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Searched LGF articles for: iraq study group (2,497 matches, in 100 pages)

Reporters in Debate Press Room Cheered Bernie Sanders' "Sick of Hearing About Emails" Remark

Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 12:52:17 pm
Yahoo News reporter Hunter Walker has an interesting behind-the-scenes observation from last night's debate: Audible clapping and laughter in the press filing room after Bernie Sanders' "enough of the emails moment." — Hunter Walker (@hunterw) October 14, 2015 Here's a video clip of that moment: .@BernieSanders is also "sick & tired" hearing about ...

Post-Debate Thoughts

Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 10:19:02 am
Reading over some of the right wing sites today is a view into a strange alternate universe where everything is reversed; to these folks, the Democratic debate was a crazy festival of socialism and the only person on the stage who was even remotely sane was... Jim Webb. Yes, the ...

Chuck Johnson's Lawyer Responds to Gawker's Lawyers: Please Have Pity on Me, Judge

Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 8:17:03 pm
Chuck Johnson's lawyer responds to the Gawker legal team's scathing answer to his third request for more time, by accusing them of floating "conspiracy theories," complaining that he's "reached physical exhaustion," and pleading with the judge to have mercy because he's just one guy helped out by one intern. Of course, ...

Democrats' Debate: Thread the Second

Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 6:55:39 pm
Here's our second thread to discuss the Democrats' debate -- a very different show than the Republican debates. At the GOP debates, all of the candidates had identical views on every issue. At this debate, there are real differences on real issues. It's refreshing.

Democrats' Debate: Thread the First

Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 5:27:03 pm
I admit I was a little surprised to learn they actually rustled up five Democratic candidates to debate each other tonight: Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders Martin O'Malley Lincoln Chafee Jim Webb If nothing else, this will be a good chance for everyone to be reminded how much they dislike Jim Webb. CNN isn't making an embeddable live ...

Ted Cruz and Louie Gohmert Team Up to Form Juggernaut of Pure Idiocy

Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 3:27:29 pm
Christopher Halloran / Good thing our Congress critters don't have anything important to do; this leaves them all the time in the world to stage ridiculous hateful stunts like this, as Louie Gohmert and Ted Cruz join forces to demand that the Smithsonian Museum remove a bust of Planned Parenthood ...

Chuck C. Johnson Misses Gawker Suit Deadline, Gets Suspended from Facebook

Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 10:21:43 am
A few days ago the Internet's most incompetent "journalist" posted this on Facebook, denying early reports that he missed the deadline for filing his response to Gawker's motion to dismiss his lawsuit and their anti-SLAPP motion (that might end up costing Chuck a lot of money). And then, today his lawyer ...

Ben Carson Says We're Approaching the End Times, But He'll Save Us if We Elect Him President

Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 6:29:21 pm
Christopher Halloran / How crazy is Ben Carson, anyway? This crazy: Carson: We Could Be Close to the End of Days. Ben Carson on Sunday said the world may be getting closer to the end of days. The GOP presidential candidate offered the comments to Sharyl Attkisson during an interview on SBG's ...

In Which Ben Shapiro Blatantly Twists Obama's Words (Again)

Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 4:50:25 pm
Shapiro of the Corn Right wingers do this ridiculous word-twisting game all the time, distorting absolutely anything President Obama says to make it look like he's an evil tyrant who hates America. But this one is especially egregious and flat stupid, and it comes from Breitbart clown Ben Shapiro, published at ...

Bobby Jindal Doubles Down on Vicious Attack Against Oregon School Shooter's Father

Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 11:49:56 am
Christopher Halloran / As I noted yesterday, Republican politicians never, ever back down from a batshit crazy (and/or hateful) statement, and Bobby Jindal illustrates this axiom perfectly as he defends his vicious attack on the Oregon school shooter's father. Why is Jindal being such a horrible person? Because this grieving father ...

Benghazi Committee Revealed as Sham, Members Reportedly Boozed and Played With Guns on the Job

Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 9:34:52 pm
JStone / A former investigator for the congressional committee investigating Benghazi (and investigating and investigating and investigating) is blowing the whistle, saying the panel was narrowly focused on attacking presidential candidate Hillary Clinton -- which has been amazingly obvious for quite some time. A former investigator with the Republican-led congressional ...

Ben Carson Blames the Media for the Outrage Over His Holocaust Statements

Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 12:01:11 pm
Rich Koele / If you've paid attention to right wing politics at all, you know that Republican politicians never, ever back down from a batshit crazy statement. This would make them look weak to the nuts they're trying to appeal to, so they stick to their delusional guns no matter ...

Fox's Dr. Keith Ablow's Grotesque Victim-Blaming: Jews "Surrendered" to the Holocaust

Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 11:02:18 am
Ben Carson has really been on a roll this week, coming out with one stupid or offensive statement after another. He seems to trying his best to out-dumb Donald Trump. But perhaps the most offensive craziness he spouted was his suggestion that Nazi Germany was able to perpetrate the Holocaust because ...

Meanwhile, Hate Group Leader Pamela Geller Is Still Deranged

Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 12:26:39 pm
SoundCloud I sometimes wonder if Pamela Geller ever gets tired of obsessively spewing this semi-literate nonsense about President Obama being a "Muslim commie atheist tyrant" who is stupid yet clever, weak yet all-powerful, sneaky yet obvious. But then I remember: the right wing rubes she's fleecing with this hate speech aren't gonna ...

Podcast o' the Day: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, 10/8/15

Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 11:10:18 am /BCS_100815.mp3 Creationist neurosurgeon Ben Carson was in Loonball Overdrive the past few days, spewing one nutty ill-conceived idea after another, and he's the star of today's Bob & Chez Show. Popeye's Organization: Republicans in Disarray; Kevin McCarthy Drops Out of Speaker Race; Speaker Election Postponed; Boehner Begs Paul Ryan to Run; ...

Kevin McCarthy Compares House Republicans to Alcoholics: "Sometimes You Have to Hit Rock Bottom"

Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 12:47:32 pm
In an interview with National Review, Rep. Kevin McCarthy called out the "House Freedom Caucus" (otherwise known as the "Kamikaze Caucus") for "going into lockdown mode" and demanding things McCarthy didn't want to deliver. But the best part is how he -- very appropriately -- compared the Tea Party dead-enders to ...

Rep. Kevin McCarthy Drops Out of the Running for Speaker of the House at the Last Minute

Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:09:26 am
Minutes before the election was scheduled to start, Rep. Kevin McCarthy has dropped out of the election for Speaker of the House. Fire up those popcorn poppers, folks. It's a clown show and it's just beginning. Exclusive photo from House Republican emergency meeting! — Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) October 8, 2015

Overnight Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, 10/6/15

Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:34:58 pm
Image via Shutterstock podcast/100615/BCS_100615.mp3 And now for tonight's episode of our podcast affiliate, The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show: Batman Villains: Wingnuts and Racists Don't Want Obama in Oregon; Keith Olbermann MSNBC Rumors Emerge; Why Joe Biden Shouldn't Run for President; The Presidential Line of Succession; Carly Fiorina's Foundation Tied to ...

Rupert Murdoch: Ben Carson Would Be "A Real Black President"

Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 6:24:03 pm
Presented without comment. Ben and Candy Carson terrific. What about a real black President who can properly address the racial divide? And much else. — Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) October 8, 2015

Video: Ted Cruz Badgers Sierra Club President With Bogus Climate Change Denial Talking Points

Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 3:07:35 pm
YouTube This has to be one of the most annoying videos I've seen so far this week, as Sen. Ted Cruz reels off one anti-science climate change denial talking point after another, trying to trick Sierra Club president Aaron Mair into suggesting the science of climate change is "debatable," and that ...

Court Orders Anti-Choice Center for Medical Progress to Turn Over Video Footage to National Abortion Federation

Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 11:39:33 am
RH Reality Check's Jessica Pielko reports that David Daleiden, head of the Orwellian "Center for Medical Progress" group that created the deceptive Planned Parenthood "sting" videos, has been ordered by a federal court to hand over the full video footage to the National Abortion Foundation and to the court. This should ...

There They Go Again: House Republicans Set to Vote on Repealing Obamacare and Defunding Planned Parenthood

Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 10:06:56 am
Here we go again. After failing to pass legislation to kill Obamacare, what? 50 times now? more? ...House Republicans are getting set to send another doomed bill to the Senate, this time trying to defund both Obamacare and Planned Parenthood. It's very unlikely to pass the Senate, because many of these ...

Bobby Jindal Attacks Father of Oregon Shooter: "A Complete Failure as a Father"

Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 12:45:28 pm
Anne Power / Republican presidential candidates are competing to see who can say the most heartless, reprehensible things today about the gun massacre at Oregon's Umpqua Community College. First, Ben Carson blamed the victims for not defending themselves. And now, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal (a creationist like Ben Carson), has issued a ...

Trump: Mass Killers Are "Geniuses," We Can't Do Anything to Stop Them

Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 10:47:51 am
a katz / Donald Trump constantly promises to build a huge, beautiful wall on America's southern border that will be infallible at preventing Mexican "rapists and criminals" from entering the US. There's absolutely no way these illegal aliens will be able to figure out how to get around his gigantic ...

Jim Hoft's Bogus Story About CNN "Lightening" Oregon Shooter's Photo Goes Viral

Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 6:38:27 pm
Tonight we have another absolutely bogus right wing fake outrage to report. The Stupidest Man on the Internet, Jim Hoft, posted this earlier today, linking to a barely concealed white supremacist website (to which I will not link, because they're disgusting and horrible): From @gatewaypundit, this claim spread to Alex ...

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