Yes, It’s Yet Another Deluge of Open Racism at Breitbart “News”

Horrible people, lots of them
Wingnuts • Views: 28,592

Today Breitbart “News” is continuing the incitement of race-hatred in their white right wing audience, with yet another evil-minded post by Ben Shapiro titled: 5 RACE RIOTS IN OBAMA’S POST-RACIAL AMERICA.

With a grotesque title like that, Shapiro is obviously appealing to the lowest common denominator knuckle-draggers, and you can probably imagine what’s in the comment section: exactly as intended, it’s a horrifying deluge of racial slurs, threats, conspiracy theories and hate speech of all kinds, with openly racist comments sitting right next to whining complaints about being falsely accused of racism.

In other words, the Breitbart “News” business model.

Here’s a sample of this latest outpouring, for posterity; I’ve set it to be hidden by default because it’s sickening.

It’s to bad there were not a few shop owners with AR’s. The only good criminal, is a dead criminal. It saves the taxpayers money on welfare, court costs, jail space, and medical care. It also stops them from breeding. I call that a win-win.


Lincoln was the first Tyrannical President by taking States rights away and giving the Power to the Feds. All under the lie of freeing the slaves.


A Lot of TRUTH to what you say, He freed the slaves ONLY because he was getting his butt kicked in his war!! The Riots in NYC show it was an unpopular move, They could have avoided alot of crap by transporting all the slaves back to Africa and by picking our own cotton !!


I’m beginning to see the wrong side won


Thinning the herd is done all the time out in the wild…same thing here…kill some of the silver backs and the rest of the pride will fall in line!!


You don’t get it black culture cannot throw out the racebaiters becasue black culture in whole are the violent racists. Obama and Holder are intelligent black men who became radicalized at a young age if you think for a minute that behind the scenes their real goal is not dilution of the white race then you are a blind fool. Even with all the free welfare baby making for blacks they know they cannot move the ball to victory without the help of Hispanic Asian and Indian to dilute the whites and turn the white into the minority. They don’t care that once its done it will be a disaster and the end for the country as we know it with more Hispanic than black, they just want the whites defeated and eliminated. The game is on they are flooding the country with Hispanics Asian and Indian and there are no leaders to stop it. No Paul Reveres to warn and wake up the masses from town to town. When was the last time you have heard of boat loads of white Irish, Italians, Australian, Germans or French coming here by the boat load? Only non white looking comes in now any guess why.

It is The Great War of White Dilution


Since when are Barry 0bola and his enforcer Eric Holder “intelligent”?


Intelligent enough to lure in illegals to cross the border to dilute the white race. Intelligent enough to allow minority momma breeders with no fear of prosecution to check the box at the medical centers that they don’t know where baby daddy is to get free baby making welfare benefits. This is their WMD’s and they are winning


They are just following Soros’s orders. He wants to desperately collapse this nation as his final goal before his misdeeds catch up with him and someone blows his head off. His time is very short.


As long as they say all white people are racist, then I’ll keep saying all blacks are animals.


its in the DNA


Through his actions, deeds and words Obama has done more to damage race relations that anyone in recent history. He will be know as The Great Divider.


Obama is a firm believer in the “Knock-Out Game” as long as it is perpetrated by one of his “son’s” against a white or asian.


All in a transformational days work,


When that white camper was executed in New Mexico, the white people in that town should have burned City Hall and the police station to the ground. Those days are fast approaching for the white community.


Obama=the MOST racist, white-hating person in America…guilty of discrimination above and beyond anything seen in this century. He only cares about himself, hurting white, middle class, non-union, hard-working, tax-paying Americans by getting even for slavery by making America a third-world socialist country that can and will be controlled by force!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I prefer the Bundy Ranch method to get our police state government employees under control.


I noticed that Alex never backed down on the Bundy ranch situation. Praise him for that. Those pigs have no right to rule that honest cowboy. F*ck the supposed ranching restrictions. It was all about control. Nobody cares about the supposed wildlife that’s impacted. Cliven is a good person.


Put one of them in the White House, and they think they own the country.


Just wait till white conservatives start rioting. That should give ANYONE pause.


I believe this is part of Barry’s plan as well, it would create major chaos around the country from the entitlement roaches.

You better have your food/water supplies stocked up and loaded for bear when this happens!


Actually, the chaos would occur mainly in the mega-cities. The time of the mega-city is over. Their poison affects the entire state during elections. Let them burn!


Well looky there we found Barry’s son after all! LOL


Yea this sort of thing happens in my neighborhood too!
Well, it doesn’t happen “at all” in my neighborhood……
From what I read in the comments sections.
America is starting to have “Negro Fatigue”.


The bros are just getting their school suplies


Wut dat be?


Their sense of entitlement is sickening. Sad they will never quit making unwed babies and acting below apes and become productive


Obumbles is a whitey-hating racist. That sums it up perfectly.
So is the cow (beard) he married.
No doubt the little darlings hate whitey plenty as well.
The only color that family likes is GREEN.


Most peasants will not wake up until they are watching their women and children be raped in the streets. Lingering question - if they wont fight for freedom, do they deserve it?


Goes to prove…you can take the a savages out of the jungle, but you can’t expect them to ever act civilized. Savages will always be savages…


Obama, the white-black who never came to terms with his own racial divide cannot help this nation overcome ‘black’ racism.


He’s both racist and muslim. His policies and comments prove it.




Everytime this happens all you see is BLACK faces doing the violence and crimes. Animals!!!!!


Blks will never gain the RESPECT of others until they are FREED from the Socialist Democrat Plantation and quit looking up to their House NIG-GROWS

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1 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 11:06:20am
2 Charles Johnson  Aug 12, 2014 11:06:35am
3 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:07:21am

Am the only one who sometimes hangs around LGF, waiting excitedly for a new thread to pop up when I know it’s about “that time”?

4 Bulworth  Aug 12, 2014 11:08:10am


I’ve been cited for loitering around 2 pm, EST, most days.

5 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 11:09:31am
6 Gus  Aug 12, 2014 11:09:31am

Related — Inside Ferguson St. Louis County Police Department Chief Jon Belmar police chief’s home.

More here.

Correction: St. Louis County Police Department Chief Jon Belmar home and not Ferguson PC Tom Jackson.

7 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 11:09:33am

Racism at Breitbart?

Its a day ending with Y. What else would you expect?

8 Lidane  Aug 12, 2014 11:09:57am


Lincoln was the first Tyrannical President by taking States rights away and giving the Power to the Feds. All under the lie of freeing the slaves.

Party of Lincoln my ass. These people are the Party of Jefferson Davis.

9 Charles Johnson  Aug 12, 2014 11:10:09am
10 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 11:10:34am

Obama didn’t claim the US was post-racial. That was idiots who thought electing a black president meant we were post-racial.

In fact, he’s said the opposite.

11 lawhawk  Aug 12, 2014 11:11:22am

Black men killed by law enforcement under dubious circumstances. Excessive force used. People protest with peaceful vigils. Police turn out armed for bear, complete with dogs, riot gear, etc., and for the most part the protests are peaceful, until a small group breaks off and ransacks several businesses.

That’s not a race riot. That’s a bunch of vandals who should be prosecuted for breaking the law.

None of those actions diminish the message of the protests, or the fact that law enforcement has an excessive force problem, and that black men are disproportionately at the receiving end of this. Institutionalized racism is still alive and well in the US.

And the knuckle dragging troglodytes at Breitbart are symptomatic of the mentality perpetuating the racism.

12 Bulworth  Aug 12, 2014 11:11:28am

Blah peoples riot and loot.

Patriotic, god-fearing Americans of European descent block immigrant buses, point machine guns at federal officials, and call for mob action to overthrow popularly elected governments.

13 Joanne  Aug 12, 2014 11:12:52am

re: #3 Eclectic Cyborg

Am the only one who sometimes hangs around LGF, waiting excitedly for a new thread to pop up when I know it’s about “that time”?

You just like that New Thread Smell. :-)

14 Targetpractice  Aug 12, 2014 11:14:22am

Well gee, Ben, perhaps “racial conflict” would have calmed in the wake of the President’s election and reelection if white wingnuts hadn’t lost their fucking minds over the idea of a black man in the White House.

15 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:14:30am

For anyone who hasn’t seen this film, I highly recommend it. Though given recent events, it’s taken on a different meaning.

In the film, Williams plays a mentally disturbed Photo clerk who fixates on and obsesses over a seemingly perfect suburban family, only to go off the rails when he learns the perfect family is not so perfect after all.

I always thought it was an excellent dramatic acting job by Williams, but now I can’t help but wonder how much of his own struggles with personal demons he put into the character of Sy.

16 Decatur Deb  Aug 12, 2014 11:14:57am

“Post-racial”? Sounds like the Supreme court talking, not POTUS.

17 lawhawk  Aug 12, 2014 11:15:06am

The Obama Administration hasn’t said we’ve gone post-racial. In fact, they’ve argued the opposite because states are engaging in racial discrimination and depriving minorities the right to vote (their argument fell on deaf ears at the Supreme Court in Shelby County v. Holder, but the evidence is overwhelming and damning that certain suspect states and local jurisdictions do discriminate on the base of race).

It should be a giveaway that the Administration was arguing against the county’s claim that VRA Section 4 should be struck down.

18 Charles Johnson  Aug 12, 2014 11:15:11am

Do we know for sure that’s the son of the Ferguson chief of PD?

According to Wikipedia, the current chief is Colonel Thomas Jackson.

19 jaunte  Aug 12, 2014 11:15:45am

I’m going to drop this link in here again…

Not a Tea Party, a Confederate Party

“…Early in Reconstruction, white and black working people sometimes made common cause against their common enemies in the aristocracy. But once it became clear that the upper classes were going to keep their ill-gotten holdings, freedmen and working-class whites were left to wrestle over the remaining slivers of the pie. Before long, whites who owned little land and had never owned slaves had become the shock troops of the planters’ bid to restore white supremacy.

Along the way, the planters created rhetoric you still hear today: The blacks were lazy and would rather wait for gifts from the government than work (in conditions very similar to slavery). In this way, the idle planters were able to paint the freedmen as parasites who wanted to live off the hard work of others.

The larger pattern. But the enduring Confederate influence on American politics goes far beyond a few rhetorical tropes. The essence of the Confederate worldview is that the democratic process cannot legitimately change the established social order, and so all forms of legal and illegal resistance are justified when it tries.

That worldview is alive and well. During last fall’s government shutdown and threatened debt-ceiling crisis, historian Garry Wills wrote about our present-day Tea Partiers: “The presiding spirit of this neo-secessionism is a resistance to majority rule.”

20 jaunte  Aug 12, 2014 11:16:23am

Sorry about the wall-o-text

21 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 11:16:29am

re: #15 Eclectic Cyborg

I always thought it was an excellent dramatic acting job by Williams, but now I can’t help but wonder how much of his own struggles with personal demons he put into the character of Sy.

Sometimes that’s what an excellent dramatic acting job is made of.

22 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:16:43am

re: #18 Charles Johnson

Do we know for sure that’s the son of the Ferguson chief of PD?

According to Wikipedia, the current chief is Colonel Thomas Jackson.

According to what I found:

St. Louis County Police Department Chief Jon Belmar

23 Charles Johnson  Aug 12, 2014 11:17:27am

re: #22 Eclectic Cyborg

OK, well - that’s not the Ferguson police chief then.

24 Ace-o-aces  Aug 12, 2014 11:18:27am

Der es no Tea Partee razism!!!! All lies by Ni@*ers and dat Joo Soros!!!!!

25 Franklin  Aug 12, 2014 11:19:21am

re: #18 Charles Johnson

Do we know for sure that’s the son of the Ferguson chief of PD?

According to Wikipedia, the current chief is Colonel Thomas Jackson.

St Louis County Police Chief:

26 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 11:19:31am
27 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:19:42am

I wonder if Ben Shapiro has given any thought to WHY race has become such an issue since Obama’s election and just WHO has been tirelessly fomenting a racially charged climate such as this?

28 Gus  Aug 12, 2014 11:19:53am

Corrections added.

29 jaunte  Aug 12, 2014 11:20:11am

Is the county or Ferguson town PD in charge of the investigation?

30 BeachDem  Aug 12, 2014 11:20:25am

Why, oh why, did I read the comments. Now I need another shower.

And I’m most concerned about the “unwed babies” one of these Rhodes Scholars is yapping about. //

31 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:21:20am

I really need to draw attention to this tweet again because this picture scares the hell out of me. I mean it looks like something out of Alabama in the 60s.

This is 2014. 2014. FIFTY YEARS LATER and we’re still stuck with this? It’s a sad day for America folks.

32 Charles Johnson  Aug 12, 2014 11:21:32am


33 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 12, 2014 11:22:12am
34 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:22:32am

re: #32 Charles Johnson

Is it really necessary to release details such as this? Isn’t “suicide” specific enough?

35 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:22:51am

re: #33 Pie-onist Overlord

Great minds. :P

36 Charles Johnson  Aug 12, 2014 11:22:56am

Colin Belmar’s Twitter account is now protected.

37 Ace-o-aces  Aug 12, 2014 11:23:21am

re: #27 Eclectic Cyborg

I wonder if Ben Shapiro has given any thought to WHY race has become such an issue since Obama’s election and just WHO has been tirelessly fomenting a racially charged climate such as this?

The only “thought” Ben has is:

Wow, I’m making a lot of money catering to racists and bigots! Surely as a Jew, this will not come back to bite me in the ass. DERPDERPDERP

38 Lidane  Aug 12, 2014 11:24:15am

re: #27 Eclectic Cyborg

I wonder if Ben Shapiro has given any thought to WHY race has become such an issue since Obama’s election and just WHO has been tirelessly fomenting a racially charged climate such as this?

Well, duh. It’s obviously the blah guy who claims to be POTUS.

It’s called The White House for a reason, don’tcha know.


39 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:24:41am

re: #37 Ace-o-aces

I was amazed at how big of a smug asshole he was when I saw that CNN clip awhile back. He even had a snarky grin.

40 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 12, 2014 11:24:41am


41 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:25:17am

re: #40 Pie-onist Overlord


[Embedded content]

I’m not entirely sure but I think it’s Dim Jim’s extraordinarily lame attempt at making a joke.

42 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 11:25:19am
43 jaunte  Aug 12, 2014 11:26:47am

re: #40 Pie-onist Overlord

Isn’t it near the airport? Maybe they want to keep the jets above police helicopters.

44 Charles Johnson  Aug 12, 2014 11:27:40am

re: #40 Pie-onist Overlord

If that’s true (and there’s no way of knowing since it’s Jim Hoft), this flight restriction was ordered by Ferguson PD.

Looks like they’re trying to keep the media out.

45 Targetpractice  Aug 12, 2014 11:28:21am

re: #26 Kragar

[Embedded content]

“Raising better children”? Who the fuck is that aimed at? The Brown family, who will be burying their high-school graduate and aspiring university student son? Or the people from outside the community who decided to capitalize on the crisis to bust up a couple shops?

I’ll join the chorus of folks wondering how they went to bed in 2014 and woke up in 1954.

46 Feline Fearless Leader  Aug 12, 2014 11:29:49am

re: #44 Charles Johnson

If that’s true (and there’s no way of knowing since it’s Jim Hoft), this flight restriction was ordered by Ferguson PD.

Looks like they’re trying to keep the media out.

Or declaring open season on low flying camera drones.

47 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 11:30:36am

re: #31 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

I really need to draw attention to this tweet again because this picture scares the hell out of me. I mean it looks like something out of Alabama in the 60s.

This is 2014. 2014. FIFTY YEARS LATER and we’re still stuck with this? It’s a sad day for America folks.

Keep some perspective. Things are not as bad as they were in the 60s. The amount of progress achieved is distressing, but progress HAS been made.

48 ausador  Aug 12, 2014 11:31:07am
49 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 11:32:27am

Racist dudebro kid does donuts in parking lot at burned out quickpro shop in Ferguson shouting ni*clang* slurs at white and black residents cleaning up this morning…then drops his camera. Hilarity ensues when his camera is recovered and video uploaded…

50 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:33:42am

Dim Jim is telling the truth on this one

51 Patricia Kayden  Aug 12, 2014 11:33:48am

re: #8 Lidane


Party of Lincoln my ass. These people are the Party of Jefferson Davis.

Lincoln was a complicated person (we all are). In my 45+ years, I’ve come across many articles claiming that he was racist. Perhaps Tea Partiers would love him if they knew that side of him.

52 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 11:34:19am

re: #44 Charles Johnson

If that’s true (and there’s no way of knowing since it’s Jim Hoft), this flight restriction was ordered by Ferguson PD.

Looks like they’re trying to keep the media out.

No news copters, no camera drones, no annoying witnessess when a “less lethal” wooden grapeshot round ends up inside someone’s ribcage.

53 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:34:54am

54 Gus  Aug 12, 2014 11:36:03am
55 Franklin  Aug 12, 2014 11:36:30am

re: #31 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

I really need to draw attention to this tweet again because this picture scares the hell out of me. I mean it looks like something out of Alabama in the 60s.

This is 2014. 2014. FIFTY YEARS LATER and we’re still stuck with this? It’s a sad day for America folks.


What is old, is new again.

56 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 11:36:51am

re: #39 Eclectic Cyborg

I was amazed at how big of a smug asshole he was when I saw that CNN clip awhile back. He even had a snarky grin.

Shapiro is a genuinely vile, malignant person.

57 Internet Tough Guy  Aug 12, 2014 11:36:52am

lol everyone has a camera and internet access in their pocket.

The police’s actions will be known by the outside world, despite their best efforts.

58 lawhawk  Aug 12, 2014 11:37:26am

re: #40 Pie-onist Overlord

According to his screen cap, the FAA is apparently limiting flights in and out of Lambert Airport due to police activity over Ferguson (the airport is less than 3 miles from town). They are directing which runways to operate and for civilian traffic to steer clear as a result of ongoing police action.

It isn’t because they’re worried about planes getting shot. They’re worried that planes on approach might collide with police helicopters. It would also appear to limit the news helicopters from covering the protests as well.

Here’s the text of the official NOTAM:


They’re notifying fliers, but it doesn’t actually require planes on approach to STL to change approach as aircraft landing or departing STL are exempt from the NOTAM. It means that a general purpose aircraft shouldn’t stray into this area because of ongoing police activity.

In other words, this is a nothing burger. It’s an alert to pilots to watch for low flying aircraft in vicinity of Ferguson, which is on the edge of the flight paths into STL. But flights into STL aren’t affected

59 makeitstop  Aug 12, 2014 11:38:10am

re: #44 Charles Johnson

If that’s true (and there’s no way of knowing since it’s Jim Hoft), this flight restriction was ordered by Ferguson PD.

Looks like they’re trying to keep the media out.

Man, this is bothering me more and more.

It’s as if they want to burn the town to the ground and want no record of it happening.

Is it me, or is it starting to look like this police reaction is more fueled by revenge than any sense of protection or justice?

60 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 11:39:04am
61 b_sharp  Aug 12, 2014 11:39:19am

Isn’t it the rwnj who are claiming the US is now post-racial? That’s what Coulter and the people bitching about affirmative action & social programs are saying.

62 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:39:27am

If this was happening before the era of smartphones, twitter and youtube, it might be a reasonably effective tactic.

In 2014? Forget about it. Images and stories will get out.

63 ausador  Aug 12, 2014 11:40:19am

re: #11 lawhawk

Black men killed by law enforcement under dubious circumstances. Excessive force used. People protest with peaceful vigils. Police turn out armed for bear, complete with dogs, riot gear, etc., and for the most part the protests are peaceful, until a small group breaks off and ransacks several businesses.

None of the people arrested for looting were from Ferguson according to KTVI, they came in from St. Louis city. Apparently once the Quick Stop looting made the news every thief from miles around jumped in their cars and headed into the Ferguson area. They knew police were too busy elsewhere to effectively stop them. :(

64 Internet Tough Guy  Aug 12, 2014 11:40:21am

re: #59 makeitstop

They’re not even bothering with a cover up; they’re just going to curb stomp anyone that has a problem with them.

65 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 12, 2014 11:40:36am

re: #51 Patricia Kayden

Lincoln was a complicated person (we all are). In my 45+ years, I’ve come across many articles claiming that he was racist. Perhaps Tea Partiers would love him if they knew that side of him.

Lincoln probably was a racist by today’s standards of racism.

Up until the 1930’s, the only people who were not racist were…Communists.

66 Targetpractice  Aug 12, 2014 11:41:05am

re: #61 b_sharp

Isn’t it the rwnj who are claiming the US is now post-racial? That’s what Coulter and the people bitching about affirmative action & social programs are saying.

Ayep. “Post-racial” was their excuse for allowing their inner racist out, by arguing that the election of the first black president meant that black people have finally “made it” and any griping after this point was baseless because a black man had made it to the White House.

67 Shazam  Aug 12, 2014 11:41:20am

re: #61 b_sharp

We’re post-racial when it means black people should just shut up, and not post-racial when they refuse to.

68 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 11:42:15am
69 Charles Johnson  Aug 12, 2014 11:42:56am

Anonymous is apparently putting out the names and addresses of the St. Louis police chief’s family. This is not right.

70 Targetpractice  Aug 12, 2014 11:43:00am

re: #62 Eclectic Cyborg

If this was happening before the era of smartphones, twitter and youtube, it might be a reasonably effective tactic?

In 2014? Forget about it. Images and stories will get out.

Hence why they’re trying to strong-arm people to leave and seizing phones and cameras. Whoever controls the flow of information sets that narrative and the FPD are trying to convince people that this is a violent protest.

71 Shazam  Aug 12, 2014 11:44:04am

re: #69 Charles Johnson

If they had any balls, they’d go to Ferguson and get tear gassed instead.

72 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 11:44:26am

re: #69 Charles Johnson

Anonymous is apparently putting out the names and addresses of the St. Louis police chief’s family. This is not right.

Because Anon is a bunch of douchebag morons

73 Targetpractice  Aug 12, 2014 11:44:28am

re: #68 Aunty Entity Dragon

[Embedded content]

Our police forces have turned into paramilitary units. When you think of cops responding to a riot, you think guys in blue with riot shields and helmets, you don’t think men in fatigues and gas masks wielding assault rifles.

74 jaunte  Aug 12, 2014 11:44:32am

Libertarian dudebros are pro-vigilante if they can stay safe at home.

75 makeitstop  Aug 12, 2014 11:44:38am

re: #68 Aunty Entity Dragon

[Embedded content]

At least three rifles trained on an unarmed black woman.

That photo is sickening.

76 b_sharp  Aug 12, 2014 11:44:44am

re: #69 Charles Johnson

Anonymous is apparently putting out the names and addresses of the St. Louis police chief’s family. This is not right.

I wish that whole mentality would fuck off and die.

77 bratwurst  Aug 12, 2014 11:45:53am

Rush Limbaugh was reading from these same talking points early in his show today: not only are we not in the post-racial America we were “promised” by electing Obama…but the situation is actually WORSE for having a black president.

78 Gus  Aug 12, 2014 11:46:01am

This is bullshit.

79 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 11:46:15am

re: #75 makeitstop

At least three rifles trained on an unarmed black woman.

That photo is sickening.

Its a guy

80 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 11:46:23am

re: #62 Eclectic Cyborg

If this was happening before the era of smartphones, twitter and youtube, it might be a reasonably effective tactic?

In 2014? Forget about it. Images and stories will get out.

We increasingly see that video of police brutality no longer makes any difference to pubic pinion or to the legal process.

America was shocked by video from Selma in 63. Today, half of the country celebrates seeing black peoople brutalized while opining that the real problem is black on black crime.

As for convicting cops of murder or excessive force? Ask the father of the man that Fullerton police literally beat to death…on camera.

Acquitted in trial, and the jurors said afterwards that the officers had followed their training.

Let that one sink in for awhile.

81 Testy Toad T  Aug 12, 2014 11:46:50am

re: #73 Targetpractice

Our police forces have turned into paramilitary units. When you think of cops responding to a riot, you think guys in blue with riot shields and helmets, you don’t think men in fatigues and gas masks wielding assault rifles.

The whole idea of police wearing camouflage, hiding rather than being obviously and intentionally visible, bothers me on a visceral level. It’s a method of control fundamentally at odds with our version of a free, civilized, polite society.

Not much of a fan of sneaky speed traps or unmarked traffic patrol cars, either.

82 Lidane  Aug 12, 2014 11:47:11am

re: #74 jaunte

Libertarian dudebros are pro-vigilante if they can stay safe at home.

So are RWNJs.

83 abolitionist  Aug 12, 2014 11:47:17am

re: #15 Eclectic Cyborg

One Hour Photo was a great movie. Most previews are misleading, hinting that the main character was some kind of monster.

84 b_sharp  Aug 12, 2014 11:47:23am

re: #77 bratwurst

Rush Limbaugh was reading from these same talking points early in his show today: not only are we not in the post-racial America we were “promised” by electing Obama…but the situation is actually WORSE for having a black president.

Oh the irony.

I’m sure glad my irony meter broke years ago and I haven’t replaced it. It would be explosive in today’s atmosphere.

85 Internet Tough Guy  Aug 12, 2014 11:47:28am

re: #78 Gus

They’re really just pouring gasoline on this, which is to be expected of a bunch of nihilists, I suppose.

86 Testy Toad T  Aug 12, 2014 11:48:33am

re: #78 Gus

This is bullshit.

Domestic terrorists gonna domestically terrorize.

87 makeitstop  Aug 12, 2014 11:49:29am

re: #79 Kragar

Its a guy

Oops, my bad. The dreads threw me.

88 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 11:50:26am

re: #73 Targetpractice

Our police forces have turned into paramilitary units. When you think of cops responding to a riot, you think guys in blue with riot shields and helmets, you don’t think men in fatigues and gas masks wielding assault rifles.


89 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:50:41am

re: #68 Aunty Entity Dragon

Those look more like mercenaries than cops.

90 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 11:51:10am
91 Feline Fearless Leader  Aug 12, 2014 11:51:38am

re: #73 Targetpractice

Our police forces have turned into paramilitary units. When you think of cops responding to a riot, you think guys in blue with riot shields and helmets, you don’t think men in fatigues and gas masks wielding assault rifles.

I expect that they will all start wearing balaclavas while on patrol next. Even in the summer.

92 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 12, 2014 11:52:11am

Yeah I can just see Anon with their Guy Fawkes masks putting their pasty white asses on the line.

93 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:53:18am

re: #83 abolitionist

One Hour Photo was a great movie. Most previews are misleading, hinting that the main character was some kind of monster.

I agree, I think that was done to play off Williams role in Insomnia and suggest this new character may be similar, but that wasn’t the case.

94 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 11:53:32am

re: #89 Eclectic Cyborg

Those look more like mercenaries than cops.

Your local friendly sheriff’s dept.

95 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:54:02am

It’s going to take one little misstep to set this whole thing off.

I really hope anonymous isn’t responsible for that misstep.

96 Bulworth  Aug 12, 2014 11:54:11am


And we’re not at fault at all we just defended are Freedom and Raghts!!11

97 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 11:54:45am

re: #94 Aunty Entity Dragon

[Embedded image]

Your local friendly sheriff’s dept.

Seriously, some of these photos look like they are straight out of the Ukraine.

98 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 11:55:19am


99 Testy Toad T  Aug 12, 2014 11:57:35am

re: #95 Eclectic Cyborg

It’s going to take one little misstep to set this whole thing off.

I really hope anonymous isn’t responsible for that misstep.

Presupposing it’s going to happen, I’m not sure it would be bad for a resultant hammer to come down on that group.

Fuck everyone involved with that bullshit.

100 Targetpractice  Aug 12, 2014 11:58:43am

re: #98 Kragar


[Embedded content]

They probably bought most of that with the DHS funds that came in the aftermath of 9/11. You remember, when we were giving money away to every two-bit LEO department under the guise of “modernizing” them for major humanitarian disasters, but instead saw the money go towards everything from rifles and body armor to APCs?

101 Bulworth  Aug 12, 2014 11:59:34am


And wingnuts thought they were the targets of the DHS ammo buy.

102 lawhawk  Aug 12, 2014 11:59:52am

re: #88 Aunty Entity Dragon

It’s all part of the way surplus military gear is given to local police, regardless of need.

Congress created the military-transfer program in the early 1990s, when violent crime plagued America’s cities and the police felt outgunned by drug gangs. Today, crime has fallen to its lowest levels in a generation, the wars have wound down, and despite current fears, the number of domestic terrorist attacks has declined sharply from the 1960s and 1970s.

Police departments, though, are adding more firepower and military gear than ever. Some, especially in larger cities, have used federal grant money to buy armored cars and other tactical gear. And the free surplus program remains a favorite of many police chiefs who say they could otherwise not afford such equipment. Chief Wilkinson said he expects the police to use the new truck rarely, when the department’s SWAT team faces an armed standoff or serves a warrant on someone believed to be dangerous.

Today, Chief Wilkinson said, the police are trained to move in and save lives during a shooting or standoff, in contrast to a generation ago — before the Columbine High School massacre and others that followed it — when they responded by setting up a perimeter and either negotiating with, or waiting out, the suspect.

A spectre of Columbine or other school shootings also informs this - law enforcement wants tools at its disposal to deal with worst case scenarios, and the public by and large will go for it, as long as someone else is paying.

We’re not just talking about MRAPs, but all kinds of gear, from extended magazines to silencers for long rifles (sniper rifles).

103 Shiplord Kirel  Aug 12, 2014 12:00:55pm

It would be very bad for the anon anuses if they fell into the hands of law enforcement after trying to endanger LE family members.

Btw, Greenwald needs to explain to us how the all-powerful NSA cannot simply hunt up the anon operatives and toss them in the slammer. That should be child’s play for an agency that records every phone call and internet transaction in the world.

104 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 12:00:58pm

re: #97 Eclectic Cyborg

Seriously, some of these photos look like they are straight out of the Ukraine.

You were saying?

Here is one of my personal favorites just a few hours south of me in South Carolina. The sheriff has an M113 APC with a turret…and yes, that is an honest to God M2 .50 cal machine gun on the track.

I have no idea what the fuck any LE agency needs with an M113 and a ma deuce fifty cal made for shooting down helicopters and junking Soviet BTR-70’s.

Gotta love the SWAT team posing like cosplay kids with their toys.

105 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 12:01:49pm

“it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.”

106 b.d.  Aug 12, 2014 12:03:10pm

re: #78 Gus

This is bullshit.

[Embedded content]

Anonymous just wants to start s*it and sit back and watch.

Cowardly bastards.

107 Timothy Watson  Aug 12, 2014 12:04:11pm
108 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 12:04:21pm
109 William Barnett-Lewis  Aug 12, 2014 12:06:25pm

re: #65 Pie-onist Overlord

Lincoln probably was a racist by today’s standards of racism.

Up until the 1930’s, the only people who were not racist were…Communists.

Officially. Stalin was very good at having huge blocks of people killed for ethnic reasons however.

110 lawhawk  Aug 12, 2014 12:06:46pm
111 Lidane  Aug 12, 2014 12:06:54pm

Shorter NRA: IT’S A TRAP!

NRA Warns That Allowing Alcohol At Texas Gun Shows Could Backfire

The National Rifle Association sent out an alert to its members late Monday warning that an initiative in Texas to allow alcohol at gun shows could backfire and have a “devastating impact” on NRA events.

The warning came after the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission proposed a new set of rules last week that would allow alcohol to be served at gun shows across the state. The catch was that organizers of the events had to disable all firearms on display, ban live ammunition, and prohibit buyers from taking possession of their weapons on site.

112 BeachDem  Aug 12, 2014 12:07:40pm

re: #55 Franklin Brewsevelt


What is old, is new again.

And here’s the Chicago convention 1968—other than the face shields…

113 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 12, 2014 12:08:05pm

re: #109 William Barnett-Lewis

Officially. Stalin was very good at having huge blocks of people killed for ethnic reasons however.

My bad, I meant in the United States.
(However Paul Robeson defected to the Soviet Union because of racism)

114 Shiplord Kirel  Aug 12, 2014 12:08:54pm

re: #100 Targetpractice

They probably bought most of that with the DHS funds that came in the aftermath of 9/11. You remember, when we were giving money away to every two-bit LEO department under the guise of “modernizing” them for major humanitarian disasters, but instead saw the money go towards everything from rifles and body armor to APCs?

A small town New Mexico cop bragged to me that his department had used DHS funds to buy 6 new sniper rifles for about $7500 each. He lamented that he and his fellow officers would now have to spend a lot more time on the range trying to improve their marksmanship enough to have any chance of using the new rifles properly. That town has never had a sniper incident, let alone a terrorist attack.

115 Aunty Entity Dragon  Aug 12, 2014 12:09:30pm

re: #112 BeachDem

And here’s the Chicago convention 1968—other than the face shields…

[Embedded image]

Cops are thinner, no 70’s style pornstache and no sci fi dystopic uniforms.

116 lawhawk  Aug 12, 2014 12:10:29pm

Except fire season isn’t over. And the season is now year round in places like CA, which has extreme drought conditions, and the Southwest is in a long term drought where moisture levels are way down from historic averages.

Again, like other global warming deniers who seize upon single data points to disprove global warming, they all ignore that the global temperatures continue rising, CO2 levels continue rising, and we’re part of the reason for that trend.

117 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 12:11:24pm

re: #114 Shiplord Kirel

A small town New Mexico cop bragged to me that his department had used DHS funds to buy 6 new sniper rifles for about $7500 each. He lamented that he and his fellow officers would now have to spend a lot more time on the range trying to improve their marksmanship enough to have any chance of using the new rifles properly. That town has never had a sniper incident, let alone a terrorist attack.

Coulda got a better deal if he would have worked with the even smaller town NM cop who was running guns to Mexico.

118 Shiplord Kirel  Aug 12, 2014 12:11:31pm

re: #115 Aunty Entity Dragon

Cops are thinner, no 70’s style pornstache and no sci fi dystopic uniforms.

Ditching the black ninja suit uniforms would be a big step forward in public relations.

119 Skip Intro  Aug 12, 2014 12:11:40pm

Well, I’ve read enough stupid for today. I’m full.

Maybe tomorrow.

120 BeachDem  Aug 12, 2014 12:12:46pm

re: #61 b_sharp

Isn’t it the rwnj who are claiming the US is now post-racial? That’s what Coulter and the people bitching about affirmative action & social programs are saying.

Also the Supreme Court in the VRA ruling.

“History did not end in 1965,” Roberts writes. And: “Nearly 50 years later, things have changed dramatically.”

121 Shiplord Kirel  Aug 12, 2014 12:13:49pm

Lubbock’s precision SWAT marksmen (ie snipers) have shot and killed exactly one person in the 25 years the unit has existed, a fellow officer who was killed by an AD during an otherwise farcical standoff in 2000.

122 Chez Ko Pe  Aug 12, 2014 12:13:57pm

“Blahs still gittin’ all uppity jus’ ‘cause some of th’ local aw-thor-ee-tees shot a kid? We fin’lly let one of ‘em into the White House, what th’ hell do they WANT? It was jus’ a blah kid, fer Gawd’s sake! This’s Obama’s fault!”
— typical Brietbart dogfart

“Gawd hisself came down from His porcelain throne and tol’ me that ‘cause Ah’m so awesome he done picked me and all mah rowdy friends t’ start a Civil War with the po-lice state. Ah us’ta be all mad about Fas’ and Furious, but now Ah’m suddenly okay with shootin’ officers.”
— Senor Cliven

123 Franklin  Aug 12, 2014 12:14:38pm

Funny break:

124 Lidane  Aug 12, 2014 12:15:27pm

Speaking of bigoted RWNJ douchecanoes:

Steve King Says God Will Use The Next GOP President ‘To Restore The Soul Of America’

Saying that Republicans cannot “unilaterally disarm” by taking the threat of impeachment off the table, King declared that the GOP must work to “restrain this president so that he doesn’t do serious destructive damage to our constitution” in order to allow this nation to “limp our way through his terms of office.”

After Obama has been restrained, the GOP can then work on “identifying, lifting up, and raising up, and nominating, and electing the next President of the United States whom God will use to restore the soul of America.”

“If we fall short in that,” King warned, “in my lifetime, I don’t expect to see this country put back on its rails again”:

125 ObserverArt  Aug 12, 2014 12:17:26pm

re: #110 lawhawk

Riot police in Ferguson are going to extremes to show force, but what’s needed is reduction of tension inc. giving info; not stonewalling

Yep. And they are going to cause a bad situation to get even more ugly.

I am worried about this becoming a national thing. Too much has happened this summer that is similar. Too much frustration is building and it might just blow up in a big way.

The cops are being very arrogant and it is all going to go the wrong way. If they get heavy handed, so will the people all borne out of complete frustration.

I can see a repeat of the ‘65 through ‘67 cities on fire in America being repeated. This time though it won’t be totally about race, it will be about social injustice.

The politics of the country need to be added to this mess too. All of it is a part of the frustration.

I sure hope I am wrong.

126 ausador  Aug 12, 2014 12:18:34pm

re: #68 Aunty Entity Dragon

Blacks are also disproportionately pulled over by police in Ferguson. Whites make up about one-third of the city’s population but accounted for just 12.7 percent of traffic stops by Ferguson police last year. African-Americans made up 93 percent of the arrests following those stops, yet whites were more likely to be caught with contraband.

Doesn’t necessarily mean that whites actually carry contraband in their cars at a greater frequency. What it most likely means is that cops pull over and harass blacks on any made up pretext but only pull over whites when they actually have strong probable cause.

Still a rather a glaring indication of institutionalized racism no mater how you slice it. :(

127 HappyWarrior  Aug 12, 2014 12:18:44pm

re: #124 Lidane

Speaking of bigoted RWNJ douchecanoes:

Steve King Says God Will Use The Next GOP President ‘To Restore The Soul Of America’

[Embedded image]

Soul? Like Cruz, Paul, or any of those clowns can sing Al Green like Obama can.

128 Shiplord Kirel  Aug 12, 2014 12:19:42pm

Compare out mercenary-ninja police costumes to the outfits British bobbies wear. It isn’t because they are unarmed either, many of them are these days.
Their uniforms exude authority without an over the top attempt at intimidation. British miscreants know not to mess with them, too, non-scary uniforms notwithstanding. I did see a drunken tourist slammed to the ground, handcuffed, and held down with a spit shined shoe after he “playfully” knocked a local cop’s hat off his head.

129 abolitionist  Aug 12, 2014 12:19:44pm

re: #122 Chez Ko Pe

Welcome, but may I suggest that lurking can have its virtues.

130 b_sharp  Aug 12, 2014 12:19:58pm

re: #110 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Typical “I’m tougher than you so do what I say” attempt at deterrent I see so often touted by conservatives as the only way to produce peace.

131 TedStriker  Aug 12, 2014 12:22:22pm

re: #78 Gus

This is bullshit.

That is extortion, pure and simple

132 Bulworth  Aug 12, 2014 12:22:35pm


Well, gosh, it’s reassuring to hear that the GOP doesn’t have any missionary expectations for the president or believe that there’s anything wrong with America that must be “restored”. Afterall, only commy soshulists who hate Amercia think of their prez candidates as Great Leaders (The One) with the goal of fixing this great country or restoring her soul.

133 Lidane  Aug 12, 2014 12:22:46pm

re: #127 HappyWarrior

Soul? Like Cruz, Paul, or any of those clowns can sing Al Green like Obama can.

Star-Lord for Preznit. He can dance around and distract Putin while Groot and Rocket take care of bidness.


134 alpuz  Aug 12, 2014 12:24:48pm

re: #49 Aunty Entity Dragon

Have you ever been told to ‘go fuck yourself… etc.’ while confronting ‘pro-life’ planned parenthood protesters?

It makes about as much sense as that vid.

I made it about two comment in and closed the window.

135 Mattand  Aug 12, 2014 12:25:14pm

re: #31 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

I really need to draw attention to this tweet again because this picture scares the hell out of me. I mean it looks like something out of Alabama in the 60s.

This is 2014. 2014. FIFTY YEARS LATER and we’re still stuck with this? It’s a sad day for America folks.

This is why I’m so cynical about Americans’ ability to own up to our nation’s past.

I know enough people who take the attitude of “The kid must have done something to bring this on himself”; or completely don’t get why a minority community would lash out when for the umpteenth time, a cop essentially executes one of their own.

136 BeachDem  Aug 12, 2014 12:25:58pm

re: #124 Lidane

Steve King—What. An. Asshole.

137 Gus  Aug 12, 2014 12:26:33pm
138 Jayleia  Aug 12, 2014 12:27:19pm

re: #133 Lidane


(Those who’ve seen, know, those who haven’t…need to)

139 Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 12, 2014 12:27:30pm

re: #53 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded image]

This is bullshit.
Complete undiluted bullshit.

I need a drink…

140 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 12:27:40pm
141 Decatur Deb  Aug 12, 2014 12:29:10pm

re: #89 Eclectic Cyborg

Those look more like mercenaries than cops.


142 b_sharp  Aug 12, 2014 12:30:04pm

re: #116 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Except fire season isn’t over. And the season is now year round in places like CA, which has extreme drought conditions, and the Southwest is in a long term drought where moisture levels are way down from historic averages.

Again, like other global warming deniers who seize upon single data points to disprove global warming, they all ignore that the global temperatures continue rising, CO2 levels continue rising, and we’re part of the reason for that trend.

His article mentions all the increases in fires during the past 14 years but sticks to whining about how 2014 is less than previous years. They really have to bang the ‘steady incremental increase in temperatures without variation’ drum to justify their points.

143 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 12, 2014 12:30:16pm

5 minutes until Anon’s ultimatum, let’s see if they go through with their threat.

144 Mattand  Aug 12, 2014 12:32:44pm

re: #143 Pie-onist Overlord

5 minutes until Anon’s ultimatum, let’s see if they go through with their threat.

Fire, meet gasoline.

145 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 12:32:51pm

Is there anything about this situation the police have NOT fucked up?

146 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 12:32:52pm

re: #138 Jayleia


(Those who’ve seen, know, those who haven’t…need to)

“Bunch of jackasses, standing in a circle.”

147 lawhawk  Aug 12, 2014 12:33:00pm

re: #143 Pie-onist Overlord

Anon are extortionists. Criminal activities that some might find acceptable since the outcome benefits their worldview, but they’re still criminal acts.

Just because I want to see justice done in Ferguson and want to know the identity of the officer involved in the shooting doesn’t mean I want all manner of details leaked/stolen about the private lives of cops in the STL county police office who have nothing to do with the case at all. There are proper channels for getting justice. Anon isn’t one.

148 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 12, 2014 12:33:51pm

re: #113 Pie-onist Overlord

My bad, I meant in the United States.
(However Paul Robeson defected to the Soviet Union because of racism)


149 alpuz  Aug 12, 2014 12:33:53pm

I did a google search on ‘youth brigade’s song your friendly local police’ and one of the top results was about Obama.

Youtube Video

150 Pie-onist Overlord  Aug 12, 2014 12:35:06pm
151 Targetpractice  Aug 12, 2014 12:35:06pm

re: #138 Jayleia


(Those who’ve seen, know, those who haven’t…need to)

I haven’t been able to get that song out of my head in over a week.

152 Lidane  Aug 12, 2014 12:35:16pm

re: #146 Kragar

“Bunch of jackasses, standing in a circle.”



153 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 12:37:09pm

re: #152 Lidane



Truly great moment.

I liked the Nebula-Drax moment.

“No one talks to my friends like that.”

154 Joanne  Aug 12, 2014 12:37:47pm

re: #123 Franklin Brewsevelt

Funny break:

[Jessica W. Luther @scATX
3:01 PM - 12 Aug 2014

Took me a while to figure that out.

155 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 12:38:07pm

re: #151 Targetpractice

I haven’t been able to get that song out of my head in over a week.

“Tossing it to you… Subtle. Taking it back.”

156 Lidane  Aug 12, 2014 12:39:34pm

re: #151 Targetpractice

I haven’t been able to get that song out of my head in over a week.

And I’ve had “Come And Get Your Love” on a loop in my head for days now.

That and the Jackson 5. Haha.

157 nines09  Aug 12, 2014 12:39:41pm

re: #104 Aunty Entity Dragon

You were saying?

Here is one of my personal favorites just a few hours south of me in South Carolina. The sheriff has an M113 APC with a turret…and yes, that is an honest to God M2 .50 cal machine gun on the track.

I have no idea what the fuck any LE agency needs with an M113 and a ma deuce fifty cal made for shooting down helicopters and junking Soviet BTR-70’s.
[Embedded image]

Gotta love the SWAT team posing like cosplay kids with their toys.

We don’t have cops any more. It’s Para Military Laced Up Sadists. “Here, let us assure you we are here to serve as we are dressed as Ninja and hold full auto rifles. What? You’ll have to speak louder. My Kevlar helmet and ballistic face shield muffles your cries.”

158 Decatur Deb  Aug 12, 2014 12:40:13pm

re: #148 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator


Snowden vacation.

Robeson stayed at the Barvikha Sanatorium until September 1961, when he left for London. There his depression reemerged, and after another period of recuperation in Moscow, he returned to London. Three days after arriving back, he became suicidal and suffered a panic attack while passing the Soviet Embassy.[243] He was admitted to The Priory hospital, where he underwent electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and was given heavy doses of drugs for nearly two years, with no accompanying psychotherapy.[244]

During his treatment at the Priory, Robeson was being monitored by the British MI5.[245] Both intelligence services were well aware of Robeson’s suicidal state of mind. An FBI memo described Robeson’s debilitated condition, remarking that his “death would be much publicized” and would be used for Communist propaganda, necessitating continued surveillance.[246] Numerous memos advised that Robeson should be denied a passport renewal which would ostensibly jeopardize his fragile health and his recovery process.[237]


159 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 12:40:13pm

re: #156 Lidane

And I’ve had “Come And Get Your Love” on a loop in my head for days now.

That and the Jackson 5. Haha.

Hey at least it wasn’t Nickelback or Justin Bieber.

160 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 12:40:49pm

Apparently, Chris Pratt had auditioned for GI Joe a few years back and lost the part because he was out of shape. He said he had convinced himself he was never going to try out for another action movie because he didn’t feel he could do it. He had to be talked into trying out for GotG.

161 Lidane  Aug 12, 2014 12:40:54pm

re: #159 Eclectic Cyborg

Hey at least it wasn’t Nickelback or Justin Bieber.

True. It’s good music, at least. Haha.

162 lawhawk  Aug 12, 2014 12:42:55pm

re: #152 Lidane

We. Are. Groot.

163 Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 12, 2014 12:43:06pm

And Anon chickens out…

164 GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 12, 2014 12:43:24pm

re: #153 Kragar

Truly great moment.

I liked the Nebula-Drax moment.

“No one talks to my friends like that.”

They got my dick message!

Best line of the whole movie.

165 Mattand  Aug 12, 2014 12:44:14pm

re: #150 Pie-onist Overlord

[Embedded content]

Maybe before destroying an innocent woman’s life, Anon might want to check in with Brown’s mother before they pull their own judge-jury-executioner bullshit.

I’m willing to bet she wouldn’t be cool with this.

166 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 12:44:37pm

I don’t think anyone has gotten the whole story yet . The kid who got shot left a video that is pretty weird . May be something , may be nothing . It just has a fatal ring , in his narrative .

As for Breitbart ? Just another day in the neighborhood , the comments not a-typical at all . The pulse of the Tea Party can be taken at Breitbart .

167 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 12:44:57pm

re: #163 Eclectic Cyborg

And Anon chickens out…

[Embedded content]

Oh ffs. Shows how much thought they initially put into it.

168 Stanley Sea  Aug 12, 2014 12:45:05pm

re: #163 Eclectic Cyborg

And Anon chickens out…

[Embedded content]

thank goodness.

169 Internet Tough Guy  Aug 12, 2014 12:45:14pm

re: #163 Eclectic Cyborg

I have a hard time believing Anon cares about justice for an African American.

170 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 12, 2014 12:46:02pm

re: #158 Decatur Deb

Not a defection. Anyway, Robeson remained a committed Stalinist even though he knew Stalin had murdered his friends from the Jewish Antifascist Committee. Not a person whose actions can prove something one way or another.

171 Targetpractice  Aug 12, 2014 12:46:07pm

re: #160 Kragar

Apparently, Chris Pratt had auditioned for GI Joe a few years back and lost the part because he was out of shape. He said he had convinced himself he was never going to try out for another action movie because he didn’t feel he could do it. He had to be talked into trying out for GotG.

To top it off, James Gunn didn’t even intend to audition Pratt for the part and had to be talked into it. But after the audition, he was so enthusiastic about Pratt playing Star-Lord that he was willing to use CGI to change Pratt’s physique if he couldn’t get in-shape before filming began.

172 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 12:46:07pm

re: #166 Retrograde

173 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 12:46:15pm

re: #164 GlutenFreeJesus

They got my dick message!

Best line of the whole movie.

“What do you think?”
“Well, I don think anyone can be a 100% dick…”

174 Gus  Aug 12, 2014 12:46:17pm

re: #163 Eclectic Cyborg

And Anon chickens out…

[Embedded content]

Right. But hey. We didn’t stop because innocent lives might be endangered. [Bronx cheer]

175 Testy Toad T  Aug 12, 2014 12:46:37pm

re: #166 Retrograde

I don’t think anyone has gotten the whole story yet . The kid who got shot left a video that is pretty weird . May be something , may be nothing . It just has a fatal ring , in his narrative .

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

176 Targetpractice  Aug 12, 2014 12:47:43pm

re: #166 Retrograde

I don’t think anyone has gotten the whole story yet . The kid who got shot left a video that is pretty weird . May be something , may be nothing . It just has a fatal ring , in his narrative .

As for Breitbart ? Just another day in the neighborhood , the comments not a-typical at all . The pulse of the Tea Party can be taken at Breitbart .

So far, the only story that sticks out like a sore thumb is the cop’s. The rest seem to be pretty consistent and agree with each other. Perhaps you’re trying to suggest that the eyewitnesses are purposefully lying?

177 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 12, 2014 12:47:50pm

re: #166 Retrograde

I don’t think anyone has gotten the whole story yet . The kid who got shot left a video that is pretty weird . May be something , may be nothing . It just has a fatal ring , in his narrative .

As for Breitbart ? Just another day in the neighborhood , the comments not a-typical at all . The pulse of the Tea Party can be taken at Breitbart .

Why the shitty punctuation, pal?

178 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 12:49:22pm

So my brother interviewed another celebrity today…

179 Mattand  Aug 12, 2014 12:49:23pm

re: #166 Retrograde

I don’t think anyone has gotten the whole story yet . The kid who got shot left a video that is pretty weird . May be something , may be nothing . It just has a fatal ring , in his narrative .

As for Breitbart ? Just another day in the neighborhood , the comments not a-typical at all . The pulse of the Tea Party can be taken at Breitbart .

Well, I have to admit: this is the first hyperskeptical “Maybe Brown somehow brought on himself being gunned down like a dog in the middle of the street in broad daylight” comment I’ve seen here. And not from the two people I would have pegged for it.

Having said that: seriously? The kid was shot nine fucking times. While his hands were up.

180 Kilroy01  Aug 12, 2014 12:50:19pm

re: #178 Kragar

Your Brother is Kermit the Frog! Awesome!

181 Gus  Aug 12, 2014 12:50:54pm
182 Kragar  Aug 12, 2014 12:51:36pm

re: #180 Kilroy01

Your Brother is Kermit the Frog! Awesome!

Its not easy being green.

183 Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 12, 2014 12:55:15pm

re: #102 lawhawk

A spectre of Columbine or other school shootings also informs this - law enforcement wants tools at its disposal to deal with worst case scenarios, and the public by and large will go for it, as long as someone else is paying.

Apparently they still can’t deal with a worst case scenario, without making it even worse.

184 alpuz  Aug 12, 2014 12:56:22pm

re: #182 Kragar

Gawd I loved that song. I still do. Oh man..

Youtube Video

185 TedStriker  Aug 12, 2014 12:56:55pm

re: #166 Retrograde


186 nines09  Aug 12, 2014 1:00:01pm

re: #183 Backwoods_Sleuth

Apparently they still can’t deal with a worst case scenario, without making it even worse.

Cop shoots and kills unarmed kid. Witnesses say he had his hands up. Cops overheard calling protestors “animals”. Windows broken, 3 stores looted. Cops respond with show of force, tear gas, declaration of “War Zone”, threaten press, shoot people with rubber and wooden bullets and tell people who are being tear gassed in their houses to “Go home”. Yeah. That’s pro work by pros.

187 blueraven  Aug 12, 2014 1:00:03pm

re: #172 wrenchwench

Shut the fuck up.

The weird space/punctuation seems oddly familiar, doesn’t it? Who was that?

I don’t think anyone has gotten the whole story yet . The kid who got shot left a video that is pretty weird . May be something , may be nothing . It just has a fatal ring , in his narrative .

As for Breitbart ? Just another day in the neighborhood , the comments not a-typical at all . The pulse of the Tea Party can be taken at Breitbart

188 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Aug 12, 2014 1:03:44pm

re: #187 blueraven

Was there someone like that?

189 TedStriker  Aug 12, 2014 1:04:34pm

re: #163 Eclectic Cyborg

And Anon chickens out…

I’m guessing that the reality of what would happen to them after committing extortion against a law enforcement officer informed Anon’s decision to back off.

190 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 1:05:33pm

re: #166 Retrograde

I don’t think anyone has gotten the whole story yet . The kid who got shot left a video that is pretty weird . May be something , may be nothing . It just has a fatal ring , in his narrative .

So you think in his video he presciently foretold that he would be picked up by the cops as he was walking along the street, scuffle, and then be shot?

What is this video?

191 Mattand  Aug 12, 2014 1:09:05pm

re: #187 blueraven

The weird space/punctuation seems oddly familiar, doesn’t it? Who was that?

If you’re referring to who I think you’re referring to, it might not be him.

Two reasons:

1) The punctuation used in those posts are grossly illiterate, usually making the posts borderline illegible. I still don’t know if it’s done on purpose, or is due to some sort of disability.

2) This person always stands by his posts, even the trollish ones. For example, the ones where he was making excuses for George Zimmerman.

192 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 1:13:48pm

re: #191 Mattand

The web is full of goobers with fucked-up orthography.

193 blueraven  Aug 12, 2014 1:15:50pm

re: #188 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Was there someone like that?

Yes, now banned I think.

194 Mattand  Aug 12, 2014 1:16:26pm

re: #192 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

The web is full of goobers with fucked-up orthography.

Yeah, but there’s only one here who writes like that and was pulling the “Maybe Trayvon had it coming” horseshit. Not a large stretch to see said commenter siding with Ferguson PD on this.

195 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 1:17:42pm

re: #194 Mattand

Yeah, but there’s only one here who writes like that and was pulling the “Maybe Trayvon had it coming” horseshit.

There’s a pretty close correlation between not giving a shit about writing legibly and not giving a shit about logic and/or being an awful person.

Source for this statistic: My sweet Fanny Adams.

196 Mattand  Aug 12, 2014 1:22:05pm

If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.

However, the person in question asserted that since the 911 operator in the Martin case did not explicitly tell Zimmerman not to tail Martin (as in “Don’t follow that person, sir”), Zimmerman was within his rights to stalk the kid.

The corker was when Zimmerman admitted that he knew full well that he was being told to leave Martin alone, but confronted him anyway.

Again, not a stretch to see this person side with Ferguson PD.

197 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 1:22:25pm

Oh my , my , how touchy we are ! to all those who just spit out their vitriol , all I said was , we didn’t get the whole story . That is, what was the explanation given by the cop ? Is there a dash cam video ? And yes the kid left a weird video . I don’t know what it meant , and I said that . But hey why bother right ? Lets just lynch the cop . Unless of course anyone here knows the whole story .

198 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 1:25:19pm

re: #197 Retrograde

Oh my , my , how touchy we are ! to all those who just spit out their vitriol , all I said was , we didn’t get the whole story . That is, what was the explanation given by the cop ?

The explanation given by the police was that, after an assault on the officer and a struggle for the gun, an unarmed Brown ran away and was shot while fleeing.

And yes the kid left a weird video

Can you please link to the video?

But hey why bother right ? Lets just lynch the cop . Unless of course anyone here knows the whole story .

Nobody here has suggested that. Most people aren’t even focusing on the cop himself, but on the systemic racism that exists in our judicial and political systems.

And seriously, why can’t you use punctuation properly? I’m always curious when people deliberately fuck up how they type why they do it. Do you think it makes you look cool or you just want to be annoying, or what?

199 Mattand  Aug 12, 2014 1:26:03pm

re: #197 Retrograde

Oh my , my , how touchy we are ! to all those who just spit out their vitriol , all I said was , we didn’t get the whole story . That is, what was the explanation given by the cop ? Is there a dash cam video ? And yes the kid left a weird video . I don’t know what it meant , and I said that . But hey why bother right ? Lets just lynch the cop . Unless of course anyone here knows the whole story .

The only story we’re getting is from the police force who are refusing to interview a witness who saw get Michael Brown get blown to pieces in front of him.

As has been pointed by others, any other police force would have interviewed the witness with hours of the incident.

You do get that, right?

200 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 1:28:22pm

re: #179 Mattand

You assume too much .

201 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 1:29:27pm

re: #200 Retrograde

You assume too much .

What assumptions were made in that post, and which were over the line?

202 alpuz  Aug 12, 2014 1:30:06pm

Oh my , my , how touchy we are !


203 Mattand  Aug 12, 2014 1:35:02pm

re: #200 Retrograde

You assume too much .

Assuming you’re referring to my criticism of your “Well, maybe Brown did something to get himself killed” implication, Ferguson PD hasn’t interviewed the main witness to the shooting, days after it happened.

That stinks to high effing heaven. And the feds know it stinks, too, or they wouldn’t be involved.

204 ausador  Aug 12, 2014 1:35:53pm

re: #198 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Can you please link to the video?

He can’t link to a video because he is seriously confused, what I believe he is referring to is…

Michael Brown posted a haunting message on Facebook last week as he prepared to enter a new phase in his life: college.

“if i leave this earth today,” he wrote to a friend, “atleast youll know i care about others more then i cared about my damn self.”

Never saw the whole post so I don’t know what the context is, but I’m quite sure it wasn’t followed by:
“That is why I’m going to go out and walk in the street until a cop comes along and guns me down.”

205 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 1:45:43pm

re: #203 Mattand

Yea I’m referring to that , and you need not assume that , especially since I did not say or imply that “maybe Brown did something to get himself killed ” . I said we don’t have the full story . Are you not curious in the least bit , to hear what the cops have to say ? Is to ask that question to be construed by you as favoring the cop ? Have you seen the video I mentioned ? I thought it odd , so what does that mean other than , I thought it odd . You don’t know my thoughts , nor will I accept you putting words in my mouth . Does that seem unfair to you ?

206 blueraven  Aug 12, 2014 1:48:02pm

re: #205 Retrograde

Yea I’m referring to that , and you need not assume that , especially since I did not say or imply that “maybe Brown did something to get himself killed ” . I said we don’t have the full story . Are you not curious in the least bit , to hear what the cops have to say ? Is to ask that question to be construed by you as favoring the cop ? Have you seen the video I mentioned ? I thought it odd , so what does that mean other than , I thought it odd . You don’t know my thoughts , nor will I accept you putting words in my mouth . Does that seem unfair to you ?

Then link to the video, Asshole.

207 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 1:51:30pm

re: #205 Retrograde

Yea I’m referring to that , and you need not assume that , especially since I did not say or imply that “maybe Brown did something to get himself killed ” . I said we don’t have the full story . Are you not curious in the least bit , to hear what the cops have to say ?

But the cops have already said things.

Is to ask that question to be construed by you as favoring the cop ? Have you seen the video I mentioned ?

What video? How would a video posted days before the incident possibly have any light to shed?

208 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 1:52:31pm

re: #204 ausador

Before you get too carried away with your thoughts on what some here think I was implying , I viewed it more a premonition than anything else . Not a suicide by cop as you seem to be implying .

209 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 1:58:13pm

re: #208 Retrograde

Before you get too carried away with your thoughts on what some here think I was implying , I viewed it more a premonition than anything else . Not a suicide by cop as you seem to be implying .

You implied we did not have ‘the whole story’ without that video. You implied that if we had not seen the video then we are going to ‘lynch the cop’.

Every comment makes you look meaner and dumber.

210 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 1:59:13pm

re: #208 Retrograde

Before you get too carried away with your thoughts on what some here think I was implying , I viewed it more a premonition than anything else . Not a suicide by cop as you seem to be implying .

Premonitions don’t happen, though. That’s mystical woo-woo bullshit.

You are really bad at presenting an argument.

211 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 2:00:07pm

re: #207 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Sorry I meant the remark on Facebook . As to the cops saying things , I’ve heard no official explanation coming from the Ferguson P.D. , have you ? The P.D. has just related the story the officers on the scene reported , which I am extremely skeptical of . Are there any videos on the incident taken by bystanders ? For the record , on it’s face , it seems to be a homicide committed by a Law Enforcement Officer . I want to hear the official explanation , as does the A.G. , and FBI .

212 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 2:03:20pm

re: #210 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

I am not presenting an argument , I am expressing my opinion. And yes , premonitions do happen and have happened . Whether you believe that or not is your opinion .

213 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 2:08:49pm

re: #211 Retrograde

Sorry I meant the remark on Facebook . As to the cops saying things , I’ve heard no official explanation coming from the Ferguson P.D. , have you ?

Yes. This was trivial to find and has been a large part of the story. It’s been talked about here.

The P.D. has just related the story the officers on the scene reported , which I am extremely skeptical of .

That is the official police explanation, though.

For the record , on it’s face , it seems to be a homicide committed by a Law Enforcement Officer . I want to hear the official explanation , as does the A.G. , and FBI .

It is definitely a homicide, what is in question is if it is a justifiable homicide.

I think the main problem here lies with the incomprehensible way you’re using the word ‘official’. How is the explanation already given by the Ferguson police not ‘official’?

re: #212 Retrograde

I am not presenting an argument , I am expressing my opinion. And yes , premonitions do happen and have happened . Whether you believe that or not is your opinion .

No, every person ever claiming psychic powers who has been tested has failed to show any psychic powers. Psychic shit ain’t real, it’s just made up woo-woo bullshit. That’s not an ‘opinion’, any more than ‘magic isn’t real’ is an opinion, or ‘the loch ness monster isn’t a plesiosaur’ is an opinion.

And again, why do you type in such a fucked-up manner? Is there any actual reason?

214 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 2:10:39pm

re: #209 wrenchwench

No need to start insulting , when you misunderstood what I said . And please show me where I stated that we don’t have the whole story ” without that video ” . I asked if there was a dash -cam video , that’s a bit different than what you are claiming I said .

215 klys  Aug 12, 2014 2:13:11pm

re: #166 Retrograde

I don’t think anyone has gotten the whole story yet . The kid who got shot left a video that is pretty weird . May be something , may be nothing . It just has a fatal ring , in his narrative .

As for Breitbart ? Just another day in the neighborhood , the comments not a-typical at all . The pulse of the Tea Party can be taken at Breitbart .

re: #214 Retrograde

No need to start insulting , when you misunderstood what I said . And please show me where I stated that we don’t have the whole story ” without that video ” . I asked if there was a dash -cam video , that’s a bit different than what you are claiming I said .

If people aren’t understanding what you wrote, maybe you should reread it and attempt to be clearer.

Oh, and use proper convention for written communication. That helps too.

216 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 2:13:47pm

re: #214 Retrograde

No need to start insulting , when you misunderstood what I said . And please show me where I stated that we don’t have the whole story ” without that video ” . I asked if there was a dash -cam video , that’s a bit different than what you are claiming I said .

There is no dash-cam video, by the way. Another thing you could find if you bothered to do 3 minutes of research.

217 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 2:17:10pm

re: #214 Retrograde

No need to start insulting , when you misunderstood what I said . And please show me where I stated that we don’t have the whole story ” without that video ” . I asked if there was a dash -cam video , that’s a bit different than what you are claiming I said .

Here you go.

I don’t think anyone has gotten the whole story yet . The kid who got shot left a video that is pretty weird . May be something , may be nothing . It just has a fatal ring , in his narrative .


Oh my , my , how touchy we are ! to all those who just spit out their vitriol , all I said was , we didn’t get the whole story . That is, what was the explanation given by the cop ? Is there a dash cam video ? And yes the kid left a weird video . I don’t know what it meant , and I said that . But hey why bother right ? Lets just lynch the cop . Unless of course anyone here knows the whole story .


Sorry I meant the remark on Facebook . As to the cops saying things , I’ve heard no official explanation coming from the Ferguson P.D. , have you ? The P.D. has just related the story the officers on the scene reported , which I am extremely skeptical of . Are there any videos on the incident taken by bystanders ? For the record , on it’s face , it seems to be a homicide committed by a Law Enforcement Officer . I want to hear the official explanation , as does the A.G. , and FBI .

218 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 2:21:25pm

re: #213 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

No , I think the real problem here is your animus towards anyone who fails to think exactly like you . I want to hear all the facts . You take that as somehow cutting slack for the cop . And who is claiming Psychic powers ? Premonitions are real , that’s my opinion . Why are you looking for a new avenue of attack ?
I sad I thought it odd , I said I wanted to know all the facts of that shooting . I asked if there was a dash cam video as most cop cars have , I want to know if someone has recorded this event on their cell phone . Do you find those questions out of line ? I did not suggest or imply that the actions of the cop were justified .

219 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 2:23:49pm

re: #218 Retrograde

Did you know that it is incorrect to have a space between a bit of punctuation and the word which precedes it?

220 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 2:24:28pm

re: #217 wrenchwench

What’s your point ? Is the investigation by the Ferguson P.D. complete ?

221 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 2:25:42pm

re: #219 wrenchwench

Don’t you think you are being a bit petty ?

222 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 2:26:42pm

re: #220 Retrograde

What’s your point ? Is the investigation by the Ferguson P.D. complete ?

You said,

And please show me where I stated that we don’t have the whole story ” without that video “

I said,

Here you go.

223 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 2:26:49pm

re: #221 Retrograde

Don’t you think you are being a bit petty ?


224 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 2:30:33pm

re: #223 wrenchwench


LOL….I’ll bet you don’t .

225 wrenchwench  Aug 12, 2014 2:31:33pm

re: #224 Retrograde

LOL….I’ll bet you don’t .

No need to bet; I typed it right out for your benefit.

What a waste.

226 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 2:35:18pm

re: #218 Retrograde

No , I think the real problem here is your animus towards anyone who fails to think exactly like you . I want to hear all the facts . You take that as somehow cutting slack for the cop .

No, I’m not. I haven’t ever accused you of cutting slack for the cop.

And who is claiming Psychic powers ? Premonitions are real , that’s my opinion . Why are you looking for a new avenue of attack ?

Premonitions are psychic powers: a sensation of the future.

I sad I thought it odd , I said I wanted to know all the facts of that shooting . I asked if there was a dash cam video as most cop cars have , I want to know if someone has recorded this event on their cell phone . Do you find those questions out of line ? I did not suggest or imply that the actions of the cop were justified .

I mainly find these questions answerable with a few minutes of search on google.

I’m also wondering why you think the official statement from the Ferguson PD somehow isn’t the official statement from the Ferguson PD. Can you explain?

And again, why do you type in such a fucked-up manner? Is there any actual reason?

227 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 2:38:23pm

re: #222 wrenchwench

re: #222 wrenchwench

This is what my first statement was , and I corrected myself as to “video ” which should have been facebook post . You know that , if you read the following posts . So obviously it is not what you are claiming . I did not say or imply that we don’t have the whole story without that video .That is your redaction of what I said .

228 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 2:41:59pm

re: #227 Retrograde

How is something that he posted to Facebook awhile ago in any way, shape, or form part of the story of him being shot?

And again, why do you type in such a fucked-up manner? Is there any actual reason?

229 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 2:43:44pm

re: #226 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

I’ll ignore the first part of your post since it becomes obvious you’re just itching for a verbal fight . As for how I type ? I guess you’ll just have to live with it , since I can express my opinion successfully inspite of any errors in punctuation . I really don’t bother with spellcheck and my ego is not that large that I fear embarrassment from a stranger on the internet .

230 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 2:56:51pm

re: #229 Retrograde

I’ll ignore the first part of your post since it becomes obvious you’re just itching for a verbal fight .

So you’ll ignore a completely legitimate and reasonable question, because I’m ‘itching’ for a fight. Sure. You just don’t actually have any explanation, because you’re talking idiocy.

And no, you’re not making ‘errors’. You’re deliberately putting spaces before periods, that’s not a bunch of errors, it’s an intentional thing. It’s irritating to other people: Why do you do it? Giving your general style of conversation, the conclusion is rapidly becoming “Just to be an asshole”.

231 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 3:07:12pm

re: #230 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

You are one really rude little person . Do you have an emotional problem ? It is stunning to me that you think my punctuation errors are intentional and have some meaning other than they are just errors . Are you serious ?
You take note of such trivia , such as leaving a space after a period ??? And then make an argument over that ? Do you use the f-bomb on a regular basis in your communications with other people ?
And you find it easy to insult and engage in name calling over another’s opinion . Yet you have a problem with a space after a period . Seriously ?

232 Jolo5309  Aug 12, 2014 3:13:27pm

re: #212 Retrograde

I am not presenting an argument , I am expressing my opinion. And yes , premonitions do happen and have happened . Whether you believe that or not is your opinion .

Evidence that premonitions happen please

233 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Aug 12, 2014 3:17:50pm

re: #231 Retrograde

You are one really rude little person . Do you have an emotional problem ? It is stunning to me that you think my punctuation errors are intentional and have some meaning other than they are just errors

How is it possible to make the exact same error in every single sentence?

Yet you have a problem with a space after a period . Seriously ?

Yes. It makes what you type ugly as shit and harder to read, and there’s no reason at all to do it. The reason why we have orthographic conventions is for the sake of other people; you apparently could give a shit.

234 Retrograde  Aug 12, 2014 3:31:06pm

re: #233 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Man such anger ! Over the improper spacing of a period ? Hard to read ? No , that’s not your problem at all . BTW- your last sentence contains a grammatical error . Do you know what it was ?

235 Charles Johnson  Aug 12, 2014 4:29:05pm

re: #234 Retrograde

This account is now suspended, for the second time. He pulled exactly the same trolling bullshit with his previous account, “Aligarr.”

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