End the Magical Balance Fairy Shutdown Myth

Both sides are not equally to blame. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) admits that GOP created shutdown over Obamacare
Opinion • Views: 23,342

Let’s go straight to the video tape.


That’s from This Week With George Stephanopoulos this past weekend (10/04/2013) - starting around the 3 minute mark.

The transcript:

STEPHANOPOULOS: But Mr. Speaker, he says — and he said it publicly on many occasions, that you came to him back in July and offered to pass a clean government funding resolution, no Obamacare amendments, that was $70 billion below what the Senate wanted. They accepted it. And now, you’ve reneged on that offer.

BOEHNER: No, clearly there was a conversation about doing this.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Several conversations.

BOEHNER: Several. But—

STEPHANOPOULOS: And you offered a clean resolution.

BOEHNER: But I and my members decided the threat of Obamacare and what was happening was so important that it was time for us to take a stand. And we took a stand.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Did you decide it or was it decided for you?

BOEHNER: I, working with my members, decided to do this in a unified way. George, I have 233 Republicans in the House. And you’ve never seen a more dedicated group of people who are thoroughly concerned about the future of our country. They believe that Obamacare, all these regulations coming out of the administration, are threatening the future for our kids and our grandkids. It is time for us to stand and fight.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But Mr. Speaker, this is clearly not what you want. I want to go back to several points you’ve made about this over the last few — here you were right after the election with Diane Sawyer.


BOEHNER: It’s pretty clear that the president was re-elected. Obamacare is the law of the land.

If we were to put Obamacare into the CR and send it over to the Senate, we were risking shutting down the government. That is not our goal.


STEPHANOPOULOS: So right there, you say that’s not your goal. You don’t want to put Obamacare on the CR. You did it.

BOEHNER: George, I have made it clear to my colleagues. I don’t want to shut the government down. We voted to keep the government open.

Clearly, the Speaker admits that he had the opportunity to pass a budget, but refused because he and the rest of the Republicans decided to make it about defunding/delaying/destroying Obamacare. They had more than 40 attempts at repealing it, and failed on every single one, so their strategy became to tie the defund/delay/destroy to the annual appropriations cycle.

And it’s time for all the media to quit playing that this is something that both sides made happen, or that the President and the Senate are responsible for this. The Speaker gave the game away and admits for all the world to see that the House GOP blew up a deal on a budget over Obamacare.

The Speaker has tied his legacy to the extremists in his party. He has become one of them by allowing them to dictate the terms of a deal that would end the shutdown. He has the power to end the shutdown by opening up the floor to a clean vote.

He refuses to do so, claiming that the votes aren’t there.

If that’s the case, then he has nothing to lose by letting the Democrats expend political capital in a failed effort to have a vote that wouldn’t succeed. He’d gain politically by knowing that the count doesn’t work in his favor, except that he, and everyone else, knows that this isn’t true.

The math doesn’t work in his favor. The votes are there, but the votes would undermine his ability to lead a fractured Republican caucus. So he’s doing all he can to cast Democrats as the problem even though he clearly acknowledges that a deal was in hand but for the Republican insistence on destroying Obamacare as a precondition to a deal.

It’s the poison pill provisions that the Republicans have offered up that have led us to this critical moment.

It’s a clarifying moment - exposing the GOP extremism and extortion for what it is. It’s an attempt to rewrite how government does business outside the regular legislative and electoral process.

Republicans will only agree to have these negotiations in a context where a government shutdown and the threat of default do give them that added leverage. This is an objective statement of the GOP position. Dems have offered Republicans the negotiations they want, once those conditions are lifted. Republicans have refused. Therefore, their position is that conditions which continue to threaten widespread destruction, giving them leverage, must remain for any talks to proceed.

The key tell is that Cantor and Ryan don’t directly defend this position. They elide it. To be sure, both repeat the claim there have been negotiations attached to debt ceiling hikes in the past. But as Jonathan Chait explains, that isn’t the same as dangling the actual threat of default and untold economic havoc as a way to extract massive one-sided concessions. Republicans cannot defend this tactic because they will not acknowledge they are actually employing it. John Boehner already allowed in March that the debt ceiling will and must be raised, because: “I’m not going to risk the full faith and credit of the federal government.” But on ABC on Sunday, when Boehner was pressed on whether he’d actually allow default if Dems didn’t give him what he wants, he repeatedly fudged, saying he would not allow a vote on a “clean” debt limit bill. What happens if default is the only other option? We just don’t know.

Either Republicans are actually prepared to allow default and to use this frightening prospect as a weapon with which to get what they want, in which case such tactics cannot be rewarded, because they will all but ensure extensive destruction later. Or Republicans are not prepared to allow default, in which case the very notion that they have leverage here is a sham. Republicans are trying to use this ambiguity to their advantage. On the one hand, the uncertainty it creates is supposed to force Dems to give in to their demands. On the other, it is meant to obscure their actual intentions and thus shield them from politically potent charges that they are actually willing to place the country at grave risk to extract concessions they couldn’t get through conventional channels.

The Democrats don’t need to offer up anything other than a clean budget resolution on the terms they agreed to in July. That was already a concession on $70 billion on spending. The GOP took that offer and tossed it in favor of a political fight they cannot hope to possibly win.

The fight is already wearing down Republican polling and ratings for Congress in general. While Republicans are cheering that the President’s approval ratings are at 37%, the Congress rates only 5% approval. The President doesn’t face reelection and has a freer hand to use the bully pulpit to attack the Republicans for bringing about this crisis because they are trying to unite the base in opposition to health care reforms that would expand access to health insurance to millions of people.

The GOP has to engage in cognitive dissonance on a massive scale to reconcile its positions - that it wants to end the shutdown, avoid default, and recognizing the economic harms that those actions are having all while advocating for those same things and claiming that the damage is minimal. The GOP has to lie to itself and everyone else to do so, and the public is seeing through the lies.

The video clip above highlights the problems succinctly. Republicans who agree that the default will lead to widespread destruction, yet use this as leverage by refusing to deal unless the GOP demands (preconditions) are met are the worst of the worst in this ongoing saga. They’re putting politics and passion over reality, economics, and national security.

Any Republican who hews to this position needs to be run out of office. And that’s a list that is significant.

It includes none other than Speaker Boehner himself. He’s claiming that he wouldn’t let the nation default because of the harm done, and yet he’s completely going along with the Tea Party wing in demanding that the Administration and Democrats accept their demands or else.

Or else what? Economic catastrophe if we don’t do what the GOP says? It’s extortion. And it’s economic folly. The Speaker knows it, but by continuing to pander to the extortionists, he’s one of them.

The GOP and the Speaker are guilty of target fixation. They’ve determined that destroying Obamacare is paramount, and are willing to do whatever it takes to destroy it. That might help keep the extremists in the party happy, but it is having tremendous damage to the polity and even greater damage is on the horizon if the debt ceiling is not increased.

It’s all part of a larger fight by the GOP to slash and burn government spending at all levels, and it’s a fight that the Tea Party relishes because they believe that they have a mandate to chop government spending, even though they are a minority within their own party. The tools that were supposed to get the parties to compromise and come to agreement have instead been used by the Tea Party to institute far harsher cuts and more destructive policies than if a compromise had been worked out.

The sequester is case in point. A refusal to work out a deal that targeted cuts and offer up even the slightest bit of tax increases or reductions in tax credits and incentives was rebuffed and refused. Instead, across the board cuts were instituted, and the GOP won the day. The Senate and the Administration are now working off the sequester figures - accepting the cuts. The GOP won that fight, and that’s what’s driving them here too. The GOP and Tea Party have flipped the tools and events that should force compromise into ones that bring about the very policies that they endorse - smaller government.

It’s a worrying trend, and one that may lead the nation into default. With no reason or intention to compromise, the GOP will take the nation over the cliff. One can only hope that voters realize who’s taking them for this dangerous ride.

The GOP.

Cross posted at A Blog For All.

Case in point:

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1 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 9:28:09am
BOEHNER: I, working with my members, decided to do this in a unified way. George, I have 233 Republicans in the House. And you’ve never seen a more dedicated group of people who are thoroughly determined to destroy this country if we cannot rule absolutely.concerned about the future of our country. They believe that Obamacare, all these regulations coming out of the administration, are threatening the future for The Republican Party our kids and our grandkids. It is time for us to stand and fight.

Fixed that for you, Mr. Boehner.

For the record, I apologize to likening Boehner to dogshit earlier. This is, of course, an intolerable insult to dogshit.

2 Kragar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:09:42am

Coburn: ‘I’d Rather Have A Managed Catastrophe Now’ To Force Budget Cuts

I’d rather you take a long walk off a short pier and we avoid this mess entirely, you bloated sack of crap.

3 Kragar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:13:48am

re: #1 EPR-radar

Speaking of zee dog poopies…

House Republicans silence Rep. Grayson after he cites poll comparing them to ‘dog poop’

“What do you have a higher opinion of, Congress or witches? Congress, 32 percent; witches, 46 percent,” he said. “What do you have a higher opinion of, Congress or hemorrhoids? Congress, 31 percent; hemorrhoids, 53 percent. What do you have a higher opinion of, Congress or dog poop? Congress 40 percent; dog poop 47 percent.”

At that point, Womack cautioned Grayson to confine his remarks to an explanation of why his resolution was privileged under Rule IX. But the congressman continued citing the poll, comparing Congress to toenail fungus, cockroaches and zombies.

“Surely our dignity has been diminished and is actively being called into question,” Grayson said. “If we are to be called obstructionists, practicers of partisan petulance, if we are to be called an establishment that is rotten to the core, if we are leaving Americans wondering why there is so much poison in the system then surely our dignity has been diminished. If we’re being accused of willingly provoking crises that suspend public services and decrease economic growth then surely our dignity as a body has been diminished.”

With that, Womack could stand no more and gaveled for Grayson to suspend his remarks. Grayson argued that he should have been allow to finish his speech as a point of parliamentary order.

4 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:14:56am

re: #3 Kragar

toenail fungus!!!!

5 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:15:31am

Tell me again who’s cheering on the Shutdown?

6 SnowdenBaggerVance  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:16:45am

I was just about to Rec this to Charles, glad to see it Promo’d.

A vote for MBF is a vote for the Tea Party idiocy.

7 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:18:38am

re: #3 Kragar

Speaking of zee dog poopies…

House Republicans silence Rep. Grayson after he cites poll comparing them to ‘dog poop’

Ha, I am not a big Grayson fan but sometimes the truth just hurts like well shit.

8 Kragar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:19:18am
9 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:19:23am

Can’t wait for these bastards to get their just desserts at the polls.

10 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:21:01am

The GOP is soul destroyingly stupid.

11 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:21:07am

re: #5 Vicious Babushka

Tell me again who’s cheering on the Shutdown?

[Embedded content]

You mean the all-powerful uberefficient private sector didn’t pick up the slack?

Obviously, this shows that there is little demand for port security.

12 dog philosopher  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:22:57am

it looks like it’s beginning to sink in to the right wing that they are not getting away with this

on the fox news page today the ‘slimdown’ has magically transmogrified into a Fiscal Crisis

it’s about time

also, i track right wing bloggers bemoaning how ‘inarticulate’ republicans are and how they do such a bad job of getting their message out

13 Lidane  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:24:23am

re: #10 Varek Raith

The GOP is soul destroyingly stupid.

Case in point:

And no, they’re not speaking metaphorically.

14 kirkspencer  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:25:24am

re: #12 dog philosopher

it looks like it’s beginning to sink in to the right wing that they are not getting away with this

on the fox news page today the ‘slimdown’ has magically transmogrified into a Fiscal Crisis

it’s about time

also, i track right wing bloggers bemoaning how ‘inarticulate’ republicans are and how they do such a bad job of getting their message out

So what do they think the message should be? I mean, the Republicans are trying to say it’s Obama who isn’t compromising so the shutdown is his fault. The problem is all the stuff on record (that keeps being played) where the Republicans said if they didn’t get their way they’d shut down the government.

“We’re gonna … We’re gonna … [crash] We didn’t do it!”

15 aagcobb  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:25:32am

C’mon, you know its not journalists’ job to report the truth; all they are suppose to do is repeat the talking points of the political parties and pundits regardless of how many lies they spew.//

16 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:25:33am

re: #13 Lidane

Case in point:

[Embedded content]

And no, they’re not speaking metaphorically.

17 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:25:40am

Oh, and by the way…

18 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:26:11am

re: #13 Lidane

Case in point:

[Embedded content]

And no, they’re not speaking metaphorically.

Excuse me, I have a brick wall to run in to.

19 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:26:39am

So per Lidane’s link downstairs, the head of the truckers crazy thingie thinks that Obama and Osama are one and the same. One of the reasons she thinks this is that both Osama and Obama are left handed. Because you know all of us lefties are Bin Laden. Me, Hendrix, Presidents Obama and H.W Bush, Ben Franklin, we all planned 9/11 to get back at the world for the tyranny of left handed scissors. She also claims they share the same height. Lol only six inches off. Also claimed they have the same hand, bone structures, and ears too. I don’t know where these people come from but they’re a good laugh.

20 AntonSirius  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:27:04am

My daily STFU to His Orangeness after a particularly egregious tweet:

21 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:27:16am

re: #17 Charles Johnson

Watch for him to start a new bunch of fascists.

22 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:27:28am

re: #15 aagcobb

C’mon, you know its not journalists’ job to report the truth; all they are suppose to do is repeat the talking points of the political parties and pundits regardless of how many lies they spew.//

And fearmonger, don’t forget that. This default won’t actually happen because the politicians on both sides just like doing this as a market ploy to please their makers who already know the terms of the deal that will end this mess. It’s all fearmongering.


23 Lidane  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:27:48am

re: #15 aagcobb

C’mon, you know its not journalists’ job to report the truth; all they are suppose to do is repeat the talking points of the political parties and pundits regardless of how many lies they spew.//

Chuck Todd, is that you?

24 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:27:53am

re: #17 Charles Johnson

Oh, and by the way…

[Embedded content]

But KT was so sure it was genuine!

25 docproto48  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:28:26am

republicans are universally willing to destroy the country to discredit the “black” man in the white house

26 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:28:48am

re: #17 Charles Johnson

Oh, and by the way…

[Embedded content]

I think we should believe he’s renounced his views and ways as much as we did when David Duke claimed to have left the KKK but remained bigoted as ever. Which is to say we should believe him as much as we adults should believe in the tooth fairy.

27 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:29:04am

re: #21 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Watch for him to start a new bunch of fascists.

But he’s a changed man! We’re supposed to take this seriously! It’s a win for whatever the group is that supposedly convinced him to ‘denounce’ the EDL! Putin made Obama and Kerry look bad in Syria!


28 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:29:19am

As usual, Charles Pierce nails it: esquire.com

We have elected a national legislature in which Louie Gohmert and Michele Bachmann have more power than does the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who has been made a piteous spectacle in the eyes of the country and doesn’t seem to mind that at all. We have elected a national legislature in which the true power resides in a cabal of vandals, a nihilistic brigade that believes that its opposition to a bill directing millions of new customers to the nation’s insurance companies is the equivalent of standing up to the Nazis in 1938, to the bravery of the passengers on Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, and to Mel Gibson’s account of the Scottish Wars of Independence in the 13th Century. We have elected a national legislature that looks into the mirror and sees itself already cast in marble.

We did this. We looked at our great legacy of self-government and we handed ourselves over to the reign of morons.

This is what they came to Washington to do — to break the government of the United States. It doesn’t matter any more whether they’re doing it out of pure crackpot ideology, or at the behest of the various sugar daddies that back their campaigns, or at the instigation of their party’s mouthbreathing base. It may be any one of those reasons. It may be all of them. The government of the United States, in the first three words of its founding charter, belongs to all of us, and these people have broken it deliberately. The true hell of it, though, is that you could see this coming down through the years, all the way from Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address in which government “was” the problem, through Bill Clinton’s ameliorative nonsense about the era of big government being “over,” through the attempts to make a charlatan like Newt Gingrich into a scholar and an ambitious hack like Paul Ryan into a budget genius, and through all the endless attempts to find “common ground” and a “Third Way.” Ultimately, as we all wrapped ourselves in good intentions, a prion disease was eating away at the country’s higher functions. One of the ways you can acquire a prion disease is to eat right out of its skull the brains of an infected monkey. We are now seeing the country reeling and jabbering from the effects of the prion disease, but it was during the time of Reagan that the country ate the monkey brains.

29 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:29:21am

re: #19 HappyWarrior

So per Lidane’s link downstairs, the head of the truckers crazy thingie thinks that Obama and Osama are one and the same. One of the reasons she thinks this is that both Osama and Obama are left handed. Because you know all of us lefties are Bin Laden. Me, Hendrix, Presidents Obama and H.W Bush, Ben Franklin, we all planned 9/11 to get back at the world for the tyranny of left handed scissors. She also claims they share the same height. Lol only six inches off. Also claimed they have the same hand, bone structures, and ears too. I don’t know where these people come from but they’re a good laugh.

You damned Southpaws!! I always knew you were up to no good!!


30 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:30:01am

re: #13 Lidane

Case in point:

[Embedded content]

And no, they’re not speaking metaphorically.

I just paged that.

31 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:30:43am

re: #29 Dr Lizardo

You damned Southpaws!! I always knew you were up to no good!!


You should have never invented the Ted Williams shift! Now it’s leftihad!

32 Kragar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:30:58am

Hey Kids! You know what happens this weekend?


33 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:31:12am

I’m left handed.
I’m Osama too!

34 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:32:23am

He’s got that IMAX projection thingy down pat.

35 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:32:33am

re: #33 Varek Raith

I’m left handed.
I’m Osama too!

I’m above average height and my skin isn’t always lily white. I’m totes more OSama than you and I’m a lefty.

36 Gus  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:32:35am

re: #33 Varek Raith

I’m left handed.
I’m Osama too!

I’ve got a neck beard… therefore…

37 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:33:29am

re: #17 Charles Johnson

His very good friend Pamz is in the news again as well.

‘Hate group’ sues to re-run controversial FBI ads on Metro buses

SEATTLE — An anti-Muslim organization has sued the King County for refusing to allow the purported hate group to re-run controversial FBI advertisements on Metro buses.

I just loved these little snippets.

Geller has more recently made outlandish claims about President Obama’s parentage, denied the ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims and established close ties to white supremacist organizations.


According to the Anti-Defamation League, she and Spencer were cited in the manifesto of Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian gunman who killed 77 people on a political retreat. Following the tragedy, Geller said the slain campers were playing “anti-Semitic war games,” had a “pro-Islamic agenda,” and were not “pure Norwegian.”

38 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:33:31am

re: #35 HappyWarrior

I’m above average height and my skin isn’t always lily white. I’m totes more OSama than you and I’m a lefty.

6, 3 here.

re: #36 Gus

I’ve got a neck beard… therefore…

So do I…
I’m scared now.

39 aagcobb  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:33:33am

re: #32 Kragar

Hey Kids! You know what happens this weekend?


How long before the religious right grants sainthood to atheist Ayn Rand? Objectivism is the new Christianity!

40 aagcobb  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:34:33am

re: #34 Vicious Babushka

He’s got that IMAX projection thingy down pat.

[Embedded content]

Utter nonsense, because passing a continuing resolution funding the government at sequester levels is already a huge concession by the Democrats.

41 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:34:36am

re: #36 Gus

I’ve got a neck beard… therefore…

I’ve got a mustache and goatee.

And I’m a Muslim.


42 Gus  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:34:45am

re: #38 Varek Raith

6, 3 here.

So do I…
I’m scared now.

Well. We can either start a band or a reality TV show.

Neck Beards of Little Green Footballs


43 nines09  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:34:47am

re: #13 Lidane

Case in point:

[Embedded content]

And no, they’re not speaking metaphorically.

That should earn you a trip to therapy. or sedation. or a padded room. No. She’s on TV!!!!!

44 Lidane  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:34:59am

re: #32 Kragar

Hey Kids! You know what happens this weekend?


Oh joy. We’re going to go into default with a chorus line of idiots singing “It’s No Big Deal!”

45 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:35:07am

re: #38 Varek Raith

6, 3 here.

So do I…
I’m scared now.

Damn you making me feel short. I’m “only” 6 even.

46 nines09  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:35:32am

re: #32 Kragar

Hey Kids! You know what happens this weekend?


“Who’s for a BONFIRE??!!!???”

47 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:35:37am

re: #32 Kragar

Hey Kids! You know what happens this weekend?


Joy. Glad I’m staying out of D.C this weekend.

48 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:36:03am

You tall people all suck.


49 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:36:11am

re: #46 nines09

“Who’s for a BONFIRE??!!!???”

Give us now our daily book burning and gay and or female shaming.

50 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:36:16am
51 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:36:20am

re: #34 Vicious Babushka

52 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:36:37am

re: #48 klys

You tall people all suck.


What was that? I can’t hear you down there.

53 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:36:49am

re: #48 klys

You tall people all suck.


I was 6 even in 7th grade.
Also why my knees are borked.

54 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:37:17am

re: #52 HappyWarrior

What was that? I can’t hear you down there.

Go to Japan and we’ll see who’s laughing now.

55 nines09  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:37:37am

re: #49 HappyWarrior

Give us now our daily book burning and gay and or female shaming.

And then we can break out the boots and high collar shirts and peaked caps and dance!!!!!

56 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:39:08am

re: #53 Varek Raith

I was 6 even in 7th grade.
Also why my knees are borked.

Shit we could use seventh grade you on the basketball team I’m assisting coaching this winter heh. Sucks about the knees though.

57 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:39:59am

Yay, the vet has called and he is waking up nicely from the anesthesia. I don’t get to bring him home until 5pm though. :(

58 Mattand  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:40:09am

re: #35 HappyWarrior

I’m above average height and my skin isn’t always lily white. I’m totes more OSama than you and I’m a lefty.

I have bilateral symmetry.

You know who else had bilateral symmetry?

59 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:40:15am

re: #54 klys

Go to Japan and we’ll see who’s laughing now.

Heh no plans to.

60 Gus  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:40:31am

It’s 2013 and Orrin Hatch finally seems reasonable. I miss establishment and Rockefeller Republicans.

61 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:40:35am

re: #54 klys

Go to Japan and we’ll see who’s laughing now.

Reminds me of my ex-wife on her first trip to Japan.

Six feet tall, long blonde hair and blue eyes.

“Why is everybody staring at me?!!”

62 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:41:32am

re: #60 Gus

It’s 2013 and Orrin Hatch finally seems reasonable. I miss establishment and Rockefeller Republicans.

I believe Roy Blunt was telling his constituents to enroll in ACA exchanges. But yeah what a strange world this is.

63 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:42:00am

re: #59 HappyWarrior

Heh no plans to.

My husband is 6’ and doors can occasionally be an issue.

We have our tickets for New Year’s, which is yay. It’s a beautiful country to travel to and in.

Houshi Onsen.

64 Ian G.  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:42:40am

re: #2 Kragar

I read that as “Colbert” at first, rather than “Coburn” because I thought it was a joke.

Also, what the fuck is a “managed catastrophe”?

65 Gus  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:42:50am

When we finally went out West from New Jersey back in the 70s one of the first things we noticed was all the tall people and lots of blondes in Minnesota. :D

66 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:43:09am

I have to turn sideways to get into the attic. Broad shoulders.
It’s funny watching me…

67 Feline Fearless Leader  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:43:28am

And remember that the whole sequester was supposed to be the big axe hanging over negotiations that *no one* wanted to occur and was supposed to be bad enough that both sides would be willing to deal in good faith.

The the sequester came. And the first move of the GOP House was attempting to just grant relief to their chosen programs and essentially get all of their desired cuts into place without giving anything up.

These fanatics are not worth bargaining with. They will not deal in good faith and they are not interested in getting to any sort of middle ground.

68 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:43:56am

Gohmert is another economic illiterate.

Says that government can’t default if it is shut down.

Except that expenses and obligations are still accruing. Interest on debt. Payments already obligated by Congress, etc.

There’s no easy analogy to a personal finance situation, but this is the closest I can come up with.

Gohmert is laid off from his employer. He has no other income coming in, but he’s got bills to pay. He’s got the car payment, the mortgage payment, student loans, and credit card bills. Oh, and he has to pay for food, heat, and his cell phone.

All those bills don’t disappear once the job disappears. They add up. They have to be paid, even if it’s only the minimum payment. The rainy day fund is tapped out because he’s been living beyond his means for years and he’s used every fiscal gimmick to avoid the reckoning.

The bills come due. And he has to pay by law. There is no bankruptcy option either (a key difference).

69 kirkspencer  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:44:47am

So, here’s one of the things about Stockman that angers me the most.

He had to declare bankruptcy due to the cost of supporting his father (who suffered from Alzheimer’s) and wound up putting him in a home. He knows how bad the medical system is. He knows how necessary the bankruptcy system is. He knows how much help was required from the government to care for the needy.

But he works hard to see that the things he used and he needed aren’t there for anyone else.

I have a particular contempt for the “for me but not for thee” crowd.

70 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:45:21am

re: #65 Gus

When we finally went out West from New Jersey back in the 70s one of the first things we noticed was all the tall people and lots of blondes in Minnesota. :D

My sisters are 5’10” and 5’8”.

I tell them I got all the brains.

71 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:46:04am

re: #63 klys

My husband is 6’ and doors can occasionally be an issue.

We have our tickets for New Year’s, which is yay. It’s a beautiful country to travel to and in.

Houshi Onsen.

Oh, shiny.

72 mechanic  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:46:48am

“Managed catastrophe”?
How do you manage chaos?

73 Gus  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:46:49am

re: #70 klys

My sisters are 5’10” and 5’8”.

I tell them I got all the brains.

I’m 5’-8” on a good day. :D

74 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:47:22am

re: #69 kirkspencer

So, here’s one of the things about Stockman that angers me the most.

He had to declare bankruptcy due to the cost of supporting his father (who suffered from Alzheimer’s) and wound up putting him in a home. He knows how bad the medical system is. He knows how necessary the bankruptcy system is. He knows how much help was required from the government to care for the needy.

But he works hard to see that the things he used and he needed aren’t there for anyone else.

I have a particular contempt for the “for me but not for thee” crowd.

For them, my contempt is highest. See, also, Ryan, Paul who used his father’s social security benefits to pay for his college education. I don’t begrudge him or Stockman in this case for doing what they did but I hate the “Oh, it was swell for me to do this but tough shit if you want to.”

75 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:47:55am

Any one of you tall guys here would have been a better choice to play Jack Reacher in the movie than 5’6” Tom Freaking Cruise.

76 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:48:19am

re: #73 Gus

I’m 5’-8” on a good day. :D

I’m 5’4” with shoes.

Not heels, because I can’t walk in them.

77 Kragar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:49:08am

I’m 6’ in the morning and about 5’11” by evening.

78 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:49:11am

Speaking of Steve Stockman, now he has that unpaid intern making Photoshop memes of wingnut talking points.

79 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:49:43am
80 makeitstop  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:49:45am

6 foot two, yo. My wife is 5 foot 1.

I wear flats, she wears heels. It’s in the marriage contract.

81 Gus  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:49:48am

re: #77 Kragar

I’m 6’ in the morning and about 5’11” by evening.

Shrinkage. //

82 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:50:01am

Rand Paul playing “Tu Quoque” as loud as he can. What an asshat.

83 Gus  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:50:15am

I’m 5’-8” when I get in the pool and about 4’-2” when I get out of the pool.


84 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:50:27am

re: #75 Vicious Babushka

6’1 here, and I’m the runt in the family on the male side.

85 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:50:37am

re: #80 makeitstop

6 foot two, yo. My wife is 5 foot 1.

I wear flats, she wears heels. It’s in the marriage contract.

I have friends where he is something like 6’2”-6’3” and she is 4’10”.

I was among the taller of my friends in high school. Which is kind of scary.

86 Lidane  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:50:39am

For the comics nerds around here, a mental health break:

I think this is kind of amazing. Archie are usually so protective of their image and their characters. Seeing them greenlight a series like this is pretty cool.

87 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:51:16am

re: #78 Vicious Babushka

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this “argument” pop up on Facebook in the past 24 hrs.

88 nines09  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:51:19am

The sad truth is not many Americans are “politicized” or up to speed on world affairs, or even ours. They are too busy doing life and jobs and death and taxes and all the things that make up a life. The GOP/TP acts on this by repeating the same lies over and over, and our ” Media” does nothing to call out the BS. Fox lies. Rush shits all over the airwaves daily. Hannity, Savage, Rivera, et all bombard you. The media has not done it’s job. The FACTS are the job of the media, and they have let the public down. Look at the ads here. Non stop. I wasn’t politicized until I had a bunch of people start telling me what I should think. I started to think. I grew. I learned. And I now know the dirty truth. F the GOP/TP.

89 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:51:31am

re: #79 Charles Johnson

Riddle me this, what’s white and red all over?

The GOP screaming at the top of its lungs that access to health insurance is the end of life as we know it.

90 piratedan  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:52:06am

re: #75 Vicious Babushka

he does a good job imho, he gives a good representation of Reachers laconic self assured style, no bragging, just trying to save you from yourself interactions.

Wasn’t keen on him getting the role at first, but enjoyed the stories and outside of the physical aspects, he has the character pretty well realized. Naturally, ymmv

91 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:53:51am

S&P and Moodys giving the GOP a lifeline… undeserved IMO, but one that feeds into the GOP that the default can be mischief managed.

92 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:54:09am

re: #76 klys

I’m 5’4” with shoes.

Not heels, because I can’t walk in them.

I’ll have to watch where I step then.

93 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:54:33am

re: #90 piratedan

he does a good job imho, he gives a good representation of Reachers laconic self assured style, no bragging, just trying to save you from yourself interactions.

Wasn’t keen on him getting the role at first, but enjoyed the stories and outside of the physical aspects, he has the character pretty well realized. Naturally, ymmv

I would rather they had cast some wrestler like John Cena or The Rock.

94 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:54:55am

re: #91 lawhawk

In other words who cares if you eat as long as the bills to others are paid.

95 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:57:10am

re: #94 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Well, to quote GoodFellas,

But now the guy’s gotta come up with Paulie’s money every week, no matter what. Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. Oh, you had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. Place got hit by lightning, huh? Fuck you, pay me.

96 erik_t  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:57:21am

re: #94 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

In other words who cares if you eat as long as the bills to others are paid.

Country First, as someone once said.

Although I didn’t know he meant China.

97 Kragar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:57:25am

Robertson: Secret Demonic Objects In Your House Could Give You Headaches

When a viewer asked him today how she could manage to pray over everything in her house every day, Robertson said not to worry too much… unless God is telling you that there are in fact demons in your house.

“What is important is: were these objects actually used in some kind of Satanic ritual? Some occult practice? If that’s the case, then there might be some demonic force that attaches to that which was used in pagan worship,” Robertson said. “In terms of going around and saying this is cursed and that’s cursed, you can drive yourself crazy doing that.”

Co-host Wendy Griffith claimed that she knew of cases where God told a preacher to remove certain paintings from his house “because they have something attached to them,” and Robertson agreed: “I’ve heard of people who had headaches, they get something from overseas and it looks so beautiful yet it’s actually a deity, a demonic force has attached itself to that.”

98 Internet Tough Guy  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:57:48am

re: #91 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

S&P and Moodys giving the GOP a lifeline… undeserved IMO, but one that feeds into the GOP that the default can be mischief managed.

I’m afraid that S&P and Moody’s just made a horrible mistake.

They’ve given the Orange One something to use against any pressure on him to cave.

99 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:58:07am
100 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:58:28am

re: #98 Internet Tough Guy

I’m afraid that S&P and Moody’s just made a horrible mistake.

They’ve given the Orange One something to use against any pressure on him to cave.


101 Gus  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:58:57am

re: #97 Kragar

Robertson: Secret Demonic Objects In Your House Could Give You Headaches


Yep. Normal people.

102 piratedan  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:59:51am

re: #93 Vicious Babushka

Not sure that Cena could emote his way out of an open phone booth and Mr. Johnson could have worked.. imho its hard to find someone who can handle that confidence that Reacher exudes in the novels and have that make it to the screen without it translating to cocky and tbh that is very key to the character.

103 Kragar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 10:59:56am

Congressman Asks IRS Official: Are You A Witch?

A Democratic Congressman mocked the GOP’s effort to demonize an IRS official during a House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday by asking her if she was a witch consorting with the devil.

The official, Affordable Care Act Office Director Sarah Hall Ingram, said in response to questioning from Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA) that she has never worked with the devil, could not fly, and was not responsible for perverting the youth “in Salem or anywhere else.”

104 Bulworth  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:00:09am

re: #101 Gus


Yep. Normal people.

I get it now. John Boehner is possessed by an evil Teaparty spirit demon. It all makes sense.

105 wrenchwench  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:00:19am

Nice of our personal MBF to balance out the dings on Buck and Killgore.

106 Kragar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:00:24am

re: #101 Gus


[Embedded content]

Yep. Normal people.

“Normal people” are the ones you need to watch out for.

107 Ian G.  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:00:32am

re: #91 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

S&P and Moodys giving the GOP a lifeline… undeserved IMO, but one that feeds into the GOP that the default can be mischief managed.

Well, the GOP was delusional enough to believe their own nonsense about “unskewed polls” and the 2012 election, so I suppose they’re delusional enough to believe that they’re all Galtian geniuses who are independent of government spending when the rest of us are all mooches. Well, once government contractors stop being paid, and SS and Medicare stops going out, there will be a dose of reality far more unpleasant than the one that had Karl Rove sputtering on live TV about the election results in Ohio.

I just hope the collateral damage to ordinary people isn’t that horrendous.

108 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:02:52am

re: #102 piratedan

Not sure that Cena could emote his way out of an open phone booth and Mr. Johnson could have worked.. imho its hard to find someone who can handle that confidence that Reacher exudes in the novels and have that make it to the screen without it translating to cocky and tbh that is very key to the character.

The confidence comes from being 6’5” and 250 lbs. According to the novels Reacher is a very straightforward character. No hang-ups, no anguish tortured conflicting emotions, it’s just “See bad guys, beat them up.” Reacher in the books could not talk face to face with a woman while standing up, or hide in a crowd waiting at a bus stop like Cruise did in the movie. Rock, or LL Cool J totally would have been a better choice than Cruise.

109 Ian G.  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:02:53am

re: #97 Kragar

Robertson: Secret Demonic Objects In Your House Could Give You Headaches

I know the feeling, Wendy. After watching “Ghostbusters II” on mescaline, I took all the paintings out of my house too, because I thought Vigo the Carpathian was present in them.

110 Eventual Carrion  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:04:06am

re: #77 Kragar

I’m 6’ in the morning and about 5’11” by evening.

Kinda like me. I feel 25 when I start playing and partying at night, then when I get up in the morning I feel 65.

111 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:04:14am

But I think Tom Cruise would totally kick ass as Ahmadinejad.

112 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:04:52am

re: #109 Ian G.

I know the feeling, Wendy. After watching “Ghostbusters II” on mescaline, I took all the paintings out of my house too, because I thought Vigo the Carpathian was present in them.

Well, my apartment must really be possessed by demonic objects; I was having my morning coffee with Nyarlathotep, and this damned Shoggoth kept wanting to bum a smoke off me.

113 piratedan  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:06:31am

re: #108 Vicious Babushka

The confidence comes from being 6’5” and 250 lbs. According to the novels Reacher is a very straightforward character. No hang-ups, no anguish tortured conflicting emotions, it’s just “See bad guys, beat them up.” Reacher in the books could not talk face to face with a woman while standing up, or hide in a crowd waiting at a bus stop like Cruise did in the movie. Rock, or LL Cool J totally would have been a better choice than Cruise.

I dunno, I thought the confidence wasn’t just that he’s big, he’s big and he has skills, because he’s shown throughout the series that simply being big isn’t enough… but hey, it’s a free country… I had the same issue with The Dead Zone when they cast Martin Sheen as Greg Stillson.

114 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:06:35am

But I think Leonardo DiCaprio would be a better choice than Tom Cruise to play Rand Paul.

115 Lidane  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:08:12am
116 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:08:24am

re: #97 Kragar

Robertson: Secret Demonic Objects In Your House Could Give You Headaches

I don’t know what’s more sad that this guy can talk like this without laughing himself silly at the crazy shit he talks aoout or that people actually think he’s some serious authority figure.

117 piratedan  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:10:09am

re: #116 HappyWarrior

I don’t know what’s more sad that this guy can talk like this without laughing himself silly at the crazy shit he talks aoout or that people actually think he’s some serious authority figure.

such as your TV, when tuned into Robertson’s program certainly does give me headaches.

118 kirkspencer  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:10:12am

re: #108 Vicious Babushka

The confidence comes from being 6’5” and 250 lbs. According to the novels Reacher is a very straightforward character. No hang-ups, no anguish tortured conflicting emotions, it’s just “See bad guys, beat them up.” Reacher in the books could not talk face to face with a woman while standing up, or hide in a crowd waiting at a bus stop like Cruise did in the movie. Rock, or LL Cool J totally would have been a better choice than Cruise.

Adam Baldwin, who stands 6’4” and normally runs around 230, would probably have worked as well.

119 Kragar  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:10:33am

re: #116 HappyWarrior

I don’t know what’s more sad that this guy can talk like this without laughing himself silly at the crazy shit he talks aoout or that people actually think he’s some serious authority figure.

Robertson is one evil crazy son of a bitch.

120 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:10:48am

RWNJs keepin’ it classy.

121 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:10:58am

re: #115 Lidane

[Embedded content]

That’s my team :).

122 AlexRogan  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:11:09am

re: #118 kirkspencer

Adam Baldwin, who stands 6’4” and normally runs around 230, would probably have worked as well.

Too bad he’s a raving wingnut.

That said, I liked him in Independence Day, in Firefly, and as Animal Mother in Full Metal Jacket.

123 Mike Lamb  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:11:35am

re: #91 lawhawk

The same S&P and Moody’s who were instrumental in propping up the garbage mortgage backed securities that helped wreck the economy? Those guys? Why do we listen to them again?

124 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:13:25am
125 Lidane  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:14:00am
126 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:14:30am
127 GlutenFreeJesus  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:16:07am

re: #114 Vicious Babushka

But I think Leonardo DiCaprio would be a better choice than Tom Cruise to play Rand Paul.

R.J. Fletcher from UHF would be perfect. He even has a crybaby wimp of a son.

128 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:17:42am

re: #126 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Glenn’s going ot lose it even more when Obama leaves the WH because then his cash cow will die. Glenn Beck: making millions off the paranoia of others.

129 Lidane  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:18:06am

When we default and all these Republicans and RWNJs start whining about their portfolios being worthless because Obama, I’m going to seriously be tempted to throw things.

130 kirkspencer  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:18:30am

re: #122 AlexRogan

Too bad he’s a raving wingnut.

True ,but he’d still be a good choice for the part.

OK, personal standard time. I find that in arts I’m willing to ignore political position and sanity for quality of art. I like, for example, some of Wagner’s stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed Frasier despite Kelsey Grammer’s political stance (slightly right of Adam Baldwin, not quite Louis Gohmert). I have not and will not burn my T. S. Eliot books. So on, so forth.

So I despise the stances many of these people held and hold. And I acknowledge that by supporting them with my money I not only enable them to preach their positions to others but help raise them to celebrity status, making their megaphones larger.

So be it, because I think my life would be poorer without Macavity and Firefly and a host of things between.

131 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:18:41am

re: #129 Lidane

When we default and all these Republicans and RWNJs start whining about their portfolios being worthless because Obama, I’m going to seriously be tempted to throw things.

All my things will have already been thrown.

132 ObserverArt  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:18:44am

re: #24 Varek Raith

But KT was so sure it was genuine!

Occupy the Highway.

133 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:19:41am
134 ObserverArt  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:20:17am

re: #41 Dr Lizardo

I’ve got a mustache and goatee.

And I’m a Muslim.


Does your first name sound like Osama? That’s a real deal killer. More points off if Hussein is your name too.

135 ObserverArt  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:23:55am

re: #64 Ian G.

I read that as “Colbert” at first, rather than “Coburn” because I thought it was a joke.

Also, what the fuck is a “managed catastrophe”?

I think that is what they are calling the GOP now. Except it really isn’t managed.

136 BongCrodny  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:26:13am

George, anyone can see there are five lights.

137 ObserverArt  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:26:43am

re: #68 lawhawk

Gohmert is another economic illiterate.

Stop right there mister. You are giving him too much credit.

138 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:27:04am

re: #124 Vicious Babushka

That’s the City Hall station. It’s not an active station because of the sharp curve involved, but you can still see remnants of the station if you look carefully. If you walk near City Hall, you’ll find glass tiles embedded in the sidewalk - that enabled light to filter down into the station.

And it’s part of the 6 train. So, if you stay on at the end of its run to Lower Manhattan, you can view it through the window.

It looks just as beautiful now as when it was built after the MTA did a renovation back in the 1990s anticipating a move of the Transit Museum from Brooklyn. That move didn’t happen, in part because the station’s location was deemed too risky by the Giuliani Admin because of its proximity to City Hall (the African Embassy Bombings), but the station still looks quite nice.

139 aagcobb  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:28:10am

re: #115 Lidane

[Embedded content]

They will be getting a nastygram from Mitch McConnell.

140 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:28:36am

re: #134 ObserverArt

Does your first name sound like Osama? That’s a real deal killer. More points if Hussein is your name too.


Actually, I’m told I look like either Anton LaVey or V.I. Lenin.

Or a combination of the two.

141 klys  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:30:02am

Ok, who said Buck’s name in the mirror three times?

142 CuriousLurker  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:31:59am

re: #141 klys

LOL, I had the same thought. Didn’t someone mention him in one of francis’ Pages the other day? That must’ve been all it took.

143 ObserverArt  Wed, Oct 9, 2013 11:38:44am

re: #70 klys

My sisters are 5’10” and 5’8”.

I tell them I got all the brains.

I happen to think females with brains are sexy.

One of the things that always made me cringe was when I heard guys panting over Sarah Palin after she was dumped on America saying she was so hot. The minute she opened her mouth, she was nothing but ugly to me.

One of my favorite songs from Frank Black.

I Love Your Brain

He was hurting for the answers
He was serving up the questions
He was searching for a guru he was lucky that he knew you
When I saw your fine physique I was into you like a train
And I love it when you speak you’re so urbane
Oh, I love your brain
Yes, I love your brain
Ooh, I love your brain
I’m gonna say it again
Love your brain
It’s a beautiful brain
I wanna be with your brain
I wanna sleep with your brain

She was looking like a roman
She was cooking it with fire
She was talking right to me
And I couldn’t unglue me
Though I am no duke of earl you are my chatelaine
I love the way the world drives you insane

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