On the RNC Platform Finding NSA Programs Unconstitutional

Hypocrisy and political pandering in action.
Politics • Views: 21,476

The Republican National Committee is claiming that the USA Patriot Act’s NSA provisions are now unconstitutional?


And they want investigations too?

A page-long resolution also called for “a special committee to investigate, report, and reveal to the public the extent of this domestic spying.” This committee would then make suggestions for reform beyond what President Barack Obama suggested a week ago. The committee also wants to “hold accountable those public officials who are found to be responsible for this unconstitutional surveillance.”

The full text of the resolution is here.

It would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetically politically motivated.

Back in 2001, Congress overwhelmingly approved the Patriot Act:

senate.gov (passed US Senate 98-1, the one person being Russ Feingold).

clerk.house.gov (211 GOPers approved, versus 3 opposed, including Ron Paul; 145 Democrats approved versus 66 opposed).

Read carefully through the names of those who approved the Patriot Act. There are a whole lot of familiar names. Both Darrell Issa and John Boehner voted for the Act.

But if that isn’t enough, let’s look more recently at the 2011 extension of the Patriot Act. It passed 250-153 with 28 no votes. Once again, Issa voted for. Even Louie Gohmert voted for this.

By investigations, I guess that means Darrell Issa will have to investigate himself.

Back in 2001, every GOP senator voted for this; some of them are still in the US Senate today. Did any of them misunderstand the Act? Did every one of the 211 GOPers who voted for it in the House misunderstand the Act and ignore the constitutionality? Some of them are still in Congress today too.

Did any of these same people then suddenly find that the law was unconstitutional in 2011 when they reauthorized the provisions of the Patriot Act (Pub.L. 112-14), knowing full well that there were provisions that might collect data on the US, inadvertently or on purpose? The answer, of course, is no; they approved the legislation and reauthorized the law enabling the NSA to continue gathering data.

Back in 2006, the media revealed that the NSA amassed a massive database of calls, which they said was targeted on international calls, but that too had caveats.

Sources, however, say that is not the case. With access to records of billions of domestic calls, the NSA has gained a secret window into the communications habits of millions of Americans. Customers’ names, street addresses and other personal information are not being handed over as part of NSA’s domestic program, the sources said. But the phone numbers the NSA collects can easily be cross-checked with other databases to obtain that information.

Don Weber, a senior spokesman for the NSA, declined to discuss the agency’s operations. “Given the nature of the work we do, it would be irresponsible to comment on actual or alleged operational issues; therefore, we have no information to provide,” he said. “However, it is important to note that NSA takes its legal responsibilities seriously and operates within the law.”

The White House would not discuss the domestic call-tracking program. “There is no domestic surveillance without court approval,” said Dana Perino, deputy press secretary, referring to actual eavesdropping.

She added that all national intelligence activities undertaken by the federal government “are lawful, necessary and required for the pursuit of al-Qaeda and affiliated terrorists.” All government-sponsored intelligence activities “are carefully reviewed and monitored,” Perino said. She also noted that “all appropriate members of Congress have been briefed on the intelligence efforts of the United States.”

So, even after the 2006 revelations and Congressional briefings by security officials, they were still satisfied that the programs were constitutional.

So what’s changed that the GOP is now claiming that these programs/actions are unconstitutional.

It isn’t the NSA’s actions.

It isn’t the law either.

I’d argue that the only thing that’s changed is that the GOP thinks that they’ve found an issue on which to hurt Democrats. I’m not alone in finding the flip-flop on the NSA and eavesdropping programs that the GOP formerly authorized so confounding (well, not really - it’s more enlightening about tactics and politics than about the specific policy itself).

But by convenience (and in the same way that they turned on a dime to claim that the ACA’s individual mandate was unconstitutional) they’re now claiming that a position they once held was unconstitutional.

It’s got nothing to do with the constitutionality of the NSA enabling legislation or the actions/results of the NSA programs. It has a whole lot to do with who won the White House and who won reelection in 2012.

So, it leads to a quandary: is the GOP pleading ignorance of the law they championed, or are they playing politics in the hopes of dinging the President and Democrats? It’s not like they can claim they were duped either. The 2006 revelations were well documented and should have informed decisions to reauthorize the law, including in 2011, and yet the law was reauthorized without concern about the constitutionality by these Republicans.

Well, they’re going to play it both ways. And neither is particularly satisfying.

It’s one thing to argue that the programs should be allowed to sunset because the threat has past or that additional reforms need to be instituted. It’s quite another to claim that the program is unconstitutional little more than a year after reauthorizing the law for a second time.

It was enacted with sunset clauses, meaning that it would require Congress to reauthorize - to look at the law with a critical eye and evaluate how the law operated in practice. They’ve now done so at least two times - 2006 and 2011, with amendments added in several other acts of Congress since first enacted in 2001.

Each time, the law was approved with support from Republicans.

Indeed, the current version of the law is far more protective of US civil rights and limits what the NSA can do with far stronger oversight. Many of the revelations about the NSA refer to actions before the Obama Administration came to office and before the reforms were instituted.

Only now, with a Democrat in the White House is there a complaint that the ongoing program is unconstitutional, when it was revealed to be doing the same exact thing that it was revealed to have done in 2006 (and to which Congress knew or should have known all along pursuant to the regular briefings to Congress).

Cross posted at A Blog For All.

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1 BusyMonster  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 12:32:13pm

Oh, my goodness. Now watch this rational, it’s-pretty-fucking-obvious-what-is-happening-here argument turn into goofy mental taffy when the press gets hold of it. Up will become down, left will become right, cats and dogs will lie together, and nobody will know what the fuck is going on except it’s Obama’s fault.

And our dumb-fuck press will dutifully shart this nonsense out as if we are all mentally retarded and can’t remember anything.

Sometimes, I think they know that is how it works, and they’re just wearing down decent people with their bullshit. I get so tired of it.

2 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 12:34:47pm

re: #1 BusyMonster

Oh, my goodness. Now watch this rational, it’s-pretty-fucking-obvious-what-is-happening-here argument turn into goofy mental taffy when the press gets hold of it. Up will become down, left will become right, cats and dogs will lie together, and nobody will know what the fuck is going on except it’s Obama’s fault.

And our dumb-fuck press will dutifully shart this nonsense out as if we are all mentally retarded and can’t remember anything.

Sometimes, I think they know that is how it works, and they’re just wearing down decent people with their bullshit. I get so tired of it.

Alas that I can only give this +1. It is the best description of the normal operation of the US press I’ve seen to date.

3 lawhawk  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 12:37:28pm

re: #1 BusyMonster

It’s hard to keep track of anything, they’ll claim, except that the Internet has a long memory - and people should know that the revelations about the NSA go back to the middle of the Bush Administration, and the GOP defended the very programs at issue today. In fact, since those revelations, there have been more protections and reforms instituted to protect US civil rights.

But the GOP has ignored all that and gone with the blanket unconstitutional nonsense. And the media will play along, even though some of the same people leading the charge of unconstitutionality are those who enacted the law (and subsequent reforms) in the first place.

4 Romantic Heretic  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 1:50:48pm

re: #1 BusyMonster

Oh, my goodness. Now watch this rational, it’s-pretty-fucking-obvious-what-is-happening-here argument turn into goofy mental taffy when the press gets hold of it. Up will become down, left will become right, cats and dogs will lie together, and nobody will know what the fuck is going on except it’s Obama’s fault.

And our dumb-fuck press will dutifully shart this nonsense out as if we are all mentally retarded and can’t remember anything.

Sometimes, I think they know that is how it works, and they’re just wearing down decent people with their bullshit. I get so tired of it.

Well, you have to remember that the media is a business. It has to make a profit and to do that it has to have people reading/watching/listening.

This requires that it pretty much has to play to the lowest common denominator, as well as appeal to the prejudices of its consumers, as well as never, ever challenging their consumers to think. Consumers forced to think go to other sources of entertainment and confirmation.

Anything else means less money coming in. Such blasphemy cannot be countenanced.

There are exceptions of course, but the big source of news use this playbook.

5 dog philosopher  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 1:57:51pm

i think every republican senator and representative now serving who voted for the “patriot act” should now proceed to discover that they violated their oath to defend and protect the constitution, and resign forthwith

right away


6 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 1:58:34pm

when everyone was gung-ho on the patriot act shit I always said to those on the right “would you support it if it the president was a democrat” or more precisely Hillary Clinton. They all scoffed. Now it’s a Democrat, and a black one to boot in office and we have our answer.

Classless, shameless, shiftless fucktards. The lot of em.

7 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 1:58:48pm

The GOP changed their position in the name of political expediency?

I’m shocked! SHOCKED!

8 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:01:01pm

I don’t even know what this shit is:

9 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:02:01pm

Wow, what a picture.

10 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:05:06pm

re: #8 Kragar

I don’t even know what this shit is:

[Embedded content]

1850s Democrats were about as “progressive” as Republicans are today.

11 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:05:08pm
12 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:05:50pm

re: #11 Kragar

[Embedded content]

But they still took this to court anyway so they can get their asses off the hook by having the court make the decision for them.

13 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:06:07pm

America Is At Risk

Youtube Video

House democrats have allowed the Protect America Act to expire. The Protect America Act allows our intelligence agents to intercept the plots of foreign terrorists. House Republicans demand immediate action to keep America safe.

14 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:06:14pm
15 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:08:40pm

Uh oh…

16 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:09:39pm

re: #14 Kragar

[Embedded content]

It’s legs are deformed and it’s suffering from hydrocephalus and heart defects. There is no saving it, even if the hospital could keep it going in the womb of a corpse for another 3-4 months.

17 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:10:17pm
18 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:10:31pm
19 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:10:33pm

re: #15 NJDhockeyfan

Uh oh…

[Embedded content]

Guess Vlad decided to show his “concern.”

20 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:10:53pm

You knew Russia was going to get involved in the Ukraine sooner or later

21 jaunte  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:11:58pm

Weekly Standard:

Without a new law, intelligence professionals have to establish “probable cause” that the target of surveillance is a terrorist to the satisfaction of a judge on the court created by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) before they can intercept the suspect’s communications. This is an onerous and unprecedented burden on the intelligence community.

22 S'latch  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:12:01pm

As they begin to discover that there are not enough Conservatives left to support them, they begin to look towards Libertarians to bridge the gap. It is a crazy strategy, but what else is there?

23 blueraven  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:12:17pm

re: #11 Kragar

And yet

24 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:13:16pm
25 The War TARDIS  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:13:26pm

re: #19 Targetpractice

Here’s hoping Putin goes like Stalin did.

26 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:13:43pm
27 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:13:55pm

re: #20 Kragar

You knew Russia was going to get involved in the Ukraine sooner or later

If Russia goes ahead and invades how will that affect the Olympics? I’m thinking most counties won’t show up.

28 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:14:12pm

re: #22 S’latch

As they begin to discover that there are not enough Conservatives left to support them, they begin to look towards Libertarians to bridge the gap. It is a truly crazy strategy, but what else is there?

Trying to grow the GOP base by adding libertarians to a base that already has so-con extremists in it should be the political equivalent of dropping a 1 kilogram chunk of sodium into a river.

The results are sure to be entertaining, if viewed from a sufficient distance.

29 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:14:43pm

re: #27 NJDhockeyfan

If Russia goes ahead and invades how will that affect the Olympics? I’m thinking most counties won’t show up.

I’m guessing Putin is hoping it won’t go that far. That just the threat that he’ll pull another Georgia will be enough to dispirit the revolutionaries.

30 Ian G.  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:14:56pm

re: #15 NJDhockeyfan

Uh oh…

[Embedded content]

After the swift and decisive way Russia dealt with Georgia trying to take back South Ossetia in 2008, you figured it was only a matter of time before this happened.

31 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:15:06pm

re: #27 NJDhockeyfan

If Russia goes ahead and invades how will that affect the Olympics? I’m thinking most counties won’t show up.

We should have stayed home in the first place.

32 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:15:07pm
33 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:15:38pm

re: #32 Gus

[Embedded content]

…DAVID WELNA: Though he’d already left on his tour of Africa, President Bush’s recorded voice continued berating congressional Democrats over the weekend in his weekly radio address. It aired just hours before the so-called Protect America Act expired at midnight Saturday.

President GEORGE W. BUSH: Because Congress failed to act, it will be harder for our government to keep you safe from terrorist attack.

WELNA: The president’s argument goes like this: The government relies on private U.S. phone companies to help it monitor suspected terrorists, and those communication carriers now face dozens of lawsuits for allegedly having done so without a court order.

President BUSH: Now these companies will be increasingly reluctant to provide this vital cooperation because of their uncertainty about the law and fear of being sued by class-action trial lawyers.

Admiral MICHAEL MCCONNELL (Director, National Intelligence): The entire issue here is liability protection for the carriers.

WELNA: That’s director of National Intelligence, Admiral Michael McConnell, on Fox News Sunday. He said the law hurriedly passed by Congress last August encouraged phone companies to keep cooperating with the government, since it shielded them from new lawsuits.

Admiral MCCONNELL: The issue now is there’s uncertainty because the law’s expired, and the law of August - the Protect America Act - allowed us to compel support from a private carrier…

34 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:17:13pm

House Democrats Fail… Take Early Vacation as Terrorist Surveillance Bill Expires
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, February 15, 2008, 9:37 PM

35 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:17:29pm

re: #23 blueraven

>[Embedded content]

And cries of “Government Death Panels” at 4:16.


36 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:17:31pm

re: #23 blueraven

>[Embedded content]

My guess, or rather my hope, is this is the hospital hoping to set judicial precedent that when the hospital rules that a fetus is not viable, then they’re not legally required to continue “life-saving care.”

37 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:18:23pm

I don’t think the threat has passed, or ever will, and this is where I think Snowden was reckless and he and his buddies continue to be reckless. The Republicans are just adding fuel to the fire with their bullshit.

“It’s one thing to argue that the programs should be allowed to sunset because the threat has past or that additional reforms need to be instituted. It’s quite another to claim that the program is unconstitutional little more than a year after reauthorizing the law for a second time.”

Wholeheartedly agree with this and none of what’s been done so far since 2009 was a result of Snowden or the Republicans.

“Indeed, the current version of the law is far more protective of US civil rights and limits what the NSA can do with far stronger oversight. Many of the revelations about the NSA refer to actions before the Obama Administration came to office and before the reforms were instituted.”

The dudebros’ premature crowing about changing the way the NSA works because of Snowden is just so much chest-beating.

Has anyone personally been paid a visit by a Fed, or has known anyone to be, because of metadata collections? No, and even the dudebros can’t make, and haven’t made, that claim.

38 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:18:36pm

Terrorist Surveillance. Not NSA Surveillance.

39 Ian G.  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:19:45pm

re: #31 Kragar

We should have stayed home in the first place.

Yeah. I’m going to be rather outraged if there’s a Islamist attack on Sochi, and it kills/wounds any athletes or spectators, American or otherwise.

40 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:20:06pm
41 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:20:38pm

re: #15 NJDhockeyfan

Uh oh…

[Embedded content]

Well, at least what that TV stations is calling ‘tanks’ actually are tanks. Hard to tell exactly what type, but they’ve got their reactive armor (ERA) panels mounted on their turrets at least. Newer generation ERA, too, but that means little for identification of type beyond establishing that the tanks in question have been built or upgraded within the last few years.

42 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:20:53pm

re: #37 Justanotherhuman

Snowden and Greenwald have never actually given evidence about how the program actually engaged in abuse. Sure, they listed big numbers about how some errors were made which ended up being a fraction of a percentage point when compared to the big picture, and they’ve talked a lot about the POTENTIAL for abuse, but actual abuse? Not so much.

43 Ian G.  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:21:10pm

re: #40 Targetpractice

Cue the “robed tyrants” and “culture of death” howls in 3…2…1….

44 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:21:53pm

re: #43 Ian G.

Cue the “robed tyrants” and “culture of death” howls in 3…2…1….

Fuck’em. May this woman finally rest in peace.

45 The War TARDIS  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:22:39pm

re: #39 Ian G.

I was neutral until I saw that picture.

Now? Come back home.

46 blueraven  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:22:42pm

re: #36 Targetpractice

My guess, or rather my hope, is this is the hospital hoping to set judicial precedent that when the hospital rules that a fetus is not viable, then they’re not legally required to continue “life-saving care.”

Not so sure about that. She was dead from the start. Not like she was just in a coma.
Life saving care in this case, is a canard. Even some legislators said the law was not intended for this scenario and the hospital is misrepresenting the law.

47 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:22:44pm

re: #15 NJDhockeyfan

Uh oh…

[Embedded content]

That’s Anonymous.

And it’s probably bullshit.

48 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:23:26pm

Need a laugh? From Pajamas Media:

RNC Condemns NSA Surveillance While Vowing to be the Real Party of Fairness

WASHINGTON — The Republican National Committee highlighted projects to draw in more women voters at its winter meeting in Washington and passed a new package of policy statements including a call for the cessation of National Security Agency surveillance programs.

The 168-member committee also approved a rule aimed at penalizing states that try to “leapfrog” one another by conducting presidential primaries before March 1, a move that RNC chairman Reince Priebus called “reforms to put Republican voters, not the liberal media, in the driver’s seat.”

He later called it a “historic moment” in “taking control of the primary process.”

Without naming names, Priebus even took a dig at the type of comments that have made negative headlines from Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock on abortion during campaign 2012 to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee at the RNC podium Thursday talking about the Dems’ communication to women.


49 Jack Burton  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:24:10pm

re: #41 Dark_Falcon

Well, at least what that TV stations is calling ‘tanks’ actually are tanks. Hard to tell exactly what type, but they’ve got their reactive armor (ERA)panels mounted on their turrets at least. Newer generation ERA, too, but that means little for identification of type beyond establishing that the tanks in question have been built or upgraded within the last few years.

They are T-90s.

50 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:25:19pm

re: #46 blueraven

Not so sure about that. She was dead from the start. Not like she was just in a coma.
Life saving care in this case, is a canard. Even some legislators said the law was not intended for this scenario and the hospital is misrepresenting the law.

My apologies, the law the hospital has cited reads:

A person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient.

The hospital seemed to be trying to get itself off the hook by getting the court to acknowledge that she’s a corpse and thus there is no “life” to sustain.

51 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:26:13pm
52 blueraven  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:26:23pm

re: #40 Targetpractice

Let’s hope they comply and this is the end of it.

53 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:26:40pm

re: #49 Jack Burton

They are T-90s.

The earlier models had rubber skin. We could spot them easy,

54 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:26:45pm

re: #49 Jack Burton

They are T-90s.

That fits. May I ask how you can tell, though?

55 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:27:04pm
56 ObserverArt  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:28:02pm

re: #11 Kragar

Court documents filed today says hospital acknowledges Marlise Munoz is brain dead and fetus is not viable.

How sad. Hopefully something good comes out of it with changes in medical laws and privacy.

And, I hope not one dollar of cost to the husband and family. Matter of fact, a nice lawsuit settlement should be in order, but who do you go after? Anyone responsible will point fingers at the law won’t they?

57 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:28:48pm

re: #15 NJDhockeyfan

Uh oh…

[Embedded content]

hmmmm. That doesn’t look good.

58 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:28:55pm

re: #46 blueraven

Not so sure about that. She was dead from the start. Not like she was just in a coma.
Life saving care in this case, is a canard. Even some legislators said the law was not intended for this scenario and the hospital is misrepresenting the law.

If this result was not what the legislators intended, then it appears they should have drafted their legislation more carefully.

If the only pertinent language is this, they simply didn’t do their jobs as legislators.

A person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient.

59 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:29:39pm

re: #8 Kragar

I don’t even know what this shit is:

[Embedded content]

That looks like a libertarian swastika.

60 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:29:55pm

Your not a real protester unless you bring your chainsaw…

61 Jack Burton  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:30:12pm

re: #54 Dark_Falcon

That fits. May I ask how you can tell, though?

Compare this:

Image: BexvRJnCQAEnOcI.jpg


Image: russian-t-90-tank-207765.jpg

62 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:30:16pm

re: #60 NJDhockeyfan

Your not a real protester unless you bring your chainsaw…

[Embedded content]


63 gwangung  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:30:39pm

re: #58 EPR-radar

If this result was not what the legislators intended, then it appears they should have drafted their legislation more carefully.

If the only pertinent language is this, they simply didn’t do their jobs as legislators.

That’s a feature, not a bug, for these yahoos.

The fact of the matter is that the world (and biology) simply doesn’t fit neatly into their view of reality. And no amount of cramming or bending will do that.

64 Dr Lizardo  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:31:05pm

re: #60 NJDhockeyfan

Your not a real protester unless you bring your chainsaw…

[Embedded content]

Ash has joined the protests! The Ukrainian government may as well resign immediately; it’s all over.

65 jaunte  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:31:24pm

re: #51 Kragar

[Embedded content]

More of a problematic legislation issue than a medical facts issue.

Hospital officials say Texas law prohibits them from following Marlise Muñoz’s wishes because she is pregnant. John Peter Smith Hospital has refused to disconnect Muñoz from life-support machines, citing the Texas Advance Directives Act concerning end-of-life care. It includes this provision: “A person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient.”

66 gwangung  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:31:35pm

re: #60 NJDhockeyfan

You made me spew Coke Zero all over my keyboard….

67 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:31:40pm

re: #59 wrenchwench

That looks like a libertarian swastika.

[Embedded content]

It isn’t, though. It has only three arms instead of the swastika’s four arms.

68 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:32:26pm
69 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:32:32pm

re: #58 EPR-radar

If this result was not what the legislators intended, then it appears they should have drafted their legislation more carefully.

If the only pertinent language is this, they simply didn’t do their jobs as legislators.

Considering the number of stories we’ve had over the years of families going to court to keep a family member who’s brain dead or in a vegetative state on life support despite doctors ruling no chance of recovery, the ambiguity is not that surprising.

70 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:32:50pm

re: #63 gwangung

That’s a feature, not a bug, for these yahoos.

The fact of the matter is that the world (and biology) simply doesn’t fit neatly into their view of reality. And no amount of cramming or bending will do that.

Very true. I’m not about to give the benefit of the doubt to the authors of this law. They are all pretty much intended to put women in their place as nothing more than wombs, and their sloppy drafting just lets this intent bleed through more visibly.

71 abolitionist  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:34:48pm

re: #38 Gus

>Terrorist Surveillance. Not NSA Surveillance.

51 percent probability of foreignness (by whatever* indicator) surveillance.

*poorly defined, and even more poorly documented. **

** Ok, I can’t prove that part; feel free to downding.

72 blueraven  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:35:25pm

re: #70 EPR-radar

Very true. I’m not about to give the benefit of the doubt to the authors of this law. They are all pretty much intended to put women in their place as nothing more than wombs, and their sloppy drafting just lets this intent bleed through more visibly.

I agree, but the hospital bears some of the responsibility here too.

73 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:35:55pm

re: #69 Targetpractice

Considering the number of stories we’ve had over the years of families going to court to keep a family member who’s brain dead or in a vegetative state on life support despite doctors ruling no chance of recovery, the ambiguity is not that surprising.

True. Competent legislators would have fenced off this mandate in various ways, such as state of pregnancy at the time life support became necessary, viability of the fetus, advance directives, etc. etc.

The fact that this law is two lines long is a guarantee that is it crudely drafted with numerous supposedly ‘unintended’ consequences.

74 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:35:59pm

re: #61 Jack Burton

Compare this:

Image: BexvRJnCQAEnOcI.jpg


Image: russian-t-90-tank-207765.jpg

Thanks. You’re right, those are T-90s. Unlike the one seem on parade, though, the one nearest the camera did not seem to have its smoke grenade dischargers installed. I actually find that surprising since those can also be used to fire tear gas or pepper spray rounds.

75 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:36:32pm

re: #60 NJDhockeyfan

Your not a real protester unless you bring your chainsaw…

[Embedded content]

So that’s all the Occupy movement had to do to earn some respect from you & KT—show up with chainsaws? //

76 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:36:41pm

re: #67 Dark_Falcon

It isn’t, though. It has only three arms instead of the swastika’s four arms.

That’s why I didn’t say, ‘That looks like a swastika.’

Does it strike you as something that might be intended to remind you of a swastika?

77 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:38:20pm

re: #74 Dark_Falcon

Thanks. You’re right, those are T-90s. Unlike the one seem on parade, though, the one nearest the camera did not seem to have its smoke grenade dischargers installed. I actually find that surprising since those can also be used to fire tear gas or pepper spray rounds.

Might have a dust/snow cover over it while moving to deployment.

78 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:38:40pm

re: #72 blueraven

I agree, but the hospital bears some of the responsibility here too.

From what I’ve seen so far, my inclination is to pretty much let the hospital off the hook. What they did was outrageous, but it also appears to be a reasonable effort to comply with the law as written.

79 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:38:57pm

re: #72 blueraven

I agree, but the hospital bears some of the responsibility here too.

I’m inclined to cut the hospital some slack, since its actions were to a large extent determined by its lawyers. It really needed the cover the judge’s decision provides in order to avoid getting in trouble with state regulators.

80 Petero1818  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:39:39pm

re: #20 Kragar

You knew Russia was going to get involved in the Ukraine sooner or later

He will do nothing until after the Olympics. Then he will be very active.

81 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:40:12pm

re: #67 Dark_Falcon

It isn’t, though. It has only three arms instead of the swastika’s four arms.

It’s a modified tomoe made of sickles. Forced, weird, doesn’t really work.

82 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:40:29pm

re: #40 Targetpractice


It’s obscene that this family was forced to keep a dead woman on life support all this time. They deserve to be able to bury her and mourn her finally.

83 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:40:36pm

re: #80 Petero1818

He will do nothing until after the Olympics. Then he will be very active.

I’m sure that is Putin’s preference, but he may well feel the need to act before the Olympics anyway.

84 jaunte  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:40:55pm

re: #76 wrenchwench

The triskelion symbol has been around for a long time
(Note the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging version went full Nazi).

85 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:41:12pm

re: #81 goddamnedfrank

Forced, weird, doesn’t really work.

Well, he is a Libertarian.

86 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:41:56pm

re: #76 wrenchwench

That’s why I didn’t say, ‘That looks like a swastika.’

Does it strike you as something that might be intended to remind you of a swastika?

Not sure. What it actually reminded me of was the swastika variation used by the 5th SS Panzer Division (Wiking) as its insignia:

Image: wiking_insignia.jpg

87 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:42:08pm

re: #68 Kragar

If there’s any justice, whoever forced the family into this position will pay the bills. The family should’ve never had to do this at all. She should have been buried weeks ago.

88 gwangung  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:42:20pm

re: #78 EPR-radar

From what I’ve seen so far, my inclination is to pretty much let the hospital off the hook. What they did was outrageous, but it also appears to be a reasonable effort to comply with the law as written.

Depends on who gets the bill. I can see them trying to get some decision nailed down to prevent worse litigation in the future, but the emotional storm it gave the family is really uncool.

89 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:42:53pm

re: #82 Lidane


It’s obscene that this family was forced to keep a dead woman on life support all this time. They deserve to be able to bury her and mourn her finally.

Agreed. For this case, I certainly can’t muster any enthusiasm for application of the idea that a good way for a judge to draw attention to a bad law is to enforce it literally as written.

90 Petero1818  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:43:38pm

re: #83 EPR-radar

I’m sure that is Putin’s preference, but he may well feel the need to act before the Olympics anyway.

His ego is too wrapped up in the Olympics. He could face a total boycott if he took overt action and would be humiliated internationally. You can be sure he is working to get his Ukranian lap dogs doing what they can to put this on ice for a month. Then he will crush the opposition as soon as the last athletes get on a plane out of Russia.

91 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:43:51pm
92 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:44:02pm

re: #76 wrenchwench

That’s why I didn’t say, ‘That looks like a swastika.’

Does it strike you as something that might be intended to remind you of a swastika?

Yeah. Though the inspiration probably has more to do with the Japanese god of war. Likely designed by a middle school boy.

-What are you gonna do today, Napoleon?
-Whatever I feel like I wanna do. Gosh!

93 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:44:12pm

re: #78 EPR-radar

From what I’ve seen so far, my inclination is to pretty much let the hospital off the hook. What they did was outrageous, but it also appears to be a reasonable effort to comply with the law as written.

I’d let the family off the hook. They shouldn’t be forced to pay a dime for any of this. And someone else should pay for the funeral, since it’s been obvious for weeks that she’s dead and should be given a proper burial.

The hospital? Not so much. Let them pay for what they’ve put that family through.

94 Political Atheist  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:44:13pm

re: #32 Gus

It’s probably fair to consider the early time after the attack as a very different time, threat level, and determination to get the terrorists. Now that we actually have killed so many thousands of enemy combatant, wrecked two countries, deposed at least two governments by force that were a real or imagined threat…. It’s fair to come to another view now.

Again not in defense of the RNC, or the GOP but my take on all this. I was fine with the P.A. as a temporary and extraordinary measure. Ditto for NSA expansions of powers to record & store. Ten years later, so much is different. And there is no good reason to fear an imminent attack like we did in the weeks following 9/11.

95 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:44:17pm

re: #83 EPR-radar

I’m sure that is Putin’s preference, but he may well feel the need to act before the Olympics anyway.

Concur. If he thinks he has to act right now to keep Ukraine in Russia’s orbit, Vladimir Putin will act even if it means scuttling the Olympics.

96 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:44:20pm

re: #88 gwangung

Depends on who gets the bill. I can see them trying to get some decision nailed down to prevent worse litigation in the future, but the emotional storm it gave the family is really uncool.

The hospital had best be eating those bills.

97 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:45:33pm

re: #79 Dark_Falcon

I’m inclined to cut the hospital some slack, since its actions were to a large extent determined by its lawyers.

I’m not. She’s been dead for weeks. It’s obscene that it ever got this far.

Either the hospital or the state pays for all the medical bills, and that family gets some sort of restitution for what they’ve been put through.

98 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:45:37pm

re: #60 NJDhockeyfan

Your not a real protester unless you bring your chainsaw…

[Embedded content]

Bruce Campbell rules!

99 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:45:51pm

re: #93 Lidane

I’d let the family off the hook. They shouldn’t be forced to pay a dime for any of this. And someone else should pay for the funeral, since it’s been obvious for weeks that she’s dead and should be given a proper burial.

The hospital? Not so much. Let them pay for what they’ve put that family through.

I was unclear here. I meant the hospital should be off the hook legally.

Financially, they should at least eat the entirety of their bill for unwanted services.

100 gwangung  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:46:29pm

re: #96 EPR-radar

The hospital had best be eating those bills.

Well, yeah….that’s my take, too.

101 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:46:36pm

re: #31 Kragar

We should have stayed home in the first place.

Probably. Unfortunately, most of America doesn’t give a shit that Russia is essentially trying to wipe out any gay people within its borders.

I mean, after all, there’s hockey and ice skating to watch.

102 klys  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:47:21pm

re: #101 Mattand

Probably. Unfortunately, most of America doesn’t give a shit that Russia is essentially trying to wipe out any gay people within its borders.

I mean, after all, there’s hockey and ice skating to watch.


Some portion of America loves that Russia is trying to wipe out gay people within its borders and wishes we would do the same.

103 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:47:40pm

Oh, and fuck Texas conservatives, while I’m at it.

104 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:47:45pm

re: #90 Petero1818

His ego is too wrapped up in the Olympics. He could face a total boycott if he took overt action and would be humiliated internationally. You can be sure he is working to get his Ukranian lap dogs doing what they can to put this on ice for a month. Then he will crush the opposition as soon as the last athletes get on a plane out of Russia.

If these protests keep growing like they appear to be he won’t be able to wait. This is going to be interesting to watch and see how he handles this.

105 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:48:18pm

re: #102 klys


Some portion of America loves that Russia is trying to wipe out gay people within its borders and wishes we would do the same.

I tried to work that into my original post, but couldn’t word it properly.

106 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:48:19pm

It’s just a logo for the band Levellers.

107 jaunte  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:48:30pm

re: #103 Mattand

Steve Stockman is working undercover to do that to himself.

108 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:49:04pm

re: #95 Dark_Falcon

Concur. If he thinks he has to act right now to keep Ukraine in Russia’s orbit, Vladimir Putin will act even if it means scuttling the Olympics.

No he won’t. The Russians have invested over $50 billion dollars in these games, and while they have maybe ten times that in total foreign reserves that’s not the kind of investment they can just write off. Putin has also staked a huge chunk of his personal cache to these Winter Olympics, invading the Ukraine at this time is almost certainly off the table. This is all sound and fury.

109 Petero1818  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:49:42pm

re: #104 NJDhockeyfan

If these protests keep growing like they appear to be he won’t be able to wait. This is going to be interesting to watch and see how he handles this.

Well its true that his hand may be forced, but it will be a gloved hand in the middle of the night. It won’t be overt military action in support of the regime. It may be lots of help with secret police and assasinations etc…..

110 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:49:50pm

re: #107 jaunte

Steve Stockman is working undercover to do that to himself.

I would be greatly amused if the “where in the world is Steve Stockman” tale ends in a lurid sex scandal, preferably involving farm animals and power tools at the same time.

111 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:50:08pm

Speaking of Russia: what’s their interest in the Ukraine, other than border security? They looking to re-create the USSR? Is there oil pipelines or some other resource to be had?

112 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:50:24pm

re: #104 NJDhockeyfan

If these protests keep growing like they appear to be he won’t be able to wait. This is going to be interesting to watch and see how he handles this.

If Putin is going to do something shitty, I’d prefer it happen now in order to force other nations to decide if they should attend the Olympics. The cancellation of US participation would be sad, but it would force the media to cover the Ukraine situation and that would make it worth it.

113 goddamnedfrank  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:50:51pm

re: #109 Petero1818

Well its true that his hand may be forced, but it will be a gloved hand in the middle of the night. It won’t be overt military action in support of the regime. It may be lots of help with secret police and assasinations etc…..

Yeah, it’s going to be subtle. Some people will accidentally fall down elevator shafts, onto some polonium.

114 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:52:44pm

re: #113 goddamnedfrank

Yeah, it’s going to be subtle. Some people will accidentally fall down elevator shafts, onto some polonium.

I’m sure you’re responding to #109, but I LOL’d as a comment about Stockman going AWOL.

115 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:53:10pm

re: #111 Mattand

Speaking of Russia: what’s their interest in the Ukraine, other than border security? They looking to re-create the USSR? Is their oil pipelines or some other resource to be had?

There is the traditional “sphere of influence” concerns, but Russia ships natural gas to Europe via pipelines running through Ukraine. Russia also still bases ships out of Sevastopol in the Crimea. Lastly is the fact that most of the population of the eastern part of Ukraine is ethnic Russian.

116 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:53:45pm

re: #112 Dark_Falcon

If Putin is going to do something shitty, I’d prefer it happen now in order to force other nations to decide if they should attend the Olympics. The cancellation of US participation would be sad, but it would force the media to cover the Ukraine situation and that would make it worth it.

At least until the Justin Bieber trial.

117 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:54:03pm

re: #115 Dark_Falcon

There is the traditional “sphere of influence” concerns, but Russia ships natural gas to Europe via pipelines running through Ukraine. Russia also still bases ships out of Sevastopol in the Crimea. Lastly is the fact that most of the population of the eastern par of Ukraine is ethnic Russian.

Thanks. I figured there had to be some sort of energy/natural resource angle.

118 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:55:03pm

Back in the old days of LGF. We’d find an old pic of the Levellers like this one:

Second guy from the left. He’s wearing a Kafiya (think teh Arabs) scarf. Thus proving something, something. :D

119 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:55:03pm

re: #93 Lidane

re: #93 Lidane

I’d let the family off the hook. They shouldn’t be forced to pay a dime for any of this. And someone else should pay for the funeral, since it’s been obvious for weeks that she’s dead and should be given a proper burial.

The hospital? Not so much. Let them pay for what they’ve put that family through.


The hospital’s outside counsel is Neal Adams, who led the drive to end abortions at JPS in 1988 and is on the advisory board of the Northeast Tarrant Right-to-Life Educational Association, based in Euless.

120 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:55:06pm

re: #115 Dark_Falcon

There is the traditional “sphere of influence” concerns, but Russia ships natural gas to Europe via pipelines running through Ukraine. Russia also still bases ships out of Sevastopol in the Crimea. Lastly is the fact that most of the population of the eastern par of Ukraine is ethnic Russian.

My impression is that having had the baltic states fall into the NATO sphere of influence is something that Russia is willing to grudgingly accept, but having the same thing happen in the Ukraine would be unthinkable to the Russians.

121 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:55:53pm

Er. Second from left.

122 Weet  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:55:55pm

re: #12 Targetpractice

But they still took this to court anyway so they can get their asses off the hook by having the court make the decision for them.

This is the public hospital where the poor go. My guess is that they cannot take the chance of a lawsuit. They are only trying to follow the law, or get clarification on the law, as I see it. This does not preclude that there may be individuals involved that deserve scorn — I don’t know. But I am glad this idiotic law is being addressed.

123 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:56:28pm

re: #120 EPR-radar

My impression is that having had the baltic states fall into the NATO sphere of influence is something that Russia is willing to grudgingly accept, but having the same thing happen in the Ukraine would be unthinkable to the Russians.

That’s my read as well.

124 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:57:02pm

re: #119 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this Neal Adams was involved in drafting the relevant part of TX law, and that the broad coverage and ambiguity was baked into this mess from the start.

125 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 2:57:43pm

Teh kitteh pic from Mark Knoller!

126 calochortus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:00:31pm

re: #40 Targetpractice

[Embedded content]

The first reaction over at FR was bizarre. They seem to be building a weird theory about the husband maybe killing his wife because he didn’t want the baby but his wife wouldn’t abort, and how the woman (who may have been a slut and the baby wasn’t her husband’s) would have wanted the child to be born. Naturally everyone is lying about the advance directive and the fetus’s condition.
Mercifully, things have calmed down a bit and they’ve moved to it being tragic. Which it is.

127 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:00:31pm

re: #125 Gus

[Embedded content]

Teh kitteh pic from Mark Knoller!

Black Cat: If he plays ‘terrier’ on that triple word score I’m going to leave a headless mouse on his pillow.

128 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:01:23pm

re: #119 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce


All the more reason to hold the hospital accountable for this obscenity.

129 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:02:23pm

re: #126 calochortus

The first reaction over at FR was bizarre. They seem to be building a weird theory about the husband maybe killing his wife because he didn’t want the baby but his wife wouldn’t abort, and how the woman (who may have been a slut and the baby wasn’t her husband’s) would have wanted the child to be born. Naturally everyone is lying about the advance directive and the fetus’s condition.
Mercifully, things have calmed down a bit and they’ve moved to it being tragic. Which it is.

Of course, the fact that they had to formulate wild, disgusting theories about this tragedy in the first place speaks volumes about their intellect.

130 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:03:47pm

re: #129 Mattand

Of course, the fact that they had to formulate wild, disgusting theories about this tragedy in the first place speaks volumes about their intellect.

When your starting point for any issue of this sort is that people in favor of access to abortion are murdering baby-killers, it is impossible to go any lower in terms of intelligence or integrity of argument.

131 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:03:59pm

re: #109 Petero1818

Well its true that his hand may be forced, but it will be a gloved hand in the middle of the night. It won’t be overt military action in support of the regime. It may be lots of help with secret police and assasinations etc…..

That’s what I’m thinking too. I’m not sure if there’s enough public support for an all out civil war but that could happen. I’m still not seeing much interest from EU and US, this could escalate a lot before some sort of intervention becomes even a remote possibility.

132 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:05:34pm

This tweet from Anonymous was utter bullshit. Look at this image and tell me whether or not you think it’s photoshopped.

Not to mention, L!fe News is a tabloid out of Russia: lifenews.ru

133 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:06:57pm

re: #126 calochortus

The first reaction over at FR was bizarre. They seem to be building a weird theory about the husband maybe killing his wife because he didn’t want the baby but his wife wouldn’t abort, and how the woman (who may have been a slut and the baby wasn’t her husband’s) would have wanted the child to be born. Naturally everyone is lying about the advance directive and the fetus’s condition.
Mercifully, things have calmed down a bit and they’ve moved to it being tragic. Which it is.

In other words, they feared being seen as supportive of what effectively amounts to (at least in their minds) abortion and so had to come up with ways to explain how supporting the continuation of this ghoulish farce would be morally acceptable. Speaks more to how strongly their knees jerk when it looks like they might agree with “libruls” on something.

134 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:07:32pm

Another militant threat to Winter Olympics emerges

SOCHI, Russia — A four-minute video posted by an ally of al Qaeda likens the Olympics of Russian President Vladimir Putin to those held under Adolf Hitler in 1936, and warns again of terror at the upcoming Sochi Games.

“Satan is with you, and he will leave you at the most inopportune moment,” says the speaker in the video, whose face is blurred. “And that moment will be coming soon.”

The video was posted earlier this month on a jihadist website but gained traction Friday, two weeks before the opening ceremony. It shows a militant, “Amin Abu Usama,” mocking how Russians have become terrified of “so-called Muslim extremists.”

135 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:07:49pm

re: #111 Mattand

Speaking of Russia: what’s their interest in the Ukraine, other than border security? They looking to re-create the USSR? Is there oil pipelines or some other resource to be had?

Ukraine has lots of natural resources and yes, Putin is reassembling the old Soviet empire under a new economic umbrella with Russia at the center. He’s actually been doing a good job at expanding Russian influence over the past few years.

136 Petero1818  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:11:04pm

It is starting to fel like a terrorist attack at the Olympics is almost inevitable. I really hope I am wrong. But all this coverage is casting a dark shadow over the whole thing.

137 jaunte  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:11:32pm

re: #132 Justanotherhuman

The masking around her hair is a little sloppy.

138 Aqua Obama  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:12:47pm

We interrupt this broadcast to show you Mitt Romney ironing his shirt…

with his shirt on

Image: iznA02cmmuS9D.gif

139 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:13:09pm

re: #91 Gus

levellers logo


“Rolling anarchy” is a trademarked symbol of the band[citation needed], designed by the bassist, Jeremy Cunningham. It is composed of three sickles placed so as to form the letter A, recognizable however the logo is rotated.

The symbol is often featured on Levellers merchandise and at concerts. It is usually surrounded with the text “Whoever puts their hand upon me to govern me is a usurper, a tyrant, and I declare them my enemy.” These words, originally by the French anarchist philosopher Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, had previously been used by the band Zounds who originally released their single “Can’t Cheat Karma” featuring this quote on the Crass records label.

Libertarian at the bold.

140 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:18:15pm

re: #139 wrenchwench


Libertarian at the bold.

Or a bunch of anarchist posers. :D

141 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:18:37pm

re: #137 jaunte

The masking around her hair is a little sloppy.

Yeah, there’s a whole discussion of tanks here, too, on Reddit. It’s just so much bullshit chatter.


142 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:18:57pm

re: #140 Gus

Or a bunch of anarchist posers. :D

Same thing.

143 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:18:58pm

re: #106 Gus

It’s just a logo for the band Levellers.

What’s their bag?

144 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:19:51pm

re: #143 Decatur Deb

What’s their bag?

Got me. Music I guess.

145 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:20:00pm

I don’t think Political Atheist is here right now, but I believe I’ve fixed that problem he reported in Windows 7 Chrome, where the LGF Pages bookmarklet would hang up at the “Loading…” screen.

You’ll need to install the new version of the bookmarklet (it will nag you about that when you open it).

146 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:21:36pm

re: #143 Decatur Deb

What’s their bag?

Youtube Video

147 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:22:43pm

re: #138 Aqua Obama

We interrupt this broadcast to show you Mitt Romney ironing his shirt…

with his shirt on

Image: iznA02cmmuS9D.gif

Have you never repaired your fly while wearing your pants—with a stapler?

148 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:23:14pm

Musicians. Heck, look up David Byrne and Israel.

149 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:25:09pm

re: #143 Decatur Deb

What’s their bag?

Sounded like punkgrass to me.

150 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:25:22pm

re: #146 Gus

[Embedded content]

Hard to find a good man on didgeridoo.

Note the symbol is on the tube.

151 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:26:49pm

re: #132 Justanotherhuman

This tweet from Anonymous was utter bullshit. Look at this image and tell me whether or not you think it’s photoshopped.

[Embedded content]

Not to mention, L!fe News is a tabloid out of Russia: lifenews.ru

Not Photoshop but…


152 makeitstop  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:27:13pm

I just got here, and was wondering if anyone noticed what a party these ‘investigations’ will be if Democrats show up with transcripts, quotes and vote counts from Republicans.

I hope they do it, and really hope the hearings are televised. It could be immensely entertaining.

153 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:27:44pm

Apparently a parade rehearsal from St. Petersberg Russia. Still checking.

154 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:28:40pm

Or maybe Kharkiv.

155 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:29:06pm

re: #153 Gus

Apparently a parade rehearsal from St. Petersberg Russia. Still checking.

What’s the gunner/loader’s drinking name?

156 ObserverArt  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:29:36pm

re: #81 goddamnedfrank

It’s a modified tomoe made of sickles. Forced, weird, doesn’t really work.

I was going to mention the sickles too. Obviously it has roots in Russia!


157 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:29:47pm

re: #147 Decatur Deb

Have you never repaired your fly while wearing your pants—with a stapler?

Real men use a nail gun. Staples are just for hemming your pants.


158 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:29:50pm

re: #155 Decatur Deb

What’s the gunner/loader’s drinking name?

Vlad or Ivan. //

159 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:31:05pm


A group of Arizona Republicans are seeking to pass a resolution censuring U.S. Sen. John McCain for a voting record they say is more aligned with liberal Democrats.

The group plans to introduce the resolution at the Arizona Republican Party’s state meeting Saturday.

According to the resolution, the 2008 Republican presidential candidate has campaigned as a conservative but lent his support to issues such as immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship and funding Obama Care.


160 simoom  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:31:27pm

The GOP Officially Opposes NSA Programs It Doesn’t Entirely Understand

Whoever wrote the resolution thinks the phone metadata collection, this “dragnet program,” is the same as PRISM. And he or she thinks that PRISM includes “surveillance of U.S. citizens on a vast scale and monitors searching habits of virtually every American on the internet” — as the introductory WHEREAS states.

Neither of those things is true. PRISM was one of the first code-named programs revealed following the leaks by Edward Snowden. It is a system that the NSA uses in concert with technology companies (though they are squeamish about how the relationship works) to give the agency access to accounts on the companies’ systems. The phone metadata collection — which is both most of what the RNC’s complaint is about and the tool that’s most under fire, including from the 9/11 Commission’s privacy review panel — ain’t PRISM. PRISM is apparently authorized under amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; the phone metadata collection is authorized, as above, by the Patriot Act.

What’s more, PRISM is not allowed to explicitly collect information on Americans, as part of the protections under the Fourth Amendment. It does reel in some Americans’ information, but that’s what’s considered “incidental” collection, and is apparently sealed off from the NSA’s searching system.

161 Varek Raith  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:31:32pm

re: #15 NJDhockeyfan

Uh oh…

[Embedded content]

I dunno, something is off with that pic.

162 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:32:52pm

re: #155 Decatur Deb

What’s the gunner/loader’s drinking name?

What’s the color of the boathouse at Hereford?


163 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:33:59pm

re: #159 wrenchwench


Have an idea for the next TPGOP cruise adventure.

Abandoned cruise ship filled with cannibal rats headed for British shore


164 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:34:06pm
165 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:34:52pm

re: #163 Decatur Deb

Have an idea for the next TPGOP cruise adventure.

Abandoned cruise ship filled with cannibal rats headed for British shore


Man, you’d think I knew you were going to post that….

166 Varek Raith  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:36:35pm

re: #163 Decatur Deb

Its only passengers are demented, disease-ridden rats feeding off each other.

Fun times.

167 jvic  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:36:39pm

I don’t say I opposed the “Patriot” Act. I do say I’ve been cautious about it all along and remain so.

Rule of thumb: The more a piece of legislation, political organization, or political slogan sounds like something no reasonable person could possibly object to, the more skeptically it should be scrutinized.

168 Aqua Obama  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:37:09pm

I just escaped Prison Planet. Al Gore is a secret agent of Technocracy Incorporated and the evil scientists are using global warming as their tool for world domination!!

169 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:37:30pm

Well, that was just utterly fucking depressing. Reading through the FR threads about the Munoz case was like diving into raw sewage.

170 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:38:13pm

re: #169 Targetpractice

Well, that was just utterly fucking depressing. Reading through the FR threads about the Munoz case was like diving into raw sewage.

You’re being way too kind.

171 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:38:29pm

re: #163 Decatur Deb

Have an idea for the next TPGOP cruise adventure.

Abandoned cruise ship filled with cannibal rats headed for British shore


There is probably some dramatic license going on with the story
How badly broken does a 328 foot have to get before it’s worth only 275,000 in salvage value?


172 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:38:32pm

The court in Texas sided with the family of the brain dead woman being kept on life support. He’s ordered the hospital to declare her dead and remove life support by monday.

173 lawhawk  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:38:54pm

re: #54 Dark_Falcon

That fits. May I ask how you can tell, though?

The dogs. They knew. /

174 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:39:06pm

re: #170 Kid A

You’re being way too kind.

Agreed, but I presently find myself at a loss for words. Not sure there are words in the English language that could express how disgusted I am right now.

175 Aqua Obama  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:39:27pm

Al Gore, Director of the North American Technate, driving a primer gray Prius. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

176 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:39:53pm
177 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:39:54pm

re: #166 Varek Raith

Fun times.

Its only passengers are demented, disease-ridden rats feeding off each other.

I’ve heard harsher descriptions of the GOP.

178 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:40:56pm

re: #171 RealityBasedSteve

There is probably some dramatic license going on with the story
How badly broken does a 328 foot have to get before it’s worth only 275,000 in salvage value?


Depends on how well organized the cannibal rats are.

179 ObserverArt  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:41:07pm

re: #95 Dark_Falcon

Concur. If he thinks he has to act right now to keep Ukraine in Russia’s orbit, Vladimir Putin will act even if it means scuttling the Olympics.

He might be an old style Russian militarily, but he also knows if he brings out the guns and ruins his Olympics he would never live it down, and it would set Russia back many years as far as how the country would be seen by the rest of the world.

Almost makes me wonder if it might actually be flipped in that the protesters know they have a window in which Putin’s hands would be tied.

And then you have to ask about the threat to the games from the terror groups and who may be behind it and if it too could be milked to tie Putin’s hands and apply pressure to security. Maybe nothing will happen at all other than what they have already achieved by ramping up the fears and worry. Do they all tie together due to opportunity?

He would have to spend a lot on security and is part of that tasked to the military? All very strange in timing when viewed now that the games approach.

180 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:42:52pm

In regard to the Munoz story, what was that about Obamacare making life and death decisions, GOP?

181 BongCrodny  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:43:44pm
“By investigations, I guess that means Darrell Issa will have to investigate himself.”

I suspect that if Darrell Issa investigates himself, he’ll find nothing.

182 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:43:57pm

re: #168 Aqua Obama

I just escaped Prison Planet. Al Gore is a secret agent of Technocracy Incorporated and the evil scientists are using global warming as their tool for world domination!!

Oh, Cool! What’s the latest on Bilderberg?

183 Aqua Obama  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:43:58pm

Cossacks, the solution to life’s problems.

184 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:45:11pm


185 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:45:18pm

re: #182 NJDhockeyfan

Doing okay? How did the move go??

186 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:46:42pm


There was a student shot and killed on a college campus today.

But it wasn’t all over twitter. Why? Oh…


South Carolina State and Claflin are historically black colleges located in Orangeburg, which is about 35 miles from Columbia.

Nah, that couldn’t be the reason……………………../

187 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:47:01pm

I’m just waiting for the freepers to make the judge in the Munuz case into a flaming liberal. Graduated US Naval Academy in 66, 8.5 years as an Asst. US Attorney in Texas, appointed to bench by Gov. Perry.


188 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:47:32pm
189 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:48:55pm

re: #187 RealityBasedSteve

I’m just waiting for the freepers to make the judge in the Munuz case into a flaming liberal. Graduated US Naval Academy in 66, 8.5 years as an Asst. US Attorney in Texas, appointed to bench by Gov. Perry.


It’s a matter of time before that judge is declared a RINO.

190 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:49:27pm

re: #151 Gus

Not Photoshop but…


Interesting, thanks.

191 Eventual Carrion  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:49:31pm

re: #94 Political Atheist

It’s probably fair to consider the early time after the attack as a very different time, threat level, and determination to get the terrorists. Now that we actually have killed so many thousands of enemy combatant, wrecked two countries, deposed at least two governments by force that were a real or imagined threat…. It’s fair to come to another view now.

Again not in defense of the RNC, or the GOP but my take on all this. I was fine with the P.A. as a temporary and extraordinary measure. Ditto for NSA expansions of powers to record & store. Ten years later, so much is different. And there is no good reason to fear an imminent attack like we did in the weeks following 9/11.

That we know of.

192 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:49:58pm

re: #187 RealityBasedSteve

I’m just waiting for the freepers to make the judge in the Munuz case into a flaming liberal. Graduated US Naval Academy in 66, 8.5 years as an Asst. US Attorney in Texas, appointed to bench by Gov. Perry.


He’s an “Austin judge,” so they feel that goes without saying. Some have voiced hope for an appeal, but most seem to be stewing in their hatred of their fictionalized view of the husband. Some are “questioning” if he rendered aid when he found her, some are suggesting he’s “too eager” by not waiting until 22-24 weeks, and some are outright accusing him of not being the father or wanting to avoid being “tied down” despite already having another child.

193 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:50:29pm

re: #128 Lidane

194 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:51:51pm

re: #190 Killgore Trout

Interesting, thanks.

Think that’s Bulgaria. But it’s easy to read that the photo is BS. You know how to spell “tank” in Russian? :D

195 lawhawk  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:52:06pm

re: #79 Dark_Falcon

I’m inclined to cut the hospital some slack, since its actions were to a large extent determined by its lawyers. It really needed the cover the judge’s decision provides in order to avoid getting in trouble with state regulators.

There’s no reason to cut the hospital slack. The woman was clearly brain dead. Dead. No signs of life.

The fetus was never viable under those conditions. Ever.

A tragedy for the family like none other, but the hospital’s weird interpretation of state law attempted to trump the woman’s own wishes as understood by her husband - that she wanted no part of the measures the hospital imposed on her.

The situation could and should have been avoidable; the family should not have been put through this, they shouldn’t have to pay for any of these expenses, and restitution paid to them for the agony and emotional distress imposed on them by the hospital.

196 jvic  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:52:37pm

re: #187 RealityBasedSteve

I’m just waiting for the freepers to make the judge in the Munuz case into a flaming liberal. Graduated US Naval Academy in 66, 8.5 years as an Asst. US Attorney in Texas, appointed to bench by Gov. Perry.

I’ll save you the trouble of going over there:

That judge sounds like a typical liberal naval gazer.

Graduated in 66? A naval geezer too.

runs away

197 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:53:46pm

re: #194 Gus

Think that’s Bulgaria. But it’s easy to read that the photo is BS. You know how to spell “tank” in Russian? :D

I mean the site is Bulgarian.

198 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:54:04pm

re: #186 wrenchwench


There was a student shot and killed on a college campus today.

[Embedded content]

But it wasn’t all over twitter. Why? Oh…

Nah, that couldn’t be the reason……………………../

What’s interesting is that these shootings in red states will go viral on twitter because they assume it’s white upper class legal gun owners. The story drops off the radar quickly when the assumptions end up being incorrect. Meanwhile, this goes on everyday and nobody notices.

199 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:54:49pm

re: #196 jvic

I’ll save you the trouble of going over there:

That judge sounds like a typical liberal naval gazer.

Graduated in 66? A naval geezer too.

runs away

you shit. You made me go and double check that I used the right naval.



200 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:54:53pm

re: #198 Killgore Trout


201 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:56:50pm

re: #187 RealityBasedSteve

I’m just waiting for the freepers to make the judge in the Munuz case into a flaming liberal. Graduated US Naval Academy in 66, 8.5 years as an Asst. US Attorney in Texas, appointed to bench by Gov. Perry.


Didn’t take long…


Must have found a leftist Austin judge.


To: fwdude
Judge is ordering murder


Oh I see. Judges are now God. Where is THAT in the Constitution?


Special place in hell for the “father” and the “Judge”.


To: fwdude
“Must have found a leftist Austin judge.”

Does Austin have any other kind?

202 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:57:45pm

re: #195 lawhawk

The woman was clearly brain dead. Dead. No signs of life.

The fetus was never viable under those conditions. Ever


In a survey of international medical literature from 1982 to 2010, the German researchers found 19 cases of brain-dead women who were put on life support for the purpose of sustaining the fetus. Twelve viable infants were born and survived the neonatal period, the study said

Read more here: star-telegram.com

203 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:58:07pm

More new Ukraine video from today’s clashes
Liveleak Video

204 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:58:31pm

re: #200 sattv4u2



205 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 3:58:32pm

re: #192 Targetpractice

He’s an “Austin judge,” so they feel that goes without saying. Some have voiced hope for an appeal, but most seem to be stewing in their hatred of their fictionalized view of the husband. Some are “questioning” if he rendered aid when he found her, some are suggesting he’s “too eager” by not waiting until 22-24 weeks, and some are outright accusing him of not being the father or wanting to avoid being “tied down” despite already having another child.

Charming. If I were at FR, I’d reply with the odious supposition that letting this kind of TX law be enforced as written would give a whole new dimension to the scope of activities at the fake RW crisis pregnancy centers.

206 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:00:02pm

re: #185 sattv4u2

Doing okay? How did the move go??

Great. We are renting right now. We are hoping to be able to buy a house in September. The kids love it here and also school. I do not miss Virginia one bit.

207 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:00:58pm

re: #206 NJDhockeyfan

Great. We are renting right now. We are hoping to be able to buy a house in September. The kids love it here and also school. I do not miss Virginia one bit.

If you don’t mind me asking,, where is “here”???

208 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:01:04pm

re: #206 NJDhockeyfan

Great. We are renting right now. We are hoping to be able to buy a house in September. The kids love it here and also school. I do not miss Virginia one bit.

We don’t miss you either!


209 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:01:08pm

re: #201 Kid A

Lots of good use of scare quotes, “father”, “judge”. I have decided that RWNJs don’t invoke Occam’s Razor for the simplest possible solution. All problems must be explained by the most convoluted solution that involves a coordinated program to actively destroy America from within. Soon it will come out that he’s actually a secret liberal plant who has been biding his time.


210 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:01:32pm

re: #202 sattv4u2

The authors added, however, that “the number of cases is too small to define the rate at which intensive care support of the brain-dead mother can result in a healthy infant.”

211 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:02:01pm

re: #208 Targetpractice

We don’t miss you either!


(((his new neighbors)))

“Well,,, there goes the neighborhood!!!!”

212 ObserverArt  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:02:01pm

re: #204 Killgore Trout


You two need to get a room!

213 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:02:13pm

re: #202 sattv4u2

The woman was clearly brain dead. Dead. No signs of life.

The fetus was never viable under those conditions. Ever


In a survey of international medical literature from 1982 to 2010, the German researchers found 19 cases of brain-dead women who were put on life support for the purpose of sustaining the fetus. Twelve viable infants were born and survived the neonatal period, the study said

Read more here: star-telegram.com

The law is a blunt instrument, and should not be used in such messy circumstances.

I’ve come to the conclusion that a law mandating life support for a pregnant brain-dead woman is just as monstrous as a law banning life support for a pregnant brain-dead woman.

In either case, the legislators should just stay out and let the people most concerned make the decisions in view of competent medical advice.

214 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:02:45pm

re: #210 Kragar

Yup,, but Lawhawk stated
“The fetus was never viable under those conditions. Ever.”

215 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:03:05pm

re: #207 sattv4u2

If you don’t mind me asking,, where is “here”???

Tennessee. Right outside Nashville. Everyone has been so nice here.

216 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:03:59pm

re: #215 NJDhockeyfan

Tennessee. Right outside Nashville. Everyone has been so nice here.

Goes to the back door, faces toward nashville, and waves down the road at his new neighbor.


217 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:04:00pm

re: #215 NJDhockeyfan

Tennessee. Right outside Nashville. Everyone has been so nice here.

Ah ,, cool,,,,,,,

e-mail me when you get a chance. I’ll stay logged on for a few more minutes till you get the addy (highlighted now)

218 lawhawk  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:04:20pm

re: #202 sattv4u2

You’re right. There are instances where a fetus could be viable after the mother was brain dead.

However, and this is a big however:

This fetus was not viable - too many medical issues of its own.

“Even at this early stage, the lower extremities are deformed to the extent the gender cannot be determined,” the statement says.

In addition the statement says the fetus has swelling of the brain — “hydrocephalus” — as well as a possible heart problem.

219 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:04:43pm

re: #202 sattv4u2

The woman was clearly brain dead. Dead. No signs of life.

The fetus was never viable under those conditions. Ever


In a survey of international medical literature from 1982 to 2010, the German researchers found 19 cases of brain-dead women who were put on life support for the purpose of sustaining the fetus. Twelve viable infants were born and survived the neonatal period, the study said

Read more here: star-telegram.com

You know why that’s irrelevant? It’s right in the article:

Before she was stricken, Muñoz and her husband had agreed that they did not want to be kept on life support if something ever happened to them.

Read more here: star-telegram.com

The woman’s advance directive should not be overruled by anyone on the basis of her pregnancy, against the wishes of her family.

There weren’t many details about those other cases in that article, but I bet you can’t find an example where a woman was kept alive 100 days so she could deliver, against her family’s wishes and her own advance directive.

220 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:05:12pm

And I found a decent bagel in Nashville last weekend. Now if I can just find some good pizza ill be all set.

221 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:05:14pm
222 BongCrodny  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:05:25pm

The New York Times had had a very interesting article today on global warming reporting that companies like Coca-Cola are becoming worried because of water shortages, broken supply chains, and the like.

Industry awakens to threat of climate change

Meanwhile, the Washington Bezos Post has hired climate change skeptics The Volokh Conspiracy for its editorial department

Washington Post hires Volokh Conspiracy theorists

I confess to not knowing much about the Volokh Conspiracy, but its blogroll (before moving to the Post) featured links to the Hoover Institution, Instapundit and NewsMax.

I’m not impressed. If this is the future of the Washington Post, just bury that poor thing right now and let it rest in peace.

223 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:05:36pm

re: #218 lawhawk

re: #219 wrenchwench

Lawhawk stated
The fetus was never viable under those conditions. Ever.

My comment stands

224 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:07:35pm

re: #223 sattv4u2

Lawhawk stated
The fetus was never viable under those conditions. >Ever.

My comment stands

You can’t say this fetus was viable because some other fetus was viable. Did you look at what Lawhawk posted?

225 klys  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:07:52pm

re: #219 wrenchwench

You know why that’s irrelevant? It’s right in the article:

The woman’s advance directive should not be overruled by anyone on the basis of her pregnancy, against the wishes of her family.

There weren’t many details about those other cases in that article, but I bet you can’t find an example where a woman was kept alive 100 days so she could deliver, against her family’s wishes and her own advance directive.

Also, the article doesn’t state what led to brain death in those other cases.

We know that in this case, her body was deprived of oxygen long enough to cause brain death. I find it impossible to imagine how a fetus would have survived that to be viable.

But hey, let’s be pedantic for the sake of argument and accuse the other side of being outraged.

226 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:08:12pm

re: #217 sattv4u2

Ah ,, cool,,,,,,,

e-mail me when you get a chance. I’ll stay logged on for a few more minutes till you get the addy (highlighted now)

Didn’t work. I keep getting sent to Pages. Maybe because I’m on an iPad?

227 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:08:31pm

re: #224 wrenchwench

You can’t say this fetus was viable because some other fetus was viable. Did you look at what Lawhawk posted?

Where did I say “THIS” fetus??

228 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:08:46pm

re: #226 NJDhockeyfan

Didn’t work. I keep getting sent to Pages. Maybe because I’m on an iPad?

i dunno

229 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:09:21pm

and on that note

steaks are done
baked taters are done

230 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:10:18pm

re: #228 sattv4u2

i dunno

I’ll be on my laptop later. If I see you ill try again.

231 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:10:33pm

re: #227 sattv4u2

Where did I say “THIS” fetus??

What fetus were you talking about?

232 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:11:17pm

Volokh Conspiracy? At the Washington Post? Hahahahaha. That’s like a bunch of all white male libertarians.

233 Varek Raith  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:11:36pm

re: #225 klys

Also, the article doesn’t state what led to brain death in those other cases.

We know that in this case, her body was deprived of oxygen long enough to cause brain death. I find it impossible to imagine how a fetus would have survived that to be viable.

But hey, let’s be pedantic for the sake of argument and accuse the other side of being outraged.

It’s what conservatives do these days.

234 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:11:50pm

re: #220 NJDhockeyfan

And I found a decent bagel in Nashville last weekend. Now if I can just find some good pizza ill be all set.

Best pizzas, Five Points and Mafiaozia Mellow Mushroom is also pretty good.

Nashville Scene is a good guide.


235 sattv4u2  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:12:29pm

re: #231 wrenchwench

What fetus were you talking about?


He said EVER!!

236 lawhawk  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:12:41pm

re: #223 sattv4u2

Even your article acknowledges the near impossibility of what the hospital was intending to do here:

There are only one or two [recorded] cases that have lasted as long as what you would hope for your Fort Worth patient,” Spike said Thursday. “One, two or three cases over 20 years. … Instead of saying boldly, ‘We’re going to do this,’ we should be saying, ‘We don’t know if it’s even possible.’

“I would say we won’t have any scientific evidence one way or the other,” Spike said. “In a situation like that, I would call it high risk, and it’s not the kind of decision a doctor should feel comfortable making for the family.”

Before she was stricken, Muñoz and her husband had agreed that they did not want to be kept on life support if something ever happened to them.

Read more here: star-telegram.com

The hospital didn’t care about percentage or possibilities of a good outcome. It just did it without caring about the family’s intentions.

I restate my original claim - this fetus was never viable - and the hospital knew or had reason to know that too. The hospital now admits that the fetus had multiple medical issues of its own, and those would multiply as time went on. This wasn’t going to end well no matter what.

It shouldn’t have come to this in the first place - the family’s wishes should have been observed and followed.

237 Eventual Carrion  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:12:57pm

re: #132 Justanotherhuman

This tweet from Anonymous was utter bullshit. Look at this image and tell me whether or not you think it’s photoshopped.

[Embedded content]

Not to mention, L!fe News is a tabloid out of Russia: lifenews.ru

The reporter is rocking the Michael Jackson, one glove look.

238 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:13:46pm

re: #232 Gus

Volokh Conspiracy? At the Washington Post? Hahahahaha. That’s like a bunch of all white male libertarians.

It’s an easy way to get lots of content for the Post for cheap.

And its worth every penny of what was paid for it.

If the dead tree edition of the Post were still relevant, this would relegate it to bird cage liner status.

239 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:14:03pm


240 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:14:55pm

re: #234 RealityBasedSteve

Best pizzas, Five Points and Mafiaozia Mellow Mushroom is also pretty good.

Nashville Scene is a good guide.


Thanks. I’ll try them. I’ve had Mellow Mushroom pizza in Charlottesville. It’s ok. I’m looking for something close to NY quality.

241 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:16:21pm
242 jvic  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:16:41pm

re: #219 wrenchwench

The woman’s advance directive should not be overruled by anyone on the basis of her pregnancy, against the wishes of her family.

Okay wrench, you persuaded me. If the interval to viability were say two weeks instead of at least ten, I’d probably think more. Afaic there is no cut-and-dried formula for heartbreaking cases like this.

I trust the condition of the fetus will be verified after life support is withdrawn. Don’t mean to sound inhumane: it’s worthwhile to add to the little that medical science knows about these situations.

243 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:16:59pm

Hard to know if this is true or not since the info is coming from the Interior Ministry.

STATEMENT ON STAFF national resistance refute allegations MIA UKRAINE IN DETENTION OF THREE Guardians

Tonight, the press service of the Interior Ministry accused Ukraine Square Self-defense in the attack and the arrest of three police officers also maydantsiv actually charged in the death of a young police officer .

The headquarters of national resistance expressed condolences to the family of the deceased Sergeant Department of State Security Service Goloseevskogo district police department . It is a tragedy that must be investigated promptly and professionally . Murder can not be justified .

Unfortunately, the day we reported the tragic loss of life. It is sad to note that the deaths occurred due to the inability of the authorities to hear their own people , common sense and do what is necessary to resolve the acute crisis.

However, the headquarters of the national resistance to asking the police to refrain from provoking situations tyrazhuyuchy false and dangerous news , especially if it is an attack on ” Health Square ” by police officers and their injuries.

The headquarters of national resistance categorically denies this fact and consider it a deliberate provocation , in order perturbation police against protesters. I do not want to believe that the murder of a policeman could be used for the same purpose .

Given that these messages have provoked the continuation of hostilities in Hrushevskoho believe that this will lead to power ” stripping ” Maidan. The use of force is unacceptable , because only one cause - ekskalatsiyu


I also found this story at Bloomberg Business Week:


244 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:18:22pm
245 darthstar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:18:33pm
246 AlexRogan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:19:07pm

re: #15 NJDhockeyfan

Uh oh…

re: #19 Targetpractice

Guess Vlad decided to show his “concern.”

re: #20 Kragar

You knew Russia was going to get involved in the Ukraine sooner or later

I’m guessing Vlad and his Ukrainian puppet are going for the cover of “mutual assistance”.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

247 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:19:13pm

re: #240 NJDhockeyfan

Thanks. I’ll try them. I’ve had Mellow Mushroom pizza in Charlottesville. It’s ok. I’m looking for something close to NY quality.

Five Points looks good. I’ll try that one first. The bagel shop I found was great. I might be going there every weekend if I can.

248 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:19:33pm

re: #241 Kid A

[Embedded content]

They could make a porno. Ewwww.

249 darthstar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:19:47pm

re: #241 Kid A

[Embedded content]

I think she might be being ironic.

250 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:21:00pm

251 darthstar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:21:09pm
252 darthstar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:21:51pm

re: #250 Gus

“much respected conservative blog”…

253 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:22:00pm

re: #250 Gus

[Embedded image]

Much respected? Lolwut

254 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:22:12pm
255 Eventual Carrion  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:23:23pm

re: #182 NJDhockeyfan

Oh, Cool! What’s the latest on Bilderberg?

They’re giving 3 points. 53 over/under

256 Aqua Obama  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:23:32pm

The post dropped Ezra Klein? WTF

257 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:23:55pm

re: #232 Gus

Volokh Conspiracy? At the Washington Post? Hahahahaha. That’s like a bunch of all white male libertarians.

Their editorial pages have been garbage for a long time. Thankfully they’ve adopted a policy of adding “(blog)” to their internet search results to distinguish between editorial and news content. For a while I used to just skip WaPo links because so much of it was garbage editorials.

258 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:25:01pm

re: #256 Aqua Obama

The post dropped Ezra Klein? WTF

He left.

259 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:26:04pm

re: #256 Aqua Obama

The post dropped Ezra Klein? WTF

I think he got out while the getting was good.

260 Varek Raith  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:26:15pm

re: #258 Gus

He left.

Now I’m starting to see why.

261 Aqua Obama  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:26:42pm

re: #258 Gus

Ok, checking that out now.

…teaming up with Matt Yglesias


262 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:26:52pm


Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) on Thursday said that the federal government uses welfare to “lure” women into “servitude.”


263 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:27:41pm

Somebody’s gonna start singin’ like a canary soon.

264 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:28:11pm


“Literally, Brian, thank God for Fox News,” Gohmert said. “You give the truth out. You get actually what was said.”

265 freetoken  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:29:06pm

re: #262 Kid A

“We need to encourage and incentivize young women, not declare war on them by leading them into ruts like the Democrats did.

We call this “Meme-Theft”.

266 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:30:26pm

re: #263 Targetpractice

[Embedded content]

Somebody’s gonna start singin’ like a canary soon.

Yeah, sounds like that could get real expensive real quick. Time to cut a deal.

267 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:30:46pm

re: #235 sattv4u2


He said >EVER!!

He was talking about a specific fetus.

268 klys  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:31:34pm

Youtube Video

New results suggest the next big earthquake in southern CA could hit LA harder than previously anticipated.

269 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:32:18pm

re: #266 CuriousLurker

Yeah, sounds like that could get real expensive real quick. Time to cut a deal.

I always liked it in Law and Order, when Jack would say something like “This is the deal, it’s good for 5 minutes, then it’s off the table. Your decision”
Ba ba BUM


270 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:32:53pm

re: #266 CuriousLurker

Yeah, sounds like that could get real expensive real quick. Time to cut a deal.

He’s been talking about how, if granted immunity, he’ll talk. Now, I think prosecutors are gonna sniff and say no to immunity, but yes to a deal on jail time.

271 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:33:04pm

Contributions to Political Committees


11/03/2012 250.00 13942985346


02/05/2004 1000.00 24962774725


06/21/2007 750.00 27931665975


10/06/2008 750.00 13941106379
12/01/2008 -750.00 29932222138

12/01/2008 750.00 13964023638


05/26/1999 1000.00 99034574036

Total Contributions: 3750.00


272 BongCrodny  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:33:05pm

I don’t know whether anyone’s found this already, but it looks like this is the case study chart chart that people were referencing in regards to the Munoz case.

What’s considered viable these days? The accompanying story indicated that no long term research of the infants was conducted.


273 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:34:16pm

re: #263 Targetpractice

[Embedded content]

Somebody’s gonna start singin’ like a canary soon.

Soon? Christ, Wildstein was floating the immunity balloon for two weeks now.

This should be interesting, particularly since Christie played the “I barely know this guy I’ve known since we were kids” card.

274 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:36:13pm

re: #220 NJDhockeyfan

And I found a decent bagel in Nashville last weekend. Now if I can just find some good pizza ill be all set.

Go to I65 and turn N. About 450 miles.

275 darthstar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:37:14pm

re: #267 wrenchwench

He was talking about a specific fetus.

You’re going up against willful ignorance.

276 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:37:21pm

re: #273 Mattand

Soon? Christ, Wildstein was floating the immunity balloon for two weeks now.

This should be interesting, particularly since Christie played the “I barely know this guy I’ve known since we were kids” card.

He was holding out for immunity when it looked like he might be able to keep the high-priced lawyer and send the bill to the Port Authority. Now? Now he’s looking at bankruptcy and the likelihood of a long stretch at Club Fed, versus taking a plea and a few years plus possibly keeping his pension.

277 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:37:39pm

re: #242 jvic

Okay wrench, you persuaded me. If the interval to viability were say two weeks instead of at least ten, I’d probably think more. Afaic there is no cut-and-dried formula for heartbreaking cases like this.

I trust the condition of the fetus will be verified after life support is withdrawn. Don’t mean to sound inhumane: it’s worthwhile to add to the little that medical science knows about these situations.

That too should be up to the family.

The reason pregnancy should never be used as a reason to go against a woman’s wishes is exactly because there is no cut-and-dried formula.

278 Skip Intro  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:38:00pm

re: #172 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

The court in Texas sided with the family of the brain dead woman being kept on life support. He’s ordered the hospital to declare her dead and remove life support by monday.

Giving them until Monday allows plenty of time for the wingnuts to show up to do a Terri Schiavo. It should have effective immediately. After all, the hospital was claiming it was just following the law, and the judge has now told them they were wrong.

If they appeal this, then their original argument was just bullshit, and they should be on the hook for all future costs while they refuse to obey the court.

279 freetoken  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:38:25pm

As I wrote yesterday, I sort of hold Bezos and the Waltons in the same light.

Walmart is vilified (sometimes justifiably) for being a major factor in dismantling locally owned commercial outlets and thus centralizing wealth into the hands of the few (the Walton family.)

However, Amazon.com has also played a part, though on a smaller scale than Walmart, in helping to destroy locally owned stores, and before the installment of internet tax laws also reduced funds going into local municipalities’ coffers.

That Bezos is now taking this same Walmart/Amazon philosophy to what was once considered one of this nations’ leading newspapers does not surprise me.

Repeating what I wrote yesterday: Bezos will now how digital runners in digital running shoes sprinting up and down his digital massive warehouse of opinion pieces that he will sell as his digital “news” paper.

280 Jack Burton  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:38:25pm

re: #274 Decatur Deb

Go to I65 and turn N. About 450 miles.

That’s “Tomato Soup in a Bread Bowl”.


281 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:39:02pm

re: #279 freetoken

As I wrote yesterday, I sort of hold Bezos and the Waltons in the same light.

Walmart is vilified (sometimes justifiably) for being a major factor in dismantling locally owned commercial outlets and thus centralizing wealth into the hands of the few (the Walton family.)

However, Amazon.com has also played a part, though on a smaller scale than Walmart, in helping to destroy locally owned stores, and before the installment of internet tax laws also reduced funds going into local municipalities’ coffers.

That Bezos is now taking this same Walmart/Amazon philosophy to what was once considered one of this nations’ leading newspapers does not surprise me.

Repeating what I wrote yesterday: Bezos will now how digital runners in digital running shoes sprinting up and down his digital massive warehouse of opinion pieces that he will sell as his digital “news” paper.

Yep, same with Ebay.

282 darthstar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:40:33pm
283 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:40:41pm

“This is Odessa. Today Evening.” (Google translate)

Things are changing rapidly now.

284 freetoken  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:41:00pm

re: #281 Gus

Yep, same with Ebay.

Junkyard City. I was an eBay member when they started, but haven’t used my account in about 7 years.

Electronic commerce comes with its plus and minuses for society.

I’m just saying that these sort of changes come with societal costs that we ought not pretend don’t exist.

285 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:41:23pm

“Right of center” my ass.

286 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:41:31pm

re: #275 darthstar

You’re going up against willful ignorance.

With customer interruptions, no less!

I should know better….

287 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:41:35pm

List of acquisitions by eBay

Acquisition date Company Business Country Value (USD) References
July 16, 1998 Up4Sale.com Online auction United States — [2]
April 27, 1999 Butterfield & Butterfield Auction house United States $260,000,000 [3]
May 18, 1999 Billpoint E-commerce payment systems United States — [4]
May 18, 1999 Kruse International Car-auction company United States — [4]
June 22, 1999 Alando Auction house Germany $43,000,000 [5]
October 1999 Blackthorne Listing Tool United States — [6]
June 13, 2000 Half.com Online marketplace United States $318,000,000 [7]
December 12, 2000 Precision Buying Service[note 1] E-commerce payment systems United States — [8]
January 8, 2001 Internet Auction Co. Online auction South Korea $120,000,000 [9]
March 5, 2001 iBazar Online auction France $66,000,000 [10]
July 8, 2002 PayPal E-commerce payment systems United States $1,500,000,000 [11]
January 31, 2003 CARad.com Online auction United States — [12]
July 11, 2003 EachNet Electronic commerce China $150,000,000 [13]
January 24, 2004 mobile.de Vehicles classifieds Germany $152,000,000 [14]
June 22, 2004 Baazee.com Online auction India $50,000,000 [15]
August 14, 2004 Craigslist[note 2] Classified advertising United States $13,500,000 [16]
November 10, 2004 Marktplaats.nl Classified advertising Netherlands $290,000,000 [17]
December 16, 2004 Rent.com Classified advertising United States $415,000,000 [18]
May 18, 2005 Loquo Classified advertising Spain — [19]
May 19, 2005 Gumtree Classified advertising United Kingdom — [20]
June 2, 2005 Shopping.com Price comparison service Israel $620,000,000 [21]
June 30, 2005 OpusForum.org Classified advertising Germany — [22]
September 13, 2005 Skype Limited[note 3] Voice over Internet Protocol Luxembourg $2,600,000,000 [24]
April 24, 2006 Tradera Online auction Sweden $48,000,000 [25]
May 30, 2007 StumbleUpon[note 4] Browser plugin Canada $75,000,000 [27]
January 10, 2007 StubHub Electronic commerce United States $310,000,000 [28]
May 3, 2007 GittiGidiyor Electronic commerce Turkey $217,500,000 [29][30]
March 9, 2006 Meetup.com[note 5] Social network service United States $10,000,000 [31]
January 29, 2008 Fraud Sciences Online risk management Israel $169,000,000 [32]
October 6, 2008 Bill Me Later Electronic Commerce United States $1,200,000,000 [33]
October 6, 2008 dba.dk & bilbasen.dk Classified advertising Denmark $390,000,000 [34]
January 8, 2009 Positronic Inc. Machine learning United States - [35]
March 15, 2010 Magento Electronic Commerce United States $225,000,000 [36][37]
June 23, 2010 RedLaser Mobile applications United States $10,000,000 [38]
December 2, 2010 Milo.com Shopping Engine United States $75,000,000 [39]
March 28, 2011 GSI Commerce Marketing/Fulfillment United States $2,400,000,000 [40]
March 28, 2011 Where, Inc. Local Search and Recommendation United States $135,000,000 [41]
July 7, 2011 Zong Payments through mobile carrier billing United States $240,000,000 [42]
September 8, 2011 The Gifts Project Group purchasing of gifts Israel $50,000,000 [43]
September 8, 2011 Hunch Product recommendations United States $80,000,000 [44]
December 11, 2011 Zvents Local Events United States — [45]
September 6, 2012 Svpply Social shopping United States — [46]
September 6, 2013 Decide.com Price-Forecasting United States — [47]
September 26, 2013 Braintree Payments United States $800,000,000 [48]
October 22, 2013 Shutl Rapid Fulfillment Service United Kingdom - [49]

288 freetoken  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:42:56pm

re: #287 Gus

Back in the days when the path to riches was to start a dotcom business and hope it sold for millions to someone else.

289 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:43:20pm

re: #287 Gus

List of acquisitions by eBay

October 22, 2013 Shutl Rapid Fulfillment Service United Kingdom - [49]

Sounds like dronzzzzzzzz

290 klys  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:43:34pm

re: #272 BongCrodny

I don’t know whether anyone’s found this already, but it looks like this is the case study chart chart that people were referencing in regards to the Munoz case.

What’s considered viable these days? The accompanying story indicated that no long term research of the infants was conducted.


I suspect that is the study being referenced, or at least one of them.

Out of curiosity I looked down the table. Munoz was 14 weeks pregnant when she died. In that table, when the onset of brain death was earlier than 15 weeks, none of the fetuses survived. There was one at 15 weeks that survived, but also one that didn’t. In most cases with a favorable outcome, the gestation period was substantially further along when brain death was declared.

291 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:44:03pm

re: #288 freetoken

Back in the days when the path to riches was to start a dotcom business and hope it sold for millions to someone else.

Yeah, but Bezos and Omidyar are philanthropists! They care about us. Bow to their greatness as they pose with Bono and the Dalai Lama!

292 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:44:27pm

Cat finally has a mouse. Errrrr.

293 freetoken  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:44:52pm

re: #285 Mattand

Euphemisms abound when we want to sell, sell, sell.

294 Aqua Obama  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:45:25pm

re: #283 Justanotherhuman

“This is Odessa. Today Evening.” (Google translate)

[Embedded content]

Things are changing rapidly now.

Taking Odessa Steps?

295 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:45:34pm
296 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:46:05pm

re: #282 darthstar

Bread us, fry us, make us write bad checks!

OHHHH… That almost makes me feel guilty for the sausages I cooked last night with rice and lentils. (And the ribs or the shoulder I’ll do this weekend)


297 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:46:28pm

re: #267 wrenchwench

He was talking about a specific fetus.

That’s what I understood also. I mean the is called a definite article because it’s, well… definite, specific, the opposite of general. But, hey, what do I know?

Are we actually reduced to arguing over the use of definite/indefinite articles now? Yeah, I guess we are. *headdesk* Time to go find something more productive to do.

Later, lizards.

298 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:46:53pm

re: #282 darthstar

Bread us, fry us, make us write bad checks!

Bacon never looked so cute.


299 klys  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:47:07pm

re: #295 wrenchwench

Given what I have heard from most women past about 7 months of pregnancy, I think the thought of a 20 month pregnancy would result in a much lower birth rate.


300 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:47:20pm

re: #289 wrenchwench

Sounds like dronzzzzzzzz

Cockney lunchhour dating service.

301 Stanley Sea  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:47:33pm

re: #268 klys

[Embedded content]

New results suggest the next big earthquake in southern CA could hit LA harder than previously anticipated.

I just finished A Crack at the Edge of the World. Pretty much feel like an expert now.

302 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:47:47pm

re: #296 RealityBasedSteve

OHHHH… That almost makes me feel guilty for the sausages I cooked last night with rice and lentils. (And the ribs or the shoulder I’ll do this weekend)


You’re in the south. The pig reigns as food. Not for me, though. I haven’t eaten pork in over 30 yrs (it has nothing to do w/religion, though).

303 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:47:55pm

re: #293 freetoken

Euphemisms abound when we want to sell, sell, sell.

No, I was paging through the earlier comments about the Munoz case.

Not impressed with one of the participants.

304 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:49:27pm

re: #303 Mattand

No, I was paging through the earlier comments about the Munoz case.

Not impressed with one of the participants.

To put it mildly.

305 Varek Raith  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:50:05pm

re: #297 CuriousLurker

That’s what I understood also. I mean the is called a definite article because it’s, well… definite, specific, the opposite of general. But, hey, what do I know?

Are we actually reduced to arguing over the use of definite/indefinite articles now? Yeah, I guess we are. *headdesk* Time to go find something more productive to do.

Later, lizards.

I guess our resident conservatives would rather not think of the crap their side supports.
Easier just to pretend it ain’t there.

306 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:50:40pm

“Europe! Less chatter! More works! Help stop the terror in Ukraine” protest in Davos (Google translation)

307 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:51:28pm

re: #297 CuriousLurker

That’s what I understood also. I mean the is called a definite article because it’s, well… definite, specific, the opposite of general. But, hey, what do I know?

Are we actually reduced to arguing over the use of definite/indefinite articles now? Yeah, I guess we are. *headdesk* Time to go find something more productive to do.

Later, lizards.

No don’t go! Did you see the Page I recommended to you in a random comment when you weren’t around?

308 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:51:34pm

I hear crunching. Mouse is history.

309 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:52:25pm


310 freetoken  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:53:24pm

re: #303 Mattand

Oh, yes. In what most people in the world think would be the obvious path to take, a hyper-religious but powerful patriarchy in Texas does the obviously reverse.

311 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:53:47pm

re: #307 wrenchwench

No don’t go! Did you see the Page I recommended to you in a random comment when you weren’t around?

It’s not ringing any bells—I’ve been super distracted trying to get my computer back in proper working order. What was it?

312 Internet Tough Guy  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:54:07pm

re: #283 Justanotherhuman

That’s getting uncomfortably close (for Putin) to Russia’s Black Sea naval base.

313 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:57:41pm

re: #311 CuriousLurker

It’s not ringing any bells—I’ve been super distracted trying to get my computer back in proper working order. What was it?


314 dog philosopher  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 4:58:45pm

there will be no employee impact to building front entrance ingress/egress

i once called up customer support for the old database program named ‘Ingres’ and asked the nice lady there if they pronounced their product name like the french painter named ‘Ingres’ which is of course pronounced something like ahngr’h because of course that’s the way it’s spelled it’s spelled that way and not spelled ‘ingress’

but i guess they didn’t pronounce it ahngr’h, which i guess sounds like old low klingon and it was mean of me to confuse the nice lady

315 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:00:36pm

re: #294 Aqua Obama

Taking Odessa Steps?

Potemkin Stairs…

316 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:03:08pm

re: #314 dog philosopher

there will be no employee impact to building front entrance ingress/egress

i once called up customer support for the old database program named ‘Ingres’ and asked the nice lady there if they pronounced their produce name like the french painter named ‘Ingres’ which is of course pronounced something like ahngr’h because of course that’s the way it’s spelled it’s spelled that way and not spelled ‘ingress’

but i guess they didn’t pronounce it ahngr’h, which i guess sounds like old low klingon and it was mean of me to confuse the nice lady

I once called a supplier and asked for my rep, Mr. Vigil, which I pronounced Vee HEEL, as is common in NM. They didn’t know who I wanted until I added his first name and pronounced the second one as vijil, which must be how he said it.

317 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:03:38pm

re: #84 jaunte

The triskelion symbol has been around for a long time.

At least since TOS Season 2, Episode 16:

318 jvic  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:04:14pm

re: #305 Varek Raith

I guess our resident conservatives would rather not think of the crap their side supports.
Easier just to pretend it ain’t there.

You’re correct. The insanity & dysfunction on my own side distress me more than the i & d on the opposing side. The latter are easier for me to tune out. (NB: Obviously—-or it should be obvious—-, there are sensible people of good will on the other side as well as on my side. They’re not whom I’m talking about.)

I’ve asked myself why to date I haven’t flounced, left, or gotten banned. The above is a key reason.

Also, my attitude is conservative, but my voting record is significantly independent.

319 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:04:55pm

re: #317 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi

At least since TOS Season 2, Episode 16:
[Embedded image]

10,000 quatloos to the Canadian fighter!


320 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:07:00pm

re: #318 jvic

You’re completely correct. The insanity & dysfunction on my own side distress me more than the i & d on the opposing side. The latter are easier for me to tune out. (NB: Obviously—-or it should be obvious—-, there are sensible people of good will on the other side as well as on my side. They’re not whom I’m talking about.)

I’ve asked myself why to date I haven’t flounced, left, or gotten banned. The above is a key reason.

Also, my attitude is conservative, but my voting record is significantly independent.

Your ability to be honest about that sets you apart. Kudos.

321 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:07:20pm

re: #313 wrenchwench


Cool, thanks!

Oh, I’ll have you know (probably much to your horror) that someone passed by me wearing patchouli the other day and you immediately came to mind, which (much to my horror) made me giggle like a loon.

322 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:08:27pm

I find it interesting that people who made a big deal about calling that Manning person CHELSEA Manning have no problem making gender jokes about Justin Bieber.

323 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:08:29pm

re: #314 dog philosopher

there will be no employee impact to building front entrance ingress/egress

i once called up customer support for the old database program named ‘Ingres’ and asked the nice lady there if they pronounced their product name like the french painter named ‘Ingres’ which is of course pronounced something like ahngr’h because of course that’s the way it’s spelled it’s spelled that way and not spelled ‘ingress’

but i guess they didn’t pronounce it ahngr’h, which i guess sounds like old low klingon and it was mean of me to confuse the nice lady

IIRC, it was named for the painter. Someone was a fan.

324 lawhawk  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:08:33pm

re: #317 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi

Great. Now I’ve got the music in my head.

325 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:09:17pm

re: #321 CuriousLurker

Cool, thanks!

Oh, I’ll have you know (probably much to your horror) that someone passed by me wearing patchouli the other day and you immediately came to mind, which (much to my horror) made me giggle like a loon.

Sounds like we’re even on that one.

No, I’m ahead, because you just gave me a giggle.

326 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:09:57pm

re: #127 Dark_Falcon

Black Cat: If he plays ‘terrier’ on that triple word score I’m going to leave a headless mouse on his pillow.

Cat: Not enough ‘W’s to spell “mwwwwrrrow”, have to think of something else.

327 Mattand  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:10:11pm

re: #324 lawhawk

Great. Now I’ve got the music in my head.

LOL, that was my first thought when I saw that photo.

328 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:10:32pm

Heads explode.

329 The War TARDIS  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:10:48pm

re: #322 Gus


330 dog philosopher  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:10:53pm

re: #316 wrenchwench

I once called a supplier and asked for my rep, Mr. Vigil, which I pronounced Vee HEEL, as is common in NM. They didn’t know who I wanted until I added his first name and pronounced the second one as vijil, which must be how he said it.

here is another Random Language Note, that i picked up from the unfrozen siberian girlfriend:

under no circumstances ask anybody if they have seen Julia while using the spanish pronunciation “hooleeya” since in russian you have just been astonishingly obscene and we will have to beat you up now or at least throw you out of the restaurant

edit: that is to say, never use this pronunciation while sojourning in russia

331 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:10:58pm

re: #328 Gus

Heads explode.

332 BongCrodny  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:12:08pm

re: #290 klys

I suspect that is the study being referenced, or at least one of them.

Out of curiosity I looked down the table. Munoz was 14 weeks pregnant when she died. In that table, when the onset of brain death was earlier than 15 weeks, none of the fetuses survived. There was one at 15 weeks that survived, but also one that didn’t. In most cases with a favorable outcome, the gestation period was substantially further along when brain death was declared.

I agree that it should be the family’s decision, so I’m obviously not advocating anything here — but some of those infants looked rather underweight, with only one at a five-pound birth weight. Do sick/underweight/premature infants have the same serious health problems as in the past?

333 jvic  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:12:17pm

re: #320 wrenchwench

Your ability to be honest about that sets you apart. Kudos.

Aw shucks, ma’am. blushes

I respect you too though we disagree.

334 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:13:28pm

re: #321 CuriousLurker

Cool, thanks!

Oh, I’ll have you know (probably much to your horror) that someone passed by me wearing patchouli the other day and you immediately came to mind, which (much to my horror) made me giggle like a loon.

Nah, WW has the soft aroma of Phil Woods grease, orange citrus degreaser and TriFlow Lube. A heady scent.


335 klys  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:14:12pm

re: #332 BongCrodny

I agree that it should be the family’s decision, so I’m obviously not advocating anything here — but some of those infants looked rather underweight, with only one at a five-pound birth weight. Do sick/underweight/premature infants have the same serious health problems as in the past?

Significantly less so, although it’s still possible (of course). That is an area where medical science has made substantial progress.

Of course, the article that that table is from clearly states that the family’s wishes should be respected with regards to the whole process. Too bad Texas feels otherwise.

336 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:14:17pm

re: #333 jvic

Aw shucks, ma’am. blushes

I respect you too though we disagree.

No we don’t.

337 darthstar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:14:46pm

Heh…apparently Ann caught Mitt writing his concession speech on election night and he got in trouble!

I haven’t watched the Netflix documentary “Mitt” yet, but it’s starting to filter through.

338 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:15:20pm

re: #334 RealityBasedSteve

Nah, WW has the soft aroma of Phil Woods grease, orange citrus degreaser and TriFlow Lube. A heady scent.


Park Polylube, Simple Green, and Boeshield T-9, but yeah.

339 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:16:16pm

re: #330 dog philosopher

here is another Random Language Note, that i picked up from the unfrozen siberian girlfriend:

under no circumstances ask anybody if they have seen Julia while using the spanish pronunciation “hooleeya” since in russian you have just been astonishingly obscene and we will have to beat you up now or at least throw you out of the restaurant

edit: that is to say, never use this pronunciation while sojourning in russia

340 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:16:56pm

re: #338 wrenchwench

Park Polylube, Simple Green, and Boeshield T-9, but yeah.

Oh, so you are ready for a formal night out. :)

Boeshield rocks. I use it on a lot of my woodworking tools.


341 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:18:05pm

re: #337 darthstar

Heh…apparently Ann caught Mitt writing his concession speech on election night and he got in trouble!

[Embedded content]

I haven’t watched the Netflix documentary “Mitt” yet, but it’s starting to filter through.

Had enough of “Mitt” during the campaign.

342 jvic  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:19:02pm

re: #336 wrenchwench

re: #333 jvic

Aw shucks, ma’am. blushes

I respect you too though we disagree.

No we don’t.

Yes we do!! ;-)

Good night.

343 Political Atheist  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:19:10pm

re: #305 Varek Raith

I guess our resident conservatives would rather not think of the crap their side supports.
Easier just to pretend it ain’t there.

Ahem. Not the conservative independents perhaps. No GOP ties.

344 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:21:00pm

re: #339 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

What goes Where?

I saw this in the sporting goods section of the local WalMart. I caught it out of the corner of my eye, had to stop and look at it to make sure.


345 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:21:14pm

Sorry. Just all of the hate on Twitter gets so unnerving towards the end of the day.

346 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:22:00pm

Let’s see. Twitter pics in TL now…

Courtney Love
Some dolphin’s head that was sliced off for slaughter.
And some Syrian kid in ER surgery.

347 Political Atheist  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:23:18pm

re: #318 jvic

You’re correct. The insanity & dysfunction on my own side distress me more than the i & d on the opposing side. The latter are easier for me to tune out. (NB: Obviously—-or it should be obvious—-, there are sensible people of good will on the other side as well as on my side. They’re not whom I’m talking about.)

I’ve asked myself why to date I haven’t flounced, left, or gotten banned. The above is a key reason.

Also, my attitude is conservative, but my voting record is significantly independent.

Conservative does not equal GOP fanboy status. Or tea party. Independent thinking trumps party allure. Not always the most popular spot but really not so bad. Means we can speak up for a Jerry Brown as appropriate.

348 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:23:50pm

re: #280 Jack Burton

That’s “Tomato Soup in a Bread Bowl”.


Cripes, and pineapple hasn’t entered the equation yet!

349 dog philosopher  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:24:15pm

The Republican National Committee is claiming that the USA Patriot Act’s NSA provisions are now unconstitutional

republican rhetoric, a short history while i wait for the 15 minute compile

1960: democrats are soft on communism
1970: democrats are soft on communism and a bunch of draft dodging peaceniks and marijuana smokers
1980: democrats are soft on communism and want to raise your taxes, and i will fix everything by lowering your taxes, & i will support this theory using cooked statistics and unproved theories
1990: i will make any assertion using cooked statistics and unproved theories provided the outcome is that taxes need to be lower on rich people and regulation is bad
2000: I will use any cooked statistics or theories and even just lie my ass off to assert that the only thing we need to save the republic are lower taxes on the wealthy and no regulations, and more controls on women’s parts and lots of bible talkin’
2010: i will just lie my ass off hey nobody calls me on it except liberals
2014: i will just lie my ass off, and let’s try some astonishingly hypocritical complete policy reversals just for fun

350 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:24:24pm

re: #348 Feline Fearless Leader

Cripes, and pineapple hasn’t entered the equation yet!

Pineapple? On pizza?! HERETIC!! BLASPHEMER!!!

351 Jack Burton  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:24:43pm

re: #348 Feline Fearless Leader

Cripes, and pineapple hasn’t entered the equation yet!

And it better remain that way!

352 klys  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:25:40pm

Man, pizza sounds good.

My evening will likely involve more work on this:

I will finish it someday, dammit.

353 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:26:49pm

Hey, Chicago!

Also, Houston:


354 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:26:54pm

re: #333 jvic

Aw shucks, ma’am. blushes

I respect you too though we disagree.

We all need loyal opposition, not just in politics, but in other aspects of our lives too—e.g. I want friends who will be honest and tell me when they think I’m flirting with disaster, not ones who just say what they think I want to hear lest I scream at them that they’re behaving traitorously.

We should be able to disagree on ideas without considering our opponent(s) to be evil incarnate, hellbent on destroying everything we hold dear. Our political system demands it—if we can’t manage it, then we’re toast.

355 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:27:13pm

re: #242 jvic

Okay wrench, you persuaded me. If the interval to viability were say two weeks instead of at least ten, I’d probably think more. Afaic there is no cut-and-dried formula for heartbreaking cases like this.

I don’t give a good goddamn what the formula is. This woman died weeks ago and her family was FORCED to go against her stated wishes and keep her dead body on life support so that a bunch of ghouls could bullshit themselves into thinking they were saving a baby.

That fetus has spent WEEKS trying to grow and develop inside a corpse. It has never gotten any of the proper ANYTHING it needs from its mother’s body in order to grow properly. Why? Because the mother is dead.

I trust the condition of the fetus will be verified after life support is withdrawn. Don’t mean to sound inhumane: it’s worthwhile to add to the little that medical science knows about these situations.

Sure. Just like Terri Schiavo’s condition was verified after she finally died and all the raving lunatics were proven irrefutably wrong.

This poor woman died. Her death should not have been used by a bunch of ghouls for a goddamn science experiment. The hospital and/or the state owe the family for ALL the medical bills that have been incurred AND they owe them for the emotional hell that was intentionally inflicted on them.

356 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:27:13pm

re: #348 Feline Fearless Leader

Cripes, and pineapple hasn’t entered the equation yet!

NO!!!! Not the dreaded Cabbage / Pineappple / Celery / Mayo / Green Jello Salad. This is something not meant for human consumption.
edit: Didn’t realize that we were still on pizza. Not my favorite on pizza, but maybe once a year.

357 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:27:51pm

re: #317 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi

At least since TOS Season 2, Episode 16:
[Embedded image]

If the bitcoin folk had any sense of humor they’d have named the standard unit the “quatloo”.

358 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:30:22pm

re: #347 Political Atheist

Conservative does not equal GOP fanboy status. Or tea party. Independent thinking trumps party allure. Not always the most popular spot but really not so bad. Means we can speak up for a Jerry Brown as appropriate.

I think if you move along towards ‘independent’ a little bit more, you will have less of an urge to defend yourself from criticism of conservatives that wasn’t directed at you.

359 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:31:06pm

re: #352 klys

Man, pizza sounds good.

My evening will likely involve more work on this:

I will finish it someday, dammit.


360 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:31:39pm

re: #356 RealityBasedSteve

NO!!!! Not the dreaded Cabbage / Pineappple / Celery / Mayo / Green Jello Salad. This is something not meant for human consumption.


That sounds vile as hell. WTF? Do people actually eat that shit?

361 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:33:56pm

re: #360 Justanotherhuman

That sounds vile as hell. WTF? Do people actually eat that shit?

Yes. Comes from the same cuisine spectrum that puts marshmallow fluff on sweet potato casserole.

362 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:34:17pm

re: #346 Gus

Let’s see. Twitter pics in TL now…

Courtney Love
Some dolphin’s head that was sliced off for slaughter.
And some Syrian kid in ER surgery.

I like this illustration:

I had no idea there was a twitter libel case.

363 Political Atheist  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:37:15pm

re: #358 wrenchwench

I think if you move along towards ‘independent’ a little bit more, you will have less of an urge to defend yourself from criticism of conservatives that wasn’t directed at you.

Probably so,

In the local context it kinda depends on the broad brush use of the term in the pejorative sense. The term is taken by some as irretrievably far right or GOP affiliated. I like to think the term can be more of a description on the spectrum rather than an insult. But to each their own.

364 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:37:43pm

Imma follow this one.

365 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:37:58pm

re: #360 Justanotherhuman

That sounds vile as hell. WTF? Do people actually eat that shit?

It’s probably the marshmallows that pull it all together. /gag I understand that the Jello company put out a whole cookbook of everything that could be done with jello, including many things that probably shouldn’t have been done.

In the name of all that is holy…. no!


366 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:38:35pm

So apparently parkour is huge amongst Iranian girls.

Who knew?

367 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:39:33pm

re: #356 RealityBasedSteve

NO!!!! Not the dreaded Cabbage / Pineappple / Celery / Mayo / Green Jello Salad. This is something not meant for human consumption.


That looks like an all natural stomach pump. Eat a bite of that and you’ll get every conceivable toxin out of your body in one go.

368 Targetpractice  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:39:54pm

re: #366 Kragar

So apparently parkour is huge amongst Iranian girls.

Who knew?

Parkour, that’s where teens play the odds jumping around til they take a serious tumble and break their necks, right?

369 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:39:57pm

re: #366 Kragar

So apparently parkour is huge amongst Iranian girls.

Who knew?

If anyone, it would be CuriousLurker. She seems to know a lot about Iranian girls.

370 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:41:03pm

re: #347 Political Atheist

Conservative does not equal GOP fanboy status. Or tea party. Independent thinking trumps party allure. Not always the most popular spot but really not so bad. Means we can speak up for a Jerry Brown as appropriate.

FWIW, I also view myself as an independent. I just happen to have views on economics, science and social issues that presently have me voting against the GOP 100.00 percent of the time.

Should the Democrats pull a 180 on all their policy positions, I will have to reassess how I vote, so I’m not really a “team player” for the Democrats.

371 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:41:03pm

re: #365 RealityBasedSteve

It’s probably the marshmallows that pull it all together. /gag I understand that the Jello company put out a whole cookbook of everything that could be done with jello, including many things that probably shouldn’t have been done.

In the name of all that is holy…. no!


Those are the. lamest. radish. roses. I have ever seen.

372 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:41:43pm

re: #364 wrenchwench

Imma follow this one.

[Embedded content]


373 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:42:26pm

re: #371 wrenchwench

Those are the. lamest. radish. roses. I have ever seen.

There are olives with pimentos *in* that thing and you remark about lame radish roses?!?!


374 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:42:59pm

re: #367 Lidane

That looks like an all natural stomach pump. Eat a bite of that and you’ll get every conceivable toxin out of your body in one go.

Along with your missing pair of slippers and that big meal from 1995.

375 Kragar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:43:05pm

re: #368 Targetpractice

Parkour, that’s where teens play the odds jumping around til they take a serious tumble and break their necks, right?

5 Ways Life in Iran Is Nothing Like You Think

Parkour has become associated with petty crime and drugs in the eyes of authorities (for them, the fact that young people do it is reason enough). One teenager I spoke with recounted that his instructor had been detained for training earlier that week. And since women are more likely to be bothered, they’re also more likely to be found practicing in secluded areas — meaning that Iranian culture has made the not-so-great decision to breed a generation of oppressed people who are in great shape, awesome at sneaking around, and really tired of being told what to do.

376 Kid A  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:43:41pm
377 Political Atheist  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:45:29pm

re: #370 EPR-radar

FWIW, I also view myself as an independent. I just happen to have views on economics, science and social issues that presently have me voting against the GOP 100.00 percent of the time.

Should the Democrats pull a 180 on all their policy positions, I will have to reassess how I vote, so I’m not really a “team player” for the Democrats.

We have been voting the same for quite some time now. You might like our governor. (Forgot if you are in Calif.)

378 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:46:16pm

re: #373 Feline Fearless Leader

There are olives with pimentos *in* that thing and you remark about lame radish roses?!?!


I was thinking that the radish roses were the least of the problems. Lets deal with the basic concept of tuna inside lime jello. Was this dish prepared by simply grabbing the first things in the pantry you could find in the dark?

I’m just imagining Gordon Ramsey if somebody presented this on Top Chef or Hells Kitchen.


379 Romantic Heretic  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:47:02pm

re: #15 NJDhockeyfan

Uh oh…

[Embedded content]

Ah, Putin’s going to pull a Czechoslovakia on the Ukraine. We must protect the country from traitors and provocateurs!

I used the wingnut font because Putin, as our wingnuts have shown through their slavering adoration of him, a closer to a wing nut than a moonbat.

380 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:47:21pm

re: #369 wrenchwench

If anyone, it would be CuriousLurker. She seems to know a lot about Iranian girls.

Heh, I had to look up parkour as I had no idea what it was. I suppose it would come in handy if the Pasdaran or Basij were after you.

381 Political Atheist  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:47:33pm

See ya all in the late shift, gotta go to a Bored meeting. oops,,,, Board meeting.

382 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:47:50pm

re: #373 Feline Fearless Leader

There are olives with pimentos *in* that thing and you remark about lame radish roses?!?!


I deleted the one about the olives………

383 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:48:06pm

re: #377 Political Atheist

We have been voting the same for quite some time now. You might like our governor. (Forgot if you are in Calif.)

I’m in CA, and mostly like what I’ve seen from Gov. Brown so far. I try to give the benefit of the doubt to people that are evidently trying to get things to work.

384 GlutenFreeJesus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:48:29pm

re: #27 NJDhockeyfan

If Russia goes ahead and invades how will that affect the Olympics? I’m thinking most counties won’t show up.

That would save Putin the embarrassment of an attack happening in Sochi.

I really think much of this has been planned way ahead of time.

385 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:48:57pm

re: #375 Kragar

5 Ways Life in Iran Is Nothing Like You Think

So, there is a whole generation of Iranian Ninjas in training. I’ve watched parkour, it’s for the young, once you get “Death Perception” probably doesn’t seem like such a great idea.


386 Romantic Heretic  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:49:52pm

re: #22 S’latch

As they begin to discover that there are not enough Conservatives left to support them, they begin to look towards Libertarians to bridge the gap. It is a crazy strategy, but what else is there?


387 Lidane  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:50:46pm

re: #370 EPR-radar

My attitude is simple. The Democrats don’t embrace an anti-science, anti-reason worldview that would turn back the clock on every bit of social progress we’ve made since Gutenberg invented movable type. The Republicans do. As long as the GOP willingly whore themselves out to the bigots, the idiots and the religious fanatics, I’m not voting for anyone with an (R) after their name.

Are the Democrats perfect? No. But they’re a damn sight better than the raging idiocy in the Republican party.

388 GlutenFreeJesus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:51:13pm
389 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:52:26pm

re: #353 Justanotherhuman

Hey, Chicago!

[Embedded content]

Also, Houston:


Still not much interest outside of the Ukrainian community. I guess we can’t expect the usual protest groups (ANSWER, Code Pink, etc) to participate in a cause like this. They might mobilize if Obama threatens military action.

390 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:53:12pm

re: #378 RealityBasedSteve

I was thinking that the radish roses were the least of the problems. Lets deal with the basic concept of tuna inside lime jello. Was this dish prepared by simply grabbing the first things in the pantry you could find in the dark?

I’m just imagining Gordon Ramsey if somebody presented this on Top Chef or Hells Kitchen.


Hmm, has “Jello” ever been the secret ingredient for a Iron Chef episode?

391 wrenchwench  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:53:25pm

Later, lizards.

392 AlexRogan  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:53:43pm

re: #220 NJDhockeyfan

And I found a decent bagel in Nashville last weekend. Now if I can just find some good pizza ill be all set.

re: #234 RealityBasedSteve

Best pizzas, Five Points and Mafiaozia Mellow Mushroom is also pretty good.

Nashville Scene is a good guide.


Mafioza’s is pretty good, if a little pricey, but the pizzas/portions are huge; the owner is a Mason at the same lodge as one of my brothers. Pizza Perfect in Hillsboro Village, over by VUMC, is pretty good too.

393 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:54:15pm

re: #387 Lidane

My attitude is simple. The Democrats don’t embrace an anti-science, anti-reason worldview that would turn back the clock on every bit of social progress we’ve made since Gutenberg invented movable type. The Republicans do. As long as the GOP willingly whore themselves out to the bigots, the idiots and the religious fanatics, I’m not voting for anyone with an (R) after their name.

Are the Democrats perfect? No. But they’re a damn sight better than the raging idiocy in the Republican party.

100 percent agree. And those who vote GOP who are not themselves bigots, idiots, and/or religious fanatics need frequent reminders of just what it is they enable with their votes for the GOP.

394 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:54:31pm

Think I figured out what happened with the tanker truck. The American boss wrote out the instructions in English. He probably misspelled “Arbic” the second time. He gave the instructions LOUDLY and slowly to the Arab speaking sign guy that doesn’t know a word of English and handed him the instructions, in English, with the misspelled word and everything else as you see in the pic.

395 Interesting Times  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:55:18pm

re: #232 Gus

Volokh Conspiracy? At the Washington Post? Hahahahaha. That’s like a bunch of all white male libertarians.

I’m a bit late to this thread, but is WaPo now going to run articles claiming it’s “immoral” to raise taxes in order to stop an impending asteroid strike?

396 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:55:45pm

re: #395 Interesting Times

I’m a bit late to this thread, but is WaPo now going to run articles claiming it’s “immoral” to raise taxes in order to stop an impending asteroid strike?

Probably. Give it time.

397 nines09  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:55:46pm

re: #376 Kid A

[Embedded content]

I think the checkers fell off.

398 dog philosopher  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:57:05pm

re: #365 RealityBasedSteve

curly endive

least known character from the sopranos

399 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:57:15pm

re: #388 GlutenFreeJesus

The Ukraine is WEAK!

GFJ… Your a professional… Your opinion on this please WrenchWench is concerned about the radish flowers.


400 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:57:15pm

re: #390 Feline Fearless Leader

Hmm, has “Jello” ever been the secret ingredient for a Iron Chef episode?

Image: tumblr_myuwbgxkBP1qhelj9o1_500.gif

401 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:57:17pm


Arab Sign Guy: Yes, yes, yes.

402 Stanley Sea  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:59:02pm

re: #360 Justanotherhuman

That sounds vile as hell. WTF? Do people actually eat that shit?

You’ve seen the cooking for bae Instagram? I can’t link my connect is sucking but look it up. She calls them ‘struggle plates’.

Major holy shits.

403 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:59:20pm

re: #387 Lidane

My attitude is simple. The Democrats don’t embrace an anti-science, anti-reason worldview that would turn back the clock on every bit of social progress we’ve made since Gutenberg invented movable type. The Republicans do. As long as the GOP willingly whore themselves out to the bigots, the idiots and the religious fanatics, I’m not voting for anyone with an (R) after their name.

Are the Democrats perfect? No. But they’re a damn sight better than the raging idiocy in the Republican party.


I’m not a fan of either party due to the corruption, corporate favoritism, and cronyism that they treat as a feature and not a problem. But one party in particular has gone beyond that to favor destroying our education system, social safety net, and environmental protections. Not acting for the common welfare, and apparently proud (or totally delusional) about doing it.

404 Stanley Sea  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 5:59:36pm

Gah I’m way behind.

405 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:01:37pm

re: #394 Gus

Think I figured out what happened with the tanker truck. The American boss wrote out the instructions in English. He probably misspelled “Arbic” the second time. He gave the instructions >LOUDLY and slowly to the Arab speaking sign guy that doesn’t know a word of English and handed him the instructions, in English, with the misspelled word and everything else as you see in the pic.

“They all understand English if you make them” (actually overheard when I was stationed in Egypt, while taking some R&R in Cairo).


406 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:03:00pm

By the way - when you drag an image into a text editing box now, it inserts some placeholder text when you drag over the box. The placeholder appears wherever you left the editing cursor last — so this serves to remind you where the image will be inserted in the text.

It looks like this - just for the heck of it, I added some Unicode coffee cups, because everybody loves coffee.

☕ I M A G E ☕

407 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:05:19pm

re: #402 Stanley Sea

You’ve seen the cooking for bae Instagram? I can’t link my connect is sucking but look it up. She calls them ‘struggle plates’.

Major holy shits.

Oh holy fuck.


408 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:05:20pm

Unfortunately there’s no way to insert the image code at the point where you drop the image - the HTML5 Drag and Drop API no can do this.

409 EPR-radar  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:06:41pm

re: #391 wrenchwench

Actually, this is exactly the kind of error a spell checker cannot catch.

410 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:06:44pm

Arnold throws weight behind Ukrainian protesters
So what’s the tally of American politicians supporting the protesters? Just McCain and Arnold?

411 dog philosopher  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:07:54pm

re: #406 Charles Johnson

By the way - when you drag an image into a text editing box now, it inserts some placeholder text when you drag over the box. The placeholder appears wherever you left the editing cursor last — so this serves to remind you where the image will be inserted in the text.

It looks like this - just for the heck of it, I added some Unicode coffee cups, because everybody loves coffee.

☕ I M A G E ☕

can i put single byte coffee in unicode coffee cups?

412 Stanley Sea  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:08:19pm
413 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:08:25pm

Buoy. Do people actually think about Monsanto every single day?

414 Stanley Sea  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:09:18pm
415 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:10:08pm

It’s going to be brutally cold tonight for demonstrators. Right now is -2 and feels like -12. Probably snow next Tues and Wed.


416 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:12:07pm
417 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:12:21pm

re: #414 Stanley Sea


Gawd, what is that shit on the toast? And those eggs…that bacon. Crap. The beans were probably OK but only because they came from a can and weren’t totally burned.

418 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:12:49pm

So it’s anti-Monsanto but their climate change section is totally RWNJ climate change denier lunacy.

419 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:13:31pm

re: #417 Justanotherhuman

Gawd, what is that shit on the toast? And those eggs…that bacon. Crap. The beans were probably OK but only because they came from a can and weren’t totally burned.

I’m praying it’s Peanut Butter…. but that may be wishful thinking.


420 Interesting Times  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:14:29pm

re: #418 Gus

So it’s anti-Monsanto but their climate change section is totally RWNJ climate change denier lunacy.

Moronic convergence, I’d guess, sort of like that “health ranger” guy who appears on alex jones.

this doesn’t negate the fact Monsanto really has done some bad shit, however…the trick, as always, is separating hyperbole from reality

421 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:14:55pm

re: #375 Kragar

5 Ways Life in Iran Is Nothing Like You Think

#4. Everyday Conversations Are Polite to the Point of Absurdity - This is SO true. It took me forever to get used to because we Americans tend to be the opposite, y’know? “Just say what you mean, spit it out!”

It’s even done when you’re invited to someone’s house for the express purpose of eating dinner with them. There’s this drawn out charade of the invitee swearing that no no, they’re not hungry, then the host begging please please… it goes on and on. LOL

It causes a LOT of trouble when in-laws and such come to visit, or new arrivals are invited to the homes of American friends. And it’s true that it even happens when you’re in a situation where you know you have to pay, like at the mechanic’s. It used to drive me NUTS. I’d tell the guys, “Once, just ONCE I want to see one of you put your money back in your pocket and go, ‘Okay thanks, that’s really generous of you! Bye!’ so I can watch other other guy start complaining about what a cheap bastard you are.” LOL

Heh, one time I had a big bag of fat, juicy dates and was walking up the taxi line at the airport asking if anyone wanted some:

Hasan: Oh, thanks, but I’m not hungry. I just ate.”

CL smiles, shrugs, keeps walking: Okay!

Hasan, chasing after CL: No, wait. Wait! I want some.

CL stops, rolls eyes: Then by all means, please have some. I asked if you wanted some.

Hasan: Yeah, but you know our ways—you were supposed to insist!

CL sighs, rolls eyes again: FFS, Hasan, I’m not in the mood for this today, okay? I’m in a hurry. We’re in America. Take whatever you want and let me be on my way.

Hasan grabs handful of dates: Sheesh. Okayyyy.

*insert other Iranian drivers snickering in background*

I kid you not, this actually happened.

422 Stanley Sea  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:15:01pm

re: #417 Justanotherhuman

Gawd, what is that shit on the toast? And those eggs…that bacon. Crap. The beans were probably OK but only because they came from a can and weren’t totally burned.

He’s a great husband!!!

423 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:15:13pm

re: #419 RealityBasedSteve

I’m praying it’s Peanut Butter…. but that may be wishful thinking.


It actually could be shit…

424 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:16:44pm

re: #410 Killgore Trout

Arnold throws weight behind Ukrainian protesters
So what’s the tally of American politicians supporting the protesters? Just McCain and Arnold?

So far, though I’d expect Sen. Kirk to say something supportive soon. Normally, Lindsey Graham would as well but he can’t bash Putin right now because of the upcoming primary.

425 Aqua Obama  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:16:53pm

Ok, I just got done cleaning and installing a mechanical fuel pump for an old car in single digit temperatures tonight.

This fucker better turn over tomorrow

426 Stanley Sea  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:17:32pm

Bae was epic with the Thanksgiving struggle plates.

427 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:19:49pm
Vaccine Epidemic (2011) - This book is an essential and critical read that details the complex topic of vaccine injury and personal health rights. Comprised of original essays written by many different authors; the book takes the complicated legal, medical, and scientific issues surrounding this matter and dissects them into easily digestible bite-sized morsels of knowledge. Vaccine Epidemic is a powerful new weapon in the information war that currently surrounds vaccination policy. (Rebecca Estepp - see also this book review and video.) Contributor Ginger Taylor lists additional links between autism and vaccines here.
428 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:20:51pm
429 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:21:05pm

re: #425 Aqua Obama

Ok, I just got done cleaning and installing a mechanical fuel pump for an old car in single digit temperatures tonight.

This fucker better turn over tomorrow

OUCH!!!!! And little things like fuel line fittings pretty much require taking the gloves off to be able to feel them thread in correctly. Add in the way that gas will pull all the warmth out of your hands to start with and I don’t envy you one bit.


430 Charles Johnson  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:22:58pm

re: #428 Gus

LOL Another one.

That’s crackpot Timothy Ball’s site.

431 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:24:20pm

re: #430 Charles Johnson

That’s crackpot Timothy Ball’s site.

Does he have Stephen Harper’s ear? NOOOOOOO!

More here: sourcewatch.org

432 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:25:35pm
Dr. Timothy Ball is Chairman and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP).[1] Two of the three directors of the NRSP - Timothy Egan and Julio Lagos - are executives with the PR and lobbying company, the High Park Group (HPG).[2] Both HPG and Egan and Lagos work for energy industry clients and companies on energy policy.[3]

Ball is a Canadian climate change skeptic and was previously a “scientific advisor” to the oil industry-backed organization, Friends of Science.[4] Ball is a member of the Board of Research Advisors of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a Canadian free-market think tank which is predominantly funded by foundations and corporations.[5]

The following information for 2006 is in accordance with information available through the Lobbyists Registration System, Government of Canada. High Park Advocacy Group, Inc, is registered as a lobbyist for: [3]

Areva Canada Inc. (the Areva Group is the world’s largest nuclear power company)
ARISE Technologies Corporation (a Canadian-based public solar technology company) (web)
Association of Canadian Search Employment and Staffing Services (ACSESS) — Ottawa Chapter (web)
Canadian Electricity Association (web)
Canadian Gas Association

Wut? That’s some scary shit. What a scam.

433 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:27:41pm

This is not so good. Evidently, there has been an explosion at the police station in Cherkasy.


Google translation, of course.

In Cherkassy at the police department was an explosion

The territory of Cherkasy District Police exploded , which has been damaged due to the windows 7

Victim among the citizens and employees of militia there, sends Espreso.TV with reference to the press service of Cherkassy police.

At the scene are the experts.

” In this incident openly criminal proceedings under Part 4. 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hooliganism ), which is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years ,” - said in a statement MIA.

Recall from 23 January thousands of people stormed the building of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration.

434 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:29:15pm

re: #433 Justanotherhuman

This is not so good. Evidently, there has been an explosion at the police station in Cherkasy.


Google translation, of course.

In Cherkassy at the police department was an explosion

The territory of Cherkasy District Police exploded , which has been damaged due to the windows 7

Victim among the citizens and employees of militia there, sends Espreso.TV with reference to the press service of Cherkassy police.

At the scene are the experts.

” In this incident openly criminal proceedings under Part 4. 296 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hooliganism ), which is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years ,” - said in a statement MIA.

Recall from 23 January thousands of people stormed the building of the Cherkasy Regional State Administration.

I knew Microsoft was up to no good!

435 Killgore Trout  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:34:35pm

re: #434 Dark_Falcon

I knew Microsoft was up to no good!

If they had access to windows 8 they could crash all of Europe.

436 The War TARDIS  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:35:58pm

re: #353 Justanotherhuman

Anything in OKC?

437 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:43:09pm

re: #436 The War TARDIS

Anything in OKC?

Just Chicago and Houston were mentioned.

438 The War TARDIS  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:45:42pm

re: #421 CuriousLurker

Two words that should never be within 100 yards of each other.

One of my friends reported that he had spent part of the day in a car while the occupants exchanged fireworks with other cars on the freeway at 60 mph. There are thousands of injuries, with over half resulting from homemade grenades, naturally. Oh — and did I mention how many people are dressed as Blackface Santa? Sure, the character’s face is supposed to be covered in soot, but no amount of cultural understanding can prepare you for your first sight of children boarding a midnight bus looking like they’re on their way to a minstrel show.

439 Aqua Obama  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:47:47pm

re: #429 RealityBasedSteve

Sounds like the voice of experience!

440 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:47:59pm

re: #438 The War TARDIS
homemade grenades

Two words that should never be within 100 yards of each other.

Yea, sometimes it’s just worth it to spend the money and go with the commercial stuff.


441 The War TARDIS  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:49:18pm

re: #440 RealityBasedSteve

If I ever hear those words personally, I will run for the hills.

442 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:51:27pm

Sounds like a project for a 14 year old kid from Highlands Ranch to put up on Youtube.

443 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:52:24pm

These people are really tough. It’s below zero, 4 am and still huge crowds, as you can see in this live stream.

Youtube Video

Well, wait—they’re still having speakers as well.

444 Gus  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:54:10pm

Although I’m sure some folks in Syria are pros at this already.

445 Usually refered to as anyways  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:56:41pm

re: #443 Justanotherhuman

These people are really tough. It’s below zero, 4 am and still huge crowds, as you can see in this live stream.

[Embedded content]

Well, wait—they’re still having speakers as well.

Must be a few live streams, I have this one:


446 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:57:27pm

I hear lots of glass breaking…on the live feed, much shouting beforehand.

447 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 6:59:01pm

re: #445 Usually refered to as anyways

Must be a few live streams, I have this one:


Yes, these are the 2 I’ve been following. I think they’re the main ones.

448 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:01:45pm

re: #445 Usually refered to as anyways

Must be a few live streams, I have this one:


Despite Gil Scott Heron, the revolution WILL be televised (or streamed)

Youtube Video

Think about what this really means. That now there is no excuse for “We didn’t know”. The world is much much smaller than when I was younger.


449 Usually refered to as anyways  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:06:46pm

re: #448 RealityBasedSteve

Despite Gil Scott Heron, the revolution WILL be televised (or streamed)

[Embedded content]

Think about what this really means. That now there is no excuse for “We didn’t know”. The world is much much smaller than when I was younger.


Quite right - The Internet is a leveller…

450 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:07:53pm

re: #448 RealityBasedSteve

Despite Gil Scott Heron, the revolution WILL be televised (or streamed)

[Embedded content]

Think about what this really means. That now there is no excuse for “We didn’t know”. The world is much much smaller than when I was younger.


“… the revolution WILL be televised”. Strange. That’s what I told my grandson today. Was struggling to remember who said it!

Youtube Video

“The revolution will not be brought to you by Xerox…” Who? : )

451 Usually refered to as anyways  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:16:20pm

I didn’t get my flying car by the year 2000 that I was promised in the 60’s, but come on youtube, spend some money on a live translation plugin.

452 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:18:54pm

re: #451 Usually refered to as anyways

I didn’t get my flying car by the year 2000 that I was promised in the 60’s, but come on youtube, spend some money on a live translation plugin.

We can’t have our flying cars until we get rid of the oppressive FAA and their burdensome licensing and air traffic control regulations.

453 RealityBasedSteve  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:20:16pm

re: #452 Decatur Deb

We can’t have our flying cars until; we get rid of the oppressive FAA and their burdensome licensing and air traffic control regulations.

And the free market will somehow magically deal with the fact that people who have no concept of lane discipline in a 2d driving environment will manage to handle 3 dimensions successfully.


454 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:21:05pm

re: #453 RealityBasedSteve

And the free market will somehow magically deal with the fact that people who have no concept of lane discipline in a 2d driving environment will manage to handle 3 dimensions successfully.


While smoking, drinking and texting.

455 Usually refered to as anyways  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:32:03pm

re: #453 RealityBasedSteve

And the free market will somehow magically deal with the fact that people who have no concept of lane discipline in a 2d driving environment will manage to handle 3 dimensions successfully.


Youtube Video

456 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:41:41pm

re: #454 Decatur Deb

While smoking, drinking and texting.

And forgetting that a pre-set altitude of 1,000’ on the auto-pilot will put you in direct proximity with the ground quite quickly in a lot of places.

457 ObserverArt  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:45:03pm

re: #274 Decatur Deb

Go to I65 and turn N. About 450 miles.

Its only about 350. Columbus has many, many pizza shops. All styles and some of our own. At one time Columbus had more pizza shops per person than anywhere in America. Probably still high up there. Having Ohio State one of the nations largest campuses, plus about 5 other colleges, all the state workers and a growing girth…errr, metro area, plenty of folks to gobble it up.

: )

458 Decatur Deb  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 7:46:33pm

re: #456 Feline Fearless Leader

And forgetting that a pre-set altitude of 1,000’ on the auto-pilot will put you in direct proximity with the ground quite quickly in a lot of places.

ASL, AGL, what’s the diff?

459 abolitionist  Fri, Jan 24, 2014 10:43:52pm

re: #376 Kid A

[Embedded content]

I’m guessing checkerboard tat guy is protesting widespread use of automated facial recognition surveillance tech. It resembles pixelation. Unfortunately, it’s also somewhat unique (for now).

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