Axelrod: Obama ‘Taken Aback by the Brazenness’ of Romney’s Dishonesty

“Un-rooted in fact”
Politics • Views: 35,256

Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said today on “Face the Nation” that the President was “taken aback by the brazenness” of Mitt Romney’s lies during the first debate.

CBS’s “Face the Nation” host Bob Schieffer kicked off the conversation “with the obvious question — what happened?”

“The president showed up with the intent of answering questions and having a discussion, an honest discussion of where we will go as a country, and Romney showed up to deliver a performance, and he delivered a very good performance,” Axelrod said. “It was completely un-rooted in fact, it was completely un-rooted in the positions he’s taken before and he spent 90 minutes trying to undo two years of campaigning on that stage, but he did it very well.”

Schieffer followed up by asking if he was saying Romney “lied or was dishonest?”

“Well, yeah, I think he was dishonest,” Axelrod said.

“I’m saying he was dishonest in his answers, you can characterize that any way you want,” Axelrod later added. …

Obama, Axelrod said, “was a little taken aback by the brazenness with which Gov. Romney walked away” from his past positions and his record.

“That’s something we’re going to have to make an adjustment for in these subsequent debates,” Axelrod said.

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1 Charles Johnson  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:00:18pm

Right wing bloggers are clutching their pearls over Axelrod's statement. "How dare he accuse Mitt of lying?"


2 Sophia77  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:02:49pm

GOOD for Alexrod. My question is, why haven't more journalists called Romney out on his lies?

The GOP, for years now, has been growing ever more extreme, holding the nation hostage to Tea Party shenanigans in Congress. Everybody sees it, all over the world, yet people are afraid to call them on it for fear of appearing "unbalanced?"

Or what?

3 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:03:16pm

I bet they're completely ignoring the fact that Newt called Mitt a liar on Meet the Press this morning.
Mind boggling.

4 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:03:27pm

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Right wing bloggers are clutching their pearls over Axelrod's statement. "How dare he accuse Mitt of lying?"


I don't see it as an accusation. It's a fact - a clear, obvious, and supportable fact.

Oh yeah... reality isn't their thing.

5 Mattand  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:04:30pm
Schieffer followed up by asking if he was saying Romney “lied or was dishonest?”

“Well, yeah, I think he was dishonest,” Axelrod said.

What the fuck is the difference? Either way, you're knowingly saying shit that is wrong.

6 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:06:33pm

He may have been taken aback, but he still got caught flat-footed. Time to rev it up.

If Obama is still expecting Mitt to have 'a discussion, an honest discussion of where we will go as a country', he hasn't been paying attention.

Not buying this as a 'what happened'.

7 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:07:27pm

re: #5 Mattand

What the fuck is the difference? Either way, you're knowingly saying shit that is wrong?

It's the difference between calling someone a liar, and a fucking liar.

8 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:07:59pm

re: #6 SanFranciscoZionist

There will be no discussion. Only the "facts" that mittens thinks people want to hear.

9 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:10:58pm

re: #6 SanFranciscoZionist

He may have been taken aback, but he still got caught flat-footed. Time to rev it up.

If Obama is still expecting Mitt to have 'a discussion, an honest discussion of where we will go as a country', he hasn't been paying attention.

Not buying this as a 'what happened'.

Whatever the reason is, it's important to keep repeating , "Mitt lied his butt off," in as many places they possibly can.


10 A Mom Anon  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:12:20pm

Apparently calling someone a liar is the same as saying FUCK!!! on live network TV. Never mind if it's the truth or not.

11 DelusionDeluge  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:13:39pm

You have two debates left, Axelrod, and Obama has to connect forcefully. In the town hall debate, he should have an advantage, because the robotic Romney is going to have to look at audience members instead of Obama, and Obama doesn't have to look at Romney and nod (ugh). In this format, Obama needs to get Romney back on the defensive about all of his statements from the last debate, as well as the 47% remark. Let Mitt take up his time explaining instead of forging down new paths of bullshit.

In the foreign policy debate, it should be a slam dunk. There should be a reference to Romney's Bush/Cheney advisors in nearly every sentence you utter. Romney's reaction to the Benghazi crisis should turn that storyline back onto him, as a president who could fly off the handle before the facts are in. The rest should be bye-bye Bin Laden and the decimation of al-Qaeda.

Finally: exaggerate. Brag. Hell... lie. We're too late in the game, Obama, to believe that the truth will set folks free. Romney is proving that you can make your own truth to the undecideds and low-information swing voters. Go get them.

12 kirkspencer  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:19:00pm

re: #11 DelusionDeluge

You have two debates left, Axelrod, and Obama has to connect forcefully. In the town hall debate, he should have an advantage, because the robotic Romney is going to have to look at audience members instead of Obama, and Obama doesn't have to look at Romney and nod (ugh). In this format, Obama needs to get Romney back on the defensive about all of his statements from the last debate, as well as the 47% remark. Let Mitt take up his time explaining instead of forging down new paths of bullshit.

In the foreign policy debate, it should be a slam dunk. There should be a reference to Romney's Bush/Cheney advisors in nearly every sentence you utter. Romney's reaction to the Benghazi crisis should turn that storyline back onto him, as a president who could fly off the handle before the facts are in. The rest should be bye-bye Bin Laden and the decimation of al-Qaeda.

Finally: exaggerate. Brag. Hell... lie. We're too late in the game, Obama, to believe that the truth will set folks free. Romney is proving that you can make your own truth to the undecideds and low-information swing voters. Go get them.

Except... despite the lies and "losing" the debate, Obama still leads.

Romney kicked a field goal while trailing late in the fourth quarter. He still needs more than one touchdown to win.

13 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:21:33pm

re: #6 SanFranciscoZionist

He may have been taken aback, but he still got caught flat-footed. Time to rev it up.

If Obama is still expecting Mitt to have 'a discussion, an honest discussion of where we will go as a country', he hasn't been paying attention.

Not buying this as a 'what happened'.

In my opinion it took way too long for Obama to realize that the dream of bipartisan comity he brought to the Presidency wasn't actually going to happen, and that the Republicans had no interest in anything but blocking his agenda. I certainly hope it doesn't take as long for him to wake up to - and cope with - the fact that Romney's going to lie.

14 Killgore Trout  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:21:36pm

re: #6 SanFranciscoZionist

He may have been taken aback, but he still got caught flat-footed. Time to rev it up.

If Obama is still expecting Mitt to have 'a discussion, an honest discussion of where we will go as a country', he hasn't been paying attention.

Not buying this as a 'what happened'.

Agreed. Also, I'm not really that thrilled about the cheap excuses for Obama's poor debate performance. He needs to man up, get prepared and stop whining.

15 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:23:18pm

re: #14 Killgore Trout

Obama has to realize that mittens is going to lie, cheat and steal whatever he can to "win."

16 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:28:34pm

re: #14 Killgore Trout

Agreed. Also, I'm not really that thrilled about the cheap excuses for Obama's poor debate performance. He needs to man up, get prepared and stop whining.

I don't think he' whining. Lefties were pissed, and people keep asking what happned.
They're trying to appease supporters, and call out Mittens at the same time.

17 JamesWI  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:29:09pm

Looks like basing your entire campaign strategy around attack your opponent's genealogy and calling them "Professor" as if it were an insult isn't working:

18 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:30:19pm

re: #17 JamesWI

Looks like basing your entire campaign strategy around attack your opponent's genealogy and calling them "Professor" as if it were an insult isn't working:

[Embedded content]

Brown was appealing to the asshole vote. Apparently that isn't enough, even in a state whose residents are known as Massholes to the rest of the region.

19 AK-47%  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:31:41pm

re: #13 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne

In my opinion it took way too long for Obama to realize that the dream of bipartisan comity he brought to the Presidency wasn't actually going to happen, and that the Republicans had no interest in anything but blocking his agenda. I certainly hope it doesn't take as long for him to wake up to - and cope with - the fact that Romney's going to lie.

That was one of the interesting parts of the discussion, when waffling on his hiealth care plan, Romney boasted how "his" plan was a bipartisan effort - in contrast to the (identical) Obama plan that was "shoved down Congress' throat" without bipartisan support.


20 Interesting Times  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:32:01pm

re: #17 JamesWI

Looks like basing your entire campaign strategy around attack your opponent's genealogy and calling them "Professor" as if it were an insult isn't working:

Oh dear, did Scotty "Centerfold" Brown's prior leads get tomahawk-chopped? :P I do so love when karma runs over bigot-bait dogma.

21 Killgore Trout  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:32:05pm

re: #15 PhillyPretzel

Obama has to realize that mittens is going to lie, cheat and steal whatever he can to "win."

Of course he will (within reason). All this pearl clutching is silly. Not every Obama ad has been factually accurate, not every accusation for the Obama camp has been honest and not everything Obama said during the debate was 100% true either. (although I think the Donald Trump rating is fair, it was obviously a joke). Politicians lie. Mitt's statements during the debates are nothing terribly new. They've been part of his stump speeches and campaign ads for months. Of course the Obama camp had a good idea what Mitt was going to say, they just failed to prepare for it.

22 Killgore Trout  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:33:18pm

re: #16 Reverend Mother Ramallo

I don't think he' whining. Lefties were pissed, and people keep asking what happned.
They're trying to appease supporters, and call out Mittens at the same time.

As much as I was disappointed in Obama's debate performance I find the post debate spin even less appealing.

23 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:34:09pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Of course he will (within reason). All this pearl clutching is silly. Not every Obama ad has been factually accurate, not every accusation for the Obama camp has been honest and not everything Obama said during the debate was 100% true either. (although I think the Donald Trump rating is fair, it was obviously a joke). Politicians lie. Mitt's statements during the debates are nothing terribly new. They've been part of his stump speeches and campaign ads for months. Of course the Obama camp had a good idea what Mitt was going to say, they just failed to prepare for it.

Magical Balance Fairy is magical.

A steaming pile of bullshit =/= "not everything was 100% true".

24 makeitstop  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:35:48pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Mitt's statements during the debates are nothing terribly new. They've been part of his stump speeches and campaign ads for months.

Say what? Romney reversed himself on everything he's been saying in his speeches and ads.

I don't recall a single campaign ad where he advocated for banking regulations or against tax cuts for the rich. Not one.

25 Targetpractice  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:39:23pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Of course he will (within reason). All this pearl clutching is silly. Not every Obama ad has been factually accurate, not every accusation for the Obama camp has been honest and not everything Obama said during the debate was 100% true either. (although I think the Donald Trump rating is fair, it was obviously a joke). Politicians lie. Mitt's statements during the debates are nothing terribly new. They've been part of his stump speeches and campaign ads for months. Of course the Obama camp had a good idea what Mitt was going to say, they just failed to prepare for it.

You're shittin' us, right? You really think that Romney junking everything he's run on for the past 2 years and trying to rebrand himself as a "moderate conservative" is on par with Obama stretching the truth?

If you wanna shake pom-poms for him, at least be honest about it. This "I'm on your side, but..." bullshit got old a long time ago.

26 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:39:44pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Mitt's statements during the debates are nothing terribly new. They've been part of his stump speeches and campaign ads for months.

Really? He essentially reversed every position he has campaigned on for more than a year so saying that they've been part of his stump speeches and ads is untrue. Not that he has offered any specifics at all, of course, so I guess you can fall back on that as a defense.

27 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:41:07pm

re: #16 Reverend Mother Ramallo

I don't think he' whining. Lefties were pissed, and people keep asking what happned.
They're trying to appease supporters, and call out Mittens at the same time.

I'm not appeased. I'm not furious, but I'm certainly not going to glom onto "he was so shocked at Mitt's prevarications!"

Tactically, this may make sense...maybe.

28 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:42:09pm

re: #25 Targetpractice

You're shittin' us, right? You really think that Romney junking everything he's run on for the past 2 years and trying to rebrand himself as a "moderate conservative" is on par with Obama stretching the truth?

If you wanna shake pom-poms for him, at least be honest about it. This "I'm on your side, but..." bullshit got old a long time ago.

Seriously. What were the exact words Romney has used to describe himself? "Severe conservative."

29 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:42:53pm

re: #22 Killgore Trout

As much as I was disappointed in Obama's debate performance I find the post debate spin even less appealing.

Spin is a part of the game, my friend.
Dems. tend to get easily spooked, and that debate scared the mess out of a lot of them.
Just look at Chris Matthews, I thought his head was going to explode.

Anyway, as my dad used to say, "One grade won't make you, or break you. Lesson learned. Do better next time."

30 Obdicut  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:43:30pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Mitt's statements during the debates are nothing terribly new. They've been part of his stump speeches and campaign ads for months.

Did you actually watch it? He reversed himself on many of his stump speeches and campaign ads. I mean, he also contradicted himself a lot, but yeah, he did say new things.

How'd you miss that?

31 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:45:04pm

re: #25 Targetpractice

You're shittin' us, right? You really think that Romney junking everything he's run on for the past 2 years and trying to rebrand himself as a "moderate conservative" is on par with Obama stretching the truth?

If you wanna shake pom-poms for him, at least be honest about it. This "I'm on your side, but..." bullshit got old a long time ago.

Its a day that ends in Y. Someone needs attention.

32 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:45:05pm

re: #27 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm not appeased. I'm not furious, but I'm certainly not going to glom onto "he was so shocked at Mitt's prevarications!"

Tactically, this may make sense...maybe.

Actually, I think he was shocked at the degree of lies and policy reversals. Did he handle it well? No, but I can't disagree with the statement.

33 makeitstop  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:45:05pm

re: #30 Sheeplord

Did you actually watch it? He
reversed himself on many of his stump speeches and campaign ads. I mean, he also contradicted himself a lot, but yeah, he did say new things.

How'd you miss that?

Classical Liberal blinders.

34 jaunte  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:46:52pm

The Myth of Profligate Euro Zone Countries

"...In short, people who describe the euro zone crisis as a story of excessive government deficits are pushing an ideological agenda that has nothing to do with reality. The story of the current deficits of the non-Greece countries is the story of the collapse of housing bubbles that threw the euro zone economies into a severe downturn. The European Central Bank (ECB) has magnified the problem by maintaining relatively tight monetary policy in order to maintain very low inflation and also explicitly asserting that it would not act as a lender of last resort to the heavily indebted countries."

Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria:
“What I see is ignorance of what is reality, but especially of the potential of the Spanish economy.”

35 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:47:47pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Of course he will (within reason). All this pearl clutching is silly. Not every Obama ad has been factually accurate, not every accusation for the Obama camp has been honest and not everything Obama said during the debate was 100% true either. (although I think the Donald Trump rating is fair, it was obviously a joke). Politicians lie. Mitt's statements during the debates are nothing terribly new. They've been part of his stump speeches and campaign ads for months. Of course the Obama camp had a good idea what Mitt was going to say, they just failed to prepare for it.

Dude, don't lose the plot.
Mitt's level of dishonesty is unprecedented.
There's a difference between a pol. stretching the truth and chest-pounding, and the phenomenon that is Romney/Ryan 2012.

36 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:48:06pm

re: #14 Killgore Trout

Agreed. Also, I'm not really that thrilled about the cheap excuses for Obama's poor debate performance. He needs to man up, get prepared and stop whining.

What whining? I haven't seen any whining coming from Obama. He's simply using Romney's snake oil on the campaign trail. You could say he's using a weak debate performance to his advantage by using Romney's steaming pile of horse manure against him.

37 Obdicut  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:48:25pm

re: #27 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm not appeased. I'm not furious, but I'm certainly not going to glom onto "he was so shocked at Mitt's prevarications!"

Tactically, this may make sense...maybe.

I think that maybe they convinced themselves that Romney was going to keep on swinging as hard to the right as he has been, rather than suddenly reversing himself (but not really-- nothing has changed, he just said a bunch of stuff in debate that doesn't actually match his platform) on a lot of subjects.

I'm sure there were some people who said "What if he just lies during the debate?" but apparently they didn't get to do most of the prep. Or Obama didn't find that convincing.

Whatever is the case, I still think that Romney's particular tactic-- lying about his own positions, as well as Obama's record-- has a severe downside.

38 jaunte  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:49:06pm

re: #36 Gus

You could say he's using a weak debate performance to his advantage by using Romney's steaming pile of horse manure against him.

It's time Romney was made to hold his own manure.

39 William Barnett-Lewis  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:49:30pm

re: #22 Killgore Trout

As much as I was disappointed in Obama's debate performance I find the post debate spin even less appealing.

I take it you're "concerned" again?

40 Killgore Trout  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:50:31pm

re: #24 makeitstop

Say what? Romney reversed himself on everything he's been saying in his speeches and ads.

I don't recall a single campaign ad where he advocated for banking regulations or against tax cuts for the rich. Not one.

From September:

Obama vs. Romney 101: 3 ways they differ on regulation

Here's the nuance about Mitt's tax plan : [Link:]
None of this is terribly new. If you get your information about Mitt's policies from MSNBC and Think Progress you're going to end up with a fairly distorted view. You may not have heard of this stuff but the Obama campaign should surely be aware of it. This is their job.

41 Killgore Trout  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:51:35pm

re: #29 Reverend Mother Ramallo

Spin is a part of the game, my friend.
Dems. tend to get easily spooked, and that debate scared the mess out of a lot of them.
Just look at Chris Matthews, I thought his head was going to explode.

Anyway, as my dad used to say, "One grade won't make you, or break you. Lesson learned. Do better next time."

I really wanted Obama to do better but I have to admit Chris Mathews' reaction did bring me joy.

42 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:52:27pm

re: #40 Killgore Trout

From September:

Obama vs. Romney 101: 3 ways they differ on regulation

Here's the nuance about Mitt's tax plan : [Link:]
None of this is terribly new. If you get your information about Mitt's policies from MSNBC and Think Progress you're going to end up with a fairly distorted view. You may not have heard of this stuff but the Obama campaign should surely be aware of it. This is their job.

Heard about that and frankly I don't give a rats ass. Romney lied more and he's the one to beat not Obama. There is no nuance to Romney's tax plan which is essentially to keep the Bush tax cuts for the rich firmly in place.

43 AK-47%  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:54:13pm

Mitt performed well and Obama did not do enough to counter.

But Mitt has the luxury of running on what he would do, (which is in most cases not at all based on what he has done and supported in the past) whereas Obama has to run on what he has done and supported, which have generally been consistent.

44 kirkspencer  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:55:06pm

re: #40 Killgore Trout

From September:

Obama vs. Romney 101: 3 ways they differ on regulation

Here's the nuance about Mitt's tax plan : [Link:]
None of this is terribly new. If you get your information about Mitt's policies from MSNBC and Think Progress you're going to end up with a fairly distorted view. You may not have heard of this stuff but the Obama campaign should surely be aware of it. This is their job.

I read the article. What I noticed was that in all three cases Romney would revoke and repeal the regulations as passed and instead pass something else. In all three cases the "something else" was vague and undefined. Or as the article said it, "replac[e] it with a mostly unspecified but "streamlined regulatory framework."

So my distorted view is that Mitt has no plan, just vaporware. How is this wrong?

45 makeitstop  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:55:24pm

re: #40 Killgore Trout

If you get your information about Mitt's policies from MSNBC and Think Progress you're going to end up with a fairly distorted view.

Just stop. Right there.

I don't watch cable news - any of it - and I don't bookmark Think Progress.

Generalize much?

46 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:57:12pm

re: #40 Killgore Trout

From September:

Obama vs. Romney 101: 3 ways they differ on regulation

Here's the nuance about Mitt's tax plan : [Link:]
None of this is terribly new. If you get your information about Mitt's policies from MSNBC and Think Progress you're going to end up with a fairly distorted view. You may not have heard of this stuff but the Obama campaign should surely be aware of it. This is their job.

From that article:

Romney says “some of the concepts” in the legislation “have a place.” However, he says that, as president, he would work to repeal the law, replacing it with a mostly unspecified but “streamlined regulatory framework."

How is this being distorted? He says he will repeal the regulations. After that is a nebulous, meaningless statement. Where's this "nuanced" policy of which you speak? There is no policy besides "repeal the regulations."

47 Targetpractice  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:57:39pm

re: #44 kirkspencer

I read the article. What I noticed was that in all three cases Romney would revoke and repeal the regulations as passed and instead pass something else. In all three cases the "something else" was vague and undefined. Or as the article said it, "replac[e] it with a mostly unspecified but "streamlined regulatory framework."

So my distorted view is that Mitt has no plan, just vaporware. How is this wrong?

Willard's keeping to the GOP script: Declare efforts supported by Democrats "failures," accuse Democrats of not accepting "failure," promise to revoke those "failures," and mumble at the end that the revoked laws will be "replaced" with something better.

Or, as FDR so eloquently put it decades ago:

48 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:57:46pm

Take a second and watch this quick bit of history of Lincoln's Land Grant.

49 blueraven  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 12:58:52pm

re: #40 Killgore Trout

From September:

Obama vs. Romney 101: 3 ways they differ on regulation

Here's the nuance about Mitt's tax plan : [Link:]
None of this is terribly new. If you get your information about Mitt's policies from MSNBC and Think Progress you're going to end up with a fairly distorted view. You may not have heard of this stuff but the Obama campaign should surely be aware of it. This is their job.

Nuance? There isn't any nuance there.

Romney proposes 4.8T in tax cuts but does not offer how to pay for them except very broadly; loopholes and exemptions.

That is not nuance, it's bullshit until some specifics are added.

50 jaunte  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:00:19pm
Willard's keeping to the GOP script: Declare efforts supported by Democrats "failures," accuse Democrats of not accepting "failure," promise to revoke those "failures," and mumble at the end that the revoked laws will be "replaced" with something better.

Manure, a.k.a. vaporware.

51 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:01:02pm

re: #47 Targetpractice

Willard's keeping to the GOP script: Declare efforts supported by Democrats "failures," accuse Democrats of not accepting "failure," promise to revoke those "failures," and mumble at the end that the revoked laws will be "replaced" with something better.

Or, as FDR so eloquently put it decades ago:

[Embedded content]

That is something I've never seen before. Epic. Timely.

52 Killgore Trout  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:01:22pm

re: #44 kirkspencer

I read the article. What I noticed was that in all three cases Romney would revoke and repeal the regulations as passed and instead pass something else. In all three cases the "something else" was vague and undefined. Or as the article said it, "replac[e] it with a mostly unspecified but "streamlined regulatory framework."

So my distorted view is that Mitt has no plan, just vaporware. How is this wrong?

Like most modern presidential campaigns, Mitt's polices are vague and amount to a few paragraphs of very general stuff. Even Obama's healthcare reform plans were very vague for his campaign. A good political wonk can read between the lines, look at previous proposals from think tanks, and possible cabinet appointees but that's all guess work.

53 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:02:00pm

Despite Obama's unarguably terrible performance during the first debate, I really don't see how anyone can ever "win" a debate against Romney. At any given moment he's likely to flatly deny ever having said things he's spent the last 18 months harping on, or he says something in public and 12 hours later his campaign spokesman says that isn't his actual policy stance. I mean, seriously: what the actual fuck.

It's like debating J.R. "Bob" Dobbs. He'll say any damned thing to get your money.

54 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:02:01pm
55 Targetpractice  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:04:32pm

re: #52 Killgore Trout

Like most modern presidential campaigns, Mitt's polices are vague and amount to a few paragraphs of very general stuff. Even Obama's healthcare reform plans were very vague for his campaign. A good political wonk can read between the lines, look at previous proposals from think tanks, and possible cabinet appointees but that's all guess work.

And so far, based upon who he's got in his campaign and what he's said both now and in the past, he's bringing to the table the same tired ideas, with the same tired promises, just with a new face.

56 jaunte  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:06:09pm

Oct. 5 close: Dow Jones Industrial Average
13,610.15 +34.79 (0.26%)

57 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:06:38pm

re: #50 jaunte

Manure, a.k.a. vaporware.

58 Obdicut  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:06:45pm

re: #52 Killgore Trout

Like most modern presidential campaigns, Mitt's polices are vague and amount to a few paragraphs of very general stuff. Even Obama's healthcare reform plans were very vague for his campaign. A good political wonk can read between the lines, look at previous proposals from think tanks, and possible cabinet appointees but that's all guess work.

Actually, Obama was pretty specific. Here's an article on what he promised:


He makes a variety of specific and broad promises. Some are unfulfilled or partially fulfilled, but a large number of them are actually the heart and soul of the ACA.

Did you just not actually know he'd been that specific in his campaign promises?

59 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:07:10pm

re: #57 Gus


60 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:08:27pm

re: #53 Our Precious Bodily Fluids

Despite Obama's unarguably terrible performance during the first debate, I really don't see how anyone can ever "win" a debate against Romney. At any given moment he's likely to flatly deny ever having said things he's spent the last 18 months harping on, or he says something in public and 12 hours later his campaign spokesman says that isn't his actual policy stance. I mean, seriously: what the actual fuck.

It's like debating J.R. "Bob" Dobbs. He'll say any damned thing to get your money.

I have people in my family who are like this.
They are absolutely impossible in an argument.
In the end, you walk away before someone gets punched in the nose.

61 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:10:05pm
62 Killgore Trout  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:10:08pm

re: #55 Targetpractice

And so far, based upon who he's got in his campaign and what he's said both now and in the past, he's bringing to the table the same tired ideas, with the same tired promises, just with a new face.

I think that's a fair assessment. We've all seen this before. The only new thing I see about Mitt's campaign is the political environment he's running in. Although the Tea Party as a popular movement is dead, there are still plenty of Republican nuts in Congress and the Republican base has been fed a steady stream of toxic bullshit over the past four years.

63 A Mom Anon  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:11:43pm

I cannot find a specific plan anywhere. Taxes,healthcare,job creation,nothing. I've looked on the campaign websites,the GOP national site(except for their platform,which isn't very confidence inspiring),and I cannot find an answer to any of my questions,which are not that difficult or complex to answer. All I can find are generalities,like"repeal and replace"Obamacare, tax cuts to encourage job growth,not one thing of substance that tells me what exactly is going to happen if Mitt ends up in the White House.

Anyone find anything I'm missing?

64 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:11:59pm

re: #62 Killgore Trout

I think that's a fair assessment. We've all seen this before. The only new thing I see about Mitt's campaign is the political environment he's running in. Although the Tea Party as a popular movement is dead, there are still plenty of Republican nuts in Congress and the Republican base has been fed a steady stream of toxic bullshit over the past four years.

I will agree that Mitt is full of toxic bullshit.

65 blueraven  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:16:55pm

re: #52 Killgore Trout

Like most modern presidential campaigns, Mitt's polices are vague and amount to a few paragraphs of very general stuff. Even Obama's healthcare reform plans were very vague for his campaign. A good political wonk can read between the lines, look at previous proposals from think tanks, and possible cabinet appointees but that's all guess work.

That's just not true. There were specifics. Although all of them didn't pan out, at least he wasn't afraid to talk about them.
Insurance pools, public option, pre-existing conditions, limit insurance co % of admin cost, etc...

66 Targetpractice  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:18:26pm

re: #62 Killgore Trout

I think that's a fair assessment. We've all seen this before. The only new thing I see about Mitt's campaign is the political environment he's running in. Although the Tea Party as a popular movement is dead, there are still plenty of Republican nuts in Congress and the Republican base has been fed a steady stream of toxic bullshit over the past four years.

I would have to disagree with the assessment that the Tea Party is dead, because in my opinion, it was never alive to begin with. It was a manifestation of long-term rot within the GOP, not an independent movement that sprung up from nothingness.

67 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:20:06pm

Cue the wingnut whining regarding something about this flag.

68 erik_t  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:21:15pm

re: #67 Gus

Cue the wingnut whining regarding something about this flag.

[Embedded content]

48 states. Hawaii not a state. Illegitimate president. QED.


69 JeffM70  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:21:23pm

I guess Obama had been trapped deep inside the presidential bubble if Mitt's dishonesty caught him so off guard that he couldn't bring himself to correct Mitt any of the three times he repeated the Medicare lie.

70 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:22:25pm

re: #67 Gus

Cue the wingnut whining regarding something about this flag.

[Embedded content]

The child standing in front of it is trying to obscure the flag from view with its cardboard sign. Clearly, it has been taught to hate America.

71 AK-47%  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:22:57pm

re: #69 JeffM70

I guess Obama had been trapped deep inside the presidential bubble if Mitt's dishonesty caught him so off guard that he couldn't bring himself to correct Mitt any of the three times he repeated the Medicare lie.

I seem to recall that Obama explained what the Medicare Lie was about, but Romney stuck to it and repeated it again and again.

72 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:23:04pm

re: #67 Gus

But you do not need Big Bird you have Honey Boo Boo

73 Targetpractice  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:24:35pm

re: #71 AK-47%

I seem to recall that Obama explained what the Medicare Lie was about, but Romney stuck to it and repeated it again and again.

Indeed, I heard as much, Obama correcting and Romney continuing to repeat the lie. What was expected at that point, for Obama to point a finger and go "That's a fucking lie and you know it!"?

74 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:25:13pm

It's a 48 state flag...DERP...the flag looks soiled...DERP...

75 nines09  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:25:20pm

re: #63 A Mom Anon

I cannot find a specific plan anywhere. Taxes,healthcare,job creation,nothing. I've looked on the campaign websites,the GOP national site(except for their platform,which isn't very confidence inspiring),and I cannot find an answer to any of my questions,which are not that difficult or complex to answer. All I can find are generalities,like"repeal and replace"Obamacare, tax cuts to encourage job growth,not one thing of substance that tells me what exactly is going to happen if Mitt ends up in the White House.

Anyone find anything I'm missing?

They have no plan, no platform nor ideas save "Obama is a Socialist and we're all going to die". They are as empty as the suit Romney wears.

76 A Mom Anon  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:25:41pm

I think it's time for me to dig out my Sesame Street T Shirt and wear it around. It says,"All My Homies Live on the Street"with a pic of all the characters. Solidarity baby.

77 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:26:00pm

re: #72 PhillyPretzel


78 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:26:58pm

re: #77 Blackity Black Black!

I will be polite and accept it.

79 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:27:24pm

In the five minutes of the only episode of Honey Boo Boo that have seen,
her sister was bobbing for pigs feet.
Freshly butchered pigs feet...from a bucket of water...with her mouth.

That was all I needed to see.

80 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:28:21pm

re: #79 Reverend Mother Ramallo

And some people want to know why I support WHYY. /

81 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:28:44pm

re: #79 Reverend Mother Ramallo

In the five minutes of the only episode of Honey Boo Boo that have seen,
her sister was bobbing for pigs feet.
Freshly butchered pigs feet...from a bucket of water...with her mouth.

That was all I needed to see.

I only went as far as Google image results.

82 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:30:46pm

re: #81 Gus

I only went as far as Google image results.

You have to hear them to get the full effect.
Don't bother trying to understand what they're saying though.
Read the subtitles.

83 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:31:14pm

re: #71 AK-47%

I seem to recall that Obama explained what the Medicare Lie was about, but Romney stuck to it and repeated it again and again.

He absolutely did after the first time Mitt lied about it. Mitt then went on to repeat it, I think, 9 more times including in his final statement.

84 A Mom Anon  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:33:48pm

re: #82 Reverend Mother Ramallo

There's subtitles? Holy...what? I only made it as far as the pics on Google,I can't bring myself to go farther than that. Just.NO.

85 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:36:26pm

re: #84 A Mom Anon

There's subtitles? Holy...what? I only made it as far as the pics on Google,I can't bring myself to go farther than that. Just.NO.

I couldn't understand a word.
I wish I had stayed away.

86 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:37:40pm

re: #85 Reverend Mother Ramallo

Do you need some brain bleach to get rid of those images?

87 Charles Johnson  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:38:01pm

I'm pretending Honey Boo Boo doesn't exist. You can't make me believe this is real.

88 A Mom Anon  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:38:59pm

re: #87 Charles Johnson

Yep,me too,even though I've seen photographic evidence. It's CGI,that's all....

89 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:39:54pm

re: #86 PhillyPretzel

Do you need some brain bleach to get rid of those images?

The more, the better...

90 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:42:02pm

re: #78 PhillyPretzel

I will be polite and accept it.

I tweeted it.

91 jaunte  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:44:52pm
92 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:48:27pm

re: #90 Blackity Black Black!

And I added a public remark on my LGF profile.

93 sagehen  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:52:09pm

re: #79 Reverend Mother Ramallo

In the five minutes of the only episode of Honey Boo Boo that have seen,
her sister was bobbing for pigs feet.
Freshly butchered pigs feet...from a bucket of water...with her mouth.

That was all I needed to see.

I'll repeat what I've said about that family in the past.

Honey Boo Boo's mom has 4 children by four different fathers, 3 of whom have criminal records and 2 of which she married. Mama June herself has a criminal record. Honey Boo Boo has a niece, by way of her 17-year-old unmarried high school dropout of a sister, which makes Mama June a 35-year-old grandmother. The family has been on and off food stamps several times, and Mama June has been investigated by DCS as a possible unfit mother. She's also grossly obese, which has led to Type II diabetes, treatment for which is paid for by Medicare,

What would the right wing say about a black family that fit that exact same description?

94 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 1:53:07pm

re: #40 Killgore Trout

From September:

Obama vs. Romney 101: 3 ways they differ on regulation

Here's the nuance about Mitt's tax plan : [Link:]
None of this is terribly new. If you get your information about Mitt's policies from MSNBC and Think Progress you're going to end up with a fairly distorted view. You may not have heard of this stuff but the Obama campaign should surely be aware of it. This is their job.

Facts are facts, no matter where you get them from, just as long as it is corroborated with verifiable evidence; hell, even Fox News is reports stuff correctly sometimes.

The problem with reporting on Romney's positions is, as we saw in the first debate, Romney took everybody (including President Obama) by surprise by basically denouncing almost every position he's held since the run-up to the primaries. Up until the debate, Romney had been playing the TPers' game, but went towards the middle once he got onstage with President Obama and lied his ass off.

It's pretty hard to debate with a steaming pile of Jello.

95 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:00:38pm

re: #93 sagehen

I'll repeat what I've said about that family in the past.

Honey Boo Boo's mom has 4 children by four different fathers, 3 of whom have criminal records and 2 of which she married. Mama June herself has a criminal record. Honey Boo Boo has a niece, by way of her 17-year-old unmarried high school dropout of a sister, which makes Mama June a 35-year-old grandmother. The family has been on and off food stamps several times, and Mama June has been investigated by DCS as a possible unfit mother. She's also grossly obese, which has led to Type II diabetes, treatment for which is paid for by Medicare,

What would the right wing say about a black family that fit that exact same description?

That is one thing that infuriates me.
Honey Boo Boo's family can be judged as just one screwed up family, not representative of the group.

If they were black, they would be considered typical.
Right wing heads would explode, bills would be passed...

96 Charles Johnson  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:01:10pm

Update: the Image Library now has a nifty slideshow feature that lets you go through all the images you've uploaded:


97 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:08:45pm

re: #93 sagehen

I'll repeat what I've said about that family in the past.

Honey Boo Boo's mom has 4 children by four different fathers, 3 of whom have criminal records and 2 of which she married. Mama June herself has a criminal record. Honey Boo Boo has a niece, by way of her 17-year-old unmarried high school dropout of a sister, which makes Mama June a 35-year-old grandmother. The family has been on and off food stamps several times, and Mama June has been investigated by DCS as a possible unfit mother. She's also grossly obese, which has led to Type II diabetes, treatment for which is paid for by Medicare,

What would the right wing say about a black family that fit that exact same description?

They'd say that they are shiftless, lazy, welfare queens, sponging off of productive members of society; as it is, they're not black, but what some people would call "white trash".

I feel sorry for Honey Boo Boo and her sister being raised in that crap, because it just isn't right. And TLC can just suck it for perpetuating and promoting this sort of dysfunctional family, simply because it increases their ratings.

98 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:11:59pm

re: #93 sagehen

I'll repeat what I've said about that family in the past.

Honey Boo Boo's mom has 4 children by four different fathers, 3 of whom have criminal records and 2 of which she married. Mama June herself has a criminal record. Honey Boo Boo has a niece, by way of her 17-year-old unmarried high school dropout of a sister, which makes Mama June a 35-year-old grandmother. The family has been on and off food stamps several times, and Mama June has been investigated by DCS as a possible unfit mother. She's also grossly obese, which has led to Type II diabetes, treatment for which is paid for by Medicare,

What would the right wing say about a black family that fit that exact same description?

You know what they'd say.

On the other hand, they're not exactly holding Honey Boo Boo's family up as role models.

And I wouldn't care for it when they said it, just as I don't care for what seems like overexaggerated horror at these people from folks who aren't right-wing.

99 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:21:01pm

re: #98 SanFranciscoZionist

You know what they'd say.

On the other hand, they're not exactly holding Honey Boo Boo's family up as role models.

And I wouldn't care for it when they said it, just as I don't care for what seems like overexaggerated horror at these people from folks who aren't right-wing.

I'm not horrified by the people so much as I'm disgusted that this is what TLC is passing off as programming.
Couple that with the desire to cut funding for PBS, and we have a serious problem.

100 Talking Point Detective  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:26:24pm

re: #14 Killgore Trout

Agreed. Also, I'm not really that thrilled about the cheap excuses for Obama's poor debate performance. He needs to man up, get prepared and stop whining.

Looks like you are "concerned" about Obama's debate performance, eh?

Just curious. What does it mean that he needs to "man up?"

IMV - Romney "won" the debate because of his aggressiveness and lying. If you read the recent New Yorker profile of Romney, it's clear that his business success was largely predicated on the kind of arrogant confidence that does well in the hedge fund/consulting world as well as in public debates judged by the American public.

But if you're expecting him to imitate Romney's style, that isn't Obama's style - he probably wouldn't be able to pull it off very well. Second, it would contradict the identity he has with the public - which in the end may very well do as much damage as good.

He was not prepared in the sense that he didn't have at his ready responses to Romney's rhetoric - and there would be no excuse for a repeat performance there - but Obama has never been good at playing those kind of rhetorical games.

Obama is ahead, and he has to be careful about jettisoning the game plan that got him the lead. Still early to tell what the net effect of the last debate will be long term. Obama has taken a hit, for sure - but the impact over time of Romney's rhetoric has yet to be determined.

That you would advocate that he should do something as shallow and vacuous as "manning up" does seem a bit suspicious.

101 Charles Johnson  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:29:38pm

Why didn't I have a school bus like this one?

Image: jet-powered-school-time-jet-school-bus_UvtLB_54.jpg

102 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:29:51pm

re: #99 Reverend Mother Ramallo

I'm not horrified by the people so much as I'm disgusted that this is what TLC is passing off as programming.
Couple that with the desire to cut funding for PBS, and we have a serious problem.

I'm mostly discomforted by the exploitation of a number of these reality shows, even if the subjects agree to be exploited for whatever sums of money they probably desperately need. They remind me of that horrid "Queen for a Day" show that ran in the 50s. I remember feeling this same discomfort even as a little bitty kid watching that show. Even then it felt wrong to take advantage of people in dire need for the entertainment of others.

103 Talking Point Detective  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:30:07pm

re: #25 Targetpractice

This "I'm on your side, but..." bullshit got old a long time ago.

Killgore is "concerned."

104 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:30:26pm

Ooooh, Romney has a foreign policy speech tomorrow. At VMI.

105 makeitstop  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:32:08pm

re: #103 Talking Point Detective

Killgore is "concerned."

Another schtick that's past its sell-by date.

106 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:33:24pm

re: #102 allegro

I'm mostly discomforted by the exploitation of a number of these reality shows, even if the subjects agree to be exploited for whatever sums of money they probably desperately need. They remind me of that horrid "Queen for a Day" show that ran in the 50s. I remember feeling this same discomfort even as a little bitty kid watching that show. Even then it felt wrong to take advantage of people in dire need for the entertainment of others.

It's a sideshow.

107 Talking Point Detective  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:34:22pm

re: #101 Charles Johnson

Why didn't I have a school bus like this one?

Image: jet-powered-school-time-jet-school-bus_UvtLB_54.jpg

School attendance would be practically 100%. Can you imagine a busload of elementary school kids riding on that bus? They'd be out of their minds with excitement.

108 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:34:30pm

re: #104 Blackity Black Black!

As long as the weapons are locked inside the armory there should be no problem. //

109 Targetpractice  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:35:46pm

re: #104 Blackity Black Black!

Ooooh, Romney has a foreign policy speech tomorrow. At VMI.

Let me look into my crystal ball and foresee the future:

"America #1, needs a 'strong leader,' no more 'apologies,' we have nothing to be sorry about, Obama has made us weaker, and we'll be better off once we've declared war on half the fucking globe."

110 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:36:03pm

re: #104 Blackity Black Black!

Ooooh, Romney has a foreign policy speech tomorrow. At VMI.

We'll have to see if anything he says there has any resemblance to his upcoming debate on the subject.

111 Talking Point Detective  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:36:32pm

re: #101 Charles Johnson

Why didn't I have a school bus like this one?

Image: jet-powered-school-time-jet-school-bus_UvtLB_54.jpg

Could be the answer to the problem of high dropout rates.

112 elizajane  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:37:07pm

re: #6 SanFranciscoZionist

It wasn't the lying that caught me out, personally. It was the total changes on clearly stated positions. How can you argue with somebody who denies holding positions that they have long claimed to hold? You can't. You can only say things like, "How strange, Mitt, that's not what you said two weeks ago." It sounds nit-picky and small. It makes the conversation not a real debate, but rather one person sounding confident and the other sounding whiney. I can see why Obama didn't want to go there; he was sounding nit-picky enough as it was.
I'm still reeling from that debate. The agony was too intense.

113 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:37:14pm

re: #111 Talking Point Detective

Could be the answer to the problem of high dropout rates.

Sure would cook all those moms standing at the school bus stops.

114 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:37:45pm

re: #109 Targetpractice

Let me look into my crystal ball and foresee the future:

"America #1, needs a 'strong leader,' no more 'apologies,' we have nothing to be sorry about, Obama has made us weaker, and we'll be better off once we've declared war on half the fucking globe."

Don't forget, Obama doesn't understand America.

115 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:37:58pm

re: #109 Targetpractice

Let me look into my crystal ball and foresee the future:

"America #1, needs a 'strong leader,' no more 'apologies,' we have nothing to be sorry about, Obama has made us weaker, and we'll be better off once we've declared war on half the fucking globe."

And he'll diss another ally.

116 makeitstop  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:38:29pm

re: #109 Targetpractice

Let me look into my crystal ball and foresee the future:

"America #1, needs a 'strong leader,' no more 'apologies,' we have nothing to be sorry about, Obama has made us weaker, and we'll be better off once we've declared war on half the fucking globe."

You forgot something along the lines of 'I won't put America's military in jeopardy.'

As if spending a dollar less on our military (as opposed to $2 trillion more) is going to put us in any type of 'jeopardy.'

117 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:38:58pm

re: #110 allegro

We'll have to see if anything he says there has any resemblance to his upcoming debate on the subject.

He'll probably say everything that he disallows in the debate. Slippery.

118 Talking Point Detective  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:39:14pm

re: #109 Targetpractice

Let me look into my crystal ball and foresee the future:

"America #1, needs a 'strong leader,' no more 'apologies,' we have nothing to be sorry about, Obama has made us weaker, and we'll be better off once we've declared war on half the fucking globe."

Obama needs to stop appeasing terrorists and start supporting (autocratic fascist) leaders like Mubarak. He also needs to stop trying to police the world, but at the same time he should focus more on nation building.

119 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:39:53pm

re: #113 allegro

Sure would cook all those moms standing at the school bus stops.

hahaha. Apt.

120 Targetpractice  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:41:00pm

re: #115 Blackity Black Black!

And he'll diss another ally.

While fellating Israel, because we all know that its security is Job #1 for our military.

re: #116 makeitstop

You forgot something along the lines of 'I won't put America's military in jeopardy.'

As if spending a dollar less on our military (as opposed to @2 trillion more) is going to put us in any type of 'jeopardy.'

"I won't cut money from the defense budget (just from the programs your families are relying upon while your ass is stuck on a foreign battlefield)."

121 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:41:51pm

Obama camp prebuts Romney foreign policy speech

The Obama camp offered a prickly prebuttal Sunday afternoon to Mitt Romney’s foreign policy speech, which the Republican presidential candidate is scheduled to deliver Monday.

This from spokeswoman Jen Psaki as the president arrived in Los Angeles for fundraising:

“We’re not going to be lectured by someone who’s been an unmitigated disaster on foreign policy every time he’s dipped his toe in the foreign policy waters,” Psaki said. “Just as a refresher, this is the same guy who when he went overseas on his trip, the only person who has offended Europe more is probably Chevy Chase.”

122 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:41:58pm

re: #120 Targetpractice

While fellating Israel, because we all know that its security is Job #1 for our military.

re: #116 makeitstop

"I won't cut money from the defense budget (just from the programs your families are relying upon while your ass is stuck on a foreign battlefield)."

... and veteran's care.

123 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:44:38pm

Soviet threat !
Czechoslovakia !
Derp, derp, derpity derp.

124 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:45:03pm

re: #116 makeitstop

You forgot something along the lines of 'I won't put America's military in jeopardy.'

As if spending a dollar less on our military (as opposed to @2 trillion more) is going to put us in any type of 'jeopardy.'

He's talking to VMI (Virginia Military Institute) they want jeopardy. But, they are 18. I hate it when warmongers talk to young soldiers with a gung ho diatribe, they are fucking graduating and are ready to do battle.

Sane people in the Government are supposed to keep a military, but keep it from engaging as much as possible.

Not Romney/Bolton. My Dog.

125 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:45:33pm
126 Targetpractice  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:46:14pm

re: #122 allegro

... and veteran's care.

Bet that's another one of those bits that he now denies, his little performance piece where he suggested privatizing the VA.

127 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:47:20pm

re: #121 Gus

Obama camp prebuts Romney foreign policy speech

Just for the record, Chevy Chase apparently is a dick IRL, but I like how they weaved the National Lampoon's European Vacation reference in there.

128 wrenchwench  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:48:39pm

re: #125 Gus

[Embedded content]

I can haz "Rmoney"?

129 Talking Point Detective  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:49:20pm

re: #120 Targetpractice

While fellating Israel, pretending to fellate Israel for the purpose of culling votes from American Jews, because we all know that [exploiting concerns about Israel's] security is Job #1 for our military[political candidates] .
re: #116 makeitstop

130 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:50:01pm

re: #128 wrenchwench

I can haz "Rmoney"?


131 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:55:35pm
132 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:56:06pm

re: #131 Gus

Did he?

133 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:56:17pm

re: #128 wrenchwench

I can haz "Rmoney"?

134 wrenchwench  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:57:22pm

re: #133 Gus

[Embedded content]


135 ReamWorks SKG  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 2:59:07pm

I just got my CA Ballot!

Who here will be voting for the first candidate on the ballot for president: Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan?

(I disgusted that Roseanne Barr, who is Jewish, will share a ticket with rabid anti-semite Sheehan.)

136 sagehen  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:02:27pm

re: #115 Blackity Black Black!

And he'll diss another ally.

He's already slapped the UK, Russia, Canada, Italy and France, he still needs Japan and Germany to make the full G8...

137 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:02:45pm

re: #135 ReamWorks SKG

I just got my CA Ballot!

Who here will be voting for the first candidate on the ballot for president: Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan?

(I disgusted that Roseanne Barr, who is Jewish, will share a ticket with rabid anti-semite Sheehan.)

Fer realz? Though thinking about it, I'd have to say it would give me long pause if I had to decide between them and Romney/Ryan. That how bad R&R are. (R&R R?)

138 ReamWorks SKG  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:08:28pm

re: #137 allegro

Fer realz? Though thinking about it, I'd have to say it would give me long pause if I had to decide between them and Romney/Ryan. That how bad R&R are. (R&R R?)

Yes! Here's a Huffpo on it


139 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:13:21pm

re: #135 ReamWorks SKG

I just got my CA Ballot!

Who here will be voting for the first candidate on the ballot for president: Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan?

(I disgusted that Roseanne Barr, who is Jewish, will share a ticket with rabid anti-semite Sheehan.)

It's even more disgusting that "The Jewish Daily Forward" has published so many puff pieces about Roseanne Barr. WTF is up with that?

140 Kragar  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:13:52pm

re: #132 PhillyPretzel

Did he?

He got attended rallies supporting the war and approving of the draft, then made sure he got deferments because he was being a missionary in France. He went on record in an interview in 1994 saying he had no desire to go to Vietnam.

141 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:14:00pm

re: #138 ReamWorks SKG

Yes! Here's a Huffpo on it


Jill Stein is the Green Party nominee. I don't know anything about her but at least she isn't Rosanne Barr. Yikes.

142 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:17:37pm

I finished watching "The Hunger Games." It wasn't all that great. There were 2 things that bothered me about the movie:

1. It's supposed to be the freaking FUTURE, why are they still mining coal?

2. Why is everybody in District 12 dressed in 1930's period costume?

I haven't read the books, maybe it's explained in there, but the only explanation I can come up with is maybe "The Capitol" orders each District to conform to a certain historical period, like a reenactment village. They all dress like the court of 18th-Century France, if Louis and Marie Antoinette were tripping out on shrooms and acid.

You'd think people in District 12, with their sucky lives, would be cooking meth all over the place, like their real life counterparts.

143 Charles Johnson  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:19:04pm

re: #142 Sheila Broflovski

It's supposed to be the freaking FUTURE, why are they still mining coal?

Clearly, this is a world in which Republicans have taken over.

144 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:20:28pm

re: #143 Charles Johnson

Clearly, this is a world in which Republicans have taken over.

But Global Warming would have killed everybody centuries earlier.

145 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:26:22pm

Apparently they were singing "Dixie" at the Denver rally. (Cough, cough, cough)

146 Mocking Jay  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:26:52pm

Ruh roh.

147 uncah91  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:27:07pm

re: #142 Sheila Broflovski

It's a dystopian, post civil war future. The districts have been bombed back to an earlier time and kept there by an autocratic government. Rural China, rural India show how a remote "district" can be radically different from an urban center.

148 sagehen  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:28:50pm

re: #142 Sheila Broflovski

I finished watching "The Hunger Games." It wasn't all that great. There were 2 things that bothered me about the movie:

1. It's supposed to be the freaking FUTURE, why are they still mining coal?

2. Why is everybody in District 12 dressed in 1930's period costume?

I haven't read the books, maybe it's explained in there, but the only explanation I can come up with is maybe "The Capitol" orders each District to conform to a certain historical period, like a reenactment village. They all dress like the court of 18th-Century France, if Louis and Marie Antoinette were tripping out on shrooms and acid.

You'd think people in District 12, with their sucky lives, would be cooking meth all over the place, like their real life counterparts.

After the revolution, Capitol decided to hold the districts to minimal technology levels (the easier to prevent another revolution). Subsistence level food, not much medical care, no weapons, occupying army to enforce all this, scrambling so hard to survive they can't think about another uprising. The coal is to power the other districts, the Capitol uses clean/efficient hi-tech everything.

(District 11, where Rue comes from, is mostly black people living and dressing like the 1850's).

149 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:29:27pm


150 Mocking Jay  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:29:35pm

re: #142 Sheila Broflovski

I finished watching "The Hunger Games." It wasn't all that great. There were 2 things that bothered me about the movie:

1. It's supposed to be the freaking FUTURE, why are they still mining coal?

2. Why is everybody in District 12 dressed in 1930's period costume?

I haven't read the books, maybe it's explained in there, but the only explanation I can come up with is maybe "The Capitol" orders each District to conform to a certain historical period, like a reenactment village. They all dress like the court of 18th-Century France, if Louis and Marie Antoinette were tripping out on shrooms and acid.

You'd think people in District 12, with their sucky lives, would be cooking meth all over the place, like their real life counterparts.

Allow me to retort.

151 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:30:34pm

re: #145 Gus

[Embedded content]

Apparently they were singing "Dixie" at the Denver rally. (Cough, cough, cough)

So under the radar.

152 sagehen  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:31:08pm

re: #144 Sheila Broflovski

But Global Warming would have killed everybody centuries earlier.

A combination of global warming and some devastating earthquakes did kill most of California and Florida, the coastlines have moved significantly inland from where they are in our day. (Capitol is approximately Denver)

Image: Hunger-Games-Map-of-Panem-the-hunger-game-trilogy-13703262-1024-714.jpg

153 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:31:54pm

re: #149 Gus


In yo backyard. Dixie.

154 jamesfirecat  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:32:32pm

re: #145 Gus

[Embedded content]

Apparently they were singing "Dixie" at the Denver rally. (Cough, cough, cough)

Which Denver? Because if you're singing Dixie, and you're living above the Mason Dixon Line... you just might be a confederate sympathizer.

155 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:32:54pm

re: #154 jamesfirecat

Which Denver? Because if you're singing Dixie, and you're living above the Mason Dixon Line... you just might be a confederate sympathizer.

Denver, Denver.

156 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:34:09pm

Looks like Denver just said, "Fuck it."

157 jamesfirecat  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:34:50pm

re: #155 Gus

Denver, Denver.

Sorry, for some reason I thought that Denver might be like Springfield where there are more than one of them in the country.

158 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:38:31pm

re: #156 Reverend Mother Ramallo

Looks like Denver just said, "Fuck it."

Meh. Not regular Denver. This rally was set-up to attract the wingnuts from the surrounding counties. Romney would never hold a rally in central Denver.

159 Killgore Trout  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:41:36pm

Since the moonbats were blocked from entering the tribal areas of Pakistan to protest drones strikes it looks like the Taliban is willing to pay them a visit in Islamabad.
Terror alert for Americans in Islamabad

Pakistan's interior ministry has "issued a general threat alert on possible terrorist attacks in Islamabad", said a message posted on the US embassy's website.

Authorities had indicated that the possible attacks could target "key government installations in the downtown area of Islamabad, known as the 'Red Zone' and the Marriott Hotel, Serena Hotel, Holiday Inn, Best Western and Margalla Motel", the message said. The US embassy advised citizens to "avoid these areas, remain vigilant keep a low profile, and continue to exercise caution while in Pakistan".

160 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:42:40pm

Thanks so much for the update KT.

161 Ojoe  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:46:07pm

re: #124 Blackity Black Black!

Sane people in the Government are supposed to keep a military, but keep it from engaging as much as possible.

The important caveat here is that:

1) periods of peace in the history of the world come when there is one dominant power;

2) This dominance is built on military strength, to a large extent;

3) A military strength, to be credible in maintaining peace, must be used from time to time. Otherwise in the minds of the types of people who cause the real problems in this sad world, the strength is not really there.

162 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:48:58pm
163 Varek Raith  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:49:28pm

re: #161 Ojoe

The important caveat here is that:

1) periods of peace in the history of the world come when there is one dominant power;

2) This dominance is built on military strength, to a large extent;

3) A military strength, to be credible in maintaining peace, must be used from time to time. Otherwise in the minds of the types of people who cause the real problems in this sad world, the strength is not really there.

1) We are the dominant power.
2) Again, we have that.
3) We've been at war for 11 years.

So... Yeah, didn't help much in securing peace, eh?

164 Ojoe  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:50:47pm

re: #163 Varek Raith

In the big picture, considering especially the last two world wars, yes we have.

165 dragonath  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:52:16pm

re: #161 Ojoe

I wonder what Thomas Merton would think of that.

166 funky chicken  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:55:03pm

re: #6 SanFranciscoZionist

He may have been taken aback, but he still got caught flat-footed. Time to rev it up.

If Obama is still expecting Mitt to have 'a discussion, an honest discussion of where we will go as a country', he hasn't been paying attention.

Not buying this as a 'what happened'.

I buy it. It's an admission that Obama was poorly prepared, and it reflects upon a real failure by his team to predict what Romney was going to do. One really only had to watch his performance in debates from 2008 and 2012 primaries to learn he is perfectly willing to say entirely different things without flinching. I think his ridiculous back and forth comments about Romneycare and the Detroit bailouts should have gotten Obama's advisors' attention. Not to mention the "etch-a-sketch" statement made by a Romney advisor a while ago. The Romney camp broadcast their strategy, and the Obama team blew it.

Why Obama wasn't ready or willing to grasp on one or two specific fallacies and pursue them, I couldn't say.

167 Kragar  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:57:03pm

For those of you awaiting XCOM's release Tuesday;

Steam has activate preloading so you can download and get it installed pending activation on Tuesday morning.

168 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 3:58:31pm

re: #161 Ojoe

The important caveat here is that:

1) periods of peace in the history of the world come when there is one dominant power;

2) This dominance is built on military strength, to a large extent;

3) A military strength, to be credible in maintaining peace, must be used from time to time. Otherwise in the minds of the types of people who cause the real problems in this sad world, the strength is not really there.

Let's drop a nuke for peace! That'll work.

169 Kragar  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:00:07pm

re: #168 allegro

Let's drop a nuke for peace! That'll work.

The foundations of chivalry were built on the fact if you acted like an ass, you could be challenged in a duel to the death.

170 Kragar  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:00:22pm


171 Ojoe  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:01:41pm

Boring, old-time towercam view.

Old Lang sang.


172 Ojoe  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:03:22pm

re: #165 dragonath

Well he would be sad about that, and hope that people would wake up to the fact that:

"Paradise is all around us, and we do not understand."

(Merton quote)


173 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:05:41pm

re: #163 Varek Raith

1) We are the dominant power.
2) Again, we have that.
3) We've been at war for 11 years.

So... Yeah, didn't help much in securing peace, eh?

What I never understood from the right wing was how they're always harping about the US not having an adequate military despite, well, reality. Every single little potential threat is blown way out of proportion and they'll become hysterical about an imaginary threat by Venezuela. Or when the Chinese come out with one or two new diesel submarines it's like "the end of the world is neigh!"

174 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:06:55pm

China's going to build an aircraft carrier! Sound the alarm bells! We must build another 24 new aircraft carriers in order to remain a dominant force!


175 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:07:09pm

re: #129 Talking Point Detective

re: #120 Targetpractice

While fellating Israel, pretending to fellate Israel for the purpose of culling votes from American Jews, because we all know that [exploiting concerns about Israel's] security is Job #1 for our military[political candidates] .
re: #116 makeitstop

Because less than a quarter of 1.7 percent of the voting population smells like...a motivation to focus one's foreign policy?

176 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:08:01pm

re: #135 ReamWorks SKG

I just got my CA Ballot!

Who here will be voting for the first candidate on the ballot for president: Roseanne Barr and Cindy Sheehan?

(I disgusted that Roseanne Barr, who is Jewish, will share a ticket with rabid anti-semite Sheehan.)

Roseanne's got her own history of horrific statements about Jews. She and Sheehan deserve one another.

177 funky chicken  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:08:47pm

re: #116 makeitstop

You forgot something along the lines of 'I won't put America's military in jeopardy.'

As if spending a dollar less on our military (as opposed to $2 trillion more) is going to put us in any type of 'jeopardy.'

I'll just send them to Iran and Syria! No jeopardy there.

178 thecommodore  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:09:02pm

re: #16 Reverend Mother Ramallo

I don't think he' whining. Lefties were pissed, and people keep asking what happned.
They're trying to appease supporters, and call out Mittens at the same time.

Actually many lefties I'm reading on the net are poopooing how bad he was. Some even say he won.

At any rate, Obama has to bring his AAA game to the next two debates, and prepare to refute lies. If he is unable to do that, he may very well lose this election.

And a President Romney/Vice President Ryan/Teabagger Congress scares the living hell out of me.

179 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:09:03pm

re: #142 Sheila Broflovski

I finished watching "The Hunger Games." It wasn't all that great. There were 2 things that bothered me about the movie:

1. It's supposed to be the freaking FUTURE, why are they still mining coal?

2. Why is everybody in District 12 dressed in 1930's period costume?

I haven't read the books, maybe it's explained in there, but the only explanation I can come up with is maybe "The Capitol" orders each District to conform to a certain historical period, like a reenactment village. They all dress like the court of 18th-Century France, if Louis and Marie Antoinette were tripping out on shrooms and acid.

You'd think people in District 12, with their sucky lives, would be cooking meth all over the place, like their real life counterparts.

I'm given to understand that the world-building is a tad sloppy.

180 Varek Raith  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:09:07pm

re: #173 Gus

What I never understood from the right wing was how they're always harping about the US not having an adequate military despite, well, reality. Every single little potential threat is blown way out of proportion and they'll become hysterical about an imaginary threat by Venezuela. Or when the Chinese come out with one or two new diesel submarines it's like "the end of the world is neigh!"

China has a Cold War relic of a carrier!
Our 12 super carriers are doomed!

181 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:11:51pm

re: #180 Varek Raith

China has a Cold War relic of a carrier!
Our 12 super carriers are doomed!

Or even more dangerous. The ever dreaded Iranian sub!

182 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:13:51pm

The Iranian navy has cigarette boats like from Miami Vice! We're doomed!

183 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:15:26pm

Remember this?

Image: 749_wa.jpg

We're doomed!

184 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:16:57pm

re: #146 Mocking Jay

Ruh roh.

[Embedded content]

Well, the origin is not news.

The fact that it was taking a look at Dimona, on the other hand, might be.

185 Joanne  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:18:38pm

re: #52 Killgore Trout

What happened to you? I lurked here, reading comments for the longest time, and you used to be smart and reasoned. Now, it's so sad to say, you've become someone I roll my eyes and laugh at. How very sad what you've become.

186 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:19:47pm

re: #159 Killgore Trout

Since the moonbats were blocked from entering the tribal areas of Pakistan to protest drones strikes it looks like the Taliban is willing to pay them a visit in Islamabad.
Terror alert for Americans in Islamabad

Pakistan wouldn't let 'em go?

187 Mentis Fugit  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:20:07pm

re: #173 Gus

What I never understood from the right wing was how they're always harping about the US not having an adequate military despite, well, reality. Every single little potential threat is blown way out of proportion and they'll become hysterical about an imaginary threat by Venezuela. Or when the Chinese come out with one or two new diesel submarines it's like "the end of the world is neigh!"

Yer getting a little horse there, Gus.

188 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:20:07pm

re: #178 thecommodore

Actually many lefties I'm reading on the net are poopooing how bad he was. Some even say he won.

At any rate, Obama has to bring his AAA game to the next two debates, and prepare to refute lies. If he is unable to do that, he may very well lose this election.

And a President Romney/Vice President Ryan/Teabagger Congress scares the living hell out of me.

IIRC, the night of the debate, many of my fellow lefties lost it.
Obama was expected to run circles around Mitt rhetorically.
After a good night's sleep, they cooled down and said he won on substance.

189 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:20:29pm

re: #146 Mocking Jay

Ruh roh.

[Embedded content]

They needed a drone for that?

190 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:23:21pm

re: #189 Gus

They needed a drone for that?

The Negev Nuclear Research Center isn't actually in downtown Dimona, IIRC, it's out in the desert a short ways.

191 Killgore Trout  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:23:23pm

re: #186 SanFranciscoZionist

Pakistan wouldn't let 'em go?

The government blocked them from entering the tribal areas. It was a large rally and taliban groups promised suicide bombings. It would have been carnage.

192 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:24:54pm

re: #190 SanFranciscoZionist

The Negev Nuclear Research Center isn't actually in downtown Dimona, IIRC, it's out in the desert a short ways.

Yeah. I'm seeing the same old routine of people making up news before they have any facts already. I'm pretty sure if this was the old LGF we would have been on DEFCON 5 already and all dressed up to go to war. Or something. Because of one drone that no one knows about.

193 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:25:25pm

Also, see Gulf of Tonkin.

194 moderatelyradicalliberal  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:25:59pm

re: #178 thecommodore

Actually many lefties I'm reading on the net are poopooing how bad he was. Some even say he won.

At any rate, Obama has to bring his AAA game to the next two debates, and prepare to refute lies. If he is unable to do that, he may very well lose this election.

And a President Romney/Vice President Ryan/Teabagger Congress scares the living hell out of me.

I don't think it's that people were poopooing as much as just getting really fucking annoyed at the loser mentality that the left always seems to have. The left expects to lose and the right expects to win. The doom and gloom on the left is it's worst quality and for those of us who don't share it it just gets fucking tiresome. How Democrats ever get off of their fainting couches and ever win is a miracle.

The inability to turn the damn page and move the fuck on is annoying as hell. Obam's blood pressure is 107/71. If he couldn't shake things off and wallowed in negativity they way that his supporters do he'd be dead by now. The message of the poopooers was get over it and shake it the fuck off. That's not denial, that's the attitude you need to keep going and win.

195 allegro  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:27:10pm

re: #188 Reverend Mother Ramallo

IIRC, the night of the debate, many of my fellow lefties lost it.
Obama was expected to run circles around Mitt rhetorically.
After a good night's sleep, they cooled down and said he won on substance.

The way I see it is that if it's a win for Romney, based on aggressive lies and cheating, i.e. completely changing his positions that he's been running on since the get-go (realizing that there have been many of those), it's a loss for the country on a number of levels. This man is one of two running to lead this country and he's proven himself to be thoroughly without ethics of any measure. If we as a people can call this a win, then we deserve our fate as a diminished nation of losers.

196 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:28:14pm

This was on The Dish today, I would love the take of Lizardo land.

197 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:30:11pm

re: #195 allegro

The way I see it is that if it's a win for Romney, based on aggressive lies and cheating, i.e. completely changing his positions that he's been running on since the get-go (realizing that there have been many of those), it's a loss for the country on a number of levels. This man is one of two running to lead this country and he's proven himself to be thoroughly without ethics of any measure. If we as a people can call this a win, then we deserve our fate as a diminished nation of losers.


198 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:30:31pm

re: #188 Reverend Mother Ramallo

IIRC, the night of the debate, many of my fellow lefties lost it.
Obama was expected to run circles around Mitt rhetorically.
After a good night's sleep, they cooled down and said he won on substance.

That's a rationalization if ever there was one. I'd prefer if Obama supporters felt some urgency.

More precisely, I'd prefer if TP/GOP opponents felt some urgency.

199 Gus  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:41:02pm

Meanwhile back at the farm.

Israel Flies Mock Lebanon Raids

On Sunday, Israeli fighter planes flew mock raids over Lebanese villages to show their muscle after an unmanned aircraft was discovered and shot down in Israel this weekend...

That'll help.

200 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:41:42pm

re: #198 Our Precious Bodily Fluids

That's a rationalization if ever there was one. I'd prefer if Obama supporters felt some urgency.

More precisely, I'd prefer if TP/GOP opponents felt some urgency.

Oh, I think the urgency is there on the left.
It just helps no one to dwell on a bad night.
Substance matters, so I don't see why that's a rationalization.
More like optimism.

201 wrenchwench  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:42:10pm

re: #196 Blackity Black Black!

This was on The Dish today, I would love the take of Lizardo land.

[Embedded content]

What I like about Vimeo is the way they give me a different message for each video I can't see. "Uh-oh!" "Drat" "¡Ay Caramba!" etc.

Possibly not the feedback you were looking for....

202 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 4:46:54pm

re: #196 Blackity Black Black!

This was on The Dish today, I would love the take of Lizardo land.

[Embedded content]

Finishes blinking like a stoned fish in distress...

Well, on the plus side, I would suggest that it's a slightly more balanced understanding of the history of the region than I have conventionally seen in the past. Not exactly nuanced, but certainly more informed than some versions out there. Perhaps more lavish detail than was strictly needed in the earlier sections, and less than might have been needed in the later part, but there you are.

On the negative side, I would question the fact that only the Jewish figures appear to have children who go scampering over the land, and also the bizarre suggestion that Ashkenazim in traditional Jewish dress armed with handguns were a major group of combatants.

And it's inherently a little hard to show geopolitical conflict only in terms of cartoon fights between two groups of costumed people onscreen.

Also, strongly suggest that you could do one of these for practically any conflict on earth.

Final judgement: WTF did I just watch?

203 labman57  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 6:31:38pm

Mitt apparently thought he was a contestant on the old 1960's game show, "To Tell the Truth" -- "Will the REAL Mitt Romney please stand up."

Romney was clearly more assertive than Obama ... perhaps because the POTUS was indeed stunned by the extent to which Mitt "the Master Panderer from Massachusetts" flip-flopped on tax policy and health care coverage issues.

Mitt was giddy during the debate as he gleefully contradicted his own previous policy positions, feigned concern and compassion for struggling middle class Americans, interrupted his opponent and the moderator at will, and filled the void created by his lack of specifics with snark and scorn.

Obama only appeared to be sedate because he was standing next to Mitt ... who was as frenetic as a meth addict.

Romney's supporters claim that his performance was "presidential", apparently believing that the ability to be rude, rewrite your personal history by reversing your own positions (claiming that this has been your political agenda all along), and generally making crap up are qualities that are desirable in a national leader.

Furthermore, Mitt now claims that he will do nothing with respect to economic growth and tax policy unless the "numbers work". Well, it has been well-established that the math simply doesn't work.

Ergo, we can conclude that Romney's master plan is to DO NOTHING.

Now come the campaign ads.
Mitt spent most of the evening debating against his own prior public statements on his policy positions. Alas, there's this little thing called videotape. Cue the juxtaposition of Mitt v.1 vs. Mitt v.2 vs. Mitt v.3 vs ....

204 wheat-dogg  Sun, Oct 7, 2012 8:54:34pm

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Of course he will (within reason). All this pearl clutching is silly. Not every Obama ad has been factually accurate, not every accusation for the Obama camp has been honest and not everything Obama said during the debate was 100% true either. (although I think the Donald Trump rating is fair, it was obviously a joke). Politicians lie. Mitt's statements during the debates are nothing terribly new. They've been part of his stump speeches and campaign ads for months. Of course the Obama camp had a good idea what Mitt was going to say, they just failed to prepare for it.

When I got up this morning, I decided to use my Android tablet to read LGF. It has a 7" screen and sometimes I zoom in to read so close that the name of the writer scrolls off the top of the screen. For this particular comment, I went right to the first line and didn't even see the name of the writer.

But I knew as soon as I finished reading it that the writer was Killgore Trout. It had that signature style of "Well, that is true, to an extent, but on the other hand, this thing from the other side of the coin is also true, too. So the first thing is not so bad as you think."

Too predictable, KT. Try a change-up or something.

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