
The Obligatory iPhone 4 Review

Targetpractice8/06/2010 5:51:33 pm PDT

re: #13 talon_262

As nice as the iPhones are and have been, I could never subscribe to Steve Jobs’ vision of total vertical control over the hardware and software (the infamous “Apple walled garden”). From my car to my computers to my phone, I want as much control as is safely and technically possible to do what I want with it…it’s pretty simple, because I paid for the stuff.

That really is the main reason why I’ve never become an Apple guy, that culture of anal retentiveness when it comes to what you can and can’t do with their products. You want an iMac, you have to accept that you can’t upgrade its components, and you have to replace the computer as a whole. You want an iPod, you have to accept being chained to iTunes, meaning if you want to put third-party music or video on there, you have to find a third-party program that can do it. And if you want an iPhone or iPad, you have to accept not only being stuck with iTunes, but also with AT&T’s less then stellar services.