
Charles Darwin's Sacred Cause

Charles Johnson2/01/2009 5:39:42 pm PST

re: #778 seekeroftruth

Do you think it’s a possibility that Palin was not as informed of where the creationism and the Discovery Institute have gone in the past several years? I remember many years ago, for a few years, that creationism was “taught”, a 5 minute mention, back when I was in school. At the time it made no impact, other than to notice the teacher rolled his eyes a lot. However, since I have been reading your posts about this, my eyes have been opened. I now realize that this is a whole different thing we are talking about here - the Discovery Institute and islamic involvement. I would never had know any of this without having read your posts. I would guess there are many, many people out there who do not know the whole story about DI and it’s agenda.

I think it’s kind of pointless to try to figure out a politician’s true motives for anything. But Palin did attend a Pentecostal church, and the Pentecostals are one of the most anti-evolution sects in the US. So it’s very likely that she is a hard core creationist.

As far as I know, Rudy Giuliani was the only GOP candidate in this past election who unequivocally stated that he wasn’t a creationist.

So of course, he was hounded out of the election.