An Open Letter to All Democrats

Will you allow the right to divide and conquer us?
Opinion • Views: 60,868
Right Wing Driving Dems to Tug Each Other Apart

I read this diary on DailyKos concerning Bernie supporters wanting to vote Trump in the upcoming General Election. From that diary (which is exceptional; please read it in full):

… I’ve been hearing and reading people who profess to be leftists or progressives saying they will never vote for Clinton but might instead vote for Trump.

Anybody who does that is a freaking numbskull. Anybody claiming to be on the left who votes for Trump deserves not an ounce of respect. Anybody who thinks putting this billionaire bully into the White House makes any kind of sense has none. And anybody who urges people to vote for him is dead to me.

I have no idea how many actual Sanders’ supporters are considering a vote for Trump if Bernie fails to get the nomination.

I don’t know how many of the people who are saying Trump is a good option for progressives in November actually are progressives themselves, how many are blowhards and trolls, and how many are rat-fuckers who have all along favored Trump and are eager to exploit our division. Too many, whatever the count.

Let me tell you, I am pretty certain the number of Democrats willing to vote Trump are as small as those voters minds are because if they vote Trump they are voting for his racist, xenophobic, white nationalist, bombastic, world-threatening views. While hardly impossible, the numbers are just not what we are seeing on the internet.

Why do I say that? Because this is a coordinated effort by the right to split and divide democrats. They are trying to rip us apart — so they can instill either lunatic Trump or Talibangical Theocratic Cruz. (Please, for a moment, think of either of those men having access to the nuclear football and the world’s strongest military.) Maybe, if their current crop of lunatics all immolate before the General, they will bring in — who knows — elder Mitt, or their pet oh-so-serious “economist” Paul Ryan.

Proof of this coordinated effort? Glad you asked. This is a tweet from July, 2015, provided by our own Curious Lurker:

Note where it says they want to pit:

  1. Blacks v. Mexicans
  2. Blacks v Gays
  3. Gays v Moslems
  4. Moslems v. Feminists
  5. Feminists v. Blacks

…with the final instruction to Troll Hard:

You should all be trolling these groups and trying to sew discord between them. Easy enough to do, for the higher IQ element amongst us, and extremely personally rewarding in the form of lols.

Get into their circles, pretend to be them, cause rustled jimmies.

Please keep this in mind so that we stop the divide and conquer stuff. This is what the right wants. I implore you, do not feed these trolls, do not attack other dems.

But, to the point of this post, the following is a comment from the DailyKos diary noted above:

I am voting Bernie in the Illinois primary, but if Hillary wins the nomination, I will gladly support her and/or the Dems with MONEY.

HOWEVER, a Hillary win in Illinois, in the General Election, would practically be a foregone conclusion. I believe that I could safely vote Green in the General, a “protest vote” that would, IN NO WAY, endanger Hillary’s electoral chances. If I lived in Ohio, or Florida, then yes, it would be a different equation, and I would certainly vote Hillary. Hillary may end up winning my support yet here in Illinois; I’m just pointing out that the situation is more fluid than just “Vote Hillary or enable Trump.”

I don’t want to create a ridiculously post. I’ll just say this…every vote counts. If you absolutely cannot vote for the democratic nominee for whatever reason, then don’t. But to say you are doing a protest vote in the General just because, remember this one word:


Because the GOP is going to do everything they can to block the next democratic president as they have our current president. And they love to throw out the word MANDATE. So, by god, let’s give our next democratic president that bloody mandate.

For you who do not think your vote counts, let’s walk this out. You do not think your vote counts. Nor does the guy down the block. Or the three folks across the road. Or the hundred over that hill. Or the thousand in the next county…because each of you is one vote. Just one vote.

While I am a Clinton supporter I would vote for Bernie in the General Election in a second. I wouldn’t give it a cursory thought, it is a foregone conclusion. And I would hope that Bernie would get his Mandate.

Please, do not waste your vote on well-meaning protest votes. Between the right playing their little One way or another, I’m gonna trick you, I’ll trick you, I’ll trick you, trick you, trick you games, states enacting extreme voter ID laws designed to hold back democratic voters, the last thing democrats need is a protest vote because you think your vote doesn’t matter.

Your vote matters. It always has and it always will.

Jump to bottom

Chez Ko Pe  Mar 4, 2016 • 12:39:44pm
I also don’t have a clue how many actually believe what I personally have heard a few say—that electing Trump would be tactically good for progressives because he would be such a bad president that a majority of Americans would reverse decades of rightward drift in the next election. Seriously? When in history would such an approach have ever worked?

I’ve heard this particular fart wafted since before Obama vs Clinton, so I’m not surprised that there are still people squirting it about. Salon, FFS, has recently published at least one article to that effect.

Likewise, while their ranks are surely swollen with rightwing trolls at the moment, there have long been far too many Political Purity Pseudo-Progressives who will always threaten to withhold their vote if they don’t get their way. Regular prog commenters on a variety of forums that I’ve read for years are currently screaming the “never Clinton” bullshit; if they’re rightwing trolls that’s an impressively long game they’ve been playing. And because it’s all about ME ME ME ME ME, you can’t talk them out of it.

The “progressive” sites are getting worse. When I dropped it from my bookmarks, RawStory was furiously churning out one Clinton-is-Evil article after another posing as legitimate journalism. Remember the quote MSNBC butchered to make it sound like Bill Clinton was attacking Barack Obama? RawStory butchered it further to make it sound even worse. MSNBC’s deceit wasn’t anti-Clinton enough for RawStory.

It makes me sad, because Tom Boggini, who wrote the ultimate comeback to these self-destructive narcissists way back in 2008, works at RawStory now. It must be awful for him.

MsJ  Mar 4, 2016 • 12:47:52pm

re: #1 Chez Ko Pe

I’ve heard this particular fart wafted since before Obama vs Clinton, so I’m not surprised that there are still people squirting it about. Salon, FFS, has recently published at least one article to that effect.

Likewise, while their ranks are surely swollen with rightwing trolls at the moment, there have long been far too many Political Purity Pseudo-Progressives who will always threaten to withhold their vote if they don’t get their way. Regular prog commenters on a variety of forums that I’ve read for years are currently screaming the “never Clinton” bullshit; if they’re rightwing trolls that’s an impressively long game they’ve been playing. And because it’s all about ME ME ME ME ME, you can’t talk them out of it.

The “progressive” sites are getting worse. When I dropped it from my bookmarks, RawStory was furiously churning out one Clinton-is-Evil article after another posing as legitimate journalism. Remember the quote MSNBC butchered to make it sound like Bill Clinton was attacking Barack Obama? RawStory butchered it further to make it sound even worse. MSNBC’s deceit wasn’t anti-Clinton enough for RawStory.

It makes me sad, because Tom Boggini, who wrote the ultimate comeback to these self-destructive narcissists way back in 2008, works at RawStory now. It must be awful for him.

I thought that diarist did a pretty good job of Fabreezing the shit out of that fart.

I think that the majority of those NEVER CLINTON comments are going to come around. They’re passionate about what Bernie said. I understand that passion. I wish it could be reality but it can’t. I am, and have always been, a realist. Are there some things that could be done a la Bernie? Sure. But much is political vaporware, as impossible as an actual Trump position (that doesn’t involve his tiny…hands).

Are there some who won’t vote for Clinton? Sure. But, and I would be willing to put money on this, there are a lot more sane Republican’s who see Trump for the extreme danger to humanity that he is, and they will vote Clinton (yes, vote Clinton, not abstain or do a write-in, because that’s pointless to anyone with a brain, but an actual gosh darned vote).

Clinton needs that Mandate. Bernie supporters who don’t help give her that do nothing but feed into right wing bullshit and allow more right wing bullshit.

Anymouse  Mar 5, 2016 • 11:48:31pm

My own Republican Senator (Ben Sasse) said he would not vote for Mr. Trump, and urged others in the Republican Party not to, either. (His Facebook post was reprinted in every newspaper in the state. His Facebook page is also a collection of all sorts of hate mail for that position.)

I cannot imagine anyone (sane) in the Democratic camp saying “well, if my candidate is not selected, I will not vote” (or vote for Dr. Jill Stein, or even worse, the Trumpenfuhrer).

No candidate can reach all the aspirations of every voter in a national party, and no candidate without nationwide support can win an election. Perfect is the enemy of good.

I wrote a diary over at Daily Kos this evening on my experience at my county caucus yesterday afternoon.
Cheaply pimping my Daily Kos diary with this link.

The discussion at the caucus was civil, polite, none of this nonsense about “I am taking my ball and going home.”

The supporters for both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders (disclosure: I caucused for Mr. Sanders) were respectful, did not mudsling, and simply presented the reasons why they supported the candidate they did.

In the end, our county went for Mr. Sanders. But during the discussions before the outcome was known, everyone in the room was discussing the likely slings and arrows the GOP would throw at each of our candidates - it was more like a strategy session for a general election than a caucus.

Unsurprisingly, everyone thought we could run a tumbleweed for President and it would be a better choice than anyone from the Dumpster fire on the right.

Testy Toad T  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:25:25am

Funny what happens when you court independent candidates with only a passing interest in identifying with the Democratic Party //////

Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:27:33am

But remember, BOTH SIDES are the same, which is why laws covering voting, abortions, gun ownership and a myriad of other concerns are uniform across the entire country.

No Country For Old Haters  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:27:52am

Early for OT, but Slashdot, which has been going reactionary since Gamergate, is now officially completely off the deep end.

Nyet  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:28:20am

While there are probably some trolls, the lefties who I’ve seen threatening to go Trump were all too real (that is, they have enough of an online footprint to make this judgment).

Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:31:12am
lawhawk  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:31:47am

The trolls are busy submitting stuff to the FEC:

The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:33:38am

re: #9 lawhawk

The trolls are busy submitting stuff to the FEC:

[Embedded content]

Someone should submit Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho to the FEC as a Republican candidate. He’d be the most intelligent of the lot.

Testy Toad T  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:37:55am

re: #6 No Country For Old Haters

Early for OT, but Slashdot, which has been going reactionary since Gamergate, is now officially completely off the deep end.

Damn. That’s actually really, really sad. I was never a frequent commentator at /., but that’s just completely whacko.

Amory Blaine  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:37:56am

Congrats on the promotion MsJ.

Decatur Deb  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:38:53am

You know it’s genuine TPGOP because they can’t spell 3-letter words. (Sow)

Ace-o-aces  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:39:23am

Didn’t think I’d actually get a response to this tweet, but……

Kryptik  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:40:14am

re: #14 Ace-o-aces

The phrasing of the reply seems….rather telling.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:42:23am

re: #10 The Vicious Babushka

Brawndo. Because it has electrolytes.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:43:16am

re: #15 Kryptik

The phrasing of the reply seems….rather telling.

I was thinking the same thing.

Amory Blaine  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:43:18am

re: #15 Kryptik

Right, looks like he wanted to but kept it “civil”.

No Country For Old Haters  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:43:20am

re: #11 Testy Toad T

Damn. That’s actually really, really sad. I was never a frequent commentator at /., but that’s just completely whacko.

The site fell into group-think on the misogynistic side of gamergate, which I guess isn’t that surprising for gaming nerds who have faced a lot of rejection from women. It used to be a really good site, but it has been going downhill for years, and tends to feature more rage-nerds than smart people these days.

Charles Johnson  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:43:23am

re: #14 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

Didn’t think I’d actually get a response to this tweet, but……

He didn’t get that you were being sarcastic.

Ace-o-aces  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:44:25am

re: #18 Amory Blaine

Right, looks like he wanted to but kept it “civil”.

These are the people CCJ counts as “friends” these days.

Le Lapin Tueur  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:45:29am

re: #20 Charles Johnson

He didn’t get that you were being sarcastic.

Sarcasm fits in with humor on RWNJs inability to grok.

No Country For Old Haters  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:46:21am

re: #21 Ace-o-aces

These are the people CCJ counts as “friends” these days.

I’d say he’s hit rock-bottom, but Chuck will alienate the racist chuckle-heads too, and eventually be left talking to actual rocks.

The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:47:02am

Half of those white people died to KEEP BLACK PEOPLE IN SLAVERY dipshit

withak  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:47:24am

re: #14 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

Didn’t think I’d actually get a response to this tweet, but……

He probably didn’t look too far past your avatar, assumed you are like-minded, and responded with candor.

Ace-o-aces  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:48:35am

re: #23 No Country For Old Haters

I’d say he’s hit rock-bottom, but Chuck will alienate the racist chuckle-heads too, and eventually be left talking to actual rocks.

B5 the Series: No Hiding Place Down Here Song

Amory Blaine  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:49:36am

re: #24 The Vicious Babushka

His first mistake is pretending like that makes him “even”.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:50:13am
Ace-o-aces  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:50:20am

re: #25 withak

He probably didn’t look too far past your avatar, assumed you are like-minded, and responded with candor.

For the record, my avi died decades before the Nazis even existed and fought alongside German Jews.

The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:51:20am

re: #29 Ace-o-aces

For the record, my avi died decades before the Nazis even existed and fought alongside German Jews.

Red Baron. Wasn’t he shot down by a Canadian?

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:52:12am

re: #30 The Vicious Babushka

Red Baron. Wasn’t he shot down by a Canadian?

A Canadian was given credit for the kill, but who actually shot him down is a matter of conjecture.

withak  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:52:27am

re: #29 Ace-o-aces

For the record, my avi died decades before the Nazis even existed and fought alongside German Jews.

Duly noted. I just meant that an “old-timey white guy photo” avatar was probably enough for this guy to feel comfortable responding as he did.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:52:30am

re: #24 The Vicious Babushka

About 280,000 Confederates were killed in the Civil War, inflicting about 340,000 fatalities on Union troops. So, put another way, about half of the 620,000 were not only fighting to preserve institution of slavery, but killed those trying to end the institution of slavery that underpinned the South’s insurrection and secession from the Union.

Nyet  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:53:47am

re: #24 The Vicious Babushka

And strictly speaking, while the war was all about slavery for the South, for the North it was much more complicated, to put it mildly.

It’s a bit akin to saying “the Soviets lost 20000000 lives to save the Jews”.

The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:54:40am

re: #34 Nyet

And strictly speaking, while the war was all about slavery for the South, for the North it was much more complicated, to put it mildly.

It’s a bit akin to saying “the Soviets lost 20000000 lives to save the Jews”.

Before 1863 it was a war to “Save the Union”

Nyet  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:55:00am

re: #32 withak

Duly noted. I just meant that an “old-timey white guy photo” avatar was probably enough for this guy to feel comfortable responding as he did.

Yeah. This type has a thing for “vintage white”.

Nyet  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:55:41am

re: #35 The Vicious Babushka

Before 1863 it was a war to “Save the Union”

Yep, yep.

makeitstop  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:56:15am

College Humor makes a demand of Drumpf (NSFW, so private). Pretty funny, although the idea itself is pretty repulsive.


wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:56:30am

re: #36 Nyet

Yeah. This type has a thing for “vintage white”.

Oddly enough, when I was a kid helping to paint the inside of our home, the ‘color’ was ‘Navajo White’.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:56:43am

There were a lot of African-Americans who fought in the Union Army too including a lot of former slaves.

makeitstop  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:56:59am

re: #38 makeitstop

College Humor makes a demand of Drumpf (NSFW, so private). Pretty funny, although the idea itself is pretty repulsive.

[Embedded content]

Well, that didn’t work. Video’s still pretty funny.

Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:57:07am
Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:57:26am

re: #39 wrenchwench

Unintentional I’m sure, but that sure sounds disrespectful.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:57:49am

Someone on the internet needs to cook up a Trump reply generator.

Big Beautiful Door  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:57:50am

I will vote for the democratic nominee, even though I am in Kentucky so the GOP nominee will win Kentucky’s electoral votes, barring a strong independent candidate (Bill won Kentucky in ‘92 and ‘96 in part thanks to Perot). And I won’t feel like my vote was wasted. However, people should feel free to vote third party if they want, and their vote won’t be wasted either.

Sophist, Vogon Poet Laureate  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:57:53am

re: #24 The Vicious Babushka

Half of those white people died to KEEP BLACK PEOPLE IN SLAVERY dipshit

[Embedded content]

“Some white people once died stopping slavery, therefore I, as a while person, deserve some of the credit.”

Nyet  Mar 7, 2016 • 11:59:57am

re: #44 Eclectic Cyborg

Someone on the internet needs to cook up a Trump reply generator.

Might be a good continuation of the great LGF tradition. What do you think, Charles? This might go viral.

Big Beautiful Door  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:00:07pm

re: #24 The Vicious Babushka

Half of those white people died to KEEP BLACK PEOPLE IN SLAVERY dipshit

[Embedded content]

And lots of them died to preserve the Union, not to free the slaves.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:00:37pm

It’s like when they give Christians and Christianity credit for ending slavery. Yes, tehre were a lot of devout Christians who were abolitionists but there were also a lot of devout Christian slaveholders too.

EPR-radar  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:00:42pm

re: #34 Nyet

And strictly speaking, while the war was all about slavery for the South, for the North it was much more complicated, to put it mildly.

It’s a bit akin to saying “the Soviets lost 20000000 lives to save the Jews”.

I don’t see any complexity here. The South started the Civil war because of slavery. That really does make the Civil War “all about slavery”, even though motives and stated war goals in the North changed over time.

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:00:52pm

re: #43 Eclectic Cyborg

Unintentional I’m sure, but that sure sounds disrespectful.

It is bad. There were lots of stupid names for shades of white, and ‘Antique White’ was one that triggered my memory. ‘Eggshell’ must be one of the most common. It refers to chicken eggs, but they don’t get that specific.

withak  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:00:55pm

re: #44 Eclectic Cyborg

Someone on the internet needs to cook up a Trump reply generator.

Stay tuned; I’ve got something similar in the works.

Nyet  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:02:04pm

re: #50 EPR-radar

I don’t see any complexity here. The South started the Civil war because of slavery. That really does make the Civil War “all about slavery”

For the South, yes.

The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:03:52pm


Ace-o-aces  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:05:27pm

re: #31 Eclectic Cyborg

A Canadian was given credit for the kill, but who actually shot him down is a matter of conjecture.

Probably Australian ground troops. At the time, Alies wanted credit for the kill and Germans didn’t want to admit their hero had been taken down by lowly infantry.

Sophist, Vogon Poet Laureate  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:05:38pm

re: #50 EPR-radar

I don’t see any complexity here. The South started the Civil war because of slavery. That really does make the Civil War “all about slavery”, even though motives and stated war goals in the North changed over time.

Yes, but the motives of the North are exactly what the dumb meme is claiming credit for.

stpaulbear  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:05:48pm

re: #51 wrenchwench

‘Eggshell’ mostly refers to a paint’s finish, like ‘flat’ or ‘gloss’.

withak  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:06:22pm

re: #54 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

I literally LOL’d at this, and now I had to explain myself to co-workers.

Big Beautiful Door  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:06:32pm

re: #54 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

And the white knight scenario at the GOP convention is live.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:06:45pm

re: #54 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]


Testy Toad T  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:08:13pm

re: #54 The Vicious Babushka


Stanley Sea  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:09:43pm

re: #41 makeitstop

Well, that didn’t work. Video’s still pretty funny.

worked for me. very funny.

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:10:10pm

I honestly can’t believe there are diaries over at DKos right now defending Bernie’s “shushing” of Hillary the way he did. Yeah, she did try to interrupt but his tone alone was that of a condescending prick.

Khal Wimpo (not-so-Super Tuesday's Child)  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:10:34pm

If you need more (depressing) proof that the web is alive with TrumpTrolls, who pounce on any slight to The Glorious Leader, go no further than the comment threads to this piece on Business Insider

It’s not normal for a political party to rent frontrunner status to cranks and charlatans for weeks at a time. Disastrous candidates are supposed to be blocked by validating institutions. Policy experts explain that their proposals do not add up. The media covers embarrassing incidents from their past and present. Party leaders warn that they will be embarrassing or incompetent or unelectable.

The problem is that Republicans have purposefully torn down the validating institutions. They have convinced voters that the media cannot be trusted; they have gotten them used to ignoring inconvenient facts about policy; and they have abolished standards of discourse by allowing all complaints about offensiveness to be lumped into a box called “political correctness” and ignored.

It’s a pretty well-thought-out piece that’s now featured on HuffPo, and thus it has attracted angry shitstains who ignore the message and concentrate on flinging poo.

Way to disprove a point, brah. (golf clap)

Sigh. Yep. Typical Monday on the political web.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:11:22pm

NJ faces an economic crisis if there’s a rail strike by the nation’s largest commuter rail service. NYC faces a major hit too.

Christie’s response? Nothing gets in the way of his vacation.


EPR-radar  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:12:06pm

re: #56 Sophist, Vogon Poet Laureate

Yes, but the motives of the North are exactly what the dumb meme is claiming credit for.

I wasn’t thinking about that meme at all. It is simply idiotic to use civil war statistics like that.

My point is that the confederacy started the civil war, and slavery was its defining issue. Once the war had started and became a modern total war (as opposed to the light entertainment some idiots on both sides were thinking it might be), slavery was bound to stand or fall based on the outcome of the war.

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:12:26pm

So unfair to quote him verbatim.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:12:34pm

re: #63 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Bernie scores points with his base by NOT being nice to Hillary.

Testy Toad T  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:13:03pm

re: #63 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I honestly can’t believe there are diaries over at DKos right now defending Bernie’s “shushing” of Hillary the way he did. Yeah, she did try to interrupt but his tone alone was that of a condescending prick.

I honestly can’t believe there are people making the claim that Sanders is a stronger, more resilient general election candidate when he can’t effectively brush off claims that he mansplained during a debate because he tried to take extra time.

Right or wrong, fair or unfair, let’s be serious, Bernie. You might or might not be a good senator or leader, but you’re not a very good politician.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:13:17pm

re: #65 lawhawk

But fuck Obama for daring to go play a golf game somewhere despite having things under control, right?


Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:13:25pm

Bothsiders annoy me to no end.

Reality Based Steve  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:14:14pm

re: #54 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

I’ve seen the papers, and while I’m not an FEC expert, it looked like it was a pretty mundane change to existing organization. Changing the mailing address for the treasurer, IIRC.


The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:14:55pm

re: #66 EPR-radar

I wasn’t thinking about that meme at all. It is simply idiotic to use civil war statistics like that.

My point is that the confederacy started the civil war, and slavery was its defining issue. Once the war had started and became a modern total war (as opposed to the light entertainment some idiots on both sides were thinking it might be), slavery was bound to stand or fall based on the outcome of the war.

The meme, in its utter idiocy, takes the casualties for both sides and then claims they ALL died to END SLAVERY, therefore (and here it gets really dumbshit fuckskulls) ALL WHITE PEOPLE should get “credit”

Nyet  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:14:58pm

re: #66 EPR-radar

I wasn’t thinking about that meme at all. .

That was what we were discussing though, so the differing motivations of both sides cannot be ignored.

A Mom Anon  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:15:21pm

re: #57 stpaulbear

Yep, eggshell is similar to semi gloss and the term is also a color. Depends on the paint company, they all have different names for the same color palettes. Navajo White is still used as a color name/choice, not sure what the history or reason is for the name. Only reason I know any of this is from spending a fair share of time remodeling and painting a 1970’s nightmare of a house for the last 19 years (we now need new shingles for the roof and the front porch we built 16 yrs ago is falling apart). I’ve spent plenty of time on a ladder painting and time with a LOT of color chips figuring out what matches what.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:15:24pm
jaunte  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:15:40pm

re: #39 wrenchwench

Oddly enough, when I was a kid helping to paint the inside of our home, the ‘color’ was ‘Navajo White’.

I remember that color. It’s still around:

KGxvi  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:16:04pm

re: #38 makeitstop

College Humor makes a demand of Drumpf (NSFW, so private). Pretty funny, although the idea itself is pretty repulsive.

[Embedded content]

I can only imagine what the hashtag will generate on twitter… And I am thankful that I don’t have a twitter account.

The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:16:30pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:16:36pm

My wife and I watched Selma last night. Powerful movie, unfortunately one of the things it left on my mind was how horrible the fires of racism still burn.

Legal segregation may be over, but that hasn’t stopped those determined to stick to the old ways.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:17:58pm

re: #76 Backwoods_Sleuth

Great minds. :)

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:18:30pm

From Wiki:

Navajo White is an orangish white color, or pastel yellow orange, and derives its name from its similarity to the background color of the Navajo Nation flag. The name “Navajo White” is usually only used when referring to paint.

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:18:33pm

re: #75 A Mom Anon

Yep, eggshell is similar to semi gloss and the term is also a color. Depends on the paint company, they all have different names for the same color palettes. Navajo White is still used as a color name/choice, not sure what the history or reason is for the name. Only reason I know any of this is from spending a fair share of time remodeling and painting a 1970’s nightmare of a house for the last 19 years (we now need new shingles for the roof and the front porch we built 16 yrs ago is falling apart). I’ve spent plenty of time on a ladder painting and time with a LOT of color chips figuring out what matches what.

It was a 60s house I was painting in the 70s.

nines09  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:18:53pm

re: #65 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

NJ faces an economic crisis if there’s a rail strike by the nation’s largest commuter rail service. NYC faces a major hit too.

Christie’s response? Nothing gets in the way of his vacation.


Why should he change now? He could have been a decent Governor. Then someone called in that (R) in his title.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:19:01pm

re: #63 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I honestly can’t believe there are diaries over at DKos right now defending Bernie’s “shushing” of Hillary the way he did. Yeah, she did try to interrupt but his tone alone was that of a condescending prick.

IS there a link to it? I’m seeing people in my TL defend it too?

Pawn of the Oppressor  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:20:08pm

re: #55 Ace-o-aces

Probably Australian ground troops. At the time, Alies wanted credit for the kill and Germans didn’t want to admit their hero had been taken down by lowly infantry.

Posting on phone from work -

It was a ground gunner with a Vickers west of Vaux, at the south base of the ridge that he crossed and ultimately crashed to the north of same. There are some pretty deep dives into eyewitness accounts out there, including modern webpages with recent photos of the gun and crash sites.

They gave the victory to the opposing pilot for a heroic story, but if I recall correctly he was pretty definitively killed by a bullet from below.

Reality Based Steve  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:20:41pm

The only colors that matter are Avocado Green and Harvest Gold. I think we can agree on those.


The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:21:34pm

re: #87 Reality Based Steve

The only colors that matter are Avocado Green and Harvest Gold. I think we can agree on those.


I chose “Harvest Gold” appliances because “Avocado” was too vomitous.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:22:25pm

What’s annoying me are the people I know who continue to ignore that Clinton is winning big over him in overall voters and just brush off the states she has won as ones that aren’t going Democratic anyhow. Yeah because Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Kansas are such Democratic states. The way racial minority voters who have legitimate reasons for supporting her over him being talked down to also a turn off.

Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:22:37pm

“Good coloring.”
“That’s bone.”

American Psycho - Business Card scene [HD - 720p]

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:22:46pm

re: #82 Backwoods_Sleuth

From Wiki:

Oh, the flag. OK now.

A Mom Anon  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:23:30pm

re: #83 wrenchwench

It’s been around forever it seems. When contractors paint large jobs, like apartments or offices, Navajo White is one of the color choices given a client to pick out (FIL and Husband both work in that business, I’ve had up to 50 5 gallon buckets of the stuff in my garage for jobs pending in years past). The paint on those jobs is almost always flat finish too, because it’s cheap and it runs through a paint sprayer without clogging a bit better.

Fun facts by AMA for your dining and dancing pleasure. Heh.

calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:23:50pm

re: #75 A Mom Anon

Yep, eggshell is similar to semi gloss and the term is also a color. Depends on the paint company, they all have different names for the same color palettes. Navajo White is still used as a color name/choice, not sure what the history or reason is for the name. Only reason I know any of this is from spending a fair share of time remodeling and painting a 1970’s nightmare of a house for the last 19 years (we now need new shingles for the roof and the front porch we built 16 yrs ago is falling apart). I’ve spent plenty of time on a ladder painting and time with a LOT of color chips figuring out what matches what.

I’d guess the reason for the name is two-fold. First is it’s pretty far from actual white and is probably meant to conjure up a southwestern palette-like “sandstone” and whatnot. The second reason is probably desperation. Color naming is probably best done with a fifth of your favorite distilled beverage in hand. Thousands and thousands of colors each needing a name that “means something.”
Sort of like when blenders had to have a dozen speeds and numbering them was not considered to be enough. Apparently some company executives did stay up all night with a bottle trying to think of synonyms for “blend.” Crumb, chop, pulverize, frappe… I still have one of those blenders.

nines09  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:24:36pm

re: #92 A Mom Anon

Flat is the sheen of choice because it hides imperfections.

Skip Intro  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:24:40pm

People are really voting for this?

Warning: hard to unsee.


calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:25:29pm

re: #87 Reality Based Steve

The only colors that matter are Avocado Green and Harvest Gold. I think we can agree on those.


I take it you are too young for the age of pink and turquoise?

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:26:45pm

re: #92 A Mom Anon

It’s been around forever it seems. When contractors paint large jobs, like apartments or offices, Navajo White is one of the color choices given a client to pick out (FIL and Husband both work in that business, I’ve had up to 50 5 gallon buckets of the stuff in my garage for jobs pending in years past). The paint on those jobs is almost always flat finish too, because it’s cheap and it runs through a paint sprayer without clogging a bit better.

Fun facts by AMA for your dining and dancing pleasure. Heh.

And the hint of tan hides the grubby hand prints. (There were 7 grubby kids in that house.)

calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:28:02pm

re: #94 nines09

Flat is the sheen of choice because it hides imperfections.

Unless you want eggshell because it has a less porous surface, making it easier to remove some kinds of dirt.
(I have painted every room in our house and the attached apartment at least once.)

A Mom Anon  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:28:07pm

re: #94 nines09

Yes, but it sucks for cleaning off dirt and grime. With big jobs in big buildings, they repaint for new tenants, hence the need for cheap and easy (and in some cases easily watered down) paint.

I swear, I will never live in another house while it’s being remodeled. Ack. It took forever and the bigger jobs (kitchen and front room/foyer were horrible. So was the master bed and bath extension, ack) made life hell.

withak  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:28:09pm

re: #95 Skip Intro

People are really voting for this?

Warning: hard to unsee.

[Embedded content]

Dude, NSFL!

sagehen  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:28:17pm

re: #30 The Vicious Babushka

Red Baron. Wasn’t he shot down by a Canadian?

Don’t be ridiculous.

we all know what really happened
GlutenFreeJesus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:28:20pm

re: #65 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

NJ faces an economic crisis if there’s a rail strike by the nation’s largest commuter rail service. NYC faces a major hit too.

Christie’s response? Nothing gets in the way of his vacation.


He got a yuuuuuge paycheck from Trump. Why should he bother working?

Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:28:43pm
Big Beautiful Door  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:29:16pm

A new poll gives a sliver of hope to Rubio; it shows him “only” eight points down to Trump in Florida.

Reality Based Steve  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:31:47pm

re: #96 calochortus

I take it you are too young for the age of pink and turquoise?

I’m 58, and I don’t really recall those colors in my childhood.
Looks like that was a popular combo in the 50’s, I was born in 1958 and I really don’t recall those growing up.


freetoken  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:33:45pm

re: #103 Kragar

re: #104 Big Beautiful Door

Maybe the exposing of the Trump University scandal is finally taking its toll?

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:35:25pm

re: #105 Reality Based Steve

I’m 58, and I don’t really recall those colors in my childhood.


I’m 58, I don’t remember any turquoise, but my Gramma had a pink and black theme in her kitchen in Joliet, Ill.

Turquoise is all over New Mexico.

freetoken  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:36:05pm

Videos of the sea otter birth at Monterrey when the storm was going through Saturday:

Watch a baby sea otter being born! (Spoiler alert: the miracle of life is graphic!)

Sea otter gives birth outside the Aquarium!

The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:37:09pm

re: #107 wrenchwench

I’m 58, I don’t remember any turquoise, but my Gramma had a pink and black theme in her kitchen in Joliet, Ill.

Turquoise is all over New Mexico.

Pink & black was for bathroom decor.

CuriousLurker  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:37:25pm

re: #6 No Country For Old Haters

Early for OT, but Slashdot, which has been going reactionary since Gamergate, is now officially completely off the deep end.

From the comments:

In fact, Anita Sarkeesian is now so powerful that not only are there no conservatives on Twitter, but […]

LOL—seriously, there are no conservatives? Are these people actually even on Twitter? It sure doesn’t seem like it.

calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:37:27pm

re: #105 Reality Based Steve

I’m 58, and I don’t really recall those colors in my childhood.


I’m 62 and they were a bit before my time too, but Mr. C.’s and my first house had been built in the early 60s and had blonde wood everywhere and a kitchen with pink appliances and countertops and Venetian pink fixtures in the master bath (wallpaper white with pink and turquoise starburst motifs.) Those appliances were also available in turquoise. I think it was a brief trend because, ewwww.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:38:02pm

Let me tell you, I am pretty certain the number of Democrats willing to vote Trump are as small as

i assure you, there is absolutely no problem down there

A Mom Anon  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:38:10pm

re: #105 Reality Based Steve

My house was built in 1979. The kitchen was, I kid you not, blessed with the following:

Harvest Gold Appliances
Turquoise and Pink flowered wall paper, I mean GIANT flowers.
White vinyl tile with turquoise borders and super dark brown fake wood wainscoting.

The dining room and living room had sea foam green carpet and more dark fake wood paneling. We bought the house for the pool (20x40 ft, 45K gallons) and the giant back yard. It sure wasn’t for the decor, lol. Hence the ripping out of things, moving walls and doors, replacing windows, etc, etc.

wrenchwench  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:38:26pm

re: #109 The Vicious Babushka

Pink & black was for bathroom decor.

Gramma had one pink bathroom and one blue one. And no taste.

nines09  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:38:31pm

re: #98 calochortus

Builders/painters care not for that in new construct. Satin is nice cleanup, semi better. Flat is just the best on imperfect surfaces.

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:39:12pm

re: #108 freetoken

any time someone thinks they have it hard, they should have to watch that video. I mean, really, that sea otter had to literally pull the pup out.

calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:39:56pm

I hate blonde wood and that house was blessed with a lot of cabinetry and built-ins in blonde wood. Then I discovered that you don’t really see dust on blonde wood and learned to live with it.

BeachDem  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:41:28pm

re: #2 MsJ

To your point (which I agree with 100% and have been screaming from the rooftops), a great kos diary

Now don’t get me wrong, I will be voting that day. I just won’t be voting for Hillary or for Bernie. I’ll be voting for the beautiful little 10 year-old girl pictured above. I’ll be voting for my daughter Madeline. I’ll be voting for her because she’s not old enough to have a voice of her own yet. I’ll be voting for her because the next president may very well be in office until she is officially an adult and ready to head out into the world. I’ll be voting for her because as a parent, I care about her future more than my own. And that’s why I’m so utterly disgusted by what’s going on around here lately.

Even though it’s not the majority, there are far too many folks around here screaming about how they either won’t vote or will vote for Trump if their candidate doesn’t win.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:42:14pm

re: #103 Kragar

[Embedded content]

I think Kasich might yet win Ohio. I give him a much better shot of winning it than I do of Rubio FL.

calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:42:41pm

re: #118 BeachDem

So what if it’s Cruz instead of Trump? Are they going to vote for Cruz?

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:43:19pm

re: #111 calochortus

I’m 62 and they were a bit before my time too, but Mr. C.’s and my first house had been built in the early 60s and had blonde wood everywhere and a kitchen with pink appliances and countertops and Venetian pink fixtures in the master bath (wallpaper white with pink and turquoise starburst motifs.) Those appliances were also available in turquoise. I think it was a brief trend because, ewwww.

i long ago concluded that the 1950s was an era characterized by a radical and lamentable absence of taste

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:43:44pm

re: #120 calochortus

So what if it’s Cruz instead of Trump? Are they going to vote for Cruz?

I’d love to see the pretzel logic how Cruz is better than Clinton from one of them. Probably some protectionist yip yap.

Belafon  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:44:08pm

re: #110 CuriousLurker

From the comments:

LOL—seriously, there are no conservatives? Are these people actually even on Twitter? It sure doesn’t seem like it.

I got the feeling that last person was being sarcastic.

The Vicious Babushka  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:44:16pm

re: #121 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

i long ago concluded that the 1950s was an era characterized by a radical and lamentable absence of taste

The ‘70’s were the WORST TASTE DECADE EVER.

Charles Johnson  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:44:32pm

re: #47 Nyet

Might be a good continuation of the great LGF tradition. What do you think, Charles? This might go viral.

That could be a thing.

calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:45:19pm

re: #122 HappyWarrior

I’d love to see the pretzel logic how Cruz is better than Clinton from one of them. Probably some protectionist yip yap.

Burn it down and start fresh with Bernie because by then everyone will realize they should have voted for him?

CuriousLurker  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:45:21pm

re: #123 Belafon

You could very well be right. It’s hard to tell these days.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:45:26pm

re: #120 calochortus

So what if it’s Cruz instead of Trump? Are they going to vote for Cruz?

it’s not possible for a normal person to vote for cruz without suffering Severe Tire Damage of the mind

Charles Johnson  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:45:59pm
HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:46:15pm

re: #126 calochortus

Burn it down and start fresh with Bernie because by then everyone will realize they should have voted for him?

Probably that. Fuckers. I’m getting just disgusted. I’ve never even been a big Clinton fan by some people are making me one default by their own assholery.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:46:25pm

re: #124 The Vicious Babushka

The ‘70’s were the WORST TASTE DECADE EVER.

50s vs 70s

very close call

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:46:53pm

re: #129 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

This is a great part of Scalia not being on the court decision. The anti gay bloc has only three votes.

Big Beautiful Door  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:48:39pm

re: #106 freetoken

Maybe the exposing of the Trump University scandal is finally taking its toll?

Could be the weight of the concerted attack on Trump. Up until now the other candidates were mostly focused on attacking each other.

BeachDem  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:50:08pm

re: #120 calochortus

So what if it’s Cruz instead of Trump? Are they going to vote for Cruz?

I think they’re mostly running their mouths, but they claim not voting for pres or voting for Jill Stein to “maintain their integrity and moral focus” or whatever other pompous bilge they can conjure.

Reality Based Steve  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:50:32pm

re: #124 The Vicious Babushka

The ‘70’s were the WORST TASTE DECADE EVER.

In the early 90’s while in the Army I lived in an apt. complex up in Wash. State near Tacoma. (technically Lakewood I believe). Beautiful complex, well run, called the “Kon-Tiki Village”. While everything else in the area was named the “Puget this” and “Rainier that”, this place would have been right at home in San Diego. Tiki torches and huts around the property. The apt. itself was the deep deep shag harvest gold carpet and avocado green appliances along with most of the porcelain fixtures. Funny thing was, the stuff looked like it was new, it was in perfect shape.


Stanley Sea  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:51:15pm

My parents had this shit in their basement in the 70’s.

Belafon  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:51:19pm

re: #118 BeachDem

From the diary:

If you are a person that would actually stay home in November or even worse, cast your precious vote for a matted squirrel that attached itself to a sweet potato, then you are literally jeopardizing my daughter’s future and quite possibly her life. If you are this person, fuck you. I have absolutely no use for you.

Though I’m not sure I want to vote for the diarists daughter: She’s against Clinton because she wants to be the first female president.

calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:51:35pm

re: #134 BeachDem

I think they’re mostly running their mouths, but they claim not voting for pres or voting for Jill Stein to “maintain their integrity and moral focus” or whatever other pompous bilge they can conjure.

You’re right. I somehow failed to think third party.

Big Beautiful Door  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:51:42pm

re: #136 Stanley Sea

My parents had this shit in their basement in the 70’s.

[Embedded image]

We had that too!

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:51:46pm

for the record, im a bernie supporter but i like hillary just fine, and this hillary hate on the part of other progressives gives me indigestion

also im certain part of it is durrty trix

Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:52:00pm
HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:52:34pm

re: #141 Kragar

[Embedded content]


Stanley Sea  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:52:36pm

re: #139 Big Beautiful Door

We had that too!

LOL! I think we even had the matching lamps!!!

Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:53:15pm

re: #139 Big Beautiful Door

We had that too!

Needs more yarn art.

BeachDem  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:53:26pm

re: #126 calochortus

Burn it down and start fresh with Bernie because by then everyone will realize they should have voted for him?

I’m equally fascinated with the ones who claim that even if/when Bernie loses, he will LEAD THE REVOLUTION until some younger champions come along. Yeah, I doubt it. I think he’ll endorse Hillary, give a WALL STREET speech at the convention, then go back to what he’s been doing for 30 odd years—being a back-bencher in Congress with some good ideas and very little support.

CuriousLurker  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:53:56pm

re: #130 HappyWarrior

The decision was unanimous:

The fact that the Court, usually deeply divided on gay rights issue, decided the case by a unanimous vote suggested strongly that the Court had mainly viewed the case as turning on the constitutional duty of one state not to second-guess the court orders issued in another state in a valid use of the sister state court’s powers. The Alabama Supreme Court reached its own view of Georgia law in nullifying an adoption order issued in that state giving each parent equal rights as mothers of the children. […]

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:54:03pm

re: #129 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Of particular note, this was a unanimous decision. All eight justices moved to overturn the AL Supreme Court. Heck, it’s likely even Scalia would have joined in that decision if he were alive.

The AL Supreme Court continues to openly disregard the US Constitution, stare decisis, and basic jurisprudence.

calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:54:24pm

re: #145 BeachDem

Well, more power to Bernie if he can do that, but I think your take is more accurate.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:55:15pm

re: #132 HappyWarrior

This is a great part of Scalia not being on the court decision. The anti gay bloc has only three votes.

This particular decision was unanimous.
Another decision today, a Louisiana death row case, was split with Alito and Thomas dissenting.

BeachDem  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:55:49pm

re: #137 Belafon

From the diary:

Though I’m not sure I want to vote for the diarists daughter: She’s against Clinton because she wants to be the first female president.

I thought that was kinda cute. And the diarist says that description of TRUMP came from Gawker.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:56:00pm

re: #149 Backwoods_Sleuth

This particular decision was unanimous.
Another decision today, a Louisiana death row case, was split with Alito and Thomas dissenting.

Ah okay. It’s a changing court.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 12:59:58pm
dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:00:35pm

btw if trump & cruz continue at the current rate neither of them will have enuf delegates to win on the first ballot

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:00:38pm
HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:00:39pm

re: #152 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I think Grassley’s pigheadedness is going to cost him his seat. He’s really dug into stupid.

Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:02:16pm

re: #153 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

btw if trump & cruz continue at the current rate neither of them will have enuf delegates to win on the first ballot

“Exactly as planned.” - Darth Romney

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:02:29pm

re: #155 HappyWarrior

I think Grassley’s pigheadedness is going to cost him his seat. He’s really dug into stupid.

I saw on DKos that he’s facing a very formidable challenger from the dem side.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:02:56pm

re: #157 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I saw on DKos that he’s facing a very formidable challenger from the dem side.

Yeah former Lt Governor I think .

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:05:42pm

re: #158 HappyWarrior

Yeah former Lt Governor I think .

whoever it is, I hope they kick his ass. He’s been a PITA for a long time.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:06:01pm
Sophist, Vogon Poet Laureate  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:06:39pm

re: #110 CuriousLurker

From the comments:

LOL—seriously, there are no conservatives? Are these people actually even on Twitter? It sure doesn’t seem like it.

Pretty sure that one’s sarcasm. It ends with “Also Anita Sarkeesian turned me into a newt”.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:06:52pm

re: #160 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Okay, Chuck you’re fucking drunk. Give it the fuck up already. We get it. You know Obama’s pick is going to be against a lot of the primitive right wing bullshit you stand for so you’re upset. Well tough shit.

EPR-radar  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:08:03pm

re: #155 HappyWarrior

I think Grassley’s pigheadedness is going to cost him his seat. He’s really dug into stupid.

Most of the time GOPers are rewarded for being obstructionist assholes.

It looks like Grassley may be one of the rare exceptions to this rule.

Grassley seems to think this is deeply unfair, but I’m loving it. Here’s hoping for Grassley to lose it completely in public.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:08:22pm
HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:09:07pm

re: #163 EPR-radar

Most of the time GOPers are rewarded for being obstructionist assholes.

It looks like Grassley may be one of the rare exceptions to this rule.

Grassley seems to think this is deeply unfair, but I’m loving it. Here’s hoping for Grassley to lose it completely in public.

I’m hearing it’s likely to cost Portman and Toomey in OH and PA. Kirk saw the writing on the wall in Illinois. He’s not doing it.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:09:45pm

re: #164 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Reid is going to be missed. He really knows how to tell the Republican to go fuck themselves.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:09:52pm
EPR-radar  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:10:28pm

re: #161 Sophist, Vogon Poet Laureate

Pretty sure that one’s sarcasm.

That is certain, from the full comment:

Right you are there. In fact, Anita Sarkeesian is now so powerful that not only are there no conservatives on Twitter, but all video games since the middle of last year have been completely free of damsels, violence, strippers, gender badges, or any other of the tropes she’s mentioned in her YouTube series. Grand Theft Auto is no longer being developed.

BTW you forgot to mention the worst, most heinous, case of censorship of all, one of such far reaching consequences it was even raised at a White House press conference last week: Milo Yanonotgonnalookuphowtospellitopolis had his “verified” badge removed. I mean, that’s literally the same thing Stalin did to his critics.

Also Anita Sarkeesian turned me into a newt.

Totally believable up until the newt part.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:12:37pm

re: #164 Backwoods_Sleuth

Who ordered the Code Red? /

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:12:51pm

re: #156 Kragar

“Exactly as planned.” - Darth Romney

I am altering the ballot. Pray I don’t alter it any further.

nines09  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:13:06pm

re: #115 nines09

Sorry. Got pulled away. If you are having your home painted, satin is your best choice for walls with moderate use, small children. Semi gloss can work on high traffic, but will show every little waver in the wall and reflect it. Flat is quick, even and simple and will make everything look good on first blush. That is why new homes almost always come painted in flat unless otherwise stipulated/contracted. No reflective bounces and very even. Soft. Satin and eggshell are almost identical. And in the paint world, you get what you pay for. So that low end cheap paint will not last as long as say a Sherwin Williams Super Paint. Flat is the ultimate hider of bad anything. Soft lighting on a flat surface is a time honored trick.

Sophist, Vogon Poet Laureate  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:13:51pm

re: #141 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Yeah, that’s gonna change some minds.


klys (maker of Silmarils)  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:15:01pm

re: #171 nines09

Today I have learned things.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:15:24pm

re: #172 Sophist, Vogon Poet Laureate

Yeah, that’s gonna change some minds.


Nothing changes minds like making light of lead poisoning.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:15:40pm

From the Texas Legislature watch:

Yeah, that’s the deranged GOP nut who just got themselves elected as head of the Travis County (Austin) GOP.

Maxwell Not So Smart  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:16:17pm

Please excuse some of the language.

The other day the Mrs and I were in the car. In front of us a car with no snow on it other than 2 inches covering the back window so the driver could not see out of it.

Me: What is wrong with this person.
Her: I don’t know.
Me: OH I know. He’s a fucking idiot.
Her: You’re right it’s always that isn’t it.

So if you’re wondering how a democrat could vote Trump instead of Hillary because Bernie you now have your answer.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:16:56pm

Trump is running an anti-Rubio ad on YouTube.

withak  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:17:38pm

re: #176 Maxwell Not So Smart

Please excuse some of the language.

The other day the Mrs and I were in the car. In front of us a car with no snow on it other than 2 inches covering the back window so the driver could not see out of it.

Me: What is wrong with this person.
Her: I don’t know.
Me: OH I know. He’s a fucking idiot.
Her: You’re right it’s always that isn’t it.

So if you’re wondering how a democrat could vote Trump instead of Hillary because Bernie you now have your answer.

There’s never a cop around to pull over that one asshole who didn’t bother to clear off his car.

stpaulbear  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:18:21pm

re: #176 Maxwell Not So Smart

I bet the snow slid off his roof.

danarchy  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:18:45pm

So apparently there are a couple new polls showing rubio closing the gap in florida to single digits and is actually way ahead in early voting.

If he somehow manages to pull florida out and stays in for another month or two there is no way anyone gets to 1237, especially if Kasich manages to win in ohio too.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:19:35pm

re: #177 Backwoods_Sleuth

Sophist, Vogon Poet Laureate  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:19:39pm

re: #174 HappyWarrior

Nothing changes minds like making light of lead poisoning.

“Maybe if you and your children hadn’t been poisoned you wouldn’t be so goddamn stupid. Vote Sanders!”

stpaulbear  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:20:03pm

re: #180 danarchy

So apparently there are a couple new polls showing rubio closing the gap in florida to single digits and is actually way ahead in early voting.

If he somehow manages to pull florida out and stays in for another month or two there is no way anyone gets to 1237, especially if Kasich manages to win in ohio too.

This sounds so delicious.

CuriousLurker  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:20:30pm

The horror. //

calochortus  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:21:05pm

Lunch is over. I have 3 more items on today’s to-do list. One annoying but fairly quick. Two I don’t mind but will take longer. I suppose I’ll get the annoying one done first.

(Full disclosure: I finished lunch half an hour ago and have been procrastinating so caught up in the many things I learn here that I lost track of time.)

b_sharp  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:22:06pm

re: #111 calochortus

I’m 62 and they were a bit before my time too, but Mr. C.’s and my first house had been built in the early 60s and had blonde wood everywhere and a kitchen with pink appliances and countertops and Venetian pink fixtures in the master bath (wallpaper white with pink and turquoise starburst motifs.) Those appliances were also available in turquoise. I think it was a brief trend because, ewwww.

Green and hot orange harvest gold came later. More ewww.

Kryptik  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:22:13pm

re: #167 Backwoods_Sleuth

A bitter thought in the back of my head keeps saying that if this was Serena, sponsors would be in a sprint to drop her, while Maria will get benefit of the doubt and still be paid more.

That might be unfair to think, but yeah.

nines09  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:22:18pm

re: #173 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Today I have learned things.

Thank you.
I had my time in Paint World. Flat will make a bad room look good. I used to look at old plaster walls, done years ago, by hand…..and just be amazed at the craftsmanship. On wire or lathing, and just troweled on with an eye on detail. Amazing. Find someone today to do that.
Colors can make or break a room/house. Dark can close in a room or make it bigger depending on wall choice and lighting. I’ve sat in huge rooms with vaulted ceilings and it was like the wall was sitting on my shoulder because the color was wrong for the lighting. Made a big room small. And vice versa. And I hate to paint. I can direct real good…lol

Belafon  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:22:48pm

re: #184 CuriousLurker

The horror. //

How dare things work under a Democrat. Next thing you know, they’ll get the federal government working as well.


HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:22:51pm

re: #184 CuriousLurker

The horror. //

[Embedded content]

But I thought he was going to turn NYC into Soviet Russia. //

Kragar  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:23:21pm
makeitstop  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:23:27pm

re: #160 Backwoods_Sleuth

Grassley on the Senate floor: “If this President had his way the federal gov’t could get into the business of selecting a church’s minsters”

Well, churches have sure gotten pretty deep into choosing who runs the government.

Turnabout, fair play, etc.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:23:27pm

Maybe just maybe Democrats know a thing or two about economies and economics that Republicans do not.

plansbandc  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:23:33pm

re: #24 The Vicious Babushka

You found one of the dumbest yet. Congratulations!

withak  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:23:47pm

re: #191 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Well, sure, the anti-orange bias is real.

Maxwell Not So Smart  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:24:11pm

re: #179 stpaulbear

For sure. Still an idiot. Why leave it on the roof then do nothing when it slides off? It hasn’t snowed in days.

I think the logic stands.

HappyWarrior  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:24:18pm

re: #191 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Made on his own? My dear Savage, anyone who gets a million dollar loan from their Dad in the 1970’s is about as far made as self made as you can get. Yeah it’s “racism.”

Nojay UK  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:24:46pm

re: #176 Maxwell Not So Smart

Please excuse some of the language.

The other day the Mrs and I were in the car. In front of us a car with no snow on it other than 2 inches covering the back window so the driver could not see out of it.

What’s Behind Me, It’s Not Important

Kryptik  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:26:52pm

re: #191 Kragar

I think I just had a small aneurysm reading that and trying to reconcile it with any sort of reality.

lawhawk  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:28:31pm

re: #180 danarchy

Apparently the poll (Monmouth) supposedly showing Rubio ahead in early voting is akin to the kind that showed Trump getting 40% of the black GOP vote (which had 4 of 10 blacks sampled polling for him).

The poll sampled all of 72 people for early polling.

When you say grasping at straws, this is precisely what we’re getting.

A Mom Anon  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:29:15pm

re: #188 nines09

With a little boy and his Siberian Husky who LOVED to roll in dirt outside and make mess after mess, I went with Semi Gloss everywhere. And yep, it shows all the flaws, BUT! With some faux painting techniques and FIL and I working on a fake rustic plaster type finish in the worst areas (kitchen and bathrooms) and a few color tricks elsewhere, you have to look for the flaws pretty hard to find them. With old construction you have to work with walls that might be a little off because things have settled or messed up drywall from fake dried grass wallpaper that just would not come off entirely no matter what. If I had been paid by the hour for my time on this one, I would be RICH, RICH I tell you! LOL.

sagehen  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:32:18pm

re: #75 A Mom Anon

Yep, eggshell is similar to semi gloss and the term is also a color. Depends on the paint company, they all have different names for the same color palettes. Navajo White is still used as a color name/choice, not sure what the history or reason is for the name.

It’s called that because the “whitewash” that was used for waterproofing adobe construction is sorta but not really white.

Jay C  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:32:36pm

re: #184 CuriousLurker

The horror. //

[Embedded content]

So Big Bill didn’t, after all, turn out to be the combination of Leon Trotsky and Pol Pot that the Republicans wanted to paint him as? And New York City hasn’t been turned into Pyongyang-on-the-Hudson?* The shame of it all….

*to which, I’m sure, someone will still riposte “yet”…

stpaulbear  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:33:42pm

re: #196 Maxwell Not So Smart

For sure. Still an idiot. Why leave it on the roof then do nothing when it slides off? It hasn’t snowed in days.

I think the logic stands.

Ahh. I didn’t know it had been days since the snow. I’m guilty of leaving the snow on the roof of my car, but I’ve got a little station wagon (2009 Vibe) with a wiper on the back window.

nines09  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:38:53pm

re: #201 A Mom Anon

With a little boy and his Siberian Husky who LOVED to roll in dirt outside and make mess after mess, I went with Semi Gloss everywhere. And yep, it shows all the flaws, BUT! With some faux painting techniques and FIL and I working on a fake rustic plaster type finish in the worst areas (kitchen and bathrooms) and a few color tricks elsewhere, you have to look for the flaws pretty hard to find them. With old construction you have to work with walls that might be a little off because things have settled or messed up drywall from fake dried grass wallpaper that just would not come off entirely no matter what. If I had been paid by the hour for my time on this one, I would be RICH, RICH I tell you! LOL.

Textured faux finishes will hide a murder scene. I know exactly where you are coming from. I learned quite a bit of trickery from professional painters, and not all good. Saw a lot of products come and go. Bottom line is go with a good paint and make the color choice based on the lighting that is going to be prevalent. I had so many people who wanted to try and make a color fit in the wrong room with the wrong lighting. I like that color, but not in there where winter is 8 months a year. I would have my customers look at a color in every light situation I could find. The day itself changes the color. I do not miss trying to please insane rich people. Pick a purple and then be murdered by it. //

sagehen  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:40:51pm

re: #122 HappyWarrior

I’d love to see the pretzel logic how Cruz is better than Clinton from one of them. Probably some protectionist yip yap.

Because he has a penis. Supposedly.

KGxvi  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:42:32pm

re: #131 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

50s vs 70s

very close call

At least the 50s gave us things like the Chevy Bel Air and the first generation Corvette. The 70s gave us the Pinto.

Sophist, Vogon Poet Laureate  Mar 7, 2016 • 1:52:10pm

re: #195 withak

Well, sure, the anti-orange bias is real.

Oompa-Loompa-phobia is no laughing matter.

Eventual Carrion  Mar 7, 2016 • 2:05:46pm

re: #42 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Is he going to send all the “foreign” companies that have factories here out?

The alpuzzzzz from Wisconsin  Mar 7, 2016 • 2:38:10pm

re: #136 Stanley Sea

My parents had this shit in their basement in the 70’s.

Embedded Image

Wha? That rules! I’d love to have that shit in my basement.

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