
An Open Letter to the Republican Party

Simply Me5/05/2009 7:07:33 pm PDT

re: #635 Salamantis

Since roughly 50% of first marriages and 75% of subsequent marriages already end in divorce, and fully a third of American children are currently being born out of wedlock; I fail to see what damage allowing gay civil unions could possibly do to the institution of marriage, over and above what damage heterosexuals are already inflicting upon it themselves.

Personally, I see the legal “gay civil union’ recognition of enduring committed monogamous homosexual relationships as pro-family.

re: #346 Simply Me

[P]eople who say they support traditional marriage usually do support traditional marriage. They will be very concerned about children born out of wedlock and very concerned about divorce, etc. For them (including me) it is a constellation of issues around marriage as the structure for child-rearing as the basic building block of society

Honestly, Salamantis, from the perspective of someone who supports traditional marriage, you argument is like a rapist coming into the house after a woman has been domestically abused by her husband, saying “I fail to see what is wrong with me raping this woman as she has already been so badly beaten by her own husband.”

It is clear that you couldn’t care less about what happens to the children; all you care about is your own personal “liberty”. Using the excuse that the institution is already damaged is so specious!