Breitbart Commenters - Marriage Equality Edition

Another right wing moron-athon
Wingnuts • Views: 63,908

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Ruling in Obergefell v Hodges, the right - particularly the Christian right - is once again apoplectic (although honestly, when aren’t they apoplectic about something?), and the House that Andrew Breitbart built, better known as the hate site named, is failing to disappoint this morning.

So without further adieu, here is Breitbart Schadenfreude Volume Whatever, the Marriage Equality Edition (extended dance remix):

Once God became banished, this desent into immorality was inevitable.

I fear that America, as founded, is done. God save us.


Better look out now - the gays are coming for you. And the Section 8 housing people, and they’re gonna take down the flag next, and socialized medicine, and other groups we can hate, like little kids with dark hair, and people who speak a second language, and people driving FIAT cars, and well, anyone not born in suburban Texas.


I mentioned this on a post related to Obamacare yesterday, and I think it holds relevant today. The globalists have won (for now) folks. The country has been hijacked.

What we ought to be doing is studying how people resisted a tyrannical government over the long haul. A recent case that I think would bode well for us is the Polish non-violent resistance to Soviet occupation.

Make no mistake. It will take time to take the country back. But it can and will be done. Because the inherent inconsistencies of totalitarian liberal policies ALWAYS present themselves.


I’m going to say this in my best lisp so all of you homosexuals will understand.

Go phluck youthelfs.


This decision brings new meaning to Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push Organization.


We should feel sorry for them, Kennedy is encouraging them to continue acting strange instead opf snapping out of their psychotic-delusions …


God made human beings and He was pretty clear about how sex was supposed to be used.

1. Marriage only-husband and wife-man and woman.

2. Two made one flesh and children were to come of the union.

3. The husband was the protector and provider and the wife is the interior creative designer and worker to provide the home for the family.

4. Two men or Two women cannot equal One Man and One Woman.

So, the Gay Agenda is a lie that is meant to attack God. Since they reach Him, they go after Christians.


This is all part of the process to declaring Christianity “hate speech” or something. Just watch. I guarantee the end targets of all this are Christians.

The government must eliminate the ideals of Christianity (love, truth), as well as the ideals of the U.S. Constitution (liberty) in order to establish their luciferian one-world fascist-communist government.

Christians and gun owners - do you feel the target on your back yet? They will come for you.


Does this ruling now mean that Mischelle will declare its real sex?


The elite are behind the gay agenda as it contributes to depopulation, their goal.


What needs to be said is that gays are NOT equal and neither are the relationships they engage in. Children need a mother and fatherfather adadhaving good analanalysis 2 men having anal sex is against the laws of nature.


States rights are trod upon by the federal government once again.

The Founding Fathers warned of such a government. It is time again for each state to decide if it wishes to remain a part of this country in which the federal government views itself as more important than the citizens and the states that make up this country.


Anything the Liberals want and goes before the SCOTUS will be handed to them on a silver platter. Next will be gun control.


Definitely he is coming for guns


Absolutely he is….and the churches.


If marriage is a “right - one that is not tied to children and one that has no definition - then, by logical extension, those who have “natural” attractions to children, their own family members, to multiple people and even animals MUST now be allowed to “marry.”
Let the beasties, the furies, the pedophile and pederast, and the polyamorous celebrate! They shall not be denied their “love.”
Throuples, monogomish, marriagish, N @ Mbla….oh, they joys of life unhinged from morals and reality.



I’m the owner of a business in the wedding services industry. I WILL NOT provide services to mentally ill, sexually dysfunctional, vagina-phobic anus/rectum-philes and penis-phobes who want to pretend they’re “married”. If they want to marry a member of the opposite sex as many sexually dysfunctional, vagina-phobic anus/rectum-philes and penis-phobes have done in the past, I will gladly provide them service.

My heresy will inevitably result in the hate-filled, bigoted and fascist Gaystapo or the state’s attorney general initiating religious persecution against me. I will not appear at any legal hearings inquisitions by my persecutors as this would be an admission that they have the moral authority to deprive me of my 1st and 13th Amendment rights. This will result in a default judgement against me entailing a massive fine and perhaps even jail time. A lien will be placed on my home and eventually the Gaystapo’s minions of fascist tyranny will come to take possession of it. I can promise you this: They will be met with a fusillade of full-metal-jacketed lead. As Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” I would rather die with my bleed-out cooling the hot, spent cartridges from my still smoking hot barrel knowing I’ve taken out some of the fascist enforcers tyranny than to cower under the jack-boot of SCOTUS and the Gaystapo, and I will dispatch as many of their enforcings minions to Hell before they murder me.


This nation, over the past decade has been drafting their own death warrant via corruption, and lawlessness. Today, they signed that death warrant, the US, or any other nation for that matter cannot survive insanity like this, as Justice Scalia pointed out, we now have a nine member oligarchy determining how and what we can say, think, and do. A national disgrace.


Thanks’ to government schooling a majority of folks do not understand the Fourteenth Amendment. In my quest through our history step by step I found this explanation that cleared any misconception I had previously thought and was taught in ‘GOVERNMENT’ school’s.

14th Amendment Citizenship: Citizen = SLAVE

Prior to the alleged ratification of the 14th Amendment, there was no legal definition of a “citizen of the United States”, as everyone had primary citizenship in one of the several states. The Constitution referred to the sovereign state citizen, and no one else. Those who went to Washington, D.C. or outside the several states were commonly called “citizens of the United States.” In the Constitution for the United States, the term was used to identify state citizens who were eligible under the suffrage laws to hold office, and they were required under the Constitution to have primary allegiance to one of the several states.


Funny you mention the 14th amendment. According to the men who authored it, the Kenyan Turd is not a US citizen. Sotomayor and Kagan were appointed by an illegal alien. Now sodomy and deviance has been normalized. This nation is in deep trouble.


Next up they Next up they will try and force the Catholic church to perform gay marriages.


Everything on the supreme court should take a bullet !


I was at the medical clinic this morning for blood work and the TV had ABC news on in the waiting room. One of the commentators running off at the mouth about the polls showing millions of people supported this marriage farce. I commented to the people in the waiting room, “Funny how those millions of people never voted for this. This is being imposed on us by the courts.” The truth is this is just another round in the culture war being waged by the left against the country. They will be going after people’s religious beliefs namely the churches next. If you thought it was bad for the odd baker or florist or pizza shop owner. Well you ain’t seen nothing yet, now they have a really big target to go after. That being God himself.


As the 1st LGBTQ-POTUS LowBama will be celebrating at Mans Country Bath House with Rahm, Reggie, Boehner, Frist, Graham, GWB, Hastert, Foley, B.Frank …

It’s politicians not regular citizens who do this more by-%. That’s why they go far in politics bcs they can be controlled by the hidden controlling elite who have evidence of their deviant-behavior-activities … Liberal-Lowbama is sort of close to Rahm and Reggie …

RL was O’Bolo’s personal assistant on the campaign-trail and in the WH, from 2008-2011, and they both went on vacation together in 2011 without M-Obama.
2-2013 - Obama Vacationed Alone with Reggie-Lv Bans Media from Taking Pictures


Is this the end of the gay agenda? I wish I could say “yes”, but unfortunately the global elite aren’t done with their useful tools. Don’t get me wrong, I love my gay friends & family, I just don’t like the social engineering & the indoctrination of school age children, in days gone by, that would’ve been considered grooming.


flags displaying 2 homosexuals getting married - encircled with a slash -

will now be banned


flags displaying 2 homosexuals getting married - encircled with a slash -

will now be banned


The bent wrist society are doing their little giggle dance - A mighty sick sight!


This is terrible until you consider how states bastardize the 2nd.




I wouldn’t be surprised if she came out as a transracial. She sure likes her fake accents.


Well we already have a transgender in the WH….


look, conservatives, at least you get to keep your guns. guns are cool, focus on that. be happy.


You might regret that


Now is the time for war.
If they are on the Left, kill them.

Jump to bottom

1 Iwouldprefernotto  Jun 26, 2015 10:24:39am

It’s DERPatopia.

2 freetoken  Jun 26, 2015 10:25:43am

re: #1 Iwouldprefernotto

Derpocalpyse for sure.

3 freetoken  Jun 26, 2015 10:26:26am

Sort of off topic, but fundamentally not:

Exclusive: Trump Bans Univision Employees From His Properties

I suspect he’d get sued if some person is banned simply for an association with Univision.

4 Kragar  Jun 26, 2015 10:26:58am

They’re all afraid the Gaystapo is on the way to their homes to seize their guns, drag them off to FEMA camps, and have a same sex spouse assigned to them by a Death Panel.

5 jimmyvluv4u  Jun 26, 2015 10:27:03am

I’ve decided to just post this on various forums every hour or so all day:


6 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 10:27:43am

Such anger at a thing that will have zero negative impact on their lives. I’d feel bad but then I see that these people are the ideological descendants of those shouting racial slurs at children integrating schools.

7 darthstar  Jun 26, 2015 10:28:09am
8 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 10:28:42am
God made human beings and He was pretty clear about how sex was supposed to be used.

1. Marriage only-husband and wife-man and woman.

2. Two made one flesh and children were to come of the union.

3. The husband was the protector and provider and the wife is the interior creative designer and worker to provide the home for the family.

Marriage is all about procreation, so christians are excused for the lousy job they’re doing adopting all the children who need families.

9 Dr Lizardo  Jun 26, 2015 10:28:46am

re: #4 Kragar

They’re all afraid the Gaystapo is on the way to their homes to seize their guns, drag them off to FEMA camps, and have a same sex spouse assigned to them by a Death Panel.

Well, personally, I’d suspect that “having a same-sex spouse assigned to them” might be a deeply-rooted fantasy some of them have long wished to come true.

10 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 26, 2015 10:29:50am

Same Sex Couples in MS must wait for 5th Circuit ruling

Same-sex couples who want a marriage license in Mississippi will have to wait until the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals lifts its stay.

A couple who showed up at the Harrison County Circuit Clerk’s Office as soon as a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling was announced was among the first to hear the news. The ruling doesn’t automatically mean same-sex couples in Mississippi can get a marriage license yet.

Attorney General Jim Hood, in a written statement, said circuit clerks will be required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples when the 5th Circuit lifts its stay of Judge Carlton Reeve’s order.

“This could come quickly or may take several days,” Hood said. “The 5th Circuit might also choose not to lift the stay and instead issue an order, which could take considerably longer before it becomes effective.”

Gov. Phil Bryant said the ruling usurps states’ right to decide who may marry, according to the Associated Press.

Harrison County Deputy Circuit Clerk Connie Ladner said her office is just waiting on word.

“We are prepared and have everything ready to follow the law as directed,” Ladner said. “I have contacted the Attorney General’s office and am just waiting on them to give us direction on how to proceed.

“I understand there’s a three-week window that gives the other side a chance for a hearing,” Ladner said.

She said her office has received “plenty of phone calls, but right now, we’re at a standstill.”

Nonetheless, an LGBT advocate said the ruling makes it “a great day in America.”

11 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 10:31:06am
12 Charles Johnson  Jun 26, 2015 10:31:12am
13 Patricia Kayden  Jun 26, 2015 10:31:28am

Once they figure out that life goes on, despite this historic ruling, they’ll move on. Marriage equality hurts no one.

14 Targetpractice  Jun 26, 2015 10:31:49am

Growing up, I long wondered what the public outcry was like when Brown v. Board came down, totally destroying the worldview of many. Now I think I have a pretty good idea of what it was like.

And it…is…GLORIOUS!

15 The Vicious Babushka  Jun 26, 2015 10:32:14am
16 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 26, 2015 10:32:16am

re: #10 Eclectic Cyborg

Also of note: Jim Hood is a Democrat.

17 freetoken  Jun 26, 2015 10:32:25am

Message to Cupp - the religious right is not listening:

Tearful conservative pundit begs GOP to accept gays: ‘They’re not pariahs — they’re patriots’

Republican strategists are not stupid - they will try, really try, to turn around the anger into a general feeling of anti-“democratic” judges ruling tyrannically over the good American people.

Of course, these were the same people way back a couple of years ago who kept the message about America is a Republican Not A Democracy going. Stupid (and wrong) that was… but now all of a sudden the right is all for “democracy”.

18 allegro  Jun 26, 2015 10:32:39am

Composed while everyone went to new thread. Repeating:

Watching the local NBC news in Houston… overwhelmingly positive and gleeful response to now legal SSM in Texas. A reporter was interviewing the Harris Co clerk who said he was ready to issue licenses but had to wait to get paperwork that didn’t say “man and woman” on it to ensure legality. He is not issuing ANY licenses until he gets new paperwork and all marriages are equal. The Co Attny says, hey, quit stalling and issue licenses. So if state attny is saying no, at least here he’s getting a big fuck off and marriages will go forward asap.

In the unfortunate name dept… and yeah, my place in hell is assured for cracking up when I heard it… a gay couple who had a pending lawsuit gave a statement. One of the first guy’s sentences was “I love Dick more than anything in the world…”

19 Lidane  Jun 26, 2015 10:32:57am

Hey, Breitbart bigots —

Get over it, haters. Your side lost.

It’s a beautiful day in America. :D

20 Charles Johnson  Jun 26, 2015 10:33:06am

These people are just completely whacked out.

so what do you think they have on roberts?

did he diddle little kids? it has to be pedophile stuff to make get that much compliance. but an affair that he NSA discovered by monitoring his cell phone and emails would be something they could hold over his head.

depends on how much he values his family and his legacy.

john hastert didn’t play ball with obama and suddenly everything is known about him being a pedophile and money transactions, its as if someone already knew all this stuff for a long time and was just sitting on it

21 Patricia Kayden  Jun 26, 2015 10:33:27am

re: #3 freetoken

Sort of off topic, but fundamentally not:

Exclusive: Trump Bans Univision Employees From His Properties

I suspect he’d get sued if some person is banned simply for an association with Univision.

I assume he can legally ban Univision from his privately-owned property. I also assume that no Univision employee wants to associate with a bigot.

22 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 10:34:22am

re: #16 Eclectic Cyborg

Also of note: Jim Hood is a Democrat.

Bryant must not be familiar with Loving.

23 Targetpractice  Jun 26, 2015 10:34:23am

re: #17 freetoken

Message to Cupp - the religious right is not listening:

Tearful conservative pundit begs GOP to accept gays: ‘They’re not pariahs — they’re patriots’

Republican strategists are not stupid - they will try, really try, to turn around the anger into a general feeling of anti-“democratic” judges ruling tyrannically over the good American people.

Of course, these were the same people way back a couple of years ago who kept the message about America is a Republican Not A Democracy going. Stupid (and wrong) that was… but now all of a sudden the right is all for “democracy”.

If anything, this ruling will be a huge plus to whoever wins the nomination, as no matter how much the base hates them, they will not want the opportunity to undo much of what has been done in the last two days by replacing one of those 5 votes in favor of SSM and the ACA with another Scalia or two.

24 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 10:35:58am
25 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 10:36:10am

re: #20 Charles Johnson

These people are just completely whacked out.

Hasert? Wtf are they babbling about?

26 teleskiguy  Jun 26, 2015 10:36:25am
27 Drive By Commenter  Jun 26, 2015 10:36:39am

Well this was the week that was, wasn’t it? Now we get to watch endless replays of Derp ‘O Rama in staggering 3D Vision along with nonstop pouring whine and wind blown brain fatigue in an endless display of stupid and nasty.

Grab A Six Pack Or A Case Today! Just In Time For The Weekend!
28 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 26, 2015 10:38:29am

Wait until we see photos of the first circuit clerks being arrested for not issuing licenses.

The shrieks of “persecution!” will be deafening.

29 Charles Johnson  Jun 26, 2015 10:39:52am

National Review is reduced to this idiocy:

30 freetoken  Jun 26, 2015 10:41:08am

re: #21 Patricia Kayden

I assume he can legally ban Univision from his privately-owned property. I also assume that no Univision employee wants to associate with a bigot.

As far as while on employment - yes, I suppose he can.

But what if an Univision employee, not on the job, goes to one of Trump’s hotels?

Trump surely would be opening himself up to a discrimination lawsuit.

31 Charles Johnson  Jun 26, 2015 10:41:55am
32 Dr Lizardo  Jun 26, 2015 10:42:15am

re: #28 Eclectic Cyborg

Wait until we see photos of the first circuit clerks being arrested for not issuing licenses.

The shrieks of “persecution!” will be deafening.

I’m actually hoping to see some photos of the 82nd Airborne arresting Texas AG Ken Paxton (ETA) or Alabama SC Chief Justice Moore if they try to pull a George Wallace.

33 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 10:42:51am

re: #30 freetoken

Trump should continue to escalate his war on Hispanics. He’ll end up with a small fortune.

34 Iwouldprefernotto  Jun 26, 2015 10:43:24am

in honor of the Supreme court rulings, I’m going to go listen to my favorite album:

Derp Never Sleeps

35 Targetpractice  Jun 26, 2015 10:43:48am

re: #29 Charles Johnson

National Review is reduced to this idiocy:

[Embedded content]

These are the people who use “progressive” as an insult and then wonder how someone who said one thing in 2008 could say anything different in 2015.

36 piratedan  Jun 26, 2015 10:44:23am

it strikes me as sad that there is so much hate directed at people that have done NOTHING to them. How many of those brave commenters have been made, nay forced, to marry someone of the same gender? How many of them have had their marriages ruined due to lesbians, trans or gay people? OK, I can see why a few of the women would decide that they had better chances playing for the other team after reading some of the commentary… aren’t some of these yahoos supposed to be rugged practitioners of libertarianism, where a person is supposedly judged based on their own merits?

just.. wonder how and why so many people are so passionate about this

37 thecommodore  Jun 26, 2015 10:44:39am

re: #20 Charles Johnson

These people are just completely whacked out.

I just noticed this one:

Funny you mention the 14th amendment. According to the men who authored it, the Kenyan Turd is not a US citizen. Sotomayor and Kagan were appointed by an illegal alien. Now sodomy and deviance has been normalized. This nation is in deep trouble.


38 The Vicious Babushka  Jun 26, 2015 10:45:03am

re: #22 HappyWarrior

Bryant must not be familiar with Loving.


39 Dr. Matt  Jun 26, 2015 10:45:32am
Everything on the supreme court should take a bullet !

Now is the time for war.
If they are on the Left, kill them.

I really hope the FBI and Secret Service is monitoring that website.

40 blueraven  Jun 26, 2015 10:46:10am

Speaking of delusions:

He never gives up, but when he ever learn? The republican party will never be for equality. Not in any way, shape or form.

41 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 10:46:55am

re: #29 Charles Johnson

National Review is reduced to this idiocy:

[Embedded content]

And he’s changed his mind? NRO had no problem with Mitt trying out liberal Ted Kennedy on gay rights to what he is now and his numerous other flops.

42 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 10:47:21am

re: #38 The Vicious Babushka


Bryant not Bryan but yes.

43 ObserverArt  Jun 26, 2015 10:47:40am

Every time The Donald™ opens his mouth the more of his big ol’ stinky foot he manages to cram into it.

He might be in second in some polls right now, but keep him talking and even the RWNJs will grow tired of his act. Down will come the poll numbers.

He’ll get around to calling all of them out too. Everyone is in The Donald’s™ mouth range because no one is as great as he. We are all fools.

What a way to win hearts and minds as you run for national office. If in fact he is running for national office. I am still not convinced. Maybe when he releases his financials I’ll believe it.

44 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 10:47:47am
45 teleskiguy  Jun 26, 2015 10:47:51am
46 thecommodore  Jun 26, 2015 10:47:52am

re: #40 blueraven

Speaking of delusions:

[Embedded content]

He never gives up, but when he ever learn? The republican party will never be for equality. Not in any way, shape or form.

After Obama was first elected, I thought there would be an insurgent movement to reform the GOP and drive out the wingnuts. Now it’s been taken over by wingnuts, and as a result, I predict they will go the way of the Whigs.

47 Targetpractice  Jun 26, 2015 10:48:00am

re: #40 blueraven

Speaking of delusions:

[Embedded content]

He never gives up, but when he ever learn? The republican party will never be for equality. Not in any way, shape or form.

I’m pretty sure Frum is not even on speaking terms with reality anymore. He keeps looking to a party that no longer exists for sanity.

48 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 10:48:08am

re: #40 blueraven

Speaking of delusions:

[Embedded content]

He never gives up, but when he ever learn? The republican party will never be for equality. Not in any way, shape or form.

He is. He really thinks there will be a sane, center right GOP. Dave, that last happened in the 70’s.

49 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 10:48:38am
We should feel sorry for them, Kennedy is encouraging them to continue acting strange instead opf snapping out of their psychotic-delusions …

OK, but enough about the Dead Breitbart commenters….

50 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 10:49:25am

Man what a dick.

51 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 10:49:33am

re: #40 blueraven

Speaking of delusions:

He never gives up, but when he ever learn? The republican party will never be for equality. Not in any way, shape or form.

Insert Spider Man guy laugh here

52 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 10:50:22am

re: #29 Charles Johnson

National Review is reduced to this idiocy:

Oh, SNAP!!!!


53 Eventual Carrion  Jun 26, 2015 10:51:19am

re: #11 jaunte

[Embedded content]

This will be huge when one of them inevitably becomes hospitalized at some point. A mate that knows their wishes when the time comes.

54 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 10:51:52am

“your Mexican Government officials”

CEO of Univision Randy Falco was born in the Bronx in 1953.

56 ObserverArt  Jun 26, 2015 10:53:01am

re: #50 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Man what a dick.

Watch. He’s just getting started. I cannot wait to see him perform in a GOP debate. He will be a human wrecking ball.

57 Dr. Matt  Jun 26, 2015 10:53:18am

[glenn greenwald font] Yeah, but so what that OBL is dead, GM is alive, the Confederacy is dead, and Obamacare and SSM are victorious…..Obama still hasn’t bought me a pony. [/glenn greenwald font]

58 freetoken  Jun 26, 2015 10:54:13am

Speaking of Texas, and “democracy”, in the news today:

Controversial New Textbooks Go Into Use This Fall In Texas


The new standards are causing controversy in part because they require that Moses be cited as a major influencer of America’s founding documents. Marisa Perez and four other Democrats on Texas’ 15-member State Board of Education voted against adopting the new textbooks.


One of the proposed “factual errors” involved defining America as a “constitutional republic” instead of a democracy.


59 teleskiguy  Jun 26, 2015 10:54:14am

Hey needlessly superstitious reactionary conservatives out there, here’s an old picture of a lot of black cats!

60 blueraven  Jun 26, 2015 10:55:14am

re: #41 HappyWarrior

And he’s changed his mind? NRO had no problem with Mitt trying out liberal Ted Kennedy on gay rights to what he is now and his numerous other flops.

Actually, he didn’t change his mind. He was for equal rights for LGBT. On advice of campaign, he was pandering, as many, most all politicians do.

61 piratedan  Jun 26, 2015 10:55:25am

re: #57 Dr. Matt

Please assure Mr. Greenwald that a pony will be forthcoming, but cannot be delivered due to local zoning ordinances.

62 Eclectic Cyborg  Jun 26, 2015 10:55:37am

re: #50 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Man what a dick.

10 years ago a letter like that would have been brilliant satire.

63 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 10:55:40am

re: #60 blueraven

Actually, he didn’t change his mind. He was for equal rights for LBGT. On advice of campaign, he was pandering, as many, most all politicians do.


64 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jun 26, 2015 10:55:56am

re: #50 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Man what a dick.

He’s just the first Bizzaro Candidate. The events of this week will reveal more of them.

65 Charles Johnson  Jun 26, 2015 10:56:00am

Check out the White House avatar.

66 piratedan  Jun 26, 2015 10:56:06am

re: #59 teleskiguy

idly wonders if that was the casting call for Bell, Book and Candle….

67 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 10:57:04am
68 b.d.  Jun 26, 2015 10:57:26am

The current Texas #tcot governor sure does make Rick Perry like a compassionate elder statesman

69 BeachDem  Jun 26, 2015 10:58:00am

re: #20 Charles Johnson

These people are just completely whacked out.

And I laughed a lot at the Charles P. Pierce quote from one of the Blaze comments.

The quote: This is all documented. I saw an article somewhere some time after the first Obamacare decision that was butchered by Roberts about his adopted children.

Pierce’s comment: I think “This is all documented. I saw an article somewhere sometime…” is my favorite attribution ever.

70 ObserverArt  Jun 26, 2015 10:58:13am

re: #67 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Are they publicly defying the great Greg Abbott?

71 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 10:58:19am

re: #60 blueraven

Actually, he didn’t change his mind. He was for equal rights for LGBT. On advice of campaign, he was pandering, as many, most all politicians do.

YEAH BUT Obamummer said ONE MAN ONE WOMAN so all your argument and SCOTUS is unvalidated!!1111

72 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 10:58:27am

re: #65 Charles Johnson

Check out the White House avatar.

[Embedded content]

I am so proud of this WH. This is what you voted for in 2008 disillusioned Obama voters, a president that cares about all Americans not just his party’s wealthy donors.

73 Belafon  Jun 26, 2015 10:58:40am

So my local wingnut went “we’re heading towards freedom from religion.” In part, I’m having trouble figuring out why that’s a bad thing.

74 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 10:58:49am

re: #70 ObserverArt

Cracks in the wall!

75 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jun 26, 2015 10:59:02am

re: #68 b.d.

The current Texas #tcot governor sure does make Rick Perry like a compassionate elder statesman

If Molly Ivins was still around she’d already have flayed the hide off of Abbott.

76 Ian G.  Jun 26, 2015 10:59:04am

re: #11 jaunte

I’m trying not to cry….and not succeeding.

77 scottslemmons  Jun 26, 2015 10:59:57am

re: #24 jaunte

Is there actually anything in the Bible where God defines marriage? Even barring all the harems and widows marrying brothers-in-law and King David’s wandering winkity-boo, I can’t recall any passage where the Big Kahuna says what marriage is…

78 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 11:00:10am

Obama was wrong but Lincoln was wrong too about abolition, LBJ as senator opposed civil rights legislation, but as president, read the fine print jackasses but as president they fought for equality.

79 ObserverArt  Jun 26, 2015 11:00:22am

re: #72 HappyWarrior

I am so proud of this WH. This is what you voted for in 2008 disillusioned Obama voters, a president that cares about all Americans not just his party’s wealthy donors.

And…he’s a lame duck. He’s sure doing a disservice to that term.

80 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 11:00:55am

re: #73 Belafon

So my local wingnut went “we’re heading towards freedom from religion.” In part, I’m having trouble figuring out why that’s a bad thing.

I don’t either. If you want religion fine, but don’t fucking force it.

81 Ian G.  Jun 26, 2015 11:00:55am

re: #40 blueraven

Frum is an alcoholic in denial, has been for a while. I dunno when he’ll hit rock bottom, but it has to be coming.

82 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 11:02:07am

re: #81 Ian G.

Frum is an alcoholic in denial, has been for a while. I dunno when he’ll hit rock bottom, but it has to be coming.

The first step is admitting you have a problem (continuing to think the GOP is a noble party.)

83 Dr Lizardo  Jun 26, 2015 11:02:12am

Scanning the international media, and this comment from Frankfurter Allgemeine caught my attention:

Das ist ein harter Schlag für die ganzen Leute mit ihrem Antiamerikanischen Weltbild. Man hat doch den Amerikaner immer so gerne für einen stock konservativen Hinterwäldler gehalten. Und jetzt? Jetzt kriegen wir “Überlegenen” Europäer mal wieder gezeigt, dass uns die USA beim Thema Bürgerrechte mal wieder weit voraus sind.

Translation: “This is a hard blow for all those people with their anti-American worldview. It has always viewed the Americans as so much stock conservative hillbillies. And now? Now we ‘superior’ Europeans get shown once again that the United States are far ahead when it comes to civil rights.”


84 De Kolta Chair  Jun 26, 2015 11:02:17am

I must’ve been too young to vote for the last one.

85 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 11:02:34am

re: #69 BeachDem

And I laughed a lot at the Charles P. Pierce quote from one of the Blaze comments.

The quote: This is all documented. I saw an article somewhere some time after the first Obamacare decision that was butchered by Roberts about his adopted children.

Pierce’s comment: I think “This is all documented. I saw an article somewhere sometime…” is my favorite attribution ever.


86 b.d.  Jun 26, 2015 11:02:34am

re: #67 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Those are the biggest population centers in the state:

Bexar √(Houston San Antonio)
Dallas √
El Paso √
Hidalgo √ (McAllen)
Midland √
Tarrant √ (Ft. Worth)
Travis √ (Austin)
McLennan √ (Waco)

87 thecommodore  Jun 26, 2015 11:02:51am

re: #65 Charles Johnson

Check out the White House avatar.

[Embedded content]


88 BeachDem  Jun 26, 2015 11:03:04am

re: #40 blueraven

Speaking of delusions:

[Embedded content]

He never gives up, but when he ever learn? The republican party will never be for equality. Not in any way, shape or form.

I say again, as I usually say when Frum opens his pie-hole, “David, have you ever actually MET any of today’s Republicans??”

89 Ian G.  Jun 26, 2015 11:03:07am

re: #67 jaunte

Yeah, I mean, maybe it will be tough to get a license from whatever neanderthal locales send Louie Gohmert to Congress, but what about big cities with liberal populations like Austin, San Antonio, and even Dallas? There’s no way the Orval Faubus brigade is going to stop this.

90 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 11:03:24am

re: #86 b.d.

Bexar is San Antonio. I don’t think Harris county (Houston) is in yet.

91 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 11:03:52am

re: #29 Charles Johnson

National Review is reduced to this idiocy:

Also, too

WE has got new video on Grubergate!!! Obamacare going down for sure now!!!!111

92 b.d.  Jun 26, 2015 11:04:18am

re: #86 b.d.

Those are the biggest population centers in the state:

Bexar county is San Antonio, Harris county is Houston which is not on that list but issuing

93 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 11:04:23am

re: #86 b.d.

OK, sure, but besides the areas where all the people live….


94 Ian G.  Jun 26, 2015 11:04:31am

“I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions. I think moderate imperfections had better be borne with; because, when once known, we accommodate ourselves to them, and find practical means of correcting their ill effects. But I know also, that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”

You know, I think Thomas Jefferson was onto something. And I can’t think of a better example in my lifetime that the way the public has swayed on gays.

95 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 11:04:43am

re: #91 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Also, too

WE has got new video on Grubergate!!! Obamacare going down for sure now!!!!111

They’re sad. Just fold NRO, end your misery, it will be a lot less painful.

96 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 11:05:12am

re: #77 scottslemmons

Is there actually anything in the Bible where God defines marriage? Even barring all the harems and widows marrying brothers-in-law and King David’s wandering winkity-boo, I can’t recall any passage where the Big Kahuna says what marriage is…

Upworthy had this chart:

97 Dr Lizardo  Jun 26, 2015 11:05:29am

re: #87 thecommodore



98 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 11:05:51am

Cannot wait to see NRO when their back ass backwards worldview is again rejected at the presidential polls.

99 Charles Johnson  Jun 26, 2015 11:06:08am

Imagine how it’s eating at Chuck Johnson that he can’t be spewing mountains of anti-gay hatred on Twitter today.

100 freetoken  Jun 26, 2015 11:07:05am

I see the Republican candidates and leaders are all playing the martyrdom card today.

It takes an especially twisted mind, a mind addled by creationism, to claim that denying someone else the right to marry is freedom, but letting them marry is persecuting those who wanted to deny the right.

101 De Kolta Chair  Jun 26, 2015 11:07:46am

re: #50 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Man what a dick.

Why would anyone vote for someone who’s use of the imperial we is so inconsistent? Betcha Jeb Bush never makes that mistake.

102 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 11:07:59am

re: #100 freetoken

I see the Republican candidates and leaders are all playing the martyrdom card today.

It takes an especially twisted mind, a mind addled by creationism, to claim that denying someone else the right to marry is freedom, but letting them marry is persecuting those who wanted to deny the right.

Conservatism is a helluva drug.

103 jaunte  Jun 26, 2015 11:08:34am

“…Activists are planning a huge party at 5 p.m. this evening at Discovery Green in downtown Houston, and Houston’s annual Gay Pride Parade will be Saturday in downtown.”

104 ObserverArt  Jun 26, 2015 11:10:07am

re: #86 b.d.

Those are the biggest population centers in the state:

Ahhh. Liberal hotbeds of fevered politics.

105 Dr Lizardo  Jun 26, 2015 11:12:04am

The times, they are a-changin’.

106 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 11:12:14am

re: #94 Ian G.

Jefferson was gdamn commie and libertine.


107 Egregious Philbin  Jun 26, 2015 11:12:25am

Nothing more hilarious than an angry old fundie ball o’ rage.

The world is evolving, and they are becoming extinct, and it terrifies them.

108 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 11:14:10am

I wonder what the good folks at the National Organization against Marriage (NOM) are up to tonight?


109 Dr Lizardo  Jun 26, 2015 11:14:57am

re: #108 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

I wonder what the good folks at the National Organization against Marriage (NOM) are up to tonight?


110 Dr Lizardo  Jun 26, 2015 11:16:55am

From The Onion:

Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Most Buck-Wild Pride Parade Nation’s Ever Seen

“After reviewing the constitutional underpinnings of this case, the court finds that it is discriminatory for states to deny the right to the most out-of-control, bonkers gay pride parade that anyone could possibly imagine,” Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote in his majority opinion, which outlined at length the elaborate floats, billowing rainbow flags, and phalanxes of outlandishly dressed participants, barely scratching the surface of how completely bananas things are about to get.

111 No Country For Old Haters  Jun 26, 2015 11:17:20am

re: #12 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

112 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 11:18:27am

re: #111 No Country For Old Haters

[Embedded content]

That’s what they are afraid of. You lost Nolte. Enjoy.

113 Lidane  Jun 26, 2015 11:19:12am

Sure, that makes sense:

114 Lidane  Jun 26, 2015 11:21:21am
115 Dr Lizardo  Jun 26, 2015 11:22:58am

re: #114 Lidane

[Embedded content]

The wingnuts should flee to Russia. I hear it’s quite the land of freedom.

116 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 11:24:22am

re: #113 Lidane

Sure, that makes sense:

[Embedded content]

We had 9-11 when DOMA was law, jus saying and Katrina the year a certain Republican president that tried banning gay marriage was re-inaugurated.

117 HappyWarrior  Jun 26, 2015 11:24:42am

re: #115 Dr Lizardo

The wingnuts should flee to Russia. I hear it’s quite the land of freedom.

[Embedded content]

Lots of vodka to cry into.

118 scottslemmons  Jun 26, 2015 11:24:46am

re: #114 Lidane

Please, yes, let as many of the wingnuts as possible flee to some other country.

More than likely, some other country where gay marriage is also legal. Like Canada!

119 No Country For Old Haters  Jun 26, 2015 11:27:04am
120 De Kolta Chair  Jun 26, 2015 11:27:06am
121 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jun 26, 2015 11:35:01am
Now is the time for war.
If they are on the Left, kill them.

Pinky commie leftists so violent.


122 Pawn of the Oppressor  Jun 26, 2015 11:47:13am

Tarrant County is issuing licenses? I kinda want to go get Gay Married for a day, just to piss somebody off.

123 ComradeDread  Jun 26, 2015 1:07:21pm
God made human beings and He was pretty clear about how sex was supposed to be used.
1. Marriage only-husband and wife-man and woman.

Once again for the biblically illiterate among us, bible marriage was:
1. One man, one woman
2. One man, one woman, and her female slave.
3. One man, one woman, a Pharaoh, and a Canaanite warlord and his harem.
4. One man, one woman, her sister, her female slave, her sister’s female slave
5. One man, one pre-teen girl kidnapped from her town after her husband and band of marauders killed everyone else.
6. One man, one pre-teen girl kidnapped while she was doing a religious celebration.
7. One man, one woman, and his brother if the husband died and the couple were childless.
8. One man, multiple women.
9. One man and the slave girl he bought from her father.
10. One man and his virgin rape victim.
11. One man, his non-Jewish wife whom he divorces and kicks out of their home without support because Jehovah really hated non-Jews and inter-racial marriage in some books of the Old Testament more than He supposedly hated divorce.

Monogamy in marriage came about more from a cultural shift and the domination of Judea by the Greeks first and then the Romans.

I think we can stand a slight shift in our ideas of what marriage is considering how varied it was in the past.

2. Two made one flesh and children were to come of the union.

Except all those instances when children didn’t come of the union, which facilitated the husband fucking your slave girl.

3. The husband was the protector and provider and the wife is the interior creative designer and worker to provide the home for the family.

No, sweetheart… the husband was the boss. Period. The wife was property and her role was assigned to her by her culture.

124 Romantic Heretic  Jun 26, 2015 1:10:17pm

re: #36 piratedan

just.. wonder how and why so many people are so passionate about this

The reason is many people need monsters in their lives and gays make convenient monsters.

125 Eric The Fruit Bat  Jun 26, 2015 1:54:25pm

Is is not obvious? God almighty blessed the 5 SCOTUS justices to do his will and gave the world’s largest “I do not know you” thorough his only begotten son?

126 JDRhoades  Jun 26, 2015 2:01:32pm
Eventually the Gaystapo’s minions of fascist tyranny will come to take possession of it. I can promise you this: They will be met with a fusillade of full-metal-jacketed lead. As Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” I would rather die with my bleed-out cooling the hot, spent cartridges from my still smoking hot barrel knowing I’ve taken out some of the fascist enforcers tyranny than to cower under the jack-boot of SCOTUS and the Gaystapo, and I will dispatch as many of their enforcings minions to Hell before they murder me.

You ain’t gonna do shit, dickweed. Sit down and STFU before you embarrass yourself further.

127 Tigger2  Jun 26, 2015 3:55:35pm

re: #17 freetoken

Message to Cupp - the religious right is not listening:

Tearful conservative pundit begs GOP to accept gays: ‘They’re not pariahs — they’re patriots’

Republican strategists are not stupid - they will try, really try, to turn around the anger into a general feeling of anti-“democratic” judges ruling tyrannically over the good American people.

Of course, these were the same people way back a couple of years ago who kept the message about America is a Republican Not A Democracy going. Stupid (and wrong) that was… but now all of a sudden the right is all for “democracy”.

Cupp is just pissing into the wind if she thinks the knuckeldraggers in her party is ever going to except gays as people.

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