Conservatives Now Blaming President Obama For Ebola Case In Texas

Health • Views: 37,757

It’s interesting watching the conservatives and right wingers attacking Obama over his assurances that Ebola was unlikely to get into the US on flights.

For instance:

Let’s unpack this shall we?

1) The person who has Ebola was asymptomatic on the flight. He wasn’t feverish, wasn’t vomiting, and wasn’t showing any symptoms. How do we know that he wasn’t symptomatic? That’s based on the timeline that health officials have established.

Do we keep that person off the flight to the US, which wasn’t even a direct flight from the region?

2) How many other diseases have symptoms that mimic those of Ebola. I’ll wait. You might have to go through a lot of diseases first - including common cold or the flu (both of which can be spread by the patient even before showing symptoms) , and even malaria and other tropical diseases.

3) A person is only capable of spreading Ebola when the person is symptomatic. That’s according to the CDC and WHO, both of which have been studying the disease since it was first identified in 1976 and the ongoing outbreak intensively. They have a list of what to look for, and how to stop the spread of the outbreak - contact tracing is integral to the strategy.

4) It appears that the hospital screwed up - they released him even though he apparently told the intake nurse he’d been in Liberia. That’s a huge problem. That failure allowed additional potential and actual exposures.

Those persons are now being monitored for symptoms. That includes family members, who would have been exposed in any event.

5) Shutting down airline travel to the region will have only minimal impacts in the US since there are few direct flights.

Stopping even indirect flights will actually have a net negative effect because vital personnel going in-out of the region, let alone food and supplies, to say nothing of Ebola-related containment equipment, testing gear, and samples for further examination would be delayed or detained indefinitely.

The best way to stop the spread of the disease by air means addressing this at the source. I’m spitballing here, but a quarantine period of 3 weeks before leaving the country might be a good idea - that’d give a chance for authorities to definitively clear someone for travel. The problem, as I’ve mentioned before is that there’s so few doctors in the region and the authorities are stretched so thin that it’s tough to get those rules in place.

There’s also a real concern about how waste from Ebola isolation treatment here in the US is being disposed of. The CDC and hospitals are working on setting up a protocol for sterilizing the medical wastes, some of which can contain highly infectious bodily fluids. That includes the use of autoclaves and incineration.

As for point (4) above, there’s a bit more to evaluate here.

The intake apparently included the patient divulging that he had been in West Africa, but that wasn’t passed along to the right people, and he was released without further examination.

“A travel history was taken, but it wasn’t communicated to the people who were making the decision. … It was a mistake. They dropped the ball,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“You don’t want to pile on them, but hopefully this will never happen again. … The CDC has been vigorously emphasizing the need for a travel history,” Fauci told CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper.”

Hospital officials have acknowledged that the patient’s travel history wasn’t “fully communicated” to doctors, but also said in a statement Wednesday that based on his symptoms, there was no reason to admit him when he first came to the emergency room last Thursday night.

“At that time, the patient presented with low-grade fever and abdominal pain. His condition did not warrant admission. He also was not exhibiting symptoms specific to Ebola,” Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas said.

If it can be shown that the issue was insurance, then the hospital broke federal law - Emergency Medical and Treatment Labor Act (EMTLA). EMTLA, passed way back in 1986, prohibits the denial of care to indigent or uninsured patients based on a lack of ability to pay. Hospitals can’t use unnecessary transfers while care is administered, and prevents suspension of care once initiated.

If it can be shown that the hospital basically engaged in patient dumping, then they could be on the hook for some serious liability - civil and criminal.

Still, it is disturbing that the patient notified the nurse he’d been in West Africa, but that didn’t raise red flags to any of the doctors in the hospital that this was a potential case warranting further examination.

It also highlights the problems that medical experts across the world have to deal with since the initial symptoms of Ebola are so similar to those of common ailments and this is a disease few people in the world have had direct exposure to - there are more cases in the current outbreak than in all the other outbreaks in the world until this point. Doctors are trained to not look for zebras when identifying a particular ailment - they’re looking for the common first and by ruling those out, you are left with the proper diagnosis.

Here, that can have potentially disastrous results, which means proper intake by the doctors is critical and communication with other staff is essential. Persons who identify as having been in West Africa or have come into close contact with someone from West Africa may have to be triaged differently going forward when they come in with these kinds of symptoms.

It’s not like this was the first time someone came to a hospital and was identified as being a potential Ebola victim. Dozens of other cases have popped up during the past few months where people were screened for Ebola and kept in isolation until the results came back negative. The CDC has taken at least 90 calls about potential Ebola cases before the Texas case was confirmed as Ebola. That included a patient who was admitted to Mt. Sinai hospital in New York City. Isolation and safety protocols should have been the proper course of action in Texas, but that did not happen.

Everyone is on a very steep learning curve, but that doesn’t mean we should freak out - those cases that may still develop here are still going to be a whole lot better off than those in West Africa, where the situation is dire and where there are a handful of doctors for entire countries coping with the disease.

The best strategy for dealing with the outbreak is containing it to its sources in West Africa, and that means spending a lot more on getting those necessary resources to the region.

But as a backup, hospitals around the country have to prepare themselves for potential cases and know to ask the right questions. And then act responsibly and properly by isolating those individuals until they can rule out Ebola as the infection.

UPDATE at 10/2/14 9:05:40 am by lawhawk

RedState gets in on the action:

And this is more from that feed - note the usual suspects from Erick Erickson to Jim Hoft to Twitchy are in on this too.

UPDATE at 10/2/14 10:05:56 am by lawhawk

So, the Texas patient had been screened to fly, but somehow it was missed that he had helped a person who had Ebola. He had direct physical contact with someone with Ebola, a pregnant woman who was trying to get to a hospital but was refused for lack of space and later died.

That should have raised red flags in Liberia before he ever set foot on a plane.

The people screening in West Africa have to ask the right questions just as surely as those at hospitals doing intake have to do the same.

That means asking all of the following before the person ever boards the plane:

Have you come in contact with someone who was sick in West Africa with any of the following symptoms (provide list as above)?
When did that contact occur (count days)?
Check for actual symptoms (checking temperature is one part)?

If person is not symptomatic, but that person has had direct contact with someone who had any of the symptoms that could be Ebola, the authorities must warn the person not to fly and/or alert facilities at the destination that person may have been infected, but isn’t symptomatic. The authorities must insure that the person gets proper medical attention/clearances at destination or have person in quarantine in origination country until they clear the incubation window.

Jump to bottom

1 missliberties  Oct 2, 2014 8:09:00am

Radically irresponsible right wing hacks. It’s hard for me not to hate them.

2 sizzzzlerz  Oct 2, 2014 8:12:19am

Ah, your logic takes to long to read and understand. We need to bump the fear level in our sheep now. Plus, its always easier and faster to blame Obama when the sheep are already conditioned to accept that.

3 Lumberhead  Oct 2, 2014 9:11:56am

As usual, excellent page.

4 Randall Gross  Oct 2, 2014 9:21:23am

Great page LH, as usual red states blame their problems on the president. Maybe if they spent a bit more time educating medical professionals this would not have bypassed detection so long. If children were put at risk by exposure, it’s Texans who allowed that, not the president.

5 Charles Johnson  Oct 2, 2014 9:46:31am


6 Lidane  Oct 2, 2014 9:48:40am

RE: that RedState tweet —

AFAIK there aren’t any direct flights from anywhere in West Africa to the United States.

Exactly what is POTUS supposed to ban and how is he supposed to do it?

7 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 9:48:47am
Have this in front of you when you watch the President today:

Today at 2:15 p.m. Eastern, President Obama will speak to entrepreneurs at Northwestern University about the future of America’s 21st century economy.

We wanted to share a first look at what he’ll be saying.

Our economy is stronger now than when the President took office during the Great Recession. Businesses are creating more jobs, our manufacturing sector is booming, and our nation is more energy independent than ever before.

But we’re not there yet, and to build an economy that works for every American — not just the privileged few — we must invest in key economic cornerstones that will create security and opportunity for America’s middle class.

Take a look at where we stand on these essential parts of our economic foundation — then have these charts on hand when you tune in to the President’s speech at 2:15 p.m. ET to hear how we can continue this progress and ensure a future of growth and prosperity for every American.

from an email I received that contained graphics. I can’t seem to find the graphics on the WH link.

8 b.d.  Oct 2, 2014 9:50:07am

Hospitals are private corporations, as are airlines but now the Obama is a Marxist crowd is demanding that Obama step in and dictate to them what they can and cannot do?

9 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 9:50:51am
10 Bulworth  Oct 2, 2014 9:52:32am


Airplanes, too. And there should be less regulation, there’s too much government, and oh yes why doesn’t Obama over-ride the operations and decision making processes of every private airline and hospital in the world.


11 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Oct 2, 2014 9:53:21am

Note to the Washington Examiner: the fact that a thing deemed unlikely happened doesn’t mean that it wasn’t unlikely. It may simply mean that an unlikely thing happened.

Unlikely things do happen from time to time. Otherwise they wouldn’t be unlikely, they’d be impossible.

12 Bulworth  Oct 2, 2014 9:53:36am


Shut down flights to and from everywhere and moar Freedom!!!11

Also, too can we please cut government spending too much spending DEBT!!!!111

13 Schadenboner  Oct 2, 2014 9:54:15am

Okay, screw it. I took the time to write complete sentences for once so I’m cross-posting this from the last thread.

As long as this has turned into a books thread, I recommend Richard J. Evans’ Third Reich Trilogy in the strongest possible terms. An amazing body of work that (and I think this is rare) succeeds in both contextualizing the Third Reich and treating it as a proper historical subject.

As much as I hate the term: serious trigger warning on the third book. Evens doesn’t fuck around, and the Shoah portions are horrifying (even by the standards of the field), especially in audio format.

14 b.d.  Oct 2, 2014 9:55:00am

Just name those FEMA Camps “Obama & Foreigner Free Patriot Centers” and the wingnuts will fight to be the first ones in.

15 Bulworth  Oct 2, 2014 9:56:41am


Yes, great series of books.

16 lawhawk  Oct 2, 2014 9:57:22am

re: #6 Lidane

The overwhelming majority of flights are routed through other cities, typically in Europe.

For instance, Logan airport does not have any direct flights.

A quick Kayak search found no direct (nonstop) flights between any of the NYC area airports and Monrovia, Liberia. Everything routes though Europe and or Senegal or other additional stops.

Same thing for ATL and Monrovia. No direct flights.

Same with Dallas.

There are no direct flights between the US and Monrovia.

That’s how the Texas patient got here. He flew here via Brussels from Liberia.

17 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 9:59:12am


18 klys  Oct 2, 2014 9:59:22am

re: #16 lawhawk

Well, the clear answer then is that since we don’t know what flight someone coming from Africa might be on, just ban all international travel and be done with it.


19 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:01:03am

re: #13 Schadenboner

Okay, screw it. I took the time to write complete sentences for once so I’m cross-posting this from the last thread.

As long as this has turned into a books thread, I recommend Richard J. Evans’ Third Reich Trilogy in the strongest possible terms. An amazing body of work that (and I think this is rare) succeeds in both contextualizing the Third Reich and treating it as a proper historical subject.

As much as I hate the term: serious trigger warning on the third book. Evens doesn’t fuck around, and the Shoah portions are horrifying (even by the standards of the field), especially in audio format.

looks interesting

20 Bulworth  Oct 2, 2014 10:01:04am

Speaking of executive authority, I wonder how the House GOP lawsuit against POTUS is going these days.


21 Bulworth  Oct 2, 2014 10:01:43am


What is this wingnut whining about?

22 b.d.  Oct 2, 2014 10:02:30am


23 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:03:07am
24 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:03:42am

re: #20 Bulworth

Speaking of executive authority, I wonder how the House GOP lawsuit against POTUS is going these days.


Kinda hard to sue someone because they have dark skin. They are working on it.

25 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:03:46am

ISTR that Bush would not meet with the family of this soldier Casey Sheehan, and they were made fun of & called “moonbat” (yes even here, we had drank the koolaid back in the day)

26 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:04:46am

re: #21 Bulworth


What is this wingnut whining about?

He is pissed about this meme, which mentioned Reagan:

27 ObserverArt  Oct 2, 2014 10:04:56am

Some of this sounds like Chris Tweety Matthews losing his shit the last few nights.

I posted a comment in the last thread before catching this one popped up (yeah again!). It fits this thread so I’m going to post it again…

—-posted in last thread—-

We have an America where people do stupid and dangerous stuff caused by fake outrages. Now that there is a real threat of something happening I expect stupid and dangerous to grow out of control. A total freak out.

Also, it is a climate for the hucksters to come out. How long before we see commercials for Ebola home protection kits for only $2995.00 guaranteed? Or, special herbal Ebola prevention vitamin supplements. Maybe special Ebola-free diets.

I am more worried about the crazy spreading the disease than the disease spreading the way it does naturally.

28 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:05:33am

re: #21 Bulworth


What is this wingnut whining about?

VB criticized The Reagan which is like saying cookies don’t go good with milk in some quarters.

29 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:06:55am

Well it’s that time of year. Political ads on our television screens. Haven’t seen any really really bad ones for any of the local candidates yet. I did hear that Ed Gillespie has a really bad one out against Warner though. Love seeing Ed formerly of the RNC accuse someone of being too partisan.

30 Schadenboner  Oct 2, 2014 10:06:59am

re: #28 HappyWarrior

VB criticized The Reagan which is like saying cookies don’t go good with milk in some quarters.

Why would you pour milk onto quarters?

31 lawhawk  Oct 2, 2014 10:07:24am

re: #27 ObserverArt

People have died in West Africa from bogus Ebola cures/preventatives. One of these bogus claims involved drinking massive quantities of salt water.

32 NJDhockeyfan  Oct 2, 2014 10:07:30am

CNN interviewed the woman (his girlfriend) who is quarantined in the same apartment the Ebola patient was sick in. Believe it or not she says the CDC didn’t do anything with the sheets, towels and whatever else he got sick on. Since CNN reported the interview the CDC said they are on the way over to pick up the sheets, pillow cases, towels…etc and clean up the place. How did they miss such a simple thing? She is stuck in that apartment without any direction from the CDC on what to do.

33 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:08:12am

re: #30 Schadenboner

Why would you pour milk onto quarters?

Heh, what if I had said some circles.

34 Higgs Boson's Mate  Oct 2, 2014 10:08:20am

Rats ate my flour, the plow horse is spavined and the frizzen broke off of my flintlock.

I blame Obama.

35 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:08:40am

This feels like Avian bird flu and Anthrax all over again.

36 Schadenboner  Oct 2, 2014 10:08:45am

re: #29 HappyWarrior

Well it’s that time of year. Political ads on our television screens. Haven’t seen any really really bad ones for any of the local candidates yet. I did hear that Ed Gillespie has a really bad one out against Warner though. Love seeing Ed formerly of the RNC accuse someone of being too partisan.

Bloom County break:

37 klys  Oct 2, 2014 10:09:15am

Some people really enjoy hyperventilating over the latest possible crisis, don’t they.

I still remain more worried about driving on the freeway.

38 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:09:22am

So the same people who think Obamacare is “big government” want Obama to do more about Ebola. Allrighty then!

39 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:09:43am

I’m a Nightcrawler?

40 b.d.  Oct 2, 2014 10:10:17am

OK then:

41 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:10:20am

re: #38 HappyWarrior

So the same people who think Obamacare is “big government” want Obama to do more about Ebola. Allrighty then!

National Health Scare!!!!! — role of government

Obama Care —not so much

How does that work?

42 Schadenboner  Oct 2, 2014 10:11:24am

re: #40 b.d.

OK then:

[Embedded content]

He’ll have to survive first.

43 Ryan King  Oct 2, 2014 10:11:35am

I haven’t verified this yet but it would not surprise me in the least:

Ferguson Grand Jury Tampering Investigation Begins After Twitter Leak

44 b.d.  Oct 2, 2014 10:11:44am


45 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:11:49am

re: #39 FemNaziBitch

I’m a Nightcrawler?

Captain America!

46 b.d.  Oct 2, 2014 10:12:12am

re: #42 Schadenboner

He’ll have to survive first.

Sir, are you feeling well enough to be shipped back to Liberia for trial?

47 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:12:40am

re: #27 ObserverArt

Some of this sounds like Chris Tweety Matthews losing his shit the last few nights.

I posted a comment in the last thread before catching this one popped up (yeah again!). It fits this thread so I’m going to post it again…

—-posted in last thread—-

We have an America where people do stupid and dangerous stuff caused by fake outrages. Now that there is a real threat of something happening I expect stupid and dangerous to grow out of control. A total freak out.

Also, it is a climate for the hucksters to come out. How long before we see commercials for Ebola home protection kits for only $2995.00 guaranteed? Or, special herbal Ebola prevention vitamin supplements. Maybe special Ebola-free diets.

I am more worried about the crazy spreading the disease than the disease spreading the way it does naturally.

CRAZY SPREADS DISEASE faster than airline travel!

I swear I’m having thread de ja vu.

48 Targetpractice  Oct 2, 2014 10:12:56am

re: #43 Ryan King

I haven’t verified this yet but it would not surprise me in the least:

Ferguson Grand Jury Tampering Investigation Begins After Twitter Leak

Which part haven’t you identified? WaPo was reporting on it yesterday. Seems McCulloch’s kangaroo court wasn’t able to keep its lips shut long enough.

49 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:13:19am

50 Higgs Boson's Mate  Oct 2, 2014 10:13:21am

re: #38 HappyWarrior

So the same people who think Obamacare is “big government” want Obama to do more about Ebola. Allrighty then!

Those same people would be perfectly happy to have Obama round up anyone exposed to the virus here in the U.S. rounded up and held in the non-existent FEMA camps - as long as it wasn’t them or anyone they knew.

51 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:13:48am

re: #50 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Those same people would be perfectly happy to have Obama round up anyone exposed to the virus here in the U.S. rounded up and held in the non-existent FEMA camps - as long as it wasn’t them or anyone they knew.


52 Randall Gross  Oct 2, 2014 10:14:16am


Three hundred and forty undecillion, two hundred and eighty-two decillion, three hundred and sixty-six nonillion, nine hundred and twenty octillion, nine hundred and thirty-eight septillion, four hundred and sixty-three sextillion, four hundred and sixty-three quintillion, three hundred and seventy-four quadrillion, six hundred and seven trillion, four hundred and thirty-one billion, seven hundred and sixty-eight million, two hundred and eleven thousand, four hundred and fifty-six.

How many MAC addresses can their be using 48 bit addresses Alex?

53 Schadenboner  Oct 2, 2014 10:14:45am

re: #35 HappyWarrior

This feels like Avian bird flu and Anthrax all over again.

If you experience right wing derp persisting more than 2 hours, please visit an Emergency Room immediately.

(Where you’ll be fobbed off with some antibiotics and sent home. Still pissed off about hearing that…)

54 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 2, 2014 10:14:58am

re: #45 HappyWarrior

Captain America!

Cappy as well. I think it was the last question that did me in - apple pie ;)

55 lawhawk  Oct 2, 2014 10:15:22am

re: #54 William Barnett-Lewis

There can be only one. /

56 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:16:43am

re: #54 William Barnett-Lewis

Cappy as well. I think it was the last question that did me in - apple pie ;)

That was my choice too.

57 Randall Gross  Oct 2, 2014 10:16:53am

re: #55 lawhawk

There can be only one. /

It depends on the ‘verse I guess…

58 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 2, 2014 10:18:58am

re: #55 lawhawk

There can be only one. /

Two problems:
1) We aren’t from the highlands
2) There’s been more than one Captain from Marvel.
3) Pbtttth!!!!!! as sayeth Bill The Cateth.

59 Bubblehead II  Oct 2, 2014 10:18:59am

re: #39 FemNaziBitch

I’m a Nightcrawler?

60 Targetpractice  Oct 2, 2014 10:19:16am

re: #39 FemNaziBitch

I’m a Nightcrawler?

The truth is…I am Iron Man.

Youtube Video

61 Schadenboner  Oct 2, 2014 10:20:38am
62 Ryan King  Oct 2, 2014 10:21:12am

re: #52 Randall Gross

Yeah, well, that’s just your opinion man.

63 Bubblehead II  Oct 2, 2014 10:21:31am

re: #54 William Barnett-Lewis

Cappy as well. I think it was the last question that did me in - apple pie ;)

Fast Food.

64 Lidane  Oct 2, 2014 10:21:40am
65 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:21:43am

Posting every day until November 4 —please share.

66 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:21:51am

re: #60 Targetpractice

The truth is…I am Iron Man.

[Embedded content]


I’m usually not that big on the superhero movie genre but I liked that one.

67 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 2, 2014 10:22:02am

re: #56 HappyWarrior

That was my choice too.

Funniest part of this quiz is that Captain America is probably the answer I’d have wanted going in, perhaps Wolverine as a second choice.

68 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:22:36am

re: #64 Lidane

[Embedded content]

Yeah that makes perfect sense. Just like the last downright insane thing Savage said about Obama.

69 Randall Gross  Oct 2, 2014 10:22:50am

Personally I’ve stopped answering all of those “Which X are you” online quizzes because it’s really just data brokers collecting psychological profiles of you.

70 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:23:59am
71 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:24:05am

It’s the Energizer Bunny of Derp!

72 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:24:12am

re: #69 Randall Gross

Personally I’ve stopped answering all of those “Which X are you” online quizzes because it’s really just data brokers collecting psychological profiles of you.
Here try this one out. I did make my brother cry and now I don’t get to go on the sleepover and I have to do chores instead.

73 Higgs Boson's Mate  Oct 2, 2014 10:24:15am

re: #64 Lidane

Because being president of nothing would work out so well for Obama. Fuck a bunch of Ebola, America desperately needs a vaccine to prevent batshit stupidity.

74 Lidane  Oct 2, 2014 10:24:27am

re: #68 HappyWarrior

Yeah that makes perfect sense. Just like the last downright insane thing Savage said about Obama.

“If we had a legitimate president with a conscience he would resign,” Savage said in reaction to the Dallas Ebola case. “He would say, ‘You know what, I meant well but I screwed up at every level, I’m resigning.’ But you don’t have such a situation, you have a zealot who has no conscience.”

75 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:25:28am

re: #71 Pie-onist Overlord

It’s the Energizer Bunny of Derp!

[Embedded content]

I think Sasha Baron Cohen’s going overboard with this Fischer character. Oh wait, Fischer is a very real derping idiot.

76 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:25:47am

re: #68 HappyWarrior

Yeah that makes perfect sense. Just like the last downright insane thing Savage said about Obama.

If Michael Weiner had a conscience he’d resign from the airwaves

77 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 2, 2014 10:26:03am

re: #70 FemNaziBitch

Sign if you wish.


78 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:26:13am

re: #74 Lidane

That guy’s insane but then again so is every other right wing talk radio host.

79 jaunte  Oct 2, 2014 10:26:36am

Conservatives and right wingers would attack anyone who suggested we needed to quarantine all flight passengers for three weeks.

80 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:26:54am

re: #76 Pie-onist Overlord

If Michael Weiner had a conscience he’d resign from the airwaves

If Michael Weiner had a conscience, he’d commit himself voluntarily rather than continuing to spread fear and lies.

81 Lidane  Oct 2, 2014 10:27:20am
82 Feline Fearless Leader  Oct 2, 2014 10:27:22am

re: #8 b.d.

Hospitals are private corporations, as are airlines but now the Obama is a Marxist crowd is demanding that Obama step in and dictate to them what they can and cannot do?

Not to mention that he wants to track where you’ve been, where you are going, and who you have been in contact with.


83 klys  Oct 2, 2014 10:27:44am

re: #79 jaunte

Conservatives and right wingers would attack anyone who suggested we needed to quarantine all flight passengers for three weeks.

You don’t need to quarantine all passengers, only the BROWN and BLAH ones.

84 jaunte  Oct 2, 2014 10:28:29am

re: #83 klys

Allen West in Quarantine Gulag!!!!

85 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:28:34am

re: #83 klys

You don’t need to quarantine all passengers, only the BROWN and BLAH ones.

Only the ones with the funny names and the Muslims.

86 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:28:35am

Well for once this wingnut doesn’t have “Jesus” in his Twitter profile, he admires a character from Ayn Rand who plunders humanitarian aid

87 Higgs Boson's Mate  Oct 2, 2014 10:28:54am

re: #79 jaunte

Conservatives and right wingers would attack anyone who suggested we needed to quarantine all flight passengers for three weeks.

OTOH, they’d be all on board with blowing up Africa.

88 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:29:26am
89 Decatur Deb  Oct 2, 2014 10:29:39am

re: #83 klys

You don’t need to quarantine all passengers, only the BROWN and BLAH ones.

Some Freepers are uneasy about repatriating the 3,000 troops we sent to provide medical and engineer support. Pamper-Pissing Patriots.

90 klys  Oct 2, 2014 10:30:57am

re: #89 Decatur Deb

Some Freepers are uneasy about repatriating the 3,000 troops we sent to provide medical and engineer support. Pamper-Pissing Patriots.

They have BLAH cooties.

Seriously, that’s despicable …but par for the course, given the source.

91 jaunte  Oct 2, 2014 10:31:14am

re: #89 Decatur Deb

And not just freepers:

Washington (CNN) — Sen. Rand Paul said Wednesday that experts and government officials are downplaying the Ebola threat, and he speculated whether the U.S. may end up with a “whole ship full” of American soldiers infected with the virus.

92 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:31:25am

awful POTUS in may ways, really good person.

93 dog philosopher  Oct 2, 2014 10:31:56am

I would rather die in a gun fight than a gas chamber

ignorant of history person thinks nazis came around telling jews “ok, everybody line up to be mercilessly slaughtered in the gas chambers”

94 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:31:58am

re: #91 jaunte

And not just freepers:

Lovely and this is their fucking frontrunner. Fuck the Republican Party.

95 Randall Gross  Oct 2, 2014 10:32:05am

re: #72 HappyWarrior
Here try this one out. I did make my brother cry and now I don’t get to go on the sleepover and I have to do chores instead.

So let me get this straight — I tell you I don’t like online Q&A and you want me to go to a place called “CLICK HOLE” operative word being “HOLE”>?.! :p

96 Feline Fearless Leader  Oct 2, 2014 10:32:09am

re: #87 Higgs Boson’s Mate

OTOH, they’d be all on board with blowing up Africa.

What do you expect? They’ve had the plates pushing it farther away for the last 6,000 years.

97 piratedan  Oct 2, 2014 10:32:29am

and this entire episode goes to show that you’re only as good as your policy and procedures are and even then, that can all be scuttled if someone doesn’t feel like playing by the rules. Did the guy lie on his form or did he just have a lapse… did the hospital ask the right questions or did the supervisory staff just screw up on the follow up? Crap happens, people are people and sometimes bad things happen. There’s this expectation that hospitals are exceptional (and in a lot of cases, they are) but expectations sometimes don’t match up with reality. I know a LOT of very earnest, hard-working medical professionals… from admitting clerks to phlebotomists to lab technicians to nurses working the units, but essentially they’re people and sometimes mistakes happen.

It’s funny how honest mistakes can only be applicable when a Republican politician cheats on their spouse, the remainder of us have to be perfect every time, all the time.

98 jaunte  Oct 2, 2014 10:32:47am

I still can’t believe that manipulative twofaced shithead Rand Paul is a Senator.

99 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:32:54am

re: #95 Randall Gross

So let me get this straight — I tell you I don’t like online Q&A and you want me to go to a place called “CLICK HOLE” operative word being “HOLE”>?.! :p

Hahaha I was just teasing but really ClickHole is part of The Onion. It’s their parody of Buzzfeed.

100 Lidane  Oct 2, 2014 10:33:08am

re: #79 jaunte

Conservatives and right wingers would attack anyone who suggested we needed to quarantine all flight passengers for three weeks.

Hilariously, the CDC website offers up this choice bit:

Federal isolation and quarantine are authorized for these communicable diseases:

Infectious tuberculosis
Yellow fever
Viral hemorrhagic fevers
Severe acute respiratory syndromes
Flu that can cause a pandemic

Federal isolation and quarantine are authorized by Executive Order of the President. The President can revise this list by Executive Order.

Remind me again how the same lunatics blaming Obama for Ebola in the US feel about Barack Obama issuing Executive Orders?

101 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:33:10am

Homeland Security Dollars at Waste?

102 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:33:58am

re: #97 piratedan

It’s funny how honest mistakes can only be applicable when a Republican politician cheats on their spouse, the remainder of us have to be perfect every time, all the time.


103 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:34:00am

re: #100 Lidane

Hilariously, the CDC website offers up this choice bit:

Remind me again how the same lunatics blaming Obama for Ebola in the US feel about Barack Obama issuing Executive Orders?

Obummer’s going to make being conservative something he can federally isolate and quarantine you by!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just like Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

104 dog philosopher  Oct 2, 2014 10:34:18am

sharia-compliant NFL

according to my religion, professional gladiator contests are an abomination

105 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:34:47am

re: #100 Lidane

Hilariously, the CDC website offers up this choice bit:

Remind me again how the same lunatics blaming Obama for Ebola in the US feel about Barack Obama issuing Executive Orders?

SO, if an Ebola vaccine came to be, would the Whackos vaccinate their children?

106 Decatur Deb  Oct 2, 2014 10:35:04am

re: #98 jaunte

I still can’t believe that manipulative twofaced shithead Rand Paul is a Senator.

Or a doctor.

107 klys  Oct 2, 2014 10:35:31am

re: #106 Decatur Deb

Or a doctor.

I knew a lot of pre-med students when I tutored chemistry.

I’m not surprised.

108 lawhawk  Oct 2, 2014 10:35:32am

The soldiers in West Africa supporting the Ebola relief mission are more likely to get malaria than Ebola. Or any number of other tropical diseases for which they aren’t vaccinated (or no vaccines exist).

Ebola can only come from those who are already infected and symptomatic. None of the soldiers are likely to eat bush meat or come in contact with infected bats, which are thought to be the disease vector.

But Paul will spread his nonsense and people will lap it up because he’s a doctor (an eye doctor who credentials with the AAPS no less). We’re sending troops for logistics - not direct contact with those who are infected.

109 Kragar  Oct 2, 2014 10:36:07am
110 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:36:15am

re: #93 dog philosopher

I would rather die in a gun fight than a gas chamber

ignorant of history person thinks nazis came around telling jews “ok, everybody line up to be mercilessly slaughtered in the gas chambers”

If you want to poke a sharp stick at a hornet’s nest of Derp, just challenge the guncontrol=Holocaust meme

111 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:36:40am

re: #102 FemNaziBitch


It’s like when conservative and Republican politicians/pundits lecture about personal responsibility. Get caught with their dick in the wrong place and all a sudden it’s “Forgive me, I have erred and I ask that you respect my family’s privacy in this time.” Well motherfucker, I’ll leave your family out of it but you are the one who has made your living going around chastising “sluts”, gays, and “immoral people” so no asshole I will enjoy your hypocrisy being exposed for what it is. Conservative talk about personal responsibility is a joke since they merely mean that phrase for people they look down on. If the religious right wasn’t so nastily anti-gay and holier than thou, I could care less about their leaders being exposed as greedy, adulterous assholes.

112 Randall Gross  Oct 2, 2014 10:37:32am

re: #99 HappyWarrior

Hahaha I was just teasing but really ClickHole is part of The Onion. It’s their parody of Buzzfeed.

I did not know that, but now the universe has become a warmer, happier place for me. Thanks.

113 Kragar  Oct 2, 2014 10:37:34am

re: #69 Randall Gross

Personally I’ve stopped answering all of those “Which X are you” online quizzes because it’s really just data brokers collecting psychological profiles of you.

Youtube Video

114 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:37:36am

re: #109 Kragar

[Embedded content]

What closet? I jest but Dr. Dickhead has never hidden the fact that he’s more of a Jefferson Davis guy than Abraham Lincoln guy.

115 Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 2, 2014 10:37:45am

re: #59 Bubblehead II

Which Marvel Hero Are You?

The Comedian.

Oh, wait - wrong universe.

116 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:38:19am

re: #112 Randall Gross

I did not know that, but now the universe has become a warmer, happier place for me. Thanks.

No problem. I love going there for a laugh because I love how perfectly they spoof Buzzfeed.

117 lawhawk  Oct 2, 2014 10:38:27am

re: #100 Lidane

Viral hemorrhagic fevers? Ebola is a viral hemorrhagic fever as are Marburg, Lassa, dengue, and yellow fever and that’s just for starters.

118 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 2, 2014 10:38:31am

re: #86 Pie-onist Overlord

Well for once this wingnut doesn’t have “Jesus” in his Twitter profile, he admires a character from Ayn Rand who plunders humanitarian aid

[Embedded content]

Fuck him. I’ll remember Janusz Korczak as my model instead.

119 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:40:30am

re: #118 William Barnett-Lewis

Fuck him. I’ll remember Janusz Korczak as my model instead.

Better role model than Hank Reardon or John Galt. Really enjoyed the John Oliver clip about Ayn Rand where Rand is pretty open about that she feels that doing things for the benefit of others is wrong unless you’re getting something out of it.

120 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:40:38am

re: #111 HappyWarrior

It’s like when conservative and Republican politicians/pundits lecture about personal responsibility. Get caught with their dick in the wrong place and all a sudden it’s “Forgive me, I have erred and I ask that you respect my family’s privacy in this time.” Well motherfucker, I’ll leave your family out of it but you are the one who has made your living going around chastising “sluts”, gays, and “immoral people” so no asshole I will enjoy your hypocrisy being exposed for what it is. Conservative talk about personal responsibility is a joke since they merely mean that phrase for people they look down on. If the religious right wasn’t so nastily anti-gay and holier than thou, I could care less about their leaders being exposed as greedy, adulterous assholes.

See, the difference is that they see putting their dick the wrong place as sin and repent.

It’s all about who defines sin.

121 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:40:43am

re: #118 William Barnett-Lewis

Fuck him. I’ll remember Janusz Korczak as my model instead.

122 Lidane  Oct 2, 2014 10:41:11am

re: #117 lawhawk

Viral hemorrhagic fevers? Ebola is a viral hemorrhagic fever as are Marburg, Lassa, dengue, and yellow fever and that’s just for starters.

That would mean we already have a quarantine in place for Ebola, assuming we know that someone with Ebola is on a flight. Wouldn’t it?

123 Kragar  Oct 2, 2014 10:41:34am

re: #115 GeneJockey

The Comedian.

Oh, wait - wrong universe.

I don’t need any silly online test to tell me I would be Deadpool

Youtube Video

124 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:42:06am

It’s important to know the science/biology of how a virus (ebola) works, but it’s a sin to know how babies are made.

How does that work?

125 jaunte  Oct 2, 2014 10:42:14am

re: #121 Pie-onist Overlord

Ragnar’s moral crusade has specific targets and beneficiaries as well.

“I’m after a man whom I want to destroy. “

“What man?”

“Robin Hood. …He was the man who robbed the rich and gave to the poor. Well, I’m the man who robs the poor and gives to the rich - or, to be exact, the man who robs the thieving poor and gives back to the productive rich.” (

Sounds like the perfect Koch minion.

126 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:42:31am

How many “Katrinas” has Obama had, already?
Oh right, 0

127 Skip Intro  Oct 2, 2014 10:43:18am

From the asshole who just can’t STFU.

128 jaunte  Oct 2, 2014 10:43:27am


129 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:43:48am

re: #126 Pie-onist Overlord

How many “Katrinas” has Obama had, already?
Oh right, 0

[Embedded content]

Now here I thought Katrina was just the liberal media trying to make Bush look bad. Fuck them.

130 jaunte  Oct 2, 2014 10:44:10am

re: #127 Skip Intro


131 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:44:10am

re: #126 Pie-onist Overlord

How many “Katrinas” has Obama had, already?
Oh right, 0

[Embedded content]

Not as many as Bill Clinton, I’d bet.

132 b.d.  Oct 2, 2014 10:44:54am

re: #128 jaunte




133 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:45:01am

I forgot when this Ebola thing caused many deaths and thousands to lose their homes.

134 KiTA  Oct 2, 2014 10:45:20am

Oh god, my stomach

The boss took me and 2 others out to the steakhouse our casino runs. $320 worth of steak, lobster, shrimp and chocolate later… I think I may need to be rolled out of the building when I go to the store later today.

135 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:45:27am

re: #131 FemNaziBitch

Not as many as Bill Clinton, I’d bet.


136 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:45:34am

Remember when so and so event was Obama’s Iran-Contra. Rich from the people who claimed when Iran-Contra actually happened that it was just the Democrats out to get the precious Gipper.

137 jaunte  Oct 2, 2014 10:46:02am

In Dallas Schools, Fear of Possible Ebola Exposure

Jimmy Glover, a 16-year-old sophomore at Emmett Conrad, said he had thought about wearing a medical mask to school but could not find one. “The teachers can’t really teach because everyone’s talking about it,” he said.

Alex Luna, 17, said he had considered staying home, but as a senior hoping to get into college, he did not feel he could afford to miss days. “I’m worried about catching it and spreading it to my family,” he said. “It’s not something to play around with.”

138 HappyWarrior  Oct 2, 2014 10:46:06am

re: #135 Pie-onist Overlord


The way they exploit that poor girl’s death to attack Senator Kennedy was nd is disgusting.

139 Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 2, 2014 10:46:35am

re: #132 b.d.




140 b.d.  Oct 2, 2014 10:47:14am

re: #136 HappyWarrior

Remember when so and so event was Obama’s Iran-Contra. Rich from the people who claimed when Iran-Contra actually happened that it was just the Democrats out to get the precious Gipper.

I also remember how swiftboating was a made up dem term and that there was nothing rotten going on at all, it has its own widely accepted word now.

141 lawhawk  Oct 2, 2014 10:47:24am

re: #122 Lidane

That would mean we already have a quarantine in place for Ebola, assuming we know that someone with Ebola is on a flight. Wouldn’t it?

What it means is that the CDC would be able to quarantine a flight if they knew someone on board had the disease and was symptomatic.

They can isolate and quarantine those who have come into contact with the person with active symptoms, which is what they’ve done with the immediate family contacts in Dallas.

Then they do contact tracing to identify who else could possibly have been exposed.

It means that the tools are at the CDC’s disposal to take necessary actions to stop an outbreak under federal law.

As the CDC page notes, they can do this for any number of specified diseases, including an influenza pandemic (which happens to be far more likely than a massive outbreak of Ebola in the US). Missing from that list is MERS (and the CDC has identified 2 cases that have come into the US so far).

142 Jenner7  Oct 2, 2014 10:50:17am

re: #127 Skip Intro

TV has been “whiteish” since forever, hairpiece….


143 Pie-onist Overlord  Oct 2, 2014 10:50:52am

re: #141 lawhawk

What it means is that the CDC would be able to quarantine a flight if they knew someone on board had the disease and was symptomatic.

They can isolate and quarantine those who have come into contact with the person with active symptoms, which is what they’ve done with the immediate family contacts in Dallas.

Then they do contact tracing to identify who else could possibly have been exposed.

It means that the tools are at the CDC’s disposal to take necessary actions to stop an outbreak under federal law.

As the CDC page notes, they can do this for any number of specified diseases, including an influenza pandemic (which happens to be far more likely than a massive outbreak of Ebola in the US). Missing from that list is MERS (and the CDC has identified 2 cases that have come into the US so far).

I once flew from Tel Aviv to ATL feeling like absolute shit, pretty sure I had a temp. Flight attendants fed me tea & Tylenol. It was just regular flu, but I totally could have been quarantined.

Also too: airports & aircraft are the “best” place for picking up some germ or bug.

144 FemNaziBitch  Oct 2, 2014 10:53:03am


145 dholmes32  Oct 2, 2014 10:57:50am

re: #143 Pie-onist Overlord

I once flew from Tel Aviv to ATL feeling like absolute shit, pretty sure I had a temp. Flight attendants fed me tea & Tylenol. It was just regular flu, but I totally could have been quarantined.

Also too: airports & aircraft are the “best” place for picking up some germ or bug.

No kidding. I flew to Houston for Christmas one year, picked up a nasty cold on the flight and ended up tooling around Central Texas for a week running a fever and wishing I was dead. Thankfully my boyfriend was doing all the driving and luckily one of the people we stopped in to see was a MD friend of ours. He was able to fix me up with some codeine cough syrup. At least that relieved me from trying to hack up my lungs.

146 Schadenboner  Oct 2, 2014 10:58:21am

re: #100 Lidane

Hilariously, the CDC website offers up this choice bit:

Remind me again how the same lunatics blaming Obama for Ebola in the US feel about Barack Obama issuing Executive Orders?

I think Ebola probably already qualifies as a viral haemorrhagic.

147 Randall Gross  Oct 2, 2014 11:23:20am

re: #52 Randall Gross


Three hundred and forty undecillion, two hundred and eighty-two decillion, three hundred and sixty-six nonillion, nine hundred and twenty octillion, nine hundred and thirty-eight septillion, four hundred and sixty-three sextillion, four hundred and sixty-three quintillion, three hundred and seventy-four quadrillion, six hundred and seven trillion, four hundred and thirty-one billion, seven hundred and sixty-eight million, two hundred and eleven thousand, four hundred and fifty-six.

How many MAC addresses can their be using 48 bit addresses Alex?

Ok so everyone flunks the test. This is actually how many IPV6 addresses you get with their 128 bit notation. You only get 281,474,976,710,656, or 248th addresses with 48 bit mac notation standards.

148 lawhawk  Oct 2, 2014 12:04:18pm
149 lostlakehiker  Oct 2, 2014 5:09:59pm

re: #138 HappyWarrior

The way they exploit that poor girl’s death to attack Senator Kennedy was nd is disgusting.

Senator Kennedy was drunk. She died when he drunk drove into the water. He went home and slept it off and didn’t even tell the authorities what had happened. For all he knew, she might have survived the accident but have been lost, alone, and hurt.

That, folks, is what is disgusting. That, and the fact that he somehow got a pass on that unconscionable and criminal conduct from both the law and the voters.

And another thing that is shameful—-that anyone would take the position that he didn’t do anything seriously wrong so it’s unfair to “attack” him.

150 Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 2, 2014 5:12:49pm

Where is that flask to capture tears?
It’s around here somewhere…

151 Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 2, 2014 5:50:42pm

Where were my manners? Almost forgot my downding…

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