
Overnight Open Thread

J.S.6/22/2009 8:16:31 am PDT

re: #761 yma o hyd

Here’s a link to Frum’s article…Frum argues that , in part, the uprising is about the economy in Iran..rampant corruption, massive unemployment ,etc. Frum writes: “The collapsing economy has exacerbated Iran’s already horrific social problems. Iran is home to some two million narcotics users. Despite (or perhaps because of ) the regime’s repressive sexual attitudes, prostitution flourishes: An estimated 85,000 prostitutes work in Tehran alone. Last year the head of Iran’s anti-vice police force was arrested cavorting with six naked prostitutes in a Tehran brothel. It’s generally estimated that Iran is home to 80,000 cases of HIV/AIDS — three-quarters of these cases traceable to intravenous drug use.”