
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

elbruce8/22/2010 7:48:55 pm PDT

re: #619 Escaped Hillbilly

And yes, I do compare this stupid building…

They may be right for the reasons some others here have stated, like not giving in to bigotry, or meeting the needs of the local Muslim population, or presenting a peaceful message to the rest of the nation…but not just because they can.

So here you’re listing a number of perfectly good reasons to do it. And yet you call it “stupid.” That’s stupid.

Aside from the many good reasons to do it, I do think that the right under both the 1st and 4th amendments justify it as well. I know of no explicit religion that worships Wal-Mart, so the 1st amendment isn’t relevant to your comparison.


re: #641 swamprat

The 98 year old widowed grandmother is told that same people who caused her sons’ death want to build a sneering monument to his destruction. She goes to protest with only this misconception.

Maybe we should be directing our ire at the people who told her that, yes?