The Ludicrous Lies of Robert Spencer

Wingnuts • Views: 18,253

If you’ve read anything by Robert Spencer, you already know that he will blatantly lie when cornered.

Today he responds to my piece for the Guardian, with a ridiculous article that calls Pamela Geller a defamed freedom fighter. Spencer leaves out all the childish insults that he normally posts at his own site, because he’s trying to seem rational. And failing miserably.

The “freedom” Pamela Geller fights for is the freedom to hate. Her entire blog is dedicated to relentlessly demonizing all Muslims, and Spencer seems to think that by tossing out a storm of pure bullshit he can make people look the other way and not see the insanity that drips from every page of her website. Here’s a partial list of the crazy conspiracy theories and hateful ranting that is Geller’s daily fare.

Lie #1:

Johnson called her an “extreme rightwing blogger” and claimed, without offering any evidence, that she had “arguably done more than anyone else to incite fear and hatred over the so-called ‘Ground Zero Mosque’”.

This is ludicrous. Pamela Geller has been all over the news media for her opposition to the Cordoba House, and has organized two demonstrations against it. She’s unleashed a steady stream of hateful posts about everyone connected to the project, every single day for months on end. It’s not even debatable that she’s one of the loudest, most persistent hate mongers in this issue.

But Spencer wants you to think she isn’t. Why? Why not be proud of how successful she’s been at drumming up hatred for Muslims? Spencer will lie even when it’s not necessary.

And with a puritanical distaste that he would sneer at if it came from any conservative, he claimed that the New York Times profile of her featured a photo of Pamela “posing in her bikini”. This, too, was false.

And again, Spencer lies about something that’s quite easily checked. Here’s the photo spread to which I referred:

What do you see in the bottom right corner of that montage? Why, it’s Pamela Geller in her bikini. Why would Spencer lie about this?

Still more lies; Spencer claims that Pamela Geller really “loves” Muslims, and does not demonize them as a group:

…by claiming that Geller’s “target” was “all Muslims”, rather than Islamic supremacists who wish to destroy the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience and the equality of rights of women – and particularly, by his vicious equation of her with al-Qaida, Johnson betrays a breathtaking disregard for the facts. Perhaps he hasn’t caught any of the numerous media appearances in which Geller explained that it was love for Muslims, but hatred of oppression (the Islamic death penalty for apostasy, the widespread tolerance for honour killing in the Islamic world) that led her to take the stands that she has.

Again, all you have to do is read Geller’s own words to see how dishonest Spencer is being. For example, last December she wrote this:

How dare they use the word “extremists”? That is islamophobic! These are devout Muslims. There are no moderates. There are no extremists. Only Muslims.

And last November, she equated all “devout” Muslims with Nazis, and called for them to be banned from serving in the US military:

Devout Muslims should be prohibited from military service. Would Patton have recruited Nazis into his army?

Right, Mr. Spencer. She just loves her some Muslims.

Spencer goes on to dissemble about his and Geller’s relationships with far right European groups — the same transparently obvious rationalizations we’ve seen from him many times before.

Johnson (who used to refer to the Guardian as “al-Guardian”) claims that he broke with Geller and me “because of their increasing radicalisation and willingness to make alliances with far rightwing anti-Islam parties in Europe, such as Belgium’s Vlaams Belang and Britain’s English Defence League”. In reality, neither Geller nor I ever made any alliances with Vlaams Belang or the EDL (nor did she invite EDL leaders to attend our 11 September rally, as Johnson claims).

That should not be taken as a repudiation of either group…

Indeed, it shouldn’t be seen as a repudiation at all, because it isn’t. As I pointed out in my Guardian article, both Spencer and Geller have made it very clear that they support both the Vlaams Belang and the English Defence League, in no uncertain terms. Yet here’s Spencer again, trying to trick people into believing it isn’t true.

Two examples: Geller gushed about the EDL here:

How I wish I could be there to stand with the English Defense League.

Robert Spencer has called for “all free people” to support the EDL:

The EDL deserves the support of all free people.

As for the Belgian Vlaams Belang (the renamed version of an openly neo-Nazi party called the Vlaams Blok), Geller doesn’t just support them — she idolizes them. For example: VLAAMS BELANG: THE JEWISH PARTY! - Atlas Shrugs.

Spencer says his attempt to mislead you about this “should not be taken as a repudiation of either group” because he simply does not repudiate either group. He supports them. Openly. And yet, he’s trying to lie about it to the Guardian audience. Why not just come out and be honest, Mr. Spencer?

More lies:

Johnson also claims that “Geller often supports and glorifies people who can only be described as white supremacists and genocidal war criminals.” She “defended South African apartheid advocate and convicted terrorist Eugene Terreblanche,” he says. In fact, what Geller has written on the subject is this: “Insofar as my sanctioning of white supremacists in South Africa – that is a blatant libel. I do not… I vehemently disagree with Terre’blanche’s ideas…” She wrote that last April, seven months ago, but apparently it has escaped Johnson’s attention.

Here’s Geller’s post on Eugene Terreblanche. It’s impossible to read this any other way than as a defense of Terreblanche — and a racist defense to boot, starting with the article’s title: Genocide of White South Africans - Atlas Shrugs.

And here’s what she wrote:

The genocide of Boers taking place in South Africa is never spoken of. Particularly the Boer Farmers — it is called Plaas Moorde. In America you find little to no dialogue about the genocide of thousands of farmers in South Africa, because it’s black against white. It is politically incorrect to call attention to the deaths of these human beings. And we have been taught to believe that the ANC and Nelson Mandela are the “good guys.” The western media has made all whites in South Africa out to be racist monsters. This is simply not the case, and I would remind people that one of the steps to genocide is to dehumanize the target — dehumanize the Boer. (more)

What is happening in South Africa against the White population is a crime against humanity. Savage. And no one will speak of it.

It’s astounding that Spencer is trying to make excuses for this, but that, after all, is what he does.

And to end his piece, another transparently false statement:

Johnson likewise claimed that “Geller posted an ode of support to genocidal Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic.” In reality, she posted a piece that said quite clearly: “I am not defending Radovan Karadzic…”

Spencer links to a completely different post at Geller’s site, because the one to which I referred makes it overwhelmingly clear that she was indeed supporting Karadzic and praising him for his anti-Muslim genocidal activities: The Real Criminals Presiding over the International Criminal Court Part II of Nuremberg II - Atlas Shrugs.

Notice that she’s calling the International Court the “real criminals.” But Spencer wants you to believe Geller wasn’t supporting Radovan Karadzic.

In closing, I invite you to read the comments for Spencer’s article, because it’s pretty clear that his attempt to promote a series of Big Lies isn’t fooling anyone.

18 October 2010 1:52PM

You have to be joking!

Geller paints Muslims as either participants in a plot against the West, or alternatively dupes of the conspiracy.

My experience is the opposite. Although most Muslims are socially conservative, they are by no means default supporters of jihadist and Islamist political parties.

In fact, the battle against Islamist and jihadist politics is being fought - in this country and abroad - primarily *by* Muslims (some practicing, some “culturally” Muslim).

Instead of working to oppose the specific Islamist political parties - the Ikhwan, Jamaat e Islami, Hizb ut Tahrir, and their various fronts - Geller treats every Muslim as presumptively the enemy.

Not only is this hugely counter-productive - as you’re attacking my friends and allies who in some cases are literally putting their lives on the line - it is also a disgusting and sickening way to treat people.


18 October 2010 1:53PM

Johnson likewise claimed that “Geller posted an ode of support to genocidal Serbian war criminal Radovan Karadzic.” In reality, she posted a piece that said quite clearly: “I am not defending Radovan Karadzic…”

The next word in the piece is “however……….” and then goes on to justify Serbian atrocities as a war against Islamic jihadism. Both the author and Geller are nasty little rabble rousers seeking to whip up intolerance in the ignorant. It won’t wash.

Exactly right.

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1 Obdicut  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:06:59am

Nice to see the commenters getting it.

2 Almost Killed by Space Hookers  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:07:29am

Excellent post Charles. Creatures like Spencer and Geller do not do well outside of echo chambers.

3 darthstar  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:07:45am

Good morning're looking mighty Asian yourself!

Seriously, I know Geller is a whack-job, but there's a lot of other crazy out there that deserves attention.

4 Kragar  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:10:25am

Once again, Charles has to fall back on little things like facts and evidence to make his case instead of over the top rhetoric, veiled threats, and wildly offbase theories. Its just sad.

5 Gus  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:15:16am

Robert Spencer astroturfing for hate-blogger Pamela Geller at The Guardian. Classic. His description of her as a "freedom fighter" is particularly hilarious.

6 Shiplord Kirel  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:20:12am
In fact, the battle against Islamist and jihadist politics is being fought - in this country and abroad - primarily *by* Muslims (some practicing, some “culturally” Muslim).

This should be carved in stone somewhere, in letters ten feet high. When we read on a daily basis about policemen and government officials being murdered in Afghanistan or Iraq, who do the readers think these courageous public servants are? Imported Mennonites? With a handful of exceptions, they are practicing Muslims. They, far better than anyone else, understand the threat, for it is a moment-to-moment dance with death for them.

7 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:24:23am

Mr. Spencer has been using working like this for a number of years now...

In reality, neither Geller nor I ever made any alliances with Vlaams Belang or the EDL (nor did she invite EDL leaders to attend our 11 September rally, as Johnson claims).

That should not be taken as a repudiation of either group…

Here he is playing the other side of the coin...

"Robert, can you answer one simple question for me. This would help a lot in deciding what is really going on here. Which European political parties do you UNCONDITIONALLY condemn because of their proven ties to racist nationalism?" (Walter L. Newton email to Robert Spencer sent on Friday, November 07, 2008 1:16 PM)

And his answer...

"Actually, I am fighting jihad, and have no interest in or intention to investigate these groups. Insofar as they are fighting jihad, I applaud them. Insofar as they are doing anything else, my endorsement is not implied." (Robert Spencer email answer to Walter L. Newton sent on Sat 11/8/2008 10:39 AM)

Of course, I've posted this email exchange numerous times on LGF, and each time, I will get an email from Mr. Spencer clarifying that the email from him doesn't mean what I am claiming it means.

You read his current comment, and read the mails, and you decide.

8 sattv4u2  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:27:19am

re: #7 Walter L. Newton

Insofar as they are fighting jihad, I applaud them. Insofar as they are doing anything else, my endorsement is not implied

The enemy of his enemy is his friend!

9 wrenchwench  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:27:39am

Spencer says:

...the numerous media appearances in which Geller explained that it was love for Muslims, but hatred of oppression ... that led her to take the stands that she has. Those who doubt the sincerity of this statement should note that human rights organisations the world over have said and done virtually nothing about the plight of apostates from Islam or the Islamic justifications for honour killing.

Maybe they've said and done "virtually nothing" because apostates are not being killed the world over and the "Islamic justifications for honuor killing" aren't catching on. And even if one were to note your assertion of "facts", how would that impact the sincerity of Gellers explanations of her love for Muslims? Twisted logic trying to cover outright lies.

10 aurelius  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:44:08am


11 brownbagj  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:44:45am

Charles, a little advice.

You really, really should stop using facts when posting. Okay? As you can see from others, it is much easier to stay away from facts while blogging.

Much easier.

12 Walter L. Newton  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:46:03am

re: #7 Walter L. Newton

PIMF working = wording.

13 sattv4u2  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:46:50am

re: #12 Walter L. Newton

PIMF working = wording.

In that case, you're entire post is now meaningless and you are wrong!!

14 Charles Johnson  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:48:13am

I like the comment about my "puritanical distaste" for Geller's bikini picture.

Actually, it's more of an aesthetic distaste.

15 lawhawk  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:48:50am

re: #9 wrenchwench

AI and HRW have made their opposition to honor killings well known.

HRW - calls on India to prosecute rampant honor killings.
- stop making excuses Syria over honor killings.
No substitute for reforms - Jordan.

Jordan should reform penal code provisions that effectively reduce or eliminate punishment for violence against women instead of establishing special tribunals to hear "honor killings" cases, Human Rights Watch said in a letter to the Jordanian Ministry of Justice on August 10, 2009.

On August 12, the Jordan Times reported the 14th such killing this year, of a 16-year-old girl by her 39-year-old uncle to "cleanse his family's honor." He shot the girl after learning that his sons had raped her and that she had a child by one of them. Under Jordanian law, murder of a relative believed to be engaged in extramarital sex carries a reduced sentence.

"The current law is nothing less than an endorsement for murdering women and girls," said Nadya Khalife, women's rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. "The women of Jordan need protection from these vicious acts enshrined in law, not preferential treatment for their killers."

Amnesty International's workup of honor killings: religious, social, and political justifications and issues.

So, to claim that they've said and done nothing to deal with Sharia and honor killings is patently false. Could those groups have said and done more? Absolutely - just as any one of us can do more to spread the word about this heinous criminal act against women around the world - and one that isn't confined solely to Muslims.

16 sattv4u2  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:49:36am

re: #14 Charles

I like the comment about my "puritanical distaste" for Geller's bikini picture.

Actually, it's more of an aesthetic distaste.

hey ,, it's almost Thangsgiving! Maybe she would look better to you if she wore a Pilgrim Hat!

17 wrenchwench  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:52:55am

re: #15 lawhawk

AI and HRW have made their opposition to honor killings well known.

HRW - calls on India to prosecute rampant honor killings.
- stop making excuses Syria over honor killings.
No substitute for reforms - Jordan.

Amnesty International's workup of honor killings: religious, social, and political justifications and issues.

So, to claim that they've said and done nothing to deal with Sharia and honor killings is patently false. Could those groups have said and done more? Absolutely - just as any one of us can do more to spread the word about this heinous criminal act against women around the world - and one that isn't confined solely to Muslims.

By Spencer's "logic", that's proof that Geller doesn't love Muslims.

Who loves those victims more: the self-proclaimed human rights activists, or Pamela Geller?

The self-proclaimed human rights activists. Next question?

18 darthstar  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:54:29am

re: #14 Charles

I like the comment about my "puritanical distaste" for Geller's bikini picture.

Actually, it's more of an aesthetic distaste.

She looks like J-Lo after a long meth binge.

19 Charles Johnson  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:54:56am

Calling on all LGF readers with Twitter accounts to retweet this post! Spencer and Geller's fans are going nuts; let's help them get there.

20 brownbagj  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 10:56:03am

re: #19 Charles

Aha! You are supporting driving up insanity.

Charles is teh debil!


21 mp11  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 11:07:59am

Charles, if you get the chance please bring up the contradiction between what Robert says Pamela says (distinction between moderates and extremists) and what she actually says:

"How dare they use the word "extremists"? That is islamophobic! These are devout Muslims. There are no moderates. There are no extremists. Only Muslims."


"Devout Muslims should be prohibited from military service. Would Patton have recruited Nazis into his army? "

22 Kruk  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 11:24:43am

re: #1 Obdicut

Nice to see the commenters getting it.

Heh. I read CIF daily. It has its share of idiots and trolls, but also a lot of very smart and witty posters. I pity the fool who tries to peddle this sort of drivel there.

23 Charles Johnson  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 12:53:43pm

re: #21 mp11

Charles, if you get the chance please bring up the contradiction between what Robert says Pamela says (distinction between moderates and extremists) and what she actually says:

"How dare they use the word "extremists"? That is islamophobic! These are devout Muslims. There are no moderates. There are no extremists. Only Muslims."


"Devout Muslims should be prohibited from military service. Would Patton have recruited Nazis into his army? "

Thanks for the tip - I included those quotes in my post.

24 happy_days  Mon, Oct 18, 2010 6:29:39pm

Well refudiated!

25 Bourdain's Breakfast  Tue, Oct 19, 2010 2:38:37am

How embarrassing!

26 jbsegal  Tue, Oct 19, 2010 1:15:56pm

Re: bikinis...

Well, y'know, all I can see from that picture is that she's in a bathing suit.
It might be a 1 piece, or some form of tankini, or maybe she's swimming in her bra and panties... I really can't tell.

So to call it posing in her bikini is the basest speculation! How COULD you?


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