National Intelligence Council Nominee: ‘What 9/11 Showed is That If We Bomb People, They Bomb Back’

US News • Views: 3,682

Martin Kramer has a post today on the Obama administration’s nominee to head the National Intelligence Council—Saudi puppet Chas Freeman: Chas Freeman and 9/11.

How important has resentment of Israel been to Al Qaeda’s terrorism? Here is one side of the argument, by an American who knows Saudi Arabia well:

The heart of the poison is the Israel-Palestinian conundrum. When I was in Saudi Arabia, I was told by Saudi friends that on Saudi TV there were three terrorists who came out and spoke. Essentially the story they told was that they had been recruited to fight for the Palestinians against the Israelis, but that once in the training camp, their trainers gradually shifted their focus away from the Israelis to the monarchy in Saudi Arabia and to the United States. So the recruitment of terrorists has a great deal to do with the animus that arises from that continuing and worsening situation.
And here is the opposing view, by an American who knows the Kingdom equally well:
Mr. bin Laden’s principal point, in pursuing this campaign of violence against the United States, has nothing to do with Israel. It has to do with the American military presence in Saudi Arabia, in connection with the Iran-Iraq issue. No doubt the question of American relations with Israel adds to the emotional heat of his opposition and adds to his appeal in the region. But this is not his main point.
So now you’ve heard two sides of the debate. Who made the first statement? Charles “Chas” Freeman, former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia and the Obama administration’s nominee to head the National Intelligence Council (NIC). Who made the second statement? Charles “Chas” Freeman, former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia and the Obama administration’s nominee to head the National Intelligence Council (NIC).

The first quote dates from January 2004, the second from October 1998. The difference between them is 9/11, when it became the Saudi line to point to Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians as the “root cause” of the September 11 attacks.

Freeman’s weird statements don’t stop with these contradictions either:

Does Freeman really believe that Israel’s actions caused Bin Laden’s terror? Who knows? He’s put forward two completely contradictory explanations. One would like to believe that in his heart of hearts, he still knows what he knew in 1998, that Bin Laden’s “campaign of violence against the United States, has nothing to do with Israel.” One would like to believe that in 2006, he was cynically shilling for the Saudis when he blamed 9/11 on “our unflinching support and unstinting subsidies of Israel’s approach.” Because if he wasn’t just cynically shilling, he’s gone off the rails. (Actually, there is a third Freeman explanation for 9/11, so bizarre that I don’t know quite how to categorize it. Parse this: “What 9/11 showed is that if we bomb people, they bomb back.”)

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1 jcm  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:27:46am

We’re Fucked.

2 jones  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:29:19am

Of course, when people bomb us, a good President will bomb back. And then the the bombers slither away, if they can.

Right Osama?

3 Milk in a Box  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:29:30am

More importantly, did this guy pay his taxes?

4 Nevergiveup  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:29:51am

From what I understand this jack ass does NOT need any congressional approval to assume his duties. That doesn’t mean that pressure can’t be brought to have his posting withdrawn. Am I right other lizards?

5 Wyatt Earp  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:30:08am

And what Chas Freeman showed is that if Obama picks someone for his administration, we need to send him/her back!

6 pingjockey  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:30:26am

Obambi is hiring folks just as moronic as himself for foreign policy. Israel better be ready to take care of itself with no help from this admin. Goddamn pea brained utopians.

7 Nevergiveup  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:30:56am

No one should be bitching and moaning that they didn’t see this shit coming.

8 MJ  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:31:04am

The qualification necessary according to those ho defend this guy is being anti-Israel.

Another interesting piece:

So, Is Human Rights Watch “Neocon” Now, Too?


9 nyc redneck  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:31:30am

if we bomb the enemy and do it right, they don’t bomb back.

has that occurred to any of these silly cowards?
sometimes being liked is NOT the answer.

10 Nevergiveup  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:31:41am

re: #6 pingjockey

Obambi is hiring folks just as moronic as himself for foreign policy. Israel better be ready to take care of itself with no help from this admin. Goddamn pea brained utopians.

This guy is more than that. I believe he is an outright anti-semite.

11 ConservatismNow!  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:31:48am

Incorrect. What 9/11 shows is that if people bomb us, we stomp the ever loving shit out of them. We call down the fires of God so hard that they will cower in their little caves, wetting themselves while they call out for that bitch of a mother who spawned them. When we get punched, we don’t lay down and die, we get pissed off and punch them back. At least when a Republican is president.

12 SteveC  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:32:09am
“What 9/11 showed is that if we bomb people, they bomb back.”

Nope. If they hit us, we hit them - harder. We rattle their cage, kick them in the soft spot, and make them see stars. If they hit again, we hit again. Sooner or later they’ll realize they’re getting their ass whipped and they’ll stop that shit.

Pax Americana!

13 notutopia  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:32:14am

(Actually, there is a third Freeman explanation for 9/11, so bizarre that I don’t know quite how to categorize it. Parse this: “What 9/11 showed is that if we bomb people, they bomb back.”)
WTF? Insanity is alive and well in Freeman.

14 MJ  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:32:18am

Some more pieces about who this guy is:

another Israel tirade by Chas Freeman

Concerns expressed about Freeman heading NIC

Struggle over Intelligence Council pick intensifies

More distressing information about Chas Freeman

Dan Froomkin, a propagandist for the Washington Post, did a profile for the Niemann Foundation:

The Saudi Propaganda machine for Freeman:

15 pingjockey  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:32:28am

re: #4 Nevergiveup
IIRC, the Nat. Intel Council is not a Cabinet post and wouldn’t require Senate approval. Idiots, the admin is full of idiots. The one is gonna make Jimmah look like a frakkin’ genius.

16 Nevergiveup  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:32:47am

re: #9 nyc redneck

if we bomb the enemy and do it right, they don’t bomb back.

has that occurred to any of these silly cowards?
sometimes being liked is NOT the answer.

I’d rather be feared than respected. ” A Bronx Tail”

17 BignJames  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:32:59am

Sounds like Ward Churchill/Rev Wright.

18 Steve Rogers  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:33:25am

I guess that’s why we continually face German and Japanese aggression.

19 pingjockey  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:33:26am

re: #10 Nevergiveup
Reads that way don’t it.

20 jcm  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:33:31am

I can see the Administration’s response to the next 9/11

“We need to examine the root causes of why people feel the need to do these heinous acts and instead of lash out in anger, extend an open hand to correct the underlying causes of terrorism.”

21 AndyMacOP  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:33:37am

Will anyone actually ever understand the nature of radical Islam?

Apologists for murderers are annoying at best and deadly at worst.

22 yma o hyd  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:33:38am

Goodness gracious me - he either has a severe mental impairment, or he has been handsomely paid to change his views.
In either case he is unfit for that office.

To think this post could have gone to John Bolton - aarrgghh!

23 nyc redneck  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:33:43am

they are pacifist cowards. seeking any excuse to not man- up.
in the face of real danger, they are the danger.

24 Wyatt Earp  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:34:31am

Hope. Change. Submission.

Gonna be a great four years, huh?

25 SteveC  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:35:01am

re: #20 jcm

I can see the Administration’s response to the next 9/11

“We need to examine the root causes of why people feel the need to do these heinous acts and instead of lash out in anger, extend an open hand to correct the underlying causes of terrorism.”

We say: “We need to examine the root causes of why people feel the need to do these heinous acts and instead of lash out in anger, extend an open hand to correct the underlying causes of terrorism.”

They hear: “Thank you sir! May I have another?”

26 stevieray  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:35:59am

Chas Freeman is a morally and intellectually bankrupt stooge. His heart is gnarled by hate, his soul is naught but noxious vapors.

He is a stump of a man.

27 jaunte  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:36:04am

Incompetence rewarded. A lot of people will have to pay for this dimwitted approach to the world, just like they paid in the 1940’s.


28 notutopia  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:36:15am

re: #24 Wyatt Earp

Hope. Change. Submission.

Gonna be a great four years, huh?

It’s been an unreal 2 months! Will we make it through 4 years without another US homeland attack?

29 pingjockey  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:36:25am

re: #24 Wyatt Earp
Interesting 4 years. In the Chinese curse sort, “May you live in interesting times”.

30 jcm  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:36:54am

re: #26 stevieray

Chas Freeman is a morally and intellectually bankrupt stooge. His heart is gnarled by hate, his soul is naught but noxious vapors.

He is a stump of a man.

Yeah! What you said….. he sucks too!

31 unclassifiable  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:37:02am

re: #24 Wyatt Earp

You ready for the next oil embargo?

Yo! Dickheads in the administration. In the world at large when you are down and weak they just kick the crap outta you even more!

32 SteveC  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:37:03am

re: #24 Wyatt Earp

Hope. Change. Submission.

Gonna be a great four years, huh?

Oh, a thrill a minute! Keep that Buntline Special ready to go, Wyatt.

33 pingjockey  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:37:06am

re: #28 notutopia
I wouldn’t bet against it. More’s the pity.

34 MJ  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:37:07am

Foreign ties of nominee questioned

An independent inspector general will look into the foreign financial ties of Chas W. Freeman Jr., the Obama administration’s pick to serve as chairman of the group that prepares the U.S. intelligence community’s most sensitive assessments, according to three congressional aides.


35 jaunte  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:38:10am

There’s a photo at Kramer’s site of Freeman visiting Prince Alwaleed. I like to think of this when I see him: [Link:…]

36 Walter L. Newton  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:38:10am

He was an ambassador to Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War, working for Bush senior. How dumb was that?

It’s stuff like this that keeps convincing me that we are screwed no matter which party we vote for, which politician we rally behind or what principles we hold.

37 opnion  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:38:23am

Well folks , my baby girl is coming in from college.
I am off to pick her up.
Her mother is all excited & I get it. This is her flesh & blood, a baby she carried for nine months, I’m just a guy she met in a bar.
Lator gators!

38 FrogMarch  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:38:42am

So Freeman is, basically, Ward Churchill lite?

39 Wyatt Earp  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:39:26am

re: #32 SteveC

Oh, a thrill a minute! Keep that Buntline Special ready to go, Wyatt.


*And with our luck, it’ll be 8 years, not 4.*

40 Nevergiveup  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:39:27am

re: #38 FrogMarch

So Freeman is, basically, Ward Churchill lite?

What’s with the lite part?

41 Ringo the Gringo  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:40:28am

We’re all moonbats now.

42 jaunte  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:40:44am

re: #38 FrogMarch

More like a paid lobbyist for the Saudis. Like Jimmy Carter.

43 yma o hyd  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:41:12am

re: #34 MJ

Foreign ties of nominee questioned


Interesting - but will it have any effect on that nomination?

44 sleepyone  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:41:37am

God help us.

45 albusteve  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:41:51am

re: #23 nyc redneck

they are pacifist cowards. seeking any excuse to not man- up.
in the face of real danger, they are the danger.

reminds me of the stories about WW2 where such a high % of troops were simply afraid to raise up from cover and fire their weapon even tho it was obviously in their best interest to risk it….BO and his minions are simply cowards and in the end they will be responsible for the deaths of innocent people….they are immoral imo

46 Walter L. Newton  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:41:52am

re: #34 MJ

Foreign ties of nominee questioned


Wow, this guy is hip deep in shit and money from foreign sources. Yep, confirm him now, he needs a few more bucks.

47 notutopia  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:42:55am

The Coming War on Sovereignty
John Bolton


48 Walter L. Newton  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:43:05am

re: #43 yma o hyd

Interesting - but will it have any effect on that nomination?

No. I suspect his portfolio of contacts, money sources and influence looks about the same as most people who work or have worked for the US government in the last 30 years.

49 Milk in a Box  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:43:30am

re: #8 MJ

That is one scary article. The guy is NUTS. I’d like to think the left is defending him out of their reflex to defend anything conservatives don’t like and not because they all actually think Saudi Arabia is just dandy.

50 itellu3times  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:44:15am

re: #20 jcm

I can see the Administration’s response to the next 9/11

“We need to examine the root causes of why people feel the need to do these heinous acts and instead of lash out in anger, extend an open hand to correct the underlying causes of terrorism.”

“We will now start bombing and air-raiding American cities ourselves, because this is the true nature of homeland security.”
/milo minderbinder

51 nyc redneck  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:44:18am

turn coats, sell outs, traitors, anti-americans are what o wants to surround himself with.
what’s new?
he is most comfortable w/ such losers and always has been.
none of them have a good thing to say abt. america.

52 jcm  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:44:28am

re: #38 FrogMarch

So Freeman is, basically, Ward Churchill lite?

Who’s briefing the POTUS on the mid-east.

53 pat  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:44:40am

Freeman is a lunatic. He distributed a book that said Muslims, specifically Arabs, discovered America and that the Iroquois had names such as Abdul and Mohamed. All covered up by evil Christian Puritans.

54 unclassifiable  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:44:55am

re: #41 Ringo the Gringo

We’re all moonbats now.

Aw shit.

Now we gotta show up with giant head paper mache puppets, not bathe for months on end, dance naked in the streets with our plastic paint bucket drums, and smoke enough weed to sink Jamaica. And all that logic and reasoning is out the window too.

55 BignJames  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:45:18am

re: #50 itellu3times

How about some chocolate covered cotton?

56 pat  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:45:26am

Joe Wilson Lite.

57 MJ  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:45:38am

re: #43 yma o hyd

Interesting - but will it have any effect on that nomination?

The nomination is being supported by every Israel-hating individual and organization out there except, would you believe, Human Rights Watch.

All of sudden these supporters of “human rights”, like Andrew Sullivan, find nothing wrong with a guy who supports the most backward countries in the world and the most repressive.

58 Ojoe  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:46:00am

I feel like screaming.

59 Walter L. Newton  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:46:07am

re: #53 pat

Freeman is a lunatic. He distributed a book that said Muslims, specifically Arabs, discovered America and that the Iroquois had names such as Abdul and Mohamed. All covered up by evil Christian Puritans.


60 Truck Monkey  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:46:36am

We bombed Saudi Arabia?

61 ConservatismNow!  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:46:38am

re: #54 unclassifiable

Aw shit.

Now we gotta show up with giant head paper mache puppets, not bathe for months on end, dance naked in the streets with our plastic paint bucket drums, and smoke enough weed to sink Jamaica. And all that logic and reasoning is out the window too.

I bolded the important part. The other things just make them easy to spot.

62 jaunte  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:46:47am
[National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs)] “…are the DNI’s most authoritative written judgments concerning national security issues. They contain the coordinated judgments of the Intelligence Community regarding the likely course of future events. The NIC’s goal is to provide policymakers with the best, unvarnished, and unbiased information—regardless of whether analytic judgments conform to US policy.”

Wahhabis inside the wire.


63 pingjockey  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:46:49am

Look at the next thread….the nirthers are still at it…..asshats.

64 esch  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:47:01am

re: #58 Ojoe

I feel like screaming.

I do it regularly. Helps to get it out of the system.


65 MJ  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:47:15am

re: #49 Milk in a Box

That is one scary article. The guy is NUTS. I’d like to think the left is defending him out of their reflex to defend anything conservatives don’t like and not because they all actually think Saudi Arabia is just dandy.

I think the explanation is simpler than that- anyone that pro-Israel individuals support, the Left is is against.

66 jcm  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:47:39am

re: #47 notutopia

The Coming War on Sovereignty
John Bolton


To this end, the authors provide a brief for what they call “responsible sovereignty.” They define it as “the notion that sovereignty entails obligations and duties toward other states as well as to one’s own citizens,” and they believe that its application can form the basis for a “cooperative international order.” At first glance, the phrase “responsible sovereignty” may seem unremarkable, given the paucity of advocates for “irresponsible sovereignty.” But despite the Plan’s mainstream provenance, the conception is a dramatic overhaul of sovereignty itself.

Dear g-d…………

67 J.D.  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:48:06am

You have got to be kidding.
I first learned about Charles Freeman shortly after 9/11.
Freeman is a tool, and nothing more.

68 Nevergiveup  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:48:11am

Obama to visit Turkey in sixth foreign trip


She said the two allies will consult on the safest, most effective way to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq. Turkey has said it is ready to serve as an exit route for U.S. troops.

Sure, they fucked us when went in but now they want to help the Obama withdraw? Gee what a shocker.

69 SteveC  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:48:11am

Off Topic - I think I’ve joined an elite blogging fraternity! I got my first hate mail today! :) TWO in one day!

My blog is about Congenital Heart Defects, but someone has been reading my posts on upcoming healthcare reform and they aren’t thrilled that I find the current plans… disturbing. Because I haven’t jumped on the Obamawagon I *MUST* be an asskissing neocon sonofabitch!

And a bunch of troofers object to my post refuting their claim that Heart Defects are simply a nutritional problem, and if you just eat right and take high doses of vitamins, you can forget Cardiac Care and go on your merry way! One day I will understand, but it will be too late, because I will be left lying in the dirt, humbled and crying!

They love me, they really, really love me! :)

70 Walter L. Newton  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:48:30am

But Freeman’s real offense (and the president’s if he were to appoint him) is that he has questioned the loyalty and patriotism of not only Zionists and other friends of Israel, the great swath of American Jews and their Christian countrymen, who believed that the protection of Zion is at the core of our religious and secular history, from the Pilgrim fathers through Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. And how has he offended this tradition? By publishing and peddling the unabridged John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, with panegyric and hysteria [through the Middle East Policy Council of which he is president]. If Freeman believes that this book is the truth he can’t be trusted by anyone, least of all Barack Obama. I can’t believe that Obama wants to appoint someone who is quintessentially an insult to the patriotism of some many of his supporters, me included. [emphasis added]


71 J.D.  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:49:09am

re: #69 SteveC

And a bunch of troofers object to my post refuting their claim that Heart Defects are simply a nutritional problem, and if you just eat right and take high doses of vitamins, you can forget Cardiac Care and go on your merry way!


72 albusteve  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:49:26am

re: #68 Nevergiveup

Obama to visit Turkey in sixth foreign trip


She said the two allies will consult on the safest, most effective way to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq. Turkey has said it is ready to serve as an exit route for U.S. troops.

Sure, they fucked us when went in but now they want to help the Obama withdraw? Gee what a shocker.

they will make some cash on the deal…good business

73 pat  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:49:31am

re: #59 Walter L. Newton

American Thinker

74 Truck Monkey  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:49:32am

re: #28 notutopia

It’s been an unreal 2 months! Will we make it through 4 years without another US homeland attack?


75 yma o hyd  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:49:38am

re: #65 MJ

I think the explanation is simpler than that- anyone that pro-Israel individuals support, the Left is is against.


76 ConservatismNow!  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:49:39am

re: #20 jcm

I can see the Administration’s response to the next 9/11

“We need to examine the root causes of why people feel the need to do these heinous acts and instead of lash out in anger, extend an open hand to correct the underlying causes of terrorism.”

What, you mean like Islam? Oh was I not supposed to say that?

77 pingjockey  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:49:45am

I want to amend Rushs statement….”The US military is the focus of evil in the modern world”. To include “and the juice”. Moonbat belief system. If it wasn’t for the US military and the juice everyone would live in peace and harmony.

78 unclassifiable  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:50:49am

re: #69 SteveC

Just tell them, “the more more you suffer, the more it shows you really care”.

/ht Offspring

79 SteveC  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:51:05am

re: #54 unclassifiable

Aw shit.

Now we gotta show up with giant head paper mache puppets, not bathe for months on end, dance naked in the streets with our plastic paint bucket drums, and smoke enough weed to sink Jamaica. And all that logic and reasoning is out the window too.

Which would be ok if the women were hotties, but they aren’t. :(

80 Ojoe  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:51:40am

re: #74 Truck Monkey

Obama projects weakness.

81 albusteve  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:51:44am

I can’t take anymore…I’m headin for the hills

83 Walter L. Newton  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:52:24am

re: #81 albusteve

I can’t take anymore…I’m headin for the hills

Steve, there’s no hills near you for miles? Move to Golden.

84 yma o hyd  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:53:47am

re: #70 Walter L. Newton

But Freeman’s real offense (and the president’s if he were to appoint him) is that he has questioned the loyalty and patriotism of not only Zionists and other friends of Israel, the great swath of American Jews and their Christian countrymen, who believed that the protection of Zion is at the core of our religious and secular history, from the Pilgrim fathers through Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. And how has he offended this tradition? By publishing and peddling the unabridged John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, with panegyric and hysteria [through the Middle East Policy Council of which he is president]. If Freeman believes that this book is the truth he can’t be trusted by anyone, least of all Barack Obama. I can’t believe that Obama wants to appoint someone who is quintessentially an insult to the patriotism of some many of his supporters, me included. [emphasis added]


(Emphasis by me)
I can believe that without any problem, unfortunately!
PB0’s appointments so far ought to have made that clear to this ‘supporter’.

85 ConservatismNow!  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:54:16am

re: #69 SteveC

Aren’t most heart defects a genetic problem passed down from generation to generation?

86 nyc redneck  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:54:28am

re: #28 notutopia

It’s been an unreal 2 months! Will we make it through 4 years without another US homeland attack?

we might. the terrorists are making so much headway thru stealth jihad, why would they want to risk an attack that would galvanize the american people.
look how they are pushing everywhere in our country w/ their “cultural”
demands. this soft jihad is working well for these scum.
tho, it’s possible some blood thirsty faction might not be able to stop themselves.

87 Dr. Shalit  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:54:40am

re: #8 MJ

The qualification necessary according to those ho defend this guy is being anti-Israel.

Another interesting piece:

So, Is Human Rights Watch “Neocon” Now, Too?


MJ -

Good article, and as implied in the “You lost” “NEENER” - Elections DO have consequences. Pray the current administration and its actions act as vaccine against more such silliness in the future. And - Note to Sec. State -
have your predecessor do English to Russian translation from now on, or consider using “BabelFish.”


88 itellu3times  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:54:41am

re: #55 BignJames

How about some chocolate covered cotton?

I think there’s a government purchase of a billion dollars worth in the porkulus bill.
/chocolate covered cotton is another Catch-22 reference for you lurkers

89 esch  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:55:09am

Heh. Just realized ‘Live free or Die Hard’ is on the tv in the background.

How appropriate.

90 albusteve  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:55:11am

re: #83 Walter L. Newton

Steve, there’s no hills near you for miles? Move to Golden.

the Sandias and Monzanos are right across the valley…

91 ConservatismNow!  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:55:54am

re: #89 esch

Heh. Just realized ‘Live free or Die Hard’ is on the tv in the background.

How appropriate.

You just killed a helicopter with a car!
I was out of bullets.

92 Maximu§  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:56:21am

Obama administration’s nominee to head the National Intelligence Council—Saudi puppet Chas Freeman: Chas Freeman

Its the Chas Freeman’s and Jamie Gorelick’s who are responsible for 9/11. Their policies made us weak and vulnerable to attack and here we go again!

93 Ojoe  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:56:23am

re: #86 nyc redneck

the faction you mention cannot stop the sins they commit are addicting

94 itellu3times  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:58:29am

re: #69 SteveC

“Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public”, H.L. Mencken

… the crazed responses you get in reaction to any public statement, like a blog, are perhaps the most extreme proof of Mencken’s cliche, tho I suppose it’s not *quite* the same thing.

95 itellu3times  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:58:56am

Hey, he’s named “Chas”, what more do you need to know?

96 FemNaziBitch  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 8:59:21am

Hey Honcos! It’s raining cats and dogs in the Very Far Western Suburbs of Chicagoland.

Violence breeds more violence? Is that the new administration’s philosophy? Kinda like the chicken and the egg —who cast the first stone?

How are you doing and what are we talking about?

97 Dr. Shalit  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:00:55am

re: #60 Truck Monkey

We bombed Saudi Arabia?

Truck Monkey -

No, local Jihadis bombed our installation there. The Saud family, usurpers of Mecca and Medina, have been protected by the UK - 1932-45 and the US - 1945-Present. The politics behind this is too long to go into here. Needless to say, without us they would have been part of “Greater Iraq” for about the last 18 years. That is all.


98 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:02:13am

This just in - the 0bama administration has nominated Tony Soprano to be the new head of the FBI.
/do I need to?

99 MJ  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:02:37am

Chuck Schumer has reportedly called Emmanuel to express his concern over Freeman:

Schumer calls Rahm about Freeman


Of course, the The Republican Jewish Coalition has already come out against Freeman:


The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) is remaining quiet, supporting the President’s anti-Israel agenda while hoping no one notices that they’ve sold out the Jewish community once again.

100 opinionated  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:03:45am

There is much focus on this guy, and one can hope that at the end his appointment is cancelled.

The bad news will remain that there are no questions being asked about- and no risk to the appointment- of the guy who hired Freeman in the first place.

Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair selected Chas Freeman to this position.

One would like to believe that the DNI would have the intelligence to know the views of who is is selecting.

Question: How much of a Saudi toad is Blair and how much does HE hate Israel?

Or his boss, the President, for that matter.

101 kansas  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:03:47am

These fuckers are gonna break us, then get us killed.

102 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:03:50am

re: #87 Dr. Shalit

MJ -

Good article, and as implied in the “You lost” “NEENER” - Elections DO have consequences. Pray the current administration and its actions act as vaccine against more such silliness in the future. And - Note to Sec. State -
have your predecessor do English to Russian translation from now on, or consider using “BabelFish.”


Good thing the button she gave Putin wasn’t labeled “Launch”
But I think they one they’re making for Iran does.

103 SteveC  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:03:51am

re: #85 ConservatismNow!

Aren’t most heart defects a genetic problem passed down from generation to generation?

No one is entirely sure what triggers a heart defect. Genetics, Environment, and maybe even a little bad luck. Just as an example of what causes a defect, there is a “cluster” of Defects in the South Baltimore area. Scientists went into that area and interviewed a lot of people, took soil samples and air samples, trying to find a common experience. There weren’t any. The only common factor they could find was that the mothers of CHD children participated in art painting a little more than average. That’s it.

The only thing we know for sure is that be the time the woman comes home and says “Honey, I’m pregnant!” the heart has already begun to develop. If there is a problem, it’s already starting.

104 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:04:44am

re: #100 opinionated

They’ll find someone equally anti-Israel, but without the public statements.

105 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:05:59am

re: #5 Wyatt Earp

And what Chas Freeman showed is that if Obama picks someone for his administration, we need to send him/her back!

We need to send 0bama back. Too bad that isn’t possible.

106 J.D.  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:06:48am

re: #98 Kosh’s Shadow

This just in - the 0bama administration has nominated Tony Soprano to be the new head of the FBI.
/do I need to?


107 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:08:10am

re: #7 Nevergiveup

No one should be bitching and moaning that they didn’t see this shit coming.

But all us lizards saw it coming (other than a few trolls). Maybe not this fast and this blatant, but we saw it coming.

108 SteveC  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:08:18am

re: #98 Kosh’s Shadow

This just in - the 0bama administration has nominated Tony Soprano to be the new head of the FBI.
/do I need to?

I thought Tony was face down in a diner….

109 Opinionated  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:08:35am

re: #98 Kosh’s Shadow

This just in - the 0bama administration has nominated Tony Soprano to be the new head of the FBI.

Unlikely. He would be competent even if dishonest.

They prefer dishonest AND incompetent.

110 Dr. Shalit  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:09:06am

re: #105 Kosh’s Shadow

We need to send 0bama back. Too bad that isn’t possible.

Kosh -

It is NOT a matter of if - it is a matter of WHEN. Elections have consequences.


111 debutaunt  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:09:53am

re: #53 pat

Freeman is a lunatic. He distributed a book that said Muslims, specifically Arabs, discovered America and that the Iroquois had names such as Abdul and Mohamed. All covered up by evil Christian Puritans.

Google: Christopher Al-Columbus

112 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:10:48am

re: #11 ConservatismNow!

Incorrect. What 9/11 shows is that if people bomb us, we stomp the ever loving shit out of them. We call down the fires of God so hard that they will cower in their little caves, wetting themselves while they call out for that bitch of a mother who spawned them. When we get punched, we don’t lay down and die, we get pissed off and punch them back. At least when a Republican is president.

And this is why there was no terrorist attack while Bush was president, but I’m afraid of some big ones under 0bama.
And I’m afraid his response will be “what did we do to deserve this?” and the answer from his aides will be that it was due to our support of Israel.

I wouldn’t put it past 0bama to consider support of Israel treason. He’ll have all the kapos (i.e. liberal Jews) to point to so he can say it isn’t anti-Semitism.

113 ConservatismNow!  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:11:20am

re: #97 Dr. Shalit

Mid Eastern current events is kind of a head spinner, isn’t it? You’ve got normal every day nationalism and politics combined with petro-dollar fueled greed, then add in the “true believer” muslims and you have a pretty big mess.

114 RightMinded  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:12:31am

Between this and Biden’s comment how within Obama’s first 6 months there will be an international crisis and we would have to just trust that Obama’s reaction is the right one, makes me VERY CONCERNED about our nation’s security. I believe we’re sitting ducks.

115 HDrepub  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:12:34am

re: #92 Maximu§

Obama administration’s nominee to head the National Intelligence Council—Saudi puppet Chas Freeman: Chas Freeman

Its the Chas Freeman’s and Jamie Gorelick’s who are responsible for 9/11. Their policies made us weak and vulnerable to attack and here we go again!

Exactamundo! Gorelick should have been answering questions about 9/11 instead of asking them as a panelist on the commission. The commission turned out to be a “what did Bush do to cause 9/11” instead of looking for real answers.

116 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:12:51am

re: #20 jcm

I can see the Administration’s response to the next 9/11

“We need to examine the root causes of why people feel the need to do these heinous acts and instead of lash out in anger, extend an open hand to correct the underlying causes of terrorism.”

Which, Freeman and others will say, is the Jooos.

117 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:14:30am

re: #34 MJ

Foreign ties of nominee questioned


He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near classified information; he has been a paid foreign agent.
I’d guess within a month, he’ll be guilty of passing classified info to the Saudis.
Let him rot in prison if so.

118 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:17:49am

re: #70 Walter L. Newton

But Freeman’s real offense (and the president’s if he were to appoint him) is that he has questioned the loyalty and patriotism of not only Zionists and other friends of Israel, the great swath of American Jews and their Christian countrymen, who believed that the protection of Zion is at the core of our religious and secular history, from the Pilgrim fathers through Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy. And how has he offended this tradition? By publishing and peddling the unabridged John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, with panegyric and hysteria [through the Middle East Policy Council of which he is president]. If Freeman believes that this book is the truth he can’t be trusted by anyone, least of all Barack Obama. I can’t believe that Obama wants to appoint someone who is quintessentially an insult to the patriotism of some many of his supporters, me included. [emphasis added]


I wouldn’t be surprised 0bama thinks the book is truth.

119 J.D.  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:17:56am

re: #92 Maximu§

Obama administration’s nominee to head the National Intelligence Council—Saudi puppet Chas Freeman: Chas Freeman

Its the Chas Freeman’s and Jamie Gorelick’s who are responsible for 9/11. Their policies made us weak and vulnerable to attack and here we go again!

And Bill instructed both of them to do his bidding.

120 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:19:05am

re: #82 jones

And what grown man would go by Chas?

This guy makes me want to upChuck

122 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:24:51am

Meanwhile, we’re having “Constructive talks with Syria

On the Syrian side, Assad has welcomed improved ties, something he has long sought but was hampered by the Bush administration’s attempts to isolate his country. Assad has said he is impressed by Obama’s friendly gestures but was still waiting for results.

My question is will I make it through 4 years of 0bama or will I have to move to Israel?

123 DistantThunder  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:26:35am

Well why haven’t the jihadists learn that if they bomb us we bomb back? Has he noticed that Japan has NOT nuked us back?

124 Dr. Shalit  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:28:39am

re: #113 ConservatismNow!

Mid Eastern current events is kind of a head spinner, isn’t it? You’ve got normal every day nationalism and politics combined with petro-dollar fueled greed, then add in the “true believer” muslims and you have a pretty big mess.

ConservatismNow! -

Sure is - which is one of the reasons I sometimes tweak the Saudis with the truth about how and when their regime started. Must burn them no end that some people know the “Saudi” regime was founded 15 years AFTER the USSR, with the connivance of a few renegades in the UK Foreign Office, not by Qua’ran, Hadith, Sunna or the bloodline of Mohammed. That honor belongs to the Hashemites - ie. King Abdullah II of Jordan.


125 Bob Dillon  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:30:58am

Ya know? I could be off the wall here, but does it seem the principal criteria of an 0Bama appointee is - do they have access to people with very large sums of money who have a track record of donating to a “cause”?

Delinquent taxes and all the rest seems to pale in comparison.

126 Dr. Shalit  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:31:00am

re: #122 Kosh’s Shadow

Kosh -

Syria will be a great friend to the US, about as good as Vichy France.


127 adagioforstrings  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:31:27am

“What 9/11 showed is that if we bomb people, they bomb back.”

When, exactly, did the US ever bomb Saudi Arabia? Allegedly, Chas Freeman is even more beholden to Saudi Arabia than the Bush family ever was:


I wonder if Michael Moore is going to produce a film documenting this fact….I won’t hold my breath.

128 adagioforstrings  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:35:42am

re: #121 J.D.

The story should have specified that two Democrats were part of the request. They are Rep. Steve Israel of New York and Rep. Shelley Berkley of Nevada.GoshI wonder why they failed to mention that?

It couldn’t possibly due to partisan propaganda purposes./sarc

129 J.D.  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:35:51am

Mao Zedong: Nationalist in Spite of Himself

Remarks to the SAIS China Forum
October 11, 2006
Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. (USFS, Ret.)

Mao Zedong had a force and energy which none but men of equally great spiritual conviction could withstand. His animal appetites, we now know, matched his intellectual vigor. He was an object of adulation to his subjects and of mingled admiration and dread to his subordinates and intimates. While Mao lived, the brilliance of his personality illuminated the farthest corners of his country and inspired many would-be revolutionaries and romantics beyond it.

Few indeed loved Chairman Mao’s style of governance, but all but a few of those who despised it most loved the People’s Republic he had founded more and hated him less than they feared him.

via the Weekly Standard

130 J.D.  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:37:38am

re: #128 adagioforstrings

The story should have specified that two Democrats were part of the request. They are Rep. Steve Israel of New York and Rep. Shelley Berkley of Nevada.GoshI wonder why they failed to mention that?

It couldn’t possibly due to partisan propaganda purposes./sarc

Thereisnobiasinthemedia Thereisnobiasinthemedia
Thereisnobiasinthemedia Thereisnobiasinthemedia…

131 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:38:24am

And Palestinian PM Fayyad submits resignation
The way Al-Press spins this is disgusting:

The Palestinian prime minister submitted his resignation Saturday, a move that could help pave the way for an elusive power-sharing deal between Palestinian moderates and militants.

In other words, he was a block to making a unified TERRORIST Pali government.
And they’ll still get our money. Disgusting.

132 Sosigado  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:40:16am

There is some really bad craziness going on in Washington.

I’m praying that we as a country will survive this.

133 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:41:19am

Here’s another one:

Gov. Deval Patrick’s homeland security undersecretary has been tapped to serve as a top official at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The department announced yesterday that Juliette Kayyem, the first Arab-American appointed to serve as a homeland security adviser at the state level, will be an assistant secretary for intergovernmental programs. Patrick appointed Kayyem in January 2007.

(Article here)

134 J.D.  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:44:24am

Obama’s spy ruffles hawks’ feathers

…Observers are watching the campaign against Freeman, who enjoys strong support among intelligence professionals and realists in the national-security bureaucracy, as an early test of how much influence the so-called “Israel lobby” will be able to exert on the new administration.

Freeman was formally appointed NIC chairman last week by Obama’s Director of National Intelligence (DNI), ambassador Dennis Blair. A polyglot with unusually wide-ranging foreign policy expertise - he has served as ambassador to Saudi Arabia, as assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, and has shaped US policy in areas ranging from Asia to the Middle East to Africa - Freeman is reported to have been Blair’s hand-picked choice for the job.

The NIC is the US intelligence community’s center for mid- and long-term strategic thinking and analysis on a range of issues facing the United States. Among other responsibilities, it produces National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) - the consensus judgments of all 16 intelligence agencies - regarding the likely course of events.

In December 2007, for example, it published a NIE that found that Iran had stopped work on one key component of nuclear-weapons development in 2003, a finding that frustrated efforts to rally public support for military strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities before president George W Bush left office.

Freeman has been an outspoken critic both of the Bush administration’s “global war on terror” and of Israeli policies in the Occupied Territories. In a 2007 speech, he denounced US support for “Israel’s efforts to pacify its captive and increasingly ghettoized Arab populations [and] seize ever more Arab land for its colonists”, and warned that Israel would soon face “an unwelcome choice between a democratic society and a Jewish identity for their state”.

The campaign against Freeman began shortly after rumors of his appointment surfaced two weeks ago. It was initially confined to neo-conservative media organs such as the Weekly Standard and Commentary magazines, as well as liberal but hawkishly pro-Israel figures such as Martin Peretz, editor of The New Republic. …

135 Bob Dillon  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:50:37am

re: #1 jcm

We’re Fucked.

I understand your point … however it only tagged an emotion of regret when I read it … so here is an reframe on that theme, after a good strong dose of coffee …

We are physically being held down, Barney Frank has us in a headlock, Pelosi, Reed, Biden and Zer0 have our arms and legs … the rest of congress rips our clothes of and then brutally gang rapes us as they all laugh at our expense.

We’re fucked all right.

136 HDrepub  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 9:57:22am

re: #135 Bobibutu

I understand your point … however it only tagged an emotion of regret when I read it … so here is an reframe on that theme, after a good strong dose of coffee …

We are physically being held down, Barney Frank has us in a headlock, Pelosi, Reed, Biden and Zer0 have our arms and legs … the rest of congress rips our clothes of and then brutally gang rapes us as they all laugh at our expense.

We’re fucked all right.

Gack@@! Fucked by Barney Frank, now there’s a complete and total barf-o-rama.

137 oh_dude  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 10:00:29am

I don’t believe Mr. Kramer got the memo regarding our new product line.

138 [deleted]  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 10:15:01am
139 Bob Dillon  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 10:15:04am

re: #136 HDrepub

That sick monster has been screwing us all for a very long time … his electors seem to think it’s way cool and cheer him on.

I lost respect for most Massachusetts residents after they reelected The Swimmer.
Who then went on to help destroy our way of life by ramming thru legislation that threw open our borders by dropping all immigration quotas (payback to his Irish heritage and the securing of future votes).

On top of that when they reelected Frank after his first scandal it was just beyond my comprehension - and then to keep on? Insanity is rampant in Mass.

140 hershel  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 10:15:51am

“What 9/11 showed is that if we bomb people, they bomb back.”

Still waiting for the Japanese to nuke us.

141 wiffersnapper  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 10:24:28am

Right, Al-Qaeda bombed us, and we bombed them back. Don’t FUCK with the US.

142 Gus  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 11:10:45am

The fox is in the henhouse.

It’s official.

143 FrumiousFalafel  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 11:20:28am

Chas Freeman is truly a dangerous man. Paraphrasing, he said China “went too easy on the Tienanmen Protesters”. Paraphrasing again, he said “Israel is the basic cause of all Middle East Wars.” (Ya gotta love that one).

Hi surreptitious appointment by Dennis Blair may be the only real weak spot that can be used to bring him down since there are administration officials still considerably higher in rank than Blair.

Another weak spot though is the newly formed Inspector General’s investigation into his massive Saudi money connections. I’m personally pessimistic here because half of Washington DC is on the Saudi payroll (OK, slight exaggeration) — but definitely true among the so-called foreign policy “realists.” (think James Baker et al.)

Israel: get ready for a rough ride.

144 dag nabbitt  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 11:45:59am

re: #26 stevieray

Chas Freeman is a morally and intellectually bankrupt stooge. His heart is gnarled by hate, his soul is naught but noxious vapors.

He is a stump of a man.

… and a stumpy prostitute who sold his public office.

145 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 11:47:00am

re: #143 FrumiousFalafel

Chas Freeman is truly a dangerous man. Paraphrasing, he said China “went too easy on the Tienanmen Protesters”. Paraphrasing again, he said “Israel is the basic cause of all Middle East Wars.” (Ya gotta love that one).

Hi surreptitious appointment by Dennis Blair may be the only real weak spot that can be used to bring him down since there are administration officials still considerably higher in rank than Blair.

Another weak spot though is the newly formed Inspector General’s investigation into his massive Saudi money connections. I’m personally pessimistic here because half of Washington DC is on the Saudi payroll (OK, slight exaggeration) — but definitely true among the so-called foreign policy “realists.” (think James Baker et al.)

Israel: get ready for a rough ride.

And the rest of us. Think how he’ll be when conservatives protest. Watch out for tanks at the tea parties.

146 Just sayin...  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 12:29:53pm

I was just scanning the comment titles and though I saw the 9/11 attackers referred to as “Bomb People.” When I did a double-take, I see that I was wrong, but shouldn’t these radical Islamic terrorists be literally referred to as either “Bomb People” or “Beheading People”?

147 bullskin  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 12:48:26pm

Intelligence? where?

148 jhrhv  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 1:13:08pm

“What 9/11 showed is that if we bomb people, they bomb back.”

Sorry what 9/11 showed is that you can give the Saudi’s trillions in oil money (and they will do almost nothing with it to help the average citizens of their own nation or their brothers in neighboring nations with it), you can help the Afghans keep the Russians out of their country, give them your technology to better their everyday lives, help them feed their children, give them medical discoveries so they can live longer and in return they will hate you and kill you and your children anyway because there is something that seems very wrong with their culture, beliefs and morals/ethics and they way they raise they children.

But go ahead and crucify your allies Chas while your enemies plot your demise with the money you and credibility are giving them you dumb bastard.

149 Maui Girl  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 1:39:04pm

We’re being governed by idiots. God help us.

150 Maui Girl  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 1:44:44pm

re: #37 opnion

It was you who gave her a baby “girl” as opposed to a boy. Give yourself more credit.

151 philosophus invidius  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 2:35:40pm

The two quotes from Freeman are consistent. His view seems to be this: bin Laden doesn’t care that much about Palestinians, but he can use it effectively for recruitment purposes. The first quote emphasizes the second part of his view; the second quote emphasizes the the first part.

152 Joe in Australia  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 2:47:07pm

I seem to recall that bin Laden’s original claim of responsibility didn’t mention Israel at all, or did so in a very half-hearted way. His principal grievance was the presence of non-Moslems in Saudi Arabia and the fact that formerly-Moslem territory like Granada were now inhabited primarily by non-Moslems. It was very clear that his grievances were religious, not political, and that the Saudi monarchy was (in his eyes) as corrupt as any other non-Islamic government.

153 Shay4l  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 3:28:57pm

re: #134 J.D.

So this Freeman POS is the author of the NIE piece that cut the legs out from under an attack on Iran’s nuclear weapons program?

154 FrumiousFalafel  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 3:37:09pm

re: #152 Joe in Australia

You are entirely correct Joe. For many years — even after 9/11, there was nary a word regarding Israel out of Bin Laden’s mouth (or “communiqués” — to echo the formality in which they were treated by the press at the time).

How do I know? Granted my memory isn’t perfect, but after 9/11 I specifically kept my ear out for the word “Israel” (or “Palestinian”) in the communiqués emanating from the Bin Laden camp. I remember being pleasantly surprised to hear that the Jews and Israel were, by the hand of G-d it would seem, being left out of this gentleman’s diatribes.

Sadly — and I forget exactly when — Bin Laden did become wise to the advantage this “force multiplying” effect his message would receive by linking it to the now well known conspiracy that the Jews are planning to take over the world (Israel being an “Apartheid State”, the plight of the Palestinians, etc. were also thrown in, I believe for good measure, though more as an afterthought — it was more akin to throwing in a little garlic near the end of the dish one may be cooking). Sigh! Word always seems to leak out by some fellow Jew who just can’t keep our world domination plot a secret. I mean how are we supposed to make any progress with leaks like this(?)

Anyway, to cover all the bases, I also distinctly remember that Bin Laden’s communiqués prior to 9/11 were also grep-ed (sorry, that’s “searched for” for non-geeks) for the words “Israel”, “Jews”, and the usual suspects. And again, just as in the couple of years post 9/11, he hadn’t yet woven in that particular theme into his raison d’être.

155 nines09  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 4:10:06pm

If only all the Jewsw were gone…….

If ever there was more a tool than the Palestinians, I’ve missed it.

156 MJ  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 4:26:57pm

re: #153 Shay4l

So this Freeman POS is the author of the NIE piece that cut the legs out from under an attack on Iran’s nuclear weapons program?

No. He wasn’t in that office at that time. For that report, you can thank the clueless CIA and the Arabists who run it.

157 wolfgang  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 4:55:35pm

When you go to war, you go to war completely, not by taking out .01 per cent of the population, but by going after all 100 per cent.
The Japanese, after losing 3,000 on Tarawa, 27,000 on Saipan, 17,000 on Guam, 11,000 on Pelieliu, 600,000 in the Phillipines, 21,000 on Iwo Jima, 100,000 on Okinawa, 100,000 in the March, 1945 firebombing of Tokyo, plus having 64 more cities struck by similar hurricanes of flame, 78,000 in Hiroshima, 23,000 in Nagasaki finally got the idea the United States meant business.
War is brutal, hellish, and insane. You can never wage kinder, more compassionate war. But sometimes life presents situations that cannot be avoided, and the unthinkable becomes necessity.
Things begin to go wrong when people try to do a half a$$ job at it.
Winston Churchill once remarked “In war; Resolution!” Adding the afterthought that ‘any nation or people that would not or could not adhere to that principal wouldn’t have to worry about their freedom for long either, because they were sure to lose it.’

158 grumpy old codger  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 5:00:36pm

Yes, but if you bomb them either into submission or death, they won’t be bombing you back. Gee, I dream nights of Bomber Harris worrying about Dresden, Hamburg, Berlin, etc.. NOT! His job was to help win the war. You cannot wage war halfheartedly. “There is no alternative to victory.”

159 DisturbedEma  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 5:03:38pm

re: #154 FrumiousFalafel

True that

160 frumiousfalafel  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 5:34:45pm

re: #156 MJ

…and let’s not forget in that illustrious list our own stately State Department — second in the number of employees who rate “Lawrence of Arabia” as their favorite all-time film to either (or both):
1) The British Foreign Office
2) The French Quai d’Orsay

The latter being possibly the most insular “government within a government that ever lived — at least during the Général de Gaulle — François Mitterrand — (and) Jacques Chirac years.

I believe that Sarkozy (Jewish by blood on both sides — and given his mother being a Jew, he is a Jew no matter how the subject may be finessed) is valiantly attempting to chip away at some of the Quai’s unfettered and unchecked powers from the little I’ve read on the subject.

Of limited interest: one of Sarkozy’s grandfathers supposedly founded a Rabbinical school in Thessaloniki, Greece — one hopes some of that rubbed off on his grandson.

Sarkozy also of course has the French Navy hunting Somali pirates off the Gulf of Aden (to the best of my knowledge, we are not).

And most importantly, he’s taken on France’s prostituting-in-essence Arabist Foreign Policy, for one which, at the very least makes Iran and the nuclear bomb the top of his Foreign Policy agenda. He is refreshing indeed. Let’s see if he can bring the Quai d’Orsay into line (a most difficult task)
An Aside: As a Jew myself, I say not without some pride to my non-Jewish Lizard allies (may we always be bonded!) that as the Jews learned in WWII and for at least two thousand years prior, no matter what a parent may do to conceal his or her Jewish blood, their offspring is “passed the yoke” whether the parents like it or not. Ideally it should be looked on as, at the least, something “special.” For many understandable reasons however, if often is not. Whether “something special” or an “internal virus” (from the point of view of some Jews), the point here is that it cannot be “washed off.”

161 displaced yankee  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 5:44:58pm

re: #160 frumiousfalafel
Got, maybe, an immunization? This Jewish gene keeps breaking through and affecting me.

162 FrumiousFalafel  Sat, Mar 7, 2009 6:06:44pm

re: #161 displaced yankee

nice ;-)

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