
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk2/20/2009 8:43:13 am PST

re: #1100 realwest

I do get the Rasmussen stuff, as well as Zogby. The nation is still mixed on the mortgage plan, but isn’t it funny how the plan went from $75 billion to $275 billion literally overnight? It’s going to be far more than that.

This wasn’t included in the stimulus package, despite the fact that it is more “stimulus” than most of the pork in that mess that wont even start breaking ground until 2010 or later.

The reason for that is simple - this way Obama can claim that he’s doing something specific for homeowners.

Meanwhile, note that Obama has created a new non-metric metric to describe whether the porkfest works - jobs created or saved.

Back in the day, jobs created was easy enough to figure out - unemployment rates went up and down, jobless claims go up or down, number of jobs reported going up or down, new business starts, etc.

Now? Obama can claim he’s done what he set out to do by saying that 4 million people are still working that otherwise would have been out of job but for the porkfest.

He’s gone and changed the game and a completely incurious media has allowed him to get away with it.