NBC Executives on Matt Lauer’s Interviews of Clinton and Trump: “Disaster”

Politics • Views: 37,159

Turns out I wasn’t the only one who thought Matt Lauer’s performance in last night’s “Command in Chief Forum” was simply awful. CNN’s Brian Stelter reports that NBC executives are calling it a “disaster.”

One executive, speaking anonymously, was blunt about it: “Disaster.”

The morning after Lauer’s back-to-back interviews of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, several high ranking sources at the network said they hear the criticism and agree with at least some of it.

Lauer was widely criticized for failing to fact-check or follow up when Trump falsely claimed that he was opposed to the Iraq war when it started. Some viewers thought Lauer held Clinton to a higher standard than Trump. Several people who were sitting in the audience told CNN that they were frustrated too.

And I have a sinking feeling this was just a preview of what’s going to happen in the debates between Clinton and Trump. The bar for Trump has been lowered so much it barely exists any more.

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SteelPH  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:16:53am

The bar is so low, it’s buried deep underground.

KGxvi  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:17:11am

At least one network recognizing that Lauer fucked up the way that he did should be a good sign, though, right? I means they might learn and try to avoid making the same mistake (granted, they could make new mistakes, but making new mistakes is at least better than making the same mistake).

Or am I just being overly optimistic?

MsJ  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:18:57am

re: #2 KGxvi

At least one network recognizing that Lauer fucked up the way that he did should be a good sign, though, right? I means they might learn and try to avoid making the same mistake (granted, they could make new mistakes, but making new mistakes is at least better than making the same mistake).

Or am I just being overly optimistic?


Patricia Kayden  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:19:13am

What qualified Lauer to conduct a political forum in the first place? The irony is that Katie Couric would have been better given what she did with Palin in 2008.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:21:13am

re: #2 KGxvi

Tough to say. I wonder how much control Lauer had over this shitshow. Was it mainly him or did he have producers and executives basically telling him what to do and how to do it.

The reaction of NBC executives to this article seems to suggest it was mainly him, but NBC might just be going this route to pull their own asses from the fire after the response to forum was far worse than anticipated.

I am happy to see the media are finally getting called out en masse for a lot of the bullshit they’ve been doing for awhile now. It is our job to hold them accountable just as its (supposedly) their job to hold the rest of us accountable.

Unfortunately, I still have little reason to put much faith in the American media, especially the big networks.

Sir John Barron  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:23:05am

I know we all think Hillary will eat Trump’s lunch in the debates, and if this election was even remotely similar to those that have preceded it, that would no doubt be true.

But Trump rolled through 16 other GOP candidates in a number of debates (OK, not all of those 16 GOPers were heavyweights), making the same absurd and offensive statements as he’s still making now.

True, those debates were in the context of a Tea Party electorate.

But I’ve yet to see any real media person hold Trump accountable or even cause a blip in the Orange Man’s routine. And last night, say what you will about Lauer, doesn’t encourage me.

S'latch  Sep 8, 2016 • 10:58:00am

Fact checking Donald Trump is hard work. He lies so persistently, I can understand the desire to just quit.

Big Steve  Sep 8, 2016 • 11:32:52am

re: #6 Sir John Barron

That’s bullshit….Megyn Kelly ate Trump for lunch in the first Republican debate.

Rocky-in-Connecticut  Sep 8, 2016 • 3:09:12pm

The low bar for Trumps abysmal relations to Truth, Reality, Science, and History have not been set by the media. It has been set by the millions of Americans supporting him and voting for him. It has been set by the millions of Americans on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and the many online right wing forums man-splaining away and excusing his horrible awful behavior and rhetoric.

Despite Trump often flying in the face of their stated ideologies and moral values, they continue to support his candidacy because he is considered in the end “one of us” instead of “the other”. He is a white man. The other is not.

What’s worse is the bar is set so low right wing voters now have free reign to elect many more awful, horrible people into office. There is now precedent. It is now normalized for them to elect outright fascists and demagogues so long as they pay lip service.

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