GOP Hostage Takers Release New Message

“This can all end” if you give us what we want
Politics • Views: 27,921

As we pass through the half-way mark of Day Five in the federal shutdown, polls continuing to show that the GOP is taking the blame for this shutdown and the public strongly opposes a shutdown over the Affordable Care Act. Yet the GOP continues to insist that it simply wishes to “negotiate,” declaring such in words that wouldn’t sound out of place in a video message from Al-Qaeda:

After the House’s latest partial spending measure passed Saturday, House Republican leadership asserted that the government shutdown could end if President Obama came to the negotiating table.

“This can all end,” House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) told reporters. “All the president has to do is sit down, along with Senate Democrats.”

“We never wanted a shutdown,” he added. “That’s why we’ve fully funded the government.”

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) reiterated that House GOP leadership would not bring the Senate spending bill to the floor.

“We have committed to fund the areas of government that we all agreed on, which is more areas than not. We’re trying to ease the plan here. They’re not joining us,” Cantor said. “We’re saying we’ve got a lot that we have in common. I think most Americans will not tolerate that this president has continued to say he’s not going to talk.”

In an interview with the AP released Saturday, Obama repeated that he would be willing to work with House Republicans on long-term government spending, but only after they pass the Senate bill to re-open the government and raise the federal debt ceiling.

More: House GOP Leaders: ‘This Can All End’ If Obama Sits Down With Us

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1 SnowdenBaggerVance  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 9:40:25am

This dick isn’t going to suck itself reasoning.

2 Eclectic Cyborg  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 9:54:02am

re: #1 SnowdenBaggerVance

This dick isn’t going to suck itself reasoning.

Crude, but appropriate.

3 ObserverArt  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 10:49:27am

Usually political groups hold strategy meetings. With this group they hold creative lying meetings. Except their lies aren’t very creative. A group of bratty 5-year old kids could teach them a thing or three.

4 Tigger2  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:03:55am

Lying piece of shits.

5 missliberties  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:04:05am

I think the President should call their bluff and invite the tea part to sit at the table with him and answer their questions.

6 klys  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:13:45am

Won’t someone save the kittens????

7 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:14:29am

So basically, the Tea Partyers are now playing the role of the Lord Humungus.

Image: H5.jpg

“Just walk away…..”

8 BongCrodny  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:17:44am

The President sitting down with the Republicans to “negotiate” is like Rick sitting down with The Governor to do the same on The Walking Dead.

9 Targetpractice  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:18:06am

re: #5 missliberties

I think the President should call their bluff and invite the tea part to sit at the table with him and answer their questions.

imagine if he actually did that. Just went out to the press and said “I’m willing to negotiate with Ted Cruz, as he seems the only one of the bunch who’s actually honest in how badly he wants to screw this nation over.”

10 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:20:47am
11 The Mountain That Blogs  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:23:18am

re: #9 Targetpractice

Marlin Stutzman was pretty honest too.

12 BongCrodny  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:25:17am

re: #1 SnowdenBaggerVance

This dick isn’t going to suck itself reasoning.

It Ain’t Gonna Suck Itself!

Youtube Video

13 Targetpractice  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:27:04am

Y’know, upon reflection, one could also characterize the GOP’s message as that of an abusive spouse. “If you just did what I told you, I wouldn’t have to hurt you!”

14 Charles Johnson  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:35:37am

I think I finally managed to find and block all those horrible toenail fungus ads.

15 Zamb  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:36:39am

Yes the President won’t sit down and give in to your demands that he repeal one of his signature accomplishments in order to fund the basic workings of the government that has absolutely nothing to do with the bill at hand. And he is being unreasonable. There simply is nothing else they want, they demand the ACA in order to allow the country to keep functioning, and if they get this the will know that when the continuing resolution ends they will be able to extract another price for 6 more weeks. They lost, they need to learn that and it needs to be made clear to the rest of the country that they did and are now throwing a little hissy fit.

16 Kilroy01  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:37:12am

Why do I keep thinking…
We will make no more territorial demands
every time I hear the Teabagger talk of negotiation.

17 dog philosopher  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:39:05am

Two-thirds (66 percent) of Americans think any agreement on the budget should be kept separate from discussions on the health care law. Twenty-six percent (including slightly more than half of Republicans) think any budget agreement should also cut off funding for the law.

there’s that 27% ‘moron percentage’ again

18 dog philosopher  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:39:45am

re: #14 Charles Johnson

I think I finally managed to find and block all those horrible toenail fungus ads.

thank you!

i will never buy that brand of toenail fungus again!!!

19 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:42:44am
20 Snarknado!  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:47:00am

re: #14 Charles Johnson

I think I finally managed to find and block all those horrible toenail fungus ads.

Don’t you want to keep them, as an inducement to subscribe?

21 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:51:36am

Oh look! Another reason for me to hate One Direction.

One Direction celebrate themselves with ‘1D Day’

You will notice that this is the same day as Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary.

I’m not supposing that 1D’s sleazy, Pick-Up-Artist music is terrorism, and thus a legitimate reason for a drone strike, is it?


Also, they are very bad British People.

22 jhrhv  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:54:23am

It’s possible that what we’re witnessing is a turning point in political history. This could be where the GOP gets left behind with the Tea Baggers. Standing on your principles is admirable well it when you’re principles aren’t depraved.

The GOP has come out of the closet in the last few years. They are the party of giving to the rich, taking from the poor, 19th century equality and voodoo or maybe just pure make believe economics to name a few. They shutdown the government and either laugh about it or say lets negotiate because well the last 5 years A) wasn’t long enough for them to do that and B) their idea of negotiating is you give me something and I tell you if it’s enough.

What is it that the GOP has to offer anyway? After trying to repeal the ACA over 40 times what is it they plan to offer in negotiations not to try and totally destroy the economy?

I choose to believe at this point the majority of people are wise enough to see through the GOP smoke screen and that as a politically party they are done until they do some big time internal reformation. We’ve seen many on the far right dementedly calling for revolt and or to secede. Well they might get what they want but it’s them that people are going to revolt against and or secede from.

23 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:54:41am

Just sounds like the usual Republican fuckery to me.

24 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:55:52am

Meanwhile, the mini-Breitbarts still pushing Obamaphone outrage.

25 piratedan  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:58:24am

I wish there was a way to deliver to these folks the “kind” of government that they claim to want….

floods in your county…. guess you shouldn’t have built that place down by the river…. Town leveled by a tornado, sorry just part of the price for living in the midwest. Wow, crop prices fell, well, the free market solves everything I guess you should have planted something more profitable.

No money left to retire on? You’ve developed cancer? Guess you should have planned for these things shouldn’t you?

But hey! you’re still speaking English!

26 nines09  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 11:58:39am

I think that the Tea Party should take the honorable way out. Instead of sacrificing the nation and it’s citizens, if they feel that strongly and cannot win they should commit Seppuku. Hopefully on live TV. Maybe en masse? Oh. Dammit. As I type this I realize they have no honor to salvage. Never mind.

27 Linda1961  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:01:21pm

In the past, gopers have been very good at messaging, even if they aren’t any good at governing. However, their messaging seems to be falling short at this time, and since they won’t or can’t govern, they’ve got nothing else. The stunts they have pulled (showing up at national monuments to stand with WWII vets or to berate park rangers) have backfired, and no one believes them when they whine that the President won’t negotiate with them. They still haven’t figured out that the fact that they aren’t doing their jobs (governing, which in the case of Congress, is passing legislation) is what has caused this mess. Even if they ever figure that out, I doubt they will be able to do the jobs they were elected to do. Not being able to control the message has really thrown them off. I hope this leads to most of them being voted out in 2014, but it’s a long time to the midterms.

28 BongCrodny  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:01:56pm
29 Kragar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:04:04pm
“We have committed to fund the areas of government that we all agreed on, which is more areas than not.”

This sentence sums up the everything wrong here.

“We agree on we need to pay soldiers?”


“We agree we need to pay police?”


“We agree we should pay NASA?”


“So why won’t you agree we don’t have to pay for healthcare? 3 out of 4 aint bad.”

30 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:05:38pm

For the Tea Party movement, this is do or die. If they fail in this undertaking - and I think they will - I have a suspicion they won’t know quite what to do next beyond their usual fulminating at whomever draws their ire.

Most likely, they will devour their own - certainly, a failure on the Tea Party’s part will have the effect of causing the leadership of the GOP to take a much dimmer view of them; after all, if it comes to that point, the Tea Party will have lead the GOP to disaster.

That may be when the Tea Party and the GOP part ways; the SoCons/White Nationalists/neo-Confederates/Evangelical fundamentalists/etc. that make up the Tea Party will either become so thoroughly disillusioned with politics that they quit the game entirely, or they splinter off to form a third party - a “Tea Party” or whatever they choose to call it.

The next few weeks will be interesting times indeed. Gonna have to stock up on popcorn, I can tell you that.

31 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:06:36pm
32 piratedan  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:08:24pm

h/t to

who’s mooching whom?

33 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:11:12pm
34 dog philosopher  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:15:58pm

Ten states where Obamacare wipes out existing health care plans

i’m furious that this article with an utterly false and misleading title is being passed around the innertubes

the article lists a number of cases where insurers have declined to list some or all of their plans on the aca exchange, leaving it to the reader to ignorantly assume that that means the plans will no longer be available

in addition, it cites aetna’s recent decision to stop offering individual plans in california (it will continue to offer group plans). the article does not even bother to state that this was due to anything having to do with obamacare, again leaving the reader to draw on their own ignorance and prejudices to draw the wrong conclusion

now i can’t go to sleep because Someone On The Internets Is Rong!!!

35 Charles Johnson  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:16:42pm

I’ve been taking a break from looking at, because the stupidity just gets to be too much to take.

So I click over there today and who’s at the top of their front page? Sarah Palin.

36 klys  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:17:09pm

re: #34 dog philosopher

You made francis so mad he needed to use all caps to respond to you.

You bad dog you.

37 A Mom Anon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:17:17pm

re: #32 piratedan

I think this is the thing that might end up screwing the tea party freaks. Many of them come from areas that depend heavily on the government being funded properly, like it or not. That money goes away, there’s going to be a lot of pissed off voters. And like most of the really far right wing, since there seems to be a disconnect and a severe lack of empathy for others, maybe the only way the tea party in some parts of the country will end up out of office is if their antics make people hurt in their districts.

It would help loads if our media didn’t suck so bad too. I am so tired of hearing how both sides are lying and both sides are to blame on this and only the Dems aren’t compromising. Enough already. It might be time to start calling the media when we call our congresscritters too. The wingnuts do it, a LOT, we need to as well. Call them on their shit. They’re hurting the country with this shit, it has to stop.

38 missliberties  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:20:42pm

re: #9 Targetpractice

re: #9 Targetpractice

Remember when the Prez stood on the stage alone and answered all the R’s questions on health care and totally kicked their asses? They vowed to never go mano a mano with the President in a debate again.

A photo of some tea baggers sitting at the same table as the President ‘discussing’ the budget would be the end of said tea baggers political career. Teh base would hunt them down!!11!!!!

I am just saying, call their bluff. They would rather poke their eyeballs out than negotiate with the President.

Their ‘offer’ to negotiate with the President is just a sham. It takes two and they got nothing, that they know/are aware of.

39 piratedan  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:21:10pm

re: #37 A Mom Anon

the problem is… that these folks aren’t even aware that they’re at the public teat. They still think that by cutting the government that we’re going to be going after those “other moochers”, the ones that live in the cities and have all these strange ideas about worshiping other deities and folks being gay and all. Those aren’t REAL Americans to these folks who are the salt of the earth.

There’s this idea that “we need them to grow the food” and that’s absolutely correct, we do, the world does, but there are also a damn laundry list of other things that we need that they don’t do and that’s the truth that they are utterly oblivious to.

40 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:23:08pm

re: #39 piratedan

the problem is… that these folks aren’t even aware that they’re at the public teat. They still think that by cutting the government that we’re going to be going after those “other moochers”, the ones that live in the cities and have all these strange ideas about worshiping other deities and folks being gay and all. Those aren’t REAL Americans to these folks who are the salt of the earth.

That’s very true. From their perspective, cutting the government only affects the ‘other’, not themselves.

They can’t see the forest for the trees.

41 dog philosopher  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:26:50pm

re: #36 klys

You made francis so mad he needed to use all caps to respond to you.

You bad dog you.


42 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:31:24pm

EDITORIAL: Pull the curtain on GOP theatrics

By Express-Times opinion staff :

“…We’d like to amend the health care bill, too. The medical devices tax will cut into research, development and employment at companies in the Lehigh Valley and central New Jersey, a sector of the economy that is innovative and growing.

But we can’t always get what we want; sometimes we have to settle for the imperfect today and keep trying.

That principle is part of the bedrock of our representative government, one that is being chipped away by those who’d abuse a minority tactic, risking economic upheaval to overturn a duly enacted law.”

43 piratedan  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:33:04pm

re: #38 missliberties

I agree, I think this come to the table offer is just so much bullshit, these guys are going to hold the country hostage no matter what and if this lever doesn’t work, well guess what, there’s another one coming due in just a couple of weeks.

I hope that we weather this “crisis of stupidity” but since we’re obviously bound by the very laws and protocols that these folks would gleefully abuse, we get to sit and watch while they trash the place and let their handmaidens in crime spin spin spin. Myself, I’d just arrest them but that would make them martyrs in the eyes of the constituents. Glad we have a Cool Hand Barry in the big chair.

44 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:38:01pm
45 Targetpractice  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:38:20pm

re: #38 missliberties

Remember when the Prez stood on the stage alone and answered all the R’s questions on health care and totally kicked their asses? They vowed to never go mano a mano with the President in a debate again.

A photo of some tea baggers sitting at the same table as the President ‘discussing’ the budget would be the end of said tea baggers political career. Teh base would hunt them down!!11!!!!

I am just saying, call their bluff. They would rather poke their eyeballs out than negotiate with the President.

Their ‘offer’ to negotiate with the President is just a sham. It takes two and they got nothing, that they know/are aware of.

The “negotiation” business is about playing into the public perception, one which the media is trying to stoke, that this is somehow a difference of opinion that should be ironed out. Every time he’s tried to engage in negotiations, they’ve fallen apart, with the GOP accusing him of “walking away” or “being unreasonable.” By refusing to even sit at the table, he’s got the GOP trying to convince voters that funding the government, something that they’ve spent months refusing to actually negotiate over, is a “compromise” on their part that entitles them to start picking apart the Affordable Care Act.

46 missliberties  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:41:30pm

re: #29 Kragar

I called a Rep today from my state and his staffer said, but but but but the President did sign a law to pay the military so he could pass more such laws to fund the govt, such as re-opening memorial. etc. etc. blah blah.

I asked him to think about what he just said. The President passed a law to pay the soldiers Correct. You want that law to be upheld, because the President signed that law. Correct. So the President can sign laws and they should be upheld, like the ACA? Correct, er um, no… wait a sec.

47 celticdragon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:42:12pm

re: #1 SnowdenBaggerVance

This dick isn’t going to suck itself reasoning.

Kneel before Zod Boehner!

48 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:42:57pm
49 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:45:53pm

Whoeve controls Obama’s Twitter is being more forceful than Obama himself.

50 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:47:33pm

re: #46 missliberties

I asked him to think about what he just said.

Good job! But perhaps one should ascertain whether he has good health coverage before asking him to strain himself in such an unusual way.

51 missliberties  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 12:55:11pm

re: #50 wrenchwench

Yeah, I left him stuttering! Boom! That really changes things!! :/

52 missliberties  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:00:18pm

re: #45 Targetpractice

Okay. I know. First rule of negotiating in a hostage crises, drop the gun or you got nothin.

But if the Prez did ask them to sit at the table, I don’t think they would show up, in spite of all their blathering. I mean the photo op would end their careers. So….. hey wait, that might be a good idea!!

53 missliberties  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:07:18pm

re: #39 piratedan

Well the House GOP is reminded folks of what that teet is, with all their stop gap funding measures. Wic. Head Start. Capital Police. National Parks. Etc.

Now they just said, heck, we will vote to fund all the federal employees because they are ‘good’ people? Or we need them. Or they perform a valuable service? Or this means we can keep the govt shut down longer, because you will eventually get paid, maybe after christmas?

54 piratedan  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:12:06pm

re: #52 missliberties

I would love to see the look on their faces if The Prez said, you guys want less government? You want no federal interference in your lives…. that’s fine, all constituents in your districts stop getting any funding of any sort at all…. keep your income, no IRS, no regulated gasoline, but i guess that means you’ll have to make your own, no food safety, so you’ll have to provide for yourselves, no workplace protection, so in case something happens, the laws most likely will end up in tediously long lawsuits but you’ll have to work that out in agreements with the rest of the country, so the lawyers in your areas of jurisdiction should be happy.

Since your constituents aren’t receiving any federal subsidies or handouts from the country, then there’s no need for you to represent them. Congrats gentlemen, you’ve been downsized and now can return to your home districts to live your life in the freedom you’ve requested. If you decide that your version of Freedom isn’t working, please feel free to petition the appropriate authorities and oh yeah, since you’re True Americans in name only, we’ll have to talk about your finances so that you can divest yourselves of the Marxist Socialist state that we’ve become and handle your own banking based on your own assets.

Thank you gentlemen, good day.

55 The Mountain That Blogs  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:12:47pm

re: #49 ProTARDISLiberal

He’s not being paid now. I’d be pissed too.

56 piratedan  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:13:17pm

re: #53 missliberties

well as far as I know, they’ve offered to keep the troops paid and the parks open, not so sure on if their offer has included the WIC or the IRS

57 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:16:42pm

Reading this is painful enough for me. Sometimes, I think leaving well enough alone is the best course. This kind of terrible psychological hell should never be grounds for euthanasia, IMHO.

Nathan Verhelst, Belgian transgender man ends his life with euthanasia

Obviously, this person was consumed by his mother’s horrible treatment of him as a girl child, but, personally, I don’t think transsexual surgery was the answer. The money might have been better spent on intensive counseling which could build confidence and pride in being born a woman, rather than allowing a mother’s hatred to lead to that decision to change her sex, a decision which ultimately killed him. A competent psychiatrist could have seen this, I think, and could have advised Verhelst that s/he might not get exactly what he wanted—no life is perfect, after all. To kill yourself because you’re not a perfect specimen? That is just beyond my understanding.

From my point of view, that is being born a woman and having to struggle in raising kids alone and being mother and father, making a life, fighting sex discrimination and seeing men having privileges I never would get, it just never occurred to me, while I might have seen the injustice and had envy at how easy it was for men in my position, that I would actually desire to be male. Did resent being female? Yes, sometimes it seemed that way, but what I really resented was being seen as “less” than my male counterparts.

58 kerFuFFler  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:17:47pm

Anyone willing to risk apoplexy or head-desk syndrome can check out Cruz’s recent insufferable warning———-that the shutdown may be putting us at risk of a terrorist attack and it’s all Obama’s fault for being so stubborn.

I can’t help but wonder if the demand for blood pressure medication is surging dramatically in response to recent events.

59 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:21:56pm
60 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:23:21pm

re: #58 kerFuFFler

Anyone willing to risk apoplexy or head-desk syndrome can check out Cruz’s recent insufferable warning———-that the shutdown may be putting us at risk of a terrorist attack and it’s all Obama’s fault for being so stubborn.

I can’t help but wonder if the demand for blood pressure medication is surging dramatically in response to recent events.

I have a different idea. If we are attacked while we are preoccupied with dealing with the GOP/Teabagger shutdown, Teabagger representatives lose their legislative immunity and have to answer criminal charges.

61 Charles Johnson  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:24:02pm

Here’s some cool personal news - the song I co-wrote with George Duke and the rest of the band, “Reach For It,” is being licensed for bumper music by the Jimmy Kimmel show. Can’t wait to hear Toshi Yanagi playing my guitar part. :)

62 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:25:57pm

re: #59 Lidane

Unfuckingbelievable. Issa really thinks his personal frivolous lawsuit against Holder is so important that it can’t be delayed like everyone else’s Federal cases.

More dogshit from a dogshit leader of a dogshit party.

63 sagehen  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:27:59pm

re: #61 Charles Johnson

Here’s some cool personal news - the song I co-wrote with George Duke and the rest of the band, “Reach For It,” is being licensed for bumper music by the Jimmy Kimmel show. Can’t wait to hear Toshi Yanagi playing my guitar part. find out what sort of royalties network TV pays these days:)

64 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:28:17pm

re: #61 Charles Johnson

Here’s some cool personal news - the song I co-wrote with George Duke and the rest of the band, “Reach For It,” is being licensed for bumper music by the Jimmy Kimmel show. Can’t wait to hear Toshi Yanagi playing my guitar part. :)

Verrrry cool. Congrats.

65 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:31:06pm

re: #62 EPR-radar

Unfuckingbelievable. Issa really thinks his personal frivolous lawsuit against Holder is so important that it can’t be delayed like everyone else’s Federal cases.

More dogshit from a dogshit leader of a dogshit party.

He USED to be my rep. I called his office often during the heath care fight. His staff was terribly rude, surprise. Glad I moved to another GOP area! Called new GOP’s office today - had to leave message.

66 blueraven  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:31:18pm

Don’t forget to thank your delusional right wing er…main stream lame stream media

67 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:40:00pm

re: #61 Charles Johnson

Here’s some cool personal news - the song I co-wrote with George Duke and the rest of the band, “Reach For It,” is being licensed for bumper music by the Jimmy Kimmel show. Can’t wait to hear Toshi Yanagi playing my guitar part. :)

Think he’ll wear white bell bottoms?

Youtube Video

68 Charles Johnson  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:41:42pm

re: #67 wrenchwench

Nah, he’s not cool enough to do that.

69 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:43:04pm

I was in King of Prussia this morning. When I was in Wegman’s I overheard two gentlemen discussing photography and the beautiful colors that are starting to pop up all over the Delaware Valley. These two gentlemen were very disappointed that they could not get into Valley Forge National Park. They did mention that they would go to some other areas in SE PA to photograph the fall colors. I will not repeat the names they were calling certain members of the GOP except they did agree with me about those certain GOP members throwing a “hissy fit.” I am sure Longwood Gardens and the Morris Arboretum will appreciate those two photographers.

70 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:45:00pm

re: #30 Dr Lizardo

For the Tea Party movement, this is do or die. If they fail in this undertaking - and I think they will - I have a suspicion they won’t know quite what to do next beyond their usual fulminating at whomever draws their ire.

Most likely, they will devour their own - certainly, a failure on the Tea Party’s part will have the effect of causing the leadership of the GOP to take a much dimmer view of them; after all, if it comes to that point, the Tea Party will have lead the GOP to disaster.

That may be when the Tea Party and the GOP part ways; the SoCons/White Nationalists/neo-Confederates/Evangelical fundamentalists/etc. that make up the Tea Party will either become so thoroughly disillusioned with politics that they quit the game entirely, or they splinter off to form a third party - a “Tea Party” or whatever they choose to call it.

The next few weeks will be interesting times indeed. Gonna have to stock up on popcorn, I can tell you that.

You’ve forgotten, “The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” I believe more than a few will go that route.

They’ve nothing to lose, in what passes for their minds, and much to gain.

71 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:45:09pm

re: #69 PhillyPretzel

You made me curious when saying they called the GOP names that you would not repeat. Email me those names.

72 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:47:24pm

re: #61 Charles Johnson

Here’s some cool personal news - the song I co-wrote with George Duke and the rest of the band, “Reach For It,” is being licensed for bumper music by the Jimmy Kimmel show. Can’t wait to hear Toshi Yanagi playing my guitar part. :)

Charles, check out your bad self starting at about 6:10:

Youtube Video

73 Kragar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:48:00pm

So, on reflection, I’ve decided to go with a Salamander’s based army. Bonuses with flame and melta weapons, and free upgrades to characters. Got to go thru my spare bits and see about scratchbuilding myself a Forgefather to run as my commander

74 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:48:31pm

re: #66 blueraven

Don’t forget to thank your delusional right wing er…main stream lame stream media

Somehow….the $ is still on the GOP?

75 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:49:11pm

Come on, Nancy - grab 20 Republicans who aren’t afraid to die and storm the plane!

76 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:49:47pm

re: #70 Romantic Heretic

You’ve forgotten, “The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” I believe more than a few will go that route.

They’ve nothing to lose, in what passes for their minds, and much to gain.

A few of them might choose that path, in which event they will be put down in a merciless fashion. Their “rebellion” will be little more than suicide by cop.

77 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:50:18pm
78 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:50:52pm

re: #73 Kragar

Got to go thru my spare bits and see about scratchbuilding myself

That doesn’t sound good at all.

79 Kragar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:50:53pm

re: #70 Romantic Heretic

You’ve forgotten, “The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” I believe more than a few will go that route.

They’ve nothing to lose, in what passes for their minds, and much to gain.

“Millions for defense, not one cent for public welfare!”

81 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:52:39pm

Quite the entertaining hashtag game on twitter this morning. My first submission I thought was pretty good:

Then there was this.

82 Kragar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:52:41pm

re: #78 wrenchwench

That doesn’t sound good at all.


I’ve got a toolbox filled with left over parts from years of collecting and building. Scratchbuilding means I assemble a full model out of spare bits.

83 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:53:08pm

re: #80 dog philosopher

You should be looking at the Daily Heil.

84 The Mountain That Blogs  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:53:17pm

re: #30 Dr Lizardo

certainly, a failure on the Tea Party’s part will have the effect of causing the leadership of the GOP to take a much dimmer view of them; after all, if it comes to that point, the Tea Party will have lead the GOP to disaster.

Not so sure about this. The GOP leadership already has a pretty dim view of the Tea Party, but the TP Congressmen don’t care because they have more to lose by being pragmatic than by going down guns blazing. Doing anything to help govern would get them primaried by someone even more insane. The average (average!) PVI on the districts from the 80 guys that signed that crazy letter is R+14.

85 Kragar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:53:24pm

re: #81 darthstar

Quite the entertaining hashtag game on twitter this morning. My first submission I thought was pretty good:

[Embedded content]

Schindler’s Honey-do List

86 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:53:38pm

re: #79 Kragar

“Millions “Billions for defense, not one cent for public welfare!”


87 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:56:47pm
88 sattv4u2  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:57:09pm

re: #61 Charles Johnson

Here’s some cool personal news - the song I co-wrote with George Duke and the rest of the band, “Reach For It,” is being licensed for bumper music by the Jimmy Kimmel show. Can’t wait to hear Toshi Yanagi playing my guitar part. :)

I wonder how much Paul Anka ended up making for The Tonight Show theme

89 Charles Johnson  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 1:58:20pm
90 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:01:03pm

re: #84 The Mountain That Blogs

Wow. +14 PVI? Yikes.

Can they actually find someone more insane, though? Is there a zenith or a plateau of insanity, beyond which only comes unintelligible gibbering, as though one has caught a glance of Nyarlathotep or Cthulhu, and ends up as merely a raving madman?

Will a newer TP candidate simply repeat “Iä! Iä! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn” and just leave it at that?

91 piratedan  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:01:34pm

re: #85 Kragar

No Country Club for Old Men

92 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:03:24pm

re: #81 darthstar

I’ve been saving something for you, in retaliation retribution return for that lovely cupcake you posted yesterday.

For your next Martini.


93 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:03:51pm

re: #91 piratedan

Sophie’s Choice Cuts

94 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:04:10pm

re: #92 wrenchwench

I’ve been saving something for you, in retaliation retribution return for that lovely cupcake you posted yesterday.

For your next Martini.



95 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:04:42pm
96 sagehen  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:05:07pm

re: #88 sattv4u2

I wonder how much Paul Anka ended up making for The Tonight Show theme

Multi-Oodles (that’s a mathematical term…)

97 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:05:10pm

re: #81 darthstar

Quite the entertaining hashtag game on twitter this morning. My first submission I thought was pretty good:

[Embedded content]

Night of the Clean Living Dead

98 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:05:32pm

re: #95 Gus


99 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:05:37pm

re: #95 Gus

That has to be one of the worst photoshop jobs ever.

100 dog philosopher  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:05:43pm

re: #72 Justanotherhuman

Charles, check out your bad self starting at about 6:10:

[Embedded content]

pop those funky riffs, “C”

101 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:07:42pm

re: #95 Gus

Hey Gus!!

102 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:08:14pm
103 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:08:27pm

re: #101 Stanley Sea

Hey Gus!!

Hey there!

104 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:08:40pm

U.S. Says Navy SEALs Stage Raid on Somali Militants

“The Baraawe raid was planned a week and a half ago,” said an American security official, speaking on the condition of anonymity about a classified operation. “It was prompted by the Westgate attack,” he added, referring to the mall in Nairobi that was overrun by militants two weeks ago, leaving more than 60 dead.

“Witnesses in the area described a firefight lasting over an hour, with helicopters called in for air support. A senior Somali government official who spoke on the condition of anonymity confirmed the raid, saying, “The attack was carried out by the American forces and the Somali government was pre-informed about the attack.”

105 BongCrodny  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:08:50pm

Jackass of the Day Award:

Health Care Holdouts

Collett counts himself among the 29 percent of people who said in an NBCNews/Kaiser poll they are angry about the health reform law. “The issue for me is that it is not the proper role of government,” he said.

Collett, who is married and has 10 children, says the kids are covered by Medicaid, the joint state-federal health insurance plan for people with low income and children who are not covered.

But it’s “absolutely not okay,” that they are, Collett says quickly. “There are a lot of people out there that’ll cry foul.”

Collett, whose children are home-schooled, likens taking Medicaid to sending children to public school. He also does not approve of government-funded public schools. “The government is taking your money. They are spending it on things they shouldn’t be,” he says. “Trying to get whatever you can back — I have nothing against that. You have to at some point try and get your tax dollars back.”

(Hat tip to John Cole at Balloon-Juice)

106 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:09:29pm

re: #102 Gus

Nice photoshop. //

107 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:11:48pm
108 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:11:59pm
109 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:12:06pm

re: #105 BongCrodny

Jackass of the Day Award:

Health Care Holdouts

(Hat tip to John Cole at Balloon-Juice)

FREAK siccing his 10 kids on us.

110 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:12:10pm

re: #95 Gus

That doesn’t look photoshopped at all…especially the blue cables.

111 The Mountain That Blogs  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:12:14pm

re: #90 Dr Lizardo

I’d like to think there is, but in some of these districts, there is a decent chance that a candidate that said nothing but Iä! Iä! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn might actually win a primary against an incumbent perceived to be collaborating.

112 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:12:31pm

The only thing lame about Sheila E is her twitter feed.


113 blueraven  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:12:35pm

re: #95 Gus

[Embedded content]

LOL…some people are actually stupid enough to believe this.

114 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:12:40pm
115 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:13:27pm

re: #110 darthstar

“Light and shadow. You can’t explain that!”

116 CuriousLurker  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:13:49pm

re: #95 Gus

[Embedded content]

*snort* People will believe any damned thing.

117 Targetpractice  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:14:39pm

re: #107 Lidane

[Embedded content]

4. Pose for pictures with the people you’re fucking over.

118 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:14:59pm

re: #111 The Mountain That Blogs

I’d like to think there is, but in some of these districts, there is a decent chance that a candidate that said nothing but Iä! Iä! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn might actually win a primary against an incumbent perceived to be collaborating.


Sadly, that’s probably true.

119 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:15:31pm

re: #116 CuriousLurker

*snort* People will believe any damned thing.

Some of these peeps are so weird it’s beyond words.

120 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:18:49pm

re: #105 BongCrodny

Jackass of the Day Award:

Health Care Holdouts

(Hat tip to John Cole at Balloon-Juice)

Yeah, this jackass probably gets every dime, plus earned income credit, back on 10 kids. Why doesn’t he take them off Medicaid if he hates it so much?

And he should try keeping it in his pants while he’s at it.

121 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:20:28pm

When you’ve lost the game show accounts, you’re screwed:

I suspect an intern is about to get fired.

122 CuriousLurker  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:20:32pm

re: #99 jaunte

That has to be one of the worst photoshop jobs ever.

Remember the one with the bees from Friday? I also realized later that the bees in mid-flight headed for the wing were the only things in the photo that appeared to cast no shadows.

That could only work if they were vampire bees, and if they were vampires, why didn’t the sunlight turn them to ashes? //

123 BongCrodny  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:21:04pm

re: #109 Stanley Sea

FREAK siccing his 10 kids on us.

It’s at least in part why I think the “Republicans are doomed” idea is far-fetched. These guys HATE HATE HATE the government, but they’ll take full advantage of the benefits offered, all the while running to their teabag buddies and complaining of “others” manipulating the system.

124 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:21:49pm
125 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:22:04pm



God these people are stupid.

126 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:22:22pm

re: #115 jaunte

“Light and shadow. You can’t explain that!”

I just don’t know how they masked the heat signatures so well.

127 A Mom Anon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:22:49pm

re: #95 Gus

OK, anyone who really thinks that’s happening right now needs to go walk it off and have their computer taken away from them until they calm the fuck down(plus two weeks).

128 BongCrodny  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:23:00pm

re: #124 Gus

[Embedded content]

Mount Derpmore!

129 CuriousLurker  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:24:57pm

re: #124 Gus

[Embedded content]

You should’ve put POTUS’s picture on it. They’d totally fall for it since they think he’s an arrogant megalomaniac anyway.

130 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:25:09pm

re: #128 BongCrodny

Mount Derpmore!

Derp, by Derpwest.

131 urbanmeemaw  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:25:34pm

re: #32 piratedan

I know I keep beating this dead horse, but shouldn’t the media be using facts and numbers like to provide context and to ask these clowns if they want to give up their subsidies? Oh, wait, that’s not Chuck Todd’s job.

132 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:26:42pm

re: #130 Gus

Derp, by Derpwest.

Across the Great Derpvide.

133 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:27:43pm

re: #125 Lidane



[Embedded content]

God these people are stupid.

What stupid? Some of the CR proposals floated have been for 3 months. Moreover, this particular CR carries with it a debt limit extension for the same amount of time, a ‘tack-on’ I think the Democrats would accept.

134 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:27:47pm

re: #116 CuriousLurker

*snort* People will believe any damned thing.

It’s not at all about believing it. It’s about the lie as a shibboleth. They know they’re lying and the people being lied to know it too. The lie, the knowing acceptance and the cynical repetition are all part of a coded conversational handshake with the sole intent of separating the “true” conservative from the outsider.

This is about a systemic rot at the very core of what it means to have character and integrity.

135 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:27:56pm

Actual comments seen on FB last night:

[name redacted]: Why should doctors that have paid for better educations take the same money as ones who haven’t? My husband works very hard to pay alot for private insurance so we java access to the best doctors! I don’t want my top surgeon being filled up with people who can’t afford him! I’m willing to buy top dollar insurance to have my top surgeon/doctor!! Just like buying a first class ticket or riding in coach! It’s my choice to spend more to get better service. If the doctors have either received more education or have been trained longer, than they can charge as much as they like! Otherwise, what is the pay off for the doctor?? This is the land of opportunity, if you have a higher asking price and you are that much better, I say good for you!!

same person later after she was taken to task for being elitist:

I know a lot of doctors! This man is our friend and a spinal surgeon at Rush! He went to Harvard actually. If you have ever applied to Harvard, you would know how gifted you have to be to get accepted! The cost of Harvard is so much more than Ohio State! Most people know, being a Havard educated doctor does come with its perks. When I hear that, usually it means the doctor is better! Anyways, this doctor is being given a cap as to what he can charge by the government! That is wrong! If you can’t afford him too bad! Go elsewhere! Don’t tell him what his education, knowledge and experience is worth!

and this made me just walk away:

It is a fact that with Obamacare that doctors are given a cap. That is not the American way! Doctors have a right to put a price on their services, many other professions do. Because this is a free country, anyone can choose to use an expensive doctor or not. If someone buys a 2000 pair of shoes it’s their choice. I happen to think that 2000 shoes are not worth the money, so it’s my choice to buy keds! That does not mean the company who makes the 2000 shoes HAS to lower their price! It just means everyone can’t have those shoes! Why do the doctors have lower their prices?

I give her credit for being unashamedly elitist and not afraid to say it out loud; but she still doesn’t understand why everyone doesn’t agree with her….

136 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:28:23pm

re: #71 ProTARDISLiberal

You made me curious when saying they called the GOP names that you would not repeat. Email me those names.

My favourite? Microcephalic australopithecine.

137 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:28:54pm

re: #129 CuriousLurker

You should’ve put POTUS’s picture on it. They’d totally fall for it since they think he’s an arrogant megalomaniac anyway.

Obama is disrespecting teh Gohmert!

138 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:30:17pm

re: #136 Romantic Heretic

My favourite? Microcephalic australopithecine.

“Retromingent monotreme” usually sends people to their dictionaries.

139 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:31:09pm

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth

Actual comments seen on FB last night:

same person later after she was taken to task for being elitist:

and this made me just walk away:

I give her credit for being unashamedly elitist and not afraid to say it out loud; but she still doesn’t understand why everyone doesn’t agree with her….

If you took away her exclamation points she wouldn’t have any points.

140 The Mountain That Blogs  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:31:47pm

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth

Hospitals and doctors can charge whatever they want, but reimbursement from…ah, fuck it. Never mind.

141 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:32:09pm

re: #133 Dark_Falcon

What stupid? Some of the CR proposals floated have been for 3 months. Moreover, this particular CR carries with it a debt limit extension for the same amount of time, a ‘tack-on’ I think the Democrats would accept.

If the GOP will pass a clean CR and debt ceiling raise for 6 weeks, without extracting concessions for this, great.

I don’t think it will happen, and it would be stupid for the Democrats to give anything for just a 6 week reprieve from hostage taking.

142 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:33:35pm

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth

The cost of Harvard is so much more than Ohio State! Most people know, being a Havard educated doctor does come with its perks. When I hear that, usually it means the doctor is better!*

(*No guarantee expressed or implied.)

143 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:33:37pm

re: #133 Dark_Falcon

What stupid? Some of the CR proposals floated have been for 3 months. Moreover, this particular CR carries with it a debt limit extension for the same amount of time, a ‘tack-on’ I think the Democrats would accept.

Derp Falcon, the CR is only an emergency measure, not something meant to be used to keep kicking the can down the road. Do you really want to see another shut-down just before Xmas because a handful of wingnut assholes won’t accept the legitimacy of the Affordable Care Act (under which you would qualify for free health-insurance, by the way, as you’re between jobs) or the legitimacy of President Obama, for that matter.

144 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:34:17pm

re: #141 EPR-radar

If the GOP will pass a clean CR and debt ceiling raise for 6 weeks, without extracting concession for this, great.

I don’t think it will happen, and it would be stupid for the Democrats to give anything for just a 6 week reprieve from hostage taking.

Yeah, this would be the Republicans turning tail and admitting they fucked up, en masse. I’ll believe it when they pass it.

145 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:34:38pm

There are already limits to how much a doctor can charge under Medicaid or Medicare. Guess what? They’re still very high.

146 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:34:39pm

re: #133 Dark_Falcon

What stupid? Some of the CR proposals floated have been for 3 months. Moreover, this particular CR carries with it a debt limit extension for the same amount of time, a ‘tack-on’ I think the Democrats would accept.

At this point, and given the Tea Party’s sheer asshattery, the only acceptable thing is the GOP’s unconditional surrender.

147 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:35:03pm
148 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:35:20pm

re: #133 Dark_Falcon

What stupid? Some of the CR proposals floated have been for 3 months. Moreover, this particular CR carries with it a debt limit extension for the same amount of time, a ‘tack-on’ I think the Democrats would accept.

Stupid because there’s already a clean CR approved by the Senate and ready to go. The Republicans are just stalling. Fuck them. They could end this today if they just got the fuck over it and signed off on the clean bill.

149 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:35:28pm

re: #146 Dr Lizardo

At this point, and given the Tea Party’s sheer asshattery, the only acceptable thing is the GOP’s unconditional surrender.

Makes me wish for the 10x upding button.

150 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:36:41pm

re: #146 Dr Lizardo

At this point, and given the Tea Party’s sheer asshattery, the only acceptable thing is the GOP’s unconditional surrender.

I’d settle for unconditional surrender and resignation of those holding the government hostage.

151 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:37:19pm
152 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:37:59pm

re: #150 darthstar

I’d settle for unconditional surrender and resignation of those holding the government hostage.

Unconditional surrender and a re-draw of their gerrymandered bulletproof districts so these assholes actually have to be accountable to voters for their actions.

153 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:37:59pm

re: #150 darthstar

I’d settle for unconditional surrender and resignation of those holding the government hostage.

Perfectly reasonable. After all, my compromise position going into this is that I’ll concede that the GOP representatives get to keep legislative immunity for their acts.

154 A Mom Anon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:38:17pm

re: #141 EPR-radar

This shouldn’t have ever even BEEN an issue. Pass a freaking budget to last the whole fucking fiscal year and raise the damned debt ceiling to pay the money we’ve already spent. This piecemeal bullshit needs to stop so there can be at least a little security and breathing room. 6 weeks at a time is a fucking joke and makes America look like freaking idiots.

The morans in charge of this fiasco can’t even comprehend that this stupidity is actually costing the country money. Honest to god, they need a few thousand moms up there pulling privileges and twisting some ears to get this crap settled. It’s like a bunch of freaking spoiled emo teenagers. If they can’t be bothered do their jobs they need to resign, the tea party mess of ‘em.

155 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:39:31pm

More on that Collett idiot.

Ah, so, he’s a Mormon and some of those kids are adopted or fostered?

Glad to see he was roundly trounced, but no doubt he’ll keep spending money trying.

I feel sorry for those kids—bet they get the hell out of there as soon as they can.

156 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:40:14pm

re: #138 EPR-radar

“Retromingent monotreme” usually sends people to their dictionaries.

I knew what a monotreme was. I had to look up ‘Retromingent’.

Cool. I learned a new word.

157 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:40:31pm

re: #143 darthstar

Derp Falcon, the CR is only an emergency measure, not something meant to be used to keep kicking the can down the road. Do you really want to see another shut-down just before Xmas because a handful of wingnut assholes won’t accept the legitimacy of the Affordable Care Act (under which you would qualify for free health-insurance, by the way, as you’re between jobs) or the legitimacy of President Obama, for that matter.

There’s risk, but I think the risk worth running. The point of this plan is to get the whole ‘imminent crisis’ aspect cut back a bit and set up the mechanism by which the budget is going to be negotiated. Any proper budget is going to a compromise, Darth, and we need some method for reaching that compromise. This is as good an idea as any for doing that. And it meets the president’s demands by not touching Obamacare, but only sets up a framework for reaching a budget.

158 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:41:28pm

Hey Dark_Falcon,

As long as you’re here, would you mind explaining why you retweeted this:

159 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:41:32pm

re: #146 Dr Lizardo

At this point, and given the Tea Party’s sheer asshattery, the only acceptable thing is the GOP’s unconditional surrender.

My response to your demand for surrender:


160 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:42:12pm

re: #157 Dark_Falcon

There’s risk, but I think the risk worth running. The point of this plan is to get the whole ‘imminent crisis’ aspect cut back a bit and set up the mechanism by which the budget is going to be negotiated.

This is only a crisis because your party kept attacking Obamacare even AFTER the President said it was non-negotiable.

Fuck the GOP. They got us into this mess by being intransigent assholes. Let them either sign off on the clean CR approved by the Senate or keep facing the consequences of their actions.

161 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:42:39pm

re: #159 Dark_Falcon

My response to your demand for surrender:


Yes, they are.

162 jaunte  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:42:52pm
163 dog philosopher  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:42:53pm

re: #146 Dr Lizardo

At this point, and given the Tea Party’s sheer asshattery, the only acceptable thing is the GOP’s unconditional surrender.

the president of the united states should never negotiate with terrorists

164 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:44:07pm

re: #151 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Dude’s 30k white water rafting trip cancelled. OH THE HORROR.

165 dog philosopher  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:44:11pm

re: #156 Romantic Heretic



166 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:44:14pm

re: #157 Dark_Falcon

There’s risk, but I think the risk worth running. The point of this plan is to get the whole ‘imminent crisis’ aspect cut back a bit and set up the mechanism by which the budget is going to be negotiated. Any proper budget is going to a compromise, Darth, and we need some method for reaching that compromise. This is as good an idea as any for doing that. And it meets the president’s demands by not touching Obamacare, but only sets up a framework for reaching a budget.

It will be a miracle if the GOP can pass this kind of six week breather without attaching a poison pill to it. If it happens, great, but I wouldn’t count on it.

What really needs to happen to move things forward is that the sane members of the GOP caucus need to firmly bring the tea partiers to heel, by securing (D) votes as needed to move things forward and permanently ending the Hastert rule.

This may as well happen now rather than in the next crisis 6 weeks from now.

167 A Mom Anon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:44:38pm

re: #157 Dark_Falcon

And what indication is there from the GOP that they give a flying monkey’s ass about passing a coherent budget? This should have been done months ago. MONTHS. The wingnuts planned it like this on purpose to try and get rid of the ACA which is idiotic on it’s face because that’s not how you legislate. Which is their damned jobs. Don’t like a law that was passed and deemed constitutional by the Supreme Court? Write a better one and get it passed. THAT should have been their approach if they had integrity.

168 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:44:53pm

re: #163 dog philosopher

the president of the united states should never negotiate with terrorists


The GOP got us into this mess. They can either act like adults and accept the CR that’s already approved by the Senate and a clean lift of the debt limit, or they can accept that they’ve given in to the economic terrorist wing of their party (i.e., the Tea Party) and that they are responsible for all the fallout.

169 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:45:28pm

Holy cow! This reminds me of Buffalo, circa 1950. I swear it was that high (of course, I was only 9 and about 4 ft tall).

170 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:45:35pm

re: #159 Dark_Falcon

My response to your demand for surrender:


You said it Dark

171 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:45:41pm

re: #157 Dark_Falcon

Any proper budget is going to a compromise, Darth, and we need some method for reaching that compromise.

The Democrats already compromised by accepting the Republican budget numbers. Then your Republicans took that agreement to their own numbers and decided to hold the country hostage in exchange for killing the ACA.

Nobody trusts you anymore. It’s become absolutely impossible to believe a word Boehner says, he’s failed to deliver his own party too many times and now he’s refusing to hold a vote on a budget that he knows will pass because the Tea Party has him by the balls.

You, your party, all Republicans everywhere have voluntarily sacrificed whatever vestigial integrity you once had, and all for spite.

172 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:46:50pm

re: #157 Dark_Falcon

There’s risk, but I think the risk worth running. The point of this plan is to get the whole ‘imminent crisis’ aspect cut back a bit and set up the mechanism by which the budget is going to be negotiated. Any proper budget is going to a compromise, Darth, and we need some method for reaching that compromise. This is as good an idea as any for doing that. And it meets the president’s demands by not touching Obamacare, but only sets up a framework for reaching a budget.

The GOP congress since Obama is, as he said, one crisis after another. They have lost their shit.

173 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:47:39pm

re: #150 darthstar

I’d settle for unconditional surrender and resignation of those holding the government hostage.

I don’t want them to resign. That’s too easy.

I want them there in Congress. I want them shunted aside, exiled and outcasts from the GOP. I want them to ruminate everyday on their utter and wholesale failure in their risible and contemptible attempt to govern by tyranny of the minority. I want them to have them in office so that they have to face their equally cretinous constituents and explain why they are such abysmal failures. I want them to have to explain on the Sunday morning talk shows and Fox News why they are so hopelessly impotent.

That’s a far more deserving fate for them. Examples of total failure writ large.

174 kerFuFFler  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:48:23pm

re: #129 CuriousLurker

You should’ve put POTUS’s picture on it. They’d totally fall for it since they think he’s an arrogant megalomaniac anyway.

I don’t know. That’s the sort of thing that might push some of them right over the edge into a shooting rampage. Crazy fools.

175 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:49:51pm

re: #159 Dark_Falcon

My response to your demand for surrender:


Upding for the General McAuliffe reference.

176 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:49:51pm

re: #162 jaunte

Holy shit, we caught the Al Shabab guy? That was fast.

177 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:50:02pm

re: #171 goddamnedfrank

The Democrats already compromised by accepting the Republican budget numbers. Then your Republicans took that agreement to their own numbers and decided to hold the country hostage in exchange for killing the ACA.

Nobody trusts you anymore. It’s become absolutely impossible to believe a word Boehner says, he’s failed to deliver his own party too many times and now he’s refusing to hold a vote on a budget that he knows will pass because the Tea Party has him by the balls.

You, your party, all Republicans everywhere have voluntarily sacrificed whatever vestigial integrity you once had, and all in spite.

Precisely. The Teabaggers have put their own obsessions above the country, and are willing to cause great damage to others because of their madness.

Non-Teabagger Republicans face the choice of fighting against this madness with all that they can bring to bear, or being rightly blamed for the damage they enable the Teabaggers to cause.

178 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:51:10pm

re: #174 kerFuFFler

I don’t know. That’s the sort of thing that might push some of them right over the edge into a shooting rampage. Crazy fools.

Yep. Things are tense enough already. Created by the GOP and fueled by their handmaidens in the media. Somebody in the name of the Smithsonian may want to make a stand.

179 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:51:49pm

re: #173 Dr Lizardo

I don’t want them to resign. That’s too easy.

I want them there in Congress. I want them shunted aside, exiled and outcasts from the GOP. I want them to ruminate everyday on their utter and wholesale failure in their risible and contemptible attempt to govern by tyranny of the minority. I want them to have them in office so that they have to face their equally cretinous constituents and explain why they are such abysmal failures. I want them to have to explain on the Sunday morning talk shows and Fox News why they are so hopelessly impotent.

That’s a far more deserving fate for them. Examples of total failure writ large.

If the mythical GOP moderates had spines, this could be accomplished trivially. By dropping the Hastert rule, Boehner can pass stuff without the Teabaggers, and can then freeze them out of everything.

180 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:53:39pm

re: #177 EPR-radar

Non-Teabagger Republicans face the choice of fighting against this madness with all that they can bring to bear, or being rightly blamed for the damage they enable the Teabaggers to cause.

They’ve long passed that point. Any Republican left who answers to that label is pure trash.

Now that we’ve jumped off the cliff, lit ourselves on fire, we’ve entered the valley of death,” said Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who has criticized the conservatives’ strategy. “So now we’ve got to keep running and we have to hold together.”

This is the new “moderate” Republican position. They fucked up, they know they fucked up, colossally, royally, irrevocably, but they’re still such worthless fucking lemmings that they can’t even contemplate leaving the herd.

Like I said last night, this is Rapa Nui immediately after the last tree was felled, just before the cannibalism.

181 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:54:10pm

re: #172 Stanley Sea

The GOP congress since Obama is, as he said, one crisis after another. They have lost their shit.

But this is how you fix it: You set up a proper process and then you get sane people together in a room to trash out the budget.

And there is one little point I’d toss in, but I think you all would find it acceptable, as would Harry Reid; The point would be that the authorization for the committee to meet would be part of the CR. The purpose of this is not face-saving, but rather is intended to ensure that the setting up of the committee is not blocked by factions (Tea Party, this means you) in either House of Congress.

182 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:54:19pm

re: #162 jaunte

[Embedded content]

183 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:54:44pm

re: #179 EPR-radar

If the mythical GOP moderates had spines, this could be accomplished trivially. By dropping the Hastert rule, Boehner can pass stuff without the Teabaggers, and can then freeze them out of everything.

If Boehner wanted to, he could strike a deal with moderate Republicans and Democrats and protect his speakership while agreeing to halt all obstruction and bring clean bills to a vote - a clean Farm BIll, a clean Jobs Bill, a clean Immigration Bill. He (and by extension, the Republican party) would look responsible and reelectable in 2014 (that’s the only downside).

184 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:55:00pm

re: #179 EPR-radar

If the mythical GOP moderates had spines, this could be accomplished trivially. By dropping the Hastert rule, Boehner can pass stuff without the Teabaggers, and can then freeze them out of everything.

And that’s the worst part of all; this could be so easily accomplished.

Yet the GOP is absolutely scared to death to pursue what is an eminently logical solution.

185 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:57:02pm

re: #180 goddamnedfrank

They’ve long passed that point. Any Republican left who answers to that label is pure trash.

This is the new “moderate” Republican position. They fucked up, they know they fucked up, colossally, royally, irrevocably, but they’re still suck worthless fucking lemmings that they can’t even contemplate leaving the herd.

Like I said last night, this is Rapa Nui immediately after the last tree was felled, just before the cannibalism.

I’d liken it a bit more to Jonestown, just before they started handing out the Flavor-Aid.

186 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 2:58:39pm

re: #181 Dark_Falcon

But this is how you fix it: You set up a proper process and then you get sane people together in a room to trash out the budget.

And there is one little point I’d toss in, but I think you all would find it acceptable, as would Harry Reid; The point would be that the authorization for the committee to meet would be part of the CR. The purpose of this is not face-saving, but rather is intended to ensure that the setting up of the committee is not blocked by factions (Tea Party, this means you) in either House of Congress.

That point about putting reconciliation into any CR deal is interesting.

The larger point is that the Teabaggers must be stripped of their power, and Boehner et al. are the ones that need to do it. Unless that happens, nothing will be solved.

187 CuriousLurker  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:00:53pm

re: #158 goddamnedfrank

Hey Dark_Falcon,

As long as you’re here, would you mind explaining why you retweeted this:

[Embedded content]

Wow, that’s messed up.

188 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:00:54pm

re: #181 Dark_Falcon

But this is how you fix it: You set up a proper process and then you get sane people together in a room to trash out the budget.

And there is one little point I’d toss in, but I think you all would find it acceptable, as would Harry Reid; The point would be that the authorization for the committee to meet would be part of the CR.

The CR contains the Republicans’ own budget numbers. Why do you keep ignoring this? The Democrats already conceded to them by not even trying to restore any of the sequester funding.

Boehner refused to appoint a committee for something like half a year, because the Tea Party demanded it. Then, after diggin in on the extortion he tried to appoint negotiators with two hours left before shutdown.

I’m going to say it again, it’s impossible to trust you guys now. Not difficult, impossible, as in can’t happen. You’ve shot your wad, you have no integrity, no character, no honor left. None.

Pass the clean CR that contains your own numbers or fuck off.

189 Gus  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:01:19pm


190 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:02:43pm

re: #181 Dark_Falcon

But this is how you fix it: You set up a proper process and then you get sane people together in a room to trash out the budget.

They had a proper goddamn process. For MONTHS. The Dems agreed to the Republican budget numbers ages ago. Hell, the GOP could’ve passed the CR as it’s written and claimed victory over Obama because they kept the sequester in and cut billions from the original budget.

But no. The economic terrorist wing of your party insisted on repeated attempts to attack Obamacare. Now we’re here.

And there is one little point I’d toss in, but I think you all would find it acceptable, as would Harry Reid; The point would be that the authorization for the committee to meet would be part of the CR. The purpose of this is not face-saving, but rather is intended to ensure that the setting up of the committee is not blocked by factions (Tea Party, this means you) in either House of Congress.

You mean the same committee that the Democrats tried to call 18 TIMES during the year but which Republicans rebuffed because Ted Cruz was hellbent on defunding Obamacare?

Fuck that. The Dems already compromised on the budget. They already tried bringing in a conference committee multiple times only to be rejected and ignored. This is all a manufactured Republican crisis. Own it.

191 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:03:06pm

re: #157 Dark_Falcon

There’s risk, but I think the risk worth running. The point of this plan is to get the whole ‘imminent crisis’ aspect cut back a bit and set up the mechanism by which the budget is going to be negotiated. Any proper budget is going to a compromise, Darth, and we need some method for reaching that compromise.

There has already been a gigantic compromise on the budget. That’s why the numbers are much, much closer to the Ryan budget than they are to the Democrat’s budget.

Dark, you never got around to explaining how you’re justifying defending Mark Kirk’s stupid lie that Obama is shaking in his boots about people actually experiencing Obamacare. How can you square it with yourself to defend the most idiotic, obvious sort of lie like that? Right now, the GOP is damaging the United States, damaging it horribly, in a futile attempt to stop the ACA, so why is Kirk lying and claiming that Obama is afraid of his own law going into effect? How can you defend that sort of gross lie to the American people?

How can you defend the GOP putting party before country?

192 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:03:09pm

re: #184 Dr Lizardo

And that’s the worst part of all; this could be so easily accomplished.

Yet the GOP is absolutely scared to death to pursue what is an eminently logical solution.

Among other things, this would entail an admission on the part of the GOP establishment that they are responsible for the creation of the Teabagger Frankenstein monster.

The cowardly chickenshits that think they run the GOP can’t bring themselves to do that. Their stupidity and denial is so deep that they may completely lose control of the party to Teabagger zealots because they can’t face the reality of the consequences for their actions over the past 40 years.

193 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:03:10pm

re: #184 Dr Lizardo

And that’s the worst part of all; this could be so easily accomplished.

Yet the GOP is absolutely scared to death to pursue what is an eminently logical solution.

It’s all about being primaried by crazy teabaggers.

They want to hold their seats more than they want to serve.

Oh find me that graphic that showed the amount of wealth garnered by being a servant to the country.

194 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:04:19pm

re: #181 Dark_Falcon

But this is how you fix it: You set up a proper process and then you get sane people together in a room to trash out the budget.

Dark, the GOP has been blocking conferees to reconcile the budget for months. And months. And months.

There is no need for the GOP to set up a new process. They can just appoint conferees. But they’re still blocking that.

You are being dishonest right now.

195 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:04:50pm

re: #188 goddamnedfrank

The CR contains the Republicans’ own budget numbers. Why do you keep ignoring this? The Democrats already conceded to them by not even trying to restore any of the sequester funding.

Boehner refused to appoint a committee for something like half a year, because the Tea Party demanded it. Then, after diggin in on the extortion he tried to appoint negotiators with two hours left before shutdown.

I’m going to say it again, it’s impossible to trust you guys now. Not difficult, impossible, as in can’t happen. You’ve shot your wad, you have no integrity, no character, no honor left. None.

Pass the clean CR that contains your own numbers or fuck off.

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

196 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:07:46pm

re: #191 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Dark, you never got around to explaining how you’re justifying defending Mark Kirk’s stupid lie that Obama is shaking in his boots about people actually experiencing Obamacare. How can you square it with yourself to defend the most idiotic, obvious sort of lie like that?

This one burned me until I remember all the other bullshit D_F has pulled. It’s just another thing he’s going to ignore forever, another glaring display of craven integral dysfunction.

197 ObserverArt  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:08:24pm

re: #169 Justanotherhuman

Holy cow! This reminds me of Buffalo, circa 1950. I swear it was that high (of course, I was only 9 and about 4 ft tall).

[Embedded content]

I saw a similar photo once at a forum where a member posted pics from north of Calgary Alberta province. The difference being there were huge backhoe machines like used in strip mines cutting the swath through the snow. The snow must have been 20, 30 foot deep drifts out in the open plains that made the equipment look like Tonka toys.

He also mentioned that it would get so cold, you couldn’t scrape your windshield for fear it would just crack and fall out.

I’m glad to have Ohio winters.

198 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:08:55pm

re: #159 Dark_Falcon

My response to your demand for surrender:


What would your response be to a demand for the unconditional surrender (or sidelining) of the Tea Partiers —- e.g., as part of any deal, the Hastert rule is formally abandoned by the House until the end of Obama’s term?

199 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:09:05pm

Note to people: Don’t Go to TGI Fridays.

Youtube Video

200 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:10:08pm

The new process can be the same as the old, the point I made was to use the CR to prevent the appointment of conferees from being blocked. If anything, I was proposing a measure to prevent ‘hostage-taking’.

201 bratwurst  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:11:14pm
202 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:12:01pm

re: #200 Dark_Falcon

The new process can be the same as the old, the point I made was to use the CR to prevent the appointment of conferees from being blocked. If anything, I was proposing a measure to prevent ‘hostage-taking’.

How should the GOP deal with its Teabagger infestation?

I think assuming it will go away on its own is as farcical as the “withering away of the state” in orthodox communist doctrine.

203 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:12:02pm

re: #201 bratwurst

[Embedded content]

Geography Fail.

204 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:12:16pm

re: #198 EPR-radar

What would your response be to a demand for the unconditional surrender (or sidelining) of the Tea Partiers —- e.g., as part of any deal, the Hastert rule is formally abandoned by the House until the end of Obama’s term?

Such a provision would never clear the House and we all know why.

And I’m sorry but I have get ready to get going. I’ll be back later.

205 Lidane  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:12:20pm

re: #200 Dark_Falcon

The new process can be the same as the old, the point I made was to use the CR to prevent the appointment of conferees from being blocked. If anything, I was proposing a measure to prevent ‘hostage-taking’.

Except that the hostage has already been taken. The economic terrorists in your party made sure of it. It’s why we’re in a government shutdown.

206 goddamnedfrank  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:13:33pm

re: #200 Dark_Falcon

The new process can be the same as the old, the point I made was to use the CR to prevent the appointment of conferees from being blocked. If anything, I was proposing a measure to prevent ‘hostage-taking’.

The hostage has already been taken. You can’t undo that. Own it.

It’s getting really frustrating dealing with someone who just keeps repeating the same debunked shit and won’t accept the proven, documented history of these budget negotiations.

You have no fucking clue how much slack everyone here is cutting for you.

207 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:13:35pm

re: #204 Dark_Falcon

Such a provision would never clear the House and we all know why.

And I’m sorry but I have get ready to get going. I’ll be back later.

Then toughies. The teabaggers get broken, or the entire GOP gets broken, or the USA gets broken. If the choice is forced, it becomes a no-brainer.

208 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:14:12pm

re: #200 Dark_Falcon

The new process can be the same as the old, the point I made was to use the CR to prevent the appointment of conferees from being blocked. If anything, I was proposing a measure to prevent ‘hostage-taking’.

You’re not making any sense.

If the GOP wants to resolve the budget, they can appoint conferees to do so. They could have done so any time for months. They refused to do so.

This has fuck-all to do with the GOP shutting down the government in an attempt to defund Obamacare.

And you are a still cowardly avoiding the question about Kirk. I’m not going to stop asking you.

209 Stanley Sea  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:15:35pm

re: #200 Dark_Falcon

The new process can be the same as the old, the point I made was to use the CR to prevent the appointment of conferees from being blocked. If anything, I was proposing a measure to prevent ‘hostage-taking’.

Already happened. Talk about prevention is wasteful.

What do you do NOW?

Ask Sister Sarah? Ted Cruz’s BFF.

210 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:16:11pm

Sometimes I enjoy our token teabagger. Today, not so much.

211 Varek Raith  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:16:36pm

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

212 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:16:42pm

re: #199 ProTARDISLiberal

Note to people: Don’t Go to TGI Fridays.

[Embedded content]

The message from headquarters wasn’t bad. The individuals involved should never work in food service again.

213 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:16:45pm

re: #203 Dr Lizardo

How do you screw that up that badly?

You are in neither of the correct hemispheres for fucks sake.

214 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:17:54pm

Minus: 1

Absolutely totally fucking pathetic. Come out with a denial that the GOP has taken hostages, or that they have released a new message.

215 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:19:34pm

re: #213 ProTARDISLiberal

How do you screw that up that badly?

You are in neither of the correct hemispheres for fucks sake.

I really don’t know, to be honest. I’m no geography wiz or anything like that, but I do know enough to grasp that Hong Kong is not situated somewhere near the East Coast of Brazil.

216 kerFuFFler  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:20:19pm

re: #212 wrenchwench

The message from headquarters wasn’t bad. The individuals involved should never work in food service again.

But it also seemed like the local manager did nothing to address the issue. He should have fired the server on the spot. Someone who does something like that probably also puts gross things in other people’s food too when ever he is feeling spiteful.

217 ProTARDISLiberal  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:20:51pm

re: #215 Dr Lizardo

Or in the Western or Southern Hemispheres. CNN is all of the wrong. Let me retweet that for tomorrow’s segment on WTFIWWY.

218 ObserverArt  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:20:57pm

re: #175 Dr Lizardo

Upding for the General McAuliffe reference.

Since Dark is a history buff, especially military history, I wonder what he really thinks of Eisenhower warning the country of the military industrial complex taking over control of things. Just for those that might not be aware of his comments in his final address Google it. It is very prescient.

Also, here is a bit of the Wiki page on the term Military Industrial Complex. Put it into today’s context, its fun.

Military-industrial complex, or military-industrial-congressional complex,[1] is a concept commonly used to refer to policy and monetary relationships between legislators, national armed forces, and the military industrial base that supports them. These relationships include political contributions, political approval for military spending, lobbying to support bureaucracies, and oversight of the industry. It is a type of iron triangle. The term is most often used in reference to the system behind the military of the United States, where it gained popularity after its use in the farewell address of President Dwight D. Eisenhower on January 17, 1961,[2] though the term is applicable to any country with a similarly developed infrastructure

Some historical theorists think he really did mean big business because at the time he made the comments, he had just come out of leading the Allies in WW2 and was very familiar with the big companies that helped in the war and had gained a lot of power and monies.

219 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:23:51pm

re: #216 kerFuFFler

But it also seemed like the local manager did nothing to address the issue. He should have fired the server on the spot. Someone who does something like that probably also puts gross things in other people’s food too when ever he is feeling spiteful.

Yeah, I count the manager as one of the individuals involved who should be fired.

220 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:24:16pm

re: #218 ObserverArt

Eisenhower would also have been familiar with the functioning of the Third Reich’s version of the military industrial complex, and with the compromises that were made in de-Nazification of Germany to allow big industrial players in Germany to transition smoothly into cold war mode.

221 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:25:28pm

re: #212 wrenchwench

The message from headquarters wasn’t bad. The individuals involved should never work in food service again.

I agree; the individuals involved in such an utterly childish stunt should be promptly fired, no if’s, and’s, or but’s.

Clean out the locker, out the door, good day, your final check will be in the mail.

I would say this; I don’t particularly have any fondness for Ayatollah Ali Khameni, Kim Jong-un, Bashar al-Assad or folks of that ilk - I detest dictators, regardless of ideology; tyranny is repellent to the very core of my being. But nonetheless, if I ever encountered the aforementioned, I would still treat them with respect, address them by their proper titles, etc., because that’s just what you do.

222 Snarknado!  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:26:27pm

re: #199 ProTARDISLiberal

Note to people: Don’t Go to TGI Fridays.

[Embedded content]

Not to the one in Garland, maybe, but it looks like TGIF corporate is taking the matter seriously. Also, it’s a franchise — the person who owns this one doesn’t own the others.

Now if you want to stay away from TGI Fridays because of their food, that’s another matter.

223 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:27:01pm
224 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:27:15pm

re: #221 Dr Lizardo

I wouldn’t, unless I was a diplomat. I got kind of Quakerized at a young age.

225 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:28:48pm

I thought the Republicans shut that whole thing down…

226 ObserverArt  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:29:21pm

re: #181 Dark_Falcon

But this is how you fix it: You set up a proper process and then you get sane people together in a room to trash out the budget.

And there is one little point I’d toss in, but I think you all would find it acceptable, as would Harry Reid; The point would be that the authorization for the committee to meet would be part of the CR. The purpose of this is not face-saving, but rather is intended to ensure that the setting up of the committee is not blocked by factions (Tea Party, this means you) in either House of Congress.

Dark, sorry, but that is a transparent excuse for GOP behavior and it makes one have to wonder if you realize how much a pickle they’re in and you are just going through the motions of support. Weakness. It reflects 8-10% popularity type weakness.

A proper process has not been followed since the get-go. How much do you need to forget they haven’t done shit since April? And I think you excuse a whole bunch of other processes too. Like, stop the BS’n everyone that knows better and pass a simple clean budget with nothing else attached. That too is a process. One so simple!

Besides, for how many years have some of us had to hear about attaching stuff to bills in the first place.

Excuse after excuse after excuse. It is nothing more than enabling.

227 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:31:22pm

re: #224 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

I wouldn’t, unless I was a diplomat. I got kind of Quakerized at a young age.


It was just the way I was raised.

228 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:34:33pm

re: #201 bratwurst

[Embedded content]

Wow, they yanked that real quick. Neither of those links worked except to say “That page doesn’t exist”.

229 darthstar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:37:42pm

Fuck you, terrorists…President Obama is still on the job despite GOP efforts to cripple him.

230 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:37:44pm

re: #221 Dr Lizardo

I agree; the individuals involved in such an utterly childish stunt should be promptly fired, no if’s, and’s, or but’s.

Clean out the locker, out the door, good day, your final check will be in the mail.

I would say this; I don’t particularly have any fondness for Ayatollah Ali Khameni, Kim Jong-un, Bashar al-Assad or folks of that ilk - I detest dictators, regardless of ideology; tyranny is repellent to the very core of my being. But nonetheless, if I ever encountered the aforementioned, I would still treat them with respect, address them by their proper titles, etc., because that’s just what you do.

A couple of days ago I sold a bike to a guy who I suspect of shoplifting (without proof) and who gives me the creeps (but not in an endangering way) because I thought the other shop was wrong to treat him very badly, and he had no where else to go.

Not quite the same as being respectful to tyrants, but people are people, and I try to keep that in mind (while watching this one like a hawk).

231 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:38:17pm

re: #225 darthstar

I thought the Republicans shut that whole thing down…

[Embedded content]

What’s that sound I hear? Is it an incoming bolide on track for an airburst? Is the Toba supervolcano erupting?

Oh, it’s just RWNJ’s losing their shit.

232 wrenchwench  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:41:05pm

BTW, my cousin who might have been in Nairobi during the mall attack had actually moved on to Dar Es Salaam by then, as I found out several days later via Facebook. He also gave his email addy to some of us in case we get worried again, because he’s not on FB much.

233 ObserverArt  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:43:51pm

re: #220 EPR-radar

Eisenhower would also have been familiar with the functioning of the Third Reich’s version of the military industrial complex, and with the compromises that were made in de-Nazification of Germany to allow big industrial players in Germany to transition smoothly into cold war mode.

And as Simon Wiesenthal tried to make people aware, you need lawyers and politicians. They make it (cough) legitimate.

(Did that circumnavigate the dreaded Godwins?! I hope)

234 Bulworth  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:44:46pm

So, has anyone discovered what the Tea Party is offering as concessions in exchange for defunding/delaying Obamacare? Because, you know, “negotiations” usually involve each side conceding on some policy issue or another. //

235 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:45:18pm

re: #234 Bulworth

So, has anyone discovered what the Tea Party is offering as concessions in exchange for defunding/delaying Obamacare? Because, you know, “negotiations” usually involve each side conceding on some policy issue or another. //

Was that a rhetorical question?

236 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:48:51pm

DK, why don’t youj just give up your useless argument?

You lost, just like the rest of the Republicans. Give in gracefully.

237 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:48:58pm

re: #234 Bulworth

So, has anyone discovered what the Tea Party is offering as concessions in exchange for defunding/delaying Obamacare? Because, you know, “negotiations” usually involve each side conceding on some policy issue or another. //

They won’t drown the entire bag of kittens…

238 Decatur Deb  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:49:47pm

re: #234 Bulworth

So, has anyone discovered what the Tea Party is offering as concessions in exchange for defunding/delaying Obamacare? Because, you know, “negotiations” usually involve each side conceding on some policy issue or another. //

They promise not to do it again for 6 weeks.

239 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:50:11pm

re: #231 Dr Lizardo

What’s that sound I hear? Is it an incoming bolide on track for an airburst? Is the Toba supervolcano erupting?

Oh, it’s just RWNJ’s losing their shit.

Probably because it is a success for the administration. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if there are Congressional Republicans that are privately rooting for a successful terrorist attack on US interests during the shutdown, in the hopes that such a failure could be blamed on the administration.

240 Bulworth  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:51:49pm

These anti-terrorist raids seem to have caught the dudebros napping.

241 EPR-radar  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 3:52:31pm

re: #206 goddamnedfrank

The hostage has already been taken. You can’t undo that. Own it.

It’s getting really frustrating dealing with someone who just keeps repeating the same debunked shit and won’t accept the proven, documented history of these budget negotiations.

You have no fucking clue how much slack everyone here is cutting for you.

With respect to cutting the GOP slack, I view my increasingly frequent use of the epithet “dogshit” in relation to the GOP, its leaders, actions and policies as being very mild, all things considered.

242 Sionainn  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 4:01:03pm

re: #61 Charles Johnson

Here’s some cool personal news - the song I co-wrote with George Duke and the rest of the band, “Reach For It,” is being licensed for bumper music by the Jimmy Kimmel show. Can’t wait to hear Toshi Yanagi playing my guitar part. :)

That’s awesome. Congratulations! I went to school with Cleto and Jimmy…sat right next to Cleto in band for many years.

243 Sionainn  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 4:11:35pm

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth

Actual comments seen on FB last night:

same person later after she was taken to task for being elitist:

and this made me just walk away:

I give her credit for being unashamedly elitist and not afraid to say it out loud; but she still doesn’t understand why everyone doesn’t agree with her….

There’s absolutely nothing stopping that surgeon from not accepting any insurance plans and only accepting cash pay patients. He can then charge whatever he wants to.

244 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 4:19:38pm

re: #239 EPR-radar

Probably because it is a success for the administration. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if there are Congressional Republicans that are privately rooting for a successful terrorist attack on US interests during the shutdown, in the hopes that such a failure could be blamed on the administration.

Sadly, I agree; that’s how utterly deranged the RW’ers have become.

245 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 4:23:03pm

re: #243 Sionainn

There’s absolutely nothing stopping that surgeon from not accepting any insurance plans and only accepting cash pay patients. He can then charge whatever he wants to.

I was just stunned at her attitude that “others” didn’t deserve access to “her” doctor if they didn’t have the same high-priced insurance that she has. (I asked her how could she even tell who else in the waiting room didn’t deserve to be there…her silence was deafening.)
Also the fact that she doesn’t apologize for sometimes paying those high-priced premiums instead of her mortgage.
good grief…

246 ContraryLemming  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 6:01:24pm

Somewhat OT: I noted today that the wondering regime in China that Snowden & Greenwald so admire, employs 2 million people to monitor the internet.

But it’s the US that is snooping on you. Monitoring your every word, deed, post and action …

…and I’d like to say a hearty hello to all our friends from Weibo now joining this discussion…

247 bbcrackmonkey  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 7:57:11pm
248 socrets  Sat, Oct 5, 2013 10:12:12pm

I do not care if I have to tolerate my father’s moping after being furloughed for months if it means that the GOP gets hammered in the next election. Let the GOP f*ckers burn. No slack for the GOP. No mercy. Nothing. If not at the state, then the national stage that the GOP needs to be held accountable. I am sick and tired of the GOP given a pass for everything that they do.

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