
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Charles Johnson11/28/2009 1:14:54 pm PST

re: #554 captdiggs

“cover-up” would imply a conspiracy to hide information.

I don’t see a “cover-up” when the photos were distributed to scientists prior to the release to the public.

That’s right, it was a cover-up. No conspiracy involved — the Bush administration simply did the same thing they did with numerous other pieces of global warming evidence — they kept it from the public.

It does not matter whether the photos were released to scientists. They remained off limits to the public, and that was a deliberate choice by the Bush administration.

I understand that you’re trying to toss out the word “conspiracy theory” in order to mock this story and minimize it as much as possible.

Meanwhile, you have no problem at all with a conspiracy to steal data from the University of East Anglia, cherry-pick through it, and release a deliberately biased selection in order to sabotage the Copenhagen summit. That was a REAL conspiracy.