AR Republicans Defend Colleague Who Gave Adopted Daughters to Pedophile

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In a move surprising absolutely no one, Arkansas Republicans are supporting Justin Harris, the Republican lawmaker who thought his adopted daughters were possessed by demons and who gave them to a pedophile who raped one of the girls.

Secretary of State Mark Martin says Harris “humble and gentle,” his critics “hypocritically self-righteous”

The reader, who asked to remain anonymous, told me she does not know Martin and has never personally interacted with him in the past, but when a mutual Facebook friend posted the Arkansas Times story, she (the reader) became drawn into a back-and-forth with the Secretary of State.

She said she thinks Harris should resign and criticized him for his “self-pity” and refusal to accept blame. But, she also said (like many others who have responded to this story) that she has little faith in DHS and can believe their account may not be the whole truth.

Enter Martin. He replied to the reader’s comment, saying she was “making a judgement based upon misinformation by a vile socialist anti-Christian propaganda blog about one of the most righteous seeming, humble, and gentle men I have ever met in my life.”

The reader agreed that “my personal experience with our state’s media has been pretty bad” and acknowledged that “We all make HUGE mistakes (sins?) … I have and you have and everyone on this board has. The problem here is you have a man who admittedly did something that, for many, is inexcusable….but yet he is still making excuses and trying to justify his behavior.”

She pointed out that the central fact in the case is no longer in dispute: The Harrises did, indeed, send their adopted daughters away to live with another family: “My judgment is based on one fact…he GAVE AWAY CHILDREN LIKE THEY WERE ANIMALS HE PICKED UP AT THE SHELTER.”

Martin was not pleased. “Unless you have adopted a child and experienced what adoptive parents go through, I think there is very little you have a right to say. This judgement against the Harris’ [sic] is the most hypocritically self-righteous bull I have ever heard,” he responded.

“People like you are what makes people refuse to risk fostering or adopting. I believe it is people like you who are the problem. Not people who try and fail like the Harris’ [sic].”

After an increasingly heated exchange, he ended with a sarcastic remark: “You gots me. I am so dumb. You so smart. I sorry.” I recommend you read the whole exchange, below.

Republican David Meeks also joined in on his Facebook page:

I know this might anger some people, but I don’t throw someone I consider a friend under the bus. Yes, I am speaking of Rep Harris. He is someone I have gotten to know and has built up credibility with me. The tabloid that is doing most of the reporting on this has no credibility with me whatsoever. The experience that I have had with this tabloid is that they are out to destroy Conservatives, Christians and are willing to spin, lie, or make up stuff to do it.

Could any of the reporting by this tabloid be true? Of course. Is any of what Rep Harris saying the truth? Most definitely.

What should the focus be? Improving and strengthening our foster care system.

I can’t stress this enough: We have some great workers in our DCFS who do a thankless job of protecting our children and making some very tough decisions. They are to be commended.

I know that a lot of people (including myself) that have had a good experience with our foster care system. We know there are areas we can improve on and I can assure you those are being looked at. In fact, we have legislation that is taking on some of it, and the Governor has asked for a review of our adoption rules.

My worst fear is that this whole thing will discourage people from being foster care or adoptive parents and the children will be the ones to suffer.

Please pray for our DCFS (Department of Children and Families) workers, and our judges.
Please pray for our foster care and adoptive families and for God to lay it on the heart of people to open their homes.
Please pray for our Governor and the Legislators as we make important decisions.

And most importantly, pray for our children.

Meanwhile, the AR Democratic Party is calling for Harris to resign:

“As a parent and grandparent, like many Arkansans, I am shocked to learn of Rep. Justin Harris’s egregious action of placing two girls he adopted through DHS directly into harm’s way by sending them to stay with another family without approval from the adoption agency. This action directly lead to the rape of the six-year-old girl who Rep. Harris is responsible for and even received government funding to care for through the foster care system.

There are also other issues that need to be raised here. First, the children. The idea that someone could use the foster care system to treat their adopted children like basketballs, tossing them from family to family is horrible. Then, you have an elected leader who represents an antigovernment agenda; yet, he makes his living off of government funding. This is hypocrisy at its highest level.

This is a continuation of an alarming pattern that continues with several Arkansas legislators. We believe that if Arkansas families were aware of this; they would be as appalled as well. While his resignation certainly would not change these atrocities, Justin Harris has proven that he is not fit to hold the responsibility of writing our laws, and we hope that Gov. Hutchinson and Speaker Gillam will agree that Harris’s resignation is necessary.

Rep. Greg Leding has filed legislation which would make this practice of rehoming adopted children a felony, and we urge the legislature to pass this legislation in order to protect our most vulnerable citizens - our children in foster care.”

More: Democratic Party Calls for Justin Harris Resignation


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1 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 12:21:58pm

As we’ve often said, these people don’t care about kids once they’re no longer a fetus.


2 Romantic Heretic  Mar 13, 2015 1:14:56pm

It’s rather disheartening to discover that people like that not only exist but are more common than they should be.

3 elizajane  Mar 13, 2015 1:15:30pm

People really do get in over their capacity in adopting older kids. It’s less common with domestic adoptions because there are do many safeguards in place; but I have seen outsiders berate adoptive parents for disrupting an international adoption under conditions that were truly unimaginable. I’ve seen parents who are desperate and whose lives and families are basically ruined. I’ve seen heroism too, mind you, and more often than the other.

Anyway, I’d never say that a parent who decided they couldn’t handle an adopted child was “throwing them around like a basketball” or whatever. Often it is completely the right thing to find a family who can actually deal with that child’s needs. What I do object to here is that the Harrises circumvented the system, somehow thinking that they knew better than a social worker, and ended up placing the child in harm’s way. That’s what they should be blamed for, not for disrupting.

4 Mike R  Mar 13, 2015 1:15:36pm

re: #1 Justanotherhuman
Those people don’t care about kids or a fetus, they only care about how they can use those or anything else as a prop to promote their personal interests.
It is becoming next to impossible to give a even warm bucket of spit about these self professed self righteous assholes.

5 WhatEVs  Mar 13, 2015 1:18:33pm

Props and political interests. That’s all that this is to Republicans, those protectors of the fetus children.

This is disgusting on so many levels it’s infuriating. Fuck this guy. Fuck his wife. And fuck all these other political degenerates who are sticking up for him.

6 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 1:27:03pm

They must all hang together or assuredly they will all hang separately.

7 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 1:33:49pm

I haven’t read the details, but I’ll make this baseless insinuation anyway, because why the heck not: isn’t this something a bunch of pedos would do? Exchange kids and all.

8 Drive By Commenter  Mar 13, 2015 1:33:56pm

It’s going to be everyone else in the entire worlds fault. Not his. Nope. How slimy must you be to support this monster? Oh. Right. I almost missed that. (R)

9 EPR-radar  Mar 13, 2015 1:36:49pm

re: #3 elizajane

People really do get in over their capacity in adopting older kids. It’s less common with domestic adoptions because there are do many safeguards in place; but I have seen outsiders berate adoptive parents for disrupting an international adoption under conditions that were truly unimaginable. I’ve seen parents who are desperate and whose lives and families are basically ruined. I’ve seen heroism too, mind you, and more often than the other.

Anyway, I’d never say that a parent who decided they couldn’t handle an adopted child was “throwing them around like a basketball” or whatever. Often it is completely the right thing to find a family who can actually deal with that child’s needs. What I do object to here is that the Harrises circumvented the system, somehow thinking that they knew better than a social worker, and ended up placing the child in harm’s way. That’s what they should be blamed for, not for disrupting.

It should be noted that it appears the Harrises also applied undue pressure on the foster care system in order to do the adoption in the first place. This was a high risk adoption, and there was official skepticism about the Harrises ability to make it work.

Then when it all went bad, the last thing the Harrises could do (because Rep. Harris is an arrogant jackass) would be to admit error by going back to the foster care system with their tale of woe. It is at this point that the kids were “thrown around like a basketball”.

10 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Mar 13, 2015 1:38:09pm

re: #6 wrenchwench

They must all hang together or assuredly they will all hang separately.

If only….

11 OhNoZombies!  Mar 13, 2015 1:38:46pm

Family Values and Personal Responsibility.
Glad to see they practice what they preach.//

12 makeitstop  Mar 13, 2015 1:38:48pm

I still believe there is way more to this story than has been told.

I’m still trying to understand why this guy wanted those particular children so badly, he threatened to cut funding to DHS if he didn’t get them.

Besides all the obvious things wrong with this story, something else isn’t right. And I’ll speculate that it’s got something to do with Harris’ relationship with the guy who ended up with the kids.

13 Drive By Commenter  Mar 13, 2015 1:39:58pm

re: #12 makeitstop

I still believe there is way more to this story than has been told.

I’m still trying to understand why this guy wanted those particular children so badly, he threatened to cut funding to DHS if he didn’t get them.

Besides all the obvious things wrong with this story, something else isn’t right. And I’ll speculate that it’s got something to do with Harris’ relationship with the guy who ended up with the kids.

You might need a hazmat suit to dig the details up on this one.

14 Tigger2  Mar 13, 2015 1:41:39pm

Of coarse they did people in a cult must stick together or it will fall apart.

15 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 1:42:21pm

News from the future: a state channel reports on the planned meeting between Putin and the president of Kyrgyzstan in past tense, as if it already happened (not will happen) on Monday.

16 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 1:42:23pm

Here are TX licensing requirements for foster care and adoptions:

Licensing Requirements for Foster or Adoption:

Must be at least 21 years of age, financially stable and responsible, and a mature adult

Complete an application (staff will assist you, if you prefer)

Share information regarding their background and lifestyle

Provide relative and non-relative references

Be single, married or divorced. Please show proof of marriage if you are married and/or proof of divorce if you are/were divorced.

Agree to a home study which includes visits with all household members

Allow staff to complete a criminal history background check and an abuse/neglect check on all adults in the household

Attend free training to learn about issues of abused and neglected children

The training provides an opportunity for the family and the family’s agency to assess whether foster care or adoption is best for the family. The family may withdraw from the training meetings at any time. There is no charge for the training meetings. Foster and adoptive parents generally train together.

Obviously the Harrises were able to circumvent more than a few of these requirements. He used his office to do so, and should not only be censured, but should be brought up on charges.

17 OhNoZombies!  Mar 13, 2015 1:43:29pm

re: #11 OhNoZombies!

Family Values and Personal Responsibility.
Glad to see they practice what they preach.//

And I’m talking about those politicians supporting this guy.
As for him…no words.

18 Teukka  Mar 13, 2015 1:43:46pm

re: #15 Nyet

News from the future: a state channel reports on the planned meeting between Putin and the president of Kyrgyzstan in past tense, as if it already happened (not will happen) on Monday.

[Embedded content]


Rolled the wrong tape?

19 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Mar 13, 2015 1:46:27pm

re: #15 Nyet

News from the future: a state channel reports on the planned meeting between Putin and the president of Kyrgyzstan in past tense, as if it already happened (not will happen) on Monday.

[Embedded content]

On the off-chance that Vlad does turn up dead or in a coma over the weekend, that’s a keeper. “Dewey Wins” Russian-style.

20 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 1:47:20pm

re: #18 Teukka


Rolled the wrong tape?

Well, the chyron had the text in future tense, so it’s just a mistake, but funny how it coincided with the internet speculations :)

21 goddamnedfrank  Mar 13, 2015 1:47:29pm

Harris and his wife thought the girls were literally possessed by demons.

Chelsey Goldsborough, who regularly babysat for the Harrises, said Mary was kept isolated from Annie and from the rest of the family. She was often confined for hours to her room, where she was monitored by a video camera. The reason: The Harrises believed the girls were possessed by demons and could communicate telepathically, Goldsborough said. Harris and his wife once hired specialists to perform an “exorcism” on the two sisters while she waited outside the house with the boys, she said.

These assholes are fucking clinically insane.

22 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 1:47:58pm

Gang signs!

23 goddamnedfrank  Mar 13, 2015 1:48:59pm

re: #22 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

Gang signs!

Dio fan.

24 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 1:49:05pm

re: #22 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

Gang signs!

LOL! I mean, Lord Our Lucifer.

25 lawhawk  Mar 13, 2015 1:50:44pm
26 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 1:50:55pm

Kadyrov castigates journalists for mentioning his name in connection with Nemtsov’s murder… while praising the murderer again.

27 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 1:51:43pm

Harris lawyers denies it.

Harrises spanked her, girl, 3, stated

“Before “re-homing” his two adopted daughters to a man who later sexually assaulted one of them, a state legislator and his wife were accused of using parenting techniques, such as isolation and corporal punishment, that are prohibited by state adoption officials, according to court documents.


“Marsha Harris, according to the girl, used some sort of whip several times, while Justin Harris bent her over outside and hit her with a stick, court records said.

“She said that [parents are] not supposed to spank her,” state police investigators wrote. “[The girl] said it made her feel sad when Marsha [Harris] spanked her. It made her bottom hurt … [She said she is] not [living with the Harrises] anymore because [Justin Harris] spanked her and she cried really loud.


“DHS spokesman Amy Webb said corporal punishment is not condoned or permitted by DHS for children in DHS custody. She said all foster parents and foster-to-adoption parents undergo training and instruction on not using physical forms of discipline and are taught alternative disciplinary tactics.” More

28 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 1:52:15pm

re: #22 wrenchwench

No, no, no! It’s a gang sign!

29 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 13, 2015 1:52:59pm

the ‘fidel castro is just fine’ solution

The Russian government released photographs this morning of the strongman meeting with the head of the country’s supreme court.

30 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 1:53:21pm
31 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 1:53:29pm

I first speculated that Kadyrov might have something to do with the murder on the very day of the murder, long before all the “Chechen links” appeared:

32 Jenner7  Mar 13, 2015 1:54:01pm

Wrenchwench, I’ve been watching this bald eagle cam ALL day. lol Thanks for the link.

33 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 1:55:08pm

re: #30 wrenchwench

That’s fucking disgusting. Who knows where that gun has been?

34 Ace-o-aces  Mar 13, 2015 1:55:18pm

re: #25 lawhawk

35 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 1:57:42pm

re: #33 Justanotherhuman

That’s fucking disgusting. Who knows where that gun has been?

Well, shoot. I just wanted eggs and toast….

36 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 1:58:04pm

re: #35 wrenchwench

Well, shoot. I just wanted eggs and toast….


37 sizzzzlerz  Mar 13, 2015 1:58:40pm

It’s a mystery to me just what a GOPig needs to do for him or her to be rejected by other party members. It’s not abandoning adoptive children to a rapist. It isn’t abandoning ones family to go hike the Appalachian trail. Its not notifying your wife you’re divorcing her while she’s in the hospital being treated for cancer. Having 5 or 6 marriages doesn’t affect one’s ability to preach about family values. Although I am unaware of a case, I’d be willing to bet someone could commit murder and still be elected to congress. A true mystery for the ages.

38 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 1:59:54pm
39 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 2:00:39pm

re: #12 makeitstop

I still believe there is way more to this story than has been told.

I’m still trying to understand why this guy wanted those particular children so badly, he threatened to cut funding to DHS if he didn’t get them.

Besides all the obvious things wrong with this story, something else isn’t right. And I’ll speculate that it’s got something to do with Harris’ relationship with the guy who ended up with the kids.

That’s what I thought, but having read about the whole thing, apparently a woman asked them to take the children to keep them together and out of the hands of the state agency. I suspect that the Harrises truly thought a little prayer would take care of all the girls’ problems, and when it didn’t, the obvious answer was demon possession. (rolls eyes) When exorcism didn’t work either, they wanted to sweep the whole thing under the rug and forget about it.
I’m not sure they got into it for evil reasons-they just acted evilly when things didn’t go like they expected.

40 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 2:02:04pm

re: #37 sizzzzlerz

It’s a mystery to me just what a GOPig needs to do for him or her to be rejected by other party members. It’s not abandoning adoptive children to a rapist. It isn’t abandoning ones family to go hike the Appalachian trail. Its not notifying your wife you’re divorcing her while she’s in the hospital being treated for cancer. Having 5 or 6 marriages doesn’t affect one’s ability to preach about family values. Although I am unaware of a case, I’d be willing to bet someone could commit murder and still be elected to congress. A true mystery for the ages.

Unless one of them is a Muslim…

41 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 2:02:07pm

re: #39 calochortus

That’s what I thought, but having read about the whole thing, apparently a woman asked them to take the children to keep them together and out of the hands of the state agency. I suspect that the Harrises truly thought a little prayer would take care of all the girls’ problems, and when it didn’t, the obvious answer was demon possession. (rolls eyes) When exorcism didn’t work either, they wanted to sweep the whole thing under the rug and forget about it.
I’m not sure they got into it for evil reasons-they just acted evilly when things didn’t go like they expected.

Wasn’t just a woman but the girls’ biological mother. They tried to do the whole thing privately except the girls were already in the care of DHS and DHS said no, they had to go through the process.

42 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 2:04:25pm

re: #41 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Wasn’t just a woman but the girls’ biological mother. They tried to do the whole thing privately except the girls were already in the care of DHS and DHS said no, they had to go through the process.

Yes, I knew that, just changed what I was saying in the middle of the sentence. A woman asked them to take her children…

43 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:06:52pm

re: #39 calochortus

Except—the mother said she was introduced to the Harrises by a “friend”. Makes you wonder just who that “friend” was, doesn’t it?

44 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 2:11:07pm

Instead of getting the kids the help they needed, he first tried to exorcize non-existent demons then abandoned the girls to an environment where one was raped. These are the actions of a man with tenuous connections to reality.

Now the GOP wants to protect a man who has shown such incredibly poor decision making skills he can’t determine the best path for kids. In all likelihood he has made these girl’s lives even worse.

45 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:11:34pm

I’ll bet the shooter is never found…

St. Louis County Chief Jon Belmar: Police have several leads in shooting of 2 officers in Ferguson, can’t say an arrest is imminent - @Reuters
end of alert

46 #FergusonFireside  Mar 13, 2015 2:12:16pm

Well, my first guess is that Roorda lied.

47 Teukka  Mar 13, 2015 2:12:33pm

re: #44 b_sharp

Instead of getting the kids the help they needed, he first tried to exorcize non-existent demons then abandoned the girls to an environment where one was raped. These are the actions of a man with tenuous connections to reality.

Now the GOP wants to protect a man who has shown such incredibly poor decision making skills he can’t determine the best path for kids. In all likelihood he has made these girl’s lives even worse.

And that is the best-case scenario, assuming no malice on his part.

48 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 2:13:14pm

re: #43 Justanotherhuman

Maybe, but that is a rather convoluted path. I’ll wait until there is further evidence.
Mistreating the girls, even if they thought they were doing right, and then giving them away to someone they either knew was a pedophile, or didn’t do any sort of due diligence on, is enough for starters.

49 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:13:19pm

re: #46 #FergusonFireside

This lame “investigation” is going nowhere…

50 #FergusonFireside  Mar 13, 2015 2:13:30pm
51 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 2:15:41pm

re: #47 Teukka

And that is the best-case scenario, assuming no malice on his part.

I won’t speculate on his motives, I simply don’t have enough information. I’ll assume however, based on the putative exorcism, that he’s a confused fundamentalist ill prepared for reality outside his faith. He should not be taking in kids, and in my mind, he should not be making laws.

52 BeachDem  Mar 13, 2015 2:15:46pm

re: #9 EPR-radar

It should be noted that it appears the Harrises also applied undue pressure on the foster care system in order to do the adoption in the first place. This was a high risk adoption, and there was official skepticism about the Harrises ability to make it work.

Then when it all went bad, the last thing the Harrises could do (because Rep. Harris is an arrogant jackass) would be to admit error by going back to the foster care system with their tale of woe. It is at this point that the kids were “thrown around like a basketball”.

I think it’s also important to point out, for anyone who might have missed it, that when the rapist who Harris chose to “rehome” the girls with was found out, Harris never mentioned that they were his (Harris’s) kids. No, he just came out all fury and fire about how awful it was—not until that “commie, degenerate” Arkansas Times did some digging did that little tidbit come out.

And, in addition to his grifting taxpayers for millions for his little godly pre-school, he’s been fighting against legislation that would require him to put in sprinklers—how fucked up is that?

53 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 2:16:54pm
“Something isn’t going the way it should. Netanyahu’s speech to Congress last week should have created a turning point for us and strengthened Likud in the polls. It’s clear that we didn’t achieve the desired outcome,” a senior figure in Likud told Haaretz.

But it wasn’t a political stunt, nope.

54 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 2:18:13pm

re: #52 BeachDem

I think it’s also important to point out, for anyone who might have missed it, that when the rapist who Harris chose to “rehome” the girls with was found out, Harris never mentioned that they were his (Harris’s) kids. No, he just came out all fury and fire about how awful it was—not until that “commie, degenerate” Arkansas Times did some digging did that little tidbit come out.

And, in addition to his grifting taxpayers for millions for his little godly pre-school, he’s been fighting against legislation that would require him to put in sprinklers—how fucked up is that?

Scratch the surface and I’ll wager we find a Dominionist.

55 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:18:19pm

re: #52 BeachDem

He probably thinks all those kids should burn in hell, because, you know, kids are evil anyway.

56 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 13, 2015 2:20:38pm

i like to exercise my demons by having a brisk walk in the park followed by an overdose of heroin

57 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 2:21:54pm

re: #56 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

i like to exercise my demons by having a brisk walk in the part followed by an overdose of heroin

Either you meant park or your mind is over partitioned

58 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 2:22:12pm
59 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 13, 2015 2:22:29pm

re: #57 b_sharp

Either you meant park or your mind is over partitioned

i think i cut myself on a defragment

60 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Mar 13, 2015 2:24:07pm

From Zandar at Balloon Juice:

Possible locations of Vladimir Putin:

Undercover as a Starbucks barista in Des Moines
Arctic hunting trip to punch baby seals to death
Camping out at the Apple Store in NYC trying to get that $10k watch
John Cole’s kitchen, making waffles
Fighting time-traveling Nazis with Joe Biden (has anyone seen Joe Biden?)
Taco Tuesday in the GRU cafeteria
Center of the earth dino safari
I don’t know, over there or something
In his dacha playing Assassin’s Creed: Rogue all week
Personally liberating Crimea from Ukraine, by himself, with muscles
Under your bed RIGHT NOW
Ditching Moscow for SXSW
He’s really there, he’s just been wearing Groucho glasses and nobody recognizes him
Your mom would know where Putin is right now, bam!
Lost it when he heard about Leonard Nimoy and won’t get out of bed
Invisible Ghost Putin From Beyond The Grave
Has anyone checked the attic in the Kremlin?
On location filming Sharknado 3

Where do you guys think he is?

61 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 2:25:37pm

re: #58 wrenchwench

I have speculated that those may have been neo-Nazis wanting to start a race war.

Other people speculate this may have something to do with ISIS. And before you laugh:

A pro-Islamic State (ISIS) social media group has called upon ISIS supporters in the US to use the protests in Ferguson, Missouri and elsewhere throughout the United States as a cover to carry out lone-wolf attacks, according to monitoring of social media by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

In particular, Al Nusra Al Maqdisiyya, a prominent group of pro-ISIS activists on social media, wrote on its Twitter account: “O lone mujahid, you must use the breakdown of security in #Ferguson to increase the burning in America. They are squabbling over worldly [matters], so you send them to hell! #ISIS.”

Another jihadist-related tweet read: “O supporters of the Islamic State in America, what is happening in #Ferguson is a valuable opportunity that will not return. Rise up and engage them with themselves, away from the mujahideen. Spill their blood in the roads and in the neighborhoods.”

62 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:26:08pm

re: #55 Justanotherhuman

Yep, just as I thought.

Former Employee Says Harrises Attempted to Pray Demons Out of Kids

I think the Harrises are developing their own little cult right there at their “business” and the State and Fed are paying them to do it.

What a racket.

63 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:26:29pm

re: #58 wrenchwench

Who’s he covering for?

64 #FergusonFireside  Mar 13, 2015 2:26:36pm
65 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Mar 13, 2015 2:27:14pm

re: #58 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

I was skeptical about it being a handgun, but if somebody was trying to shoot into the crowd from up that hill with a handgun, muzzle lift could have made him shoot over their heads into the cops.

66 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 2:27:34pm

re: #59 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

i think i cut myself on a defragment

Hopefully the cut didn’t go any deeper than fat32.

67 goddamnedfrank  Mar 13, 2015 2:28:17pm

It would be irresponsible not to ask.

68 BeachDem  Mar 13, 2015 2:30:11pm

And now, this additional little tidbit:

State Rep. Justin Harris (R-West Fork) used photos of a foster child his family was planning to adopt during his 2012 re-election campaign. The state Department of Human Services expressly prohibits the public use of photos or any other media that would compromise a foster child’s anonymity.

69 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:30:34pm
70 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:31:44pm

re: #68 BeachDem

He’s incredibly corrupt, venal, and totally without ethics.

71 Great White Snark  Mar 13, 2015 2:32:00pm

re: #30 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

I don’t suppose it might have been this guy…

Yes ladies and gentlemen a “hangfire” is a real malfunction that can kill if you don’t stick to the rules and procedures.

72 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:34:28pm

re: #60 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Putin is being held captive by Snowjob until the US grants Snowjob a guarantee of no charges and a safe passage to the US.

73 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 2:37:43pm

re: #68 BeachDem

I wonder why conservative sites don’t seem to be discussing this.

74 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 2:37:54pm

re: #71 Great White Snark

I don’t suppose it might have been this guy…
[Embedded content]

Yes ladies and gentlemen a “hangfire” is a real malfunction that can kill if you don’t stick to the rules and procedures.

Oh, my.

75 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 2:38:40pm

re: #71 Great White Snark

I don’t suppose it might have been this guy…
[Embedded content]


Yes ladies and gentlemen a “hangfire” is a real malfunction that can kill if you don’t stick to the rules and procedures.

He’s lucky it jumped.

76 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 2:38:44pm

re: #60 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Consulting with OJ on how to find the real killers.
Regretting going shirtless because of BEES.
Heard about Rep Harris, realized he wasn’t as evil as possible and is sulking.
Trying to pawn the Superbowl ring he stole to help the economy.

77 Decatur Deb  Mar 13, 2015 2:39:46pm

re: #71 Great White Snark

I don’t suppose it might have been this guy…
[Embedded content]


Yes ladies and gentlemen a “hangfire” is a real malfunction that can kill if you don’t stick to the rules and procedures.

Darwin Honorable Mention.

78 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 2:39:58pm

Time to go get the wife.

Even when I’m sick.

79 BeachDem  Mar 13, 2015 2:41:24pm

re: #70 Justanotherhuman

He’s incredibly corrupt, venal, and totally without ethics.

But other than all that, he seems like such a godly man///////

80 EPR-radar  Mar 13, 2015 2:41:46pm

re: #37 sizzzzlerz

It’s a mystery to me just what a GOPig needs to do for him or her to be rejected by other party members. It’s not abandoning adoptive children to a rapist. It isn’t abandoning ones family to go hike the Appalachian trail. Its not notifying your wife you’re divorcing her while she’s in the hospital being treated for cancer. Having 5 or 6 marriages doesn’t affect one’s ability to preach about family values. Although I am unaware of a case, I’d be willing to bet someone could commit murder and still be elected to congress. A true mystery for the ages.

Actually, it is very simple. Any deviation from party orthodoxy (especially on taxes) is enough to get excommunicated. However, no ordinary crimes, felonies, scandals etc. are a problem.

81 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 2:42:16pm

re: #60 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

He’s now known as Carmen Sandiego.

82 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 2:42:56pm

re: #70 Justanotherhuman

He’s incredibly corrupt, venal, and totally without ethics.

I thought you were talking about Putin for a second there. //

83 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 2:43:01pm

re: #71 Great White Snark

He actually looked down the barrel after the “hangfire”?!?! SMH

84 Decatur Deb  Mar 13, 2015 2:43:07pm

re: #81 Nyet

He’s now known as Carmen Sandiego.

Last seen with Sam Jaffe in Shangri-La.

85 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 2:45:22pm

Julian Who?

Ecuador lashes out at Swedish prosecutors

Sounds as though Ecuador would have liked to be rid of him 999 days ago.

86 thedopefishlives  Mar 13, 2015 2:45:38pm

re: #83 A Cranky One

He actually looked down the barrel after the “hangfire”?!?! SMH

Lesson #1 of owning and operating a gun: A gun is always loaded. Always. To think otherwise is to invite certain calamity.

87 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 13, 2015 2:47:19pm

Dear Friends,
Remember that the Good Book tells us to “Judge not lest ye be judged.” Who among us hasn’t handed over a child to a pedophile? These are fine Christian people and it’s not our place to judge them, that’s for the Man Upstairs.
And, dear friends, don’t forget to vote Republican.

88 BeachDem  Mar 13, 2015 2:47:55pm

Just when I thought Bill Maher couldn’t sink any lower, guess who’s on his panel tonight? Ms. Help me, all of my computers are being hacked by the evil government because I’m such a crack investigator Help me, my backspace key is stuck.

89 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 2:49:58pm

re: #88 BeachDem

Tried to read your comment but is was being deleted as I watched. I haz video evidence!

90 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 2:50:18pm

re: #87 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Suffer little children, thus saith the Lord.

91 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 2:50:45pm

This is their fourth meeting.

Remsburg joined the Army when he was 18 years old. He wanted to join sooner, but his father, Craig, would not let him.

He went through the rigorous, specialized training to become an elite Army Ranger, deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan 10 times. He spent a total of 39 months in combat, and was eventually made leader of his company’s heavy weapons squad.

In June 2009, he participated in ceremony for the 65th anniversary of D-Day, parachuting in on the shores of Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, as part of a ceremony President Obama attended. Afterward, the two met briefly.

What Remsburg didn’t know then was that he would meet the President again just a year later, under very different circumstances.

On October 1, 2009, Remsburg and his platoon hit a roadside bomb in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and the immediate explosion nearly killed him. He was found face down in a pool of water, shrapnel lodged in his brain.

His father still remembers the phone call.

“I immediately went into the mode of saying, ‘Hey Cory, how are you doing?’ ” he said. “And there was silence. And that’s when the officer identified himself as Cory’s company commander and said Cory’s been injured.”

Remsburg was in a coma for more than three months. He’s undergone dozens of surgeries, is still blind in his right eye and is partially paralyzed on his left side.


Remsburg met President Obama for the second time in 2010, shortly after coming out of his coma. The President happened to be visiting Walter Reed Medical Center outside Washington, and realized he knew the young man once he saw the photo of their first meeting hanging on the wall near his bed.

Remsburg is the only known wounded veteran to have met the President both before and after his injury.

Their third meeting was about a year ago, when President Obama made a stop in Phoenix and requested to see how Remsburg was doing. When Obama arrived, Remsburg did something that shocked even his father.

“Cory got up, saluted him, then got up with a walker and walked across the floor,” Craig said.


92 Decatur Deb  Mar 13, 2015 2:51:43pm

re: #91 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

This is their fourth meeting.

Bald dude with the earpiece must be the one who missed the party.

93 EPR-radar  Mar 13, 2015 2:52:55pm

re: #88 BeachDem

Just when I thought Bill Maher couldn’t sink any lower, guess who’s on his panel tonight? Ms. Help me, all of my computers are being hacked by the evil government because I’m such a crack investigator Help me, my backspace key is stuck.

Yesterday, I had a web page get into an infinite loop with an obnoxious pop-up ad trying to scam me with a security scare. Since the browser always tried to reload the offending window, killing browser sub-processes etc. was useless, as was quitting and restarting the browser.

However, unplugging the ethernet cable worked.

94 PhillyPretzel  Mar 13, 2015 2:54:47pm

re: #93 EPR-radar

Sometimes you have to cut the cable. /half

95 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 2:55:37pm

re: #86 thedopefishlives

Lesson #1 of owning and operating a gun: A gun is always loaded. Always. To think otherwise is to invite certain calamity.

My ex-sister-in-law’s SO was out shooting a revolver one day. It jammed so he brought it home and threw it into a cabinet, where it was discovered by his young son. Hammer still cocked.

Good news is that the ex-SIL got it away from the boy before there was a tragedy and then kicked the SO out of the house forever. She tossed the pistol into the small lake on their property. Should have tossed the SO into the lake as well.

96 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 2:57:19pm

re: #95 A Cranky One

Once again I am stunned by the stupidity of some people…

97 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 13, 2015 2:58:58pm

And now for something completely different:
Liam Neeson: I’m Quitting Action Movies in Two Years

I don’t blame Neeson: those last four films will take a lot out of him.

98 thedopefishlives  Mar 13, 2015 2:59:00pm

re: #96 calochortus

Once again I am stunned by the stupidity of some people…

A person is smart. People are stupid.

99 PhillyPretzel  Mar 13, 2015 2:59:23pm

re: #96 calochortus

It is a bit like the driver parking at a fire hydrant being very pissed off at the cop who writes the ticket. It is the driver’s fault since he parked at the hydrant.

100 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 2:59:41pm

re: #93 EPR-radar

Yesterday, I had a web page get into an infinite loop with an obnoxious pop-up ad trying to scam me with a security scare. Since the browser always tried to reload the offending window, killing browser sub-processes etc. was useless, as was quitting and restarting the browser.

However, unplugging the ethernet cable worked.

Happened to me as well. Immediately ran virus scan, malware etc. checks.
Then got a call from “Card Services” saying my credit card was fine but they could save me money…..but it wasn’t “Rachel from card services” so I hung up. ;)

101 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 2:59:51pm

re: #98 thedopefishlives

A person is smart. People are stupid.

In this case, a person sounds pretty stupid too.

102 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 3:00:33pm

I always mix up Neeson, Fiennes and Cooper.

103 Mattand  Mar 13, 2015 3:03:40pm

re: #88 BeachDem

Just when I thought Bill Maher couldn’t sink any lower, guess who’s on his panel tonight? Ms. Help me, all of my computers are being hacked by the evil government because I’m such a crack investigator Help me, my backspace key is stuck.

It’s entirely possible she’s the token wingnut/conservative/poop fondler for tonight’s panel. By his own admission, he has a hard time getting them on the show. Despite his other faults, he will ask them harder questions than what they are used to on MSM or Fox.

The optimist in me (yeah, he’s still there. But barely) wants to believe that Maher will call her out on her bullshit. The realist in me says that he’ll probably cut her some unwarranted slack.

104 Dr Lizardo  Mar 13, 2015 3:03:42pm

re: #102 Nyet

I always mix up Neeson, Fiennes and Cooper.

106 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 3:05:39pm

re: #92 Decatur Deb

But Mark Connolly, who was second in command on the Prez’s protection detail, actually did do that duty. I was wrong about his just being a supervisory position.

He and the other guy had been celebrating at an Irish Pub not far from the WH when they allegedly answered a “suspicious package” call.

In-fucking-credible. They should lose their jobs.

107 PhillyPretzel  Mar 13, 2015 3:06:02pm

re: #102 Nyet

If I recall correctly Neeson was in the first episode of Star Wars. His character was Qui Gon I think. Actually I am not sure

108 Dr Lizardo  Mar 13, 2015 3:06:28pm

re: #107 PhillyPretzel


109 TedStriker  Mar 13, 2015 3:06:40pm

re: #19 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

On the off-chance that Vlad does turn up dead or in a coma over the weekend, that’s a keeper. “Dewey Wins” Russian-style.

Weekend at Vlad’s


110 Dr Lizardo  Mar 13, 2015 3:06:41pm

And with that, goodnight, Lizards.

111 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 3:06:51pm

re: #107 PhillyPretzel

If I recall correctly Neeson was in the first episode of Star Wars. His character was Qui Gon I think. Actually I am not sure

He was. Obi-wan’s Jedi Master. Also pretty damn sexy.

/don’t judge me

112 EPR-radar  Mar 13, 2015 3:07:43pm

re: #107 PhillyPretzel

If I recall correctly Neeson was in the first episode of Star Wars. His character was Qui Gon I think. Actually I am not sure

Episodes 1-3 of Star Wars never happened.

(If I’m going to bother denying reality, it will at least be for a much better cause than promoting US wingnuttery)

113 Decatur Deb  Mar 13, 2015 3:07:46pm

re: #106 Justanotherhuman

But Mark Connolly, who was second in command on the Prez’s protection detail, actually did do that duty. I was wrong about his just being a supervisory position.

He and the other guy had been celebrating at an Irish Pub not far from the WH when they allegedly answered a “suspicious package” call.

In-fucking-credible. They should lose their jobs.

They’ll finish their careers guarding Biden’s snow tires.

114 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 3:07:53pm

re: #111 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Oh he’s pretty damned sexy, but a ham of an actor.

115 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 3:08:24pm

116 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 3:08:39pm

re: #107 PhillyPretzel

If I recall correctly Neeson was in the first episode of Star Wars. His character was Qui Gon I think. Actually I am not sure

Ah, yes. Remember the face but no idea who that was. That film is so fn forgettable.

117 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Mar 13, 2015 3:08:40pm

re: #91 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

This is their fourth meeting.

As a nation, we really don’t deserve this guy.

118 Mattand  Mar 13, 2015 3:09:06pm

re: #106 Justanotherhuman

But Mark Connolly, who was second in command on the Prez’s protection detail, actually did do that duty. I was wrong about his just being a supervisory position.

He and the other guy had been celebrating at an Irish Pub not far from the WH when they allegedly answered a “suspicious package” call.

In-fucking-credible. They should lose their jobs.

At this point, I’m convinced the Secret Service has an inordinate amount of Fox News-watching tea baggers/conservatives who are purposely trying to get Obama and his family killed.

119 Mattand  Mar 13, 2015 3:11:06pm

re: #91 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

This is their fourth meeting.


120 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 3:11:33pm

re: #117 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Now, that guy is a real hero, and I’d bet he owns some humility, too, unlike the others we’ve heard so much about who blew their own horns.

121 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 3:12:05pm

White people, you all look alike!


122 PhillyPretzel  Mar 13, 2015 3:12:28pm

re: #121 Nyet


123 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Mar 13, 2015 3:13:27pm

re: #120 Justanotherhuman

Now, that guy is a real hero, and I’d bet he owns some humility, too, unlike the others we’ve heard so much about who blew their own horns.

Well, I meant Obama, but you’re right about that too.

As I understand it, the president is much more popular among the military’s rank-and-file than the RW thinks.

124 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 3:14:50pm

re: #123 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So, we don’t deserve either one of them. : )

125 Mattand  Mar 13, 2015 3:17:29pm
126 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 3:19:49pm

Police: Edmond North student planning ‘mass casualty event’, bomb parts found at home

“Edmond Police are confirming that they’ve found components to make explosives at a 16-year-old male Edmond North student’s home, preventing a real threat to the school.

“Last week friends received text messages fro[sic] the teen saying he was suicidal and may be a danger to himself.” More

127 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 3:22:08pm
128 Floral Giraffe  Mar 13, 2015 3:22:32pm

Be nice, I’m working on a new pc. Apple, no less, so steep learning curve!

129 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 13, 2015 3:23:18pm

re: #114 Justanotherhuman

Oh he’s pretty damned sexy, but a ham of an actor.

130 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 3:23:44pm

re: #127 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]

Speaking of pie day, we’re having friends over for dinner tomorrow. What kind of pie should I make?

131 PhillyPretzel  Mar 13, 2015 3:24:17pm

re: #128 Floral Giraffe

I understand because I have done that. And also remember that you can take lessons from Apple on how to work your computer.

132 goddamnedfrank  Mar 13, 2015 3:24:23pm

re: #81 Nyet

He’s now known as Carmen Sandiego.

133 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 3:27:40pm

re: #132 goddamnedfrank

Embedded Image

Vladimir Pimpin’.

134 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 3:29:19pm

re: #130 calochortus

Lemon Meringue! But none of that whipped cream crap. Real meringue or forget it! : )

What? You’re not saving us any?

135 goddamnedfrank  Mar 13, 2015 3:30:56pm

Oh Ebay, you so crazy.

For sale here is an original pack of 4 second artillery shell fuses. Pack is still tied like it was the day it left the mfg arsenal. Pack is fragile and will be shipped in a box to protect it during transit. Free shipping inside the USA only.

What could go wrong?

136 Sionainn  Mar 13, 2015 3:31:33pm

re: #132 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

Looks like he rummaged through Nancy Reagan’s closet.

137 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 3:33:38pm

What? I thought they didn’t “hire” drivers. And why do they have to deal with China for cars? And electric ones? Really? Detroit not good enough, or are they afraid they won’t make their next Billion?

Uber strikes a deal with Chinese automaker BYD to test a fleet of electric cars for its drivers, company says - @Reuters

Don’t mind me, I’m just tired of these fucking libertarian bullshit artists who are trying to change the economy for the worst.

138 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 3:33:38pm

re: #134 Justanotherhuman

Lemon Meringue! But none of that whipped cream crap. Real meringue or forget it! : )

What? You’re not saving us any?

Whipped cream on a lemon meringue? Have no fear-that would never have occurred to me any more than putting shaving cream on it.

Anyway, I was giving that some thought, along with pear pie. Maybe I’ll ask my husband.

And you’re welcome to drop by for leftovers.

139 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 3:35:34pm

re: #138 calochortus

Whipped cream on a lemon meringue? Have no fear-that would never have occurred to me any more than putting shaving cream on it.

Anyway, I was giving that some thought, along with pear pie. Maybe I’ll ask my husband.

And you’re welcome to drop by for leftovers.

Oooo, pear crisp could be tasty.

That’s like my favorite part of pie anyway. The filling and a crumb topping…

140 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 13, 2015 3:38:37pm
141 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 13, 2015 3:41:13pm


what your name would be if your cat filled out your birth certificate

142 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 3:41:17pm
143 Floral Giraffe  Mar 13, 2015 3:41:44pm

re: #131 PhillyPretzel

I took the lesson, doesn’t mean I remember much though :)

144 TedStriker  Mar 13, 2015 3:45:21pm

re: #114 Justanotherhuman

Oh he’s pretty damned sexy, but a ham of an actor.

Oh, Neeson definitely hammed it up as Martin Brogan in High Spirits

145 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 3:45:32pm

re: #138 calochortus

You knew I was joshing, right? : )

146 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 3:47:36pm

re: #145 Justanotherhuman


147 CuriousLurker  Mar 13, 2015 3:48:11pm

Regarding the “Where in the World Is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin?” thing, this made me LOL. I know, clickbait—but still:

148 Skip Intro  Mar 13, 2015 3:49:23pm

re: #37 sizzzzlerz

It’s a mystery to me just what a GOPig needs to do for him or her to be rejected by other party members. It’s not abandoning adoptive children to a rapist. It isn’t abandoning ones family to go hike the Appalachian trail. Its not notifying your wife you’re divorcing her while she’s in the hospital being treated for cancer. Having 5 or 6 marriages doesn’t affect one’s ability to preach about family values. Although I am unaware of a case, I’d be willing to bet someone could commit murder and still be elected to congress. A true mystery for the ages.

Acknowledging that climate is occurring and is a big problem will do it.

149 Varek Raith  Mar 13, 2015 3:50:45pm

re: #115 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]



150 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 3:51:37pm

re: #149 Varek Raith


I think he knows and plays into it. :) And it’s fantastic.

151 calochortus  Mar 13, 2015 3:54:14pm

Must do something constructive. BBL

152 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 3:59:14pm

re: #144 TedStriker

Wait, that’s Pushkin!

153 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:01:40pm

So, Citizens United thinks Clinton Foundation donors accompanied HC on State Dept trips? Really?

Judge Orders State Dept. to Release Records From Clinton Trips

“A federal judge on Friday ruled on behalf of Citizens United, a conservative advocacy group, in its lawsuit against the State Department for documents related to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s tenure there.

“Judge Gladys Kessler of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ordered the State Department to produce passenger manifests from 47 overseas trips that Mrs. Clinton made as secretary of state. Citizens United requested the manifests last July through a Freedom of Information Act Request.

“The State Department, the judge wrote, must release the first batch of records by April 3, with more being released every two weeks; all the documents must be given to the group no later than Aug. 1.”

IOW, the judge ordered a fishing expedition for Citizens United.

154 lawhawk  Mar 13, 2015 4:02:34pm

Should it surprise anyone that SAE is trying to whitewash its Confederate roots in light of the growing scandal about its OU chapter? Well, they’re trying.

Trying and failing, but they’re trying to obscure their origins, their links to the Old South, to slavery, and to the hate.

155 The Mother Of All Pies  Mar 13, 2015 4:03:24pm
156 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:05:44pm

re: #155 The Mother Of All Pies

[Embedded content]

Looks good for her age, too. : )

157 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 4:06:39pm

re: #155 The Mother Of All Pies

[Embedded content]

V’s Jack was only 12 when he died. I’m taking her to a pet store tomorrow so she can pet and cuddle some puppies and kittens.

158 wrenchwench  Mar 13, 2015 4:07:17pm

re: #102 Nyet

I always mix up Neeson, Fiennes and Cooper.

159 bratwurst  Mar 13, 2015 4:08:12pm
160 Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 13, 2015 4:08:18pm

re: #158 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

Remember when Depardieu was a hearthrob?

161 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 4:08:36pm

re: #158 wrenchwench

Get in mah belleh!

162 Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 13, 2015 4:10:52pm

re: #159 bratwurst

[Embedded content]

That would be a fucking riot, if Netanyahu loses after all the kerfuffle.

163 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 13, 2015 4:11:15pm
164 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 4:12:15pm

re: #160 Blind Frog Belly White

Remember when Depardieu was a hearthrob?

So much beefcake?

165 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:12:34pm

re: #160 Blind Frog Belly White

No. And I’m old.

166 Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 13, 2015 4:14:44pm

re: #163 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

(insert Nelson Muntz ‘Haha!’ meme here)

167 Skip Intro  Mar 13, 2015 4:15:28pm

Looks like Bibi’s little stunt has backfired on him. If only the same thing would happen to the Republicans who invited him to attack the administration.

Israeli Opposition Party Takes Solid Lead In Last Polls Before Election

168 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 13, 2015 4:15:54pm

re: #153 Justanotherhuman

Judge Gladys Kessler of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ordered the State Department to produce passenger manifests from 47 overseas trips that Mrs. Clinton made as secretary of state. Citizens United requested the manifests last July through a Freedom of Information Act Request.

Clinton traveled to foreign countries while Secretary of State? Next thing you know they”ll find proof that she talked with Muslims!

169 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 4:15:57pm

re: #160 Blind Frog Belly White

Remember when Depardieu was a hearthrob?

For those that don’t, google for “Robert De Niro Gerard Depardieu handjob scene”. Or don’t.


170 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:16:32pm

re: #167 Skip Intro

I couldn’t be happier the stunt backfired. But American Republicans aren’t as smart as Israelis, I’m afraid.

171 BeachDem  Mar 13, 2015 4:17:03pm

re: #103 Mattand

It’s entirely possible she’s the token wingnut/conservative/poop fondler for tonight’s panel. By his own admission, he has a hard time getting them on the show. Despite his other faults, he will ask them harder questions than what they are used to on MSM or Fox.

The optimist in me (yeah, he’s still there. But barely) wants to believe that Maher will call her out on her bullshit. The realist in me says that he’ll probably cut her some unwarranted slack.

Based on how he’s handled the wingnuts for the past year or so, I have little confidence that he’ll call her out. Plus, she really doesn’t bring anything to the party except idiocy and hatred of the government (and he already had Greenwald on a few weeks ago.) Just hate her having any kind of forum beyond Fox to spread her bullshit.

172 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 13, 2015 4:17:23pm

re: #170 Justanotherhuman

I couldn’t be happier the stunt backfired. But American Republicans aren’t as smart as Israelis, I’m afraid.

If you’re smart then you’re not a Republican.

173 Skip Intro  Mar 13, 2015 4:17:41pm

re: #170 Justanotherhuman

I couldn’t be happier the stunt backfired. But American Republicans aren’t as smart as Israelis, I’m afraid.

American Republicans are no smarter than the dumbest Fox News host.

174 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:18:40pm

re: #173 Skip Intro

American Republicans are no smarter than the dumbest Fox News host.

True, that. : )

175 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:20:23pm

re: #172 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Oh, I meant Rs will keep electing the same old, same old they’ve done since Reagan. Except it’s worse now, of course. Look at the latest 2012 crop!

176 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 13, 2015 4:27:11pm

re: #175 Justanotherhuman

Oh, I meant Rs will keep electing the same old, same old they’ve done since Reagan. Except it’s worse now, of course. Look at the latest 2012 crop!

Consider the effort required to run a campaign that highlights pressing issues and offers workable solutions as opposed to the effort required to run one based on bigotry and catch phrases. Then consider just how well informed the media leaves most voters.

We’re fucked.

177 Mattand  Mar 13, 2015 4:27:41pm

re: #173 Skip Intro

American Republicans are no smarter than the dumbest Fox News host.

That’s brutal when you realize that the dumbest Fox News hosts are the Fox and Friends crews. Stupid so concentrated it should come with an EPA warning.

178 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 13, 2015 4:29:09pm

re: #177 Mattand

That’s brutal when you realize that the dumbest Fox News hosts are the Fox and Friends crews. Stupid so concentrated it should come with an EPA warning.

No, Fox and Friends are the smart ones


179 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 4:29:12pm

No idea what happened to Putin, but so far there’s no reason to assume the best.

180 Amory Blaine  Mar 13, 2015 4:29:19pm

Maybe these sickos WANTED children that had issues, so they could unleash their evil on them.

181 Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 13, 2015 4:31:29pm

re: #179 Nyet

No idea what happened to Putin, but so far there’s no evidence to assume the best.

If he’s alive, and if he has a sense of humor, he should appear, sitting in a chair, in sunglasses, immobile. Someone crouching behind him should lift up his arm and wave it.

THEN he should stand up, doff the glasses and say, “I’m still here.”

182 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 13, 2015 4:31:31pm

re: #180 Amory Blaine

Maybe these sickos WANTED children that had issues, so they could unleash their evil on them.

Less sinister, but perhaps more probable is that the dumbasses figured that they could pray away the children’s behaviors.

183 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:32:13pm

Who would have thought, even 20 yrs ago, we’d get senators like Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, et al? And the entire body would let them get away with their terrible shenanigans?

It just boggles my mind. If this is how the 21st century will continue in this country, I feel that all hope is lost.

184 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:33:34pm

re: #182 Higgs Boson’s Mate

That’s not faith, it’s sociopathic behavior.

185 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 13, 2015 4:36:06pm

re: #184 Justanotherhuman

That’s not faith, it’s sociopathic behavior.

Far from the first time that religion has legitimatized sociopathy.

186 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:36:08pm

What’s wrong with these drivers that they can’t detect a train coming?

187 Timothy Watson  Mar 13, 2015 4:37:10pm

re: #183 Justanotherhuman

Who would have thought, even 20 yrs ago, we’d get senators like Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, et al? And the entire body would let them get away with their terrible shenanigans?

It just boggles my mind. If this is how the 21st century will continue in this country, I feel that all hope is lost.

Say what you will about Goldwater (and I could say a lot), but he would be laughing his ass at Cruz and Cotton.

188 Timothy Watson  Mar 13, 2015 4:38:08pm

re: #186 Justanotherhuman

What’s wrong with these drivers that they can’t detect a train coming?

[Embedded content]

It’s the “I can get over the crossing before it gets here mentality” a lot of the time.

189 Higgs Boson's Mate  Mar 13, 2015 4:38:57pm

re: #187 Timothy Watson

Say what you will about Goldwater (and I could say a lot), but he would be laughing his ass at Cruz and Cotton.

If Goldwater was miraculously still around he’d have less stature than Bob Dole in today’s Republican Fight Club.

190 WhatEVs  Mar 13, 2015 4:44:13pm

re: #183 Justanotherhuman

Who would have thought, even 20 yrs ago, we’d get senators like Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, et al? And the entire body would let them get away with their terrible shenanigans?

It just boggles my mind. If this is how the 21st century will continue in this country, I feel that all hope is lost.

I don’t think we should give Boehner a pass for his Bibi shenanigans just because he’s not a Senator. He’s been around for far too long…he’s no freshman. It’s not only the Senate that’s off the rails.

191 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 4:45:30pm

For you GoT fans:

192 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 4:48:26pm

It’s Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday.

Unless you live in the wrong time zone, in which case it is Saturday.

193 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:48:29pm

re: #190 WhatEVs

True, but I was just giving an example of the Senate. I kind of expect the House to have a few nuts from Podunk.

194 bratwurst  Mar 13, 2015 4:51:03pm
195 Skip Intro  Mar 13, 2015 4:52:20pm

re: #194 bratwurst

GOP Senators don’t give a shit.

196 thedopefishlives  Mar 13, 2015 4:52:39pm

re: #192 klys (maker of Silmarils)

It’s Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday.

Unless you live in the wrong time zone, in which case it is Saturday.

It’s Friday and I just put 5 qt of fresh oil and two new variable valve solenoids in my car. It’s a good day.

197 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 4:53:31pm

Keep me far away from the crazies in TX, please.


Even after “Robinson violated three different policies and was fired from the department” the GJ declined to prosecute recommend charges be filed.

198 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 4:53:48pm

re: #196 thedopefishlives

It’s Friday and I just put 5 qt of fresh oil and two new variable valve solenoids in my car. It’s a good day.

I am commenting and cleaning up code as I prep for release. Fingers crossed that I am going to make the end of the month, but there are still one or two major things that probably need to be done (mostly relating to preferences files and help).

199 b_sharp  Mar 13, 2015 4:58:27pm

re: #192 klys (maker of Silmarils)

It’s Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday.

Unless you live in the wrong time zone, in which case it is Saturday.

I be sittin’ here cuddling a cold mug of Guinness

200 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 13, 2015 5:00:21pm

re: #191 A Cranky One

For you GoT fans:

[Embedded content]


regret that i have but one upding & etc

201 thedopefishlives  Mar 13, 2015 5:01:08pm

re: #198 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I am commenting and cleaning up code as I prep for release. Fingers crossed that I am going to make the end of the month, but there are still one or two major things that probably need to be done (mostly relating to preferences files and help).

I don’t even know if we’re going to HAVE a release. The client decided that our Web package was missing a whole bunch of functionality we never promised them, and they don’t want to go to production until we “fix” it.

202 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 5:01:26pm
203 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 5:01:42pm

re: #201 thedopefishlives

I don’t even know if we’re going to HAVE a release. The client decided that our Web package was missing a whole bunch of functionality we never promised them, and they don’t want to go to production until we “fix” it.

This is the advantage to doing my own thing, with no coworkers, managers, clients, etc.

…on the flip side, I get no paycheck for it.

204 Nyet  Mar 13, 2015 5:03:00pm
205 Floral Giraffe  Mar 13, 2015 5:06:32pm

re: #192 klys (maker of Silmarils)

And tomorrow is pi day!

206 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 13, 2015 5:06:54pm

i want to go on the record supporting daenarys for queen of the seven kingdoms

as a peasant i have zero votes and i’ll cast them all for her hey whatcha doing with that sword hey stop it

207 EPR-radar  Mar 13, 2015 5:06:57pm

re: #195 Skip Intro

GOP Senators don’t give a shit.

Pissing off the rest of the world is almost as good for the GOP as pissing off US liberals.

If they get a chance to start another war, they can satisfy both policy goals at once.

208 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 5:07:14pm

re: #203 klys (maker of Silmarils)

This is the advantage to doing my own thing, with no coworkers, managers, clients, etc.

…on the flip side, I get no paycheck for it.

Are the rumors about your boss true? ;)

209 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 5:08:18pm

re: #208 A Cranky One

Are the rumors about your boss true? ;)

Oh man, she’s such a pain, always being perfectionist about making it work just the way she wants it to, and it’s like “BUT WHAT ABOUT THESE OTHER USE CASES?” and she’s like “but nobody else is really that likely to use it so who cares?”

Except not really, but I did spend a stupid amount of work on a tiny quality-of-use issue today.

210 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 13, 2015 5:11:27pm

re: #205 Floral Giraffe

And tomorrow is pi day!

dont be irrational!

211 Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 13, 2015 5:13:31pm

re: #188 Timothy Watson

It’s the “I can get over the crossing before it gets here mentality” a lot of the time.

I think the other thing that plays into it is not truly grasping just how difficult it is to even slow down a train, and how much distance it will cover before it stops.

212 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 5:14:01pm

re: #211 Blind Frog Belly White

I think the other thing that plays into it is not truly grasping just how difficult it is to even slow down a train, and how much distance it will cover before it stops.

A lot of people don’t adequately grasp this concept in cars.

See the number of people who tailgate.

213 Justanotherhuman  Mar 13, 2015 5:14:33pm

Later, Lizards!

Keep calm…

214 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 5:19:57pm

re: #209 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Oh man, she’s such a pain, always being perfectionist about making it work just the way she wants it to, and it’s like “BUT WHAT ABOUT THESE OTHER USE CASES?” and she’s like “but nobody else is really that likely to use it so who cares?”

Except not really, but I did spend a stupid amount of work on a tiny quality-of-use issue today.

I’d heard rumors that your boss tends to harp about things. /ducks/

But I know where you’re coming from. Used to write a lot of tools, and often found myself yelling at the idiot (me) demanding requirements creep (as in more and more). It’s always hard to decide when a project is done or good enough.

I suspect the founding lizard has the same problem. ;)

215 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 5:20:38pm

re: #214 A Cranky One

I’d heard rumors that your boss tends to harp about things. /ducks/

But I know where you’re coming from. Used to write a lot of tools, and often found myself yelling at the idiot (me) demanding requirements creep (as in more and more). It’s always hard to decide when a project is done or good enough.

I suspect the founding lizard has the same problem. ;)

I haven’t practiced today, or worked on the arrangements that I am trying to do for Amazing Grace or The Water Is Wide. Sigh.

216 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 5:21:28pm

re: #210 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

Darn it, everytime somebody mentions pi day, I think about the VB’s pi pie.
Now I’m hungry.

217 Blind Frog Belly White  Mar 13, 2015 5:25:07pm

re: #212 klys (maker of Silmarils)

A lot of people don’t adequately grasp this concept in cars.

See the number of people who tailgate.

I want a bumpersticker for the FRONT of my car, with the following written backwards:

If You Can Read This, I’m Too Close.

218 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 5:27:38pm

re: #215 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I haven’t practiced today, or worked on the arrangements that I am trying to do for Amazing Grace or The Water Is Wide. Sigh.

<guilt_trip>We’ve been waiting to hear the recording you made. But have you provided it yet? No…you’ve just been stringing us along! </guilt_trip>

219 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 5:27:52pm

re: #217 Blind Frog Belly White

I want a bumpersticker for the FRONT of my car, with the following written backwards:

If You Can Read This, I’m Too Close.

I was driving my dad to work once, for some reason I have since forgotten, and I got someone behind me who was REALLY IRRITATED that I was not going faster, even though I was doing the speed limit. And I was bitching about the tailgater, since he was tailgating, and my dad was all like “look, it’s not really anything, it’s ok.”

Up until the point where the guy was also making a left at the light that we finally got to, and he proceeded to turn left from behind me on a green arrow (so it’s not like I was waiting for traffic to clear).

220 thedopefishlives  Mar 13, 2015 5:28:53pm

re: #219 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I was driving my dad to work once, for some reason I have since forgotten, and I got someone behind me who was REALLY IRRITATED that I was not going faster, even though I was doing the speed limit. And I was bitching about the tailgater, since he was tailgating, and my dad was all like “look, it’s not really anything, it’s ok.”

Up until the point where the guy was also making a left at the light that we finally got to, and he proceeded to turn left from behind me on a green arrow (so it’s not like I was waiting for traffic to clear).

Had that happen. Also have had several people pass me from a left turn lane (as in, I was in the straight lane, they got in the left turn lane and went straight through to get around me).

221 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 5:28:58pm

re: #218 A Cranky One

<guilt_trip>We’ve been waiting to hear the recording you made. But have you provided it yet? No…you’ve just been stringing us along! </guilt_trip>

There is actually a completed version, but I have it in mp3 format. I need to figure out how to turn it into a pretty Youtube I can embed.

Also the one that I am recording on Monday may be more interesting (it’s certainly more dynamic) so you get to wait some more. =P

222 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 13, 2015 5:29:30pm

re: #214 A Cranky One

I’d heard rumors that your boss tends to harp about things. /ducks/

But I know where you’re coming from. Used to write a lot of tools, and often found myself yelling at the idiot (me) demanding requirements creep (as in more and more). It’s always hard to decide when a project is done or good enough.

I suspect the founding lizard has the same problem. ;)

223 Romantic Heretic  Mar 13, 2015 5:35:59pm

re: #64 #FergusonFireside

[Embedded content]

Um, that was a question?

224 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 13, 2015 5:39:36pm

re: #214 A Cranky One

I’d heard rumors that your boss tends to harp about things. /ducks/

But I know where you’re coming from. Used to write a lot of tools, and often found myself yelling at the idiot (me) demanding requirements creep (as in more and more). It’s always hard to decide when a project is done or good enough.

I suspect the founding lizard has the same problem. ;)

Last night, talking over what I had done during the day with the husband, he decided to focus on how much leeway I allow in the importer before declaring things the same item, because what if people are sharing imports for a pattern or whatever and using non-standard names and then they end up with extraneous items and eventually it was like I AM NOT ANTICIPATING THIS MUCH SUCCESS THAT THIS IS A PROBLEM.

And maintaining a central database takes money and bandwidth and this is going to be a free app.

225 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 5:39:59pm

Mrs Cranky is away visiting her son and grandson. Listening to music, this just started. Something relaxing for a Friday night.

226 A Cranky One  Mar 13, 2015 5:50:50pm

re: #224 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Last night, talking over what I had done during the day with the husband, he decided to focus on how much leeway I allow in the importer before declaring things the same item, because what if people are sharing imports for a pattern or whatever and using non-standard names and then they end up with extraneous items and eventually it was like I AM NOT ANTICIPATING THIS MUCH SUCCESS THAT THIS IS A PROBLEM.

And maintaining a central database takes money and bandwidth and this is going to be a free app.

Ah, so he’s an enabler. ;)

Hook folks with the free app then charge them for the upgrade. You know, first one is free….it’s the American way. Grin.

Many of the tools I wrote became quite popular. Turns out, popular tools are expected to be maintained, upgraded and supported. Had people calling me about tools I had written a decade before, wanting information about improvements. Sigh. My suggestion: keep it simple and only improve as your own experience using it dictates. Coding can be addictive. ;)

227 Romantic Heretic  Mar 13, 2015 6:01:55pm

re: #222 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

Embedded Image

Incidents like that is why I gave up on computer programming. I realized one day that if I kept at it I would be a front page headline one day.

228 nkdee  Mar 14, 2015 3:04:16am

re: #73 calochortus

Because they need time to figure out how to blame it on Obama.

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