A history of irrational reactions
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I stole this title from a bumper sticker I saw a while back that said something like OMG GOP WTF. ☺

I was looking through an old file recently and came across a pamphlet I saved to show my kids, called Y2K Citizen’s Action Guide. Here it is:


Utne Reader has the table of contents online, but none of the links work:
I found some quotes though:

Those of you over a certain age will remember there was quite a lot of panic in certain quarters over the Y2K bug. I had to talk quite a few people (generally smart, educated people) down from the ledge. People thought it was possible that cars would stop driving, planes would fall out of the air, the entire banking system would crash, etc. My physical therapist asked me, as a person in a technical field, how much she should worry. I said that most chips have no concern for what the date is, and they certainly don’t stop because they see a date they don’t expect. If your car paid the slightest attention to the date (doubtful) the most that would happen is your engine check light would go on because it thought it had been too long since maintenance was performed. Yeah, computer glitches would probably happen, but computer glitches happen all the time and nothing grinds to a halt. People run around and fix it, or come up with a work-around, and everyone carries on.

So I found this pamphlet, and did indeed show it to my kids, and we all had a good laugh. But I am kind of sad about it too. I thought, when I saved it, that after people realized how much they over-reacted they would think more carefully about things next time and listen to people who understand the issues, and just generally show more sense. But that didn’t really happen. At least some of the people who scared my physical therapist now worry about what really happened on 9/11 (literally some of the same people - I know some of them). Even though the latter is a conspiracy theory and the former was just an overreaction to a real problem, the thought processes seem very similar. Something triggers a concern, and then the susceptible person goes out looking for answers. They talk to each other online. They work themselves and each other up. Epistemic closure. Groupthink. Community reinforcement. And then you get Jade Helm craziness.

Youtube Video

And this mechanism isn’t limited to any particular level of intelligence, any part of the political spectrum, or any level of, or type of, education. Engineers are entirely capable of convincing themselves that global warming isn’t happening. Well-educated upper middle class white people are completely convinced that vaccinations are bad for their kids.

So, back to the pamphlet. I read some of it and looked up some of the authors and people quoted to see how they reacted to realizing how over the top they were and what they are up to today. Some of them pretty much vanished from the face of the earth (or from Google anyway). Some of them went on to other related activities. Some of them went on to completely different activities. None of them that I found are talking about the reaction to Y2K and what that means about them or people in general.

In the “vanished” column we have Paloma O. I am not going to write out her last name, because she has plainly put a lot of effort into not being searchable. The only mention of her name I found in the last ten years was a comment on an obituary. She did write a rather eloquent letter after the non-event, here:

She ran a website, helped write the pamphlet, and was extremely active in the “Y2K activist community.” In the pamphlet, she talks about stock piling food and how to barter.

A “similar field” example is Steve Davis, who runs All Hands Consulting Global Emergency Management. I think he might be retired, since nothing has updated for a while, but he seems to have done this for quite a while after Y2K.

Comments at the time include saying that Y2K was the greatest challenge to ever face government in modern times, and that “Without solid processes for a coordinated response … loss of life and widespread suffering are likely to occur.”

An example of someone in a sort-of-related field is Charles Halpern, who has a wikipedia page:

He teaches mindfulness in law at Berkeley and is an author. At the time he talked about offshore rigs not being able to pump oil and credit card systems failing.

And an example of a person who went into something completely different is Gail Coopee, who is now a life coach. At the time she headed up the Snohomish County Public Utility District strategic planning, including Y2K, and is an example of the fact that sometimes the more you learn about an issue the more off the rails you go. Quote at the time:

“I’m seeing the very real possibility of the end of the lifestyle as we know it… our lives — I’ll just go ahead and cry. Our lives, I feel, are never going to be the same.”

How do you not get sucked into this kind of collective delusion? I don’t know. I guess pay attention to people who tell you you’re being irrational. If a worry is looming too large in your life, try to get some perspective. We got through the great depression, world wars, and McCarthyism without the country breaking apart - how likely is it that executive pay or the government storing your email is going to lead to the apocalypse? For me, remembering times I was wrong and reliving the embarrassment helps me be a bit less sure of my conclusions and more open to listening to dissenting views. Remember that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and that things that seems too good, or too bad, to be true probably aren’t true. It is a tough problem.

If only …

I went to an excellent talk by Chip Berlet on conspiracy theories and how to tell whether there is anything to them or not. Because sometimes there is a conspiracy - I think he mentioned the Ku Klux Klan and the Tuskegee syphilis experiment, for example. I haven’t found anything directly on this subject on his website, but this is along the same lines:

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1 EmmaAnne  May 19, 2015 6:26:56pm

Thank you for fixing my headline, Charles. It just didn’t have the same effect not being in all caps!

2 Amory Blaine  May 19, 2015 9:01:53pm

Wonderful page. How cool that you saved the pamphlet to share with your kids.

3 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 3:53:42am

I remember all the hype about Y2K. Jan. 1 came and went, and absolutely nothing catastrophic happened. In fact, it was a day much like any other.

Y2K was the IT world’s version of a Christian End of Times prediction, and just as wrong.

4 Thanos  May 20, 2015 3:59:19am

I remember creating most of the Y2K DR and BC plans for the call centers at the company I’ve worked at the past 25 years. While I was personally skeptical about the enormity of the event the rest of the people in the company were not, and since we had government contracts there were drills that we had to perform regardless. It was a large non event, among hundreds of call centers across the globe we found that we had to manually work some clocks and patches, reset a few antique Rockwell Collins switches, but mostly it was a big yawn at the control center and conference bridge we ran.

In some quarters it was considered a full IT/IS employment program, since many CIO’s used Y2K to push full tech refresh agendas during the years prior.

5 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 3:59:27am

Unfortunately, we went from Y2K to 9/11 which only reinforced that kind of dystopian thinking.

When I think about a future dystopia, it has nothing to do with external forces or imagined arbitrary dating. It has to do with what’s happening with political and economic forces that, along with an increase in world wide population, will force more and more people to their knees, the deadly wealth gap which will bring an upswing in fear and insecurity by those who are peddling this form of politics and protecting those who consistently steal lives by this deadly economic and political philosophy.

6 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 4:01:51am

We flew back to Germany from Phoenix on December 31, 1999 . Frankfurt airport was empty as a tomb, nobody wanted to be in a plane that was suddenly falling out of the sky at midnight.

Even the “outrage” at Jade Helm is being spun by people like Ted Cruz as Obama’s fault: his “dictatorial methods” have “destroyed people’s trust in the military”.

This is a convenient way of letting the loonies run rampant some more.

But at some point, we could well face a major natural and/or man-made catastrophe that requires bringing out troops in large numbers to restore civic order and basic services. And I can well imagine what the reaction off all these Jade-truther types is going to be.

But we will not realize the extent of the damage we have done to ourselves until the bodies start piling up.

7 dharmamark  May 20, 2015 4:12:30am

I was just starting in IT in 1999 and remember all of the remediation we undertook, including the “drills”. It was obvious that it was an IT make work program. I’m not complaining, it kept me employed. It was funny to be at a NYE party with folks who were visibly concerned about the issue and watching the Aussies celebrate the date change and trying to convince them that meant everything would be ok. Time Zones, how do they work?

8 Shiplord Kirel  May 20, 2015 4:13:43am

I still have the 486 DX-2 computer I was using on Y2K. It never got any of the patches, fixes, or other doomsday prevention software that was so popular at the time. It works perfectly to this day.

9 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 4:15:26am

re: #6 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Unless the earth is hit by a giant asteroid, I’m going with hoisting ourselves on our own petard of both fear and disrespect for the planet itself.

10 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 4:23:00am

The Y2K hysteria was a textbook example of how mention of a minor glitch can snowball into an urban legend of worldwide catastrophe. Each new conclusion about the consequences of the Y2K “bug” seemed to feed on the previous ones. From computers merely ceasing to work to electrical grids shutting down and planes falling from the sky, each self-appointed expert seemed obsessed with topping the previous scenario made by another self-appointed expert with an even worse scenario.

Probably some of them made some money in the process, maybe enough to disappear from the grid and remain anonymous forever.

It’s something those Christian EOT people never do. They predict the End. It doesn’t happen. No worries. They predict another.

11 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 4:25:55am


Back in the ‘80’s I created some totally unsustainable FORTRAN code that worked with a 2-digit date field. We were running VAX 780’s and our database consisted of ISF (Indexed Sequential Files). Our code was full of devious little tricks like bit-flipping. I documented every bit-flip like crazy hoping it might be some help to the poor shmuck who would be there in 1999 (I left that place in 1988 and went to GM)

12 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 4:27:13am

At another place I worked in 1996, we had a PDP-11 that also used a 2-digit date field. The plans for Y2K were to haul it out to the parking lot and run it over with the biggest truck we could find.

13 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 4:29:57am

re: #12 Lord Of The Pies

At another place I worked in 1996, we had a PDP-11 that also used a 2-digit date field. The plans for Y2K were to haul it out to the parking lot and run it over with the biggest truck we could find.

You had a PDP-11 in ‘96 that was still running?

14 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 4:33:12am

re: #13 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

You had a PDP-11 in ‘96 that was still running?

Not only that, it was a critical production component that was used by the dispatchers.

It was such an antique that the console was a roll of paper. And when it had to be rebooted the date had to be input MANUALLY. That meant we had to call up 555-1212 (that’s the old “At the tone, the time will be…”) and wait for the tone.

Good times.

15 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 4:37:26am

I was totally out of production support by 1999, which meant that I could take the Y2K weekend off. I went to New York where people were worried the water would stop running and they couldn’t flush the toilets. I explained to my kids that the NYC water system had survived 1.9K so it would probably survive Y2K.

Although I don’t know what would have happened if everybody in all the boroughs of New York flushed their toilets at exactly 23:59:59.

16 William Lewis  May 20, 2015 4:49:04am

re: #13 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

You had a PDP-11 in ‘96 that was still running?

There are still quite a few running factories world wide, though some are now emulation rather than hardware. Saw a job offer last year for PDP-11 assembly programming at a nuclear power plant… O_o

17 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 4:52:25am

re: #16 William Lewis

There are still quite a few running factories world wide, though some are now emulation rather than hardware. Saw a job offer last year for PDP-11 assembly programming at a nuclear power plant… O_o

I occasionally get calls from recruiters for some migration project involving VAX/VMS and PDP. I guess those skills are hard to find.

18 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 5:03:56am

Once Y2K was over, saved by exceptional American tech skillz, corporations could not outsource their IT departments fast enough.

19 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 5:07:10am

Does anyone know a good program to sync folders between two computers over a network?

20 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 5:18:02am

re: #16 William Lewis

There are still quite a few running factories world wide, though some are now emulation rather than hardware. Saw a job offer last year for PDP-11 assembly programming at a nuclear power plant… O_o

This does not instill me with confidence.

Though it reminds me of that scene from Terminator 2 down in the 1960s era presidential bunker. Skynet would probably skip right over a PDP-11, too.

21 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 5:21:10am

re: #15 Lord Of The Pies

I was totally out of production support by 1999, which meant that I could take the Y2K weekend off. I went to New York where people were worried the water would stop running and they couldn’t flush the toilets. I explained to my kids that the NYC water system had survived 1.9K so it would probably survive Y2K.

Although I don’t know what would have happened if everybody in all the boroughs of New York flushed their toilets at exactly 23:59:59.

When I was in high school, some of us boys had the wacky idea to synchronize our watches, fan out and flush all the toilets and urinals at the same time, just to see what would happen. I wish I could report something amazing happened, because we never did it. We were worried we’d bust a pipe or something and flood the school.

Yeah, basically we chickened out.

22 William Lewis  May 20, 2015 5:29:57am

Gah, this discussion has me wanting a PDP 11/94 to play with 16 bit BSD Unix again… 16 users on 4 mb core.

23 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing  May 20, 2015 5:31:14am

Morning Lizards! Just doing a deep dive into old episodes of The Actors Studio. Check out this with Sir Anthony Hopkins:

24 CleverToad  May 20, 2015 5:36:08am

The pamphlet looks fascinating!

I spent most of my work hours from 1996 to 2000 in the testing department for a large multi-national financial firm. They started planning for the problem in 1995 and spent five years converting an old mainframe system to an Oracle database array. Hell of a lot of work, with good results from same — better database, better systems and no problems on Jan 1, 2000.

I never expected a total apocalypse from Y2K but there would have been a whole lot more frustrating glitches if there hadn’t been so much work invested in the lead-up. Panic wasn’t warranted, preparation was.

I will note, said multi-national company DID wait till 2005 to send my job to India…

25 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 5:36:36am

Morning! Hope everyone is bright eyed and bushy tailed!

26 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 5:38:25am
27 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 5:47:55am

re: #26 Backwoods_Sleuth

Official reports say the collapse was caused by a landslide from heavy rains. But it could also have resulted from a weak foundation and poor construction methods — “tofu construction.” The rain could have undermined the foundation.

My apartment building and the others around it were built on rock, not friable soil, so I’m crossing my fingers I’m safe living in it.

28 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 5:49:12am

Video spotlights Freddie Gray at Baker and Mount streets


The video shows Gray halfway out of the van, his stomach flat on the floor, and his legs hanging off the back. He does not move as four officers stand over him and place shackles around his ankles.

In her first interview about the incident, Gross, 58, said she was shocked at the turn of events that led to Gray’s death from a spinal injury. “I thought his leg was just broke and that he was just going to the police station and we would hear him that afternoon,” she said recently, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Most of the video of Gray was taken of the arrest at Mount and Presbury Streets. Less is known about what happened a block away, when the van stopped at Baker Street and he was shackled. More

I’m wondering if he was already dead when this Baker St stop was made and the cover-up began?

29 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 6:00:39am

This is upsetting in the light of civilians killed and abused by police lately. The threat of LE hangs heavily over some people every single day and they can’t escape it.

30 Amory Blaine  May 20, 2015 6:04:17am

12/31/99 I went to a New Years Eve party and I brought a giant tray of ~ 50 homemade turtles. I went to check on the tray a couple hours later and everything was gone from the tray including the wax paper on it. I was like WTF who stole my turtles!?! Turns out my buddy’s dog ate it all. That stinker. :(

31 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 6:05:41am
32 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 6:06:48am


33 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 6:13:49am

more barf from the pandering Kentucky Tea Party asshat presumptive GOP nominee for governor:

Voter turnout yesterday was 12.6%.
The excitement was underwhelming…

34 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 6:29:31am

This just happened in Tennessee:
Haslam signs 48-hour abortion waiting period law

Gov. Bill Haslam has signed into law a controversial bill requiring that women seeking abortions wait 48 hours between consultation with a doctor and the procedure.

The bill was passed by wide margins in the Tennessee House and Senate, the Times Free Press reports, after voters in November approved a constitutional amendment giving lawmakers the ability to pass it. The ballot measure was necessary because of a 2000 court ruling that found such laws unconstitutional.

35 Amory Blaine  May 20, 2015 6:30:26am

GOP Sen.: I May Trust Ayatollah Over Obama On Details Of Iran Deal

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, suggested at a recent town hall event in Cerdarburg, Wisc., that Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei may be more trustworthy than President Obama when it comes to the nuclear deal.

“Now, a President who was awarded the 2013 Politifact Lie of the Year, if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it, period. If you like your doctor you can keep it, period. They lied boldfaced to the American public repeatedly with Obamacare,” Johnson said, according to a clip surfaced by Buzzfeed News on Tuesday.

“I don’t know, I hate to admit it, but in terms of this framework, do I trust President Obama, or do I trust the Ayatollah? In terms of what the framework actually says? I’m not so sure I’m trusting President Obama on this,” Johnson continued.

36 Bubblehead II  May 20, 2015 6:30:51am

Morning Lizards. Shit like this is what’s going to ruin BASE jumping here in Twin Falls.

James E. Hickey of Claremont, Calif., intended to jump from the bridge while another person set his parachute on fire. Hickey planned to disconnect the parachute after a few moments and open a second chute, which would have carried him to the ground.

Instead, a fireball erupted and Hickey fell to his death.

Read more here:

Because of this incident and another non-fatal accident, we’ve already had a large group cancel an event planned for October.

37 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 6:33:33am

Some people have entirely too much money to indulge in their deviance.

Texas hunter shoots endangered Namibian rhino for $350,000[no phone numbers allowed]07971.html#IKQRtd2

Basically, this asswipe tortured this rhino to death.
“His first shots injured the animal before he fired the fatal bullets.”

And I’m not buying his “conservation” bullshit, either.

38 ObserverArt  May 20, 2015 6:34:54am


I see where everyone is saying they had no issues with Y2K, I did!

I had one computer in our music studio that wouldn’t start up. I got to poking around on the ‘net trying to figure what it could be. Then I remembered it had a SCSI card in it to run some backup storage equipment. I pulled the card from the unit and it came right up.

I was pissed though. Back in those days SCSI cards were expensive…and now I had a piece of junk.

Regarding Jade Helm…what if the RWNJs are being used to create a panic about Obama/Feds getting ready to take over Texas and parts of the southwest US, but it turns out it is so the GOP can take the presidency so that they have all 3 bodies of our government and then they can take over America and impose GOPria Law on all of us.

Now, that really scares me…don’t know about you. ///

39 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 6:36:43am

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) blocked a move from Republican colleague Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) on Tuesday to bring up the House-passed USA Freedom Act, which would reform the National Security Agency’s surveillance practices.

Lee took to the Senate floor to try and set aside fast-track trade legislation currently being debated and move to the NSA reform bill.

“We’ve had a week since the House passed this bill and it’s time we took it up in earnest and gave it the full attention and consideration of the Senate that it deserves,” Lee said. “Then we can return to [trade promotion authority] and finish it without facing expiration of a key national security tool without anything to put in its place.”

snip to my favorite part:

The Arkansas Republican, objecting to Lee’s request to bring up the NSA reform bill, said the Senate will have time after the trade debate to take up the issue.

“There will be a time for the debate because it is the most important thing we could be debating in the United States Senate,” he said.

“For the time being we are on the trade promotion authority bill,” Cotton added. “Maybe not the decision that the junior senator from Utah would have made, maybe not the decision that I would have made, but that is where we are.”

…says the snippy clueless junior senator from Arkansas.

40 Great White Snark  May 20, 2015 6:39:13am

Well that oil spill at Refugio sure looks a lot worse this morning. Locals and volunteers are gathering up wildlife for cleanup. About 4 miles of beach affected so far. Boats out working the slick, whom I suspect are owned by the bigger oil companies. Hard to imagine the Texas pipe company having any, it’s the oil platform operators that have them.

For those who have not been there Refugio and the area is not just beaches there is a huge tidepool/salt marsh area that is going to be far harder to clean up.

41 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 6:40:02am

re: #37 Justanotherhuman

I don’t know what that crap is after the Yahoo link, which does work.


42 Eventual Carrion  May 20, 2015 6:42:32am

re: #35 Amory Blaine

GOP Sen.: I May Trust Ayatollah Over Obama On Details Of Iran Deal

Seems fair, I didn’t believe a fucking thing Bush the Lesser said either.

43 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 6:44:02am

re: #41 Justanotherhuman

I don’t know what that crap is after the Yahoo link, which does work.


Looks like some regex thing which is supposed to find potential phone numbers and block them from being displayed.

44 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 6:46:03am

re: #43 Timothy Watson

Yeah, the whole link contains numbers in the following format: xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxx.

Looks like something in the commenting system is catching the sequence and thinks it’s a phone number due to the formatting (3 numbers, hyphen, 3 numbers, hyphen, following by at least 4 numbers), and blocks it from being displayed.

45 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 6:48:48am

re: #33 Backwoods_Sleuth

This guy sounds nice.

46 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 6:49:01am

re: #34 Backwoods_Sleuth

This just happened in Tennessee:
Haslam signs 48-hour abortion waiting period law

One of my students here asked me a couple of days ago whether women could get abortions in America. I said it was made legal decades ago, but it still depends on where you live and how much trouble you want to go through to get it.

47 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 6:49:34am

re: #35 Amory Blaine

“Now, a President who was awarded the 2013 Politifact Lie of the Year, if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it, period. If you like your doctor you can keep it, period. They lied boldfaced to the American public repeatedly with Obamacare,” Johnson said, according to a clip surfaced by Buzzfeed News on Tuesday.


Some people. Still not getting it.

48 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 6:50:24am

re: #34 Backwoods_Sleuth

More of that conservative ‘less government’ I see.

49 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 6:50:31am

re: #44 Timothy Watson

Yeah, the whole link contains numbers in the following format: xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxxx.

Looks like something in the commenting system is catching the sequence and thinks it’s a phone number due to the formatting (3 numbers, hyphen, 3 numbers, hyphen, following by at least 4 numbers), and blocks it from being displayed.

So, what does that mean? Mining code of some kind by Yahoo?

50 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 6:51:26am

re: #33 Backwoods_Sleuth

Bevin saying he will dismantle and destroy Kynect… #kygov
— Joe Sonka (@joesonka) May 20, 2015

Because healthcare is violating some wingtard’s Freedom somewhere, somehow. Plus Judeo-Christian law ethics.

51 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 6:51:29am

re: #36 Bubblehead II

Morning Lizards. Shit like this is what’s going to ruin BASE jumping here in Twin Falls.

James E. Hickey of Claremont, Calif., intended to jump from the bridge while another person set his parachute on fire. Hickey planned to disconnect the parachute after a few moments and open a second chute, which would have carried him to the ground.

Instead, a fireball erupted and Hickey fell to his death.

Read more here:

Because of this incident and another non-fatal accident, we’ve already had a large group cancel an event planned for October.

BASE jumps will soon be made illegal, or suitable BASE jump sites will make the fees to jump so exorbitant that only multimillionaire BASE jumpers could afford them.

52 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 6:51:37am

re: #49 Justanotherhuman

So, what does that mean? Mining code of some kind by Yahoo?

No, I think it’s on LGF’s side. I only lurked a little back in the day, but maybe Charles had problems with trolls or nuts posting people’s phone numbers.

53 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 6:52:54am

re: #45 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

This guy sounds nice.

It’s why I didn’t bother to vote yesterday. The choices were between Tea Party, Libertarian and assorted lunatics screaming “Second Amendment!”
The GOP is Kentucky is an unbelievably hot mess of crazy.

54 darthstar  May 20, 2015 6:57:01am

re: #40 Great White Snark

Well that oil spill at Refugio sure looks a lot worse this morning. Locals and volunteers are gathering up wildlife for cleanup. About 4 miles of beach affected so far. Boats out working the slick, whom I suspect are owned by the bigger oil companies. Hard to imagine the Texas pipe company having any, it’s the oil platform operators that have them.

For those who have not been there Refugio and the area is not just beaches there is a huge tidepool/salt marsh area that is going to be far harder to clean up.

What pisses me off is that the spill came from “an abandoned pipeline”…abandoned? Sorry…you can’t just lay miles of pipeline and then one day just say, “I don’t need that anymore.” and leave it. You have to pick that shit up.

55 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 6:58:04am

re: #54 darthstar

What pisses me off is that the spill came from “an abandoned pipeline”…abandoned? Sorry…you can’t just lay miles of pipeline and then one day just say, “I don’t need that anymore.” and leave it. You have to pick that shit up.

And you just get to leave that amount of oil in there?

56 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 6:58:04am

re: #53 Backwoods_Sleuth

It’s why I didn’t bother to vote yesterday. The choices were between Tea Party, Libertarian and assorted lunatics screaming “Second Amendment!”
The GOP is Kentucky is an unbelievably hot mess of crazy.

My hope is the GOP candidate for governor will seem so batshit crazy that KY voters will vote the Democrat in, but I’m afraid my hope will be in vain. After all, Rand Paul, y’know?

The Democrats are going to have to make the consequences of dismantling Kynect, Common Core, etc., crystal clear to the voters, and GOTV in those districts that typically lean Democrat.

57 darthstar  May 20, 2015 6:59:37am

re: #55 Timothy Watson

And you just get to leave that amount of oil in there?

It’s like a 25 mile long pipe bomb.

58 darthstar  May 20, 2015 6:59:46am
59 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:03:16am

Well, it’s a delay, at least.

Judge temporarily halts fracking permits in North Carolina

“Wake County Superior Court Judge Donald W. Stephens’ decision earlier this month delays the proceedings in a case by environmental groups that argues the state’s Mining and Energy Commission was formed in violation of the state constitution.” More

The Commission was formed in 2012 from the bones of the former Mining Commission by the Republican-led NC General Assembly.

60 wrenchwench  May 20, 2015 7:05:49am

For Y2K, we were managing an old bldg. with 5 apartments. One of the tenants became a Y2K Block Captain. (This is a guy we had to change his kitchen light bulb for because he didn’t know how to remove the shade.) Mr, w knocked on his door, and when the tenant opened it without asking ‘Who’s there?’ or otherwise determining who knocked, Mr. w said, ‘You lose.’ When we asked him on 9/11whether he had any supplies left from Y2K, he asked ‘What’s that?’

Congrats on the promotion, EmmaAnne!

61 Bubblehead II  May 20, 2015 7:07:27am

re: #51 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

BASE jumps will soon be made illegal, or suitable BASE jump sites will make the fees to jump so exorbitant that only multimillionaire BASE jumpers could afford them.

We already have people bitching about the cost the SAR teams incur every time there is an accident and want to either eliminate BASE jumping or assess a fee to off set the cost of a rescue or recovery. Yet these same people are mum when it comes to the rescue/recovery of a snowmobile rider or cross country skier who’s ass has to be pulled out of the back country after an accident or just plain getting lost because they don’t know the terrain.

62 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 7:10:26am


63 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:11:04am

re: #61 Bubblehead II

OTOH, what could possibly go wrong with lighting a parachute on fire?

What did those idiots expect would happen?

64 Mattand  May 20, 2015 7:14:29am

Great original post, especially in light of Seymour Hersh’s recent dip in the conspiracy theory pool.

Jon Gruber, author the Apple-centric blog Daring Fireball, has promoting Hersh’s cause over the last week. Gruber is a smart guy, a talented writer, and appears to lean left in his political outlook. Yet, he seems to find Hersh’s tale of shadowy figures who claim Obama faked the Bin Laden attack as a conspiratorial coverup compelling.

And let’s call this for what it is: a conspiracy theory. The President, his administration, and the Pakistani government have supposedly created a piece of theater surrounding Bin Laden’s demise with and lied about it to the world. What the fuck else are we supposed to call it?

Gruber recently linked to an article from the Columbia Journal Review, in which that author chides Hersh’s critics for calling him a conspiracy theorist. Their line of thought seems to be since he was right about Mai Ly and other stories, he has to be right about this.

Which is shockingly naïve and, quite frankly, childish for a outfit that supposedly is dedicated to journalism. Hersh’s past successes do not give him a blanket pass on everything he writes in the future. The Slate article debunking Hersh’s claims is particularly thorough and brutal.

I think what bugs me about all of this is seeing smart people, some of whom whose work I admire, going down the tinfoil-covered conspiracy rabbit hole. Chalk it up to human nature, I guess. Our minds want to fill in the blanks and comfort us when we something see we can’t process.

Are there actually conspiracies in the world? Of course. As someone mentioned earlier, the horrible Tuskgeege experiments leap to mind. However, the ratio of real to fantasy seems to be along the lines of 1 to 100,000, and that’s probably being generous.

Also, let’s be honest: if there were any veracity to Hersh’s story, Fox News {an organization who has dedicated the last 6-plus years to destroying Obama) would be featuring Hersh and his story 24/7 on their network.

To me, that’s the biggest clue of all that Hersh is out to lunch on this.

65 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:15:38am

But will anyone go to jail?

4 banks admit traders used chat rooms, coded language to manipulate global exchange rates from 2007 to 2013 - @NBCNews
end of alert

Live video: The DOJ announces settlement with major international banks over market rigging - @NBCNews

66 Eventual Carrion  May 20, 2015 7:19:17am

re: #50 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Because healthcare is violating some wingtard’s Freedom somewhere, somehow. Plus Judeo-Christian law ethics.

Just as Jesus commanded, “Fuck the sick and the poor, so it is written”.

67 Bubblehead II  May 20, 2015 7:19:20am

re: #63 Justanotherhuman

OTOH, what could possibly go wrong with lighting a parachute on fire?

What did those idiots expect would happen?

Apparently this is some sort of sky diving stunt that he has done before and he decided to try it during a BASE jump. Not exactly the brightest move he could have made and one that’s given the critics of BASE jumping even more ammo to ban it.

68 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:19:30am

And? No Club Fed for anyone?

More: JP Morgan Chase, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland and Citigroup will plead guilty to conspiring to manipulate price of US dollars and euros; UBS to plead guilty on Libor charges - @WSJ
end of alert

69 darthstar  May 20, 2015 7:19:52am

re: #65 Justanotherhuman

But will anyone go to jail?

4 banks admit traders used chat rooms, coded language to manipulate global exchange rates from 2007 to 2013 - @NBCNews
end of alert

Live video: The DOJ announces settlement with major international banks over market rigging - @NBCNews

Nah…just a hefty fine (less than what they made, so consider it an operational expense…overhead).

70 darthstar  May 20, 2015 7:22:03am
71 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:22:35am

More: The 100-plus declassified Osama bin Laden documents include books, articles he read and religious documents - @ODNIgov

72 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 7:22:55am

White on White Crime: Stop Being Thugs

73 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 7:26:42am


74 darthstar  May 20, 2015 7:27:52am

Christie gets key endorsement from NJ’s biggest paper.

75 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:27:52am

re: #72 Lord Of The Pies

I saw a news report online this am which showed an old biker gang member (all cleaned up) who allegedly got out of the “life” who said the biker gangs aren’t about drugs at all; then in almost the same breath admitted he had been busted for meth and decided “for his family” he was getting out of the “life”.

He tried to say it was all about “territory”, not drugs. But if you have something for sale, wouldn’t “territory” be a consideration for anyone?

76 freetoken  May 20, 2015 7:28:38am

re: #24 CleverToad

I spent most of my work hours from 1996 to 2000 in the testing department for a large multi-national financial firm. They started planning for the problem in 1995 and spent five years converting an old mainframe system to an Oracle database array. Hell of a lot of work, with good results from same — better database, better systems and no problems on Jan 1, 2000.

Yup. Billions of dollars were spent to mitigate against problems, and thus there were only minimal Y2K issues by the time 2000 rolled over.

Point being, of course, is that some problems are best avoided, and with planning and work can often be avoided.

Contrast that to the fantasy world of JADE HELM!!! where there never was a real problem at all, just a market for stoopid.

77 urbanmeemaw  May 20, 2015 7:28:44am

re: #53 Backwoods_Sleuth

Do you think Bevin has a shot of winning the general? Given that it’s Kentucky, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he did.

78 darthstar  May 20, 2015 7:30:16am

Rally time for Jeb!

79 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 7:30:35am

re: #77 urbanmeemaw

Do you think Blevin has a shot of winning the general? Given that it’s Kentucky, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he did.

Bevin is a lunatic and so is his running mate; neither of them have ever held public office.
I think Jack Conway will be our next governor.
At least I hope so.

80 darthstar  May 20, 2015 7:30:53am

re: #78 darthstar

Rally time for Jeb!

[Embedded content]

Marco Rubio: 33.7 percent.
Ted Cruz: 30.3 percent
Jeb Bush:(Tie) 8.9 percent
Scott Walker: (Tie) 8.9 percent
Rand Paul: 4.5 percent
Ben Carson 3.4 percent
Mike Huckabee 2.2 percent
Rick Perry 1.1 percent

Donald Trump 1 write-in vote

81 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:31:44am

re: #73 Lord Of The Pies

Even this is not enough if no one goes to fucking jail for it.

Justice Department says fines and penalties paid by banks to resolve currency investigations now totals about $9 billion - @business

82 urbanmeemaw  May 20, 2015 7:32:38am

re: #79 Backwoods_Sleuth

I certainly hope you are right. I know Bevin is bat crap crazy-evil.

83 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  May 20, 2015 7:35:08am

re: #79 Backwoods_Sleuth

Bevin is a lunatic and so is his running mate; neither of them have ever held public office.
I think Jack Conway will be our next governor.
At least I hope so.

Conway has been a public servant in KY for ages, it seems. I hope his experience pays off in the general. But I think it’s going to be a close race.

84 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 7:36:25am

re: #70 darthstar

In just society, they would be doing 20 years in prison and the people who covered up the GM ignition switch fuck-up would be looking at 104 second-degree murder charges.

85 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 7:37:33am
86 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 7:38:05am

re: #69 darthstar

Nah…just a hefty fine (less than what they made, so consider it an operational expense…overhead).

A tax deductible operational expense, I’m sure.

87 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 7:40:51am

re: #71 Justanotherhuman

More: The 100-plus declassified Osama bin Laden documents include books, articles he read and religious documents - @ODNIgov

Wow, did you see some of the books? A lot of conspiracy theory crap.

88 Higgs Boson's Mate  May 20, 2015 7:41:14am

re: #78 darthstar

Rally time for Jeb!

[Embedded content]

Maybe Jebmentum requires a slow buildup. Fortunately for Jeb, he can just buy the election - just like any other American can buy it. .

89 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 7:41:35am

re: #65 Justanotherhuman

But will anyone go to jail?

4 banks admit traders used chat rooms, coded language to manipulate global exchange rates from 2007 to 2013 - @NBCNews
end of alert

Live video: The DOJ announces settlement with major international banks over market rigging - @NBCNews


Good One!

90 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 7:42:49am

re: #73 Lord Of The Pies


[Embedded content]

and the individuals will get 6 figure bonuses.

91 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 7:43:31am

re: #3 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

I remember all the hype about Y2K. Jan. 1 came and went, and absolutely nothing catastrophic happened. In fact, it was a day much like any other.

Y2K was the IT world’s version of a Christian End of Times prediction, and just as wrong.

partly because there was a lot of work that went into correcting the BIOS and programs that would be affected before the date rollover, not necessarily because there was nothing of concern. The hype was overblown, but quite a few of the concerns, especially for people who relied on financial information, were real.

People tend to forget that nothing happened not because there was nothing there to happen but because steps were taken in those areas where we knew something was going to happen, and no, that doesn’t include planes falling out of the sky, or cars not starting or dying while driving. Cars have fallback systems that take the computer out of the loop when it gets bad info is just one example.

The conspiracies were nuts, but don’t go fully to the other side and claim Y2K was a big nothing from the start. Hard work and late nights made it a big nothing.

92 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 7:45:24am

re: #87 Timothy Watson

Also, less than comforting:

Map of Iran Nuclear Enrichment Sites

Map of Iran Nuclear Sites

93 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 7:46:55am

EmmaJane great post!

Y2K was suck a crock. Fin de siecle seems to bring out the crazies.

We asked a computer guru friend if it was such a big deal. He grunted and said, “Well, you could get a couple of gallons of water—that wouldn’t go to waste.”

seems the only thing he thought might be a problem was the Chicagoland water supply. No idea why.

94 nearly-headless smith25  May 20, 2015 7:47:07am

re: #62 Backwoods_Sleuth

95 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:47:42am

re: #92 Timothy Watson

Material Published by Violent Extremists & Terror Groups

96 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 7:48:19am

re: #8 Shiplord Kirel

I still have the 486 DX-2 computer I was using on Y2K. It never got any of the patches, fixes, or other doomsday prevention software that was so popular at the time. It works perfectly to this day.

I’m not sure anyone claimed the computer would stop working. However if you’re using a program like Accpac which was a well know financial program and your system rolled over to 1900 the database would screw up the order of the information in the accounts. I had to fix dozens of systems with BIOS patches and updates to Accpac to make sure there were no problems. Unfortunately, some people didn’t call me in time and it cost them a shitload of money for me to come out and repair their data.

97 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 7:49:08am

re: #95 Justanotherhuman

The maps were listed under “Other Miscellaneous Documents” and the conspiracy theory literature is under “English Language Books”.

98 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:49:16am
99 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 7:49:29am

Almost finished with Alice Dreger’s Galileo’s Middle Finger. I recommend it— for those who never wanted to know how medical knowledge gets disseminated or not. She is a good writer.

100 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 7:50:30am

re: #78 darthstar

Rally time for Jeb!

Eh, Florida Anti-Gay Anti-Abortion Family Planning Council, something something straw poll.

101 Higgs Boson's Mate  May 20, 2015 7:50:32am

re: #91 b_sharp

The conspiracies were nuts, but don’t go fully to the other side and claim Y2K was a big nothing from the start. Hard work and late nights made it a big nothing.

That was my experience. At the time I was working in software dev for a large ISP.

102 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:50:53am
103 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 7:51:34am

re: #87 Timothy Watson

Wow, did you see some of the books? A lot of conspiracy theory crap.

Bin Laden was a smart guy. I think, in a lot of those books, CT or not, he was looking at and trying to figure out ways to destabilize the US economy. Gotta admit, Bush the Younger did a pretty good job of it.

104 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 7:52:01am

re: #93 FemNaziBitch

EmmaJane great post!

Y2K was suck a crock. Fin de siecle seems to bring out the crazies.

We asked a computer guru friend if it was such a big deal. He grunted and said, “Well, you could get a couple of gallons of water—that wouldn’t go to waste.”

seems the only thing he thought might be a problem was the Chicagoland water supply. No idea why.

I do have to admit that a lot of my communications with customers at the time was to tell them the hype was way overblown and that we could take care of problems beforehand.

105 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 7:52:47am

re: #66 Eventual Carrion

Just as Jesus commanded, “Fuck the sick and the poor, so it is written”.

Fun fact; Jesus actually wrote this:



106 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 7:53:00am

re: #101 Higgs Boson’s Mate

That was my experience. At the time I was working in software dev for a large ISP.

I fondly remember making a lot of money back then.

107 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 7:53:20am

re: #102 Justanotherhuman

Screwed this link up. The “job application” asked, “Do you wish to execute a suicide operation?”

108 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 7:54:02am

re: #74 darthstar

Christie gets key endorsement from NJ’s biggest paper.

You had me going there for a sec

109 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 7:55:08am

re: #106 b_sharp

I fondly remember making a lot of money back then.

I made a lot of money in 1999 and I also put in A SHIT LOAD OF OVERTIME which anti pay-equality douchebros claim that women DO NOT DO.

Then I got laid off when my job was outsourced.

110 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 7:56:03am

re: #102 Justanotherhuman

Would a ‘criminal history’ be bad in this case? I was hoping it would earn me some points.


111 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 7:56:36am

re: #104 b_sharp

I do have to admit that a lot of my communications with customers at the time was to tell them the hype was way overblown and that we could take care of problems beforehand.

I was living in Chicago then and I have to admit to wondering what would happen at midnight that New Years Eve. While I thought nothing, I still wondered.

112 Higgs Boson's Mate  May 20, 2015 7:56:52am

re: #106 b_sharp

I fondly remember making a lot of money back then.

Who knew that learning PASCAL, COBOL and FORTRAN would one day be lucrative? I sure didn’t. The side jobs half killed me, but all that lovely money!

113 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 7:57:48am

re: #80 darthstar

Marco Rubio: 33.7 percent.
Ted Cruz: 30.3 percent
Jeb Bush:(Tie) 8.9 percent
Scott Walker: (Tie) 8.9 percent
Rand Paul: 4.5 percent
Ben Carson 3.4 percent
Mike Huckabee 2.2 percent
Rick Perry 1.1 percent

Donald Trump 1 write-in vote

Not much support for Huckabee for a Family Is Great Planning Family Council Research Family group.

114 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 7:58:59am

wonder if they come with an instruction manual:

115 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 7:59:10am

re: #80 darthstar

Marco Rubio: 33.7 percent.
Ted Cruz: 30.3 percent
Jeb Bush:(Tie) 8.9 percent
Scott Walker: (Tie) 8.9 percent
Rand Paul: 4.5 percent
Ben Carson 3.4 percent
Mike Huckabee 2.2 percent
Rick Perry 1.1 percent

Donald Trump 1 write-in vote

OK, who was the doofus who wrote in The Donald’s name?

116 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 7:59:52am

re: #115 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

OK, who was the doofus who wrote in The Donald’s name?

The Donald. :-)

117 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 8:00:35am

re: #115 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

His hair, which has achieved sentience.

118 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 8:01:27am

re: #114 Backwoods_Sleuth

not The Wrong Trousers?

119 Mattand  May 20, 2015 8:02:15am

re: #74 darthstar

Christie gets key endorsement from NJ’s biggest paper.

[Embedded content]

I believe this is the same outfit who deemed in 2013 Christie unfit to be governor, but endorsed him anyway. Could be wrong about that.

120 blueraven  May 20, 2015 8:02:27am

Atlas V launch live in about 3 minutes: 11:05 EDT

121 Bubblehead II  May 20, 2015 8:03:02am
122 Mattand  May 20, 2015 8:03:07am

re: #114 Backwoods_Sleuth

wonder if they come with an instruction manual:

[Embedded content]

Yeah, but the guy wouldn’t read them and try to figure it out for himself.

123 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 8:04:56am

Theft of Debit-Card Data From ATMs Soars
Thieves are stealing information to make counterfeit plastic

124 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 8:06:03am

President Obama’s Twitter account, @POTUS, became the fastest to reach 1 million followers with a time of under 5 hours, Guinness World Records says - @USATODAY

125 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 8:06:37am
126 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 8:06:38am

re: #123 Justanotherhuman

Theft of Debit-Card Data From ATMs Soars
Thieves are stealing information to make counterfeit plastic

paywalled :(

127 Bubblehead II  May 20, 2015 8:06:46am

re: #99 FemNaziBitch

Almost finished with Alice Dreger’s Galileo’s Middle Finger. I recommend it— for those who never wanted to know how medical knowledge gets disseminated or not. She is a good writer.

I have read it already and the mate* is currently reading it.

* Yeah, I picked that up from Alice. :-)

128 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 8:08:27am

re: #126 Lord Of The Pies

paywalled :(

Go to and copy and paste the link. :)

129 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 8:08:34am

re: #112 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Who knew that learning PASCAL, COBOL and FORTRAN would one day be lucrative? I sure didn’t. The side jobs half killed me, but all that lovely money!

I was a whole hell of a lot younger back then.

130 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 8:09:39am

re: #126 Lord Of The Pies

I got in by googling the headline. : )

131 Lidane  May 20, 2015 8:10:19am

Awesome post! Very well written.

I bring something relevant to the table. An FB acquaintance of mine works in regulatory affairs for the state of California so she’s always dealing with legislative hearings and lobbyists and all that jazz. She posted this article to her FB feed today:

“Your video instructing people to stalk the lobbyists has the potential to turn an already volatile situation into an explosive one with very grave consequences,” the CMA’s letter to Stenzler says, directing him to halt “all activities that could incite, lead to, or result in harm to CMA employees or others involved in the SB 277 debate and to send a strong message to your members and your constituents to do the same.” The letter from the doctors group warns it will take “all necessary action to protect our employees and representatives.”

In a police report filed last week, the CMA depicted a hostile climate with the potential for violence, echoing reports of lawmakers receiving threats from bill critics. Following of “a number of online threats and threatening activity aimed at our employees” and “a consistent pattern of irresponsible rhetoric that results in statements threatening harm, or encouraging harassment or stalking of our employees,” the report says, the medical group has begun locking their doors during SB 277 hearings and having staff travel in pairs.

132 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 8:10:30am

re: #128 Timothy Watson

Go to and copy and paste the link. :)

Paywalled again :(

I suppose I could clear out my cache, but fuck WSJ.

133 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 8:10:59am

re: #123 Justanotherhuman

Theft of Debit-Card Data From ATMs Soars
Thieves are stealing information to make counterfeit plastic

Thanks for the link. My cousin had a $1,000 withdrawn within the last two days in New York City (he lives in Virginia) and I was wondering how they got his PIN (didn’t realize they used a pinhole camera).

134 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 8:11:03am

re: #124 Justanotherhuman

President Obama’s Twitter account, @POTUS, became the fastest to reach 1 million followers with a time of under 5 hours, Guinness World Records says - @USATODAY

People with free Obamaphones should be disqualified.


135 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 8:14:12am
136 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:15:42am

re: #133 Timothy Watson

pinhole camera

What is this?

137 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:17:16am

re: #131 Lidane

California Chiropractic Association President Brian Stenzler has spurred them on, according to a letter signed by California Medical Association CEO Dustin Corcoran, with a video in which Stenzler tells an SB 277 opponent who asks about the two lobbyists to follow them “all day long - follow them to a T.”

I know some people like chiropractors but I find them useless.

If you don’t want to vaccinate your child, you have no right to send them to public school. Home school them. That might reduce the risk you are putting on everyone else.

138 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:19:06am

re: #126 Lord Of The Pies

Try here

139 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 8:19:18am

re: #136 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

What is this?

Debit card skimming at ATMs, they place a camera on the ATM to see what your PIN is, duplicate the card and then withdraw money from your account at an ATM.

140 danarchy  May 20, 2015 8:22:51am

re: #78 darthstar

Rally time for Jeb!

[Embedded content]

Not sure who the Florida Family Policy Council is, but it sounds like a wingnut organization, Jeb has a lot of problems, but I doubt this straw poll is one of them.

141 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:22:52am

re: #139 Timothy Watson

Debit card skimming at ATMs, they place a camera on the ATM to see what your PIN is, duplicate the card and then withdraw money from your account at an ATM.

From the article:

Ms. Cataldo now tries to make her ATM transactions more secure by covering the PIN pad with her hand when tapping in her identification number.

Sounds like a good idea.

142 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:23:30am

re: #139 Timothy Watson

they place a camera on the ATM to see what your PIN is

How do they even do that?

143 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:26:33am

re: #139 Timothy Watson

Debit card skimming at ATMs, they place a camera on the ATM to see what your PIN is, duplicate the card and then withdraw money from your account at an ATM.

Had problems with fraudulent charges a few years ago, but my bank (SunTrust) was pretty proactive, freezing my account when questionable charges came through. It was annoying to suddenly not be able to use my card but I’m glad they flagged the BS purchases. After talking to the bank I gathered that the problem might stem from swiping my charge card at gas stations outside at the pump. So I tend to pay cash for gas these days, haven’t had problems since.

144 Eventual Carrion  May 20, 2015 8:27:23am

re: #98 Justanotherhuman

[Embedded content]

Do they offer a 401K plan? Bet their life insurance premiums are sky high even with the employer contribution.

145 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 8:29:05am

The White House fb page has a video of FLOTUS working out for the #giveme5 campaign.

Of course, I can’t figure out how to link just the video here.

Needlesstosay, I am impressed with FLOTUS!!!!

Can’t see Nancy Reagan doing any of it.

146 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:29:27am

re: #142 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

How do they even do that?

I saw one where there was a false panel over the ATM that looked like it belonged. The camera was a pin hole - which was like less than 1/4” and virtually invisible.

And there is some kind of overlay where you insert the card that reads it.

It’s a shame that people who do this - who are obviously kinda smart - didn’t put those smarts to other uses. They might have made something of themselves without risking going to prison.

I used to work with Postal Inspectors for fraud conducted and delivered through the USPS and I said the same thing…some of these people were brilliant in their fraud. Wasted potential.

147 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:30:51am

re: #143 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Had problems with fraudulent charges a few years ago, but my bank (SunTrust) was pretty proactive, freezing my account when questionable charges came through. It was annoying to suddenly not be able to use my card but I’m glad they flagged the BS purchases. After talking to the bank I gathered that the problem might stem from swiping my charge card at gas stations outside at the pump. So I tend to pay cash for gas these days, haven’t had problems since.

One of the things I do, if at all possible, is run my debit card as credit, where I have to sign for it instead of entering my PIN. I get points that way, too, and there is far less risk of someone getting my PIN. When I do have to enter the PIN, I stand right next to the machine and cover the pad so people can’t see the number I enter.

148 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 8:31:10am
149 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:31:24am

re: #146 WhatEVs

It’s a shame that people who do this - who are obviously kinda smart - didn’t put those smarts to other uses. They might have made something of themselves without risking going to prison.


150 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:31:39am

re: #145 FemNaziBitch

The White House fb page has a video of FLOTUS working out for the #giveme5 campaign.

Of course, I can’t figure out how to link just the video here.

Needlesstosay, I am impressed with FLOTUS!!!!

Can’t see Nancy Reagan doing any of it.

I think you’re looking for this….

151 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:32:02am

re: #145 FemNaziBitch

The White House fb page has a video of FLOTUS working out for the #giveme5 campaign.

Of course, I can’t figure out how to link just the video here.

Needlesstosay, I am impressed with FLOTUS!!!!

Can’t see Nancy Reagan doing any of it.

Yeah pretty damn impressive. Assumed it was a much younger woman when I first glanced at it.

152 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 8:32:40am

re: #150 WhatEVs

I think you’re looking for this….

[Embedded content]


153 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:33:23am

re: #147 WhatEVs

Yeah I don’t use the debit function either. But cash withdrawals at ATMs concern me, though even there I tend to use only my bank’s ATMs—mostly to avoid charges but hoping for less chance of fraud as well.

154 EmmaAnne  May 20, 2015 8:33:24am

Hey, I got promoted! Awesome! And I have something to add. Chip Berlet (who is awesome) directed me to his conspiracy theory generator:

155 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 8:33:34am

re: #151 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Yeah pretty damn impressive. Assumed it was a much younger woman when I first glanced at it.

You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that she is fat. I look at the (usually a man) person and wonder what their definition of “fat” is.

156 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 8:33:56am

re: #146 WhatEVs

There’s fraud, and then there’s fraud. That’s usually chump change compared to willingly getting people to part with their money for a good cause.

Charities that deliver only a small percentage of the money raised for an actual charitable purpose. Just like the four “charities” that were essentially shut down by the FTC because they raised nearly $200 million and almost nothing went to the charitable purpose. Rather, it went to for-profit telemarketers and to administrators who lived large on the charity of others.

157 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 8:34:14am


158 Dr. Matt  May 20, 2015 8:34:15am

Emma, this is an enjoyable page. Nice job. Very novel and original.

159 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 8:34:22am

Now for something completely different.

A Down Syndrome baby loves her babysitter (who also has Down)

160 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:34:34am

re: #150 WhatEVs

She’s sure got the jump rope down.

161 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 8:34:51am

re: #145 FemNaziBitch

The White House fb page has a video of FLOTUS working out for the #giveme5 campaign.

Of course, I can’t figure out how to link just the video here.

Needlesstosay, I am impressed with FLOTUS!!!!

Can’t see Nancy Reagan doing any of it.

162 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:37:07am

re: #155 FemNaziBitch

You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that she is fat. I look at the (usually a man) person and wonder what their definition of “fat” is.

I can’t for the life of me understand that. Some people must not see so good.

163 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:38:29am

re: #153 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Yeah I don’t use the debit function either. But cash withdrawals at ATMs concern me, though even there I tend to use only my bank’s ATMs—mostly to avoid charges but hoping for less chance of fraud as well.

I am really surprised that banks don’t inspect ATM machines daily. They should know what is right and what isn’t regarding a camera, and they should be able to detect some issue with the card insertion area. At least one would think.

164 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 8:38:47am

re: #154 EmmaAnne

Hey, I got promoted! Awesome! And I have something to add. Chip Berlet (who is awesome) directed me to his conspiracy theory generator:

Love the one about the Masons, especially this little nugget:

The conspirators want to control the government and media, and round up and restrain resisters in Masonic halls. They are using manipulative distractions to establish a puppet regime.

Round up and restrain resisters? Maybe that’s a reference to the initiation ceremony, which I won’t talk about of course, but if that’s the case, that’s downright risible.

The Freemasons come up from time to time as conspirators, but they’re not as strong as they used to be, though they do seem to be trying to recruit younger men into the ranks, which is a good thing.

165 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:39:39am

re: #155 FemNaziBitch

You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that she is fat. I look at the (usually a man) person and wonder what their definition of “fat” is.

Anything bigger than Calvin Klein “waif” Kate Moss…who runs about 96 lbs soaking wet.

166 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:39:46am

re: #163 WhatEVs

I am really surprised that banks don’t inspect ATM machines daily. They should know what is right and what isn’t regarding a camera, and they should be able to detect some issue with the card insertion area. At least one would think.

Yeah you’d think it would be pretty easy and standard to spend a few minutes once or twice day.

167 Thanos  May 20, 2015 8:40:10am

re: #13 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

You had a PDP-11 in ‘96 that was still running?

At my old work place they have 6 PDP 11-84’s still running for a CTI function. The machines are large scale integration and freaking indestructible. That’s why those processors went to the moon and back.

168 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:40:35am

re: #156 lawhawk

I read that this morning and it made me so freaking mad. Especially since they targeted cancer as their go to charity scam.

169 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:40:53am

re: #165 WhatEVs

Anything bigger than Calvin Klein “waif” Kate Moss…who runs about 96 lbs soaking wet.

They know FLOTUS isn’t fat (and even if she was, so what?). They just enjoy being dcks.

170 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 8:41:21am

Scott Walker continues to show tremendous foreign policy credentials.
As has been previously noted, he went to Israel on vacation, claimed it as foreign policy experience, but what those reports didn’t include was that he never met with any Palestinians, who might have a view or 100 on the foreign policy question that Walker might face if he were ever to be elected President.

171 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:41:22am

re: #160 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

She’s sure got the jump rope down.

And the kick boxing. Talk about bad ass!

172 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 8:41:27am
173 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 8:43:17am

re: #168 WhatEVs

It pissed me off to no end. I have too many close family and friends affected by cancer to let that go.

And I’ve become involved in donating to a number of charities relating to cancer care - directly with the hospitals and reputable cancer charities.

Nonprofits are a refuge for grifting, because there’s serious money to be made on the charity and goodwill of others.

174 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 8:43:20am

re: #165 WhatEVs

Anything bigger than Calvin Klein “waif” Kate Moss…who runs about 96 lbs soaking wet.

There is fat and there is large. The two are not necessarily the same thing.

175 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 8:45:24am

re: #155 FemNaziBitch

You have no idea how many times I’ve heard that she is fat. I look at the (usually a man) person and wonder what their definition of “fat” is.

176 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 8:46:14am

re: #169 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

They know FLOTUS isn’t fat (and even if she was, so what?). They just enjoy being dcks.

line up a bunch of “official portraits” next to “random snapshots” and top it off with a racist slur.

177 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:46:30am

re: #172 FemNaziBitch

Stolded that.

178 Varek Raith  May 20, 2015 8:47:55am

Y2K is just luring us into a false sense of security!
Just you wait!

179 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 8:48:21am
180 Bubblehead II  May 20, 2015 8:49:30am

re: #163 WhatEVs

I am really surprised that banks don’t inspect ATM machines daily. They should know what is right and what isn’t regarding a camera, and they should be able to detect some issue with the card insertion area. At least one would think.

Banks may inspect their ATMs that are located on their premises on a regular basis. But you have to take into account that most ATMs that are located off of their property and are owned and serviced by third party vendors and the Banks have no control over them or their maintenance.

181 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 8:52:33am

re: #178 Varek Raith

Y2K is just luring us into a false sense of security!
Just you wait!

I know, Y2K38 is just around the corner!

182 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 8:55:08am

re: #164 Dr Lizardo

Love the one about the Masons, especially this little nugget:

Round up and restrain resisters? Maybe that’s a reference to the initiation ceremony, which I won’t talk about of course, but if that’s the case, that’s downright risible.

The Freemasons come up from time to time as conspirators, but they’re not as strong as they used to be, though they do seem to be trying to recruit younger men into the ranks, which is a good thing.

Masonic conspiracy theories go way back. The Republican Party was an amalgam of the Whigs, the Anti-Masonic Party, and the Know-Nothing Party. (Which despite common belief, was not a description of their intellectual attainments, but what they were supposed to say if questioned about the organization, a la Sergeant Schultz.)

183 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 8:56:00am

re: #180 Bubblehead II

Banks may inspect their ATMs that are located on their premises on a regular basis. But you have to take into account that most ATMs that are located off of their property and are owned and serviced by third party vendors and the Banks have no control over them or their maintenance.

Quite true. One would think there would be a protocol in place that requires ATM clients (the mom and pop store who makes money off a 3rd party ATM on premises) to maintain (inspect) machines in a way that would ensure this doesn’t happen.

But what do I know?

184 EmmaAnne  May 20, 2015 8:57:11am

re: #169 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

They know FLOTUS isn’t fat (and even if she was, so what?). They just enjoy being dcks.

In the future anyone who comments on FLOTUS’s weight has to reproduce this workout for the camera so we can compare.

185 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 8:59:36am

re: #176 Lord Of The Pies

line up a bunch of “official portraits” next to “random snapshots” and top it off with a racist slur.


186 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 8:59:52am

re: #157 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Stretching himself pretty thin, isn’t he?

OTOH, “I am so damned powerful!” ///

187 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 9:00:14am

re: #176 Lord Of The Pies

line up a bunch of “official portraits” next to “random snapshots” and top it off with a racist slur.

More genuine conservative patriots just concerned about too much government and spending and taxes.


188 Dr. Matt  May 20, 2015 9:01:12am

re: #169 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

They know FLOTUS isn’t fat (and even if she was, so what?). They just enjoy being dcks.

The personal and outright disgusting attacks this FLOTUS from the right truely are unprecedented. It’s amazing what their perverse ideology will do to find a new low to sink to.

189 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 9:02:33am

re: #165 WhatEVs

Anything bigger than Calvin Klein “waif” Kate Moss…who runs about 96 lbs soaking wet.

I used to be puzzled about womens’ sizes: “I take a size 10.” “10 what? And around where?” Then when Ally McBeal was on, I saw Callista Flockheart say she took a size zero. After that I gave up.

190 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 9:04:02am

re: #169 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

They know FLOTUS isn’t fat (and even if she was, so what?). They just enjoy being dcks.

We know what the problem is that they have with Michelle, and it is not her body size…

191 Bubblehead II  May 20, 2015 9:04:08am

re: #183 WhatEVs

Quite true. One would think there would be a protocol in place that requires ATM clients (the mom and pop store who makes money off a 3rd party ATM on premises) to maintain (inspect) machines in a way that would ensure this doesn’t happen.

But what do I know?

It would be nice if they did. But how many of these people actually know what to look for? Do these vendors even teach their customers to not only look for but recognize a skimming device?

192 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 9:04:26am

re: #182 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Masonic conspiracy theories go way back. The Republican Party was an amalgam of the Whigs, the Anti-Masonic Party, and the Know-Nothing Party. (Which despite common belief, was not a description of their intellectual attainments, but what they were supposed to say if questioned about the organization, a la Sergeant Schultz.)

Masonic conspiracy theories are still around, but not like they used to be; last time I saw the Masons mentioned conspiracy-wise was some book by El Nutball Jefe Supremo Pat Robertson about 20 years back or so.

194 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 9:06:34am

re: #176 Lord Of The Pies

line up a bunch of “official portraits” next to “random snapshots” and top it off with a racist slur.

Dude’s TL is now all anti-Hillary, Reagan-worship, and CCJ retweets. Not a good look.

195 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 9:06:51am

re: #189 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I used to be puzzled about womens’ sizes: “I take a size 10.” “10 what? And around where?” Then when Ally McBeal was on, I saw Callista Flockheart say she took a size zero. After that I gave up.

Women’s clothing sizes change often. 10 used to be average. With people like Victoria Beckham being a 00, everyone all of a sudden needed to be a size 4 or less…so a size 4 is now what used to be a size 8 or 10. Size 14 (or 16) is now what the average woman wears. Which used to be considered Plus Sized.

196 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 9:08:14am

re: #191 Bubblehead II

It would be nice if they did. But how many of these people actually know what to look for? Do these vendors even teach their customers to not only look for but recognize a skimming device?

Unlikely but that’s what I meant by a protocol. There should be penalties for these 3rd party ATM makers that if they cannot ensure the machines are somehow validated, they should be on the hook for losses. I guarantee that a protocol would be in place overnight.

197 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:08:27am

re: #192 Dr Lizardo

Masonic conspiracy theories are still around, but not like they used to be; last time I saw the Masons mentioned conspiracy-wise was some book by El Nutball Jefe Supremo Pat Robertson about 20 years back or so.

There was that Dan Brown novel “The Lost Symbol” that was a sequel to the Da Vinci Code, which was even lamer and more stupid than TDVC.

Oh and, “The Lost Symbol” isn’t even lost, it’s a corporate logo that you see every day, although that is not mentioned in the book.

198 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 9:08:42am

re: #193 Dr. Matt

Bush’s CIA Briefer: Bush And Cheney Lied About Iraq Intelligence

Well, A: No shit, Sherlock; but 2: I’m glad to see some insiders coming out with it.

Maybe somebody involved in the election fraud in Florida in 2000 will come out, and if you pull on that string it’ll lead to the failed fix in Ohio in 2012 that caused Karl Rove’s meltdown, and from there the whole mishegas.

199 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 9:09:23am

re: #195 WhatEVs

Women’s clothing sizes change often. 10 used to be average. With people like Victoria Beckham being a 00, everyone all of a sudden needed to be a size 4 or less…so a size 4 is now what used to be a size 8 or 10. Size 14 (or 16) is now what the average woman wears. Which used to be considered Plus Sized.

So the clothes are growing? Evolving?

200 Dr. Matt  May 20, 2015 9:11:04am

re: #198 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Well, A: No shit, Sherlock; but 2: I’m glad to see some insiders coming out with it.

Maybe somebody involved in the election fraud in Florida in 2000 will come out, and if you pull on that string it’ll lead to the failed fix in Ohio in 2012 that cause Karl Rove’s meltdown, and from there the whole mishegas.

Finally having this on record is good timing for the, “But, Hillary voted for the war too!!!!” crowd.

*Half dudebro/wingnut is intentional*

201 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:11:32am

re: #195 WhatEVs

Women’s clothing sizes change often. 10 used to be average. With people like Victoria Beckham being a 00, everyone all of a sudden needed to be a size 4 or less…so a size 4 is now what used to be a size 8 or 10. Size 14 (or 16) is now what the average woman wears. Which used to be considered Plus Sized.

If everyone can fit into a size 00, what goal is left for anorexics to strive for?

Baby clothes.

202 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 9:11:52am

re: #193 Dr. Matt

Bush’s CIA Briefer: Bush And Cheney Lied About Iraq Intelligence

While I don’t doubt Mother Jones, using anything by Susie Madrak is an iffy proposition at best. She is the worst of the worst. I used to go to C&L all the time. I left because of her. She would write articles that conflicted with her own articles from two hours prior or two weeks prior. It was like what she previously wrote didn’t exist.

I kept calling her on her bullshit…and eventually just left. I am a realist and C&L has turned into nothing but click-bait for the tea party wing on the left. I always liked (and still do) Karoli and David Newert but C&L overall just sucks. It was a huge disappointment to me to see what they became.

203 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 9:13:59am

re: #199 b_sharp

So the clothes are growing? Evolving?

I was feigning ignorance—it used to be they were just chest sizes like men’s clothes—minus 20. That’s why they went straight from 18 to 40—past a certain size they didn’t care.

Now even the official sizes are getting smaller and smaller numbers, like WhatEVs said.

204 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 9:14:26am

re: #199 b_sharp

So the clothes are growing? Evolving?

No, the vanity of the buyers is driving the change in labeling. It’s all marketing to make average women (what used to be a 8) feel they are like Victoria Beckham because they, too, can wear a size 0 (very few women wear a 00).

205 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 9:14:36am

re: #182 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Masonic conspiracy theories go way back. The Republican Party was an amalgam of the Whigs, the Anti-Masonic Party, and the Know-Nothing Party. (Which despite common belief, was not a description of their intellectual attainments, but what they were supposed to say if questioned about the organization, a la Sergeant Schultz.)

To be fair, there’s were some serious problems with Masons, particularly in New York back in the early 1800s:

206 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 9:15:38am

re: #189 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I used to be puzzled about womens’ sizes: “I take a size 10.” “10 what? And around where?” Then when Ally McBeal was on, I saw Callista Flockheart say she took a size zero. After that I gave up.

Sizes have been ramped down to make women feel “small”. At 95 lbs, when I got married, I wore a size 5. It would have probably been a “00” today.

207 Dr. Matt  May 20, 2015 9:18:15am

re: #202 WhatEVs

I agree Susie Madrak is the female version of a dudebro who never, ever admits she’s wrong. That aside, she just reposted David Corn’s work. No biggie. It could have been Amato or Karoli or anyone else in their crew.

208 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 9:19:07am
209 Higgs Boson's Mate  May 20, 2015 9:20:42am

re: #182 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Masonic conspiracy theories go way back. The Republican Party was an amalgam of the Whigs, the Anti-Masonic Party, and the Know-Nothing Party. (Which despite common belief, was not a description of their intellectual attainments, but what they were supposed to say if questioned about the organization, a la Sergeant Schultz.)

I seem to recall that the Know Nothings would touch their noses, “Nose nothing,” as a greeting or a sort of secret handshake.

210 Charles Johnson  May 20, 2015 9:21:05am
211 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 9:21:09am

re: #208 lawhawk

Google Map searches for the n-word direct users to The White House

choose your response:

a) it is just some harmelss ironic fun

b) we are just racial realists. read about it in “The Bell Curve”

c) you are the real racist for stifling my 1st Amendment rights.

212 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 9:21:25am

re: #204 WhatEVs

No, the vanity of the buyers is driving the change in labeling. It’s all marketing to make average women (what used to be a 8) feel they are like Victoria Beckham because they, too, can wear a size 0 (very few women wear a 00).

Is a woman wearing a 00 actually alive? That’s awful tiny isn’t it?

My wife is a 12-14 now.

213 Charles Johnson  May 20, 2015 9:22:03am
214 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 9:22:12am

re: #197 Lord Of The Pies

There was that Dan Brown novel “The Lost Symbol” that was a sequel to the Da Vinci Code, which was even lamer and more stupid than TDVC.

Oh and, “The Lost Symbol” isn’t even lost, it’s a corporate logo that you see every day, although that is not mentioned in the book.

I’ve never read anything by Brown - or seen the film adaptations, so I didn’t know that.

Silly as hell, that kind of stuff.

215 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:22:29am

re: #211 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

choose your response:

a) it is just some harmelss ironic fun

b) we are just racial realists. read about it in “The Bell Curve”

c) you are the real racist for stifling my 1st Amendment rights.


216 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 9:22:50am

re: #205 Timothy Watson

To be fair, there’s were some serious problems with Masons, particularly in New York back in the early 1800s:

The claims sound specious themselves.

217 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:23:07am

re: #213 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]


218 Charles Johnson  May 20, 2015 9:23:51am
219 Dr. Matt  May 20, 2015 9:23:51am

re: #208 lawhawk

Google Map searches for the n-word direct users to The White House
— Talking Points Memo (@TPM) May 20, 2015

But, but, but, remember…..racism is dead! ////

220 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:25:45am


221 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:26:30am

I have to stop looking at #WakeUpAmerica and go back to #tcot where people are more normal.//

222 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 9:26:41am

re: #215 Lord Of The Pies


forgot that response.

223 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 9:27:13am

Bobby Jindal Is Less Popular Than Even Barack Obama in Louisiana—but he’s setting up an Exploratory Committee.

224 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 9:31:08am

BTW, one of our LGF lizards took the plunge and hatched on twitter this morning. We’ve already had lots of fun!

225 Dr. Matt  May 20, 2015 9:31:21am

Not Photoshopped:

edit: This is the St. Louis Cardinals official mascot

Not The Onion and NOT photoshopped #MLB #Cardinals #StLouis #Ferguson
226 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 9:31:45am

re: #223 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

When every GOPer in or soon to be in has crappy metrics, polling lousy, anyone and everyone thinks that they’ll have what it takes to overcome their own lousy polling.

That’s why Christie thinks he’s got a chance. No one else is polling particularly well, which means that his own lousy polling might be just enough.

But what they all seem to ignore is that all of them are lousy and offering the same one-note chorus of no taxes and no government, except for the part where they have government so small it gets up in the lady bits and regulates them to death.

227 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 9:32:31am

re: #203 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I was feigning ignorance—it used to be they were just chest sizes like men’s clothes—minus 20. That’s why they went straight from 18 to 40—past a certain size they didn’t care.

Now even the official sizes are getting smaller and smaller numbers, like WhatEVs said.

Depends on the “quality” of the line. Couture clothing is always larger. Cheap clothing is always smaller than.

In other words a size 8 in Couture would fit a person used to wearing a size 10 or 12 in Target clothing.

Also, with Modern Sizing guidelines, a size above a 12 is considered PLUS.

So, when figuring sizes, one has to consider both the quality, fit and sizing guidelines.

228 Bubblehead II  May 20, 2015 9:32:47am

re: #196 WhatEVs

Unlikely but that’s what I meant by a protocol. There should be penalties for these 3rd party ATM makers that if they cannot ensure the machines are somehow validated, they should be on the hook for losses. I guarantee that a protocol would be in place overnight.

Sadly, that’s not going to happen (fines) anytime soon. BTW, here’s a link about credit card skimmers if your interested.

All About Skimmers

229 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 9:33:18am

re: #212 b_sharp

Is a woman wearing a 00 actually alive? That’s awful tiny isn’t it?

My wife is a 12-14 now.

ballet dancers

230 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 9:33:37am

re: #218 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

they seem nice

231 #FergusonFireside  May 20, 2015 9:33:56am

Great page EmmaAnne!!!

232 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 9:34:51am

According to pattern sizes from the 50s and 60s, a size 10 measured 31 bust, 24 waist, 33 hips. When I was sewing in my teens into my 20s, size 10 was my go-to size. It was the smallest you could get, except for Vogue patterns, which I think went down to size 8.

233 Mattand  May 20, 2015 9:35:12am

re: #225 Dr. Matt

Not Photoshopped:

[Embedded content]

It’s like the Cardinals organization read the thoughtful remarks the Orioles manager made about Freddie Gray, and said “We need to piss off our black fans ASAP.”

234 #FergusonFireside  May 20, 2015 9:35:54am

re: #179 Lord Of The Pies

[Embedded content]

Lee is the most interesting man on the internet.

235 BeachDem  May 20, 2015 9:37:19am

re: #33 Backwoods_Sleuth

more barf from the pandering Kentucky Tea Party asshat presumptive GOP nominee for governor:

[Embedded content]

Voter turnout yesterday was 12.6%.
The excitement was underwhelming…

My favorite of those tweets:

Matt Bevin now into his favorite subject, Common Core. He’s not a fan of what he thinks it is.

Probably too subtle for wingnuts, but then, what isn’t?

236 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 9:38:42am

re: #227 FemNaziBitch

Depends on the “quality” of the line. Couture clothing is always larger. Cheap clothing is always smaller than.

In other words a size 8 in Couture would fit a person used to wearing a size 10 or 12 in Target clothing.

Also, with Modern Sizing guidelines, a size above a 12 is considered PLUS.

So, when figuring sizes, one has to consider both the quality, fit and sizing guidelines.

Meanwhile, men’s pants legs are getting longer. It used to be I needed a 34 inseam (better yet 35, if I could find an odd size) to avoid showing bare skin above my socks. All of a sudden now, 32s are dragging on the ground.

237 CuriousLurker  May 20, 2015 9:38:49am

re: #218 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Oh look, some more bigots to preemptively block.

238 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:39:53am
239 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 9:40:10am

re: #236 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Meanwhile, men’s pants legs are getting longer. It used to be I needed a 34 inseam (better yet 35, if I could find an odd size) to avoid showing bare skin above my socks. All of a sudden now, 32s are dragging on the ground.

men’s crotches have gotten bigger…

240 Dr. Matt  May 20, 2015 9:41:10am

Piyush is once again placating society’s lowest common denominator:

Piyush B. Jindal to Issue Executive Order Allowing LGBT Discrimination

241 Eventual Carrion  May 20, 2015 9:41:26am

re: #238 Lord Of The Pies

[Embedded content]

And those fucking duck die nasty freaks.

242 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:41:30am

Better advice for 100-lb “you”: Don’t date a 200-lb felon

243 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 9:41:42am

re: #236 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Meanwhile, men’s pants legs are getting longer. It used to be I needed a 34 inseam (better yet 35, if I could find an odd size) to avoid showing bare skin above my socks. All of a sudden now, 32s are dragging on the ground.

Men are getting bulkier, also. My sons wore a size 28 waist for years; finally in their 40s graduated to a 30 waist. Try finding 28s in the men”s dept now, though.

244 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 9:42:32am

re: #235 BeachDem

And, as to Bevin saying he’ll dismantle and destroy Kynect:

245 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 9:43:27am

re: #218 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

MC Race Mixer Miyako ‏@kerbastrar5 2h2 hours ago

That was bush and the jews, ignoramus @Millenniummon @Green_Footballs

This is just endlessly stupid. If you wanted to kill the maximum possible number of Jews, taking numbers of people in one spot times the percentage of them who were Jewish, the WTC would have been the A-number-one target in the world.

246 Targetpractice  May 20, 2015 9:43:36am

re: #242 Lord Of The Pies

Better advice for 100-lb “you”: Don’t date a 200-lb felon

[Embedded content]

Because, as we all know, the greatest threat to a woman is the guy who jumps out of the bushes, rather than the boyfriend or husband who knows where that “equalizer” is and how to neutralize it.

247 Nyet  May 20, 2015 9:43:44am

The real Y2K bug was in the head of all the dumbasses who celebrated the Millennium a year earlier (the actual new millennium began on 01.01.01).

/rant over

248 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 9:44:24am

re: #244 Backwoods_Sleuth

249 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 9:44:35am

Heh, I’m hanging out between classes at one of Virginia Commonwealth University’s “breakout rooms” (rooms that are designed for groups of students to use to do class projects, etc. but are almost completely empty because it’s the summer semester) wondering how hard it would be to use a HDMI-to-VGA adapter to play Mass Effect 2 on a 42” display that’s in the room.

250 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 9:44:46am

re: #239 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

men’s crotches have gotten bigger…

Should be using outseam, not inseam.

As the waist increases the crotch drops down and the inseam is reduced while the outseam stays the same.

251 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:45:03am

re: #246 Targetpractice

Because, as we all know, the greatest threat to a woman is the guy who jumps out of the bushes, rather than the boyfriend or husband who knows where that “equalizer” is and how to neutralize it.

Also: when the guy jumps out of the bushes, she’s surprised and doesn’t have time to “lock & load”

252 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 9:45:54am

re: #236 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Meanwhile, men’s pants legs are getting longer. It used to be I needed a 34 inseam (better yet 35, if I could find an odd size) to avoid showing bare skin above my socks. All of a sudden now, 32s are dragging on the ground.

Son of a bitch, that happened to me with my 34s too and I thought I was just going insane!

253 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:46:16am


254 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 9:47:37am

re: #247 Nyet

The real Y2K bug was in the head of all the dumbasses who celebrated the Millennium a year earlier (the actual new millennium began on 01.01.01).

/rant over

Y2K bug wasn’t about the new millennium though, it was about numbers.

Those celebrating earlier just wanted an excuse to get really, really drunk.

They also don’t know how to count or don’t know there was no year 0.

255 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 9:48:12am

re: #251 Lord Of The Pies

Also: when the guy jumps out of the bushes, she’s surprised and doesn’t have time to “lock & load”

She’ll likely shoot her purse or her leg.

256 Nyet  May 20, 2015 9:48:49am

re: #254 b_sharp

Y2K bug wasn’t about the new millennium though, it was about numbers.

The new millennium is all about numbers.

257 GlutenFreeJesus  May 20, 2015 9:48:52am

re: #253 Lord Of The Pies

Thing is, she’s so ignorant, she doesn’t realize that’s what all those white dude “founding fathers” did to African Americans in order to bring them to this country.

258 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 9:49:47am

re: #252 Timothy Watson

Son of a bitch, that happened to me with my 34s too and I thought I was just going insane!

I’ve had to explain it to my wife more than once. I used to need a 34 inseam with my 32 waist. Now I need a 32 inseam with my 38 waist.

They build the crotch deeper with a bigger waist.

259 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 9:50:45am

re: #256 Nyet

The new millennium is all about ethics in numbers.


260 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 9:51:16am

re: #256 Nyet

The new millennium is all about numbers.

Y2K = all about numbers
Millenium = all about numbers
Y2K != millenium.

261 Nyet  May 20, 2015 9:51:27am

re: #259 Backwoods_Sleuth

Ethics in drinkology.

262 freetoken  May 20, 2015 9:51:35am

re: #240 Dr. Matt

Even the very religious legislative committee yesterday punted the bill 10-2, knowing that bill 707 was a disaster.

Jindal is doing his best to get the Je$u$ vote for his Presidential campaign, but I expect any executive order in this case to be struck down by a court the first time someone gets affected by it.

263 Nyet  May 20, 2015 9:51:44am

re: #260 b_sharp

Y2K = all about numbers
Millenium = all about numbers
Y2K != millenium.

Umm, and?

264 WhatEVs  May 20, 2015 9:51:55am

re: #228 Bubblehead II

Sadly, that’s not going to happen (fines) anytime soon. BTW, here’s a link about credit card skimmers if your interested.

All About Skimmers

That was a great page. Thank you.

265 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 9:51:59am

re: #259 Backwoods_Sleuth


Here’s a few more updings I couldn’t get in the box—

266 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 9:52:30am

re: #258 b_sharp

I’m always surprised at all the “XXX” sizes that sell.

The fact is, people are getting not just taller (although there are exceptions, like my family). They’re also heavier, whether it’s just fat or from “body building” (since muscle weighs more than fat).

267 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:53:17am

re: #257 GlutenFreeJesus

Thing is, she’s so ignorant, she doesn’t realize that’s what all those white dude “founding fathers” did to African Americans in order to bring them to this country.


268 Bubblehead II  May 20, 2015 9:53:40am

re: #264 WhatEVs

That was a great page. Thank you.

Your Welcome.

269 Lidane  May 20, 2015 9:57:16am

re: #223 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Bobby Jindal Is Less Popular Than Even Barack Obama in Louisiana—but he’s setting up an Exploratory Committee.


In an interview with Perkins on his “Washington Watch” program, Jindal said that Republican presidential candidates need to make promoting the freedom to discriminate a priority “because the left has made their assault on religious liberty a priority” and if they succeed, America is “going to lose the freedoms that are so fundamental,” including the freedom of speech and of association.

Jindal told Perkins that Republicans should avoid being “the party of big business,” but at the same time told pro-LGBT corporations that Republicans would do their bidding on issues such as environmental regulations and labor laws.

270 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 9:58:58am

These people should be in prison

271 Eventual Carrion  May 20, 2015 9:59:10am

re: #247 Nyet

The real Y2K bug was in the head of all the dumbasses who celebrated the Millennium a year earlier (the actual new millennium began on 01.01.01).

/rant over

Aha, the old “year 0” discussion.

272 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 10:00:49am

re: #257 GlutenFreeJesus

Thing is, she’s so ignorant, she doesn’t realize that’s what all those white dude “founding fathers” did to African Americans in order to bring them to this country.

Those were MOOSLIMS who sold those slaves to our Founding Fathers, who took them away and Christinaized them!!!


273 Nyet  May 20, 2015 10:01:34am

re: #271 Eventual Carrion

There isn’t really a debate about something that doesn’t exist in the calendar we use :)

274 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 10:02:09am
275 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 10:02:43am

re: #247 Nyet

The real Y2K bug was in the head of all the dumbasses who celebrated the Millennium a year earlier (the actual new millennium began on 01.01.01).

/rant over

I personally celebrate Independence Day on July 2nd, when the Declaration of Independence was actually signed.

276 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 10:03:22am

re: #263 Nyet

Umm, and?

Your shirt is on inside out.

And your left shoe is untied.

277 Nyet  May 20, 2015 10:03:57am

re: #276 b_sharp

I still don’t see you point (if you had one) :)

278 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 10:04:13am

re: #266 Justanotherhuman

I’m always surprised at all the “XXX” sizes that sell.

The fact is, people are getting not just taller (although there are exceptions, like my family). They’re also heavier, whether it’s just fat or from “body building” (since muscle weighs more than fat).

I used to wear an XXL, now I wear XL.

Partly because I hate tight shirts.

279 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 10:05:41am

re: #277 Nyet

I still don’t see you point (if you had one) :)

It looked like you were trying to draw an equivalence between Y2K and the new millenium. I was just pointing out there really is none.

280 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 10:06:02am

Unfortunately, I missed a demo team flyover down the Hudson that happened just as I was walking out the door. Would have been cool to catch that, mirroring the shot I captured a few years back when the Enterprise did her flybys before heading to the Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum.

281 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 10:06:27am

US-led coalition has carried out fresh air strikes on Islamic State-held city of Ramadi, senior State Department official says - @Reuters
end of alert

282 Nyet  May 20, 2015 10:07:11am

re: #279 b_sharp

It looked like you were trying to draw an equivalence between Y2K and the new millenium. I was just pointing out there really is none.

I pretty obviously wasn’t.

283 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 10:07:57am

re: #278 b_sharp

I used to wear an XXL, now I wear XL.

Partly because I hate tight shirts.

I made myself lose some weight.

My motivation - a flawless, double-breasted Pierre Cardin suit I picked up at a second-hand shop for 230 Kc - less than $10 at the rate of exchange.

And union made in the USA to boot! I was quite pleased.

284 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 10:08:29am
285 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 10:09:24am

re: #284 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

God, the AP sucks.

286 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 10:10:08am
287 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 10:10:28am

re: #282 Nyet

I pretty obviously wasn’t.

Sorry my friend, but today the argument room is locked and the door barricaded.

288 Nyet  May 20, 2015 10:11:04am

re: #287 b_sharp

You shouldn’t have started one then, where there was no reason to start one in the first place. ;)

289 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 10:12:22am

re: #284 lawhawk

Wow, Preet is really kicking ass.

“Polos, 51, and Glover, 45, “had important and sensitive law enforcement jobs with the DEA,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement. “As alleged in the Complaint, they also had other secret jobs, which they concealed from DEA in order to maintain their national security clearance, betraying the oaths they had taken and creating needless risk for the agency they worked for.”

And prostitution, also, no doubt, with those rooms for private lap dances.

290 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 10:12:31am

re: #283 Dr Lizardo

I made myself lose some weight.

My motivation - a flawless, double-breasted Pierre Cardin suit I picked up at a second-hand shop for 230 Kc - less than $10 at the rate of exchange.

And union made in the USA to boot! I was quite pleased.

I lost 30lbs from Nov to Mar by eating like my wife, more veggies, fewer carbs with smaller amounts.

Now I seem to be gaining weight because I’m getting more exercise from gardening and allowing myself larger portions.

291 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 10:12:53am

In case anyone was wondering what Chucky or his sycophants (and sick-o-phants) were up to, it appears that his encouragement of abusive behavior towards Emma Sulkowicz resulted in vandalism. Posters were plastered around NYC calling her a “pretty little liar”.

There’s also a new twitter account calling itself fakerape, and posting these shots from around NYC.

As to yesterday’s activities:

Today’s stunt coincides with Columbia’s commencement ceremony, and follows on the heels of yesterday’s College Class Day ceremony, during which Sulkowicz carried her dorm room mattress across the stage. The NY Times reports that President Lee C. Bollinger refused to shake her hand when she passed, as he had done with all the other students—including Nungesser, who crossed the stage minutes before her.

During her junior year, Sulkowicz reported to the Columbia administration that Nungesser had beaten, strangled, and raped her. After an investigation, Columbia deemed him “not responsible,” prompting Sulkowicz to take her case to the NYPD that summer. But the NYPD declined to charge him, and Nungesser remained on campus. As part of her senior thesis project, Sulkowicz vowed to carry the mattress until Nungesser was expelled, or until her graduation—hence yesterday’s action.

The Columbia Spectator reports that yesterday’s action, which prompted a huge round of applause from Sulkowicz’s classmates, also got a nod of approval from the Class Day speaker. Before Sulkowicz took the stage, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti spoke from the podium: “You’ve held contrary opinions, held die-ins and sit-ins, carried mattresses. It is the the responsibility of an active citizen to engage with one another… Never stop being academics, and never stop being activists.”

292 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 10:13:18am

re: #288 Nyet

You shouldn’t have started one then, where there was no reason to start one in the first place. ;)

I had some spare argument laying about and wanted to get rid of it. It’s all gone now though.

293 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 10:14:17am

Whoa, there are RUBIO BIRTHERS!!!

294 Varek Raith  May 20, 2015 10:16:14am

64bit time_t has that same issue.
It just occurs a tad later.
15:30:08 on Sunday, 4 December 292,277,026,596

295 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 10:16:43am

For you Mad Max fans, here’s a great photo of the Doof Wagon. It’s gloriously insane.

I think a lot of film makers nowadays probably would’ve CGI’d this and called it a day. Not George Miller. And this baby is fully functional.


296 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 10:16:53am

re: #289 Justanotherhuman

Wow, Preet is really kicking ass.

“Polos, 51, and Glover, 45, “had important and sensitive law enforcement jobs with the DEA,” U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said in a statement. “As alleged in the Complaint, they also had other secret jobs, which they concealed from DEA in order to maintain their national security clearance, betraying the oaths they had taken and creating needless risk for the agency they worked for.”

And prostitution, also, no doubt, with those rooms for private lap dances.

They fancied themselves Henry Winkler and Michael Keaton in Night Shift.

297 Higgs Boson's Mate  May 20, 2015 10:17:13am

re: #294 Varek Raith

64bit time_t has that same issue.
It just occurs a tad later.
15:30:08 on Sunday, 4 December 292,277,026,596

So it’s okay to put that one on the back burner?

298 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 10:18:26am

re: #295 Dr Lizardo

And here’s a link to the full-size photo: Image: -1x-1.jpg

299 Varek Raith  May 20, 2015 10:18:29am

re: #297 Higgs Boson’s Mate

So it’s okay to put that one on the back burner?

I suppose..
Though perhaps we should still freak the hell out now.

300 BeachDem  May 20, 2015 10:19:13am

Well, alrighty then:

Andrew Wakefield, he of the totally de-bunked vaccine/autism bullshit, speaking to a bunch of Orange County anti-vaxxers, supports his bullshit with:

He claimed that former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson had personally told him that CBS took orders from the pharmaceutical industry.

Sharyl said so? I’m convinced.

301 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 10:19:52am

re: #294 Varek Raith

64bit time_t has that same issue.
It just occurs a tad later.
15:30:08 on Sunday, 4 December 292,277,026,596

I can hardly wait.

302 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 10:20:31am

re: #300 BeachDem

Well, alrighty then:

Andrew Wakefield, he of the totally de-bunked vaccine/autism bullshit, speaking to a bunch of Orange County anti-vaxxers, supports his bullshit with:

He claimed that former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson had personally told him that CBS took orders from the pharmaceutical industry.

Sharyl said so? I’m convinced.

Clearly, that settles the matter.


303 Great White Snark  May 20, 2015 10:20:48am

re: #295 Dr Lizardo

For you Mad Max fans, here’s a great photo of the Doof Wagon. It’s gloriously insane.

Embedded Image

I think a lot of film makers nowadays probably would’ve CGI’d this and called it a day. Not George Miller. And this baby is fully functional.


Got a pal in the biz looking into this, might be the most practical effects ever in a fully digitally shot movie.

304 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 10:21:18am

re: #295 Dr Lizardo

For you Mad Max fans, here’s a great photo of the Doof Wagon. It’s gloriously insane.

Embedded Image

I think a lot of film makers nowadays probably would’ve CGI’d this and called it a day. Not George Miller. And this baby is fully functional.


I think it needs a few more speakers.

Perhaps a Boehner or two?

305 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 10:22:24am

re: #289 Justanotherhuman

Prosecutors around here have an endless supply of people who think that they can beat the law, especially if they’re in law enforcement or politics.

And far too many are right - because there aren’t enough prosecutors to go around and clean up the fever swamps of politics especially in NYC and NYS.

But a few changes of state law would vastly improve things.

Eliminate the part-time legislator status. Make it a full time job where you can’t hold any side jobs, no other positions other than the one for which they were elected. Total transparency on salary/income.

That combination would eliminate a significant amount of graft and corruption in Albany since a bunch of the corruption arrests have come from people having side jobs, including Shelly Silver and Dean Skelos.

306 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 10:22:32am

And Young wonders why no one likes him:

Geoff Young, Jack Conway’s only opponent in the Democratic primary, has stated that he will not concede and will continue to try to disqualify Conway’s candidacy in court.

“Conway unlawfully used resources of the Kentucky Democratic Party to get where he is today,” Young claimed after the polls closed on May 19. “That is a crime under Kentucky law. This is almost certainly the biggest election fraud case in Kentucky history,” Young stated.

Conway’s next scheduled court date will be Tuesday, May 26, at 1:00 pm in the Jefferson County Circuit Courtroom of Judge McKay Chauvin, where Mr. Young has filed a motion to have Conway disqualified as a legitimate candidate. The legal battle could continue all summer and could possibly involve prison time for Governor Steve Beshear, Jack Conway, and three other powerful Democratic operatives.

Following Big Loss to Conway, Young Vows to Fight On in Court

Young has filed two separate civil suits seeking to disqualify Conway. He is also seeking $16 million in punitive damages. In addition, the retired state engineer says he’s contacted the FBI and has written U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch about his concerns.

Some major delusional butthurt happening there.

307 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 10:23:17am

re: #303 Great White Snark

Got a pal in the biz looking into this, might be the most practical effects ever in a fully digitally shot movie.

This is a vid of some of the behind the scenes stuff, the making of the film. It’s pretty damned cool.

308 Dr. Matt  May 20, 2015 10:25:24am

re: #295 Dr Lizardo

For you Mad Max fans, here’s a great photo of the Doof Wagon. It’s gloriously insane.

Embedded Image

I think a lot of film makers nowadays probably would’ve CGI’d this and called it a day. Not George Miller. And this baby is fully functional.


Doesn’t look very fuel efficient during an era where fuel is scarce. Silly Aussies……


309 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  May 20, 2015 10:26:34am

re: #295 Dr Lizardo

For you Mad Max fans, here’s a great photo of the Doof Wagon. It’s gloriously insane.

[Embedded content]

I think a lot of film makers nowadays probably would’ve CGI’d this and called it a day. Not George Miller. And this baby is fully functional.


This is how they feminized Mad Max? Just like the Congressional Medal of Honor. ///

310 b_sharp  May 20, 2015 10:26:52am

re: #308 Dr. Matt

Doesn’t look very fuel efficient during an era where fuel is scarce. Silly Aussies……


You don’t see all the gerbils.

311 FemNaziBitch  May 20, 2015 10:27:47am


312 iossarian  May 20, 2015 10:28:31am

re: #293 Lord Of The Pies

Whoa, there are RUBIO BIRTHERS!!!

[Embedded content]

They shouldn’t waste their time - Rubio’s bid is in any case invalid due to the fact that he’s a knob-end, to use a British colloquialism.

313 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 10:28:39am
314 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 10:30:24am

re: #309 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

This is how they feminized Mad Max? Just like the Congressional Medal of Honor. ///


I’ll have to see the film again; there’s so much detail that you can’t catch it all the first time. It was a great action film, one of the best I’ve seen, and to be honest, I’m not a huge fan of the action genre. But this one certainly raised the bar for how to make an action film - great characters, great effects, great stuntwork, a solid villain. And a well-written film, I’d say.

I saw Age of Ultron - and between the two, Fury Road wins, hands down. No contest.

315 Varek Raith  May 20, 2015 10:30:47am

re: #313 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Over 1000 weapons and an AK-47.

316 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 10:31:16am

re: #313 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Why aren’t police out doing Terry stops on every motorcyclist going down the road?

//// (sorta)

317 iossarian  May 20, 2015 10:31:31am

re: #315 Varek Raith

Over 1000 weapons and an AK-47.

They’re just members of a club, doing club-memberish things.

318 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 10:31:38am

Missed this one yesterday. Wonder if Arpaio wrote the legislation? I guess the millionaire sunbirds out there aren’t getting enough services?

Facing $1B deficit, Arizona cracks down on welfare with caps

Facing a $1 billion budget deficit, Arizona’s Republican-led Legislature has reduced the lifetime limit for welfare recipients to the shortest window in the nation.

Low-income families on welfare will now have their benefits cut off after just 12 months.

As a result, the Arizona Department of Economic Security will drop at least 1,600 families—including more than 2,700 children—from the state’s federally funded welfare program on July 1, 2016. More

319 makeitstop  May 20, 2015 10:31:57am

re: #295 Dr Lizardo

For you Mad Max fans, here’s a great photo of the Doof Wagon. It’s gloriously insane.

Embedded Image

I think a lot of film makers nowadays probably would’ve CGI’d this and called it a day. Not George Miller. And this baby is fully functional.


Even the flamethrower guitar? I suddenly need that.

320 wrenchwench  May 20, 2015 10:32:37am
321 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 10:33:53am

Here’s a bit about the vehicles of Fury Road.

322 Targetpractice  May 20, 2015 10:34:30am

re: #313 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Somewhere in America, Wayne LaPierre was suddenly offended and doesn’t know why.


323 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 10:36:50am
324 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 10:39:44am
325 Backwoods_Sleuth  May 20, 2015 10:41:49am

re: #323 Backwoods_Sleuth

326 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 10:42:16am

re: #324 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Interesting trivia about Nebraska: It’s the only state with a unicameral (one chamber) legislature.

327 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 10:42:16am

re: #322 Targetpractice

Somewhere in America, Wayne LaPierre was suddenly offended and doesn’t know why.


Because we are going to miss having these guys on our side when ISIS comes to take over.

328 Great White Snark  May 20, 2015 10:43:25am

re: #325 Backwoods_Sleuth

Heh, if they’d let me I would filibuster that mess. As previously mentioned, sure could use a more credible spokesperson, like maybe the Intel cmte Democrat that also wants to end it.

329 Targetpractice  May 20, 2015 10:45:39am

re: #325 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Wow, filibustering something that most right-thinking people decided was wrong ages ago. How brave of him.


330 Dave In Austin  May 20, 2015 10:46:14am

re: #295 Dr Lizardo

I would like to hear some Govt. Mule hooked up to that wagon. If Mr. Haines is not available, Primus would do a close second going down the road. Set the band up in front of that dog……

331 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 10:46:39am

Since when? Since you said so?

332 Nyet  May 20, 2015 10:46:48am

re: #320 wrenchwench

Vampire ducks!

333 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 10:48:06am

re: #331 Justanotherhuman

No, some of them are (accused) rapists (Assange).

334 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 10:51:13am

re: #331 Justanotherhuman

Since when? Since you said so?

Because it’s not like Snowden committed any crimes or anything.


335 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 10:51:33am

re: #330 Dave In Austin

I would like to hear some Govt. Mule hooked up to that wagon. If Mr. Haines is not available, Primus would do a close second going down the road. Set the band up in front of that dog……

I respect a director who goes with the real deal over CGI. Hell, even optical miniatures are vastly superior.

The opening sequence in The Dark Knight Rises (Bane’s airplane escape) ranks for me as on the greatest action sequences ever filmed. I’m quite sure the producers of the James Bond franchise were green with envy seeing that one. It left my jaw on the floor, as it also did with my cinematic companion. She was absolutely stunned.

336 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 10:52:04am

re: #324 Backwoods_Sleuth

Hard to believe.

337 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 10:52:33am

Ben Shapiro just retweeted @fakerape

What a small putz he is.

338 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 10:53:11am

re: #331 Justanotherhuman

Since when? Since you said so?

[Embedded content]

Wonder what he thinks of Suren Gazaryan, an environmentalist, who fled Russia and was granted asylum in Estonia in 2014.

339 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 10:53:12am

re: #313 lawhawk

These bikers must have seen The Godfather.

340 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 10:53:34am

re: #313 lawhawk

Yeah, that restaurant will be re-opening real soon.

341 Higgs Boson's Mate  May 20, 2015 10:53:40am

re: #313 lawhawk

BREAKING: Waco police now say they’ve found as many as 1000 weapons at Twin Peaks, including an AK-47. Many were hidden in toilets, food.

WAITER: And what caliber for you, sir?
CUSTOMER: Oh, I’ll just shoot whatever everyone else is shooting.

342 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 10:54:22am

re: #337 Lord Of The Pies

Ben Shapiro just retweeted @fakerape

What a small putz he is.

I assume @fakerape is a CCJ sock-puppet?

343 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 10:54:55am

re: #313 lawhawk

Oh, you mean those AK-47s.

344 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 10:54:56am

re: #331 Justanotherhuman

Not one word, not one—about which administration instigated the program.

And Snowden can lie in the bed he chose when he stole those documents.

345 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 10:55:44am

re: #331 Justanotherhuman

Since when? Since you said so?

Snowden was a politically oppressed person. ///

346 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 10:57:26am

re: #344 Justanotherhuman

Not one word, not one—about which administration instigated the program.

And Snowden can lie in the bed he chose when he stole those documents.

He’ll be in Russia until we capture some Russian agent in the US or something, and then Putin will make a trade in a hot minute.

347 CuriousLurker  May 20, 2015 10:57:41am

re: #238 Lord Of The Pies

[Embedded content]

Just got around to reading the article:

The judge admitted to making the remark, but claimed that it wasn’t meant to discriminate but to explain the district attorney’s perspective “may be different from that of someone who has been reared in West Texas,” according to the commission.”

I may be too blunt, but I am not biased or prejudiced against New Yorkers or Jews,” she said in her response to the commission. However, the commission concluded that the judge’s remark manifested a religious and/or cultural bias. […]

BULLSHIT. I grew up in Texas and I can guarantee you that referring to someone as “a New York Jew” there is loaded with prejudice & contempt. It basically goes to confederate thinking: New York Jew = big city non-Christian Yankee = cultural & religious asshole Other, not one of us.

Finally, in last September, the judge criticized an assistant district attorney in her courtroom about his beard, stating, “You look like a Muslim, and I wouldn’t hire you with it,” or words to that effect.

Schildknecht said she couldn’t recall the statement but the situation seemed “faintly familiar.” She added that she wouldn’t have made a comment while actively conducting court business, according to the documents. […]

Oh, well in that case it’s perfectly okay. //

348 Justanotherhuman  May 20, 2015 10:58:54am

re: #345 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Snowden bit the hand that fed him. And he continues to do so. As long as he doesn’t want to admit he did the wrong thing against this country, he can luxuriate in the oppressive Russian regime.

349 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 10:59:09am

re: #293 Lord Of The Pies

Whoa, there are RUBIO BIRTHERS!!!

And flying under the TCOT, PJNET banners.

350 Dave In Austin  May 20, 2015 11:01:09am

How do you hide an AK-47 in the toilet????
I’ll bet he folded it in half.

351 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 11:02:09am

re: #350 Dave In Austin

How do you hide an AK-47 in the toilet????

stuff it down the glory hole

352 Varek Raith  May 20, 2015 11:03:55am

re: #350 Dave In Austin

How do you hide an AK-47 in the toilet????
I’ll bet he folded it in half.

Everything is bigger in…
I refuse to make that joke.

353 Higgs Boson's Mate  May 20, 2015 11:04:18am

re: #350 Dave In Austin

How do you hide an AK-47 in the toilet????

My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.

354 Charles Johnson  May 20, 2015 11:05:38am
355 Dr Lizardo  May 20, 2015 11:05:52am

re: #353 Higgs Boson’s Mate

My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.

God darnit, Higgs Boson’s Mate, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.

356 Lidane  May 20, 2015 11:06:30am
357 Decatur Deb  May 20, 2015 11:06:59am

re: #350 Dave In Austin

How do you hide an AK-47 in the toilet????
I’ll bet he folded it in half.

Tape it under the trough.

358 Lord Of The Pies  May 20, 2015 11:07:41am

re: #354 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

So they’ll have to update this chart==>

359 Targetpractice  May 20, 2015 11:08:38am

re: #354 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

To be fair, it was only Republicans who were embarrassed…and only because Todd was stupid enough to say it within earshot of the press.

360 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  May 20, 2015 11:10:13am

re: #354 Charles Johnson

This sounds like a winning argument.


361 lawhawk  May 20, 2015 11:10:48am

Not a filibuster but a run of the mill speech that will end when debate on the trade bill ends.

Not exactly a difficult concept. A filibuster happens when you prevent action on a piece of legislation. Paul’s simply using all the allotted time on another bill (trade bill) to harp on provisions in an unrelated bill (Patriot Act).

362 Dave In Austin  May 20, 2015 11:11:13am

re: #353 Higgs Boson’s Mate

My mind is aglow with whirling, transient nodes of thought careening through a cosmic vapor of invention.

And here I was just thinking of the salad bowl……

363 BeachDem  May 20, 2015 11:11:27am

re: #358 Lord Of The Pies

So they’ll have to update this chart==>

Embedded Image

It’s up to volume 9

364 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 11:13:08am

re: #361 lawhawk

Not a filibuster but a run of the mill speech that will end when debate on the trade bill ends.

[Embedded content]

Not exactly a difficult concept. A filibuster happens when you prevent action on a piece of legislation. Paul’s simply using all the allotted time on another bill (trade bill) to harp on provisions in an unrelated bill (Patriot Act).

Well, Ted Cruz already did a “filibuster” which was already agreed upon by the Democratic leadership.

365 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 11:15:57am

re: #361 lawhawk

Not a filibuster but a run of the mill speech that will end when debate on the trade bill ends.

[Embedded content]

Not exactly a difficult concept. A filibuster happens when you prevent action on a piece of legislation. Paul’s simply using all the allotted time on another bill (trade bill) to harp on provisions in an unrelated bill (Patriot Act).

I think this is technically a “Cruzibuster”

366 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 11:16:46am

re: #365 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Bah, he has a better name for it. :(

367 Kid A  May 20, 2015 11:16:54am

Did you know that the reason the Democrats want the immigrant vote is because they abort all their babies and have to make up for all those lost votes? Limbaugh just said so.

368 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 11:18:05am

re: #367 Kid A

Did you know that the reason the Democrats want the immigrant vote is because they abort all their babies and have to make up for all those lost votes? Limbaugh just said so.

It makes perfect sense to any dittohead.

369 Timothy Watson  May 20, 2015 11:18:10am

re: #367 Kid A

Did you know that the reason the Democrats want the immigrant vote is because they abort all their babies and have to make up for all those lost votes? Limbaugh just said so.

Wait, I thought they had too many babies and the conservatives were sick of paying for them.

370 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  May 20, 2015 11:19:23am

re: #369 Timothy Watson

Wait, I thought they had too many babies and the conservatives were sick of paying for them.

There is nothing to prevent a Limbaugh devotee from holding both opinions simultaneously

371 GlutenFreeJesus  May 20, 2015 11:20:39am

The best goal that didn’t count. Ever.

372 Kryptik  May 20, 2015 11:32:15am

re: #360 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

You say that in jest, but god help me, it feels like just about everywhere else on the internet outside of liberal blogs, that kind of mindset IS winning, and it isn’t even close. Even people I’ve known for years who are stridently liberal suddenly go on a major ferakout the moment anything remotely construable as ‘feminist’ comes up and suddenly go full metal MRA, acting like feminists have conquered the country and are oppressing the menfolk wholesale.

The labels may have been rendered toxic for public consumption, but in many ways, MRA types and Gamergate have pretty much won in making ‘feminism’ simply outright toxic and a super-massive bogeyman in its own right. It fucking depresses me, but there it fucking is.

373 Higgs Boson's Mate  May 20, 2015 11:37:50am

re: #372 Kryptik

The business of draining words of all meaning and transforming them into simple pejoratives is, for me, one of the most dispiriting aspects of modern times.

374 Kryptik  May 20, 2015 11:41:55am

re: #373 Higgs Boson’s Mate

The act itself isn’t what is necessarily dispiriting to me, it’s the ease in which it happens, as well the seemingly impossible-to-penetrate double standards that allow it to happen.

375 Feline Fearless Leader  May 20, 2015 11:52:57am

re: #361 lawhawk

Not a filibuster but a run of the mill speech that will end when debate on the trade bill ends.

Not exactly a difficult concept. A filibuster happens when you prevent action on a piece of legislation. Paul’s simply using all the allotted time on another bill (trade bill) to harp on provisions in an unrelated bill (Patriot Act).

Ah, so he’s making friends by wasting time.

376 Kragar  May 20, 2015 12:03:30pm
377 Shiplord Kirel  May 20, 2015 1:07:03pm

re: #238 Lord Of The Pies

Anti-Semites+Muslim haters are same: Texas judge makes disparaging comments about NY Jews and ‘Muslim-looking’ beards

Judge Schildknecht’s 106th district comprises the area just south of Lubbock, Lynn, Dawson, Garza, and Gaines counties. The area is notable for the very large German ethnic presence. It was settled by German immigrants who responded to an enormous land sale scheme in the early 1900s. It represents a considerably later wave of migration than the famously Germanic communities around Fredericksberg and the Texas Hill Country, which were settled in the 1870s and 80s. Unlike the Hill Country German communities, the South Plains Germans seem in many cases to have retained their early 20th century Saxon peasant outlook and values intact. They have otherwise lost touch with their heritage though, and have not benefited from the enormous cultural changes that have swept modern Germany in the last century or so.

378 zerosumgame0005  May 21, 2015 6:39:41am

re: #4 Thanos

you all seem to forget how much money and effort went into preventing anything happening on 1/1/2000. a LOT of us worked and planned the change over. So nothing happening is because of people like me. But hey, techs are used to dummies thinking they have a clue…

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