
The Unveiling of Ardipithecus

Charles Johnson10/04/2009 10:05:52 am PDT

re: #11 Killgore Trout

Can you translate this sign? It’s from Spencer’s speech in Germany. “Separation is right?”

The sign refers to this disgusting story: Weber Says Sarrazin Comments ‘Damaged’ Bundesbank’s Reputation.

Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) — Bundesbank President Axel Weber said board member Thilo Sarrazin damaged the bank’s reputation with disparaging remarks about Berlin’s Turkish and Arab communities and “underclass” children.

“Dr Sarrazin distanced himself from his comments and clearly this apology was necessary and appropriate,” Weber told reporters today in Istanbul, where he’s attending a Group of Seven meeting. Asked if Sarrazin should resign from the Bundesbank, Weber replied: “It’s not about people, it’s about institutions. The Bundesbank’s reputation has been damaged.”

Pressure on Sarrazin to step down is mounting as Berlin police review his remarks to determine whether to open a formal criminal probe. His comments may amount to the offence of inciting the public, a hate crime under German law, Berlin police spokesman Michael Gassen said on Oct. 1.

In an interview with Berlin-based journal “Lettre International” published last week, Sarrazin said: “40 percent of births in Berlin are underclass births” promoted by welfare payments, and “our educated population is getting dumber each generation.”

Germany’s capital city of 3.4 million people has “a large number of Arabs and Turks” who “have no productive function except selling fruit and vegetables,” he said, adding the city should admit only “highly qualified” immigrants.