
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel2/19/2010 1:44:16 am PST

re: #54 Tigger2005

First he said, basically, that his mechanic has a vested interest in correctly diagnosing what’s wrong with his car (apparently he’s never heard of dishonest mechanics) while scientists are just making shit up to get grant money.

Well, that’s a giant fail right there. It’s too late for me to get into why that’s so, but Obdicut and LVQ have posted about this in detail.

Then, astonishingly, he brought ABORTION into it! He said, “If you want to have so much faith in science then why don’t you accept the evidence that a baby’s heart is beating at 21 days”.

Right, right— not astonishing at all. Lot of crossover among AGW deniers, creationists, and anti-choice tards. Ask him why he doesn’t ‘accept the scientific evidence’ that neither birth control nor emergency contraception are ‘abortion’ if you just want to see him froth. Alternatively, ask him why he thinks a beating heart=”life”— and then ask for proof on that.

Apparently, if you don’t agree with him on everything, you must be his flaming liberal opposite.

No, he just wants to hate science when it suits him, and worship bad science when it suits him. Ask him why he believes those tricksy scientists who say a heart is beating at 21 days (really? lol), and disbelieves them when they tell him AGW is real.