
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

Charles Johnson12/12/2009 8:09:54 pm PST

re: #264 zelnaga

Global warming deniers likely believe that the probability (and that’s assuming you can convince them that it’s possible) of global warming destroying life as we know it is next to nothing and that the probability of economic depression is very likely. They’re no more going to be convinced by this video than a scientist at CERN would be convinced by the above black hole argument.

There’s a significant number of people who won’t be convinced by ANY evidence. They’ll continue denying the reality of global warming even as the water rises around their feet and the port of Los Angeles is shut down.

I’m not posting these articles and videos for them. They’re beyond reason. I’m posting them for the people who are honestly confused about the issue, because of the enormous amount of bullshit that’s being spread by the Republican Party and their well paid climate denial industry shills. These are the people who aren’t lost yet, and haven’t closed their minds and retreated into impenetrable, comfortable ignorance.

Watch the video I posted above, especially the ending. That’s why I’m posting on the subject.