you could share the title or amazon page of your book with us

I don’t mix my words or hide behind any label. I am an American, not a liberal, conservative or a fascist. Too bad you can’t think for yourself.

now now, this is just getting angry and insulting

72 francis  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 2:30:38am

re: #59 The Ghost of a Flea

Very good flea, what else can you do?

73 francis  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 2:44:47am

re: #67 klys

I vote for the person, not the party.

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela. It is not how smart you are but how you use your intelligence.

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take away everything you have” Thomas Jefferson.

Do you really need the government to tell you what to do with your body?

74 francis  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 2:56:32am

re: #69 dog philosopher

The ACA originated from the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, and Romney put it into effect in Mass. It had many flaws, but the state and the insurance companies are fixing them. The federal ACA has problems and the President should have started to fix them three years ago, but he didn’t. He gave wavers and exemptions and delayed parts of the bill. They are all at fault.

I don’t know why these changes are being made in the different states. I suggested extending voting to three day, not one. If the weather on voting day is bad, people don’t vote, the narrow window they have on the one day may stop them from voting, but they have all year to register and plenty of people that will help them register.

75 francis  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 3:04:46am

re: #70 klys

You may think for yourselves, but you rely on others. If you had read my other post you would know that contraceptives should be free and available from many sources. The Republicans in TX made free shots available to prevent cervical cancer which caused the death of my first wife. You need to forget the label and just worry about what is right or wrong. Neither party has a lock on being right.

76 francis  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 3:13:30am

re: #71 dog philosopher

Dog I goggled it and I saw it in a government report about the rich and the poor.

The book is on Amazon, Mr. President, What Are You Doing To America? So there is no misconception , the book was not published for sales, I have put it in the local library and sent one to the President for his library.

Dog, just so you know, I have received apx 50 responses from the Whitehouse and some are posted in the first book.

77 francis  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 3:17:20am

re: #66 EPR-radar

You need to look past the label and understand why they are doing this. That doesn’t mean it is always right, but it got them elected.

78 jamesfirecat  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 3:47:25am

re: #73 francis

I vote for the person, not the party.

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela. It is not how smart you are but how you use your intelligence.

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take away everything you have” Thomas Jefferson.

Do you really need the government to tell you what to do with your body?

Francis you are wrong.

The later quote was very much not said by Jefferson but by Republicans in the later half of the 20th century.

And even more damning…

Where did you hear it was said by Jefferson?

79 jamesfirecat  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 3:54:40am

Ignore this post.

80 dog philosopher  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 4:24:26am

yah, you know francis, in general i think the problem you have is that you have a million complaints about all sorts of things. this is a kind of lack of focus so it makes it difficult to follow a particular line of argument and arrive at any conclusions. i would pick a topic or three and stick with it

another big problem, and it should be obvious to an experienced businessman and veteran like yourself, is that you are big on complaints and predictions of disasters, but short on practical suggestions

obamacare is far from perfect - yah, well yanno you aren’t exactly the first person to notice that. what i did in response to it was to bone up on how health insurance and health care work around the world. education - try it on for size

another popular complaint is the idea that government helping people will sap their initiative. you know, i love to read history, and also to find out how societies work around the world today. i suggest trying a little - no, make that a lot - of this would make it possible to lend weight to your rather shallow analysis here

so in conclusion, i suggest you are suffering from the well known syndrome called “opinions - everybody’s got one”

lets have some facts and solutions to go with them, eh?

81 dog philosopher  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 4:26:27am

p.s., francis - i know you are a man of experience, but i ain’t exactly a spring chicken myself

82 klys  Tue, Oct 1, 2013 9:25:35am

re: #73 francis

Do you really need the government to tell you what to do with your body?

Hahahahahahahaha, oh, francis.

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