America Loses - Right Wings Blogs Celebrate

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Michelle Malkin and her commenters (and many other right wing bloggers) are dancing and celebrating this morning, because America lost its bid for the Olympics: The noble “sacrifice” of Michelle Obama.

This is where the rhetoric of “FAIL” leads — they’re openly celebrating when America loses, just because Barack Obama is President. And even though this Olympic bid was also promoted by George W. Bush.

This completely puts the lie to the excuse that those who say they want Obama to fail really mean they want his policies to fail.

No, they want Obama himself to fail, and if that means America fails too, they’re just fine with that.

A sample of the comments at Malkin’s blog:

On October 2nd, 2009 at 9:49 am, cicerokid said:

She wants to make a personal sacrifice? Never a Mayan priest around when you need one…


On October 2nd, 2009 at 10:33 am, Kingfish said:

That is assuming sasquatch has a heart to cut out in the first place.


On October 2nd, 2009 at 11:42 am, cicerokid said:

Learn to samba, sasquatch!

(Congratulations to Brazil and the city of Rio de Janeiro, by the way.)

UPDATE at 10/2/09 12:03:50 pm:

Another RINO traitor who supported Obama’s trip to Copenhagen to lobby for the Olympic games: Mitt Romney.

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1 TheMatrix31  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:01:53am

I'm pissed we (America) didn't get it because I prefer our time zones for live events. Whatever, couldn't really care less either way.

2 bratwurst  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:03:33am

Stay classy, right wing.

3 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:04:36am

The Olympics were somewhat fun for Atlanta but the press wasn't handled well and we paid for it in public image.

The IOC bid has a lot to do with how well the committee gets "greased" by the bidding countries. I was not surprised to hear Rio got the nod. A little disappointing having grown up in the Chicago area but not surprising.

The IOC officials themselves are the very definition of corruptocrats and fatcats. They were not well behavied in Atlanta or Salt Lake City.

4 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:04:54am

ODS is alive and well.

Don't tell kids to stay in school, don't advocate for the Olympics to be in the USA, don't golf, don't sneeze, don't blink, don't wear something we don't like, don't talk to someone we don't like, don't fix health care, don't fix the economy, don't, don't, don't, no, no, no... Obama Bad.. Rush Good.

5 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:05:48am

I'll go with my usual choice of 50-100 for first flounce

6 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:06:27am

Wow. Did the President pee in Matt Drudges cheerios this morning?


I'm far from an Obama fan but that is harsh.

7 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:07:02am

Looks like Rio won...

[ ]

8 Russkilitlover  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:07:21am

It's the problem with such over exposure as Obama has had and keeps having. You risk the backlash of ridicule and cynism for everything you do, the good and the bad. Not all issues need an Obama solution. Someone should tell his advisors/handlers that.

9 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:07:31am

Couldn't happen to a nicer city. Chicago.

10 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:07:46am

I guess the Republicans have given up the idea of winning any elections in Illinois next year.

11 badger1970  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:07:54am

Chicago losing is a blessing in disguise (money wise, as in no excuse to raise taxes to pay for it). It's too bad Obama had to stick his nose where it wasn't needed, but hey, at least he met with McChrystal.

12 Daniel Ballard  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:13am

This is a direct echo of everything the Dem's did to at least Bush 43 and arguably, Bush 41. I'm no fan of tit for tat but these birds have come home to roost with a vengeance. In all 3 cases the country was the biggest loser. And not in a good way. It was not that bad during Reagan, he used to deal with Tip Oneill and get it done. Not this bunch!

Its past time to stop this. Be the bigger party and start working together. Get something done.

13 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:21am

There is a civics lesson in all of this:

Now it is clear that the Chicago dead only get to vote in city, state and national elections. They don't have a franchise with the IOC.

14 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:28am

I understand that Brazil played the "it's never been held in South America before" card, and this proved to be decisive.

15 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:32am

re: #10 Charles

I guess the Republicans have given up the idea of winning any elections in Illinois next year.

Like that was ever an option?

16 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:35am

re: #10 Charles

I guess the Republicans have given up the idea of winning any elections in Illinois next year.

Fixed that for ya, Charles.

17 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:42am

re: #10 Charles

I guess the Republicans have given up the idea of winning any elections in Illinois next year.

What makes you think they're limiting themselves to Illinois?

18 karmic_inquisitor  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:45am

Remember that these were the same people (joined by me) who rightly condemned those who cheered on the economy failing and the war losses as a way to score political points.

It was disgusting then. It is disgusting now.

19 coquimbojoe  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:46am

I could not care less if we won it or not. I think the SLC Olympics were the first to make money in a long time (I could be wrong). If it is going to cost our taxpayers, then it is a luxury we cannot afford at this time. All the slimey connections to the Obama administration gave me the heebie jeebies. I DO feel some schadenfruede of Obama failing to bring them in. I think it is beneath the office of the President to go begging for the Olympics. He needs to be here working on our current problems.

20 Haole  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:47am

Didn't half of Chicago want Him to fail also?

21 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:49am

Ugly comments to match an ugly sentiment. Malkin and her fanboys have let their hatred get the better of them.

22 HAL2010  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:08:52am

Congratulations to Brazil. World Cup in 2014, and two years later the Olympics!

Bet those two years will be something else for the country.

I can't understand how they can celebrate the fact that the US did not get the Olympics, it should be a moment of pride for the whole country to be given the opportunity to host the Olympics.

23 S'latch  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:09:07am

I am rather surprised by this decision. I thought the Olympics Committee probably would choose Chicago. It sounded like a good choice.

24 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:09:22am
25 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:09:31am

re: #8 Russkilitlover

It's the problem with such over exposure as Obama has had and keeps having. You risk the backlash of ridicule and cynism for everything you do, the good and the bad. Not all issues need an Obama solution. Someone should tell his advisors/handlers that.

How in the holy hell can the President of the United States be "over exposed"?? This is just another cardboard cutout talking point of the right. The "backlash of ridicule and cynism for everything you do, the good and the bad" has NOTHING to do with over exposure and everything do do with institutionalize and media supported hate along with a nice healthy dose of racism. It's pathetic.

26 karmic_inquisitor  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:09:38am

re: #10 Charles

I guess the Republicans have given up the idea of winning any elections in Illinois next year.

Land of Lincoln. An irony there.

27 jaunte  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:09:39am

I can't imagine Malkin hyperventilating in the same way if the subject of the rant had been Laura Bush lobbying for the Olympic bid.

It's probably for the best that Chicago doesn't spend 14 billion on the Games right now.

28 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:10:09am

re: #12 Rightwingconspirator

This is a direct echo of everything the Dem's did to at least Bush 43 and arguably, Bush 41. I'm no fan of tit for tat but these birds have come home to roost with a vengeance. In all 3 cases the country was the biggest loser. And not in a good way. It was not that bad during Reagan, he used to deal with Tip Oneill and get it done. Not this bunch!

Its past time to stop this. Be the bigger party and start working together. Get something done.

Are you saying there is a cause and effect issue here? The conservatives would have held their fire but for prior bad behavior on the part of liberals?

29 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:10:44am

re: #12 Rightwingconspirator
I think you are correct. ODS is bad, however it is an echo of BDS. The pendulum is swining wildly in American politics and that is not a good thing. I wish the conservatives would start to wind this trend down not escalate it.

30 karmic_inquisitor  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:10:56am

Brazil has a dynamic economy and a solid future.

Amazing what kicking the foreign oil habit can do for a debtor nation.

31 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:10:57am

The left and right have swapped positions. Now there's a sick fascination and fixation in the conservative blogosphere on everything our President says or does, and everything his family does. Remember the outrage when anyone from the left said anything bad about Laura Bush? Contrast that to this.

When they aren't rechewing over the rancid rotten gristle of the last election cycle endlessly they are fixated on the 24 hour news cycle and worrying wee bits of this and that to throw in the spin cycle. Meanwhile, everything trully essential and important is happening in Congress pretty much without notice unless they can tie it to Obama.

It's sick. It's sad.

32 SecondComing  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:11:16am

Rush has been giddy about it today as well.

I would prefer the economic jolt in the arm. But I see why Rio landed it. We've had it her in the U.S. several times.

33 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:11:18am

How Did Evolution Begin?

In their study, Hisashi Ohtsuki of the Japan Science and Technology Agency and the Tokyo Institute of Technology, along with Martin Nowak of Harvard University, have investigated how evolution might have first begun. As the researchers explain, the origin of life is a transition from chemistry to biology, and has been widely studied. Here, Ohtsuki and Nowak have presented a model where a purely chemical system (prelife) becomes more efficient (catalytic prelife) and then builds the sequences needed for replication, finally resulting in life. Their work is published in a recent issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

“As you know, the ability of replication is critical for life,” Ohtsuki told “We can conceive several forms of life, such as prelife catalysts and replicators, as in our paper. We are interested in which form of life is most efficient and thus is selected in prelife (a soup of chemicals). The significance of our study is that we have mathematically shown for the first time that replicators, which have the ability to remain attached with a growing sequence, have a great advantage over the other forms of life. Replication is usually taken for granted in the study of evolution. We think that our result gives a justification of why replicators are so dominant.”

34 brent  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:11:20am

I am not glad Chicago lost, but it's embarrassing to watch the talking heads be shocked that he didn't sway the IOC. It was always a done deal: South America has never hosted an Olympics - it's about time they did.

It did give MSNBC a few chances to blame this on Bush and "the tone of the last 8 years", not the Obamas, Chicago, or Oprah (?).

35 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:11:37am

As long as the competitors/athletes in the Olympics maintain a philosophy of good sportsmanship, I don't care where the Olympics are held.

36 transient  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:11:49am

We complained bitterly when Democrat/liberal rhetoric seemed to be hoping for a FAIL in Iraq.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, and it stinks just as bad.

37 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:11:52am

re: #29 DaddyG

I think you are correct. ODS is bad, however it is an echo of BDS. The pendulum is swining wildly in American politics and that is not a good thing. I wish the conservatives would start to wind this trend down not escalate it.

Is BDS an echo od CDS?

38 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:11:59am

I'm sure no presidents lobbied for the Games in Los Angeles or Atlanta.


39 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:14am

re: #37 Flyers1974

Is BDS an echo od CDS?


40 S'latch  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:17am

re: #27 jaunte

It's probably for the best that Chicago doesn't spend 14 billion on the Games right now.

The outcome is probably a success only disguised as failure.

41 Mournie  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:21am

Now Obama knows how Bush felt.

42 Mad Al-Jaffee  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:22am

What will Rio's demonstration sport be, street urchin hunting?

43 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:23am

re: #20 Haole

Didn't half of Chicago want Him to fail also?


44 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:26am

re: #19 coquimbojoe

Something like the Olympics can really enhance a city's ability to draw tourists and be a great image builder. The Chinese did it well from a PR standpoint. It's not always about immediate profitability.

I think the President was correct in lobbying for his home city. What better than for a politician to support the home team pride?

45 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:32am
46 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:37am

re: #36 transient

We complained bitterly when Democrat/liberal rhetoric seemed to be hoping for a FAIL in Iraq.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, and it stinks just as bad.

To compare some athletic competition to losing a war is ignorant.

47 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:50am

re: #32 SecondComing

Rush has been giddy about it today as well.

I would prefer the economic jolt in the arm. But I see why Rio landed it. We've had it her in the U.S. several times.

Eight, to be exact.

And these will be the first South American games.

But the wingbats are still assholes.

48 badger1970  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:56am

re: #26 karmic_inquisitor

Nixon 1960. Oh wait...

49 Challenger  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:12:57am

I don't have a problem with losing out on this one. The games are a financial loser for whomever hosts it. Apparently the IOC judges were offered up better 'prizes' by the Brazilians...speaking of corruption, the IOC is a joke. I do have a problem with all the schadenfreude from my side of the aisle. This is about America after all, not 0bama.

50 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:13:37am

re: #49 Challenger

I don't have a problem with losing out on this one. The games are a financial loser for whomever hosts it. Apparently the IOC judges were offered up better 'prizes' by the Brazilians...speaking of corruption, the IOC is a joke. I do have a problem with all the schadenfreude from my side of the aisle. This is about America after all, not 0bama.

I also have a hard time getting worked up about this. Who cares where the Olympics is held?

51 Surabaya Stew  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:13:42am

re: #1 TheMatrix31

I'm pissed we (America) didn't get it because I prefer our time zones for live events.

Actually, Rio is only 2 hours ahead of us normally, so live events would be pretty easy to schedule around our time zones. Unlike Beijing or Sydney, there won't be too many odd hours of competitions.

52 Russkilitlover  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:13:44am

re: #25 Locker

How in the holy hell can the President of the United States be "over exposed"?? This is just another cardboard cutout talking point of the right. The "backlash of ridicule and cynism for everything you do, the good and the bad" has NOTHING to do with over exposure and everything do do with institutionalize and media supported hate along with a nice healthy dose of racism. It's pathetic.

Shocka! I'm conservative!

As far as a "talking point," it's more of a fact. President Narcissist is boring a lot of people, not just the right and not just Americans.

53 Kosh's Shadow  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:14:28am

re: #45 buzzsawmonkey

...and as long as whoever hosts does not allow or enable a repeat of Munich.

Well, if Dubai (I know they weren't running; I'm using them as an example) got the Olympics, there probably wouldn't be a repeat of Munich, because they probably wouldn't let in any Israelis.

54 FrogMarch  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:14:35am

re: #42 Mad Al-Jaffee

What will Rio's demonstration sport be, street urchin hunting?

Sexy beach butt towel snapping.


55 Rexatosis  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:14:36am

My comments from the previous thread

Regarding the 2016 Olympics. It is a huge loss for President Obama both domestically and internationally. President Obama put his political capital on getting the Olympics for Chicago when he decided to go to Copenhagen. It was supposed to be a tight race between Chicago and Rio. It was not, Chicago finished last! Either the Obama Administration cannot count and wasted political capital on a complete lose/lose situation (which will not make the Blue Dog Democrats feel confident to lay their political futures on the line for the Administration since the ability to count seems to be lacking in the White House and the 2010 election is coming fast while their poll numbers continue to decline) or President Obama deluded himself into thinking he could sway the IOC delegates with his lofty rhetoric (and that delusion merely reinforces French President Sarkozy's scathing comments on the POTUS' naivete and will must cause our allies serious concern regarding negotiations with Iran and N. Korea.) If the problem is the former (bad math skills) it can be cured by firing the White House staff responisble for polling regarding the IOC vote, if the problem is the latter we have a serious problem.

56 TheMatrix31  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:14:37am

re: #51 Surabaya Stew

I'm in LA, so it's five hours ahead. Not too bad. Thank goodness they didn't choose Tokyo.

57 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:14:38am

re: #42 Mad Al-Jaffee

What will Rio's demonstration sport be, street urchin hunting?

I thought that they'd already done that to the point of extinction.

58 MinisterO  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:14:38am

Chicago Loses! Chicago Loses!

Do you really think these folks wouldn't be secretly elated by a terrorist attack?

59 TheMatrix31  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:15:21am

re: #54 FrogMarch

Sexy beach butt towel snapping.



60 Honorary Yooper  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:15:27am

Screw the IOC. They proved they can be more swayed by money (again) than anything else.

As for the right wing blogs celebrating this, fuck you too. Malkin, go screw. Take your asshole commentors with you as well. This loss is for the US, you cafeteria patriots, not just for Chicago, not just for Obama, but also for you and me.

61 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:15:43am

re: #37 Flyers1974

Is BDS an echo od CDS?

You could probably trace it all the way back to GWDS (George Washington Derangement Syndrome)

62 Russkilitlover  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:15:45am

re: #25 Locker

How in the holy hell can the President of the United States be "over exposed"?? This is just another cardboard cutout talking point of the right. The "backlash of ridicule and cynism for everything you do, the good and the bad" has NOTHING to do with over exposure and everything do do with institutionalize and media supported hate along with a nice healthy dose of racism. It's pathetic.

By the way, if you're calling me a racist, fuck you.

63 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:16:11am

re: #42 Mad Al-Jaffee

What will Rio's demonstration sport be, street urchin hunting?


64 brent  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:16:20am

How can a president be over exposed? Really? How about Letterman, Leno, 60 Minutes, etc back to back to back..? He's on TV more than the ShamWow guy, before the prostitute fight.

65 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:16:23am

re: #51 Surabaya Stew

Actually, Rio is only 2 hours ahead of us normally, so live events would be pretty easy to schedule around our time zones. Unlike Beijing or Sydney, there won't be too many odd hours of competitions.

1 hour ahead currently. 3 hours ahead when they go into summer (and we put our clocks back).

66 Surabaya Stew  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:16:25am

re: #56 TheMatrix31

Agreed; I'm in New York, so 2 hours is vastly preferable to Madrid's 6 or Tokyo's 14!

67 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:13am

re: #55 Rexatosis

You're reading way too much into an Olympics bid, go outside and get some fresh air, you've probably had enough of the hot air.

68 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:22am

And here it is October, and people still think writing "0bama" is klever...

69 FrogMarch  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:22am

The right are giddy because Obama is from Chicago. We all know Chicago has a political reputation that isn't exactly squeaky clean.

I do think the collective right are going over-board and it's not classy.

70 Surabaya Stew  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:31am

re: #65 John Neverbend

1 hour ahead currently. 3 hours ahead when they go into summer (and we put our clocks back).

Isn't it great how easy daylight savings time makes things?

71 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:31am
72 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:42am

I view this as another touchy-feely blunder. He went all-in and lost.

Yeah the Olympics are nice for the short term, but aren't they a net loss financially in the long term?

73 omahadad  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:42am

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see Chicago not getting the Olympics as a huge loss for America. Frankly, Charles, I don't understand why you're so indifferent to Obamas connections to so many corrupt actors in Chicago. Do you doubt that Chicago (and US taxpayers) would have ended up on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars, and that some of Obama's friends would have profited? I recognize that political corruption is not solely a left-wing phenomenon (Abramoff and Sanford stand out as recent right-wing examples) and Chicago doesn't have a monopoly on corrupt politicians, but I find Obamas past and continuing connection with shady characters more than a little disturbing.

74 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:45am

re: #58 MinisterO

A majority of them? No.

75 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:49am

re: #52 Russkilitlover

Shocka! I'm conservative!

As far as a "talking point," it's more of a fact. President Narcissist is boring a lot of people, not just the right and not just Americans.

So now it's not that he's over exposed, it's that he's a boring Narcissist? Really stick to your guns there don't you? Seek treatment for your outbreak of severe ODS immediately..

76 FrogMarch  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:17:51am

re: #59 TheMatrix31


It could be really fun.

77 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:18:03am

re: #42 Mad Al-Jaffee

What will Rio's demonstration sport be, street urchin hunting?

Sonia Braga look-alike competition? Schwing!

78  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:18:25am

re: #10 Charles

I guess the Republicans have given up the idea of winning any elections in Illinois next year.

I was sort of thinking, on the whole, the Republicans seem to have given up the idea of winning any election anywhere lately.

Just my .02

79 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:18:32am
80 SecondComing  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:18:47am

re: #49 Challenger

I don't have a problem with losing out on this one. The games are a financial loser for whomever hosts it. Apparently the IOC judges were offered up better 'prizes' by the Brazilians...speaking of corruption, the IOC is a joke. I do have a problem with all the schadenfreude from my side of the aisle. This is about America after all, not 0bama.

They are? I just assumed it was an economic boost.

81 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:19:09am

re: #42 Mad Al-Jaffee

What will Rio's demonstration sport be, street urchin hunting?

Someone should capoeira your ass for that remark.

82  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:19:19am

re: #79 buzzsawmonkey

I'm glad that my daylight savings are protected by the Federal Daylight Insurance Corporation.

You're a treasure, buzz.

83 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:19:44am

That has got to be the most petty (pettiest?) thing I've ever read on MM's blog--though I'm sure I'm missing a lot since I don't go there much.

84 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:19:53am

re: #71 buzzsawmonkey

Interesting point, as to whether, if the Olympics were held in a Muslim country, they would attempt to exclude Israel--and whether they would be permitted to.

Before a Muslim country was awarded the Olympics, I think this would be checked out. If Israel was excluded, I have to believe the US would boycott.

85 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:19:55am

re: #72 Racer X

I view this as another touchy-feely blunder. He went all-in and lost.

Yeah the Olympics are nice for the short term, but aren't they a net loss financially in the long term?

Christ. The guy went and gave a speech to support our nation's bid for the games. Just like the leaders of every other nation that was in the running. He didn't go "all in" on anything.

86 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:19:56am

re: #55 Rexatosis

I thought this was a spot-on analysis. Why all the down dings?

87 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:20:01am

re: #62 Russkilitlover

By the way, if you're calling me a racist, fuck you.

Persecution complex much? Perhaps it's just your guilty feelings cropping up on you. And since you've taken the gloves off I'd be happy to reply that you are a goddamn idiot who is not interested in anything other than political mudslinging and drama. Fuck you right back.

88 Picayune  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:20:39am

re: #3 DaddyG

Next time, let New Orleans make the bid, our pols know all about grease, at least those that are currently incarcerated, on trial, or about to do time. And nobody parties like the Big Sleazy!

Rio had a Big Spender backing their 14+ Billion bid. Chi got rubbed out, this time.

89 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:20:41am
90 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:21:07am

re: #79 buzzsawmonkey

I'm glad that my daylight savings are protected by the Federal Daylight Insurance Corporation.

Thankfully, not the Federal Savings of Light Insurance Corporation, that would've been a huge debacle.

91 Killgore Trout  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:21:18am

re: #80 SecondComing

They are? I just assumed it was an economic boost.

Yes, this would have been a huge boost to the local economy, lots of new construction and infrastructure updates.

92 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:21:24am

re: #80 SecondComing

They are? I just assumed it was an economic boost.

Canada was still paying for their Games, years after they held them in '76. One of the reasons Atlanta got a black eye was because they had lots of ticky-tacky licensed street vendors, in an effort to hold down the costs.

93 boot55555  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:21:34am

Im sure Daleys relatives and friends are very disappointed

94 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:21:36am

The right wing pundits are misfiring. Petty crap like this just distracts from more serious issues like the corruption in the political system where Obama was "raised". As long as pundits and bloggers are shouting nirth certifikate and Zero-lympics we won't be doing any serious discussions on Rezko, registration fraud, executive branch end arounds on the confirmation process, etc.

95 Rexatosis  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:22:16am

RE: # 67 Thanos

"You play the game to win."

96 Killgore Trout  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:22:21am

re: #73 omahadad

Frankly, Charles, I don't understand why you're so indifferent to Obamas connections to so many corrupt actors in Chicago.

Don't believe everything Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck tell you.

97 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:22:26am

Oh, brother. If Obama hadn't gone to lobby in favor of Chicago, people would complain he should have tried harder for the country, and likely would have said he didn't care about America because he didn't go to Copenhagen.

You can't with with the ODS crowd.

98 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:22:53am

re: #91 Killgore Trout

Yes, this would have been a huge boost to the local economy, lots of new construction and infrastructure updates.

The Olympics have always been a short term gain, have they not? I read recently the shiny new stadium in China sits empty most of the time.

99 lightspeed  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:22:59am

re: #73 omahadad

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see Chicago not getting the Olympics as a huge loss for America. Frankly, Charles, I don't understand why you're so indifferent to Obamas connections to so many corrupt actors in Chicago. Do you doubt that Chicago (and US taxpayers) would have ended up on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars, and that some of Obama's friends would have profited? I recognize that political corruption is not solely a left-wing phenomenon (Abramoff and Sanford stand out as recent right-wing examples) and Chicago doesn't have a monopoly on corrupt politicians, but I find Obamas past and continuing connection with shady characters more than a little disturbing.

That's exactly the way I feel. Richard Daley, Valerie Jarrett, et. al. were looking to milk the Olympics of as much money as they could, all at the expense of the taxpayers. Daley and his Chicago apparatus are among the most corrupt in the world, and I am glad that they are not going to get their dirty mitts on the Olympics.

100 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:23:02am

re: #86 Racer X

It's a retread of what Michelle wrote?

101 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:23:07am

re: #92 The Sanity Inspector

Canada was still paying for their Games, years after they held them in '76. One of the reasons Atlanta got a black eye was because they had lots of ticky-tacky licensed street vendors, in an effort to hold down the costs.

Oh, so that's why Quebec license plates all say, "Je me souviens." //

102 Killgore Trout  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:23:29am

re: #97 Sharmuta

You can't with with the ODS crowd.

True. If he had won the bid they would accused him of bribery and being a Seekrit Moooslim.

103 TheMatrix31  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:23:31am

re: #98 Racer X


104 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:23:44am

re: #97 Sharmuta

Oh, brother. If Obama hadn't gone to lobby in favor of Chicago, people would complain he should have tried harder for the country, and likely would have said he didn't care about America because he didn't go to Copenhagen.

You can't with with the ODS crowd.

The only way to win is not to play.

105 omahadad  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:23:45am

re: #73 omahadad

Frankly, Charles, I don't understand why you're so indifferent to Obamas connections to so many corrupt actors in Chicago.

That was poorly phrased ... I know Charles has addressed this in the past.

I guess my point is, given the potential for conflict of interest and corruption, I think the opposition of many on the right to the Chicago Olympics bid is not unreasonable.

106 jdog29  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:23:53am

re: #95 Rexatosis

RE: # 67 Thanos

"You play the game to win."

you play the game just for fun, that's the most important thing.

107 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:24:05am

re: #95 Rexatosis

I don't play games, those are for ninnyhammers and children.

108 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:24:10am

re: #87 Locker

Persecution complex much? Perhaps it's just your guilty feelings cropping up on you.

Please stop the mind reading and over reaching.

Some of us who are fiscally conservative and don't enjoy watching what the Obama administration is doing are also big believers in diversity and celebrate the fact that a man of mixed ethnicity can be president (no matter how badly we disagree with some of his policies).

109 MandyManners  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:24:42am

Stupid assholes, one and all.

110 Creeping Eruption  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:24:53am

re: #42 Mad Al-Jaffee

What will Rio's demonstration sport be, street urchin hunting?

I said something similar to my wife. Sad when thats the first thing we think of.

111 Russkilitlover  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:24:53am

re: #75 Locker

So now it's not that he's over exposed, it's that he's a boring Narcissist? Really stick to your guns there don't you? Seek treatment for your outbreak of severe ODS immediately..

I jokingly wondered who would be first to whip out the race card on this issue. I'm quite stunned it happened right here on LGF.

112 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:24:54am

re: #100 Thanos

It's a retread of what Michelle wrote?

Oh shit. I no longer read Malkin so I did not know. It seemed to be fairly accurate to me.

113 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:25:13am

re: #109 MandyManners

Stupid assholes, one and all.

Quite agree. Er, who is that aimed at?

114 Digital Display  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:26:00am

Dang it! I would have been 4 hours away from the Olympics!
I could have seen Olympic Basketball in Person! Crap...
I'm seriously bummed...I'll probably never see the games now...except on TV.

115 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:26:18am
116 transient  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:26:25am

re: #46 rwdflynavy

To compare some athletic competition to losing a war is ignorant.

One could easily argue that hoping for a FAIL on something utterly trivial like the Olympics represents even greater mean-spiritedness on the part of the current right wing than the liberal attitudes going into Iraq. There were certainly reasonable objections and caveats to the war (although the Dems seemed to prefer inflated rhetoric to reason).

Falling back on ad hominem attacks does not to justice to whatever point you were trying to make. I am certainly not ignorant nor do I deserve to be treated as such. If you cannot engage in reasoned discussion then I will simply GAZE.

117 jdog29  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:26:42am

The fact is President Obama put EVERYTHING on hold to go after a manufactured win and STILL couldn't pull it off.

118 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:27:31am

Honestly, if I though the Olympics would have been a long term financial boost for our economy I would have been all for it. But iirc they are mostly a financial bust for the host city.

119 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:27:35am

The Olympics are usually a money loser at this point.

They bring in traffic, congestion, and heavy security costs, without a corresponding increase in tourism and city beautification.

This is why New Yorkers were celebrating when London won the bid in 2012. Mayor Bloomberg wanted the games in NYC, but he was going against his constituency.

120 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:27:37am

re: #89 buzzsawmonkey

re: #117 jdog29

The fact is President Obama put EVERYTHING on hold to go after a manufactured win and STILL couldn't pull it off.

How is that a fact?

121 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:27:39am

re: #91 Killgore Trout

Yes, this would have been a huge boost to the local economy, lots of new construction and infrastructure updates.

Nobody cares about that. Obama lost. Yay!

122 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:27:45am

Chicago didn't get the Olympics for the same reason Tokyo didn't get them

It has nothing to do with the "right wing"
It has nothing to do with anti-Obama sentiment
It has nothing to do with racism
It has EVERYTHING to do with the IOC deciding that Chicago didn't present a strong enough plan

No words from any one man, even the POTUS, no appearance of one of the most recognized media figures in the world, Miss Winfrey should or could change that.

Congratulations Rio. An Olympics in a South American city is long overdue

123 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:27:45am

re: #114 HoosierHoops

Vancouver's not that far by air...

124 transient  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:28:13am

re: #98 Racer X

The Olympics have always been a short term gain, have they not? I read recently the shiny new stadium in China sits empty most of the time.

Athens got a new metro system, which they are still using.

125 bratwurst  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:28:15am

re: #117 jdog29

The fact is President Obama put EVERYTHING on hold to go after a manufactured win and STILL couldn't pull it off.

He flew there and got back in just about 24 hours. Were you similarly outraged when GWB put everything on hold merely to attend the Beijing Olympics for 4 days?

126 MJ  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:28:42am

re: #71 buzzsawmonkey

Interesting point, as to whether, if the Olympics were held in a Muslim country, they would attempt to exclude Israel--and whether they would be permitted to.

If Avery Brundage were still alive, he wouldn't have a problem with banning Israeli athletes. Hell, he wouldn't have had a problem banning all Jewish athletes either.


127 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:28:50am

Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’

“I don’t expect to actually read the legislative language because reading the legislative language is among the more confusing things I’ve ever read in my life,” Carper told

Carper described the type of language the actual text of the bill would finally be drafted in as "arcane," "confusing," "hard stuff to understand," and "incomprehensible." He likened it to the "gibberish" used in credit card disclosure forms.

128 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:29:04am
129 Haole  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:29:09am

Corruption lost. Yay!

130 M. Dubious  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:29:16am

Worries me that Obama invested political capital in this and didn't win. Pisses me off that people rejoice because "he failed!". Assholes.

131 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:29:16am

re: #124 transient

Athens got a new metro system, which they are still using.

And paying for, iirc.

132 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:29:30am

re: #124 transient

Athens got a new metro system, which they are still using.

They didn't "get" a new metro. They built it from taxes. Olympics are a losing proposition. Look what happened to Sarajevo!!!

133 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:29:49am

re: #124 transient

Athens got a new metro system, which they are still using.

They could have had the metro system without having to spend billions on the extreme costs of security, as well as the cost of building stadiums.

Most analysts I read said Athens lost a ton of money in the Olympics.

134 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:29:54am

re: #128 buzzsawmonkey

How is your question related to my comment?

It is not related. Misfire from previous post.

135 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:29:56am

re: #91 Killgore Trout

Yes, this would have been a huge boost to the local economy, lots of new construction and infrastructure updates.

Very short term. Here in Atlanta there are empty venues from the 96 games and the city gov't still not recovered from the expense

136 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:29:58am

re: #131 Racer X

And paying for, iirc.

Well yeah, public transportation systems don't build themselves for free.

137 Digital Display  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:30:00am

re: #123 Thanos

Vancouver's not that far by air...

Winter games...2010..
No basketball! LOL

138 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:30:09am

re: #102 Killgore Trout

True. If he had won the bid they would accused him of bribery and being a Seekrit Moooslim.

They would have found a way to rip on him regardless of the outcome:

He went and lost- Hooray!
He went and won- Chicago Politics in Europe!
He didn't go and lost- he hates America!
He didn't go and we won- he's irrelevant!

It's every bit as ugly as BDS.

139 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:30:11am

re: #117 jdog29

Show me at what point we were guaranteed to win.

140 Abu Kuffar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:30:31am

Now I know why 'sasquatch' has racist connotations


141 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:30:33am

re: #133 non obama mama

They could have had the metro system without having to spend billions on the extreme costs of security, as well as the cost of building stadiums.

Most analysts I read said Athens lost a ton of money in the Olympics.

STOP with the ODS!


142 arethusa  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:30:48am

I'm happy for Rio - world's largest economy never to host an Olympics, games never held in South America, this could be a real boost to them, etc., etc. - but seriously annoyed with the IOC. The US President, whatever anyone personally may think of him, is a very important man on the world stage. If he shows up at US taxpayers' expense to promote his country for the Olympics (whether he should or not), don't insult him and us by knocking Chicago out in the first round.

143 ArchangelMichael  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:30:55am

This has me wondering about something. Since this is the "Summer" Olympics, if it's in the Southern Hemisphere will it occur during the NH Winter?

144 jdog29  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:31:06am

re: #120 Flyers1974

re: #117 jdog29

How is that a fact?

I mean, I see your point, Copenhagen, Denmark was just ON THE WAY and didn't take ANYONE'S focus off of healthcare, Afghanistan, unemployment... wait a minute that was the plan all along.

Post it as a win,,, my bad.

145 arethusa  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:03am

re: #135 sattv4u2

Very short term. Here in Atlanta there are empty venues from the 96 games and the city gov't still not recovered from the expense

I know Athens has only one of the 22 venues they built still in regular use. But Rio does often host the PanAmerican games and major soccer tournaments, perhaps they can reuse venues better than other cities.

146 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:11am

re: #141 Racer X

STOP with the ODS!


Your arguments about whether or not the Olympics is an economic boost are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. That is something to be considered when the host city makes the decision to run for hosting the games in the first place. Once Chicago officially was in the running, of course Obama is going to give a speech to try and get the games here.

147 MandyManners  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:28am

re: #109 MandyManners

Stupid assholes, one and all.

Pinheads who are celebrating an American city not getting the Olympics just because BHO wanted it. Talk about cutting off your nose...

148 Honorary Yooper  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:34am

re: #129 Haole

Corruption lost. Yay!

No, corruption won. Boo.
One must wonder how much of Rio's bid is merely to grease the skids and the IOC voters' pockets.

149 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:37am

Is there any reference material to show how the Olympics are a long term benefit? I must be missing something because it seems to me it is a gamble that does not often pay off.

150 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:39am
151 TheMatrix31  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:44am

re: #142 arethusa

So because we're the US, that means we should get into the next round automatically?

That's not right, either.

152 sardonic  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:50am

Top 10 Reasons Chicago Didn't Get the Olympics

An e-mail:

10. Dead people can't vote at IOC meetings

9. Obama distracted by 25 min meeting with Gen. McChrystal

8. Who cares if Obama couldn't talk the IOC into Chicago? He'll be able to talk Iran out of nukes.

7. The impediment is Israel still building settlements.

6. Obviously no president would have been able to accomplish it.

5. We've been quite clear and said all along that we didn't want the Olympics.

4. This isn't about the number of Olympics "lost", it's about the number of Olympics "saved" or "created".

3. Clearly not enough wise Latina judges on the committee

2. Because the IOC is racist.

1. It's George Bush's fault.

That would be from here

153 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:59am

re: #147 MandyManners

Pinheads who are celebrating an American city not getting the Olympics just because BHO wanted it. Talk about cutting off your nose...

Why does Michelle Malkin hate America?

154 Surabaya Stew  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:59am

re: #143 ArchangelMichael

This has me wondering about something. Since this is the "Summer" Olympics, if it's in the Southern Hemisphere will it occur during the NH Winter?

Yes it will, but since Rio sits on the Tropic of Capricorn in a gorgeous tropical setting, it's doubtful this will be a problem.

155 subsailor68  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:32:59am

re: #127 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Finance Committee Democrat Won’t Read Text of Health Bill, Says Anyone Who Claims They’ll Understand It ‘Is Trying to Pull the Wool Over Our Eyes’

Good grief! Doesn't Carper realize the irony here?

Carper described the type of language the actual text of the bill would finally be drafted in as "arcane," "confusing," "hard stuff to understand," and "incomprehensible." He likened it to the "gibberish" used in credit card disclosure forms.

Question for you Mr. Carper: are you proud to be involved in a process that is intentionally designed to confuse the very people who sent you there to represent them? Well?

And to top it all off - to admit that you can't understand the legislation you will be called upon to vote (for or against)?

156 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:33:12am

re: #149 Racer X

Is there any reference material to show how the Olympics are a long term benefit? I must be missing something because it seems to me it is a gamble that does not often pay off.

Keep beating the dead horse buddy. I think I just saw it twitch!

157 zandtar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:33:42am

Personally, I could really care less where the Olympics are held. I stopped seriously watching them when they started allowing professional athletes play against the amateurs. The Olympics (IMOHO) should be about the spirit of healthy competition and sportsmanship. Neither seem to be a part of it anymore.

That being said, I do think the pile-on is a bit of an over reaction by some of the right. But only to a point. The same level of arrogance can also be seen on the other side of the spectrum where Chicago should have won just because it was the USA.

I think letting the Olympics be held someplace 'new' will be a refreshing change for them, and I hope Brazil can pull it off.

On a side note, I wonder if there is any sort of study or report that has gone through the costs versus income with an Olympic event, over a good span of time? I saw something that said the last such event to actually turn a profit for the city was the LA Olympics, but there wasn't hard numbers to back that claim up.

158 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:34:00am

The bottom line: I am happy Chicago did not get the Olympic games, and it has nothing to do with Obama. I was similarly happy when NYC did not get the games for 2012.

I believe that the Olympics are simply a money drain on the city, and for the most part are characterized by an extreme increase in traffic and congestion for local residents, security costs, and building useless stadiums no one uses.

The last games to make a real profit (as far as I am aware) was Sydney in 2000. But that was before 9/11, when the security costs alone became so intense that it was clear all Olympic games will run at deficits.

159 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:34:23am

re: #152 sardonic

Top 10 Reasons Chicago Didn't Get the Olympics

An e-mail:

10. Dead people can't vote at IOC meetings

9. Obama distracted by 25 min meeting with Gen. McChrystal

8. Who cares if Obama couldn't talk the IOC into Chicago? He'll be able to talk Iran out of nukes.

7. The impediment is Israel still building settlements.

6. Obviously no president would have been able to accomplish it.

5. We've been quite clear and said all along that we didn't want the Olympics.

4. This isn't about the number of Olympics "lost", it's about the number of Olympics "saved" or "created".

3. Clearly not enough wise Latina judges on the committee

2. Because the IOC is racist.

1. It's George Bush's fault.

That would be from here

What's it like actually reading the Corner? Do you feel dumber immediately after loading the page? Or only after you've started reading the posts?

160 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:34:24am

re: #146 drcordell

Your arguments about whether or not the Olympics is an economic boost are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. That is something to be considered when the host city makes the decision to run for hosting the games in the first place. Once Chicago officially was in the running, of course Obama is going to give a speech to try and get the games here.

I disagree. The financial impact is absolutely relevant. The people of Chicago seem to think so. I'm just pointing it out.

161 arethusa  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:34:43am

re: #151 TheMatrix31

Not what I meant. I just think it's shabby treatment of the US President by the IOC.

162 transient  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:35:16am

re: #143 ArchangelMichael

This has me wondering about something. Since this is the "Summer" Olympics, if it's in the Southern Hemisphere will it occur during the NH Winter?

Rio is in the tropics, about 22 degrees south latitude. The temperature will probably be in the 70s. The humidity will be high.

163 MandyManners  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:35:22am

Everyone here knows I want many--if not most--of BHO's policies to fail. I don't like the man and I don't like him as president but, for fuck's sake! This was an AMERICAN city that lost out. AMERICAN.

164 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:35:23am

re: #160 Racer X

I disagree. The financial impact is absolutely relevant. The people of Chicago seem to think so. I'm just pointing it out.

Again. That's a decision to make when the city decides to nominate themselves for the games in the first place. Once they have put themselves in the official running, how can Obama not support their bid?

165 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:35:26am
166 karmic_inquisitor  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:35:49am

I have plenty of bona-fides in bitching an moaning about Obama and his policies. I have teased the guy and mocked him. When a guy with no experience whatsoever gets the job of POTUS and has soaring popularity numbers and a stacked legislature, and then announces that he will be remaking the country because "I won" he has some negation coming his way.

But isn't it time to recalibrate? This is all supposed to be about "what is best for America."

At this point Obama has made some pretty dumb errors - placing an unfounded premium on his personality over aligning interests. He is turning out to be what you'd expect from an inexperienced executive. And it shows.

Rather than cheer on what you feared, would it not be better to try to co-opt the struggling executive to pursuing more effective policies for the good of the country? Like tried and true recovery tax incentives like accelerated depreciation and R&D tax credits - things that only benefit growing, profitable companies (something that we might want to encourage right now).

This country can ill afford to take on more water as the few that know how the bilge pump works sit idly saying "I told you so".

Like every person that has pursued the modern Presidency, Obama is an ego maniac. That can be put to work - his self interest lies in legacy and re-election. That will only come through adopting policies known to be effective - ones that fiscal conservatives just happen to promote. I wish him no more ill will - I wish he will look at what Clinton did to salvage his presidency and take the same approach.

167 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:36:27am

re: #144 jdog29

I mean, I see your point, Copenhagen, Denmark was just ON THE WAY and didn't take ANYONE'S focus off of healthcare, Afghanistan, unemployment... wait a minute that was the plan all along.

Post it as a win,,, my bad.

I don't think that's how the Office of the President works. Obama is not (or shouldn't be) micromanaging any of these things.

168 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:36:33am

re: #155 subsailor68

Good grief! Doesn't Carper realize the irony here?

Carper described the type of language the actual text of the bill would finally be drafted in as "arcane," "confusing," "hard stuff to understand," and "incomprehensible." He likened it to the "gibberish" used in credit card disclosure forms.

Question for you Mr. Carper: are you proud to be involved in a process that is intentionally designed to confuse the very people who sent you there to represent them? Well?

And to top it all off - to admit that you can't understand the legislation you will be called upon to vote (for or against)?

He says he'll just read "The Plain English" version and that will be good enough. Funny, but when it comes to applying the law, I doubt the Plain English version is what they'll go by.

169 FigJam  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:36:40am

A possible positive outcome of this decision is that the media may tone down their constant over-hyping of Obama's "charisma" and the power it exerts...perhaps he is human after all.

170 MandyManners  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:36:46am

re: #153 Sharmuta

Why does Michelle Malkin hate America?

I don't think she does. I think people are losing sight of what's important in their haste to piss all over BHO.

171 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:36:47am

re: #166 karmic_inquisitor

I wish he will look at what Clinton did to salvage his presidency and take the same approach.

Intern blowjobs and an impeachment trial?


172 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:37:20am
173 danshelb  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:37:28am

The Rio bid was superior to our own, and frankly they have a point about a S. American nation never hosting the Olympics. Now if Spain had won, simply because the grumpy old man gave a speech about "not having much time left", that would have been a travesty.

174 Mad Al-Jaffee  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:37:29am

171 posts and no Special Olympics jokes?

175 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:37:41am

re: #145 arethusa

I know Athens has only one of the 22 venues they built still in regular use. But Rio does often host the PanAmerican games and major soccer tournaments, perhaps they can reuse venues better than other cities.

In Atlanta they extended bus routes out to the burbs (where some of the venues are) For the most part they go unused because the busses come so infrequently. MARTA (the Atlanta commuter train/ bus authority) is fair, at best

176 lawhawk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:37:44am

re: #119 non obama mama

The primary reason NYC lost the 2012 bid was that Bloomberg's pet project and centerpiece of the bid - the West Side Stadium - was killed a month before the IOC voted. Without the stadium, no Games. It was that simple. Throw in the fact that anti-US sentiment was rising over Iraq, and you had a double whammy on why NYC didn't win. Mind you, the NYC bid was pretty good, and if I had my chance, I'd have tried to get a job working in some capacity for the 2012 efforts, but that didnt' come to pass. It would have meant several thousand new housing units in Queens, a new football stadium for the Jets in Manhattan, new sports venues, etc., and improved infrastructure.

I hazard that if NYC got the 2012 bid, they might even have gotten the money to make the 2d avenue line actually functional by then (instead of maybe 2017 at the earliest for the stump line) or the extension of the 7 line to the West Side.

177 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:38:18am

re: #170 MandyManners

I don't think she does. I think people are losing sight of what's important in their haste to piss all over BHO.

I was being a little tongue in cheek there, Dear.

178 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:38:21am

re: #174 Mad Al-Jaffee

Obama already did one, and it flopped, as well it should have.

179 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:38:30am
180 Abu Kuffar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:38:39am

It's like I've seen everything now, right-wing is happy to see their own country to lose. What a bunch of idiots

181 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:38:47am

re: #164 drcordell

Again. That's a decision to make when the city decides to nominate themselves for the games in the first place. Once they have put themselves in the official running, how can Obama not support their bid?


I'm not giddy America lost.

I'm breathing a sigh of relief, because I am not convinced the city of Chicago could have made this a success without huge amounts of Federal tax dollars going to off-set the cost.

Thats all.

182 Ojoe  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:38:49am

They're calling Michelle Obama Sasquatch ? ! ?

No good.

Now we won't be able to have innocent fun with that name.

I think I'll move to Sasquatchiwan, in Canada.

183 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:38:52am

re: #164 drcordell

Again. That's a decision to make when the city decides to nominate themselves for the games in the first place. Once they have put themselves in the official running, how can Obama not support their bid?

This is not about Obama.

Mayor Bloomberg decided to make a NYC bid for the Olympic games for 2012 over and above the wishes of the electorate, who were mostly against it.

Just because Mayor Daley wanted the games did not mean it was good for the city, or that Chicagoans actually wanted them to happen.

I again am glad that Chicago lost the bid, just as I was glad NYC lost the bid for 2012. My opinion has nothing to do with Obama.

There are many sound reasons to not support a Chicago Olympic games, and they are unrelated to "ODS."

184 Russkilitlover  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:39:11am

re: #163 MandyManners

Everyone here knows I want many--if not most--of BHO's policies to fail. I don't like the man and I don't like him as president but, for fuck's sake! This was an AMERICAN city that lost out. AMERICAN.

We've had them more than anyone, so I'm kinda breathing a sigh of relief. I LOVE the Olympics, the whole 2 weeks, the opening and closing ceremonies, all the hoopla and "feel good" stories, the whole shebang. And I especially love when it's in another country, all of them do a terrific job. Way to go Brazil, they will put on an amazing Olympics and I can't wait for the opening ceremony!

185 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:39:21am

re: #176 lawhawk

The primary reason NYC lost the 2012 bid was that Bloomberg's pet project and centerpiece of the bid - the West Side Stadium - was killed a month before the IOC voted. Without the stadium, no Games. It was that simple. Throw in the fact that anti-US sentiment was rising over Iraq, and you had a double whammy on why NYC didn't win. Mind you, the NYC bid was pretty good, and if I had my chance, I'd have tried to get a job working in some capacity for the 2012 efforts, but that didnt' come to pass. It would have meant several thousand new housing units in Queens, a new football stadium for the Jets in Manhattan, new sports venues, etc., and improved infrastructure.

I hazard that if NYC got the 2012 bid, they might even have gotten the money to make the 2d avenue line actually functional by then (instead of maybe 2017 at the earliest for the stump line) or the extension of the 7 line to the West Side.

Hahahaha 2017, oh man, that would be nice. I don't think that damn 2nd ave line will ever be finished. And boy do we need it, the 4 train is a straight up war zone during rush hour.

186 StillAMarine  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:39:25am

re: #117 jdog29

Not really "EVERYTHING." Fact is, his face time in Denmark was only a few hours, and we all know that the President can do business very well from Air Force One.
It is disturbing that we (yes we) lost out on the Olympic bid, but it is very easy for us to place too much importance on the matter.
Yes, Obama did lose face, but cheering that fact is a symptom of ODS.
All that aside, it is about time Latin America gets a chance to host the Olympics.

187  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:39:37am

re: #149 Racer X

Is there any reference material to show how the Olympics are a long term benefit? I must be missing something because it seems to me it is a gamble that does not often pay off.

The storiesthat I found just now seem to indicate little or no economic benefit to Atlanta.

188 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:39:45am

re: #171 drcordell

Intern blowjobs and an impeachment trial?


Free cigars for the interns. /

189 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:39:56am
190 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:40:35am
191 dugmartsch  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:40:47am

Hooray for semi-local time zones!

192 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:40:57am

re: #182 Ojoe

They're calling Michelle Obama Sasquatch ? ! ?

No good.

Now we won't be able to have innocent fun with that name.

I think I'll move to Sasquatchiwan, in Canada.

When I told my children I was going to visit the provincial capital, Regina, they burst out laughing.

193 Mark Pennington  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:41:02am

They're happy that the U.S.A won't host any Olympics any time soon? Their hatred of Obama is so ravenous, they cheer anything he doesn't succeed at, even if that's at the expense of our country. Pathetic.

194 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:41:49am
195 MandyManners  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:42:10am

Gotta' go spread some wealth. Later, Lizards!

196 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:42:22am

re: #187

The storiesthat I found just now seem to indicate little or no economic benefit to Atlanta.


So the Olympics are an exercise in "feel-good" diplomacy, with no long term benefit. Who does that remind me of?

197 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:42:22am

OT - an interesting offering from VDH in today's NRO.

The Obsolescence of a Slur

198 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:42:31am

re: #175 sattv4u2

In Atlanta they extended bus routes out to the burbs (where some of the venues are) For the most part they go unused because the busses come so infrequently. MARTA (the Atlanta commuter train/ bus authority) is fair, at best

The games were too spread out to bring a real boost to Atlanta and one of the biggest criticisms was the time it took to get from venue to venue. However as a bus rider I am incredibly grateful for the new routes and they have started to fill up quickly since fuel prices went up.

199 arethusa  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:42:39am

I get the impression that over the last 10 years or so the IOC is moving towards picking cities for the Summer Olympics where the Olympics will have an effect beyond an economic boost and an honor to the country. Beijing and Athens (I was there at the time) were both simply transformed by hosting the Games. I'd bet they hope the same for Rio. London is the only more traditional city to host the Games, and they were both overdue and were planning to build many venues in depressed areas of London. So I think the IOC may not be looking for cities like Chicago or Tokyo as hosts.

200 MandyManners  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:42:50am

BTW, 100,051.

201 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:42:56am

re: #183 non obama mama

This is not about Obama.

With your chosen nic, you'll have to pardon me if I find your credibility in that statement less than pristine.

202 sardonic  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:43:00am

re: #159 drcordell

I guess the fact that I posted that must really bother you. I guess it got under your skin, or you wouldn't have bothered responding to it.

That's a good thing.

203 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:43:22am
204 Bonk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:43:27am

re: #121 Charles

Actually, we here in Illinois prefer to think that *we* won, since we're the folks who would be paying for the Olympics. Sure, the machine would make out like bandits, but us taxpayers would have been the real losers.

Yeah, Obama's failure is something that some folks are going to cheer about, but they're no better (or worse) than the folks who did the same for Bush for 8 years. The left proved that being juvenile and petty WORKS in American politics right now, the right is just playing the same game. Two wrongs don't make a right, but the folks responsible for the first wrong shouldn't act all surprised and indignant when they get their own medicine back...

205 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:44:14am

re: #200 MandyManners

BTW, 100,051.

Is that the number of times you've told someone to go piss up a rope this week?

206 KernelPanic  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:44:24am

re: #202 sardonic

I guess the fact that I posted that must really bother you. I guess it got under your skin, or you wouldn't have bothered responding to it.

That's a good thing.

Lazy cut-and-past jobs are never a good thing, IMHO.

207 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:44:31am

re: #190 buzzsawmonkey
Oops... Sorry Charles. I guess that was in bad taste.

I should have gone with an East German women's shot put team joke.

208 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:44:36am

re: #1 TheMatrix31

I'm pissed we (America) didn't get it because I prefer our time zones for live events. Whatever, couldn't really care less either way.

Dude- Rio is only 2 hours ahead on New York.

209 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:44:39am

I'm not a big fan of Obama.

Does that make me bad?

210  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:44:40am

re: #200 MandyManners

BTW, 100,051.

Mandy - what are those numbers? I saw you do this yesterday.

And for the record - while most of the things I've read on hosting the Olympics seems to indicate it is in now way a financial boon for the city involved, I always love to see the Olympics played out here in this country.

Congrats, Rio - but I'm sorry Chicago didn't get it.

211 filetandrelease  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:44:43am

re: #38 Cato the Elder

I'm sure no presidents lobbied for the Games in Los Angeles or Atlanta.


I read yesterday this was the first time a sitting president lobbied for the Olympics. Not sure where, or for that matter if it is even accurate.

It did seem foolish to me that Obama spent his time lobbying for the Olympics. Especially in retrospect.

212 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:44:45am

re: #204 Bonk

Actually, we here in Illinois prefer to think that *we* won, since we're the folks who would be paying for the Olympics. Sure, the machine would make out like bandits, but us taxpayers would have been the real losers.

So you're pretty confident that you're speaking for everyone in Illinois, are you?

213 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:45:40am

re: #202 sardonic

I guess the fact that I posted that must really bother you. I guess it got under your skin, or you wouldn't have bothered responding to it.

That's a good thing.

Don't really care that you posted. I just think "the corner" is one of the most intellectually bereft corners of the entire internet. Nothing but a bunch of hacks who spin whichever way the political winds are blowing. Might as well be on the payroll of the GOP press office.

214 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:45:49am

Man, I turn around for 5 minutes and 3 flouncers swing thru.

215 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:45:58am

re: #211 filetandrelease

I read yesterday this was the first time a sitting president lobbied for the Olympics. Not sure where, or for that matter if it is even accurate.

It's not accurate at all.

President Bush Meets with Chicago 2016 Bid Committee and United States Olympic Committee Members.

216 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:46:17am

re: #197 John Neverbend

OT - an interesting offering from VDH in today's NRO.

The Obsolescence of a Slur

1) Is the criticism of Barack Obama unusual by recent presidential standards?

No. Bush hatred was even more intense. Furthermore, it very soon went from fierce partisanship into a deviant desire for the president’s injury or death. Such derangement was tolerated or indeed enhanced by mainstream liberal establishment figures.

Alfred A. Knopf published a novel speculating about killing the president. The Toronto Film Festival gave a prize to a docudrama about an envisioned assassination of George W. Bush. His death became the stuff of a New York play, the dream of a Guardian columnist, and a common theme in the left-wing blogosphere.

A certain amount of this kind of venom was evident in the opposition to Bill Clinton, who was accused of everything from covering up murders to being a serial rapist. By any fair standard, nothing so far in the health-care pushback has approached the smears and dirt directed at Presidents Bush and Clinton.

217 karmic_inquisitor  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:46:47am

re: #209 Racer X

I'm not a big fan of Obama.

Does that make me bad?


I am not a fan either. Not much at all.

But I am a fan of the United States.

We really do need to get our shit together. We should go back to "leaving our disagreements at the border" for one thing.

218 Dreader1962  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:47:15am

re: #175 sattv4u2

In Atlanta they extended bus routes out to the burbs (where some of the venues are) For the most part they go unused because the busses come so infrequently. MARTA (the Atlanta commuter train/ bus authority) is fair, at best

I know that when I lived near DC, I would always use the Metro to go downtown. Since I've moved to the outskirts of Atlanta, I've never seen the utility in using MARTA.

219 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:47:17am

re: #215 Charles

It's not accurate at all.

President Bush Meets with Chicago 2016 Bid Committee and United States Olympic Committee Members.

Not exactly the same as lobbying the IOC.

220 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:47:38am

re: #216 Ben Hur

By any fair standard, nothing so far in the health-care pushback has approached the smears and dirt directed at Presidents Bush and Clinton.

Bwahahahahaha. Just that Obama isn't a U.S. citizen. Or that he's going to murder your grandparents. Or that he's secretly plotting FEMA concentration camps.

221 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:47:38am

re: #197 John Neverbend

OT - an interesting offering from VDH in today's NRO.

The Obsolescence of a Slur

Still reading, but one of his first points seems utterly ridiculous:

1) Is the criticism of Barack Obama unusual by recent presidential standards?

No. Bush hatred was even more intense. Furthermore, it very soon went from fierce partisanship into a deviant desire for the president’s injury or death. Such derangement was tolerated or indeed enhanced by mainstream liberal establishment figures.

222 lawhawk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:48:10am

re: #185 drcordell

And that's just for the stretch above 63rd Street. To run the full length of the 2d Avenue line to Hanover Square (downtown Manhattan) might be a decade or more behind that.

But if it gives anyone any idea of what we're talking about, the number of people expected to use the 2d Avenue line (200,000 per weekday; 50 million weekday users annually) would exceed the number of users on many other city mass transit systems in total in the US.

That's why given the cost, it is worth it - to reduce congestion and improve traffic and redundancy in service to the East Side of Manhattan.

223 Egregious Philbin  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:48:23am

It was the height of hubris, Obama and Michelle, each flying different jets (nice carbon footprint). I have lost interest in the Olympics, maybe its the way NBC sells it like a soap opera (little Kylie, the 12 year old gymnast has a special quest, her father died in a thresher accident just 2 weeks ago on the farm), or that instead of boxing, soccer or any other sport, we get non stop synchronized swimming or rythymic gymnastics.

No thanks and no thanks to mounds of debt, terrorism fears and Romanian women that pee standing up.

World Cup, that is a global event worth getting.

224 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:48:31am

re: #219 rwdflynavy

Not exactly the same as lobbying the IOC.

I get it. You really want to believe there's something especially evil and wrong about Obama lobbying for the Olympics.

Don't let facts get in the way.

225 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:48:53am

re: #204 Bonk

The left proved that being juvenile and petty WORKS in American politics right now, the right is just playing the same game.

Except it doesn't work in American politics. If calling the President "Hitler" worked, Bush would have lost in 2004.

226 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:48:59am

re: #211 filetandrelease

re: #215 Charles

More accurately, I beleive it's the 1st time a sitting US President went to the IOC's final meeting on which city would be host, not the prospective host cities organizers

I have NO idea why previous Presidents have not done it. It seems to me anytime a US city applied to be host the sittting Pres (or someone high up in the admin) should have!

227 Digital Display  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:49:00am

I just checked with AA.. It's 917.00 to fly to Rio round trip.
If I save only 20 bucks a month I could fly and have a room for 5 days
by 2016.. I'm going for the gold!
/note to self..order rossetta stone

228 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:49:13am

re: #187

The storiesthat I found just now seem to indicate little or no economic benefit to Atlanta.

The first story is unfair. Georgia State University is quickly becoming a resident college and attracting people back to the city for studies other than Georgia Tech. The dorms were a great benefit after Tech transferred their ownership to GSU. The olympic park is used by people all the time. Putting a picture of the dog in front of the fountain on the article implies something that isn't true. That part of town really benefitted from the new facilities. Of course the colleges who ended up with facilities for sports and studies are better off. And Turner field and the braves bring in lots of revenue for the City and State in taxes and tourism. I wish they had saved Fulton Coutny Stadium but we were due for an upgrade.

229 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:49:25am

re: #197 John Neverbend

OT - an interesting offering from VDH in today's NRO.

The Obsolescence of a Slur

VDH is plain wrong.

The anti-Obama craziness has well surpassed BDS.

And a lot of the ground-level Obama haters are plain racists of the vilest sort.

230 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:49:30am

re: #224 Charles

I get it. You really want to believe there's something especially evil and wrong about Obama lobbying for the Olympics.

Don't let facts get in the way.

I'm not saying that at all. Bush meeting with US Olympic folks is not the same as actively lobbying the IOC.

231 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:49:33am

re: #209 Racer X

I'm not a big fan of Obama.

Does that make me bad?

Seekrit Racist /

232 minor threat  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:49:54am

re: #159 drcordell

Come on.
#4 through #1 are funny from either side of the aisle. Heck, you could be lying face-down in the middle of the aisle and still manage a chuckle.

233 SpaceJesus  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:50:02am

isn't brazil already getting the world cup

234 war_eagle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:50:20am

re: #218 Dreader1962

Parking at my sister's house in Dacula and taking the line down to the Airport is the only useful thing about the MARTA.

235 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:50:30am

re: #218 Dreader1962

I know that when I lived near DC, I would always use the Metro to go downtown. Since I've moved to the outskirts of Atlanta, I've never seen the utility in using MARTA.

I'm in the southeast corner of Snellville and work near Emory. I would have to drive into Lawrencville just to catch a bus that would take me to a train station that would take me to a stop where I would have to take a bus to get to Emory

236 lawhawk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:50:45am

re: #215 Charles

Separate and distinct from lobbying the IOC in person. Meeting with the USOC and the Chicago effort is one thing; going before the IOC is another. I don't think Bush went before the IOC personally on behalf of Chicago for the 2016 games, or for NYC on behalf of the NYC 2012 effort.

237 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:50:49am

re: #220 drcordell

Bwahahahahaha. Just that Obama isn't a U.S. citizen. Or that he's going to murder your grandparents. Or that he's secretly plotting FEMA concentration camps.

I thought Bush ordered the FEMA Camps after Katrina to hide the bodies of the people he killled. He did this using the money his family made from supporting the Nazis in WW2.


238 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:50:58am

re: #226 sattv4u2

I have NO idea why previous Presidents have not done it. It seems to me anytime a US city applied to be host the sittting Pres (or someone high up in the admin) should have!

Given the documented sleaze at the IOC level in the selection of cities, I'd actually prefer that the President of the United States stay away from it.

239 Dreader1962  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:51:03am

re: #220 drcordell

Bwahahahahaha. Just that Obama isn't a U.S. citizen. Or that he's going to murder your grandparents. Or that he's secretly plotting FEMA concentration camps.

If I'm not mistaken, the crazies were ranting about black helicopters for quite a while, and the FEMA camp thing started during the Bush admin.

Although the main point about ODS vs. BDS is a strained comparison, at best and does nothing to help with the level of discourse we need.

240  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:51:08am

re: #228 DaddyG

The first story is unfair. Georgia State University is quickly becoming a resident college and attracting people back to the city for studies other than Georgia Tech. The dorms were a great benefit after Tech transferred their ownership to GSU. The olympic park is used by people all the time. Putting a picture of the dog in front of the fountain on the article implies something that isn't true. That part of town really benefitted from the new facilities. Of course the colleges who ended up with facilities for sports and studies are better off. And Turner field and the braves bring in lots of revenue for the City and State in taxes and tourism. I wish they had saved Fulton Coutny Stadium but we were due for an upgrade.

I just posted what I found on a quick search.

Do you have any additional links showing an economic gain for Atlanta?

241 karmic_inquisitor  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:51:10am

Why is it that people find justification for ODS by pointing to BDS?

BDS damaged this country. It hurt this country. Badly. And much of it in the name of scoring cheap political points for Harry and Nancy.

We want to duplicate that "success?"

Why don't we just root for a nuclear power plant accident, since that was a catalyst in bringing down the Soviets?

242 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:51:37am

re: #236 lawhawk

correct (#226)

243 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:51:58am

re: #217 karmic_inquisitor


I am not a fan either. Not much at all.

But I am a fan of the United States.

We really do need to get our shit together. We should go back to "leaving our disagreements at the border" for one thing.

OK. Thanks for the pulse check.

America does need to get our shit together. That means prioritizing. The economy is still darn near collapse. AGW will drown us all in the next 200 years. Swine flu has me ill. We lost a bid to host the Olympic Games. The net financial impact of those games was a 90% chance of more debt. We do not need that right now.

244 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:52:00am

re: #227 HoosierHoops

I just checked with AA.. It's 917.00 to fly to Rio round trip.
If I save only 20 bucks a month I could fly and have a room for 5 days
by 2016.. I'm going for the gold!
/note to self..order rossetta stone

Did you factor in for inflation and your carbon credits?

245 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:52:02am
246 mongrel19  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:52:04am

I live out here in the 'burbs, and frankly the local sentiment was only a little over 50/50, for holding the games here in the City of Big Shoulders. The loop area, Michigan Avenue, State Street, are all beautiful now -- the games would have turned the city into a madhouse for the next six years, and the taxpayers would be on the hook for cost overruns. This is Chicago after all.

One thing I don't ever want to hear again is how loved we are as a nation now that Obama is our president. We saw where that got us with the IOC. And when the president of France has to tell you to grow a spine, well...

247 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:52:05am

re: #238 Occasional Reader

Given the documented sleaze at the IOC level in the selection of cities, I'd actually prefer that the President of the United States stay away from it.

For the record; nor do I think it's that big a deal.

248 Bagua  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:52:26am

Disgusting to observe the derangement and gloating over this setback.

It was disgusting when President Bush was the target and it is disgusting now that President Obama is the target.

Those who say the abuse of Bush excuses the abuse of Obama are fools.

249 Honorary Yooper  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:52:43am

re: #212 Charles

So you're pretty confident that you're speaking for everyone in Illinois, are you?

He's not. There are those of us who would've liked to have seen the Olympics here.

250 Bonk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:52:44am

re: #212 Charles

So you're pretty confident that you're speaking for everyone in Illinois, are you?

Last time I checked the polls were running about even with people who were for and against it. Seems to be fair for Obama to speak "for the country" when he got roughly half the vote, so I feel safe doing the same thing.

251 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:52:58am

re: #218 Dreader1962

I know that when I lived near DC, I would always use the Metro to go downtown. Since I've moved to the outskirts of Atlanta, I've never seen the utility in using MARTA.

Check out the GRTA bus routes that feed MARTA. They are increasing in number and accessibility. The GRTA busses are nice too. I love not having to drive on my commute.

252 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:53:11am

re: #239 Dreader1962

If I'm not mistaken, the crazies were ranting about black helicopters for quite a while, and the FEMA camp thing started during the Bush admin.

Although the main point about ODS vs. BDS is a strained comparison, at best and does nothing to help with the level of discourse we need.

The point is, the crazies on the left didn't have ANY support from the Democratic party. How many Dem representatives did you see giving speeches at Troofer rallies? None. The leftist fringe is just that, a fringe. The right-wing absurdity has been embraced full-on by the GOP. That is the difference. And a huge one at that.

253 Mark Pennington  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:53:14am

re: #220 drcordell

I agree. This has surpassed BDS and it's frightening.

254 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:53:20am

re: #228 DaddyG

Of course the colleges who ended up with facilities for sports and studies are better off

The tennis venue in Stone Mountain sits unused. Weeds growing in the parking lot unfettered

255 karmic_inquisitor  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:53:45am

Meeting with the IOC in person is the new minimum standard.

Tony Blair set the precedent. It will now never go away.

If Ron Paul (god forbid) becomes POTUS they will get his cranky ass on a plane to kiss IOC butt if there is a US candidate city.

256 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:53:58am

re: #224 Charles

I get it. You really want to believe there's something especially evil and wrong about Obama lobbying for the Olympics.

Don't let facts get in the way.

If the bid hadn't already been won by time he took office President Reagan probably would have lobbied for the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.

257 Digital Display  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:54:09am

Oh BTW..Beck is going to just freak out today.. It's party hats all around.

258 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:54:34am

re: #227 HoosierHoops

I just checked with AA.. It's 917.00 to fly to Rio round trip.
If I save only 20 bucks a month I could fly and have a room for 5 days
by 2016.. I'm going for the gold!
/note to self..order rossetta stone

Just make sure you get the Portuguese not the Spanish...

259 war_eagle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:54:35am

re: #254 sattv4u2

In all fairness, it's in Stone Mountain... If you're not going for the laser light show, why go at all?

260 Dreader1962  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:54:45am

re: #234 war_eagle

Parking at my sister's house in Dacula and taking the line down to the Airport is the only useful thing about the MARTA.

That's just it - there are only a few routes that work out to be of benefit. Routes to/from the airport are the best, but I used the DC Metro by traveling no more than 5 miles from my house.

261  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:54:48am

re: #232 minor threat

Come on.
#4 through #1 are funny from either side of the aisle. Heck, you could be lying face-down in the middle of the aisle and still manage a chuckle.

I didn't much care for that list, and I DO check in at "the corner" from time to time.

Let me be clear that I'm also not in any way a cordell fan - sometimes seems as if cordell's mission in life is to insult as many people as possible in any given day.

262 rwmofo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:54:51am

I liked Michelle Malkin a long time ago, however, she has repeatedly proved to me that I had it all wrong.

I'm a conservative, but that doesn't by default make a Democrat President wrong about everything and an embarrassing number of people on the right need to realize this.

263 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:54:54am

re: #245 buzzsawmonkey

They could, of course, rebuild the Elevated that they tore down so many decades ago in far less time. Or they could just get off their asses and build something that's been promised for over 30 years and paid for two or three times over.

But New York City has lost the ability to build infrastructure--in part, one suspects, because the infrastructure is in the hands of unaccountable "authorities" administered by the state.

A new elevated train is never going to happen. Nobody wants the train running right outside their apartment window. And the cost overruns are mostly because building a subway is just ridiculously, ridiculously expensive.

264 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:54:59am

re: #257 HoosierHoops

Oh BTW..Beck is going to just freak out today.. It's party hats all around.

Straight jackets would be more appropriate.

265 funky chicken  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:55:16am

You'd think they would recognize the stupidity of positioning themselves as being able to succeed only if America fails...they certainly recognized it when it was the idiot left-wing democrats who were doing it for the last 8 years.

I'm kinda glad we didn't win, but just because I think we're kinda broke financially right now, and don't support spending millions upon millions of federal dollars on athletic venues.

266 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:55:18am

OT: "Theodore Dalyrmple" has an interesting piece over at City Journal: Inflation's Moral Hazard.

267 erraticsphinx  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:56:04am

Oooh, dunno about you guys, but I can't wait to see Glenn Beck's take on this.


268 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:56:15am

re: #236 lawhawk

Separate and distinct from lobbying the IOC in person. Meeting with the USOC and the Chicago effort is one thing; going before the IOC is another. I don't think Bush went before the IOC personally on behalf of Chicago for the 2016 games, or for NYC on behalf of the NYC 2012 effort.

Because they weren't meeting at that point. The fact is that every one of the leaders of the front runner countries went to Copenhagen to lobby for their countries. If Bush were President, I have absolutely no doubt he would have done the same.

269 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:56:22am

re: #252 drcordell

The point is, the crazies on the left didn't have ANY support from the Democratic party.

Ummm... ok. What were Murtha and Harry Reed doing then?

Sorry this selective memory is about as bad as the "they did it too" defense.

270 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:56:35am

re: #259 war_eagle

In all fairness, it's in Stone Mountain... If you're not going for the laser light show, why go at all?

The golfing,,, the Sunday brunch,,, the resort ,,, the (etc etc)

They've done a great job with the park since the company that owns DollyWood took it over several years ago

271 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:56:52am
272 war_eagle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:57:06am

re: #260 Dreader1962

I think that has to do more with the layout of Atlanta than anything. It's not designed to be a city you walk around in. (Note that I'm not arguing that the MARTA expansions in 96 were a good thing. It was a bad solution to an unsolvable problem.)

273 lawhawk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:57:10am

re: #245 buzzsawmonkey

An elevated line would destroy property values and the locals would be up in arms; the reason the elevated was taken down in the first place was because of the noise, congestion, and problems with the street level traffic.

The inability to build the line is the result of the MTA failing in its capital plan year in and year out, and a failure to budget and account (let alone be accountable to voters). It's literally above the law and outside the ability of the City to control.

274 Dreader1962  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:57:11am

re: #235 sattv4u2

I'm in the southeast corner of Snellville and work near Emory. I would have to drive into Lawrencville just to catch a bus that would take me to a train station that would take me to a stop where I would have to take a bus to get to Emory

I'm on the other side (Villa Rica), but it's the same story. Fortunately, I work from home.

275 Summersong  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:57:13am

Ugh- please delete my post re- Orly Taitz. I apologize for linking there. I had just read the story in OC weekly and took the first link that seemed to quote the article. Haste is not my friend. Back to bed.

276 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:57:21am


Actually, maybe not.

277 Picayune  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:57:22am

re: #155 subsailor68

Would you call this: Taxation with Mis-representation?

278 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:57:45am

re: #254 sattv4u2

Of course the colleges who ended up with facilities for sports and studies are better off

The tennis venue in Stone Mountain sits unused. Weeds growing in the parking lot unfettered

You have a point. The far flung nature of the facilites didn't create a central draw after the games. The benefit was spotty- I agree with you on that.

279 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:57:51am

re: #266 Occasional Reader

Doesn't Theodore Dalyrmple write for the Brussels Journal?

280 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:58:07am

re: #279 Sharmuta

Doesn't Theodore Dalyrmple write for the Brussels Journal?

I don't know.

281 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:58:24am

re: #269 DaddyG

Ummm... ok. What were Murtha and Harry Reed doing then?

Sorry this selective memory is about as bad as the "they did it too" defense.

Selective memory? Go find me any clipping, video, article that mentions Harry Reid speaking at a 9/11 truth rally. Or Murtha speaking at a rally for people who believe that Bush purposely allowed the Katrina response to fail miserably. You can't. Because it never happened.

282 lawhawk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:58:24am

re: #268 Charles

I don't disagree, and as I pointed out in an earlier thread, I think Obama went only because he saw the other nations' leaders head to Copenhagen to lobby too. If they didn't go, I doubt he would have gone.

283 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:58:42am

re: #231 DaddyG

Seekrit Racist /

Unless there's a racist gene stuck in my DNA somewhere I don't know about, I don't think so. I try to treat everyone the same way I would like to be treated - regardless of how they look, or what their personal preferences towards spirituality or sexual preferences are.

284 subsailor68  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:07am

re: #277 Picayune

Would you call this: Taxation with Mis-representation?

Hi Pic! Well said! Love it.

285 StillAMarine  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:10am

The whole subject of the Olympics gaining/losing money reminds me of a cartoon of Mayor Jean Drapeau of Montreal, who boasted that, "The Olympics can no more lose money than a man can have a baby," after Montreal won the right to host the 1976 Olympics. Following the Olympics, the city was left with a debt of $1 billion. The cartoon showed Hizzoner sporting a large belly on the telephone saying, "Ello! Morgentaler?"

Morgentaler was (in)famous for opening an abortion clinic in Toronto.

286 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:11am

re: #268 Charles

Because they weren't meeting at that point. The fact is that every one of the leaders of the front runner countries went to Copenhagen to lobby for their countries. If Bush were President, I have absolutely no doubt he would have done the same.

...and we would have won!

/i can't stress the sarcasm enough here.

287 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:19am

re: #252 drcordell

The point is, the crazies on the left didn't have ANY support from the Democratic party. How many Dem representatives did you see giving speeches at Troofer rallies? None. The leftist fringe is just that, a fringe. The right-wing absurdity has been embraced full-on by the GOP. That is the difference. And a huge one at that.

I agree with you from my experience. I do like to think and hope that the absurdity, while prevalent in the media, has not been fully embraced by the GOP. Perhaps it's more accurate to say that conservatives haven't fully embraced the madness. Either way I will continue to hope and look for reasonable voices on both sides, regardless of how loud the fringe(s) become.

288 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:21am

re: #271 drcordell

That reminds me of this:

On October 2nd, 2009 at 9:49 am, cicerokid said:

She wants to make a personal sacrifice? Never a Mayan priest around when you need one...

289 war_eagle  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:27am

re: #270 sattv4u2

I probably haven't been in 8 years, so I'm sure you're right. I just hated having to go on Family Trips to the park there for the laser light show. On a seperate note, I always smile a little bit when Kenneth the Page on 30 Rock talks about being a Pg Farmer from Stone Mountain, GA.

290 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:30am

re: #283 Racer X

Unless there's a racist gene stuck in my DNA somewhere I don't know about,



291 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:32am

re: #280 Occasional Reader

Quick search shows he does and gets picked up by GoV too.

292 MJ  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:37am

Support of the Olympics in Chicago was fading even among residents of Chicago:

Olympic opposition getting second wind as support in Chicago fades

47 percent of Chicagoans polled favor the bid, but that support had been at 61 percent in February

Support in Chicago for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games has dwindled, with residents now sharply divided over whether the city should host the Games, a Tribune/WGN poll has found.

Nearly as many city residents oppose Mayor Richard Daley's Olympic plans, 45 percent, as support them, 47 percent. And residents increasingly and overwhelmingly oppose using tax dollars to cover any financial shortfalls for the Games, with 84 percent disapproving of the use of public money...


293 jdog29  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 11:59:44am

re: #282 lawhawk

I don't disagree, and as I pointed out in an earlier thread, I think Obama went only because he saw the other nations' leaders head to Copenhagen to lobby too. If they didn't go, I doubt he would have gone.

I agree, President Obama is more of a follower than a leader.

294 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:00:04pm

re: #288 Ben Hur


295 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:00:14pm

re: #252 drcordell

How many Dem representatives did you see giving speeches at Troofer rallies? None

How many Jerry Springers were delegates at the RNC, like Springer was at the DNC
How many Michael Moores had prominent seating at the RNC, like Moore did at the DNC?
The Repubs have more than their fair share of whackos, extremists and undesireables.

To deny the left doesn't ( hello Cynthia McKiney) is absurd

296 doubter4444  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:00:15pm

re: #12 Rightwingconspirator

This is a direct echo of everything the Dem's did to at least Bush 43 and arguably, Bush 41. I'm no fan of tit for tat but these birds have come home to roost with a vengeance. In all 3 cases the country was the biggest loser. And not in a good way. It was not that bad during Reagan, he used to deal with Tip Oneill and get it done. Not this bunch!

Its past time to stop this. Be the bigger party and start working together. Get something done.

I'm so fucking sick of this bullshit argument.
EVERY TIME something happens there is this whiny response of "those bad Dem's did it too!"
May I remind you that when it did happen, there were many many who called that type of action disgraceful and UN-American. And they had a point.
So yes the shoe is on the other foot, but this behavior is unreasonable, and wrong.
To condone it and excuse it is just as wrong.
And frankly, pretty "un-American" in it's self.
Jesus, I'm sick of it.

297 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:00:42pm

re: #229 Cato the Elder

VDH is plain wrong.

The anti-Obama craziness has well surpassed BDS.

And a lot of the ground-level Obama haters are plain racists of the vilest sort.

ODS comes from a different source, but BDS is more chronic (almost by definition, as Bush was in office far longer than Obama has been). I would not agree that ODS has surpassed BDS. VDH is talking about critics of Obama, not those who hate him. The only Obama critics with whom I'm personally acquainted are certainly not racists.

298 Mike DeGuzman  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:00:43pm

I'm just wondering if any of the IOC voting members will reveal to the press why they eliminated Chicago in the first round. Was it just the Obamas?, Chicago? or the USA as a whole? I believe that "it was never held in South America" may help Rio win the bid.

The U.S. have hosted the Summer Olympics Games 4 times:
St Louis (1904)
Los Angeles (1932)
Los Angeles (1984)
Atlanta (1996)

Also, the U.S. have hosted the Winter Oylmpics Games 4 times:
Lake Placid (1932)
Squaw Valley (1960)
Lake Placid (1980)
Salt Lake City (2002)

299 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:00:51pm

re: #260 Dreader1962

That's just it - there are only a few routes that work out to be of benefit. Routes to/from the airport are the best, but I used the DC Metro by traveling no more than 5 miles from my house.

Unfotunately there was a history of racism (real in your face bigotry not I disagree with the President kind) when MARTA was being established. It is a county by county decision and Cobb blocked any NW passage in the 70s. By the time the system was built it was too late to do anything.

The good news is the bigots are fewer and far between now but it may be too late to run a line effectively.

300 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:00:56pm

re: #253 beekiller

This has surpassed BDS and it's frightening.

Is it possible that this is because Obama is more of a concern?

301  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:00:59pm

re: #279 Sharmuta

Doesn't Theodore Dalyrmple write for the Brussels Journal?

He writes for National Review from time to time.

302 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:01:06pm

re: #268 Charles

Because they weren't meeting at that point. The fact is that every one of the leaders of the front runner countries went to Copenhagen to lobby for their countries. If Bush were President, I have absolutely no doubt he would have done the same.

Carter lobbying for the 1984 Los Angeles Olypics, which we won the bid for and for which we profited by almost all accounts.


303 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:01:07pm
304 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:01:11pm

re: #265 funky chicken

You'd think they would recognize the stupidity of positioning themselves as being able to succeed only if America fails...they certainly recognized it when it was the idiot left-wing democrats who were doing it for the last 8 years.

I'm kinda glad we didn't win, but just because I think we're kinda broke financially right now, and don't support spending millions upon millions of federal dollars on athletic venues.

See now that's a position I can respect. Specifically devoid of ODS. Nice one.

305 arethusa  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:01:20pm

re: #268 Charles

Mitt Romney thought Obama going was a good idea (and who would know better?). I'd bet we'll see US Presidents go regularly in the future.

306 SecondComing  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:01:52pm

re: #268 Charles

Because they weren't meeting at that point. The fact is that every one of the leaders of the front runner countries went to Copenhagen to lobby for their countries. If Bush were President, I have absolutely no doubt he would have done the same.

yeah, especially if Crawford was in the running.

307 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:02:01pm

re: #291 Sharmuta

Quick search shows he does and gets picked up by GoV too.

Well, since I don't read either one of them, I had no idea.

308 J.S.  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:02:05pm

re: #215 Charles

CNN reporters (on numerous occasions) remarked that having the President of the United States addressing the International Olympic Committee (IOC) members was "unprecedented." That term, "unprecedented" was repeatedly used...and suggested that this was the first time, ever, for a President to lobby the IOC in a bid...(?)

309 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:02:06pm

Both Jim Lampley of HBO and former Olympian Rowdy Gaines said on ESPNEWS that the IOC went against the USA because of GWB being POTUS the last 8 years. I don't know if that is true or not, and I tend to doubt it. But if it is true, I guess the "international community" and it's feelings towards the USA has not been magically transformed because of our change in leadership.

310 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:02:23pm

On-topic to the thread:

I wonder if these idiots would celebrate, in some fashion, if al Qaida jihadis flew an airliner into the Capitol tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

311 karmic_inquisitor  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:02:36pm

re: #305 arethusa

Mitt Romney thought Obama going was a good idea (and who would know better?). I'd bet we'll see US Presidents go regularly in the future.

Then Mitt Romney is a RINO!


312 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:02:42pm

re: #295 sattv4u2

How many Dem representatives did you see giving speeches at Troofer rallies? None

How many Jerry Springers were delegates at the RNC, like Springer was at the DNC
How many Michael Moores had prominent seating at the RNC, like Moore did at the DNC?
The Repubs have more than their fair share of whackos, extremists and undesireables.

To deny the left doesn't ( hello Cynthia McKiney) is absurd

So you're now comparing Jerry Springer and Michael Moore with nirthers and troofers? Really?

No excuses for Cynthia McKinney, but she's an elected rep and can't really be shut up. She's the equivalent of Michelle Bachmann. The difference is, McKinney is shunned by the Democrats. Bachmann is invited to speak at major GOP functions. Thats the difference. The GOP is embracing teh stoopid.

313 medaura18586  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:03:12pm

re: #10 Charles

I guess the Republicans have given up the idea of winning any elections in Illinois next year.

Illinois is Obama's state. Screw them!


314 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:03:26pm

re: #303 buzzsawmonkey

The original subway lines were each built in a few years.

Or as I often remind myself: The Empire State Building was constructed in thirteen months, start to finish, using early 1930s technology.


315 karmic_inquisitor  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:03:45pm

re: #309 _RememberTonyC

Both Jim Lampley of HBO and former Olympian Rowdy Gaines said on ESPNEWS that the IOC went against the USA because of GWB being POTUS the last 8 years. I don't know if that is true or not, and I tend to doubt it. But if it is true, I guess the "international community" and it's feelings towards the USA has not been magically transformed because of our change in leadership.

If it is true then it shows how much BDS damaged this country. Unjustifiably.

Yet we have those who want round 2.

316 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:03:49pm

re: #281 drcordell

Selective memory? Go find me any clipping, video, article that mentions Harry Reid speaking at a 9/11 truth rally. Or Murtha speaking at a rally for people who believe that Bush purposely allowed the Katrina response to fail miserably. You can't. Because it never happened.

I can find you plenty of Reed saying the war was lost from the Senate floor and Murtha accusing our soldiers of rape and murder. Their flavor of insane was different than the right but that doesn't make it any less insane.

...and you probably don't want to go there on Katrina given the left's eagerness to pin on Bush a Dem state and local failure to prevent and handle a disaster, even to the point of stalling the federal response.

Yes- your memory is quite selective.

317 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:04:07pm

re: #305 arethusa

Mitt Romney thought Obama going was a good idea (and who would know better?). I'd bet we'll see US Presidents go regularly in the future.

And why shouldn't they go and support their country's bid? It's supposed to be a point of national pride to host the Olympics and if the President or Prime Minister can't be supportive, what does that say, overall, about the bid?

318 Beholden  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:04:16pm

This isn't the "Fail" I signed up for.

319 filetandrelease  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:04:38pm

re: #215 Charles

It's not accurate at all.

President Bush Meets with Chicago 2016 Bid Committee and United States Olympic Committee Members.

Bush met with the folks in Chicago, but not the folks who decide what city wins the bid. I am not sure I would concider that lobbying for Chicago.

320 Pianobuff  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:04:45pm

I wonder if Hinky-Dink could have landed the Olympics in Chicago.

321 iceman1960  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:04:47pm

re: #10 Charles

I guess the Republicans have given up the idea of winning any elections in Illinois next year.

I live in Illinois. This isn't going to affect politics around here at all.
50% of Illinoisians didn't want the Olympics. I myself could care less either way. It would have been nice to have the Olympics in the U.S. and so close to home but we also know it was more about lining the pockets of corrupt politicians and their buddies in Chi-town.

322 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:05:12pm

re: #313 medaura18586

Illinois is Obama's state. Screw them!


I don't get why people don't see the net positive for the USA and Chicago in NOT having the games.

Who needs such a money drainer?

And why should anyone be kissing the ass of the IOC, which has yet to do a proper vigil for the Israeli athletes who died in Munich/1972?

The IOC is the sporting world equivalent of the UN.

323 Lawrior  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:05:31pm

Whether or not you care about not winning the Olympics, now or ever, it still constitutes a feather in the cap of our fair land. Not being selected when we were trying to win still constitutes egg on our face. While I may not agree with him on many things, attempting to get this is not a bad idea from a political viewpoint.

As for those of you who are concerned that Obama took "time off" to go to Copenhagen, here is a news flash: as president, Obama has access to the sort of technology that would allow him to work even though he was not in Washington.

This would not be the first time that it has been tried. In fact, Bush frequently did the same thing. During his time in office, Bush would conduct business while on vacation in Crawford. The left lost their collective mind, as they couldn't possibly imagine that anything could be done outside of Washington. Amazingly, we had the technology to either connect Bush with people with whom he needed to speak or those people would come to Crawford. Now, with the shoe upon the other foot, the right has wholeheartedly embraced the left's argument.

Now, given that Obama has access to a fancy-schmancy plane, do you think he did work on the ride over? I'm willing to bet he got some work unrelated to the Olympics done.

324 drcordell  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:05:35pm

re: #303 buzzsawmonkey

Cost overruns? How about setting a few folks to digging?

The original subway lines were each built in a few years. The money for the Second Avenue Line has been allocated several times. There is--has been--absolutely no excuse for this.

But, of course, the "Transit Authority" not only has never built a line, it has spent the last thirty-odd years decreasing service--running fewer trains more slowly, and with no decrease in mid-station stops, blocking off exits, destroying traffic patterns, and purging the subways of the news stands and snackbars (and, of course, shuttering the restrooms).

I'm not gonna defend the MTA, because they're a bunch of assholes. But the reason why the other subways were built so fast was because they were built in a completely different era. An era when if they MTA wanted to bulldoze your house for "cut and cover" subway building, they just did it. You didn't get a hearing, you didn't have a lawyer, they just did it. Nowadays that shit doesn't fly, when everyone's apartment is worth $1 mil and they are lawyered up out the wazoo.

The MTA certainly isn't helping, but they aren't the main culprit. It's the fact that you just can't do shit like you used to.

325 FigJam  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:05:46pm

re: #310 pre-Boomer Marine brat

On-topic to the thread:

I wonder if these idiots would celebrate, in some fashion, if al Qaida jihadis flew an airliner into the Capitol tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

That is absurd beyond belief...

326 Mark Pennington  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:05:50pm

re: #300 Racer X


327 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:06:05pm

re: #312 drcordell

So you're now comparing Jerry Springer and Michael Moore with nirthers and troofers? Really?

In a word,, YES

Have you not seen any of Moores work? The distortions and outright lies, the fear mongering. Please!

328 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:06:10pm
329 erraticsphinx  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:06:15pm

re: #322 non obama mama

I'm sure you'd have the same opinion if the games were being held in oh...let's say Anchorage.

330 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:06:16pm

re: #297 John Neverbend

ODS comes from a different source, but BDS is more chronic (almost by definition, as Bush was in office far longer than Obama has been). I would not agree that ODS has surpassed BDS. VDH is talking about critics of Obama, not those who hate him. The only Obama critics with whom I'm personally acquainted are certainly not racists.

A lot of the racists disguise themselves as "critics", and a lot of the critics toss red meat and dog whistles to the racists.

331 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:06:36pm
332 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:07:02pm

re: #314 Occasional Reader

Or as I often remind myself: The Empire State Building was constructed in thirteen months, start to finish, using early 1930s technology.


Inconceivable! How were they able to do the enviromental impact studies and get the EPA approvals and sort thru all the lawsuits in that time?

333 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:07:08pm

This is what we get from blind, and unreasoning hatred.

You have to hate Obama a lot if you would rather that nothing goes right for America, so that you can be bitter about him.

One could argue that people who loved America would want America to succeed in all things.

Isn't it obvious that the far right actually doesn't love America?

They hate American values like separation of church and state, the notion that all people are created equal (you can't really believe that and hate black people or entire faiths), fair play, the rule of law (you can't really believe in that and threaten your government by waggling guns around), telling the truth and scientific endeavor.

Some talk about secession.

Some talk openly of treason.

People like Fox news, Malkin and Rush and the various far right bots that eat their drivel up, are nothing more than Anti American fools.

If you hate basic American values and the American government, you are anti American.

If you want America to fail, you are Anti-American.

334 sattv4u2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:07:13pm


335 Bonk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:07:46pm

re: #313 medaura18586

Illinois is Obama's state. Screw them!


Hey! Just because we have a lot of politically active cadavers here in Illinois doesn't make us ALL corrupt...

336 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:07:54pm

re: #295 sattv4u2

How many Dem representatives did you see giving speeches at Troofer rallies? None

How many Jerry Springers were delegates at the RNC, like Springer was at the DNC
How many Michael Moores had prominent seating at the RNC, like Moore did at the DNC?
The Repubs have more than their fair share of whackos, extremists and undesireables.

To deny the left doesn't ( hello Cynthia McKiney) is absurd

Do you think there were Democrat congressmen and senators at the premiere of Moore's new anti-Capitalism movie?

337 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:08:17pm

re: #329 erraticsphinx

I'm sure you'd have the same opinion if the games were being held in oh...let's say Anchorage.

I have no idea where that statement comes from.

Is this meant to imply I live in Alaska or support Sarah Palin?

Wrong on both counts.

338 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:08:21pm

re: #309 _RememberTonyC

Both Jim Lampley of HBO and former Olympian Rowdy Gaines said on ESPNEWS that the IOC went against the USA because of GWB being POTUS the last 8 years. I don't know if that is true or not, and I tend to doubt it. But if it is true, I guess the "international community" and it's feelings towards the USA has not been magically transformed because of our change in leadership.

Also, if it is true, I think a few people here should feel grateful that the IOC saved the US from having to host those last eight years.

339 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:08:32pm

re: #332 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Inconceivable! How were they able to do the enviromental impact studies and get the EPA approvals and sort thru all the lawsuits in that time?

It *did* result in the extinction of the Mid-town Manhattan Spotted Mudskipper, unfortunately.

340 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:08:37pm

re: #325 FigJam

That is absurd beyond belief...

Absurd to think that these Obama-deranged loons would celebrate ... "IN SOME FASHION" ... Obama's failure to prevent the catastrophe?

That's the point I was trying to make.

341 doubter4444  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:08:41pm

By the way, Rightwing... I'm not really calling you out on this so much as all the creeps that are doing their "cheering in the streets moment" over this.

Seriously, givem burkas and hajibs and you could not tell the difference.

342 arethusa  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:09:01pm

re: #317 Sharmuta

Oh, I think they should go, but I think what often happens is that when leaders of large, powerful countries - especially the US - show up somewhere on the international stage, it can raise hackles and occasion resentment among other countries and their representatives. I imagine that's why US Presidents haven't done this before.

343 Honorary Yooper  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:09:09pm

re: #301

He writes for National Review from time to time.

Does Dalyrmple actually work for any of these publications, or does he free-lance, and his articles get carried by them?

344 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:09:40pm

re: #309 _RememberTonyC

Both Jim Lampley of HBO and former Olympian Rowdy Gaines said on ESPNEWS that the IOC went against the USA because of GWB being POTUS the last 8 years. I don't know if that is true or not, and I tend to doubt it. But if it is true, I guess the "international community" and it's feelings towards the USA has not been magically transformed because of our change in leadership.

I'm guessing the international communities "feelings" about anything don't amount to much when it comes to how decisions are made by the IOC or any other international body that actually does anything tangible.

345 doubter4444  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:09:41pm

re: #318 Beholden

This isn't the "Fail" I signed up for.

Thats funny

346 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:09:58pm

re: #336 Ben Hur

Do you think there were Democrat congressmen and senators at the premiere of Moore's new anti-Capitalism movie?

Given his last few efforts, trending data is pointing to no one actually being at the premiere.

347 transient  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:10:11pm

re: #314 Occasional Reader

Or as I often remind myself: The Empire State Building was constructed in thirteen months, start to finish, using early 1930s technology.


Pentagon: 16 months, '41-'43.

348 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:10:47pm

Breathing a sigh of relief that the fine upstanding corruption-free city of Chicago lost the Olympic bid (with the resulting impending financial disaster along with it), IS NOT THE SAME as "wanting America to fail."


349 sardonic  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:10:53pm

re: #213 drcordell

Don't really care that you posted. I just think "the corner" is one of the most intellectually bereft corners of the entire internet. Nothing but a bunch of hacks who spin whichever way the political winds are blowing. Might as well be on the payroll of the GOP press office.

I guess it takes all kinds, cordell? So you're into stuff with a little more substance, more gravitas, more integrity, huh? Well thank goodness there's the Daily Kos, Salon, the Nation and the Village Voice, and writers like Joe Conason and Glen Greenwald to give you the "truth".

cordell, I don't give a damn what you post, or what you read or what you think of me. I have a little more class than to insult someone I've never met, just because they've posted from a site I don't like. But since you've started it and decided to in essence call me stupid, I'd like to invite you to please go ahead and do something with yourself that is basically considered anatomically impossible to do.

Like I said, most people don't believe it can actually be done, but if anyone can pull it off, I'm sure it's a highly intelligent and well-informed anal cavity like you.

350 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:11:12pm

re: #314 Occasional Reader

Or as I often remind myself: The Empire State Building was constructed in thirteen months, start to finish, using early 1930s technology.


And the early 1930s legal system.

351 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:11:12pm

re: #333 LudwigVanQuixote

This is what we get from blind, and unreasoning hatred.

You have to hate Obama a lot if you would rather that nothing goes right for America, so that you can be bitter about him.

One could argue that people who loved America would want America to succeed in all things.

Isn't it obvious that the far right actually doesn't love America?

They hate American values like separation of church and state, the notion that all people are created equal (you can't really believe that and hate black people or entire faiths), fair play, the rule of law (you can't really believe in that and threaten your government by waggling guns around), telling the truth and scientific endeavor.

Some talk about secession.

Some talk openly of treason.

People like Fox news, Malkin and Rush and the various far right bots that eat their drivel up, are nothing more than Anti American fools.

If you hate basic American values and the American government, you are anti American.

If you want America to fail, you are Anti-American.

I sympathize with your feelings. As an exercise in empathy I would only comment that I think the far right is pro-America but they are like most folks in that they are only "pro" if we are talking about their personal definition of "American".

We were just talking about this the other day, the standard argument being:

"If you don't agree with everything I think and say then you are anti-American (anti-freedom, anti-democracy, etc, etc)."

Lame argument no matter the source.

352 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:11:47pm

re: #347 transient

Pentagon: 16 months, '41-'43.

Clearly, the answer to our infrastructure problems is to hire lots of 80 year-old construction workers!

(Of course, then we'd have to listen to their stories about the time they took the ferry over to Shelbyville... they were wearing onions on their belts... which was the style at the time...)

353 Right Brain  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:12:03pm

As a practical matter it struck me as a very strange thing to do for President Obama to go to Copenhagen to pitch the city of Chicago, not his home town, and a city that exhibited a complete loathing for Obama when he ran for Congress. (For the historically challenged: Bobby Rush 75% vs. Barack Obama 25% Illinois 1st District contest).

President Obama is already bleeding support for having mangled the health care debate so badly, he didn't need anymore public failures right now. Yes many are cracking up at this latest gaffe, but not just the right, fr. Urgent Agenda (former NY Times Magazine editor):

"Some good can come out of this. Maybe President Obama will finally realize that he can't convince everybody of everything. He has been rebuffed constantly on the international stage. Being The One may have great sway with college students. It doesn't much cut it with the governing crowd."

354 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:12:03pm

re: #348 Racer X

Breathing a sigh of relief that the fine upstanding corruption-free city of Chicago lost the Olympic bid (with the resulting impending financial disaster along with it), IS NOT THE SAME as "wanting America to fail."


If I could give you 20 updings for that comment, I would!

355  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:12:14pm

re: #343 Honorary Yooper

Does Dalyrmple actually work for any of these publications, or does he free-lance, and his articles get carried by them?

He is a British physician; Theodore Dalrymple is the name he writes under, not his real name. I have no clue about the workings of his relationship with the publications - whether he writes for specific publications at specific times on specific topics, or whether his articles are syndicated or what.

356 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:12:17pm

re: #350 Charles

And the early 1930s legal system.

And the early 1930s worker safety standards.

357 jdog29  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:12:34pm

re: #348 Racer X

Breathing a sigh of relief that the fine upstanding corruption-free city of Chicago lost the Olympic bid (with the resulting impending financial disaster along with it), IS NOT THE SAME as "wanting America to fail."


Not only is it the same, but it is even worse and you are a racist for the very sigh of relief you breathed. ///

358 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:12:49pm
359 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:12:50pm

President Bush took 130 trips abroad while HC went out of control and our domestic economy was going to hell in a handbasket. That's an average of 16 trips per year. Obama's pace is really going to have to pick up if he hopes to beat that.

360 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:13:16pm

re: #322 non obama mama

I don't get why people don't see the net positive for the USA and Chicago in NOT having the games.

Who needs such a money drainer?

And why should anyone be kissing the ass of the IOC, which has yet to do a proper vigil for the Israeli athletes who died in Munich/1972?

The IOC is the sporting world equivalent of the UN.

Its a question of timing. Or better said, the timing of the criticism is questionable. Who knew so many were against hosting the Olympics. Its as if they've been stewing all these years and just so happened to blow now. voice their long-standing objections to hosting now.

361 Flyers1974  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:13:54pm

re: #360 Flyers1974

Its a question of timing. Or better said, the timing of the criticism is questionable. Who knew so many were against hosting the Olympics. Its as if they've been stewing all these years and just so happened to blow now. voice their long-standing objections to hosting now.

362 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:14:07pm

re: #356 Cato the Elder

And the early 1930s worker safety standards.

That reminds me, I need to read "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair again.

363 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:14:09pm

re: #353 Right Brain

As a practical matter it struck me as a very strange thing to do for President Obama to go to Copenhagen to pitch the city of Chicago, not his home town, and a city that exhibited a complete loathing for Obama when he ran for Congress. (For the historically challenged: Bobby Rush 75% vs. Barack Obama 25% Illinois 1st District contest).

I know. Why, you'd almost think Obama was trying to do something good for America, wouldn't you?

Actually, I know you wouldn't.

364 lawhawk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:14:10pm

re: #303 buzzsawmonkey

There's been a few OSHA requirements put in place since they first started digging the subways in NYC, to say nothing of the byzantine utilities running underground. Oh, and they don't use dynamite for clearing the path either, and for good reason. It's more advanced than it was in the 1970s, but the cut and cover is still the basic technique on the 2d ave line.

It's a veritable maze, and that slows things down considerably. It took them nearly 3 years longer to build the new South Ferry terminal (in part to archeological discoveries of a Dutch era defensive wall, they're well behind on the Fulton station that's practically outside my window, and I doubt we'll see the 2d Ave line anytime soon either.

365 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:14:40pm

re: #355

He is a British physician; Theodore Dalrymple is the name he writes under, not his real name. I have no clue about the workings of his relationship with the publications - whether he writes for specific publications at specific times on specific topics, or whether his articles are syndicated or what.

Is Dalrymple still sane? I used to enjoy reading him, but it's been a while.

John Derbyshire lost me a while ago, as did Mark Steyn.


366 insert name here  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:15:38pm

Sorry that we lost the bid, but good for Rio. I've been wanting to visit...this might finally give me the excuse.

367 wee fury  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:15:55pm

This is not about President Obama. This is not about the USA. The Olympic committee chose a country to host the games that had never been picked before. Good for them, I say.

368 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:16:09pm

I loved watching the Australian Olympics! China too! I'll enjoy watching them in Rio. I would have enjoyed watching them in Chicago - but I would have worried about the cost.

369 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:16:19pm

re: #353 Right Brain

Isn't the Right Brain supposed to be the intuitive, creative side?

But I guess you mean something different by your nick...

370 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:16:23pm

re: #364 lawhawk

You've got all those tall buildings. Can't you guys just rig up some zip lines and an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys to take care of things?

371 erraticsphinx  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:16:47pm

re: #337 non obama mama

You're right. I'm sure you'd be over here complaining about the IOC and the horrible money drainers the olympics are if John McCain won the election (even though you're not a Palin fan, uh huh). I'm sure you would be condemning the horrible burden it would place upon the city.

You wanted Obama to fail. You got it. Don't dance around the issue.

372 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:16:52pm

I think every US president, or American with influence, should do what they can to bring the Olympics to the United States.

The crap elsewhere is sshchenersufreeuden, or whatever that shit is.

They see it as a hit to his arrogance. And I understand the argument made about priorities, because of the "end of the world" campaigns run out of the WH about everything else (aside from A-stan).

Does it suck we didn't win? Of course.

It probably has to do with the fact that SA has never hosted an Olympics.

Look what happened to South Africa with the World Cup - given first to Germany because of corruption and elitism. There was so much outrage after that that it guaranteed a South Africa victory in the next round.

The only silver lining is not having to hear about the newly named O-lympics.

373 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:16:56pm

re: #366 insert name here

Sorry that we lost the bid, but good for Rio. I've been wanting to visit...this might finally give me the excuse.

That's a good idea. LGF party in Rio! Go down leaning right, come home a happy, hedonistic leftie. Opportunity is knocking...

374 lawhawk  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:17:14pm

re: #350 Charles

The Golden Gate Bridge was similarly constructed in record time, and with a record minimum number of fatalities, primarily because of the institution of new safety techniques, like safety nets and hard hats. And 10 of those who died did so when the net was overloaded by falling debris. Oh, and the bridge was completed under budget (which was $35 million).

375 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:17:19pm

re: #370 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

You've got all those tall buildings. Can't you guys just rig up some zip lines and an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys to take care of things?

Or equip every New Yorker with wrist-implanted web-slingers.

376 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:17:24pm

re: #330 Cato the Elder

A lot of the racists disguise themselves as "critics", and a lot of the critics toss red meat and dog whistles to the racists.

Of course, I have no way of knowing if a critic is really a racist, unless I have prior knowledge of that person's racism. However, I do not believe that the critics of Obama that regularly produce articles on NRO, for example, are doing so out of racism.

377 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:17:36pm

Rio is on eatsern time, so watching a lot of the 2016 games live will not be a problem. Ratings will be huge!

378 Kragar  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:17:43pm

re: #369 Cato the Elder

Isn't the Right Brain supposed to be the intuitive, creative side?

But I guess you mean something different by your nick...

He meant to get the right brain, but he dropped it and picked up Abby someone to replace it.

379 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:18:01pm

re: #351 Locker

I sympathize with your feelings. As an exercise in empathy I would only comment that I think the far right is pro-America but they are like most folks in that they are only "pro" if we are talking about their personal definition of "American".

We were just talking about this the other day, the standard argument being:

"If you don't agree with everything I think and say then you are anti-American (anti-freedom, anti-democracy, etc, etc)."

Lame argument no matter the source.

I hear you and I accept your point. However, there are certain core things that America is founded upon. There comes a point where you have left the normal sphere of dolt - i.e. "you don't like my football team, that's anti-American" and actually opposing core principles of the nation to the extent of wanting to tear down our government. If you want to replace the Republic with some crazy form of "Christian nation" that serves whites only, then you have just become something else. If you talk of secession, then you are just something else. If you really don't believe in things like religious freedom or that people are created equal, you are something else.

There comes a point where people have transcended normal levels of obnoxious and actually become enemies of what the nation is and stands for.

380 Honorary Yooper  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:18:03pm

re: #362 MrSilverDragon

That reminds me, I need to read "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair again.

A book inspired by the Chicago meatpacking industry, but relies just as much, if not more, on fiction than fact. Sinclair was a muckracking journalist before he wrote the book.

381 transient  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:18:05pm

re: #374 lawhawk

The Golden Gate Bridge was similarly constructed in record time, and with a record minimum number of fatalities, primarily because of the institution of new safety techniques, like safety nets and hard hats. And 10 of those who died did so when the net was overloaded by falling debris. Oh, and the bridge was completed under budget (which was $35 million).

What does this mean: "under budget"?

382 Surabaya Stew  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:18:11pm

re: #314 Occasional Reader

Or as I often remind myself: The Empire State Building was constructed in thirteen months, start to finish, using early 1930s technology.


re: #350 Charles

And the early 1930s legal system.

Keep in mind that the Empire State Building was a financial disaster that took over 20 years to fully lease, brought down the status of its neighborhood by bringing in blue collar tenants to what what was supposed a first class office building, and avoided bankruptcy only by large than expected revenues from the observation deck. Bet those pesky modern-day land use reviews might have prevented some of this.

383 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:18:12pm

re: #373 Locker

That's a good idea. LGF party in Rio! Go down leaning right, come home a happy, hedonistic leftie. Opportunity is knocking...

Or, get mugged, and go even further right...

384 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:18:33pm

re: #10 Charles

Half of Chicagoans didn't want the Olympics there. And it's a sure bet that half of Chicagoans are not Republicans.

385 Right Brain  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:19:07pm

re: #350 Charles

And the early 1930s legal system.

HRH Construction, the builder of the Empire State Building filed bankruptcy three weeks ago.

Slightly off subject, but shows what is happening under the "stimulus."

386 iceman1960  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:19:37pm

Uhbama goes around the world talking the U.S. down and then loses a bid to host the Olympics.
I say Karma is a bitch.

387 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:19:40pm

NEW YORK (AP) - CBS News employee Robert J. Halderman pleads not
guilty to blackmail attempt on Letterman .

Halderman? Are he and Ehrlichmann still in business?

(PS ... I know it was HR Haldeman not Halderman)

388 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:19:42pm

re: #371 erraticsphinx

You're right. I'm sure you'd be over here complaining about the IOC and the horrible money drainers the olympics are if John McCain won the election (even though you're not a Palin fan, uh huh). I'm sure you would be condemning the horrible burden it would place upon the city.

You wanted Obama to fail. You got it. Don't dance around the issue.

You have no idea what I would have wanted or not wanted.

I was against NYC 2012, and I am generally against the Olympic games in the USA.

Projection much?

389 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:19:58pm

Drawing a hitler moustache on an Obama poster = Snicklegruberfreude.

390 FigJam  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:20:49pm

re: #386 iceman1960

Uhbama goes around the world talking the U.S. down and then loses a bid to host the Olympics.
I say Karma is a bitch.

Amen to that!

391 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:20:54pm

As a people, Americans tend to like underdogs, and Rio/South America certainly have been the underdogs previously in their attempts to win the rights to host the Olympics. I'm very happy for them to have been awarded the Games for 2016- well deserved. I'm sure it's more than just Rio and Brazil that are heartened by this news, as future Games in South America will hopefully follow in the coming years.

That being said- there is no need to gloat at our loss. It's poor sportsmanship to be a gloating winner as much as it is to be a whining loser. This is something in between. Reveling in a loss so as to gloat at the losing team. Disgusting, and the antithesis of the Olympic Spirit. If this is how my fellow Americans want to behave... I pity them. They are no better than the 1972 USSR Basketball team.

392 transient  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:20:58pm

I really would be curious to see a cost/ benefit analysis for the Olympics. Preferably something brief and comprehensible to someone without a degree in economics.

393 Lawrior  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:21:16pm

re: #368 Racer X

Oh, no need to worry, I'm sure the feds would have been there to cover any shortfall in local funding for the games. We'll call it a silver lining.

394 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:21:20pm

re: #375 Occasional Reader

Or equip every New Yorker with wrist-implanted web-slingers.

Radioactive spider breed and release program.

395 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:21:23pm


Just broke down and bought two of the newly remastered Beatles classic albums at the 7-Eleven: Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road.

Now coming up on "Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite!"...

The so-called King of Pop had nothing on the Beatles except the money to buy their catalog. Thriller? Feh.

396 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:21:40pm

re: #379 LudwigVanQuixote

I hear you and I accept your point. However, there are certain core things that America is founded upon. There comes a point where you have left the normal sphere of dolt - i.e. "you don't like my football team, that's anti-American" and actually opposing core principles of the nation to the extent of wanting to tear down our government. If you want to replace the Republic with some crazy form of "Christian nation" that serves whites only, then you have just become something else. If you talk of secession, then you are just something else. If you really don't believe in things like religious freedom or that people are created equal, you are something else.

There comes a point where people have transcended normal levels of obnoxious and actually become enemies of what the nation is and stands for.

Once again I feel and share your passion. I think, however, it all breaks down over the definition of what the nation is and for what it stands.

That being said there is reasonable dialog about the issue which should be encouraged and then there is partisan screaming and "win at any cost" poison which I hope we will all work to minimize.

397 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:23:28pm

re: #383 Occasional Reader

Or, get mugged, and go even further right...

Maaan... why you gotta salt my LGF hedonistic, orgy, love fest dream? It might even be so good you wouldn't notice or care if you got mugged. IT COULD HAPPEN!

398 doubter4444  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:23:41pm

re: #360 Flyers1974

Its a question of timing. Or better said, the timing of the criticism is questionable. Who knew so many were against hosting the Olympics. Its as if they've been stewing all these years and just so happened to blow now. voice their long-standing objections to hosting now.

Good point, and it's the same excuse the far right is using on everything.
Health care is so contentious? Not ODS, pent up worry for the years.
Town Hall screaming frenzies? Hey, it's just average people worried about the economy and about raising taxes. So, you know it's the same thing.
Calling the president a lier in the state of the union? Simple frustration of not being heard.
Carrying guns at events? Decades of worry about the 2nd amendment.

It's bullshit. It's manufactured outrage.
Real people have real concerns, and they are being played by the most cynical group I've ever seen.
Personal responsibility is dead to these types of people, to the great disservice of the nation.

399 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:23:56pm

re: #377 _RememberTonyC

Rio is on eatsern time, so watching a lot of the 2016 games live will not be a problem. Ratings will be huge!

However, they'll be going by "Brazilian time", which means the games will always start an hour and a half late...


400 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:25:00pm

Here's a sad note in the Empire State Building's history, to me this was much more upsetting than lighting the building green for Eid.


401 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:25:07pm

re: #397 Locker

Maaan... why you gotta salt my LGF hedonistic, orgy, love fest dream?

Hey, if I'm gonna be in any orgies in Rio de Janeiro, it sure as hell isn't gonna be with YOU guys!

402 SecondComing  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:25:52pm

re: #395 Cato the Elder


Just broke down and bought two of the newly remastered Beatles classic albums at the 7-Eleven: Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road.

Now coming up on "Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite!"...

The so-called King of Pop had nothing on the Beatles except the money to buy their catalog. Thriller? Feh.

At the 7-Eleven? haha
Did they cost an arm and a leg?

403 Kosh's Shadow  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:25:59pm

re: #394 DaddyG

Radioactive spider breed and release program.

I think Al Qaeda is working on that.

404 Locker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:25:59pm

re: #401 Occasional Reader

Hey, if I'm gonna be in any orgies in Rio de Janeiro, it sure as hell isn't gonna be with YOU guys!

I don't know man I heard ice weasel has a killer collection of Brazilian thong bikinis... KIDDING!

405 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:26:03pm

re: #401 Occasional Reader

Hey, if I'm gonna be in any orgies in Rio de Janeiro, it sure as hell isn't gonna be with YOU guys!

Tall and tan and young and lovely ... ?

406 ArchangelMichael  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:26:15pm

re: #383 Occasional Reader

Or, get mugged, and go even further right...

More than likely you go down the wrong alleyway and you disappear.

Rio is going to have to really clean up it's act before 2016.

407 Johnny Empire  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:26:34pm

I don't know why that attitude surprises anyone. For 90%+ of people politics is one off from baseball. It's a contest to be won and nothing else.

Even if the Republicans were to win in 2010/2012, I don't hear anyone talking about what they'll do when they get there.

408 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:27:01pm

re: #405 pre-Boomer Marine brat

Tall and tan and young and lovely ... ?

That's the spirit!

409 brent  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:27:08pm

Brazil - where horrible things happen to beautiful people...

410 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:27:15pm

re: #358 buzzsawmonkey

Apparently you are under the misapprehension that eminent domain is a modern invention. You are wrong.

"Everybody's apartment" was not "worth a million bucks" 30+ years ago when the Second Avenue Subway was first funded. Vast areas of the East Side were, if not actual slums, the next thing to it--and I'm not talking about below 14th Street, either.

No, protection against eminent domain is a relatively modern invention. That is, until the Supremes led by Souter infamously rolled it back several decades.

Eminent domain (you seem to be confused about the term) means the state being able to take your property for its purposes. It used to be done at the drop of a hat. That's how early subways etc. got built. Then people started fighting back.

Thanks to Souter, it's now easier than it was just a few years ago. Your house can be appropriated for a tax-generating strip mall, if the town fathers see fit.

411 MrSilverDragon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:27:41pm

re: #409 brent

Brazil - where horrible things happen to beautiful people...

...or a very strange movie directed by Terry Gilliam.

412 Cato the Elder  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:27:58pm

re: #402 SecondComing

At the 7-Eleven? haha
Did they cost an arm and a leg?

Thirteen bucks a pop. I felt like a big spender.

413 Dreader1962  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:28:10pm

re: #347 transient

Pentagon: 16 months, '41-'43.

Not a great example; the Pentagon was a very sloppy bit of construction. I've walked the halls and without constant modernization I can't imagine what the concrete behemoth would have looked like.

414 BohicaTwentyTwo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:28:40pm

If anyone is guilty of failure, I would say it is the sycophantic media who declared Chicago to be the front runner in the competition solely based on the fact that Obama made a personal pitch.

415 John Neverbend  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:28:42pm

re: #411 MrSilverDragon

...or a very strange movie directed by Terry Gilliam.

All I remember is "Buttle" and "Tuttle".

416 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:29:10pm

re: #408 Occasional Reader

That's the spirit!

Why th' hell am I here commenting?
I could be listening to Gilberto?!

417 Kosh's Shadow  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:30:01pm

re: #413 Dreader1962

Not a great example; the Pentagon was a very sloppy bit of construction. I've walked the halls and without constant modernization I can't imagine what the concrete behemoth would have looked like.

I was there for a few days in 1980, and the part I was in was pretty dingy - but then, it was the sub-basement. (I didn't have a clearance and was escorted everywhere.) Heading to the cafeteria brought me into better-maintained areas.

418 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:30:03pm

re: #372 Ben Hur

I think every US president, or American with influence, should do what they can to bring the Olympics to the United States.

Okay, okay. I'll make some calls, and see what I can do.

419 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:30:54pm

re: #417 Kosh's Shadow

I was there for a few days in 1980, and the part I was in was pretty dingy - but then, it was the sub-basement. (I didn't have a clearance and was escorted everywhere.) Heading to the cafeteria brought me into better-maintained areas.

Is that when you were in the Men in Black tryouts?

420 SecondComing  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:31:03pm

re: #412 Cato the Elder

Thirteen bucks a pop. I felt like a big spender.

haha, I've seen albums at convience stores for $16 or $18. You got off cheap.

421 Lawrior  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:31:26pm

re: #407 Johnny Empire

Exactly. If they would start talking about what they would do differently , it would take away time for them to carp and whine abou every perceived sleight.

And who knows, it might actually convince someone to vote for you instead of just against the other guy. Why, you might even just get a few of those horrid democrats to switch over!

422 Randall Gross  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:31:28pm

Well we can't talk about Rio without a Carnival slideshow...



423 Picayune  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:31:34pm

re: #284 subsailor68

Thanks, but Congress now acts as if they were strictly our Trustees, not our Agents. That may have gone over way back when our Founding Fathers extended the right to vote to property owners only, but not in this environment, the consequences are way too high for all. This needs to be addressed, and 11/2/2010 may well be the time.

424 SixDegrees  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:31:52pm

re: #268 Charles

Because they weren't meeting at that point. The fact is that every one of the leaders of the front runner countries went to Copenhagen to lobby for their countries. If Bush were President, I have absolutely no doubt he would have done the same.

Yup. It's a relatively recent development, but having heads of state appear to pitch to the IOC has become a de facto standard. We've done it before, and so has everyone else.

425 Truth Stick  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:32:17pm

re: #381 transient

What does this mean: "under budget"?

efficiency, in a the gov't decided, not to do that ever again

426 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:32:47pm

re: #418 Occasional Reader

Okay, okay. I'll make some calls, and see what I can do.

I am valiantly restraining myself from making the obvious puns upon "influence".

427 Dreader1962  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:32:53pm

re: #356 Cato the Elder

And the early 1930s worker safety standards.

My grandfather was a steelworker and worked quite a few projects (the missile silos were one). When they were building the Mackinac Bridge, he considered working the job - he was voted down by my grandmother, mother and aunt because of the projected fatalities. It turned out to be less costly than they predicted.

428 lostlakehiker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:33:53pm

Chicago's chances cannot have been improved by the recent gang murder of an honors student, caught on video and broadcast to the world. How can any president offset that sort of news?

It should also be kept in mind that with four cities in the running, none of them (except possibly Chicago) clearly unsuitable, Chicago's chances were at best one in four.

429 SixDegrees  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:34:01pm

re: #391 Sharmuta

As a people, Americans tend to like underdogs, and Rio/South America certainly have been the underdogs previously in their attempts to win the rights to host the Olympics. I'm very happy for them to have been awarded the Games for 2016- well deserved. I'm sure it's more than just Rio and Brazil that are heartened by this news, as future Games in South America will hopefully follow in the coming years.

That being said- there is no need to gloat at our loss. It's poor sportsmanship to be a gloating winner as much as it is to be a whining loser. This is something in between. Reveling in a loss so as to gloat at the losing team. Disgusting, and the antithesis of the Olympic Spirit. If this is how my fellow Americans want to behave... I pity them. They are no better than the 1972 USSR Basketball team.

I believe this is also the first time the games have been hosted in South America.

430 Kosh's Shadow  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:34:27pm

re: #419 Occasional Reader

Is that when you were in the Men in Black tryouts?

You were supposed to have forgotten about that.
Where's that pen and my sunglasses?

431 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:34:44pm

re: #426 pre-Boomer Marine brat

I am valiantly restraining myself from making the obvious puns upon "influence".

That's quite sober of you.

432 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:36:02pm

re: #431 Occasional Reader

That's quite sober of you.

heh ... my mind was down in the ... *cough* ... sewer.

433 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:36:14pm

re: #430 Kosh's Shadow

You were supposed to have forgotten about that.
Where's that pen and my sunglasses?

Classic misunderstanding:

They said they were looking for "Men in Black".

And so you became an Orthodox Jew.

That wasn't what they had in mind.

434 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:37:25pm


435 Surabaya Stew  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:37:44pm

re: #429 SixDegrees

I believe this is also the first time the games have been hosted in South America.

This is correct. In fact, this is only the third time the games have been held in the Southern Hemisphere.

436 Lawrior  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:37:54pm

Rhyming Topic: Dio still rules.

437 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:38:11pm

re: #434 pre-Boomer Marine brat


What kind of bbl? Soap bbl? Real estate bbl?

438 lostlakehiker  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:38:15pm

re: #58 MinisterO

Chicago Loses! Chicago Loses!

Do you really think these folks wouldn't be secretly elated by a terrorist attack?

Yes, I think they wouldn't be secretly elated. The Democrats weren't secretly elated by the OK City bombing. For all our rivalry and factional infighting, we still have a degree of national unity and common purpose. Just for starters, we don't want to see our fellow citizens mass-murdered. To suggest otherwise is poisonous as well as flat wrong.

439 VioletTiger  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:38:39pm

re: #429 SixDegrees

I believe this is also the first time the games have been hosted in South America.

And the Brazilians, especially their president, seemed quite moved by the whole thing.

Good for them. I am happy for their success. I have many friends in Brazil and will get to discuss it with them when I visit later this month.

440 funky chicken  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:39:56pm

re: #316 DaddyG

I can find you plenty of Reed saying the war was lost from the Senate floor and Murtha accusing our soldiers of rape and murder. Their flavor of insane was different than the right but that doesn't make it any less insane.

...and you probably don't want to go there on Katrina given the left's eagerness to pin on Bush a Dem state and local failure to prevent and handle a disaster, even to the point of stalling the federal response.

Yes- your memory is quite selective.

CDS was also equally disgusting, and it was virulent.

Honestly, I think the right wing's CDS insanity set the stage for the BDS and for the ODS.

Perhaps that's why the ODS is so nasty and has gained some acceptance in wider GOP circles...the CDS crowd was embraced by the Bush/Rove crowd in 2000, unfortunately.

441 katemaclaren  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:40:32pm

Well, I admit, I smiled. Those Rio-ites looked deliriously happy--and they deserve it. S.A. has never hosted an Olympics. They're poor. They may benefit from all the jobs and attention--a good thing. Chicago? Half don't seem so enthusiastic about the prospect. Corruption is rampant in that city and like New Orleans, seems to be a pretty dicy place, generally-and unlike Rio, Chicago is unattractive with an airport that is horrendously overused. I was wondering about Madrid--a great choice, too, but Rio--well, as they say, "Blame it on Rio"--a glamorous, sexy city with some fantastic scenery.
As for giving Obama failing grades--it's getting close. He shouldn't have gone--it's like Bush being on the ranch during Hurricane Katrina. Maybe he doesn't realize how worried most of us are about the immediate concerns about the economy, the terrorists getting turned out of their lairs here, the appearance of lack of interest in either war, the corruption of his cronies...
as far as the right wing blogs? Why read them? However, I'm quite sure that if this was Bush, the left wing blogs would be doing the same thing. In fact, I'm quite sure they--and Gibbs/Obama/Rahmbo--will figure out a way to blame Bush.

442 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:40:55pm
443 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:42:32pm

re: #426 pre-Boomer Marine brat

I am valiantly restraining myself from making the obvious puns upon "influence".

That's quite sober of you.


I thought you were going down either the flatulence or effluence path...

444 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:44:00pm

Is waxing an Olympic sport?

445 sagehen  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:44:19pm

re: #157 zandtar

On a side note, I wonder if there is any sort of study or report that has gone through the costs versus income with an Olympic event, over a good span of time? I saw something that said the last such event to actually turn a profit for the city was the LA Olympics, but there wasn't hard numbers to back that claim up.

LA made money because they didn't have to build anything; they already had the Coliseum, the Rose Bowl, the Forum, Santa Anita, Hollywood Park, UCLA and USC, several top-quality marinas, etc etc etc.

Salt Lake City is more recent than that, they made money too.

446 CaptObviousman  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:44:37pm

Charles, what's up with the overabundance of vitriol?

"This is a big win and a massive relief for taxpayers. But Chicago cronies are not going to take this well. Gird your loins."

To me, it doesn't sound like she was happy the bid failed because of Obama.

447 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:45:49pm

RE: Rio Olympics

I understand when the steroid laden russian / chinese "women" march in, they're going to play "The Girly-Man from Ipanema"

448 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:45:52pm

re: #444 Ben Hur

Is waxing an Olympic sport?

They're including rhetoric as a sport this year; so waxing eloquent, yes.

449 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:46:11pm

re: #444 Ben Hur

Is waxing an Olympic sport?

they're adding it in 2016 ... Brazil is favored for the gold, silver, and bronze.

450 erraticsphinx  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:47:00pm

re: #388 non obama mama

Thanks for clearing that up.

451 transient  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:47:36pm

re: #413 Dreader1962

Not a great example; the Pentagon was a very sloppy bit of construction. I've walked the halls and without constant modernization I can't imagine what the concrete behemoth would have looked like.

Well, in their defense it was in the middle of a war, but point taken. As are others' posts about not having the same legal and regulatory requirements (for better and/or worse) as we do today.

452 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:47:42pm

re: #449 _RememberTonyC

they're adding it in 2016 ... Brazil is favored for the gold, silver, and bronze.

They'll also be adding competitive tanning, in which the highest medal is the Bronze.

453 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:48:25pm

re: #440 funky chicken
Of course Nixon, Ford and Reagan were treated with the utmost respect. /

ODS, BDS, CDS, RDS... The mud was already slinging in the 1700s.

I admit ODS is a bad, but I do think it is an echo of BDS and no excuse for bad behavior- I don't buy "the GOP started it" argument either.

454 Caton  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:48:59pm

Under Bush the Democrats did everything they could to divide Americans. Guess what? They succeeded.

455 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:50:17pm

re: #445 sagehen

LA made money because they didn't have to build anything; they already had the Coliseum, the Rose Bowl, the Forum, Santa Anita, Hollywood Park, UCLA and USC, several top-quality marinas, etc etc etc.

Salt Lake City is more recent than that, they made money too.

That is only because it freed up a previously suppressed market for beer and wine. /

456 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:50:18pm

re: #441 katemaclaren

and unlike Rio, Chicago is unattractive

Disagree. Obviously the slums of Chicago ain't pretty (nor are Rio's), but on the whole, Chicago is a nice-looking city, IMHO.

457 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:50:45pm

re: #452 Occasional Reader

They'll also be adding competitive tanning, in which the highest medal is the Bronze.

1st place ... bronze
2nd place ... red
3rd place ... peeling like a mofo

458 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:50:52pm

re: #454 Caton

Hey! Long time no see.

459 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:51:21pm

G-d, I love women.

460 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:52:14pm

re: #454 Caton

Under Bush the Democrats did everything they could to divide Americans. Guess what? They succeeded.

Bush has been removed from the thread.

461 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:52:17pm

re: #459 Ben Hur

G-d, I love women.


(What, in particular, prompted this observation?)

462 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:52:27pm

re: #454 Caton

Under Bush the Democrats did everything they could to divide Americans. Guess what? They succeeded.

I agree with you. But if we continually play tit for tat, the country will suffer. Not saying I have a solution.

463 Caton  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:52:28pm

re: #458 Occasional Reader

Hey! Long time no see.

Hi there. I've been real busy the last 3 years... and it's going to be another few months before I'm back full time :-)

464 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:53:24pm

re: #460 Ben Hur

Bush has been removed from the thread.


465 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:53:42pm

re: #461 Occasional Reader


(What, in particular, prompted this observation?)

The above conversation about Brazilian women.

They are way up there on the list. Actually, most of SA is. Actually, hot is hot, no matter where she's from.

Maybe it's because the wife is preggars and I'm losing my effing mind.

466 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:53:52pm

re: #444 Ben Hur

Is waxing an Olympic sport?

It is now.


467 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:54:23pm

re: #463 Caton

Hi there. I've been real busy the last 3 years... and it's going to be another few months before I'm back full time :-)

How are the young'uns? (You do have young'uns, right?)

468 Buster  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:55:14pm

re: #424 SixDegrees

Yup. It's a relatively recent development, but having heads of state appear to pitch to the IOC has become a de facto standard. We've done it before, and so has everyone else.

I heard Tony Blair was the first, promoting the London bid. The games used to pretend they were above politics. Hitler made a stir when he attended the opening ceremonies in 36 and the political line has blurred ever since. I am not saying it is good or bad, just that it has happened.

469 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:55:15pm

re: #465 Ben Hur

The above conversation about Brazilian women.

You know how I disapprove of that sort of thing. Total waste of time.


470 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:55:18pm

re: #462 _RememberTonyC

I agree with you. But if we continually play tit for tat, the country will suffer. Not saying I have a solution.

You keep the tats, sounds like Ben Hur will take the other.

471 What, me worry?  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:55:54pm

re: #441 katemaclaren

Well, I admit, I smiled. Those Rio-ites looked deliriously happy--and they deserve it. S.A. has never hosted an Olympics. They're poor. They may benefit from all the jobs and attention--a good thing. Chicago? Half don't seem so enthusiastic about the prospect. Corruption is rampant in that city and like New Orleans, seems to be a pretty dicy place, generally-and unlike Rio, Chicago is unattractive with an airport that is horrendously overused. I was wondering about Madrid--a great choice, too, but Rio--well, as they say, "Blame it on Rio"--a glamorous, sexy city with some fantastic scenery.
As for giving Obama failing grades--it's getting close. He shouldn't have gone--it's like Bush being on the ranch during Hurricane Katrina. Maybe he doesn't realize how worried most of us are about the immediate concerns about the economy, the terrorists getting turned out of their lairs here, the appearance of lack of interest in either war, the corruption of his cronies...
as far as the right wing blogs? Why read them? However, I'm quite sure that if this was Bush, the left wing blogs would be doing the same thing. In fact, I'm quite sure they--and Gibbs/Obama/Rahmbo--will figure out a way to blame Bush.

Wow. You do realize that as early as 2005, one year after the 2004 Olympics, Bush was offering New York. Please show me on some leftwing blogs where the evil lefties were screaming about that. Oh yea, there are none.

472 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:56:02pm

re: #468 Buster

Hitler made a stir when he attended the opening ceremonies in 36

And Obama went to Copenhagen.



473 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:56:05pm

re: #470 Mikey_Dallas

You keep the tats, sounds like Ben Hur will take the other.


I needed to complete a set!

474 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:56:31pm

re: #466 Racer X

It is now.


Bad link

475 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:57:22pm

re: #474 Ben Hur

Bad link

Full Brazilian

476 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:57:43pm

re: #473 Ben Hur

I want to be abreast of what's going on and nip any problems in the bud

477 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 12:59:27pm

re: #465 Ben Hur

The above conversation about Brazilian women.

They are way up there on the list.

One of the things that makes me wonder if a) there really is a God, and b) he likes to taunt atheists, was the fact that within less than a month of starting to monogamously date my future wife, I received an e-mail one day from a tremendously hot Brazilian divorcée I'd met at a party in Rio some months previously, asking if I'd like to meet her in (of all places) Cancún. Sigh.

478 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:00:25pm

re: #477 Occasional Reader

I have similar stories to share.

Invasion Day.

479 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:01:05pm

re: #478 Ben Hur

"Invasion Day"?

480 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:01:07pm

re: #470 Mikey_Dallas

You keep the tats, sounds like Ben Hur will take the other.

no worries, bra bro

481 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:01:29pm

re: #479 Occasional Reader

"Invasion Day"?

Also know as...

482 Pacificlady  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:02:03pm

Who cares? Let see, unemployment is around 10% (it's really higher but don't tell anyone), American Samoa is digging out from a tsunami, the war in Afghanistan is not going well, Iran has a second nuclear plant, and we still have 3+ years of Obama left. Feel free to add other concerns that take priority over the Olympics.

483 SouthAmericanWay  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:02:24pm

re: #12 Rightwingconspirator

This is a direct echo of everything the Dem's did to at least Bush 43 and arguably, Bush 41. I'm no fan of tit for tat but these birds have come home to roost with a vengeance.


Many Republicans and most Conservatives seem to feel, not without reason, that the Bush-bashing, which seemed counter-productive in 2002 and 2004, seemed to have paid off well, for Democrats, in 2006 and 2008.

The movement towards unbearable incivility of the most egregious kind in American politics began in November and December of 2000 and seems unstoppable at this moment in history.

484 _RememberTonyC  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:02:31pm

Dubya was an Olympics fan too ...


485 Occasional Reader  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:02:54pm

re: #481 Ben Hur

Sorry, I'm blanking.

486 Buster  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:03:50pm

I see Roland Burris has come out to blame George Bush for the loss of the Olympics. Granted, Burris is influence free in Washington, but I will be interested to see if this gains traction through the weekend

487 Ben Hur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:03:57pm

re: #485 Occasional Reader

Columbus Day.

Gotta run.

Happy Sukkot!

I'm gonna git ya Sukkah!

488 Ray in TX  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:06:02pm

I know I'm late to this thread, and for that I apologize. But I really do take exception to the constant comparison between BDS and ODS. While they both exist, they are distinctly different.

From what I recall, there were three major contributors to BDS. In each case, the fears of the Bush critics were later confirmed, which validated and heightened the BDS for any other actions he took in office. Let's recap:

1- the 2000 Florida election - Democrats were crushed by this and convinced that the election was stolen. Everyone else (including me), thought they were just being sore losers and wrote them off. The reality turned out to be that, yes, the election in Florida was actually stolen. Katherine Harris admitted in court that thousands of legitimate black voters had been prevented from voting. She chalked this up to an honest mistake, although it was her directives that specifically led to it. You would be surprised at how many supposedly politically astute people are completely unaware of this.

2 - the PATRIOT act - civil libertarians were up in arms about the potential for abuse and the expansion of governmental powers. It would only be used against terrorists, we were all told. We found out much later that the government could not resist temptation and used the PATRIOT act to justify pretty much anything they wanted to do. As we all know now, the most common use of the act is involved with drug busts.

3 - the invasion of Iraq - the evidence for WMD was not conclusive, and Bush basically went "all in" with his political capital on Iraq. When no WMDs were found, that ended the credibility of the administration in the eyes of many. That was when I left the GOP for greener pastures (no pun intended).

I think BDS didn't really take hold until late 2003, when it was clear that we invaded another country on false pretenses. Obama has done nothing remotely that contrary to this country's interests.

All of the other blights on the Bush administration -- the Katrina non-response, torturing prisoners, politicization of the DOJ... those only added fuel to the existing BDS fire.

The worst that Obama has done so far is run up TREMENDOUS deficits in his first year, but I think most would agree that this is a direct consequence of inheriting an ugly recession. He made the decision to "stimulate" the country out of it. This may turn out to be a bad idea, but it's definitely the kind of policy decision that is resolved through elections.

In contrast, many of the problems that led to BDS are the type that have been historically handled in criminal or international war crime courts. While there is obviously a lot of political partisanship feeding both BDS and ODS, the cardinality of the "sins" of each administration are quite different.

489 erraticsphinx  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:06:40pm

re: #482 Pacificlady

Yeah, like ACORN! ACOOORN!


Hey, have you guys heard about ACORN yet?

You should.

490 Buster  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:08:03pm

re: #484 _RememberTonyC

You gotta know he was tempted! He released his frustration by becoming the first sitting President to ride the Olympic Mountain Biking course.

491 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:08:36pm

re: #488 Ray in TX

Please cite a link that "proves" Katherine Harris "admitted" what you suggest.

492 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:10:08pm

Right now, as I type this:

Yahoo! is running a story from AP titled, "Samba! Rio wins right to host the 2016 Olympics".

And the picture next to it in the RSS feed is of Barack and (I think) Michelle Obama, on the IOC podium. Pretty sure it's Michelle, anyway; it's the right hair-do, and it looks like he's kissing her.

But good grief, how obsequious can Yahoo!/AP get?

493 Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:12:06pm

re: #135 sattv4u2

Very short term. Here in Atlanta there are empty venues from the 96 games and the city gov't still not recovered from the expense

Curious, what venues are empty? Georgia Tech and Georgia State makes use of the olympic housing as student dorms, and Georgia Tech uses the Aquatic center, The Braves use the reconfigured Olympic Stadium. The Atlanta Beach in Clayon County is open every summer for swimming. Sanford Statium (host of some of the Soccer) isn't exactly sitting useless. The horse park in Conyers was around before and remains afterwords. Finally Centennial Olympic Park hosted events and is a gorgeous green space to walk by when going to the either the Georgia Dome or Phillips Arena.

As far as the expenses go... The Olympics themselves turned a profit, but you are correct that the cost to the city was significant.

However, I think you are overstating your case with regards to empty venues etc.

494 sagehen  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:13:16pm

re: #297 John Neverbend

ODS comes from a different source, but BDS is more chronic (almost by definition, as Bush was in office far longer than Obama has been). I would not agree that ODS has surpassed BDS. VDH is talking about critics of Obama, not those who hate him. The only Obama critics with whom I'm personally acquainted are certainly not racists.

After 9/11, Bush had 90% approval. It started shrinking when the war in Iraq didn't go the way we were told it would (remember Rumsfeld: "Could be six days, six weeks, I doubt it will be six months."). Bush bet his entire presidency on that war, and as it lost favor so did he. Add in Terry Schiavo and Katrina, and the Patriot Act, and trying to privatize Social Security, and BDS was clearly a reaction to policies. It didn't reach fever pitch until he'd been in office quite some time.

Obama had enough death threats to warrant Secret Service protection starting eight months before the Iowa caucus.

If it's not racism, to what do you attribute that hatred?

495 Racer X  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:14:06pm

re: #488 Ray in TX

1. Bullshit
2. Yawn
3. Saddam needed a good stomping from before
4. Katrina - Nagin and Kathleen Brown EPIC FAIL. The feds are there to clean up and write checks - not rescue.

496 Ray in TX  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:14:54pm

re: #491 Mikey_Dallas

Please cite a link that "proves" Katherine Harris "admitted" what you suggest.

Hey lookie. 15 seconds from Google:

I'll try to find Harris' comments in court.

497 medaura18586  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:15:36pm

re: #322 non obama mama

I don't get why people don't see the net positive for the USA and Chicago in NOT having the games.

Who needs such a money drainer?

And why should anyone be kissing the ass of the IOC, which has yet to do a proper vigil for the Israeli athletes who died in Munich/1972?

The IOC is the sporting world equivalent of the UN.

Economically, it's a net negative that we won't be hosting the games. So your analysis is way off. It is a big investment to prepare for them, but it's more than offset by the gains in tourism. Hosting the Olympics is an economic stimulus. No debate about it...

But it is true that the IOC is in many respects the sporting world equivalent of the UN. Here is what they officially wrote about 9/11:

Yet again every foreigner was either embarrassed or irritated by the rampant American media chauvinism. George W. Bush breached protocol when declaring the Games open “on behalf of a proud, determined and grateful nation.” In the space of five months the American people seemed wholly to have forgotten what they had temporarily begun to acknowledge on September 11: that while the immense achievements of the nation over two centuries are regarded with admiration and not a little envy, there are many who find U.S. triumphalism unacceptable.

That garbage doesn't relate to sportsmanship. It's political manipulation of the worst kind. That China and Russia, despite their human rights abuses and chauvinistic foreign policies, have locked in Olympic events in recent years also speaks to how corrupt the organization must be.

All that aside, U.S. presidents have and will try to lobby for their country with the commission. It doesn't matter if they're Democrat or Republican. This Olympic-Games controversy that wasn't reminds me of the whole kerfuffle about Obama bowing to the Saudi king. Bush had done just the same, and future presidents likely will continue the tradition. Why the faux outrage? Don't we have more important issues to worry about?

498 Buster  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:16:33pm

re: #476 Mikey_Dallas

During the 96 games here in Atlanta the Brazilian fans added energy, and not some small amount of beauty, to the atmosphere.

I also really, really enjoyed watching the Brazilian Women's Basketball team.

499 Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:18:30pm

re: #488 Ray in TX

1- the 2000 Florida election - Democrats were crushed by this and convinced that the election was stolen. Everyone else (including me), thought they were just being sore losers and wrote them off. The reality turned out to be that, yes, the election in Florida was actually stolen. Katherine Harris admitted in court that thousands of legitimate black voters had been prevented from voting. She chalked this up to an honest mistake, although it was her directives that specifically led to it. You would be surprised at how many supposedly politically astute people are completely unaware of this.

I still can't call this stolen, gamesmanship happens at all levels, and one can argue that what Harris did was shady or underhanded, but there are plenty of other things that did happen that influenced the result as much or more than disenfranchised voters.

500 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:20:08pm

re: #496 Ray in TX

Hey lookie. 15 seconds from Google:

I'll try to find Harris' comments in court.

Yeah, boy, Salon - that's a real source. Nice try

501 MinisterO  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:20:29pm

re: #438 lostlakehiker

Most have the sense to hide it but it's not uncommon for people to rejoice in a tragedy, particularly one that benefits or in some way validates them. It happened after the destruction of the World Trade Center.

Losing a bid to host the Olympic Games can hardly be called a tragedy. Still, many of those who openly cheer over that are cynical enough to secretly cheer over worse. Far worse, for some fraction of them.

502 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:21:13pm

re: #488 Ray in TX

How about some real BDS?

Derangement Syndrome is marked by visceral irrationality. The veracity, or lack of same, of the points you make, has no bearing on BDS.

503 Abdul Abulbul Amir  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:22:28pm

Im any case it is a victory for the American taxpayers.

504 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:23:38pm

re: #497 medaura18586

Please provide statistics of any kind that show the investment into the games are borne out in a long-term return in tourism and infrastructure.

I don't see it.

Useless grandious stadiums are built, which then rot for years on end.

Infrastructure improvements are rushed through, but those improvements would be paid for or not paid for anyway.

The only question is whether there is a long-term return on tourism. And most numbers show no long-term return on tourism, and only a net negative for the extreme cost in security and useless stadiums.

I am again glad Chicago did not get the games.

505 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:24:49pm
506 Buster  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:27:17pm

re: #493 bloodstar

Curious, what venues are empty? Georgia Tech and Georgia State makes use of the olympic housing as student dorms, and Georgia Tech uses the Aquatic center, The Braves use the reconfigured Olympic Stadium. The Atlanta Beach in Clayon County is open every summer for swimming. Sanford Statium (host of some of the Soccer) isn't exactly sitting useless. The horse park in Conyers was around before and remains afterwords. Finally Centennial Olympic Park hosted events and is a gorgeous green space to walk by when going to the either the Georgia Dome or Phillips Arena.

As far as the expenses go... The Olympics themselves turned a profit, but you are correct that the cost to the city was significant.

However, I think you are overstating your case with regards to empty venues etc.

I attended 8 different events during the games, and only saw empty seats during preliminary or qualifying events. The kayak course in the Mountains is still in use, I have been in two 24 hour bike races at the horse park/Mountain bike venue, and there are events every month at the Olympic Rowing venue here on Lake Lanier (in fact there is one this weekend). Aside from some of the actions of our very corrupt Mayor Campbell, the Olympics were a big win for Atlanta.

507 Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:27:20pm

re: #494 sagehen

After 9/11, Bush had 90% approval.

That's perhaps the most important point that is ignored and glossed over. (to the point that I forget it) Bush had the ENTIRE country behind him after 9/11 He stayed above 70% for an entire year after 9/11. And then bumped up past 70% during april of 2003. It wasn't until July/August 2003 that his approval rating finally went below 60%.

The point I'm making, BDS was confined to an extremely small subset of the population, whereas ODS seems to grip the majority of the Republican Party.

508 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:27:33pm

re: #488 Ray in TX

Katherine Harris admitted in court that thousands of legitimate black voters had been prevented from voting.

Another little known fact is that an ACORN volunteer later found those votes in the trunk of a car in Minnesota leeading to an Al Frankin win. /

509 Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:29:55pm

re: #506 Buster

I attended 8 different events during the games, and only saw empty seats during preliminary or qualifying events. The kayak course in the Mountains is still in use, I have been in two 24 hour bike races at the horse park/Mountain bike venue, and there are events every month at the Olympic Rowing venue here on Lake Lanier (in fact there is one this weekend). Aside from some of the actions of our very corrupt Mayor Campbell, the Olympics were a big win for Atlanta.

Sorry, I interpreted empty venues to mean no longer in use or left to rot. You're right that there were a ton of seats left unused and unsold. Which made me sad because I didn't have the money at the time to attend.

510 DaddyG  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:31:17pm

re: #507 bloodstar

The point I'm making, BDS was confined to an extremely small subset of the population, whereas ODS seems to grip the majority of the Republican Party.

You get that impression from watching cable news and reading blogs. The vast majority of the conservative population is too busy raising kids and working day jobs to be involved in the inter-election political posturing that younger college students and fringe pundits engage in.

The left also has a goodly chunck of the MSM to push their crazy while the right depends on interwebs and radio to push theirs.

511 Ray in TX  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:32:05pm

re: #500 Mikey_Dallas

Yeah, boy, Salon - that's a real source. Nice try

I completely understand. You got locked into that mindset years ago and are happy there.

Did you even read the article?

512 cliffster  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:33:02pm

re: #507 bloodstar

That's perhaps the most important point that is ignored and glossed over. (to the point that I forget it) Bush had the ENTIRE country behind him after 9/11 He stayed above 70% for an entire year after 9/11. And then bumped up past 70% during april of 2003. It wasn't until July/August 2003 that his approval rating finally went below 60%.

The point I'm making, BDS was confined to an extremely small subset of the population, whereas ODS seems to grip the majority of the Republican Party.

The liberal establishment hated Bush throughout, but were forced to be quiet temporarily after 9/11. It was only a matter of time, after the dust settled, that they again set in motion the creation of Bush hatred. And their sphere of influence is very broad.

513 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:33:26pm
514 medaura18586  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:33:32pm

re: #465 Ben Hur

The above conversation about Brazilian women.

They are way up there on the list. Actually, most of SA is. Actually, hot is hot, no matter where she's from.

Maybe it's because the wife is preggars and I'm losing my effing mind.

I have a little theory, and it goes like this: Women can be hot in many different ways -- tall, short, petite, athletic, curvy, blond, red, brunette, any colors, any built. It may be possible to be stuck among a few specimen very different physically, but which one cannot choose who is hotter than whom. So female beauty is more permissive.

Men, on the other hand, tend to have strictly hierarchical looks. There's no short list I couldn't arrange from most attractive to least. Perhaps because male beauty is more functional and less ornamental, compared to female beauty: If you're a short, weak, non-muscular guy, no way that's attractive.

Or it could be the game theory of human mating since ancient times: Men need be less monogamous than women, so are attracted to a variety of features and forms. But if that were the case, it doesn't explain why even I, a woman, see that women are attractive in more diverse ways.

515 TheObjectivist  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:34:49pm

Yes, I am happy to celebrate the loss of the Olympics in Chicago. (dancin in Chicaaago, dancin in the streets)

And yes, part of it has to do with Obama, but not in the way you think. The Olympics in Chicago would give Obama yet another way to reward patronage, to pay off his local cronies with public money.

From what I have read, the Olympics is always a loser, from a monetary cost/benefit perspective. One article I read says the cost of Olympic preparation is often underestimated by a factor of 10, and can cost in excess of $10 billion. Compare this to a few hundred million in tourist dollars, and you can see why I am against it. I invite others to seek out this information for themselves, I have not studied it in depth.

You cannot fight a man... or a party... whose basic creed is to purchase votes with your tax dollars.

Hosting the Olympics is also so the govt elite can showcase themselves. The Chinese just spent $40 billion on their Olympics, while the people in the Provinces starve.

I would NOT have supported the Olympics if MCain was Pres, but how much more fishy would it be if was "coincidentally" suggested that Scottsdale, AZ be the site of them?

By the way, to the owner of this blog - where is the conservative/libertarian Charles Johnson, and what have you done with him? (lol)

(Just kiddin man.)

516 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:35:12pm

Just as much as you would have if I posted PajamasMedia as a source. There's no "news" on Salon. You are making what you put forth as a statement of fact. So you go to a partisan magazine for your "proof"?

517 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:36:16pm

re: #511 Ray in TX

I completely understand. You got locked into that mindset years ago and are happy there.

Did you even read the article?

Forgot to quote what this is responding to

Just as much as you would have if I posted PajamasMedia as a source. There's no "news" on Salon. You are making what you put forth as a statement of fact. So you go to a partisan magazine for your "proof"?

518 jvic  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:38:24pm

I was surprised to read that the Olympics have never been held in South America. Congratulations and best wishes to South America, to Brazil, and to Rio de Janeiro.

That said, I think that professional and "amateur" athletics are made waaay more important than they ought to be.

519 medaura18586  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:38:49pm

re: #515 TheObjectivist

pfff: Question -- did you feel this way when Bush was supporting Chicago's bid? Or does it become a payoff to local Illinois politicians only once Obama gets involved. I have not seen the numbers myself, but it is generally understood that Olympic games bring in a lot more money than they require in preparation. If that weren't the case, there wouldn't be bloody noses over who gets to host the next one.

520 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:39:16pm

re: #514 medaura18586

I have a little theory, and it goes like this: Women can be hot in many different ways -- tall, short, petite, athletic, curvy, blond, red, brunette, any colors, any built. It may be possible to be stuck among a few specimen very different physically, but which one cannot choose who is hotter than whom. So female beauty is more permissive.

My theory goes like this:

There is no woman who is completely unattractive to all men.

And as evidence, I offer the Internet.

521 Ray in TX  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:41:21pm

re: #502 victor_yugo

How about some real BDS?

Derangement Syndrome is marked by visceral irrationality. The veracity, or lack of same, of the points you make, has no bearing on BDS.

ok, wait a minute.

You don't understand. I was a Bush supporter in 2000. I laughed at Gore losing!

But facts are still facts, even if you or were unaware of them at the time. The reality is that the election officials in Florida ordered ChoicePoint, a private firm they hired to develop their voter exclusion list, to RELAX their criteria for matching the voter lists against known felon lists. This included allowing the reversing of first and last names along with other techniques that they were warned would create a lot of false positives. Honestly, these facts are no longer in dispute. This led to thousands of blacks being removed from the voter rolls in Florida... a constituency that votes 90% Democratic in a state that Bush won by just a few hundred votes.

Exactly what part of that isn't true?

522 J.S.  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:41:24pm

re: #515 TheObjectivist

There's an AP article published ("Chicago is the first to go in 2016 voting"), and the writer notes: "This was one of the strongest, most united bids the United States had ever submitted, and it had full government support — all the way to the White House. [snip] Obama was the first sitting president to lobby in person at a bid city vote, taking time out from the health care debate and flying overnight... it's a very public humiliation for the United States — and will likely have long-lasting implications for the USOC."

So, you celebrate a public humiliation of the United States?

523 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:41:34pm

re: #520 victor_yugo

My theory goes like this:

There is no woman who is completely unattractive to all men.

And as evidence, I offer the Internet.

There's an old joke (don't remember who the comedian was).

Somewhere, there is the world's worst doctor...and someone has an appointment to see him at 9:00 tomorrow morning. Don't know what made me think of that :)

524 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:42:41pm

re: #519 medaura18586

Or does it become a payoff to local Illinois politicians only once Obama gets involved.

Obama's involvement may be a symptom of Chicago politics, but Chicago was already a corrupt town when his grandmother was just starting to notice boys.

525 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:43:10pm

re: #523 Mikey_Dallas

Q: What do you call the student who graduates last in his class in med school?

A: "Doctor."

526 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:43:48pm

re: #521 Ray in TX

ok, wait a minute.

You don't understand. I was a Bush supporter in 2000. I laughed at Gore losing!

But facts are still facts, even if you or were unaware of them at the time. The reality is that the election officials in Florida ordered ChoicePoint, a private firm they hired to develop their voter exclusion list, to RELAX their criteria for matching the voter lists against known felon lists. This included allowing the reversing of first and last names along with other techniques that they were warned would create a lot of false positives. Honestly, these facts are no longer in dispute. This led to thousands of blacks being removed from the voter rolls in Florida... a constituency that votes 90% Democratic in a state that Bush won by just a few hundred votes.

Exactly what part of that isn't true?

The part where you have just made a statement as if it were fact, and only have partisan BS to back it up so far. Honestly, every time the ballots were counted - all three times - Bush won Florida.

527 Ray in TX  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:43:59pm

re: #517 Mikey_Dallas

Forgot to quote what this is responding to

Just as much as you would have if I posted PajamasMedia as a source. There's no "news" on Salon. You are making what you put forth as a statement of fact. So you go to a partisan magazine for your "proof"?

No, I was using that as a quick reference for someone who clearly is unfamiliar with the subject. If you go to wikipedia, here's a more detailed article:

528 Ray in TX  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:46:14pm

re: #526 Mikey_Dallas

The part where you have just made a statement as if it were fact, and only have partisan BS to back it up so far. Honestly, every time the ballots were counted - all three times - Bush won Florida.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

How do you count the votes of people who were denied their legal right to vote?

529 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:46:18pm


Where are you getting this fallacious notion that host cities get money by hosting the Olympics.

This is a proven misperception. The Olympics are a money drain. This is the bottom line. Host cities want the olympics in order to "show off" their city - and that's it. It's about pride and galmour, but not substance.

Olympics = economic drain. That is the bottom line.

Source: [Link:]

530 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:47:36pm

I again want to say: today should be a day of celebration!

Chicago is not on the hook for the billions of dollars it would have cost for the Olympic games! This is a GOOD THING!

It is because I want America to SUCCEED that I am celebrating this terrific development.

531 Hawaii69  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:51:14pm

re: #441 katemaclaren

Well, I admit, I smiled. Those Rio-ites looked deliriously happy--and they deserve it. S.A. has never hosted an Olympics. They're poor. They may benefit from all the jobs and attention--a good thing. Chicago? Half don't seem so enthusiastic about the prospect. Corruption is rampant in that city and like New Orleans, seems to be a pretty dicy place, generally-and unlike Rio, Chicago is unattractive with an airport that is horrendously overused. I was wondering about Madrid--a great choice, too, but Rio--well, as they say, "Blame it on Rio"--a glamorous, sexy city with some fantastic scenery.
As for giving Obama failing grades--it's getting close. He shouldn't have gone--it's like Bush being on the ranch during Hurricane Katrina. Maybe he doesn't realize how worried most of us are about the immediate concerns about the economy, the terrorists getting turned out of their lairs here, the appearance of lack of interest in either war, the corruption of his cronies...
as far as the right wing blogs? Why read them? However, I'm quite sure that if this was Bush, the left wing blogs would be doing the same thing. In fact, I'm quite sure they--and Gibbs/Obama/Rahmbo--will figure out a way to blame Bush.

Yes, Rio is a "a glamorous, sexy city " because the police have a very efficient method for keeping the thousands of homeless children off the streets: They murder them.

532 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:52:08pm

Finally, Yahoo!/AP put up a more appropriate picture for their feed.

533 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:52:49pm

One more thing: I am not an Obama fan, and I believe he is bad for this country.

Yet if Bush or McCain or anyone else pushed for the Olympic games, I would be against it as well.

I was against NYC 2012, and even Atlanta 1996. (though I was a kid at the time)

The Olympics are run by a bunch of antisemites reminiscent of the United Nations and I am pleased as punch that they will not be on American soil.

As far as Mitt Romney goes - of course he supported Chicago 2016. He made his name being in charge of Salt Lake City 2002. He is known as Mr. Olympics Man. And yet those Olympic games - as any other - were plagued with cronyism. So Romney supports cronyism. This is a reason to not support Romney.

534 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:52:55pm

re: #531 Hawaii69

Yes, Rio is a "a glamorous, sexy city " because the police have a very efficient method for keeping the thousands of homeless children off the streets: They murder them.

Well, if that's the case, then there wouldn't be any homeless children, would there?

535 Hawaii69  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:53:50pm

re: #530 non obama mama

I again want to say: today should be a day of celebration!

Chicago is not on the hook for the billions of dollars it would have cost for the Olympic games! This is a GOOD THING!

It is because I want America to SUCCEED that I am celebrating this terrific development.

...and you'd be just as thrilled if Denver or San Diego
lost the bid?


536 Ray in TX  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:54:02pm

re: #502 victor_yugo

How about some real BDS?

Derangement Syndrome is marked by visceral irrationality. The veracity, or lack of same, of the points you make, has no bearing on BDS.

Hey, I'm not denying the existing of BDS. It was as real and as extreme as the ODS we are seeing now.

But all of the BDS you show on the link are the result of the Iraq invasion, which was a result of the fabricated rationale for war. Like I said, that was the tipping point that made BDS go "mainstream".

But for ODS, the tipping point seems to simply be his election or his fiscal policy.

537 centaur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:54:57pm

Well, forget about Obama, I am just happy Daley failed!

538 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:55:41pm

re: #527 Ray in TX

No, I was using that as a quick reference for someone who clearly is unfamiliar with the subject. If you go to wikipedia, here's a more detailed article:

OK, so I read the wiki post and understand what you are talking about.

Requirements were put in place by the FL legislature. On implementation, the rules for matching names of felons to voting roles were applied loosely, which resulted in more people being flagged as ineligible.


There is only one reference to someone who actually was denied a vote (a man in Naples) because of this.

No suits were filed after the election, until the NAACP filed one 2 years later. You live in Texas like I do, so you know when minorities (or anyone else for that matter) believes they were disenfranchised, they are in court within seconds of the polls closing. That didn't happen in FL, so it's reasonable to assume that the number of people who actually went to vote and were denied, could not have been much.

The net outcome of the NAACP lawsuit was 75K award to NAACP. Not a big award if there was any degree of actual voters cut out.

So I see what you're referencing but I disagree that it "proves" that Bush really lost the election.

539 centaur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:55:54pm

re: #530 non obama mama

I again want to say: today should be a day of celebration!

Chicago is not on the hook for the billions of dollars it would have cost for the Olympic games! This is a GOOD THING!

It is because I want America to SUCCEED that I am celebrating this terrific development.

Amen! Right On! Etc., etc., etc...!

540 non obama mama  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:55:58pm

re: #535 Hawaii69

...and you'd be just as thrilled if Denver or San Diego
lost the bid?


How exactly did I imply that this is tied to Chicago?

You are deflecting attention from the obvious. Olympic games are a major money drain and crony gain.

[Link:] - The economics bare this out.

I don't care where teh Olympics are - I am against them.

I was against NYC 2012, and I am against Chicago 2016.

Today is a day of celebration, as I want America to succeed. :)

541 Hawaii69  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:56:26pm

re: #534 victor_yugo

Well, if that's the case, then there wouldn't be any homeless children, would there?

Yeah...I just made it up.

542 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:57:47pm

re: #541 Hawaii69

Yeah...I just made it up.

Then you should have included your "/sarc" tag, even if merely abbreviated to "/".

543 centaur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 1:59:49pm

re: #535 Hawaii69

...and you'd be just as thrilled if Denver or San Diego
lost the bid?


Well, I would not be ... not being from Denver or San Diego, I wouldn't have much say. Being from Chicago, knowing the cesspool of graft and corruption it is, I have been staunchly against 2016.

544 centaur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:01:45pm

re: #542 victor_yugo

He didn't make it up. It's true. One big knock against Chiotown was the crime. Rio has more by a magnitude of, well ... of a lot ... including kills by cops to the score of (what I hear) three per DAY.

545 sagehen  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:02:31pm

re: #526 Mikey_Dallas

The part where you have just made a statement as if it were fact, and only have partisan BS to back it up so far. Honestly, every time the ballots were counted - all three times - Bush won Florida.

It's really hard to count the ballots that people weren't allowed to cast.

U. S. Civil Rights Commission Report

If you don't want to read the whole thing, just go through the executive summary.

546 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:09:30pm

re: #544 centaur

He didn't make it up. It's true. One big knock against Chiotown was the crime. Rio has more by a magnitude of, well ... of a lot ... including kills by cops to the score of (what I hear) three per DAY.

Yes, videos of two street-riot beating deaths published on the Internet within a week does have a way of dampening enthusiasm.

547 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:09:37pm

re: #545 sagehen

It's really hard to count the ballots that people weren't allowed to cast.

U. S. Civil Rights Commission Report

If you don't want to read the whole thing, just go through the executive summary.

OK, so I read it, and it concludes that voters WERE disenfranchised, and it concludes that there was NO conspiracy behind it.

Further, it lays much of the problem on local election officials in Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties - which are all heavily Democratic, which means that (the way these things are done) mostly Democrats were running the precincts on election day.

So I still don't see how this concludes that "Bush stole the election", which was what Ray's point was. There is absolutely nothing in that report that shows that Bush or Republican FL state officials were behind it.

548 psyop  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:12:43pm

Personally, I think Romney would have done a better presentation than the Obamas.

549 buster  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:13:43pm

Does anybody think that maybe the you-tube video of an honor student being beaten to death by a mob only three days or so before the IOC vote had an impact? The media kept telling us that is was Chicago or Rio, and Chicago had the edge. Then all of a sudden they are out in round one.

550 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:15:01pm

re: #529 non obama mama


Where are you getting this fallacious notion that host cities get money by hosting the Olympics.

This is a proven misperception. The Olympics are a money drain. This is the bottom line. Host cities want the olympics in order to "show off" their city - and that's it. It's about pride and galmour, but not substance.

Olympics = economic drain. That is the bottom line.

Source: [Link:]

A college student's term paper.

Now there's an authoritative source.


551 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:16:19pm

re: #549 buster

Does anybody think that maybe the you-tube video of an honor student being beaten to death by a mob only three days or so before the IOC vote had an impact? The media kept telling us that is was Chicago or Rio, and Chicago had the edge. Then all of a sudden they are out in round one.

As soon as I saw the screaming headline about the murder, I knew it was over for Chicago.

And I had to wonder, how much of the responsibility for that belongs to the city and the culture it fosters?

552 J.S.  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:16:47pm

re: #549 buster

CNN interviewed a person who's worked in the security field (including in past Olympic Games). It was the security person's opinion that issues of "security" didn't play a role in choosing the host city for 2016...He noted that Brazil (and Rio) have a far, far worse crime rate than Chicago, and Tokyo has impeccable security (very, very little crime) if security/crime, etc., were an overriding concern, than Tokyo would have won the bid.

553 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:20:58pm

re: #551 victor_yugo

As soon as I saw the screaming headline about the murder, I knew it was over for Chicago.

And I had to wonder, how much of the responsibility for that belongs to the city and the culture it fosters?

I never realized that murders only happen in Chicago.

554 Gus  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:26:36pm

re: #551 victor_yugo

As soon as I saw the screaming headline about the murder, I knew it was over for Chicago.

And I had to wonder, how much of the responsibility for that belongs to the city and the culture it fosters?

What about the culture that created anti-abortionist and anti-gay terrorist Eric Rudolph who also planted a bomb at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta:

Rudolph is most well known as the perpetrator of Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta which occurred on July 27, 1996, during the 1996 Summer Olympics. The blast killed spectator Alice Hawthorne and wounded 111 others. Melih Uzunyol, a Turkish cameraman who ran to the scene following the blast, died of a heart attack.
555 mich-again  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:27:49pm

I was rooting for Chicago to get the bid. I think it would have been a spectacular setting. But with London in 2012, Chicago wasn't going to get 2016. Non-starter. Congrats to Brazil. uhh but instead of having them in August, can we move the date to February so the Olympics will coincide with Mardi Gras? I want to see the dude on the stilts try to pole vault. After all, they are the summer Olympics and its not Summer in Brazil in August. Summer is in February. The IOC is hemispherist.

556 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:30:12pm

re: #555 mich-again

I was rooting for Chicago to get the bid. I think it would have been a spectacular setting. But with London in 2012, Chicago wasn't going to get 2016. Non-starter. Congrats to Brazil. uhh but instead of having them in August, can we move the date to February so the Olympics will coincide with Mardi Gras? I want to see the dude on the stilts try to pole vault. After all, they are the summer Olympics and its not Summer in Brazil in August. Summer is in February. The IOC is hemispherist.

How do you figure? Chicago and Rio are both in the Western Hemisphere.

557 Buster  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:31:37pm

re: #552 J.S.

CNN interviewed a person who's worked in the security field (including in past Olympic Games). It was the security person's opinion that issues of "security" didn't play a role in choosing the host city for 2016...He noted that Brazil (and Rio) have a far, far worse crime rate than Chicago, and Tokyo has impeccable security (very, very little crime) if security/crime, etc., were an overriding concern, than Tokyo would have won the bid.

Your point is well taken, but a fresh video (that I am sure was sent "anonymously" to the IOC committee members) might have an impact.

558 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:33:44pm

Happy Sukkot to all observing it...

559 mich-again  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:33:46pm

re: #556 Mikey_Dallas

How do you figure? Chicago and Rio are both in the Western Hemisphere.

Its a North / South thing.

560 Mikey_Dallas  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:34:30pm

re: #559 mich-again

Its a North / South thing.

Being from Texas, I understand that North/South thing :)

561 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:34:58pm

re: #553 Charles

I never realized that murders only happen in Chicago.

Not saying they do. But bragging about felonious conduct on the Internet? Being proud about how little regard one has for the law? That itself is sick enough. An entire social group founded on that principle could be stopped, except that they get a nudge-nudge-wink-wink from certain quarters in power, who themselves have similar regard for the law.

re: #554 Gus 802

What about the culture that created anti-abortionist and anti-gay terrorist Eric Rudolph who also planted a bomb at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta

He was one person, not a mob. But he hardly got a wink-and-nod from those in power, considering he's now serving five life sentences.

562 RexMundi  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:35:28pm

I'm so tired of this partisan stupidity. On both sides.

563 Basho  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:41:08pm

Congrats to Brazil. Their president was overcome with joy and pride, and 70% of the citizens wanted the Olympics. Better them than this seemingly ungrateful nation.

564 sngnsgt  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:41:37pm

This is one time I have to say just STFU Obama, chances would have been better if he just STFU and went to have a beer with someone.

565 josephus  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:43:56pm

I am a fan of Obama's as a person, but I am glad the bid lost. You can respect a President and disagree with him/her at the same time. The US is in no position to take on the potential losses that are associated with many Olympic Games (see Montreal 1976 - the debt was recently paid off 25 years later). Particularly now that corporate sponsorship money is way down it makes no sense economically as the cost/benefit ratio doesn't add up. FYI - Vancouver's 2010 Winter hosts are already looking at losses.

Further, it is inappropriate for Obama to go to Copenhagen, but, it is more than acceptable to support the overall bid. The optics of him travelling to Copenhagen while Iran is enriching uranium is fool hardy, embarrassing and will hurt him in the long run. The Olympics promote capitalism (TV rights are in the billions) and chest thumping nationalism . In essence a US ego fest. Obama spending his political capital on this event malkes no sense. I don't think many Americans realize that the Olympics are a unifying moment for the rest of the world to cheer against the US. The Olympics is why many see Americans as arrogant and selfish. Another Atlanta will actually hurt the US image abroad as it is just another USA #1 opportunity.

I thought Obama just finished telling the world that the US is no better than any other country. So why should the US/Chicago bid get the Olympics over another deserving country/continent that has never hosted the game before. If fairness is Obama's goal then Chicago justly lost!

566 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:44:12pm

re: #564 sngnsgt

This is one time I have to say just STFU Obama

That's why our radios and televisions have tuners.

567 Buster  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:45:53pm

re: #553 Charles

I never realized that murders only happen in Chicago.

By no means is Chicago the only violent city and Rio, as pointed out above, is not imune. It was Chicago however that had 1375 news articles (Acording to Google) and video detailing a brutal murder just days before the IOC vote. That can't have been helpful.

568 doubter4444  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:47:03pm

re: #510 DaddyG

You get that impression from watching cable news and reading blogs. The vast majority of the conservative population is too busy raising kids and working day jobs to be involved in the inter-election political posturing that younger college students and fringe pundits engage in.

The left also has a goodly chunk of the MSM to push their crazy while the right depends on interwebs and radio to push theirs.

Oh yes, right. It's the medias fault that BDS was played down, and ODS is played up.
Yawn.. and the inference that the "conservative" population is just united group of goodie two shoers is insulting.
At any given time the majority of the people in this country are working and trying to raise a family as best they can, Dem or Republican, liberal or conservative, urban or sub/ex/urban.
That's the divide that is the problem, right there in your comment... woe to us poor conservatives, we're better than you but everyones against us!
It's bullshit.
Conservatives are no better (or worse) than everyone else.

569 victor_yugo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:47:04pm

Charles has posted this link in the comments, two threads down.

The Weakly Standard bragged about cheering that Chicago lost, until they realized how low-class it made them look.

570 Pelkabo  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:53:10pm

Charles, I am just wondering why you seem so shocked lately that there are as many crazies on the right as there are on the left. It's as if you've just woken up to that fact in the past few months. Both sides of the political spectrum are made up of human beings. Some are intelligent, many are stupid, and nearly all are hypocrites -- ready to condemn in others what they excuse in themselves.

571 centaur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 2:58:55pm

re: #553 Charles

It's that the murder rate here, Charles, is increasing from already frighteningly high levels, and there have been more and more youth-on-youth crimes that are just heartbreaking, far more than just that one brutal video that hit the web last week. There have been more in '09 already than any year previous. What is so upsetting--and for me pointed more at Daley than Obama--but to some degree the Pres. as well--and to that pig Oprah--is that so much lip service is paid to this horrible epidemic while all their energy, passion, and political clout seemed directed at winning the damn Olympics.

(And yes, I already pointed out above that Rio has even more crime than Chicago.)

572 medaura18586  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:00:15pm

re: #550 Charles

A college student's term paper.

Now there's an authoritative source.


Oh so that's what that was? I tried to access it earlier but my connection kept crashing and gave up. Makes sense...

573 SouthAmericanWay  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:01:35pm

re: #1 TheMatrix31

I'm pissed we (America) didn't get it because I prefer our time zones for live events. Whatever, couldn't really care less either way.

You shouldn't be pissed. The time zone in Rio in August, when the Games will be held, is EDT+1. It won't make any difference for American viewers, time-zone-wise.

574 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:03:11pm

re: #570 Pelkabo

Charles, I am just wondering why you seem so shocked lately that there are as many crazies on the right as there are on the left.

And I don't know why you think I'm "shocked" at anything. I haven't even used that word.

It's as if you've just woken up to that fact in the past few months. Both sides of the political spectrum are made up of human beings. Some are intelligent, many are stupid, and nearly all are hypocrites -- ready to condemn in others what they excuse in themselves.

Wow. I never thought of that.

575 banner  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:11:31pm

People are celebrating because Obama politicized the process and injected himself (and his ego) into the process. He shouldn't have gotten as involved as he did, Presidents just don't do that. I suspect if he hadn't gone and done his whole heavy handed thing, Chicago might have fared better.

But people aren't celebrating it because America lost, but because Obama lost.

And isn't it funny how they're already blaming Bush?

576 erraticsphinx  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:14:08pm

re: #575 banner

Look up cognitive dissonance.

577 medaura18586  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:15:51pm

re: #575 banner

I suspect if he hadn't gone and done his whole heavy handed thing, Chicago might have fared better.

Wow,.. now we'll never know...

578 wiffersnapper  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:17:05pm

*gasp* Mitt using his brain?! That's unbelievable, it's an outrage I tell ya!


579 Mich-again  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:19:03pm

re: #575 banner

People are celebrating because Obama politicized the process and injected himself (and his ego) into the process. He shouldn't have gotten as involved as he did, Presidents just don't do that.

Really? Brazil's President did. link

580 erraticsphinx  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:22:54pm

re: #579 Mich-again

When is the newly elected PM of Japan resigning?

When is the king of Spain abdicating? What about Zapatero?

I'm sure the opposition there is celebrating too.


581 medaura18586  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:23:12pm

re: #579 Mich-again

And these counterfactual scenarios have no value whatsoever other than providing a rationale for such people to seethe because they want to seethe. Obama might have chosen not to get involved, Chicago might have still lost, and someone out there would be seething that had he gotten more involved, Chicago might have fared better. It's all inside their heads... a perfect illustration of mental masturbation.

582 centaur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:23:35pm

re: #575 banner

I don't disagree. But I honestly think he was cajoled into it, at first happy to let Michelle and the Chicago crew make the trip.

583 tveitskog  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:24:08pm

Now let me visualize this, my favorite Olympic sport of Ladies Beach Volleyball being played on the shores of Lake Michigan or the beaches of Rio de Janeiro. I don’t think Chicago had a chance. Even Obama, who I think is affected with narcissism couldn’t pull this off and he should not have tried. He’s got other people for these types of activities, however a great job for his wife.

584 centaur  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:24:26pm

re: #581 medaura18586

It's all in my my mind, so don't be unkind ...

585 tradewind  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:25:02pm

re: #1 TheMatrix31
Relax...Rio's time jump won't be such a stretch.

586 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:26:59pm

re: #565 josephus

The optics of him travelling to Copenhagen while Iran is enriching uranium is fool hardy, embarrassing and will hurt him in the long run.

What in the world does this have to do with anything besides you just grasping at straws? You can't possibly think not going to Copenhagen would have stopped Iran's nuclear program, can you?! No? You think he should make himself look so inept that he cancels all plans to travel to promote American Interests because Iran is enriching uranium? Because that would be embarrassing, not him looking like he can juggle many balls at once. What a stupid comment.

587 tradewind  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:28:54pm

I'm really surprised that Obama, lawyer that he is, forgot the number one rule when pleading a case: Never ask a question in front of a jury unless it's already been answered to your satisfaction outside the courtroom. I don't think he's stupid, so that leaves unadulterated arrogance as his motivation.

588 josephus  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:41:36pm

A little lesson in power for Sharmuta

These are mutually exclusive events (Iran and Copenhagen) and I agree one does not affect the other. I also agree that Obama can and should juggle many balls.

What you are failing to see is that any individual (including Obama) has a FINITE supply of political capital. Once used it is gone! This capital has to be used smartly and effectively in order to achieve goals. He needs to garner the most goodwill out of each engagement with the rest of the world.

This was a poor use of capital with no pay off.

BTW You make it sound like promoting American interests is a bad thing!

589 Gretchen G.Tiger  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:45:39pm

re: #22 HAL2010

Congratulations to Brazil. World Cup in 2014, and two years later the Olympics!

Bet those two years will be something else for the country.

I can't understand how they can celebrate the fact that the US did not get the Olympics, it should be a moment of pride for the whole country to be given the opportunity to host the Olympics.

I can tell you that there are alot of Republicans and Democrats in the Chicago Area that are thrillked tht we didn't get the Olympics. It was Daley who lost the bid, and it couldn't have happened to a better candidate.

590 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:57:18pm
591 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 3:59:22pm
592 The Sanity Inspector  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 4:07:26pm

re: #585 tradewind

Relax...Rio's time jump won't be such a stretch.

Just have remember: since they're in the Southern Hemisphere, the sun comes up in the west.

593 charlesincharge  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 4:38:49pm

re: #553 Charles

Murders can and do happen anywhere in the USA. But Chicago happens to take the "Gold" in that particular event. And that ain't easy considering they have to compete with cities like DC etc.

594 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 4:42:38pm

re: #593 charlesincharge

Murders can and do happen anywhere in the USA. But Chicago happens to take the "Gold" in that particular event. And that ain't easy considering they have to compete with cities like DC etc.

Actually, no, Chicago is not even close to the worst US city for murders:


595 elclynn  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 4:56:26pm

Since the Olympics are "International Games" it's kind of good that a South American country got them. We have already hosted our share of games, they have had zero opportunity until now. It should be great fun for them. And, it's a whole lot closer then Madrid. As for all the rest, I think everyone just whines too damned much.

596 akarra  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 4:56:39pm

re: #32 SecondComing

Yeah, on Twitter some very vocal right-wingers were chirping about this non-stop, like it was the greatest thing in the world that Chicago didn't get the Olympics.

It is hatred, sure, but it's also petty and small-minded and just plain insane.

597 charlesincharge  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 4:57:25pm

re: #551 victor_yugo

Respectfully Victor, I don't think that was the problem. Though it couldn't have helped. Rio actually has more murders per 100K than Chicago does. IMHO it was Chicago's presentation itself that killed it. The pre-taped stuff was pretty good but the live speakers were just plain bad. I did some channel surfing and came back to Obama speaking. When he got to the tenth I, me, my or mine in under 20 seconds I tuned away.

Better than a summery:

598 Sharmuta  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:12:38pm

re: #588 josephus

BTW You make it sound like promoting American interests is a bad thing!

Uh- no. You did that by suggesting the President shouldn't have gone to Copenhagen to lobby for an American city to host the Olympics.

599 doubter4444  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:21:51pm

re: #575 banner

People are celebrating because Obama politicized the process and injected himself (and his ego) into the process. He shouldn't have gotten as involved as he did, Presidents just don't do that. I suspect if he hadn't gone and done his whole heavy handed thing, Chicago might have fared better.

But people aren't celebrating it because America lost, but because Obama lost.

And isn't it funny how they're already blaming Bush?

You are misinformed.
Quel suprise.

600 charlesincharge  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:23:05pm

re: #594 Charles

Charles your numbers are rock solid (FBI) as expected. But those numbers are for 2007. I have heard and read several sources that say the current numbers, ie the previous 12 months, have Chi-town at #1. I just did some fast checking and no I can't supply a link. This is just a long way of saying I'm not just making up numbers.

601 [deleted]  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:23:27pm
602 Charles Johnson  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:25:15pm

Gladly! Au revoir.

603 Banner  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:42:32pm

Isn't it funny that when people were celebrating Bush's losses it was okay because they were 'opposing Bush, not America'. But when you celebrate a loss by Obama, now you're 'Opposing America' and 'Wanting America to Fail'.

Funny, isn't it? Interesting too, to see that even here there are more than a few people pushing that double standard. I'm not surprised the MSM is doing it, after all, they've been in the Tank for Obama since the begining.

604 jaunte  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:44:52pm

re: #603 Banner

even here there are more than a few people pushing that double standard

Are you going to provide a link, or just make a generalized, unsupported accusation?

605 Banner  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:46:30pm

re: #599 doubter4444

Nope, Saw Rowdy Gaines (NBC) say it on the news.

606 Banner  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:48:36pm

re: #21 Sharmuta

Ugly comments to match an ugly sentiment. Malkin and her fanboys have let their hatred get the better of them.

I find this an interesting statement from someone who automatically down dings me everytime I post.

607 jaunte  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:51:43pm
even here there are more than a few people pushing that double standard

Are you going to offer any backup for that statement?

608 jaunte  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 5:58:30pm
even here there are more than a few people pushing that double standard


609 avspatti  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 6:45:42pm

I'm happy that South America got the Olympics. That continent has never had them, and why is it not their turn? It will be good for TV viewing as the time difference is minimal, so we should enjoy seeing the competition is nearly real time. BTW, how many times have we had the Olympics (both summer and winter)? I am sure we'll have them again.

610 brennk2  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 6:49:46pm

re: #60 Honorary Yooper

Screw the IOC. They proved they can be more swayed by money (again) than anything else.

As for the right wing blogs celebrating this, fuck you too. Malkin, go screw. Take your asshole commentors with you as well. This loss is for the US, you cafeteria patriots, not just for Chicago, not just for Obama, but also for you and me.

I'm not sure it's a loss for any of us but the comment you made had as much class as what you were condeming. Try harder next time.

611 avspatti  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 6:50:52pm

As far as Obama is concerned, while I can understand his wanting to (or having to) help out his hometown, imo, he shouldn't have personally gone over to campaign for Chicago unless he was nearly certain it was going to be selected. Sending his wife, Oprah, etc. should have been sufficient.

612 Blue Fin  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 7:48:36pm

This reminds me of an error in judgment when making a presentation to PBS national for a show. With the best of intentions, our company brought in several board members and advisers ranging from well known Hollywood producers to a member of our country's most historic family. In a nutshell, the PBS executives felt a bit defensive with the star power present and what we presumed would be a confidence builder for them was in reality a hindrance due to a perception of being boastful. This could have been the case with the IOC.

613 josephus  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 8:37:45pm

re: #598 Sharmuta

No problem with Obama going to Denmark. His support for the bid is patriotic. Nevertheless, the President is not a token monarch who should open events and function in a ceremonial manner. His international prestige needs to be utilized for more important and pressing needs.
With the First Lady and Oprah going the President's support for the bid was already clear. The trip was poorly timed and a waste of valuable political capital as there is now fall out deserved or not. The President and his camp need his ratings to improve. This was poor judgment as the President waded into another situation with limited benefit and definite repercussions.

Spending time chasing an Olympic bid is the political equivalent of a reality game show Emmy! Nice and shiny but nothing to hang your hat on.

614 OrlandoParkRat  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 8:39:22pm

Overall, I think too much was being made of all this on all fronts. The IOC, for all its faults, does try and spread things around. Tokyo was out because it's too close to Beijing, which hosted in 2008. Madrid, despite the sentimental pitch by former IOC chair Samaranch, was out because London will host in 2012. That left Chicago and Rio. And with both bids being basically equal (per the articles on Wikipedia and their linked sources discussing the IOC scoring of them), the odds-on favorite really was Rio simply because South America has never hosted.

If the Rio bid was severely lacking, the IOC wouldn't have awarded it to them, despite the desire to award a games to South America. As I understood it at the time, when the IOC awarded the '96 Games to Atlanta, the sentimental favorite was Athens, since it'd be the 100th anniversary; however, its bid had a number of flaws (infrastructure issues, among others) that no amount of sentimentality could overcome.

Ultimately, the IOC needs the United States (for its corporate sponsorships, high-profile athletes and TV rights money) more than we need it. Regardless of who won the Games, the US TV nets will pay billions for the rights, Coca-Cola, McDonald's et al will pay millions to be "the official" whatever, etc. ... and the IOC knew it. So no risk in not voting for the US.

615 clgood  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 9:14:51pm

American didn't fail. Obama did. The real loser is Brazil, for having to host that corrupt circus. I don't care if Bush wanted it, I'd just as soon the Olympics stayed far away.

What Obama did here politically was shoot Himself in the foot.

Whether that's cause for celebration is debatable. A case can be made for it.

616 peterb  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 9:17:25pm

I'm imagining an alternate present where the US lost the Olympic bid, but Obama hadn't gone to Copenhagen to lobby, and Michelle Malkin would have a front-page article criticizing him for not doing enough to try to win the Games, because obviously he hates America.

617 The False God  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 9:29:38pm

I don't have anything to say about Obama trying to get the Olympics (which is a good thing), but I do have one thing to say:

Chicago? Why couldn't it be a city that DIDN'T suck to host it?

I've been to Chicago. A few times. It's not that nice.

I'd rather they host it somewhere, anywhere, else in the U.S. than Chicago.

618 endotoxin  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 10:12:02pm

Just another FAIL in what is becoming an ever expanding litany of failures for this failing Presidency. I am just sorry that some of our taxpayer money went for the Obamas and Oprah to have their little Danish vacation. Maybe now that Obama met with the commanding general for 25 minutes(!) he can get back to doing the work that a President should be doing.

Sorry if that wasn't a polite thing to say about Obama. Must be the ODS talking because there is surely nothing that this administration is doing that is in error. Down-ding away!

619 endotoxin  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 10:14:12pm

Thanks for the downdings, but I will never apologize for being critical of Obama. Dissent is patriotic!

620 endotoxin  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 10:14:42pm

Or was it paying taxes patriotic?

621 Canadian Guy  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 10:18:07pm

re: #619 endotoxin

Dissent is patriotic!

KOS??? Is that you?

622 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Oct 2, 2009 10:20:58pm

re: #621 Canadian Guy

KOS??? Is that you?

No, just a jackass.

623 chronos  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 12:02:47am

I'm glad Chicago lost. The Olympics are generally net money losers and the U.S. can ill afford to pay billions to host them. The connections to corrupt Chicago politics are all too obvious on this effort.

624 [deleted]  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 12:50:21am
625 aLohaTim  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 12:55:39am

I guess this guy wanted Obama to fail too


626 Hawaii69  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 2:09:55am

re: #542 victor_yugo

Then you should have included your "/sarc" tag, even if merely abbreviated to "/".

I didn't "make it up". If anything needed a sarc tag, it was my claim that I made it up.

The Rio police are infamous for forming "Death Squads" that eliminate the homeless.

627 Hawaii69  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 2:12:28am

re: #625 aLohaTim

I guess this guy wanted Obama to fail too


You must be lousy at guessing games.

His doesn't at all seem to be motivated by a wish to see Obama fail, unlike so many of the idiots who have piped up on the internet today

628 SixDegrees  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 2:16:34am

It's not a failure by 0bama. It's not about crime. It's not about politics.

It's about money.

Chicago bid $4.8 billion for the games.

Rio bid $14.4 billion.

It's just that fucking simple. The IOC is corrupt from top to bottom, openly solicits bribes and stands around waiting to have it's collective palms greased by potential host cities. Rio put up the most money the IOC can skim from, and it probably put together the best stable of hookers to keep IOC members happy during their visits.

Trying to spin this as some sort of political failure by the Administration is perhaps the stupidest thing I've run across, excluding Glenn Beck, who falls into a whole separate category of stupid.

629 Hawaii69  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 2:18:54am

re: #593 charlesincharge

Murders can and do happen anywhere in the USA. But Chicago happens to take the "Gold" in that particular event. And that ain't easy considering they have to compete with cities like DC etc.

Chicagos' got nothing on Rio.

Chicagos' murder rate is 16 per 100,000

Rios' is somewhere between 75 and 300 per 100,000...depending who you ask.

...and for the record, DC has a far higher murder rate than Chicago.

630 freetoken  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 2:19:51am

re: #628 SixDegrees

Trying to spin this as some sort of political failure by the Administration is perhaps the stupidest thing I've run across, ...

Well, VDH just tried that in an essay over on PJM. Then again, that essay has lots of silly things in it.

Agree with you: money talks. Plus, Europe has hosted the Olympics so many times I suspect that the smaller countries around the world were wanting to vote for any nation not in the crowd of usual suspects.

631 SixDegrees  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 2:21:11am

re: #625 aLohaTim

I guess this guy wanted Obama to fail too


There's a world of difference between arguing the economic merits of hosting the games, and going "Neener! Neener! Neener! You lost! Hahahahah!" because 0bama happened to be the target.

In fact, if economics were really of such concern to those engaging in the latter behavior, they need to explain why they haven't said a single word on the issue earlier than the last week, when 0bama's involvement was announced, and remained completely silent since April 2007, when Chicago made the finalist list - two and a half years of silence.

What bullshit.

632 SixDegrees  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 2:21:58am

re: #630 freetoken

Well, VDH just tried that in an essay over on PJM. Then again, that essay has lots of silly things in it.

Agree with you: money talks. Plus, Europe has hosted the Olympics so many times I suspect that the smaller countries around the world were wanting to vote for any nation not in the crowd of usual suspects.

I believe this is the first time the games have been hosted by a South American country.

633 Hawaii69  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 2:22:28am

re: #603 Banner

Isn't it funny that when people were celebrating Bush's losses it was okay because they were 'opposing Bush, not America'. But when you celebrate a loss by Obama, now you're 'Opposing America' and 'Wanting America to Fail'.

Funny, isn't it? Interesting too, to see that even here there are more than a few people pushing that double standard. I'm not surprised the MSM is doing it, after all, they've been in the Tank for Obama since the begining.

What's funny is your snarky, presumptuous yammering.

634 SixDegrees  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 2:24:38am

re: #603 Banner

Isn't it funny that when people were celebrating Bush's losses it was okay because they were 'opposing Bush, not America'. But when you celebrate a loss by Obama, now you're 'Opposing America' and 'Wanting America to Fail'.

Funny, isn't it? Interesting too, to see that even here there are more than a few people pushing that double standard. I'm not surprised the MSM is doing it, after all, they've been in the Tank for Obama since the begining.

So that behavior was bad when it was done to Bush, but now it's OK because 0bama is the target? Are you seriously saying something so hypocritical and stupid?

The GOP is becoming the party of All Hate, All The Time - and you think that's OK?

635 rolus  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 5:52:09am

Why would anyone want to place their athletes in a crime choked city like chicago? How many time did Rahm Emanuel say Diveristy? What a crock!
""There's no better city in the United States or the world to host the international community than Chicago -- because of the diversity,'' Emanuel said. "You're going to bring literally the whole world together for Olympic games, sports games, and competition. Chicago's a great competitive city -- has always been that. It has a great amount of diversity and it would be great for Chicago also for not only its diversity but for the economic opportunity that it provides in the sense of jobs and economic growth. "

636 Basho  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 7:10:49am

re: #620 endotoxin

Or was it paying taxes patriotic?


637 Perplexed  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 7:27:42am

Hmm, ever try to drive through downtown Chicago during a big event like Taste of Chicago? I have and after the first time avoided downtown Chicago like the plague. Traffic management alone should have resulted in Chicago not getting the Olympics.

Sales tax in Cook County, Illinois hovers around 10%. Add to that city and state sales tax and you have the state picking your pocket for everything you purchase. Cities bordering Cook County have threatened to pull out of Cook County and join the adjacent county so as to get lower taxes. The Olympic Committee might have wanted a place that had a stable local government.

Having the FLOTUS blatantly lie/prevaricate to the Olympic Committee was another faux pax. Perhaps the Olympic committee could do the math and realized that when Michelle had to have been 20 when she said that sat on her father's lap to watch Carl Lewis win his gold metals. It might have been an issue for her to come to Copenhagen dressed so flamboyantly instead of in the Olympic colors like some of the other women.

We didn't get the Olympics. As to those who complain about the Olympics not being in the same time zone, well take a look at a map and see what time zone Rio is in. It won't be that bad (-2 hours Chicago time).

638 MinisterO  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 7:44:39am

Did the downdingers of my first post cheer at this announcement? Those who did, could you show us where you voiced your patriotic objection to hosting the Olympics before the announcement?

639 Perplexed  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 7:52:21am

One other point is that the IOC might have done this in part due to some rather nasty encounters foreigners have had with our airport/immigration authorities.

640 elclynn  Sat, Oct 3, 2009 8:47:59am

Well, Axelrod is a poor loser. Said "it's the world's loss". What an idiot for saying that, it's the world's games. Sounded so damned childish. At least Obama congratulated Rio.

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The Good Liars at Miami Trump Rally [VIDEO] Jason and Davram talk with Trump supporters about art, Mike Lindell, who is really president and more! SUPPORT US: SEE THE GOOD LIARS LIVE!LOS ANGELES, CA SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AUDIO PODCAST:Apple Podcasts: open.spotify.comJoin this channel to ...
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