“Letter to Electors:” a Last Ditch Effort to Persuade Electors Not to Vote for Trump

“Never in our Republic’s history has there been a President-apparent comparable to Donald Trump”
Politics • Views: 40,681

We’re coming down to the wire, folks; the Electoral College meets on Monday to decide whether this country will put its fate in the hands of a thin-skinned pathologically dishonest narcissist with fascist tendencies and ties to white supremacists, and his cabinet of billionaires, generals and creationists. A full-page ad is running today in several major newspapers seeking to persuade electors to vote against Donald Trump.

“Never in our Republic’s history has there been a President-apparent comparable to Donald Trump,” the ad reads. “His inauguration would present a grave and continual threat to the Constitution, to domestic tranquility and to international stability.”

The ads are being funded by Daniel Brezenoff, a social worker and grassroots Democratic activist who gained a following after the election when he launched a change.org petition urging the Electoral College to pick Hillary Clinton instead of Trump. The petition went viral and is approaching 5 million signatures, the largest in change.org’s history. He leveraged that list to raise about $250,000 through a GoFundMe page to support the ads. He said the newspaper campaign has exhausted virtually all of the funds raised.

Brezenoff told POLITICO he still supports his initial goal to convince the Electoral College to support Clinton, but he says he understands that other activists are working toward electing an alternative Republican to Trump. He said the ads focused on a shared goal: to convince electors to exercise their own judgment before voting.

The letter is signed by a long list of Democratic electors, politicians and experts in political science, law and the constitution.

Here’s the full text of this extraordinary, unprecedented plea:

Esteemed Electors:

We, a bipartisan coalition of Americans including Electors, scholars, officials, and concerned citizens write to you in the spirit of fellowship, out of our sense of patriotism, and with great urgency.3

There are times in the life of a nation when extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures. Now is a such time, and your courage and leadership are required.18

Never in our Republic’s history has there been a President-apparent comparable to Donald Trump. His inauguration would present a grave and continual threat to the Constitution, to domestic tranquility, and to international stability:12

  • He has threatened the freedom of speech by condoning violence at public events, and suggesting criminal penalties and even revocation of citizenship to punish political expression;
  • He has threatened the freedom of press by vowing to revoke First Amendment protections for journalists;
  • He has threatened the freedom of religion by proposing to bar entry to the country and force the registration of members of certain faiths;
  • He has entangled himself with foreign interests through his personal business dealings, and refused to provide records of his taxes, which could allay suspicions;
  • He has indicated a willingness to condone torture, in contravention of the Constitution and our international treaties, which carry the force of law;
  • He is uncomfortably close to the regime of Russia, which has interfered in the election;
  • He has shown reckless disregard for diplomacy, communicating impulsively, in public forums, regarding matters of national security, and allowing personal emotions to interfere with reasoned judgment, calling into question his fitness as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the nuclear capabilities of the United States;
  • He has, unlike every previous Commander-in-Chief, never served in any public position, whether elected or appointed, civilian or military, thereby bringing no experience or proven judgment on behalf of The People, or evidence of a character suited to high office.

For these reasons, his assumption of office endangers the Constitution, the freedoms it protects, and the continued prosperity and welfare of the United States.

You, Electors, possess the power to prevent this outcome. You are not bound to cast your vote for the candidate of your party – and, as he won neither a majority nor even a plurality of the popular vote, there can be no question of undermining the will of The People.

The Constitution empowers Electors to exercise judgment and choice. If your role were only ceremonial, our Founders would not have required the states to elect you, or that you cast ballots by your own hand. State laws notwithstanding, you are free to vote your conscience. You have a mandate, like all officials, to protect and defend the Constitution.9 And you have the right and responsibility to investigate those who stand for this office, and to deliberate before casting your vote.

We place country before party in imploring you, our fellow Americans, to investigate and deliberate. We stand with you as you exercise your conscience and give profound consideration to the consequences of your vote. We affirm your right and your duty to do so free from intimidation, and urge you to cast your ballot for a person with the temperament, integrity and commitment to Constitutional principles necessary in a President.

In doing so, know that you enjoy the support of millions of Americans.

Thank you for your service to our country.

Also see

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Emptor scriptor Remorse  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:23:34am

Obama should do something.

Kragar  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:23:51am
GlutenFreeJesus  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:28:59am

Ain’t going to happen. Electors know they’ll have to fear for their lives if they reject him. And that’s that.

Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:31:10am

Is there a Witness Protection Program available for faithless electors?

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:32:00am

re: #3 GlutenFreeJesus

Ain’t going to happen. Electors know they’ll have to fear for their lives if they reject him. And that’s that.

Because nothing says “winning in a landslide” like threatening electors if they change their minds.

Barefoot Grin  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:33:16am

I have been feeling rundown and generally shitty, so I decided to come home and do whatever work I have left here. The TV is on and it’s showing “Trump Huddled with Tech Experts” and the camera sweeps and there is fucking Ivanka and goddamn Don Jr. and Eric and we didn’t elect this whole fucking family goddamnit I”ve got a headache. Over and out.

Blind Frog Belly White  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:34:29am

re: #1 Emptor scriptor Remorse

Obama should do something.


I Would Prefer Not To  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:36:31am

re: #7 Blind Frog Belly White


Drink Heavily.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:39:07am

Blind Trust in action

Sir John Barron  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:42:18am

re: #9 The Vicious Babushka

Blind Trust in action

[Embedded content]

Let’s talk about all the corruption at the Clinton Foundation and pay for play.


Charles Johnson  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:42:39am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:43:13am

re: #2 Kragar

5,500-year history of our planet

Well, to be nickpickety about it, recorded history only goes back around 5,500 years, but that is obviously not what he is getting at…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:43:35am


President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team on Wednesday disavowed a survey sent to the U.S. Department of Energy that requested the names of people working on climate change in the agency.

“The questionnaire was not authorized or part of our standard protocol,” Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said. “The person who sent it has been properly counseled.”

Spicer declined to comment further on the team’s protocols.

Belafon  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:44:26am

re: #13 Backwoods_Sleuth


The protocol was for it to include a NDA so that it couldn’t be released.

Blind Frog Belly White  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:44:37am

re: #13 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Lemme guess - an intern?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:45:23am

re: #9 The Vicious Babushka

Blind Trust in action

Look who’s sitting at the head of the table in Trump’s official meeting with tech CEO’s: Don Jr., Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump.

Leaving us all to ask again: where does business end and government begin?

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:45:29am

Properly counseled?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:46:42am

re: #17 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Properly counseled?


Blind Frog Belly White  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:47:07am

re: #17 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Properly counseled?

“Next time, make them sign the NDA FIRST!”

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:47:13am

re: #18 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))


Promoted, probably.

William Lewis  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:47:51am

re: #1 Emptor scriptor Remorse

Obama should do something.

And what can he do that doesn’t start the Second Civil War instantly? Which then leads to WWIII as Russian and China fight over our 5 nation (New England & Midwest, Old South, Texas, Old West & West Coast) carcass?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:48:01am

re: #19 Blind Frog Belly White

“Next time, make them sign the NDA FIRST!”

President Trump is gonna be upset when he finds out he cannot make all government employees sign a life-long NDA…

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:48:07am

re: #16 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Leaving us all to ask again: where does business end and government begin?


Decatur Deb  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:48:11am

A revolt by the electors, in effect a coup, would do more damage to the country than the Trump administration is likely to do in 4 years. The voters elevated a shitgibbon. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:48:31am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:48:47am

re: #24 Decatur Deb

A revolt by the electors, in effect a coup, would do more damage to the country than the Trump administration is likely to do in 4 years. The voters elevated a shitgibbon. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again.

A few defections would look nice, though…

Bubblehead II  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:48:48am

re: #17 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Properly counseled?

Your fired. Give me your I.D. card, office keys and company credit card. You have 5 minutes to clean out your desk and leave the property.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:48:56am

The Trump Organization Inc said on Wednesday it has pulled out of a hotel venture in Rio de Janeiro that is part of a criminal investigation in Brazil, with a Trump Hotels spokeswoman citing construction delays and differences in vision.

The Trump Hotel Rio de Janeiro, a beachfront property with 170 rooms near where the Olympic Park was located, was managed by the real estate company of President-elect Donald Trump, although no money from the Trump Organization was invested in the project.


When opening the investigation, Prosecutor Lopes said the size, structure and risk of the investments in the hotel, owned and developed by Brazil’s LSH Barra Empreendimentos Imobiliários SA, was suspicious.

“It is necessary to verify if the favoritism shown by the pension funds towards LSH Barra Empreendimentos Imobiliários SA and The Trump Organization was due to illicit payments and bribes,” Lopes said at the time.

The Trump Organization and LSH deny any wrongdoing.

Nothing to see here…move along…

coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:49:41am

re: #1 Emptor scriptor Remorse

Obama should do something.

You are being stupid on purpose, aren’t you?

Belafon  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:50:25am

re: #26 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

A few defections would look nice, though…

272 EVs for Trump would work.

Kragar  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:51:14am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:51:42am
Timothy Watson  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:53:04am

re: #24 Decatur Deb

A revolt by the electors, in effect a coup, would do more damage to the country than the Trump administration is likely to do in 4 years. The voters elevated a shitgibbon. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again.

That’s my position. It’s while I was opposed to the Stein recount fiasco (among other reasons, like it being a way to take money from Democrats that could go to help actual Democrats), etc.

Kragar  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:54:52am
Belafon  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:55:52am

Though I will say this, if the EC were to select Kasich, we wouldn’t have a thin skinned fascist with a Leninist advising him. Less of a shaft, for sure, but the things that make me just terrified of Trump as president wouldn’t be there. Bannon is intent on ending Democracy in this country.

Blind Frog Belly White  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:56:37am

re: #24 Decatur Deb

A revolt by the electors, in effect a coup, would do more damage to the country than the Trump administration is likely to do in 4 years. The voters elevated a shitgibbon. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again.

On the plus side, the GOP would lead the charge for abolishing the Electoral College.

And the ‘Originalists’ would be hard pressed to come up with a cogent argument why this wasn’t what The Founders wanted.

Targetpractice  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:58:18am

re: #34 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Makes it easier to fuck over any potential investigations. “Nobody has a fucking clue who’s in charge!”

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 11:58:43am
coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:00:17pm

re: #24 Decatur Deb

A revolt by the electors, in effect a coup, would do more damage to the country than the Trump administration is likely to do in 4 years. The voters elevated a shitgibbon. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again.

I’d like to see this coup…if for no other reason than I would like to wave this completely constitutional procedure in wingers faces for 4 years. Make a nice change from only hearing about the 2nd Amendment.

Edited for brevity…

Blind Frog Belly White  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:00:18pm

re: #38 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

What an asshole. Hates Clinton more than he loves his country.

Timothy Watson  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:00:37pm

re: #37 Targetpractice

Makes it easier to fuck over any potential investigations. “Nobody has a fucking clue who’s in charge!”

“It wasn’t bribery, I have no authority to make those kind of decisions and you can’t prove otherwise!”

Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:01:53pm

re: #24 Decatur Deb

A revolt by the electors, in effect a coup, would do more damage to the country than the Trump administration is likely to do in 4 years. The voters elevated a shitgibbon. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again.

When Trump intends to destroy the country altogether, what really is worse? I’d rather see the GOP’s hopes and dreams get shattered right before their fucking eyes with the denial of Trump (even Fucking Kasich fulfills that goal).

And if they have a temper tantrum calling for the abolishing of the electoral college, they’ll ruin their lone advantage in a national race.

Decatur Deb  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:01:59pm

re: #37 Targetpractice

Makes it easier to fuck over any potential investigations. “Nobody has a fucking clue who’s in charge!”

Apocalypse Now; the Do Long Bridge Roach Scene

Resistance Is Not Futile  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:03:09pm

re: #34 Kragar

The Buck stops with DT too… he’s just talking about a different kind of Buck.

danarchy  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:03:14pm

re: #39 coin operated

I’d like to see this coup…if for no other reason than I would like to wave this completely constitutional procedure in wingers faces. Make a nice change from only hearing about it from Limbaugh et. al. when we talk about gun reform.

No matter how constitutional, this might actually precipitate armed rebellion possibly civil war. The schadenfreude would not be worth it.

Sherlock Hound  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:03:43pm

re: #40 Blind Frog Belly White

What an asshole. Hates Clinton more than he loves his country.

“his country”

How can we be sure? I’ve long pegged him to do a Greenwald and become one of those obnoxious expat trolls who tell you your country will always suck, and so will you.

He’s young enough to do it. We don’t know how he supports himself. Cough.

Blind Frog Belly White  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:04:11pm

re: #30 Belafon

272 EVs for Trump would work.

That’s my thinking. A significant defection from Trump, enough to leave him with a bare minimum victory, and we’re having a whole different conversation about the Electoral College. As I read it, currently the most a state can do about a faithless electors vote is to invalidate it, and only a couple states even have that. It’s never been put to the Supreme Court whether a state can compel an elector to vote in a particular way.

Shiplord Kirel  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:04:11pm

re: #31 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Perry has the kind of educational credentials that really matter to the base. No, not academics. Don’t be silly. Perry was a Red Pot at Texas A&M. What in the name of Cthulhu is a Red Pot, you may ask? The Red Pots are essentially the high priests of the Aggie cult, specifically the 12 students (note the numeric symbolism) who are chosen to be in charge of the annual Aggie bonfire.
So Perry was not just an Aggie, he was a major Aggie kingpin.

Charles Johnson  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:05:06pm

I detest Kasich. He’s a first-class misogynistic right wing asshole. But if it comes to a choice between Kasich and Trump, I’ll absolutely support Kasich because he’s at least on the spectrum of being a normal person. Trump is a fucking horror out of H.P. Lovecraft.

Timothy Watson  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:06:05pm

re: #48 Shiplord Kirel

You learn something knew everyday.

Decatur Deb  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:07:04pm

re: #39 coin operated

re: #42 Myron Falwell (no relation)

When Trump intends to destroy the country altogether, what really is worse? I’d rather see the GOP’s hopes and dreams get shattered right before their fucking eyes with the denial of Trump (even Fucking Kasich fulfills that goal).

And if they have a temper tantrum calling for the abolishing of the electoral college, they’ll ruin their lone advantage in a national race.

We’re barely governable now. Destroying the broken system would finish the anarchists’ job for them.

coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:07:08pm

re: #45 danarchy

No matter how constitutional, this might actually precipitate armed rebellion possibly civil war. The schadenfreude would not be worth it.

Y’know…I’ve been hearing wingers promise us an armed revolution since Obama took office. The closest those ignorant fucks have ever gotten to delivering on that promise was Malheur. Please…try that shit again…I want to see what NFLTG Obama does this time around.

Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:07:36pm

re: #45 danarchy

No matter how constitutional, this might actually precipitate armed rebellion possibly civil war. The schadenfreude would not be worth it.

We’re dealing with whackos divorced from reality, openly wanting to enact policies intent on punishing California and New York with severity.

Civil war and armed rebellion is inevitable.

Charles Johnson  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:09:23pm

re: #45 danarchy

No matter how constitutional, this might actually precipitate armed rebellion possibly civil war. The schadenfreude would not be worth it.

I seriously doubt there would be a civil war. There would be massive amounts of whining and tantrum-throwing but the right isn’t going to declare a shooting war.

But I think it’s very likely that a Trump presidency could provoke a disastrous war with foreign countries — a trade war, definitely, and possibly a shooting war. Trump is putting together a cabinet of hard core war hawks like nothing this country has seen in a long, long time.

scottslemmons  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:12:18pm

re: #46 Sherlock Hound

“his country”

How can we be sure? I’ve long pegged him to do a Greenwald and become one of those obnoxious expat trolls who tell you your country will always suck, and so will you.

He’s young enough to do it. We don’t know how he supports himself. Cough.

I think Goodman is gunning for a job at Fox as an “Even the Liberal” mouthpiece.

But if Trump offers him a job running the camps, he’ll jump at it with glee. Finally! He’ll show everyone they should’ve been more respectful to H.A. Goodman Author!

Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:12:19pm

This might not necessarily be a bad thing.

scottslemmons  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:13:53pm

re: #25 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]

I’m actually kinda looking forward to seeing the entire Trump family serving a few decades in the federal pokey.

S'latch  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:20:28pm

Am I correct that if Trump failed to garner sufficient votes from electors, the Congress would choose the President?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:20:36pm
Decatur Deb  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:20:59pm

re: #56 Myron Falwell (no relation)

This might not necessarily be a bad thing.

Earth is said to be overdue for ‘extinction-level’ cosmic event

We’re not going to get out of the Trump administration that easily.

BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:23:07pm

re: #13 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Spicer is so full of shit, his teeth are brown.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:23:30pm
Belafon  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:23:40pm

re: #58 S’latch

Am I correct that if Trump failed to garner sufficient votes from electors, the Congress would choose the President?

It goes to the House.

S'latch  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:23:46pm

re: #60 Decatur Deb
re: #56 Myron Falwell (no relation)

If Donald Trump shoots that meteor down, I will lead the rebellion!

William Lewis  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:24:46pm

re: #52 coin operated

Really? Take a good look at the footage coming out of Aleppo and think about it for a minute.

I was an Infantry NCO. It it comes to pass, I’ll pick up a rifle again but I pray that we don’t make that mistake again.

BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:25:12pm

re: #25 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]

I would say that, rather than “raising” conflict of interest questions, it pretty fucking well “answers” them.

Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:26:02pm

re: #64 S’latch

If Donald Trump shoots that meteor down, I will lead the rebellion!

We won’t know about it because he cuts off finding to NASA.

BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:26:18pm

re: #27 Bubblehead II

Your fired. Give me your I.D. card, office keys and company credit card. You have 5 minutes to clean out your desk and leave the property.

And then you can sneak in the back door and continue as if nothing happened—see Lewandowski, Corey and Manafort, Paul.

thecommodore  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:27:18pm

re: #26 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

A few defections would look nice, though…

Enough to force the House to choose the President would be better, even if they eventually chose Trump.

And I think it would actually be more damaging to Trump if the electors chose another Republican, rather than Hillary.

scottslemmons  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:28:54pm

re: #59 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I can’t tell you how many positions I apply for that want you to do the work of 20 people while paying you shit wages. Seems like it’s the way the future’s going to be. :(

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:28:55pm

re: #34 Kragar

Trump to tech titans: “You’ll call my people, you’ll call me, it doesn’t matter. We have no formal chain of command around here.”

If that is how you want to run your business, then that’s your business. But if that is how you want to run a government, it means you have abdicated any sense of responsibility or accountability.

EPR-radar  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:30:20pm

re: #24 Decatur Deb

A revolt by the electors, in effect a coup, would do more damage to the country than the Trump administration is likely to do in 4 years. The voters elevated a shitgibbon. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again.

Even Trump as president is merely a symptom of the larger problem of his supporters and the Republican party.

Anything targeted specifically at Trump will be useless if it makes the underlying problem worse.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:31:29pm
BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:33:18pm

re: #56 Myron Falwell (no relation)

This might not necessarily be a bad thing.

[Embedded content]

BAD NEWS: Earth is said to be overdue for ‘extinction-level’ cosmic event

Now that you mention it, that meteor DOES resemble Trump.

Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:33:21pm

re: #73 Backwoods_Sleuth

It’s not even DARVO… it’s Baghdad Bob territory.

Decatur Deb  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:33:41pm

re: #72 EPR-radar

Even Trump as president is merely a symptom of the larger problem of his supporters and the Republican party.

Anything targeted specifically at Trump will be useless if it makes the underlying problem worse.

Yup. And with Trump, Pence, and Kasich we face only the choice between loud Nazis and quiet Nazis. This is the Republican mainstream come to glory.

coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:34:24pm

re: #65 William Lewis

Really? Take a good look at the footage coming out of Aleppo and think about it for a minute.

I was an Infantry NCO. It it comes to pass, I’ll pick up a rifle again but I pray that we don’t make that mistake again.

And I an Infantry Medic. Let’s put this in perspective by reading my first comment…the wingers have been promising us armed rebellion for years. So far…the government has coddled these fools and their romantic notions of rebellion. I’ve been saying, loudly, that if Obama was half the tyrant they believed him to be, we would have mopped Malheur up with firehoses and dental records would be required.

What I’m trying to convey is this…we’ve heard these noises for a while, but I highly doubt they’d ever organize in large enough groups to have positive action. If they did, we would call it what it is…armed rebellion…and I don’t think it would last long if treated as such.

Sir John Barron  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:35:01pm

re: #73 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Is that second tweet Flynn’s kid?

thecommodore  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:36:19pm

re: #49 Charles Johnson

I detest Kasich. He’s a first-class misogynistic right wing asshole. But if it comes to a choice between Kasich and Trump, I’ll absolutely support Kasich because he’s at least on the spectrum of being a normal person. Trump is a fucking horror out of H.P. Lovecraft.

As you’ve often said, Kasich, and other Never Trumpers are just as bad as Trump in terms of what they stand for (ie Kasich just signed a 20 week abortion ban in Ohio, though he did veto the heartbeat bill). The difference is that Kasich, et al, are sane, stable, and responsible. Trump is a fucking wrecking ball.

electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:36:32pm

re: #79 electrotek

Here’s a more stable stream:

thecommodore  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:37:33pm

re: #52 coin operated

Y’know…I’ve been hearing wingers promise us an armed revolution since Obama took office. The closest those ignorant fucks have ever gotten to delivering on that promise was Malheur. Please…try that shit again…I want to see what NFLTG Obama does this time around.

I don’t think there’s much he can do, legally.

Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:38:14pm

re: #76 Decatur Deb

Yup. And with Trump, Pence, and Kasich we face only the choice between loud Nazis and quiet Nazis. This is the Republican mainstream come to glory.

How do you resolve the problem? None of these RWNJs will learn their lesson, even if they cause a civil war and total fracturing of the republic.

William Lewis  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:38:21pm

re: #77 coin operated

Lots of people said similar things in March 1861. They thought any rebellion would be over in a week, one battle at most. They even went out to watch the First Battle of Bull Run like it was a party.

That’s the kind of arrogance that can kill even more people this time around.

(edit date)

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:38:50pm

re: #78 Sir John Barron

Is that second tweet Flynn’s kid?


Decatur Deb  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:38:57pm

re: #77 coin operated

And I an Infantry Medic. Let’s put this in perspective by reading my first comment…the wingers have been promising us armed rebellion for years. So far…the government has coddled these fools and their romantic notions of rebellion. I’ve been saying, loudly, that if Obama was half the tyrant they believed him to be, we would have mopped Malheur up with firehoses and dental records would be required.

What I’m trying to convey is this…we’ve heard these noises for a while, but I highly doubt they’d ever organize in large enough groups to have positive action. If they did, we would call it what it is…armed rebellion…and I don’t think it would last long if treated as such.

Watch the PMCs like Blackwater/Xi/Academi. When they become part of the domestic norm, shit’s getting real. Of course, Eric Prince has no ‘in’ with the new admin.


Belafon  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:40:16pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:41:55pm
coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:43:11pm

re: #84 William Lewis

Lots of people said similar things in March 1860. They thought any rebellion would be over in a week, one battle at most. They even went out to watch the First Battle of Bull Run like it was a party.

That’s the kind of arrogance that can kill even more people this time around.

And I would give you the same argument that I give any of these winger gunhumpers with notions of glorious revolution. You have assault rifles…the government has Spectre gunships. If it became a shooting war, I know who I’m putting my money on.

thecommodore  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:44:03pm

re: #73 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

The “Compost”?

Somebody’s been plagiarizing Mark Levin…

Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:44:09pm

re: #84 William Lewis

Lots of people said similar things in March 1860. They thought any rebellion would be over in a week, one battle at most. They even went out to watch the First Battle of Bull Run like it was a party.

That’s the kind of arrogance that can kill even more people this time around.

THIS. And there’s no Abraham Lincoln in sight to save us from ourselves.

Barefoot Grin  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:44:38pm

re: #90 thecommodore

The “Compost”?

Somebody’s been plagiarizing Mark Levin…


Franklin  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:46:37pm
Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:46:59pm

re: #89 coin operated

And I would give you the same argument that I give any of these winger gunhumpers with notions of glorious revolution. You have assault rifles…the government has Spectre gunships. If it became a shooting war, I know who I’m putting my money on.

Until China declares war against the United States.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:47:20pm
danarchy  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:47:35pm

re: #89 coin operated

And I would give you the same argument that I give any of these winger gunhumpers with notions of glorious revolution. You have assault rifles…the government has Spectre gunships. If it became a shooting war, I know who I’m putting my money on.

And you are assuming “the government” would fall in line and attack fellow citizens. Remember, a majority of members of the military also voted for Trump. Listen, I don’t think a Civil War II is likely, just don’t think it is impossible given the right conditions.

Decatur Deb  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:48:18pm

re: #83 Myron Falwell (no relation)

How do you resolve the problem? None of these RWNJs will learn their lesson, even if they cause a civil war and total fracturing of the republic.

We do what we know how to do, and we learn to manage the new environment. Nothing says we win, and if we do they’ll be back. The struggle continues.

jhncsy  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:48:22pm

re: #77 coin operated

And I an Infantry Medic. Let’s put this in perspective by reading my first comment…the wingers have been promising us armed rebellion for years. So far…the government has coddled these fools and their romantic notions of rebellion. I’ve been saying, loudly, that if Obama was half the tyrant they believed him to be, we would have mopped Malheur up with firehoses and dental records would be required.

What I’m trying to convey is this…we’ve heard these noises for a while, but I highly doubt they’d ever organize in large enough groups to have positive action. If they did, we would call it what it is…armed rebellion…and I don’t think it would last long if treated as such.

I think the assholes will focus on small-scale shit like they’ve been doing, but more so. More assholes will travel with their assault rifles. Fires at Planned Parenthood. Hate mail.

That is, assuming we’re lucky and get President Kasich (Clinton is both smarter and more moral than that greasy little shit. But if we’re going to go to war over fucking Trump of all things, I’d rather have a Republican in the enemy’s sights).

Stanley Sea  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:48:24pm

re: #86 Decatur Deb

Watch the PMCs like Blackwater/Xi/Academi. When they become part of the domestic norm, shit’s getting real. Of course, Eric Prince has no ‘in’ with the new admin.


Dept of Ed nominee - De Vos IS Erik Prince’s sister.

Belafon  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:49:21pm

re: #96 danarchy

And you are assuming “the government” would fall in line and attack fellow citizens. Remember, a majority of members of the military also voted for Trump. Listen, I don’t think a Civil War II is likely, just don’t think it is impossible given the right conditions.

I’d heard a majority of the military voted for Clinton, but I haven’t seen evidence either way.

William Lewis  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:51:21pm

re: #89 coin operated

And I would give you the same argument that I give any of these winger gunhumpers with notions of glorious revolution. You have assault rifles…the government has Spectre gunships. If it became a shooting war, I know who I’m putting my money on.

You’re that certain the pilots of those gunships won’t defect? Or they crews of the M1’s? Or the officers they’ll follow over anyone in Washington on either side? All it takes is a fraction to make a real big mess. Especially if one of those people is this generation’s Massa Robert.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:51:31pm
coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:52:09pm

re: #94 Myron Falwell (no relation)

Until China declares war against the United States.

Amateurs discuss tactics…Professionals discuss logistics. In other words…Red Dawn is still fiction. If we get into a shooting war (dog forbid) it’ll be on their turf, not ours.

And, to tie this in with what I’ve been saying, I’m a wee bit more concerned about low level escalations in the South China Sea than I am about any domestic rebellions. The Chinese could end this ‘One China’ argument before we could have a recon plane in the air to monitor the takeover.

danarchy  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:53:28pm

re: #100 Belafon

I’d heard a majority of the military voted for Clinton, but I haven’t seen evidence either way.

I think most of the pre election polls had Trump ahead of Clinton comfortably amongst active military and veterans. I think Johnson was actually ahead of Clinton. I haven’t seen any exit polling after the fact though.


Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:53:30pm
scottslemmons  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:55:54pm

re: #102 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Sounds like an excellent time to shut down his account…

Donkey With No Name  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:56:01pm

Re comments on the earlier thread: I couldn’t make it through more than 50 pages of Joe Bageant’s ‘Deer Hunting With Jesus’, because the thesis of the book was as follows: ‘we [in Appalachian Virginia] choose politicians who hurt us because they say the right cultural things. We are perfectly willing to mess things up for everyone else because we resent them. Please come and save us from ourselves! But don’t do it in any way that we could possibly take as implying that we’re not better than you.’

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:57:18pm

Well, to counter all the doom and gloom and end of the world scenarios floating around today, some OT good news:


Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:58:10pm
coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:58:45pm

re: #101 William Lewis

You’re that certain the pilots of those gunships won’t defect? Or they crews of the M1’s? Or the officers they’ll follow over anyone in Washington on either side? All it takes is a fraction to make a real big mess. Especially if one of those people is this generation’s Massa Robert.

No…I’m certain that we would have some defectors. Just as we did with Iraq in both the Bush and Obama administrations. However, most of the professional corps would follow the orders if they were legitimate. The argument now becomes binary…do you believe the R’s in Congress are so unprincipled that they would let an armed rebellion survive? Going birther is one thing, but the will of the electorate, as expressed by the EC and our constitution, being usurped? I despise what R’s have become, but even I have doubts at that junction.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:59:39pm

re: #104 danarchy

I don’t know where the exit polling data specifically is but I do remember reading that Clinton beat Trump among active duty military. (Veterans broke for Trump.)

There was a rumor that service members were overwhelmingly supportive of Donald Trump, who advocated sending troops into a ground war in Syria and possibly back in Iraq. Those rumors weren’t true. While veterans broke for Trump (61 percent) those serving now, those who would probably be fighting in the possible wars voted Clinton but only 5 percent above Trump.

William Lewis  Dec 14, 2016 • 12:59:51pm

Well, right now I have to go. One of the glories of the Anglican tradition during Advent is the service of Lessons and Carols and my little church is doing that tonight. Till later!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:01:16pm

also IIRC, Twitter was the only tech company to publicly refuse to help with compiling a proposed Muslim registry.

Barefoot Grin  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:02:18pm

re: #112 William Lewis

Well, right now I have to go. One of the glories of the Anglican tradition during Advent is the service of Lessons and Carols and my little church is doing that tonight. Till later!

Sounds peaceful.

coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:03:23pm

re: #112 William Lewis

Awesome! Have a good evening.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:03:40pm
BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:03:43pm

re: #100 Belafon

I’d heard a majority of the military voted for Clinton, but I haven’t seen evidence either way.

I believe veterans went for Trump, active duty for Clinton. I think it was in the CNN exit poll info among other sources.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:05:08pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:07:07pm
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:07:20pm

re: #118 Backwoods_Sleuth

t’s amazing how much of Trump’s economic plan rests on the assumption that we’re heading back to $100 oil

And of course, opening up federal lands the way he has promised would if anything make it harder, not easier, to reach that price

But when we have two cars in every garage (one SUV and one sportscar), the increased demand will take care of that.

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:08:39pm
Belafon  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:10:29pm

A bit of caution: We know Trump and Co are going to be aggressive unless they get pushback. But pushback can be effective (see the DOE). Our job is to provide that pushback, for sure, and to try to get others to help. But there are lots of people in this country, some of whom voted for Trump, that do not want things to fall apart. Could we go to a Civil War? Possibly. But, it’s an extreme position that I just don’t see being supported by current evidence. The people around me, conservative Fox viewers, aren’t preparing for war.

makeitstop  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:10:32pm

re: #95 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


What are they gonna do - put Yamhead on stage and let him ramble for three hours?

Franklin  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:11:11pm
Jack Burton  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:11:17pm

re: #118 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Of course we are. Putin needs $100/bbl oil to fix the Russian economy. You think his puppet over here is going to work to keep oil cheap?

This was probably the primary motivation for Операция оранжевый шторм.

Belafon  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:11:32pm

re: #123 makeitstop


What are they gonna do - put Yamhead on stage and let him ramble for three hours?

He’ll just circle the block over and over.

BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:11:36pm

re: #111 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I don’t know where the exit polling data specifically is but I do remember reading that Clinton beat Trump among active duty military. (Veterans broke for Trump.)

CNN exit polling—Served in US Military—24558 respondents

Veterans (13% of respondents)
non-veterans (87% of respondents)


ObserverArt  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:11:41pm

re: #81 electrotek

Here’s a more stable stream:

[Embedded content]

I think your stream is messing up the thread. Can you link it instead of it auto playing? It’s messing with Chrome just like if the funky ads are running.

Barefoot Grin  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:11:55pm

re: #121 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

I wonder what song they’ll choose for their first dance….

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:12:50pm

re: #108 klys (maker of Silmarils)


Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:14:20pm

re: #110 coin operated

No…I’m certain that we would have some defectors. Just as we did with Iraq in both the Bush and Obama administrations. However, most of the professional corps would follow the orders if they were legitimate. The argument now becomes binary…do you believe the R’s in Congress are so unprincipled that they would let an armed rebellion survive? Going birther is one thing, but the will of the electorate, as expressed by the EC and our constitution, being usurped? I despise what R’s have become, but even I have doubts at that junction.

Wouldn’t surprise me one bit. They are that unprincipled.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:14:33pm

re: #129 Barefoot Grin

I wonder what song they’ll choose for their first dance….

Money - Pink Floyd HD (Studio Version)

makeitstop  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:15:05pm

re: #102 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

They should shut down his account, just to fuck with him. He’d go insane.

Myron Falwell (no relation)  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:15:17pm

re: #129 Barefoot Grin

I wonder what song they’ll choose for their first dance….

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”

half //

ObserverArt  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:16:25pm

re: #101 William Lewis

You’re that certain the pilots of those gunships won’t defect? Or they crews of the M1’s? Or the officers they’ll follow over anyone in Washington on either side? All it takes is a fraction to make a real big mess. Especially if one of those people is this generation’s Massa Robert.

May I ask who Massa Robert is???

Barefoot Grin  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:16:53pm

re: #134 Myron Falwell (no relation)

“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”

half //

I used to like that song, but now it’s a trigger.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:17:03pm

re: #128 ObserverArt

I think your stream is messing up the thread. Can you link it instead of it auto playing? It’s messing with Chrome just like if the funky ads are running.

right-click it to select “pause”.

lockjawcanbefun  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:19:34pm

re: #129 Barefoot Grin

Going to hell for this suggestion:

Benny Mardones - Into the Night ( Original Video Clip 1980 HQ ) AOR

coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:19:37pm

re: #135 ObserverArt

May I ask who Massa Robert is???

William has departed for the evening, but I believe he was referring to Robert E. Lee.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:21:29pm
The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:21:43pm

re: #102 Backwoods_Sleuth


ObserverArt  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:24:15pm

re: #137 Backwoods_Sleuth

right-click it to select “pause”.

Yeah…I did…it was still hiccuping even after that. It seems to have settled down.

HappyWarrior  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:25:05pm

re: #140 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:25:23pm
ObserverArt  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:25:45pm

re: #139 coin operated

William has departed for the evening, but I believe he was referring to Robert E. Lee.

I wondered about that. But I would have thought William would have not said “Massa” as it is a bit derogatory…or he would have put it in quotes or something.


klys (maker of Silmarils)  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:25:59pm
scottslemmons  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:26:24pm

re: #107 Donkey With No Name

Re comments on the earlier thread: I couldn’t make it through more than 50 pages of Joe Bageant’s ‘Deer Hunting With Jesus’, because the thesis of the book was as follows: ‘we [in Appalachian Virginia] choose politicians who hurt us because they say the right cultural things. We are perfectly willing to mess things up for everyone else because we resent them. Please come and save us from ourselves! But don’t do it in any way that we could possibly take as implying that we’re not better than you.’

I had a lot of trouble with that one, too. I could tell it was wonderfully well written, but god, so depressing… :(

electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:26:30pm

I don’t know why I keep arguing with deplorable fucktards who think they know about universal health care better than those that actually live in it.

ObserverArt  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:26:50pm

re: #144 Backwoods_Sleuth

The Poke @ThePoke
Someone can’t be trusted with a decorated Christmas treehttp://thepoke.co.uk
4:06 PM - 14 Dec 2016
17 17 Retweets 29 29 likes

But that face…so innocent!

makeitstop  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:28:29pm

re: #138 lockjawcanbefun

Going to hell for this suggestion:

[Embedded content]


That’s some creepy shit, right there. Never saw that video before.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:29:54pm

re: #148 electrotek

I don’t know why I keep arguing with deplorable fucktards who think they know about universal health care better than those that actually live in it.

I gave up long ago.

Eventual Carrion  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:30:41pm

re: #118 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Hmmm, Putin was banking on $100 barrel oil also.

coin operated  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:33:08pm

re: #148 electrotek

I don’t know why I keep arguing with deplorable fucktards who think they know about universal health care better than those that actually live in it.

Hard keeping up with Brietbart….

wrenchwench  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:34:57pm
gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:43:14pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:49:44pm
Eventual Carrion  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:52:03pm

re: #156 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Bannon said there were too many Joos there.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:52:27pm

re: #156 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

This year the first night of Hanukkah is Christmas Eve.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:53:33pm
gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:53:57pm
Emptor scriptor Remorse  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:54:21pm

re: #29 coin operated

You are being stupid on purpose, aren’t you?

Actually this was addressed in the previous thread re: #22 allegro

I keep trying to believe that Obama is going to do something. He can’t let this happen without a fight. He’s going to do something.

Starting to lose all faith. The tick-tick-tick of the clock is terrifying seeing nothing but normalizing of evil. I think Olbermann is right and it’s sick-making.

wrenchwench  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:57:16pm

re: #161 Emptor scriptor Remorse

Actually this was addressed in the previous thread

You’re working hard to prove coin op right. Sorry, coin operated.

TedStriker  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:58:49pm

re: #56 Myron Falwell (no relation)

This might not necessarily be a bad thing.

Sweet Meteor of Death time?

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:59:04pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 1:59:55pm
klys (maker of Silmarils)  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:00:07pm

re: #162 wrenchwench

You’re working hard to prove coin op right. Sorry, coin operated.

Just a little nip here, a little bit of deliberate obtuseness there, never actually engaging in conversation, hoping people forget the whole “leans right-wing” bit.

Very predictable. Kind of boring.

Emptor scriptor Remorse  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:04:33pm

re: #7 Blind Frog Belly White



Release the information for a start. Use his bully pulpit in an aggressive manner to lay out the very real dangers we face with the Orange one and his idiot, incompetent, and compromised cabinet picks. Lay it out in clear terms that THIS is what is about to happen: SS and Medicare, no more; environmental protection, nada; FDA, neutered; on and on. Fucking war drums we already hear beating. Make these the personal and very real issues they very really are. Scare the crap out of the EC and the numbnuts who voted for this.

We talk about fighting back and resisting. Great… so? Carry signs and march? Maybe vote in a couple of years? We’re helpless. Obama is still POTUS and he’s at 59% approval. He CAN fight and make a difference. We elected him to do that. All of our asses are flat on the line and damn it I expect him to come out in full-throated fight for us and the future of our country.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:07:53pm
BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:08:26pm

Election matter (except when Democrats win—like in North Carolina)

Senate leaders issued a proclamation convening a fourth special session for the year.

Legislative leaders initially wouldn’t say what’s on the agenda for the extra session, but House Rules Chairman David Lewis told reporters Wednesday afternoon that lawmakers could move to limit the governor’s power.

Asked if legislation will change the governor’s appointment powers - including election board appointments - Lewis said “I think you’re on the right track, but I would not be able to comment on specifics.”

Fucking assholes.

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:12:56pm
Jenner7  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:14:48pm
electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:20:52pm

re: #171 Jenner7

What a spoiled and ungrateful little runt.

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:21:09pm
HappyWarrior  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:21:18pm

re: #171 Jenner7

[Embedded content]

Sigh this kind of thing just gives fuel to the assholes who want to deny that bad things are happening.

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:22:48pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:29:20pm

re: #175 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

But…but…Shiny Object!!!

ObserverArt  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:31:29pm

I’m not a big fan of Politico, but I just stumbled on this article doing a search on some Trump stuff.

Maybe the Trump method of pitting people against each other works for him in the business world. (Doubtful, considering his actual business record).

But pitting the political snakes around him against each other may cause the whole thing to blow up as people fight for sides and The Big Don watched it all for his amusement.

Maybe it really is more a reality show like The Apprentice than we thought.

Politico - Divisions deepen inside Trump Tower

Donald Trump’s White House-in-waiting is already being roiled by divisions, with the conservative outsiders who helped power his historic victory colliding with a Republican Party establishment muscling its way in.

Insiders paint a picture of constant score-keeping and simmering suspicion within Trump world — one even called it “vitriolic.” And they foresee incoming White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, the party stalwart, and chief strategist Steve Bannon, the populist firebrand, headed for an inevitable clash.

Some have begun to chafe at the power being exhibited by Priebus — who, along with a team of lieutenants, is exerting broad influence over hiring decisions.

During one recent meeting, Trump told former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and Priebus that Conway, who is aligned with Bannon and is one of the president-elect’s closest aides, would get whatever post she wanted. Priebus jumped in, responding that Conway would take a position in the administration and that he was working with her on a role, according to two people familiar with the exchange.

But Conway, who has been undecided about whether to work for Trump in the West Wing or outside the White House, sharply rejected that assertion.

Priebus, Conway said, doesn’t speak for her.

Trump appeared taken aback. “Oh, she’s tough,” he told Priebus.

Trump, a businessman-turned-politician, has long encouraged competition among factions within his organizations, creating a pressure-cooker environment where almost every decision resulted in a winner and a loser. In the end, one side would be vanquished and another would take its place, and the cycle would repeat.

Trump’s campaign was for months paralyzed as his two top aides, Paul Manafort and Corey Lewandowski, locked horns. Manafort would eventually prevail, with Lewandowski’s firing, but it wasn’t long before Manafort was supplanted by the trio of Bannon, Conway and conservative activist David Bossie.

Now, as Trump builds out his government, little seems to have changed. If anything, transition officials say, Trump seems to be relishing the idea of presiding over a divided administration.

A few weeks ago, Trump, Bannon and Conway rode in a motorcade from Trump Tower to the Long Island estate of Rebekah Mercer, an influential megadonor who has funded conservative causes at odds with the party establishment, for a “Heroes and Villains” costume party. Priebus was conspicuously absent.

When Trump addressed the crowd that evening, he made a point of thanking Bannon and Conway — both of whom are closely allied with Mercer — as well as Mercer herself, according to two people briefed on Trump’s remarks.

Then, Trump asked, “Where’s Reince?”

While it was not clear whether Trump intended the remark as a joke at Priebus’ expense, it nonetheless prompted knowing laughter from attendees, who regarded the chief of staff as unwelcome among the anti-establishment set.

One of the biggest flare-ups centered on the race to succeed Priebus as Republican National Committee chair, an internal battle in which Priebus got the upper hand — but not before it degenerated into an insider-vs.-outsider showdown.

…more at link, big story

Blind Frog Belly White  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:31:33pm

re: #174 HappyWarrior

Sigh this kind of thing just gives fuel to the assholes who want to deny that bad things are happening.

ONE thing like this will be used to invalidate ALL reports of Islamophobic harrassment.

electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:32:26pm

re: #178 Blind Frog Belly White

Or two.

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:32:55pm
HappyWarrior  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:36:03pm

re: #178 Blind Frog Belly White

ONE thing like this will be used to invalidate ALL reports of Islamophobic harrassment.

Precisely my concern.

wrenchwench  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:36:27pm

Welcome, hatchlings (spiders, sorry. Cute little guys, though.)

First Ever Video of Silkhenge Spider Birth

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:37:24pm
gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:39:14pm
scottslemmons  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:40:06pm

re: #177 ObserverArt

I’m not a big fan of Politico, but I just stumbled on this article doing a search on some Trump stuff.

Maybe the Trump method of pitting people against each other works for him in the business world. (Doubtful, considering his actual business record).

But pitting the political snakes around him against each other may cause the whole thing to blow up as people fight for sides and The Big Don watched it all for his amusement.

Maybe it really is more a reality show like The Apprentice than we thought.

Politico - Divisions deepen inside Trump Tower

I just wish there was a way to help it all along. It’s not like I’d mind tweeting to Flynn about all the secret Muslim conspirators there were hiding in the Cabinet so he should kill them all to expunge the poison, or sending mail to Rick Perry claiming that Bannon’s head was filled with sweet candy, and he should crack it open to get all of it — but I kinda doubt it’d be effective…

Lidane  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:42:32pm

re: #3 GlutenFreeJesus

Ain’t going to happen. Electors know they’ll have to fear for their lives if they reject him. And that’s that.


This election is a done deal. The best we can do is fight like hell against Cheeto Mussolini and his goons.

Jebediah, RBG  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:42:34pm

re: #182 wrenchwench

I thought at first that that was a freeze-frame of a splashing drop of milk.

electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:43:21pm

I see a lot of people who are quick to condemn Saudi Arabia for its abuses in its Yemen campaign. Fair enough.

But shouldn’t these same people extend the same condemnation to Iranian involvement in Syria as well?

wrenchwench  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:44:22pm

re: #187 Jebediah, RBG

I thought at first that that was a freeze-frame of a splashing drop of milk.

That’s what my first glance said, too. They should have shown the baby spiders crawling on it, if indeed they did.

The Dude Abides  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:48:09pm

Regarding all this talk about influencing electors to change their vote in order to keep Trump from becoming President: it only works if Hillary releases all of the Dem electors to vote for someone like Romney. Not one GOP elector thinking about changing their vote would vote for Hillary, but if every single Dem elector voted for Romney, only 37 GOP electors would need to vote for Romney to get him elected President. It would then be up to the courts to decide if the Constitutional role of the electoral college overrides any state laws that prevent electors from changing their vote.

Romney would be the most plausible choice because he actually did run for President before, and got more votes in the general election than Trump did. He would also be a more palatable choice for the Dem electors.

BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:50:40pm

re: #177 ObserverArt

I’m not a big fan of Politico, but I just stumbled on this article doing a search on some Trump stuff.

Maybe the Trump method of pitting people against each other works for him in the business world. (Doubtful, considering his actual business record).

But pitting the political snakes around him against each other may cause the whole thing to blow up as people fight for sides and The Big Don watched it all for his amusement.

Maybe it really is more a reality show like The Apprentice than we thought.

Politico - Divisions deepen inside Trump Tower

I love the descriptive phrases:
party stalwart (more like lying toady) Priebus
populist firebrand (more like Nazi asshole) Bannon
and more

Lidane  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:51:57pm

Random question: Is it strange that I’m currently sitting here eating Hanukkah gelt even though I’m not Jewish? The co-op grocery store next to my office had some Divine chocolates and I have a sweet tooth. I couldn’t resist.

Also, someone is desperate to stay relevant:

Ziggy_TARDIS  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:52:07pm

re: #190 The Dude Abides

I would be happy with Evan McMullin. He has actually shown some principals.

I Would Prefer Not To  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:53:27pm

re: #192 Lidane

Random question: Is it strange that I’m currently sitting here eating Hanukkah gelt even though I’m not Jewish? The co-op grocery store next to my office had some Divine chocolates and I have a sweet tooth. I couldn’t resist.

Also, someone is desperate to stay relevant:

[Embedded content]

Gelt for everyone not named Trump!

electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:55:42pm

re: #128 ObserverArt

I tried linking it, but the auto-embed functionality kept embedding it as a Facebook post.

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:55:55pm

Orange Shitgibbon narrowly beats Cheeto Benito in my unscientific and deeply flawed poll.

wrenchwench  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:56:17pm
The Dude Abides  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:57:06pm

re: #193 Ziggy_TARDIS

Me too, but I think a bigger name (and more moderate) would be easier to coalesce around.

ObserverArt  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:57:54pm

re: #195 electrotek

I tried linking it, but the auto-embed functionality kept embedding it as a Facebook post.

Pausing it helped, but it did seem to take a while for my browser “resources” to back down from almost out to what the site seems to take to run without the ads.

Jebediah, RBG  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:58:00pm

re: #196 gocart mozart

I think that is an appropriate result, and not only because it is how I voted. Orange Shitgibbon is slightly more insulting.
See? Democracy DOES work!

electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 2:58:44pm

re: #199 ObserverArt

Ah yeah, my apologies for that. I would not have known it would auto-play instead of just embedding as a post with the option to play at your leisure.

Guess I know that now lol

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:06:51pm
The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:11:22pm

re: #192 Lidane

Random question: Is it strange that I’m currently sitting here eating Hanukkah gelt even though I’m not Jewish? The co-op grocery store next to my office had some Divine chocolates and I have a sweet tooth. I couldn’t resist.

Also, someone is desperate to stay relevant:

[Embedded content]

Chocolate coins, meh. Hanukkah doughnuts rule!

hanukkah sufganiyot recipe

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:13:44pm

re: #202 gocart mozart

LOL at “incidents like this tarnish Politico…”

electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:14:52pm
JasonA  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:16:14pm

My feeling of vindication as a grammar nazi shall be the smallest of comforts.

JasonA  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:21:37pm
gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:22:15pm
scottslemmons  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:22:31pm

This is a deeply depressing thread:

Don’t even know what anyone could do. I live all the way out in a tiny town in the Texas Panhandle. What can an introvert coward do during times like this? :(

electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:24:26pm

re: #203 The Vicious Babushka

As a member of the Jewish community here in the U.S., what’s your take on this?

Facebook Post

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:26:04pm
Ziggy_TARDIS  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:27:55pm

re: #198 The Dude Abides

You would then have to go back and try and find someone in the Never Trump camp on the Republican side.

Same are frustrating, because of their advanced age.

John Warner is one. Stanley McChrystal is another. Interesting one in William Howard Taft IV.

I also think that John Allen should run in 2020 for the Democrats. I am behind him on that.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:28:35pm


Scottishdragon  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:31:13pm

re: #24 Decatur Deb

A revolt by the electors, in effect a coup, would do more damage to the country than the Trump administration is likely to do in 4 years. The voters elevated a shitgibbon. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again.

The EC was supposedly there to keep this from happening. If the checks and balances cannot be used without fear of doing even more damage, then 1) why do we have them at all and 2) what does that say about the health of our Republic?

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:31:38pm

re: #210 electrotek

As a member of the Jewish community here in the U.S., what’s your take on this?

[Embedded content]

Avi Shafran is an asshole. He’s like the Jewish equivalent of Franklin Graham.

makeitstop  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:33:08pm

re: #208 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

That dude stole my nic!

Charles Johnson  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:35:06pm
electrotek  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:37:09pm

re: #215 The Vicious Babushka

Holy shit. And such a figure is allowed to post an Opinion piece on one of the most left-wing Israeli newspapers in the country? Nuts.

BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:37:36pm

re: #202 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

Yeah, Julia is definitely what’s “tarnishing” Politico.

Romantic Heretic  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:39:10pm

re: #113 Backwoods_Sleuth

Just reading about that. It was Twitter’s refusal to create a ‘Crooked Hillary’ emoji that has them on President Dunning-Kruger’s shit list.

Amory Blaine  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:39:48pm

re: #177 ObserverArt

Reminds me of how quickly Sears flushed itself down the toilet.

Ayn Rand-loving CEO destroys his empire

Crazy Eddie has been one of America’s most vocal advocates of discredited free-market economics, so obsessed with Ayn Rand he could rattle off memorized passages of her novels. As Mina Kimes explained in a fascinating profile in Bloomberg Businessweek, Lampert took the myth that humans perform best when acting selfishly as gospel, pitting Sears company managers against each other in a kind of Lord of the Flies death match. This, he believed, would cause them to act rationally and boost performance.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:42:03pm

re: #218 electrotek

Holy shit. And such a figure is allowed to post an Opinion piece on one of the most left-wing Israeli newspapers in the country? Nuts.

I couldn’t read it anyway because of the paywall.

Skip Intro  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:42:29pm


Romantic Heretic  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:42:53pm

re: #132 Eclectic Cyborg

Perhaps this would work.

Monty Python Money Song 06

Jenner7  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:43:35pm

She apologized.

I sure as hell wouldn’t have.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:46:38pm


Jenner7  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:47:12pm

The news just get worse…

Four years of this.

JasonA  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:47:34pm
jaunte  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:47:49pm

Thurber saw this coming.

gocart mozart  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:48:34pm
wrenchwench  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:50:23pm

Only Trump could make me miss the John Birchers.

TedStriker  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:50:24pm

re: #226 The Vicious Babushka


Hey, NBC News, file that one under, “No shit, Sherlock!”

makeitstop  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:50:51pm

re: #226 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

Here it comes!

Skip Intro  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:51:21pm

re: #228 JasonA

GOP response: yawn.

Bass Reeves  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:52:29pm

McMullin first showed up on LGF that I recall with a tweet about how the Dems were awful, but so is Trump. He’s not actually what I would call an ally. He’s more like the rest of the Republican rank-and-file: An opportunist who is seeing his opportunity slipping away.

By the by guys, Pence and Kasich and all the rest of them aren’t *better* than Trump, they just know more about how to move the levers of government power. All of the stuff you think bad that will happen under Trump, will happen with all the rest of them, because the Rs STILL have the House and Senate and soon the Supreme Court, and most of the state legislatures and governorships.

Ziggy_TARDIS  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:54:42pm

Hey, I know Jewish Communities come in “flavours.” Like the ones from Iberia are the Sephardic.

There is an Austrian Jewish person in my ancestry, 300-400 years back. What are the Austrian Jews considered?

Ziggy_TARDIS  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:56:00pm

re: #235 Bass Reeves

I’m not so sure you are right on McMullin.

He has made common cause with Sarah Kendzior, and she is way on the left. I think he might have principles.

makeitstop  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:56:24pm

re: #232 TedStriker

Hey, NBC News, file that one under, “No shit, Sherlock!”

The last bit is intriguing, regarding Putin’s finances.

Ten bucks says Trump’s name comes up. A lot.

BeachDem  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:59:02pm

re: #235 Bass Reeves

…By the by guys, Pence and Kasich and all the rest of them aren’t *better* than Trump, they just know more about how to move the levers of government power. All of the stuff you think bad that will happen under Trump, will happen with all the rest of them, because the Rs STILL have the House and Senate and soon the Supreme Court, and most of the state legislatures and governorships.

As Charles Pierce points out:
Also, Hamilton Electors? If you’re looking around for a legitimately bipartisan replacement for El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago, this isn’t really the week to be pushing John Kasich, who is perfectly willing to “compromise” the privacy rights of 51 percent of the American people.


All this Kasich love is getting on my last nerve. He is an asshole. He might not be Trump, but he’ll stick a knife directly into your gut before you see it coming, then smile and say, “Aw shuck” as he twists the knife. And, I still think the crap about “Hillary should release her electors to vote for Kasich” is utterly insulting and ugly.

GlutenFreeJesus  Dec 14, 2016 • 3:59:54pm

Oh look what’s floating around. Yeah. I can assure you that nobody but me has “login” to my account. Nice try, Comrades!

Skip Intro  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:01:18pm

re: #227 Jenner7

The news just get worse…

Four years of this.

If we’re lucky.

Jenner7  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:01:24pm

re: #235 Bass Reeves

Yep. He called Hillary a criminal.

Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Kodos  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:04:24pm

re: #228 JasonA

[Embedded content]

With all of the revelations that are starting to come out about the Russian “hacks” into - and dissemination of information gained from those - I think that it might be just about time to start looking into how “in the loop” the Trump campaign was - because they seemed to know a hell of a lot of stuff about the contents prior to when the leaks occurred. Finally, if it is discovered that Donald Trump was actively involved in coordinating these efforts, what would the political (and legal) ramifications be?

JasonA  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:08:10pm

re: #239 BeachDem

As Charles Pierce points out:
Also, Hamilton Electors? If you’re looking around for a legitimately bipartisan replacement for El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago, this isn’t really the week to be pushing John Kasich, who is perfectly willing to “compromise” the privacy rights of 51 percent of the American people.


All this Kasich love is getting on my last nerve. He is an asshole. He might not be Trump, but he’ll stick a knife directly into your gut before you see it coming, then smile and say, “Aw shuck” as he twists the knife. And, I still think the crap about “Hillary should release her electors to vote for Kasich” is utterly insulting and ugly.

All we have are shit options going forward. I am 100% convinced that Kasich is a less shitty option than Trump. This is where we are politically right now. It sucks, but there it is. Hillary Clinton will not be President. I wish it were otherwise, but it will not be.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:08:11pm

re: #236 Ziggy_TARDIS

Hey, I know Jewish Communities come in “flavours.” Like the ones from Iberia are the Sephardic.

There is an Austrian Jewish person in my ancestry, 300-400 years back. What are the Austrian Jews considered?

Austrians are Ashkenazi

Bass Reeves  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:09:21pm

re: #237 Ziggy_TARDIS

His aligning with the left *now* means exactly what I said. He popped up in Utah when it looked like Hillary might have a shot at taking it, and gave the NeverTrumpers an outlet valve, because in his views *before* Election Day, they were both just as bad. He is no better than Johnson or Stein, excepting only his Nat Sec background won’t allow him to bend over that far for Russia. Which is nice, but Russia doesn’t actually care what we do with our minorities or women, only that we leave them free to operate in Europe and Asia.

Bass Reeves  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:11:58pm

re: #244 JasonA

Kasich is more mentally stable than Trump. His administration would be less openly kleptocratic, but do you see a difference in his treatment of minority groups?

JasonA  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:17:25pm

re: #247 Bass Reeves

Kasich is more mentally stable than Trump. His administration would be less openly kleptocratic, but do you see a difference in his treatment of minority groups?

So you’re admitting he wouldn’t be as bad as Trump on at least those two points.

The treatment of minority groups is a battle that would be fought anyway.

Plus I’d like to think he would at least stand up to Russia.

worldknot  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:21:58pm

re: #24 Decatur Deb

A revolt by the electors, in effect a coup, would do more damage to the country than the Trump administration is likely to do in 4 years. The voters elevated a shitgibbon. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen again.

Seems to me the coup already happened.

Bass Reeves  Dec 14, 2016 • 4:34:21pm

re: #248 JasonA

Meh. Sure. I guess as long as we stand up to Russia, nothing else matters? The treatment of minority groups being the same battle was actually my point. Rewarding nutjobs by giving them someone who will fulfill 85% of their wishes instead of 50% (because Donald won’t actually give them shit) instead of..y’know, actually voting for someone who got electoral votes doesn’t seem like a good compromise to me.

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