
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/22/2009 6:15:38 am PDT

re: #316 Pianobuff

I guess my question is really around what the content of the spin will be from the MSM, not who the messenger is.

What is the story now? Is he being neutral or not? If he got their praise for being neutral before will he get their criticism now since he has reversed course?

That’s what I’m wondering….

Well, if I look at my magic 8ball, the spin is going to be that Obama is cool, reasonable, intellectual, unmotivated by partisan ideology, and playing a very long term strategy which will pay off eventually. He will be lauded for being cautious when it was appropriate to be cautious, and equally lauded for making the statement that he did the other day, This will be portrayed as judiciously responding to events as they occur, rather than merely reacting.
He will be praised for his flexibility in times of crisis.

Much air time will be devoted to side issues like “Should he have gone for ice cream?”

In short, the usual circus we expect from the MSM. And the generic spin they employ for all Obama stories.
Vapid analysis, crap in place of real reporting, and some faction that are a personality cult that believe “Whatever dear leader does, he’s acting in our best interests and we have faith in daddy dammit. Now let’s all go back to watching American Idol.”

(BTW, Bush had that personality cult too. Doesn’t make it right though.)

/putting down the magic 8ball and backing away from it slowly….