
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/08/2011 4:13:19 am PST

re: #40 researchok

Seriously, I think one problem I now face is that the subjects I wish I would have studied, and wanted to at the time (such as astronomy or paleontology) I shied from because I felt I needed to get a job rather than follow my interests. So I got a job after by BS… then went back to school and got an MS, in another field (actually subspecialty) in which I was mostly driven to because of work.

It’s one of those things I now understand later in life - and about which many great authors in the past have written - is that the biggest regrets in life tend to be about those things we didn’t do, rather than the things we did do.

Unfortunately, I can’t stop time (I’ve tried…) My mental capacities aren’t what they used to be when I was younger, at least in quantitative skills. My verbal skills have increased with age, but that is not unusual.