The Bob Cesca Show: Bigfoot

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Today’s program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show:

Bigfoot: Jody Hamilton of the From The Bunker podcast joins us today; We recap the disastrous House vote on Trumpcare 3.0; Republican voters are screwing themselves; Billions cut from Medicaid; Congress is exempt from Trumpcare; Republicans secretly love Obamacare; Sean Spicer lied to Breitbart about Trump’s wall; House plans to overturn Dodd Frank next; and more.

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Targetpractice  May 4, 2017 • 9:31:57pm

A group photo of the people who will never, ever have to worry that them or theirs will be denied medical care for failure to pay or be denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  May 4, 2017 • 9:35:01pm
Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 9:36:23pm

re: #1 Targetpractice

Blind Frog Belly White  May 4, 2017 • 9:45:57pm

I’ve seen the argument that we can’t have single payer, because the tax would be so high. But the people saying it are either stupid or disingenuous. If we had single payer, we wouldn’t all be paying insurance, would we?

austin_blue  May 4, 2017 • 9:47:16pm

After today, I just can’t keep from feeling a societal shockwave.

When the CBO makes its report, the news cycle will ignore it because it will be too late.

Well played by the R’s, the motherfucking, cocksucking sons-of-bitches.

Fuck my life. Fuck all of us. We are sacrificed to the gods of greed.

Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 9:49:10pm

re: #4 Blind Frog Belly White

But think of all those poor unemployed insurance CEOs!

Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 9:49:34pm
Targetpractice  May 4, 2017 • 9:51:36pm

So yeah, after years of putting it off because I didn’t know I qualified for a subsidy, I went ahead this past January and signed up for individual health insurance for the first time under Obamacare. I admit I haven’t yet utilized it, but I like the assurance of having it “in case shit happens.”

Thing is, if this damned bill becomes law, I’m going to have to cancel that policy. Not because I don’t need it, because I’m sure that I do. But because I will be unable to afford it, as I don’t have the $300+ it costs monthly on my present salary. And a pitiful “tax credit” that comes but once a year isn’t going to do me a damned bit of good.

Blind Frog Belly White  May 4, 2017 • 9:52:16pm

re: #6 Kragar

But think of all those poor unemployed insurance CEOs!

Won’t somebody think of the children CEOs?

Eclectic Cyborg  May 4, 2017 • 9:59:06pm

More government photos of nothing but white people…

Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 10:10:41pm
JordanRules  May 4, 2017 • 10:10:45pm

re: #10 Eclectic Cyborg

Whole lot of mediocrity insulated by privilege.

Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 10:22:00pm
The Ghost of Senator Incitatus  May 4, 2017 • 10:28:04pm

What I worry is that people are still using the Marxist paradigm—the bourgeoisie controlling the means of production, forcing the proletariat to sell their labor—to frame what’s going on, when it seems like this is something different.

Sale of labor doesn’t enter into the current scenario—there’s labor and means of production in the developing world*—this is about extraction of all value from the lower orders of society, regardless of class fraction, to the point that the result is ruin and foreshortened lives. It’s not extraction of labor, it’s strip-mining of human beings.

*there’s a whole other thing going where China and it putative Communism represent the way that comissars and vanguardists—supposedly doing the central planning that keeps the dictatorship of the proletariat rolling—just end up filling the same role as the bourgeoisie, but more concentrated. In the last couple of days, I’ve been thinking that it’s not a coincidence that the two Communist powers have effectively become oligarchic kleptocracies (though with very different components inside the manifold).

The other thing that’s non-Marxian is that at least some of these fuckers are operating within a frame that isn’t about capital. The religious and social conservatives—while they are venal, they are also sincere in their desire to socially engineer the USA…and this kind of decimation is seen as a window of opportunity. The growing neo-reactionary and fascist element think in very similar terms. This is important because it means…again…that there are choices being made outside of the Marxist frame of economic power, and within a framework closer to Foucalt (or, help us all, DeSade). Capital is a means to an end—social engineering—but not the only means.

freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 10:33:47pm

re: #14 The Ghost of Senator Incitatus

What I worry is that people are still using the Marxist paradigm—the bourgeoisie controlling the means of production, forcing the proletariat to sell their labor—to frame what’s going on, when it seems like this is something different.

It is said that generals always fight the last war over again.

Agree that the political struggles have to be cast in the contemporary reality and not forced into old paradigms.

The other thing that’s non-Marxian is that at least some of these fuckers are operating within a frame that isn’t about capital. The religious and social conservatives—while they are venal, they are also sincere in their desire to socially engineer the USA…


I keep beating the drum that the biggest driver in our society is the loss-of-God problem. We are not suffering material deprivation in this country as much as a shortage of belief systems that handle the discoveries of the past few centuries well.

That is why the religious right wants to return to the 18th century. Their worldview can’t handle the 19th century, much less the 20th and 21st centuries.

Targetpractice  May 4, 2017 • 10:44:14pm

So now I’m reading that Senate Republicans are saying they won’t vote on the AHCA, but instead will pass their own bill. If that really is their plan, then it tells me that McConnell knows he doesn’t have the votes. That he can’t even make it to 50 votes.

freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 10:46:31pm

re: #16 Targetpractice

Yes… but for some of the Senate Republicans the House bill probably just doesn’t go far enough.

OTOH, perhaps some of the Senate Republicans from states with many retirees are feeling some heat from the AARP crowd.

Anymouse  May 4, 2017 • 10:50:19pm

Carried over from the last thread, because it was long dead, concerning the fake photos from Venezuela:

re: #131 GlutenFreeJesus

I actually remember this posted here back in the day. And this twidiot thinks it’s Venezuela today.

[Embedded content]

Shoutout by Gizmondo to our esteemed host here in that article:

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin recently wrote an article criticizing presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders and his quest for what she characterized as Venezuelan-style socialism. When The National Review originally posted the story, it included the image above — a dirtied up version of the original photo, which you can see below. But as the blog Little Green Footballs points out, the pic actually comes from a Walmart in Austin, Texas.

freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 10:52:23pm

All one has to do is search Youtube for “creationism” and see how many uploads there have been in the last day, to know how desperately lost so much of America has become in the 21st century.

Eclectic Cyborg  May 4, 2017 • 10:53:57pm

Well it took me 35 years but I finally managed to throw my back out. Wheee.

JordanRules  May 4, 2017 • 10:55:46pm

re: #19 freetoken

This is really interesting. Have you given any thought to what constructively can fill the void? We are seeing what destructively fills it already.

Anymouse  May 4, 2017 • 10:58:42pm

re: #19 freetoken

All one has to do is search Youtube for “creationism” and see how many uploads there have been in the last day, to know how desperately lost so much of America has become in the 21st century.

Yup. And there is a bunch of protest from atheistic and agnostic posters that YouTube is banning those words in names and or removing their accounts.

I have no way of knowing if the claim is true other than several accounts have disappeared.

Ultimately, Google is a corporation; if their profit requires squishing a minority to keep their majority users, that is what they’ll do (see also Cloudflare hosting Stormfront and Daily Stormer and giving information to those Websites when someone complains). Cloudflare argues Freeze Peach and the right to face your accuser, but those don’t apply to corporations.

The only way for Cloudflare to get the message would be Websites and companies to leave them en masse - people cannot stand up to the flying monkey brigades one at a time.

ProPublica noted in their article about this the numbers of people getting death threats and such from users of those Websites, because Cloudflare is turning over all their personal information to those sites (and also noted this was why all the hatred was directed at Jews in Whitefish, Montana recently over Richard Spencer’s mother). Spencer’s Website is also hosted by Cloudflare.

Targetpractice  May 4, 2017 • 10:59:57pm

re: #17 freetoken

Yes… but for some of the Senate Republicans the House bill probably just doesn’t go far enough.

OTOH, perhaps some of the Senate Republicans from states with many retirees are feeling some heat from the AARP crowd.

Apparently the big bone of contention is the Medicaid spending cut, which Senate Republicans are under a lot of pressure to make disappear. So the Senate GOP are going to dump the entire bill that their House counterparts have spent weeks fighting over to pass their own, knowing that bill will have to go to the House for final approval.

freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 11:06:48pm

re: #21 JordanRules

I think we need to acknowledge that humans created religions for a reason. It was not just random. It was not aliens forcing it on us.

UC put up a bunch of videos a couple of weeks ago about death, and the awareness of death among some animals. Didn’t post any here… I guess I didn’t want to depress anyone already dealing with the ugliness of Trump’s America.

Anyway, we humans are cognitive of time and death. This presents our ultimate existential problem.

And we have to deal with it.

Marx was mentioned earlier. He’s probably over-attributed when it comes to religion, but herein he and his contemporary European intellectuals basically wrestled with how religion is a structure created to control humans.

But that control was intentionally personal to begin with. Religious ideas are attempts to deal with our ultimate existential problem. We need to control the crisis that will face us all - our coming non-existence.

Without owning all of this, I don’t see how as a society we can proceed.

While some European countries have successfully made it to the post-Christian era, America has not. Given our history, and the role of religious fanaticism in our past, not in the deep past (like much of Europe had to face, over a thousand years) but in the past couple of centuries, I believe publicly addressing this issue will be quite difficult.

Notice that Bernie doesn’t touch the loss-of-God problem.

Notice that Hillary doesn’t touch the loss-of-God problem.

And those who do want to discuss this can all to often fall into asshole-dom (see Maher.)

Blind Frog Belly White  May 4, 2017 • 11:07:55pm

So here’s a happy thought - Trump repeatedly crowed during the Primary that all the other GOP candidates wanted to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, but he was the only one who wouldn’t cut them.

Well, he just helped the House GOP push through a $800 Billion cut in Medicaid.

Last week, he reiterated that he wouldn’t cut Medicare or Social Security, but CLEARLY, his word means nothing, and he really DOES NOT CARE what happens to people, as long as he gets a victory.

Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 11:10:00pm
freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 11:16:13pm

One thing about us humans is that we often want to talk.

Or for some of us, write.

Talking about these issues can help, but we really need leaders willing to step out in public and talk about how religious superstitions run into conflict with modern thought, and that our governance will be better when we try to make the most-informed decisions possible. And that means on occasion that our decisions will run counter religious dogma.

If only more elected leaders would be willing to open up about these issues.

The whole desire to destroy the likes of Planned Parenthood and other organizations that are similar is based on fundamentalist religion. Not on economic theory, not on theory of government. It’s all about religious belief that humans are magical beings, even when only a single cell.

piratedan  May 4, 2017 • 11:19:22pm

okay… all indications are that Mitch and the Death Panels are going to rewrite the GOP Health Care build…

I am busy wracking my brain at trying to determine what they’ll keep and what may change because my best guess is that they’ll want to avoid the reconciliation tango in order to have something in his back pocket (because that’s just how Mitchy apparently rolls).

I fully expect them to eviscerate the ACA, but to do so in a revenue neutral kind of way because Mitch is just as insistent about removing Obama’s legacy as Trump is. The key question (in my mind) is how are they going to pull this off without screwing the numbers…

My best guess is that they’ll keep the numbers, but change the distribution of who gets re-imbursed so that it’s more business friendly (and natch, less consumer friendly) and still find a way to be just anti-woman enough to keep Collins and/or Murkowski from bolting. It’s in Mitch’s best interest to do something so his other tax cut shoe to drop, just how heinous this will be remains to be seen.

I’d expect them to also try and keep the Freedom yahoos happy by keeping the ideas that any illness is a pre-existing condition and to roll back things like the subsidies and the kicking kids off at 21 (if not 18) of their parent’s policies as an added bonus. Medicare expansion is dead and they may cripple Medicaid while they’re at it as a way to “balance” the numbers.

teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:20:01pm

I just found out that Dweezil Zappa is playing three shows in Colorado in August, including the town I was born in! I’m there, dude!

Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 11:20:29pm
Anymouse  May 4, 2017 • 11:23:53pm

re: #24 freetoken

On the “loss-of-God” problem (cut to last sentence):

And those who do want to discuss this can all to often fall into asshole-dom (see Maher.)

Atheists have always been the target of religions. The happy, moral atheist is an existential threat to religious belief simply by being happy and moral.

The questions are continuous and constant: Were you damaged as a child? You must hate God? You just want to do evil?

There are a lot of things I don’t like about Bill Maher, but he is not an asshole for standing up for atheists and agnostics. Just saying you are an atheist in this country can get you shunned, discriminated against, even killed.

You ever see a group of atheists picket the funeral of a Christian? Even one who richly deserved it in my opinion (like Jerry Falwell)? Knock on someone’s door on a Saturday morning to preach the Gospel of Nothing? Maintain laws on the books in several states (that are currently unenforceable but stand by for theocrats like Mike Pence) that prohibit atheists from holding public office?

Why should I have had to get a special dispensation from my state attorney general to take my affirmation of office because the only formula under state law is “So help me God?” (I was prepared to sue if the state attempted to prohibit me from assuming my office.)

How is telling an atheist how circumspect he must be criticising religions equal treatment, when no one requires the reverse of churches? Atheists are constantly told they are evil, sinful, Satan-worshippers, will burn in Hell, have their children ostracised by their neighbours (my son was), pilloried on television, &c.

And Bill Maher is the problem? He’s the asshole? Children who say they do not believe are thrown into the streets by their parents, there are no legal protections for discrimination in housing or business (aside from that pesky I Amendment that churches don’t think apply to us), we have exactly zero representatives or senators in Congress.

Back in the Eighties when I ran a BBS in Virginia Beach (one of the largest in Tidewater), it was profiled in the Virginian-Pilot and Ledger-Star. It was about sceptical thinking and atheism. Pickets descended on my home. My wife and baby son were sent death threats. The Navy moved me on an emergency order to recruiting duty in another state.

And Bill Maher is the asshole? I can think of exactly zero people who have been killed in the name of atheism. Denied service because they went to a church. Had to seek a special dispensation from state government to swear an oath of office in the name of God.

teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:25:03pm

re: #27 freetoken

Or for some of us, write.

And freetoken, you keep doing you when it comes to the “decline of religion” problem in our society. You’ve hammered on this subject relentlessly. I think your observations are sound and deserve to be repeated through and through.

By my count the “no religion” folks account for almost a quarter of the population now.

teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:28:03pm

re: #32 teleskiguy

And freetoken, you keep doing you when it comes to the “decline of religion loss of god” problem in our society. You’ve hammered on this subject relentlessly. I think your observations are sound and deserve to be repeated through and through.

By my count the “no religion” folks account for almost a quarter of the population now.

Excuse me, I should use freetoken’s words here.

freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 11:29:30pm

re: #32 teleskiguy

By my count the “no religion” folks account for almost a quarter of the population now.

Surveys seem to point in that direction. But Obama was one of the few politicians to acknowledge this.

Anymouse  May 4, 2017 • 11:29:40pm

Happy Cinco de Mayo from Mythical Time Zone.

We didn’t get our taco trucks. /s

teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:32:30pm

re: #34 freetoken

Surveys seem to point in that direction. But Obama was one of the few politicians to acknowledge this.

I’m not sure I recall this. Eight years is a time. Did he say whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, indifferent?

teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:33:21pm

re: #35 Anymouse

We didn’t get our taco trucks.

dell*nix  May 4, 2017 • 11:33:56pm


Anymouse  May 4, 2017 • 11:35:42pm

re: #36 teleskiguy

I’m not sure I recall this. Eight years is a time. Did he say whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, indifferent?

President Obama’s 2009 Inauguration Speech:

We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and non-believers

It was the first time non-believers have ever been mentioned in an inauguration speech. The Wingnutoshpere and FOX News Channel went ballistic about it for days, acknowledging we even exist in society.

Targetpractice  May 4, 2017 • 11:35:47pm

re: #35 Anymouse

Happy Cinco de Mayo from Mythical Time Zone.

We didn’t get our taco trucks. /s

Cinco de Mayo: A nation’s independence day celebration reduced to yet another excuse for millions of white American assholes to get shit-faced drunk and make spectacles of themselves.

freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 11:36:29pm

re: #36 teleskiguy

I’m not sure I recall this. Eight years is a time. Did he say whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, indifferent?

In a couple of his addresses, including the inaugural address I believe (I’ll have to check), Obama acknowledged non-believers.

teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:37:19pm

re: #38 dell*nix

That’s some shit. And real world happenings. The ACHA legislation is going to shorten lives across the board. It is *evil* legislation.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 4, 2017 • 11:37:25pm

re: #41 freetoken

In a couple of his addresses, including the inaugural address I believe (I’ll have to check), Obama acknowledged non-believers.

White Christian Genocide.


teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:37:59pm

re: #39 Anymouse

Ah. Okay.

freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 11:38:02pm

re: #36 teleskiguy

For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus - and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace.

Cheechako  May 4, 2017 • 11:38:11pm

re: #28 piratedan

okay… all indications are that Mitch and the Death Panels are going to rewrite the GOP Health Care build…

I am busy wracking my brain at trying to determine what they’ll keep and what may change because my best guess is that they’ll want to avoid the reconciliation tango in order to have something in his back pocket (because that’s just how Mitchy apparently rolls).

I fully expect them to eviscerate the ACA, but to do so in a revenue neutral kind of way because Mitch is just as insistent about removing Obama’s legacy as Trump is. The key question (in my mind) is how are they going to pull this off without screwing the numbers…

My best guess is that they’ll keep the numbers, but change the distribution of who gets re-imbursed so that it’s more business friendly (and natch, less consumer friendly) and still find a way to be just anti-woman enough to keep Collins and/or Murkowski from bolting. It’s in Mitch’s best interest to do something so his other tax cut shoe to drop, just how heinous this will be remains to be seen.

Collins and Murkowski are Mitch’s two “designated moderate Rebublicans”. They have to be considered moderates in order to maintain their seats. As long as the Senate remains 50/50 Mitch can afford to let them be “moderates” (see DeVos). Up here in Alaska, Murkowski has to walk a very fine line in order to maintain her seat. She did win this year by being on the ballot but she has not forgotten six years ago when she had to run as a write-in candidate.

Right now she’s on thin ice on health care issues and on a recent vote which removed Alaska Native influence on Arctic development. Up here the Native vote is extremely important for election/reelection at the National level.

Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 11:38:54pm

re: #40 Targetpractice

Its not their Independence Day. That is Sept 16th.

Anymouse  May 4, 2017 • 11:38:57pm

re: #38 dell*nix

[Embedded content]


JordanRules  May 4, 2017 • 11:40:55pm

re: #35 Anymouse

Pissed about the taco trucks! Was hoping for a carne asada powered silver lining to this national nightmare.

teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:41:36pm

re: #40 Targetpractice

Cinco de Mayo: A nation’s independence day celebration reduced to yet another excuse for millions of white American assholes to get shit-faced drunk and make spectacles of themselves.

Tomorrow I’m going to my favorite Mexican restaurant in Glenwood Springs and have some enchiladas smothered in chile verde. I will *not* be wearing a sombrero and I will *not* be drinking Corona. I might get a pineapple Jarritos.

freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 11:42:19pm
Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 11:43:04pm

re: #50 teleskiguy

We’re heading to the Mexican market and buying a bunch of tortillas and carne asada while its on sale

JordanRules  May 4, 2017 • 11:43:14pm

re: #51 freetoken

Yeah. I remember it as a Biden BFD.

Anymouse  May 4, 2017 • 11:44:05pm

re: #47 Kragar

Its not their Independence Day. That is Sept 16th.

Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of Mexico’s defeat of France in battle.

According to the all-mighty Wikipedia, the day in Mexico is primarily ceremonial in nature, sometimes with military parades. In the USA, it’s like the Mexican St. Patrick’s Day.

freetoken  May 4, 2017 • 11:45:04pm

In the outpouring of idiocy following Obama’s election, this mention of other religions or non-religious really pushed the buttons of the religious right.

Really set them off.

Kragar  May 4, 2017 • 11:46:20pm

re: #54 Anymouse

It basically started in CA and filtered out from there.

teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:47:39pm

re: #52 Kragar

That’s definitely one thing I miss about living in Denver. The Mexican food eat stuffs emporium is on Federal Blvd. Loved the brightly painted restaurants and the supermarkets with fresh baked and fried tortillas, breakfast tacos at 2 a.m., and a cannabis dispensary owned by a Mexican couple called Daddy Fat Sacks.

dell*nix  May 4, 2017 • 11:49:11pm

re: #48 Anymouse


JordanRules  May 4, 2017 • 11:53:06pm

I made a big batch of green chili pork last weekend. Roasting tons of chiles is kinda therapeutic. And on Tuesday I made some chuletas de puerco en salsa with chile de arbol rice so I’m not sure what to do tomorrow. We’ve got great Mexican food restaurants here so I might go for takeout.

dell*nix  May 4, 2017 • 11:53:43pm

Listening French mood music while trying to deal with the gop idiots. Bourvil et Pierrette Bruno - Je t’aime bien

teleskiguy  May 4, 2017 • 11:57:46pm

re: #57 teleskiguy

and a cannabis dispensary owned by a Mexican couple called Daddy Fat Sacks.

You think I’m kidding?

Check out the *phone number*.

JordanRules  May 4, 2017 • 11:58:54pm

re: #38 dell*nix

Wow. Wishing y’all the best. Here’s hoping one day we can discuss this without a thought about insurance and finances.

I need to take a CPR class.

Targetpractice  May 4, 2017 • 11:59:35pm

re: #47 Kragar

Its not their Independence Day. That is Sept 16th.

I blame sleep deprivation.

Anymouse  May 5, 2017 • 12:01:38am

For insurance, as of now I am safe (Veterans Administration plus Tricare) as is my wife (Tricare).

That said, almost every person in my family has some sort of “preëxisting condition”—some serious, some not so much, but all disqualifying for commercial insurance under the old scheme.

On top of that, the funding that is part of the ACA for rural hospitals will go away. That would likely impact my county hospital terribly. If it were to close, the nearest hospital is over sixty miles away (and there’s no guarantee it would stay open either).

Our county hospital is owned by the county - but stripping Federal funding from it would make it too expensive for a county of five thousand to continue operating.

teleskiguy  May 5, 2017 • 12:02:06am

re: #63 Targetpractice

I blame sleep deprivation.

I blame cinco de mayo.

Don’t Thinko de Mayo

Anymouse  May 5, 2017 • 12:05:11am

re: #61 teleskiguy

You think I’m kidding?

Check out the *phone number*.

Hmmm …


dell*nix  May 5, 2017 • 12:06:21am

re: #62 JordanRules

Thanks. The last CPR type of training I had was in the early 1980s as part of my mobility training in the USAF. And that was more wounds and NBC than the current emergency response training.

Anymouse  May 5, 2017 • 12:11:57am

re: #67 dell*nix

Thanks. The last CPR typeof training I had was in the early 1980s as part of my mobility training in the USAF. And that was more wounds and NBC than the current emergency response training.

In the Navy I went through the Red Cross’s Standard First Aid course, enhanced seperately with the NBC training afterward.

teleskiguy  May 5, 2017 • 12:12:19am

re: #66 Anymouse


Anymouse  May 5, 2017 • 12:14:43am

Well, FOX News might not be put off the air by regulators, but if things keep going they might get sued into bankruptcy.

Another lawsuit filed against them, alleging gender discrimination.

In the suit, Jessica Golloher, a radio journalist based in Jerusalem, said she endured several years of discrimination during her time as a freelancer and later as a full-time employee at Fox News Radio. Golloher claims she tried to report the treatment last month following a series of harassment reports related to former anchor Bill O’Reilly, but within 24 hours of emailing an attorney about those complaints, she was informed by a supervisor that her contract would not be renewed and her position would be eliminated.

(more at Huffington Post)

teleskiguy  May 5, 2017 • 12:19:56am
Anymouse  May 5, 2017 • 12:42:50am

My wife wants to watch an uplifting programme on Hulu, to put aside today’s round of “compassionate conservatism.” So I’m off to watch “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Catch y’all later …

Another asshole atheist like Bill Maher (asshole being defined as “speaks out”) /s:

goddamnedfrank  May 5, 2017 • 1:04:37am

I finally got a Hulu account just so I could watch both seasons of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex again. The story arc of irrepressible curiosity, growing individuality, and ultimate self sacrifice by the Tachikoma AIs is one of the most interesting and emotionally affecting plot developments in all of science fiction imo. Which is impressive since were talking about mini tanks built like jumping spiders.

I especially love the discussion in MACHINES DÉSIRANTES where the Tachikomas posit that humans are only comfortable with them having their level of AI because they don’t look human, explaining why the human shaped robotic servitors have such limited mental functions. Which is ironic since it’s at that moment the Major becomes so alarmed by the lengths they’ll go to satisfy their desire to understand the world around them that she stops trusting them entirely and has them all sent back to the lab.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 1:21:12am

re: #72 Anymouse

There has NEVER been a single Christian in America persecuted for being Christian. Ever. Never happened. Not once.

Matter of definition:

Banning organized, denominational prayers from schools = PERSECUTION

Removing religious-themed holiday displays from public property = PERSECUTION

Enforcing anti-gay discrimination laws against bakers and caterers = PERSECUTION

Requiring public servants to obey law in granting marriage licenses = PERSECUTION

Kragar  May 5, 2017 • 1:35:27am
freetoken  May 5, 2017 • 2:10:13am

So I see (such as on Youtube) all these ads for Curiosity Stream… so I do a trial week at Amazon Prime…

Not so impressed. It’s the same old problem, with what happened to all those high-minded cable channel concepts that eventually turned into trash, such as the History Channel or Discovery Channel.

Overly sensationalistic documentaries… voodoo pretending to be science… Bible reifications… Hitler fetishes…. the whole thing.

Sure, a few decent history documentaries scattered among the mess, but not enough for me to pay the $6/mo subscription rate.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 2:12:56am

re: #76 freetoken

So I see (such as on Youtube) all these ads for Curiosity Stream… so I do a trial week at Amazon Prime…

Not so impressed. It’s the same old problem, with what happened to all those high-minded cable channel concepts that eventually turned into trash, such as the History Channel or Discovery Channel.

Overly sensationalistic documentaries… voodoo pretending to be science… Bible reifications… Hitler fetishes…. the whole thing.

Sure, a few decent history documentaries scattered among the mess, but not enough for me to pay the $6/mo subscription rate.

I signed up to Amazon Prime for a free trial to get The Man in the High Castle, which was worth watching. Otherwise, not much else there convince me to extend subscription.

freetoken  May 5, 2017 • 2:14:54am

re: #77 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The regular Prime videos includes some gems (such as TOS Star Trek).

But the add-in Curiosity Stream - not so much.

teleskiguy  May 5, 2017 • 2:19:23am


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 2:19:42am

re: #78 freetoken

The regular Prime videos includes some gems (such as TOS Star Trek).

But the add-in Curiosity Stream - not so much.

I found myself spending as much time searching for things to watch as I did actually watching. (I have rather picky standards about what I watch, at least on my own. If I am watching socially, I am a lot more amenable)

Or if I did find something, it was often a show or movie that did not really capture my full attention, and had it on as sort of background noise while I did other things about the house. But heck, I can do that with CD or radio just as well.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 2:20:38am

re: #79 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]


Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 2:39:16am

re: #81 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

His time has come again.

I cannot.  May 5, 2017 • 2:57:01am

May the Fourth be with us all…and I’m gonna step away myself for a bit and fight some Sith.


I’ll probably be back because the universe can’t handle me NOT being furious at Republicans for even a few minutes.

Targetpractice  May 5, 2017 • 2:57:20am

TBS does a Star Wars marathon which includes the “Special Edition” versions of the original trilogy, reminding me yet again why I’m so happy Disney told George to go play in traffic after buying the franchise rights from him.

teleskiguy  May 5, 2017 • 2:58:11am
Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 3:00:25am

re: #59 JordanRules

I made a big batch of green chili pork last weekend. Roasting tons of chiles is kinda therapeutic. And on Tuesday I made some chuletas de puerco en salsa with chile de arbol rice so I’m not sure what to do tomorrow. We’ve got great Mexican food restaurants here so I might go for takeout.

That’s like going to a bar on St. Patrick’s day. Ed McMahon said only amateurs do it. I’ll play my favorite Mexican band:

Banda de gaitas del Batallon de San Patricio MEXICO

electrotek  May 5, 2017 • 3:24:30am

Looks like Robert Mugabe will win fans among the wingnut crowd with this latest statement about Islam’s absence in Zimbabwe responsible for being highly developed


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 3:26:34am

re: #87 electrotek

Looks like Robert Mugabe will win fans among the wingnut crowd with this latest statement about Islam’s absence in Zimbabwe responsible for being highly developed


Mugabe himself, of course, being a model Christian…

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 3:42:45am

re: #84 Targetpractice

TBS does a Star Wars marathon which includes the “Special Edition” versions of the original trilogy, reminding me yet again why I’m so happy Disney told George to go play in traffic after buying the franchise rights from him.

Star Wars: Despecialized Editions are your friend.

Dave In Austin  May 5, 2017 • 3:45:06am

Morning all… another day of blithering idiots.

I cannot.  May 5, 2017 • 3:45:53am

re: #87 electrotek


Yeah, and NOW, I’m going to go fight Sith.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 3:50:30am

re: #90 Dave In Austin

“Reminder: If Hillary won, Dems would be cheering on or silent about the Trump-like policies she’d be implementing”

you mean like repealing ACA, banning Muslims, building a border wall, dismantling the EPA and the DOE, and signing “religious freedom” EOs?

Go eat a unicorn dick…

Targetpractice  May 5, 2017 • 3:59:00am

re: #90 Dave In Austin

Morning all… another day of blithering idiots.

[Embedded content]

This is the last fucking refuge they have in the face of how badly they blundered, basically lying to themselves that she would have been “as bad/worse.” Fuck the whole fuckin’ lot of ‘em.

Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 4:04:45am

re: #92 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

re: #93 Targetpractice

Yes, there are idiots all around, but we have to stop this fraternal shit or get used to Trump in perpetuo.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 4:06:47am

re: #94 Decatur Deb

Yes, there are idiots all around, but we have to stop this fraternal shit or get used to Trump in perpetuo.

People like that got highly played by weapons-grade ratfuckers on the right.

Targetpractice  May 5, 2017 • 4:07:41am

re: #94 Decatur Deb

Yes, there are idiots all around, but we have to stop this fraternal shit or get used to Trump in perpetuo.

You’ll have to forgive me, because I don’t take kindly to people repeatedly kicking me in the balls and then telling me I deserved it.

I cannot.  May 5, 2017 • 4:10:38am

re: #96 Targetpractice

Some people pay good money to be treated like that!

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 4:13:14am
Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 4:14:22am

We can’t afford to live in the deep past. By “past”, I mean last November. Who did what no longer matters—just what we do next.

Mike Lamb  May 5, 2017 • 4:29:57am

re: #90 Dave In Austin

Morning all… another day of blithering idiots.

[Embedded content]

Ok…list those policies, you fuckwit. I dare you. I double dog dare you, motherfucker.

JordanRules  May 5, 2017 • 4:55:30am

re: #95 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Might be ratfuckers themselves cause that type of lying and bullshit makes no damn sense.

steve_davis  May 5, 2017 • 4:57:05am

re: #8 Targetpractice

without the subsidy, my insurance would run around 600 a month. at the moment, I’m adjuncting two different gigs, one of which burned me by not having any of my classes roll in the Spring, which means I’ve been living off savings and one online gig that fortunately paid very well for several months. It’s entirely possible that I’ll make less than 10k this year, rather than the 30k I made last year. And yeah, I live in a state where not only would I not be able to afford insurance without the subsidy, I won’t even qualify for ACA in my state at this rate for next year, and my state didn’t expand Medicaid, so I’m basically just completely screwed either way. I get to look forward to free clinics for any health care needs that arise.

William Lewis  May 5, 2017 • 4:58:25am

re: #101 JordanRules

Might be ratfuckers themselves cause that type of lying and bullshit makes no damn sense.

Sure it does. Misogyny is just as common on the left as on the right… either that or drunk and I’ll place my money on the women hating.

Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 4:58:38am

This is a credible track of Trump’s popularity since the inauguration. None of the things that so upset us has actually moved it very much, so we can’t do business as usual while expecting the GOP to hand it to us. The prog/Dem/left either gets its act together or faces a Pence victory in 2024.

JordanRules  May 5, 2017 • 4:59:20am

re: #103 William Lewis

Woman hating ratfucker then.

Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 5:02:31am

re: #103 William Lewis

Sure it does. Misogyny is just as common on the left as on the right… either that or drunk and I’ll place my money on the women hating.

Glad you’re awake. You will like this a lot:

Fraserburgh Train

JordanRules  May 5, 2017 • 5:03:35am

re: #104 Decatur Deb

No Dem voted for the bill. I’m good with how Pelosi and Schumer are running things. I’m good with the resistance activities and competitive races we’ve seen so far that NEVER would have been before. I’m good with Perez. I’m good with how and when Obama and Hillary are chiming in.

What aren’t we (actual Dems) doing right?

Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 5:08:19am

re: #107 JordanRules

No Dem voted for the bill. I’m good with how Pelosi and Schumer are running things. I’m good with the resistance activities and competitive races we’ve seen so far that NEVER would have been before. I’m good with Perez. I’m good with how and when Obama and Hillary are chiming in.

What aren’t we (actual Dems) doing right?

Rebuilding the coalition—all of it. Because we need all of it and more. There is no more sense in discussing Bernie and HRC than arguing over free silver.

Targetpractice  May 5, 2017 • 5:08:27am

re: #99 Decatur Deb

We can’t afford to live in the deep past. By “past”, I mean last November. Who did what no longer matters—just what we do next.

We’re talking people who are bearing grudges going back to last spring, if not further back. They won’t let their bitterness go, they’re actually using it as a basis for their attacks on the party. It’s rather impossible to have party unity with people who are actively campaigning against the party.

Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 5:09:57am

re: #109 Targetpractice

We’re talking people who are bearing grudges going back to last spring, if not further back. They won’t let their bitterness go, they’re actually using it as a basis for their attacks on the party. It’s rather impossible to have party unity with people who are actively campaigning against the party.

Convert the convertibles, ignore the ignorant.

William Lewis  May 5, 2017 • 5:11:19am

re: #106 Decatur Deb

Glad you’re awake. You will like this a lot:

[Embedded content]


Thank you. I had almost wandered off but checked in one more time. Glad I did.

Targetpractice  May 5, 2017 • 5:12:43am

re: #110 Decatur Deb

Convert the convertibles, ignore the ignorant.

I think it’s easier to just work on appealing to “independents” who are disgusted with the Vulgar Yam’s administration. The attempts to appeal to the Naderites in ‘04 is how we ended up with Kerry and a second Dubya term.

JordanRules  May 5, 2017 • 5:17:03am

re: #108 Decatur Deb

Perez is trying. Others are not helping.

If we hit back against lies on Twitter it is reinforcing that we believe in the party and the platform not the opposite.

In that Twitter exchange it is very clear who is not ready to embrace Dems. Others can choose to ignore and that’s cool, but I don’t think fighting against someone clearly lying about our party makes them any less ready to fight the opposition party.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 5:20:57am

re: #101 JordanRules

Might be ratfuckers themselves cause that type of lying and bullshit makes no damn sense.

Yes. True Berniebros are easy to spot with their unicorn-shit idealism. Ratfuckers were (and still are) out to do anything to damage Hillary and wreck the Democrats.

JordanRules  May 5, 2017 • 5:22:48am

re: #114 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Yup. I think we are really underestimating that at times.
Cassandra was not a lone wolf. Russia hasn’t been stopped.

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 5:22:56am

How pathetic does a party have to be to celebrate passing a bill when you already have a majority in the house and senate and a GOP BLOTUS.

Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 5:25:40am

re: #113 JordanRules

Perez is trying. Others are not helping.

If we hit back against lies on Twitter it is reinforcing that we believe in the party and the platform not the opposite.

In that Twitter exchange it is very clear who is not ready to embrace Dems. Others can choose to ignore and that’s cool, but I don’t think fighting against someone clearly lying about our party makes them any less ready to fight the opposition party.

If you have the energy, time, and money to fight both the Left and Right, go for it. I’m focusing only on the things that will rid us of these reactionary ratbastards.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 5:26:52am


Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 5:29:23am

Bullshit religious freedoms:

jeffreyw  May 5, 2017 • 5:29:27am

Good morning!

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 5:30:02am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 5:31:08am

re: #119 Dr. Matt

Man sues Mississippi funeral home for allegedly refusing to cremate spouse after realizing the men were a couple.

“We only support burning them when they’re still alive!”

I cannot.  May 5, 2017 • 5:31:40am

re: #118 The Vicious Babushka


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 5:33:10am

re: #121 The Vicious Babushka

An old friend saved .5M for retirement. Good insurance, plus Medicare. 10 hospitalizations later, he’s down to SS only.

This is what the modern Free Market is about: robbing people of their savings and investments.

My sister and brother-in-law, completely upright, hard-working, home-owning Americans, had medical issues (she had a bout with cancer, he had a bad car accident) that left them with no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

Those things should not happen in any civilized country

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 5:33:47am

re: #123 I cannot.

[Embedded content]


lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 5:39:22am

Greets and saluts from the Resistance in the soggy NYC metro area.

Trump is getting credit for the House passing a bill yesterday. How does that work exactly? The House has passed dozens of Obamacare repeal bills over the past 8 years, and nothing has come of it - let alone getting the kind of spectacle as yesterday?

The media gives Trump credit? For what? He doesn’t even know what the fuck is in the bill.

The GOP doesn’t even know what’s in the bill, and they actively lie when they do. It includes all the awful things from Trumpcare v.1 and adds even more toxic provisions, like affecting preexisting conditions for ppl covered via employer plans.

Everyone in the country knows someone who has a preexisting condition that will now see their rates spike should this excremental bill ever become law in its current form.

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 5:39:54am

Oh, and it looks like Jim Hoft and Drudge are trying to throw the French elections too (Drudge link goes to Gateway Pundit) -

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 5:41:00am

re: #126 lawhawk

Trump is getting credit for the House passing a bill yesterday. How does that work exactly? The House has passed dozens of Obamacare repeal bills over the past 8 years, and nothing has come of it - let alone getting the kind of spectacle as yesterday?

Trump, the anti-politician, has the magical ability to both lower the bar and still receive credit for not tripping over it.

Mike Lamb  May 5, 2017 • 5:42:33am

Remember when Obama was constantly chastised for/warned against “spiking the football”? Those were heady times…

Dr Lizardo  May 5, 2017 • 5:43:09am

re: #127 lawhawk

Yeah, because I’m sure the French are big followers of Matt Drudge and Dim Jim.


That thing about Macron and offshore accounts has already been debunked as a rather clumsy forgery.

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 5:46:15am

re: #129 Mike Lamb

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 5:48:03am

re: #119 Dr. Matt

Bullshit religious freedoms:

[Embedded content]

Assholes. So sick of these assholes claiming this is religious freedom. No, you’re being a dick to a man who lost the love of his life.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 5:48:51am

re: #128 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Trump, the anti-politician, has the magical ability to both lower the bar and still receive credit for not tripping over it.

White man’s burden.


Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 5:50:07am

re: #124 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

This is what the modern Free Market is about: robbing people of their savings and investments.

My sister and brother-in-law, completely upright, hard-working, home-owning Americans, had medical issues (she had a bout with cancer, he had a bad car accident) that left them with no choice but to declare bankruptcy.

Those things should not happen in any civilized country

If livin’ were a thing that money could buy,
The rich would live and the poor would die…

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 5:51:08am


Someone photoedited the same face on to all the GOPers cheering behind Trump yesterday.

And most people wouldn’t even notice, because that was quite the sea of older white guys (who’d profit from the tax cuts they just gave themselves by depriving health coverage for millions of people).

Oh, and for those trolls who think that this doesn’t deprive anyone of health care, how does gutting Medicaid funding by $800+ billion over 10 years not affect health care/coverage for those on Medicaid?

Either you have to reduce the number of people covered, or reduce the coverage, or both.

That’s even before we get to the ACA provisions GOP cuts.

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 5:52:04am
darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 5:52:57am

re: #37 teleskiguy

Breakfast burrito and spring corn…what a combination.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 5:53:48am

re: #135 lawhawk


[Embedded content]

Someone photoedited the same face on to all the GOPers cheering behind Trump yesterday.

And most people wouldn’t even notice, because that was quite the sea of older white guys (who’d profit from the tax cuts they just gave themselves by depriving health coverage for millions of people).

Oh, and for those trolls who think that this doesn’t deprive anyone of health care, how does gutting Medicaid funding by $800+ billion over 10 years not affect health care/coverage for those on Medicaid?

Either you have to reduce the number of people covered, or reduce the coverage, or both.

That’s even before we get to the ACA provisions GOP cuts.

I didn’t notice at first heh.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 5:59:24am

While we’re on the subject of religion…

sagehen  May 5, 2017 • 6:01:30am

re: #81 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

[Embedded content]

Is that where that line came from? I always thought it was from

What do you want from life? (The Tubes)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 6:09:19am

re: #140 sagehen

Is that where that line came from? I always thought it was from

[Embedded content]

I first heard it in bespoke Tubes song, but later ran across it in a biography of Lenny Bruce…

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 6:09:58am

One of the joys in being cynical is the ability to see the Republican health care vote as the stunt it is - not serious legislation…though a few teabaggers in the Senate and it could be.

Belafon  May 5, 2017 • 6:10:11am

Just to let you know, Charles, the issues with the Bob Cesca show and Invincea are back with this post (not being able to reply or quote, and posting taking me back to the front page).

Unshaken Defiance  May 5, 2017 • 6:13:54am

re: #140 sagehen

Is that where that line came from? I always thought it was from

[Embedded content]


Oh my I had forgotten all about those guys.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 6:15:52am

re: #75 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Farscape brought them back (reused the costumes):

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 6:16:34am

re: #144 Unshaken Defiance

Oh my I had forgotten all about those guys.

The Tubes were, like Alice Cooper, originally from Phoenix, Arizona (where they were known as the Beans) and were major local heroes.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 6:17:24am
darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 6:19:02am

Last one…for now. Here…touch it.

Unshaken Defiance  May 5, 2017 • 6:19:05am

re: #146 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The Tubes were, like Alice Cooper, originally from Phoenix, Arizona (where they were known as the Beans) and were major local heroes.

My favorite

The Tubes - White Punks On Dope (Vinyl)

Unshaken Defiance  May 5, 2017 • 6:21:03am

Heh, good snark on the dontcare bill from LATimes

It strengthens the bill only from the perspective of maintaining support from far-right lawmakers who have sworn blood oaths to undo the healthcare-reform legacy of former President Obama.

And it protects people with preexisting conditions much as starving people may be welcome at a restaurant, but only if they order the most expensive dishes on the menu.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 6:21:13am

re: #149 Unshaken Defiance

My favorite

[Embedded content]

Loved that song…though I was a big fan of ‘Don’t touch me there’…

Dr Lizardo  May 5, 2017 • 6:22:13am

re: #149 Unshaken Defiance

My favorite

[Embedded content]

I remember this one:

Modern Problems Gonna Get it Next Time by the Tubes

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 6:25:07am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 6:26:34am

re: #153 The Vicious Babushka

Know what’s even cheaper? Staying at the White House.

not to mention actually having your wife stay there…

Decatur Deb  May 5, 2017 • 6:27:46am

re: #145 Timothy Watson

Farscape brought them back (reused the costumes):

[Embedded content]

Before there were Skekskis, Scred walked the land. (Not this land, Gorch.)

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 6:28:14am

I didn’t get it until I read the caption.


Caption for those without Twitter access:


Door number 3:


sagehen  May 5, 2017 • 6:28:47am

re: #149 Unshaken Defiance

My favorite

[Embedded content]

And mine:

Proud To Be An American

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 6:29:52am

re: #153 The Vicious Babushka

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 6:31:53am

Well, that was unanticipated:

Corey Lewandowski quits lobbying group he founded.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 6:34:10am
lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 6:35:37am

This should make people sick to their stomach.

Women are now worried that if they indicate that they’ve been sexually assaulted or raped, that insurers may treat as a preexisting condition and jack up their health care costs.

That’s what the GOP would do if this fucking bill is enacted as is with their preexisting conditions provisions.

The GOP are misogynistic asshats who’ve decided that tax cuts for the rich take precedence over all else, and to get those tax cuts, they must find the most deplorable and evil ideas and implement them. That’s what Trumpcare v.2 did. That’s what the House GOP voted for.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 6:37:39am

re: #161 lawhawk

This should make people sick to their stomach.

[Embedded content]

Women are now worried that if they indicate that they’ve been sexually assaulted or raped, that insurers may treat as a preexisting condition and jack up their health care costs.

That’s what the GOP would do if this fucking bill is enacted as is with their preexisting conditions provisions.

The GOP are misogynistic asshats who’ve decided that tax cuts for the rich take precedence over all else, and to get those tax cuts, they must find the most deplorable and evil ideas and implement them. That’s what Trumpcare v.2 did. That’s what the House GOP voted for.

With all the judgmental assholes that exist, I’d say their fears are definitely legit. The GOP is all about tax cuts for the very wealthy. The other stuff is just distractions for their base.

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 6:42:41am


darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 6:43:59am

Was reading through the comments, saw a scammer & reply, and felt the need to add my two cents.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 6:45:07am

re: #163 Dr. Matt

How one major internet company helps serve up hate on the web

where there is demand, a supplier will arise. just filling a market niche. not like they had to come out out and artificially create demand for hateful, demeaning, violence-provoking speech

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 6:48:45am

Wash your hands before you dig into the basket of chips and salsa

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 6:50:56am

re: #166 Dr. Matt

Wash your hands before you dig into the basket of chips and salsa

Reminds me of my favorite Basha Kliban caroon:

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 6:52:11am

re: #166 Dr. Matt

Wash your hands before you dig into the basket of chips and salsa

[Embedded content]

Wear gloves when you chop habaneros.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 6:54:17am

re: #168 The Vicious Babushka

Wear gloves when you chop habaneros.

And if you don’t wear gloves, don’t take a pee until you’ve scrubbed your hands with soap and water…trust me on this one.

Barefoot Grin  May 5, 2017 • 6:56:05am

re: #168 The Vicious Babushka

Wear gloves when you chop habaneros.

Learned that one in a painful way.

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 6:58:13am

re: #166 Dr. Matt

Except if you’re in Flint MI or Hoosick Falls, NY, where the water isn’t exactly safe to drink or use. /nope, not sarcasm.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 6:58:53am
lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 7:01:50am

Such concern… did Obama ever stay at Camp David. Yes - and it’s easily determined with a basic Google search.

Obama stayed there frequently. He didn’t use it for foreign policy meetings the way say GWB did, but he was there regularly.

They have a golf course there too - and the security is maintained by the USMC. It’s also got far more communications/security than any ad hoc arrangement that the USSS could put in place at Mar a Lago, Bedminster or other Trump golf course (which Trump claims is a home - but isn’t).

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 7:02:01am

re: #168 The Vicious Babushka

Wear gloves when you chop habaneros.

I learned that the hard way…it involved jalapenos, but I went to wipe the sweat from my eyes and had to be escorted into the bathroom and have my eyes rinsed out with contact lens fluid…

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 7:04:27am

re: #169 darthstar

And if you don’t wear gloves, don’t take a pee until you’ve scrubbed your hands with soap and water…trust me on this one.

My brother was exposed to pepper-spray during training for a law-enforcement job. He was very annoyed that no one warned him about watching which the water flowed down his body when he took a shower afterwards.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 7:06:08am

I have always loved David Horsey’s cartoons but this one, ugh…

GlutenFreeJesus  May 5, 2017 • 7:09:39am

re: #176 The Vicious Babushka

I have always loved David Horsey’s cartoons but this one, ugh…

[Embedded content]

Does he even know that the Obama’s are donating $2m to the Chicago summer jobs program?

Everyone pissed at Obama for that speech needs to have this stapled to their damn foreheads.

GlutenFreeJesus  May 5, 2017 • 7:10:44am
The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 7:10:48am

NY Times fails again.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 7:10:58am

re: #176 The Vicious Babushka

I have always loved David Horsey’s cartoons but this one, ugh…

[Embedded content]

I’m tired of it being acted like it’s unusual that Obama as a former President taking money for speeches. And honestly, as much as I dislike Wall Street, we need to stop acting like everyone who is affiliated with it as the devil incarnate. There are a lot of people who our beliefs about gender, racial, religious, etc equality who work there. I’d rather have them part of our coalition than some bigoted steelworker or coal miner who doesn’t believe those groups should have equality. I am really not liking the new left populism anymore than I do the right populism. By all means, let’s regulate Wall Street, let’s NOT like everyone on WS is a scumbag.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 7:14:35am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 7:15:06am

re: #180 HappyWarrior

I’m tired of it being acted like it’s unusual that Obama as a former President taking money for speeches.

Along with letting themselves be tarred with epithets such as “tax and spend” soft on crime” and “against family values”, the Dems still allow themselves to be judged by standards that their detractors blithely ignore in their own.

Again, imagine if Obama had five children by three different wives…

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 7:15:36am

re: #178 GlutenFreeJesus

[Embedded content]

Nope and that’s why I was so disappointed with how Warren responded to the story. Sanders, I expect populist demagoguery of this at this point but I thought Warren knows better than to pander to that crap.

Belafon  May 5, 2017 • 7:15:55am

Yeah, but FORTRAN:

Do you, or someone you know, know how to program computers? NASA has a challenging assignment for you.

NASA’s aeronautical innovators are sponsoring a competition to reward qualified contenders who can manipulate the agency’s FUN3D design software so it runs ten to 10,000 times faster on the Pleiades supercomputer without any decrease in accuracy.

The competition is called the High Performance Fast Computing Challenge (HPFCC).


The FUN3D software is written predominately in Modern Fortran.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 7:16:08am

re: #182 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Along with letting themselves be tarred with epithets such as “tax and spend” soft on crime” and “against family values”, the Dems still allow themselves to be judged by standards that their detractors blithely ignore in their own.

Again, imagine if Obama had five children by three different wives…

Thing is, it’s not just the right doing this. It’s the left too.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 7:17:23am

re: #185 HappyWarrior

Thing is, it’s not just the right doing this. It’s the left too.

and the ratfuckers hiding among them

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 7:19:31am

re: #184 Belafon

Yeah, but FORTRAN:

Hey I’m a FORTRAN programmer!

I haven’t used it in 30 years tho.

GlutenFreeJesus  May 5, 2017 • 7:19:42am

re: #183 HappyWarrior

Doubt she will apologize.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 7:21:06am

re: #186 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

and the ratfuckers hiding among them

I’m sure.

mmmirele  May 5, 2017 • 7:21:25am

re: #22 Anymouse

Spencer’s Website is also hosted by Cloudflare.

I feel like I must correct this.

Cloudflare isn’t a hosting provider. What it does is provide a front end to protect against distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks (and a few other things). It appears to people that Cloudflare is the provider because of the way its page pops up when you try to access a Cloudflare-protected website. So people complain to Cloudflare, and Cloudflare apparently passes on that information. (Bad Cloudflare!)

My evil too big to fail employer also uses a similar front-end protection scheme, but I don’t remember who provides it off the top of my head. But our web pages are hosted on our own servers and the DDOS protection is invisible.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 7:22:26am

re: #188 GlutenFreeJesus

Doubt she will apologize.

[Embedded content]

She doesn’t need to IMO but I just wish people like her and Senator Sanders would stop pandering to this crap. I mean as I said, reform Wall Street but goddamn it, I don’t like that we have politicians that talk about Wall Street the way Republicans do about the Federal Government.

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 7:23:47am

“…proposes amendments that would enact term limits for U.S. officials, impose spending limits on the federal government and limit its power….”

Mike Lamb  May 5, 2017 • 7:25:46am

re: #192 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

Morons, your bus is leaving…

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 7:29:43am

“… “People were forbidden from giving or receiving religious items at a military hospital where our brave service members were being treated, and when they wanted those religious items,” Trump said at the signing ceremony. “These were great, great people. These are great soldiers. They wanted those items. They were precluded from getting them.”
It was a comment that raised eyebrows at the Pentagon.
Pentagon officials are adamant there is no policy that prohibits members of the military from receiving religious items at military installations. …”

What he was likely referring to, with added conspiracy whispered in his ear by Bannon and his ilk…

”.. “In 2011, a local patient visitation policy was issued at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that was written to prevent unsolicited proselytizing from religious groups, including the distribution of their religious items to patients who had not asked for them,” the Pentagon said in a statement sent to CNN. …”

I cannot.  May 5, 2017 • 7:29:46am

Oh man, I got me a dumb one on the electric Twitter machine…



Smith25's Liberal Thighs  May 5, 2017 • 7:30:29am

re: #192 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

Originalists my ass…

sagehen  May 5, 2017 • 7:31:00am

re: #188 GlutenFreeJesus

Doubt she will apologize.

[Embedded content]

By my math, assuming $10K per job… he gives 5 speeches, so 200 college kids can earn enough over the summer to not need student loans. Plus, if those are tutoring jobs, 200 college kids can get 5000 3rd graders up to par on reading and math.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 7:31:39am

re: #197 sagehen

By my math, assuming $10K per job… he gives 5 speeches, so 200 college kids can earn enough over the summer to not need student loans. Plus, if those are tutoring jobs, 200 college kids can get 5000 3rd graders up to par on reading and math.

That monster!


lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 7:33:06am

re: #197 sagehen

Multiplier effect.


The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 7:33:15am

re: #194 FormerDirtDart

”.. “In 2011, a local patient visitation policy was issued at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that was written to prevent unsolicited proselytizing from religious groups, including the distribution of their religious items to patients who had not asked for them,” the Pentagon said in a statement sent to CNN. …”

FFS. US soldiers have been complaining about this shit since EIGHTEEN FUCKING SIXTY ONE.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 7:35:17am

re: #194 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

What he was likely referring to, with added conspiracy whispered in his ear by Bannon and his ilk…

I guess we should consider ourselves fortunate he didn’t mentioned this urban legend:

Q: Did the Obama administration burn soldiers’ Bibles?

A: The military destroyed Bibles printed in Afghan languages to prevent distribution to local Muslims. But it happened during the Bush administration.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 7:39:37am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 7:42:15am

re: #195 I cannot.

Oh man, I got me a dumb one on the electric Twitter machine…

[Embedded content]

I can’t wait to see the Fundies reaction when a Muslim or Atheist shopowner refuses to serve Evangelical Christians. Honestly, if you want to attend a church that believes these fucked up things, fine but your religious beliefs don’t belong in secular position as a shopowner. You’re not a Christian baker, you’re a baker who happens to be a Christian. THere’s a fucking difference.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 7:46:16am
Maryland prosecutors will drop rape and sex offense charges against two immigrant teens accused of attacking a 14-year-old classmate in a high school bathroom stall, according to attorneys in a case that shocked local parents, attracted international and White House attention and stoked the debate about illegal crossings into the U.S.

In court on Friday, prosecutors said they will drop the sex assault case against Jose Montano, 17. On Thursday evening, they told a lawyer for Henry Sanchez Milian, 18, that they would also drop his sex assault case, according the lawyer, Andrew Jezic.

The judge ordered Montano released from custody on Friday.

Defense lawyers for both defendants have said the sex acts were consensual and that text messages and school surveillance videos did not substantiate the girl’s claims she had been pushed from a hallway into a bathroom at Rockville High School on March 16 where the suspects took turns assaulting her in a stall as she tried to break free.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 7:46:24am

re: #203 HappyWarrior

I can’t wait to see the Fundies reaction when a Muslim or Atheist shopowner refuses to serve Evangelical Christians. Honestly, if you want to attend a church that believes these fucked up things, fine but your religious beliefs don’t belong in secular position as a shopowner. You’re not a Christian baker, you’re a baker who happens to be a Christian. THere’s a fucking difference.

What fills me with rage is their insistence that treating all customers equally is equivalent to “forcing a Jewish shop to sell bacon.”

No. See here is what it is:

Kosher shop: sells kosher products TO ALL CUSTOMERS
Halal shop: sells halal products TO ALL CUSTOMERS
Vegan shop: sells vegan products TO ALL CUSTOMERS
“Christian” shop: sells all products TO CHRISTIANS ONLY

Stanley Sea  May 5, 2017 • 7:50:26am

Remember how I talk about the permanent WH staff??


Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 7:52:35am

re: #206 Stanley Sea

Remember how I talk about the permanent WH staff??


[Embedded content]

Why do I imagine something like this?

House of Cards - You will call me Mr.President

Barefoot Grin  May 5, 2017 • 7:52:58am

I’m furious. MSNBC, CNN have had an endless stream of conservative politicians and “economists” who all say verbatim: “Obamacare was a disaster; look at Iowa; look at Virginia.” Not once has anyone stood up to them and asked “Isn’t it only becoming a disaster now that Trump is in office and the GOP has signaled the end of the individual mandate? Isn’t this a self-willed, hoped-for disaster in those states? Aren’t there counter examples where the ACA has been a success?” They do no service to America and are complicit in its destruction.

Stanley Sea  May 5, 2017 • 7:55:14am

re: #206 Stanley Sea

The job typically involves a long tenure; there have been just 9 in over 100 years, per @AshleyRParker — and WH won’t say why she was fired

Birth Control Works  May 5, 2017 • 7:57:22am
What are the weirdest powers of Britain’s Queen?

+Most famously, she owns all swans in the River Thames.
+The Sovereign also has dominion over all dolphins in British waters.
+The Queen can drive without a licence.
+The Queen doesn’t need a passport, either.
+She has two birthdays
+She has her own private cash machine.

there is more at the link

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 7:58:01am

re: #203 HappyWarrior

I can’t wait to see the Fundies reaction when a Muslim or Atheist shopowner refuses to serve Evangelical Christians. Honestly, if you want to attend a church that believes these fucked up things, fine but your religious beliefs don’t belong in secular position as a shopowner. You’re not a Christian baker, you’re a baker who happens to be a Christian. THere’s a fucking difference.

This is the point: minorities generally will not deny service to the majority, and that is what our anti-discrimination laws are (supposed to be ) there to enforce and protect.

Belafon  May 5, 2017 • 7:58:28am

#208 Barefoot Grin

I’m still not seeing where it’s a disaster. There’s one expensive person in Iowa. Are they suggesting that this person should die?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 7:59:26am

re: #205 The Vicious Babushka

What fills me with rage is their insistence that treating all customers equally is equivalent to “forcing a Jewish shop to sell bacon.”

If Christian bakers have trouble with gay wedding cakes, then don’t offer wedding cakes. To anyone. Just like a kosher deli will not offer bacon. To anyone

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 8:00:13am
Birth Control Works  May 5, 2017 • 8:00:34am

re: #182 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Again, imagine if Obama had five children by three different wives…

so tweeting this.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 8:01:50am

re: #214 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Russia gave him a list of demands and he agreed to all of them I bet.

Best. Deal. Maker. Ever.

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  May 5, 2017 • 8:01:51am

The modern Republican party is based on the belief in White-Rich Supremacy.

Just let the LBJ quote speak for itself:

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 8:02:01am

re: #210 Birth Control Works

+Most famously, she owns all swans in the River Thames.
+The Sovereign also has dominion over all dolphins in British waters.
+The Queen can drive without a licence.
+The Queen doesn’t need a passport, either.
+She has two birthdays
+She has her own private cash machine.

And she pays no taxes. As of 1993, she has been paying a voluntary contribution, but it is not compulsory

Barefoot Grin  May 5, 2017 • 8:03:45am

re: #212 Belafon

#208 Barefoot Grin

I’m still not seeing where it’s a disaster. There’s one expensive person in Iowa. Are they suggesting that this person should die?

They keep pointing out that insurers are pulling out of ACA in these states without any context. Providing that context is the job of the MSM. Btw, there was basically one insurer in my county in Indiana pre-ACA when I lived there. That’s because IU was such an outsized employer and other companies stayed out. When Anthem and the local hospital had problems negotiating one time it almost got to the point that Anthem’s customers—basically everyone—would only be covered in Indianapolis. Insurance companies have never suffered and they’ve long gamed the market in various places.

I cannot.  May 5, 2017 • 8:04:57am

re: #215 Birth Control Works

Hell, they think he stole two kids so he could pretend to be a normal heterosexual dude with Michelle (who is actually a TS named Mike), while he carries on gay love affairs…when compared to that, 5 kids by 3 women is boring.

Teukka  May 5, 2017 • 8:06:21am

re: #214 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

You know, it’s not the first I’ve heard about suspicions that Vlad & the Kremlin crew being in bed with one or more of the terrorist organizations creating mayhem…

Birth Control Works  May 5, 2017 • 8:07:25am

Stanley Sea  May 5, 2017 • 8:14:55am
sagehen  May 5, 2017 • 8:15:01am

re: #221 Teukka

You know, it’s not the first I’ve heard about suspicions that Vlad & the Kremlin crew being in bed with one or more of the terrorist organizations creating mayhem…

Anything that disrupts Middle East oil production/distribution is a win for Russia. Also, global warming is a win for Russia (expanding port facilities in St Petersburg for year round operation, polar navigation, polar region mining, and what if Siberia could be turned into farmland…)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 8:24:17am

re: #225 sagehen

Anything that disrupts Middle East oil production/distribution is a win for Russia. Also, global warming is a win for Russia (expanding port facilities in St Petersburg for year round operation, polar navigation, polar region mining, and what if Siberia could be turned into farmland…)

And anything that leads to further hapless political floundering, infighting and dysfunctionality in the USA is a win for them. They already scored big in November, this is all just follow-up.

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 8:24:28am

A moment of levity.

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 8:29:26am
Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 8:30:28am

re: #228 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

That’s so racist I thought it was a parody until I checked…

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 8:30:45am

¡Chinga tu madre, hijo de puta! (Y la Babushka no sabe Español)

Stanley Sea  May 5, 2017 • 8:35:43am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 8:37:34am

re: #205 The Vicious Babushka

What fills me with rage is their insistence that treating all customers equally is equivalent to “forcing a Jewish shop to sell bacon.”

No. See here is what it is:

Kosher shop: sells kosher products TO ALL CUSTOMERS
Halal shop: sells halal products TO ALL CUSTOMERS
Vegan shop: sells vegan products TO ALL CUSTOMERS
“Christian” shop: sells all products TO CHRISTIANS ONLY

Exactly, that’s a product. Gay marriage cakes have the same products. Same thing with flowers.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 8:37:43am

re: #231 Stanley Sea

Trump will make sure they get a 5-minute standing ovation at his next MAGA event.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 8:38:58am

re: #228 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

Sad thing is he thinks he’s being funny but he’s actually showing how ignorant he is.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 8:41:36am

re: #231 Stanley Sea

US military confirms to CNN this is the first US military KIA in Somalia since Blackhawk Down

That’s wrong actually. Delta Force Sergeant First Class Matt Rierson was killed in a mortar attack two days after the Battle of Mogadishu (“Black Hawk Down”).

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 8:43:52am

There really is a big difference between refusing to sell someone a product that you would offer to anyone else. Halal, Kosher, and Vegan bakeries don’t refuse service to non-Muslims, Non-Jews, and Non-Vegans. They flat out don’t serve non-halal, non-kosher, and non-vegan products. That’s not discrimination. Anymore than it is discrimination to not to have pizza on the menu at a French restaurant. It is DISCRIMINATION however if you’re going to offer the product or service to one group of people but refuse to serve another and then hide behind religious freedom. We prohibit discrimination based on race. We should do the same based off of sexuality.

wrenchwench  May 5, 2017 • 8:44:11am

re: #224 Stanley Sea


Sir John Barron  May 5, 2017 • 8:44:18am

re: #230 The Vicious Babushka

¡Chinga tu madre, hijo de puta! (Y la Babushka no sabe Español)

Delete your account, GovHuck

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 8:45:21am
lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 8:45:51am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 8:46:00am

re: #238 Sir John Barron

Delete your account, GovHuck

Forever. Seriously, his attempts at humor are bigoted and weird just like his claim that he would have pretended to be transgendered to go into the girls locker room. Yeah. Real funny Huckster. You know what’s also funny, the fact that you raised a dog torturer and yo still lecture other people about their parenting skills.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 8:46:47am

re: #236 HappyWarrior

We prohibit discrimination based on race. We should We have laws in place that prohibit us from doing the same based off of sexuality.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 8:47:01am

re: #240 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

And I bet you most of those people will be re-elected too sigh because they’ll scare their base with guns, gays, and God.

gocart mozart  May 5, 2017 • 8:47:17am
Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 8:47:28am

re: #242 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Actually, a lot of states don’t.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 8:47:35am

re: #242 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

We actually don’t have federal laws on the books prohibiting discrimination based on sexuality the way we do for race.

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 8:47:49am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 8:47:54am

re: #245 Timothy Watson

Actually, a lot of states don’t.

Most states don’t I believe.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 8:48:44am

re: #246 HappyWarrior

We actually don’t have federal laws on the books prohibiting discrimination based on sexuality the way we do for race.

Well, then we are f*cked, because things are in a totally retrograde state now in that regard.

gocart mozart  May 5, 2017 • 8:49:20am
FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 8:49:22am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 8:49:44am

re: #249 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Well, then we are f*cked, because things are in a totally retrograde state now in that regard.

It needs to be one of the first things a new Democratic Congress and President passes and signs.

Stanley Sea  May 5, 2017 • 8:50:31am

re: #237 wrenchwench


HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 8:52:01am

re: #251 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

You know, I have my problems with the Drug War but this is not the way.

gocart mozart  May 5, 2017 • 8:57:33am
Dr Lizardo  May 5, 2017 • 9:01:23am

re: #255 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

If a grand jury were indeed underway and looking into Trump/Russia, etc.,, why didn’t Comey just flat out say it?

I’m not trying to be facetious or anything; I’m genuinely curious.

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 9:04:00am

For some context:
I once sat at Pristina Airbase in Kosovo for several hours waiting for our airplane to arrive to return us to Italy.
As we say there we watched three C-17s fly in and unload a presidential Blackhawk from each, along with teams of personnel and equipment to put them in flight configuration. And a team of SEALs for security.
No ground vehicles were deployed for the presidential visit.
Now, being inside the US it is likely the helicopters from HMX-1 would self deploy to Florida. But, a number of C-17s would be needed to transport a minimum of two presidential limos, and over half a dozen USSS armored Suburbans.
The Presidential Detail does not use local vehicles.

wrenchwench  May 5, 2017 • 9:05:52am

Click on the ‘image’ button for a good view.

The thread won’t load for me, except in Spy mode. Master Spay* and some other pages here work, but some threads won’t load. Could be my problem, I have several.

Posting from the thread Spy version is more appealing than it used to be!

BB in a few hours.

*Saw (it even before Preview), laughed audibly, left it.

gocart mozart  May 5, 2017 • 9:07:58am
I cannot.  May 5, 2017 • 9:09:17am

She’s the energizer bunny of DERP!

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 9:10:51am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:11:47am

re: #260 I cannot.

She’s the energizer bunny of DERP!

[Embedded content]

My Dad worked with plenty of Muslim waiters. None of them ever tried to get out of selling alcohol or pork products. Why? Because they were professionals unlike many so called “Christian” bakers, florists, etc who think they have a right to use their religion to get out of providing a service. And it would be wrong if a Muslim did the same thing too but it’s not American Muslims that think their poor widdle sensibilities need to be protected because they can’t deal with acknowledging gay people exist.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 9:11:49am

re: #260 I cannot.

She’s the energizer bunny of DERP!

[Embedded content]

I’m kinda amazed she hasn’t drown in her own drool yet.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:12:15am

re: #261 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

Good, they’re scared.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 9:14:06am

Sarah Palin may not be the stupidest person in Wasilla.

Alephnaught  May 5, 2017 • 9:14:42am

Well, that’s the counting in the Scottish Local Council elections nearly coming to a close. They start on Friday morning rather than Thursday night after the polls close at 10pm, since it’s using the Single Transferable Voting system, which takes longer to count. So, voted have been counted since 9am this morning, and are expected to finish around 6pm. It’s almost 5pm here, so we’re on the home straight. My own city, which has been ruled by the Labour party for nearly all of my life, has just finished it’s count.

So, that’s a change.

In fact, the trend of “SNP up, Conservatives up, Labour down” seems to have repeated itself over the country, with no councils on the mainland with a party (mostly the SNP) in a majority. (Which to be fair, is more likely with an STV system.) The Conservatives have beaten Labour and are now second in Scotland in terms of seats and councils in which they have the most seats. A lot of it could be due to the collapse in Labour support, and also the nature of the STV system, but a reasonable amount does appear to be an increase in votes for the Conservatives. I often wonder if it’s sign of increasing polarisation: pro-independence Vs unionists.

Labour, a party which once ruled the Scottish political scene from the 1970s onwards, are now third place to the Conservatives in every political sphere in Scotland, something I would never have imagined to see in my lifetime.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:14:55am

re: #265 The Vicious Babushka

Sarah Palin may not be the stupidest person in Wasilla.

[Embedded content]


gocart mozart  May 5, 2017 • 9:15:28am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 5, 2017 • 9:15:50am

re: #265 The Vicious Babushka

Alaska Republican worries women are getting abortions so they can take Medicaid-funded vacations

There is a line of thinking behind this (I will not call it logic), namely that all women who get abortions are wicked and evil, so why would they also not be government benefits scammers, too?

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:16:15am

re: #266 Alephnaught

Well, that’s the counting in the Scottish Local Council elections nearly coming to a close. They start on Friday morning rather than Thursday night after the polls close at 10pm, since it’s using the Single Transferable Voting system, which takes longer to count. So, voted have been counted since 9am this morning, and are expected to finish around 6pm. It’s almost 5pm here, so we’re on the home straight. My own city, which has been ruled by the Labour party for nearly all of my life, has just finished it’s count.

[Embedded content]

So, that’s a change.

In fact, the trend of “SNP up, Conservatives up, Labour down” seems to have repeated itself over the country, with no councils on the mainland with a party (mostly the SNP) in a majority. (Which to be fair, is more likely with an STV system.) The Conservatives have beaten Labour and are now second in Scotland in terms of seats and councils in which they have the most seats. A lot of it could be due to the collapse in Labour support, and also the nature of the STV system, but a reasonable amount does appear to be an increase in votes for the Conservatives. I often wonder if it’s sign of increasing polarisation: pro-independence Vs unionists.

Labour, a party which once ruled the Scottish political scene from the 1970s onwards, are now third place to the Conservatives in every political sphere in Scotland, something I would never have imagined to see in my lifetime.

Interesting stuff. I think you’re right that there may be a rise in polarization going on. I hope things stay peaceful regardless of the outcome.

mmmirele  May 5, 2017 • 9:16:21am

re: #204 Timothy Watson

Ugh. This falls into the gray area of Maryland’s age of consent law, which is generally 16 but has a gray area of 14 to 16 if the other person(s) is not more than 4 years older. This is so irritating.

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 9:17:26am

Burn this to your memory:

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:17:40am

re: #269 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

There is a line of thinking behind this (I will not call it logic), namely that all women who get abortions are wicked and evil, so why would they also not be government benefits scammers, too?

Calling it thinking is a stretch, pulling it out of his asshole OOTH.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 9:17:41am

re: #269 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

There is a line of thinking behind this (I will not call it logic), namely that all women who get abortions are wicked and evil, so why would they also not be government benefits scammers, too?

Considering the fact that:
1. Medicaid does not pay for abortions
2. Medicaid does not pay for any medical-related travel expenses


HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:18:18am

re: #272 Dr. Matt

Burn this to your memory:

[Embedded content]

Lots of Freedumb Cacusers there. I guess it originally wasn’t cruel enough for them.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:19:18am

re: #274 The Vicious Babushka

Considering the fact that:
1. Medicaid does not pay for abortions
2. Medicaid does not pay for any medical-related travel expenses


Becaues he’s fucking stupid and think women get abortions and then go out for a night on the town with the girls and plan out the next pregnancy they’ll terminate.

Eclectic Cyborg  May 5, 2017 • 9:20:02am

re: #264 HappyWarrior

Good, they’re scared.

Yes but Montana is a deep red state and as
long as the GOP keeps racking up wins, narrow as they may be, Dems won’t be able to build momentum.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:20:46am

re: #277 Eclectic Cyborg

Yes but Montana is a deep red state and as
long as the GOP keeps racking up wins, narrow as they may be, Dems won’t be able to build momentum.

Yeah, we definitely need some wins in red states. Hopefully that happens in Montana.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 9:25:20am
Barefoot Grin  May 5, 2017 • 9:25:26am

re: #275 HappyWarrior

Lots of Freedumb Cacusers there. I guess it originally wasn’t cruel enough for them.

Yep. Some of those guys, if they got their wishes, would see no federal money going to health care.

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 9:25:48am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:27:33am

All this shit they’re doing is only going to create more resentments and the GOP/right will continue to blame the left and a lot of the people in these areas either becaues of ignorance and or years of right wing propaganda will accept it.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 9:31:06am
Barefoot Grin  May 5, 2017 • 9:32:10am

re: #282 HappyWarrior

All this shit they’re doing is only going to create more resentments and the GOP/right will continue to blame the left and a lot of the people in these areas either becaues of ignorance and or years of right wing propaganda will accept it.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:32:43am

re: #284 Barefoot Grin

[Embedded content]

Dave’s right.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 9:33:10am
Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 9:33:36am

re: #268 gocart mozart

Judging from twitter traffic moderate R’s in 2018 will be painted as murderers of every uninsured child who dies between now and 2018

That’s rich coming from someone who promoted Sarah Palin’s “death panels” bullshit.

Stanley Sea  May 5, 2017 • 9:33:45am

re: #283 darthstar


The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 9:37:07am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:38:14am

re: #289 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

That’s your most important battle? Get a real job, Tomi. It was wrong of the Blaze to fire you for being pro-choice but you’re still an ignorant idiot.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 9:38:44am

I know we all had a good time mocking Megan McArdle the other day, but I had missed this specific tweet:

That would be news to the Irish (the Irish Republican Brotherhood being formed in 1858), the Italians (they had just concluded their Second War of Independence in 1859), or the Germans after the failed Frankfurt Parliament in 1848 and the start of the Second Schleswig War in 1864.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:39:01am

Can we stop trying to offend people and actually try to treat people like people?

Belafon  May 5, 2017 • 9:39:14am

#277 Eclectic Cyborg:

Yes but Montana is a deep red state and as
long as the GOP keeps racking up wins, narrow as they may be, Dems won’t be able to build momentum.

That’s not quite the right way to think of this. We’re early in this. We’re not going to win many early on. Right now, we have to keep in mind how well we are doing in places that we shouldn’t be winning in. It’s going to take some time before we win, but making races competitive that otherwise wouldn’t be is a good sign.

If you need some good news, Lincoln, NE elected a Democratic majority to their city council the other day. They also elected a Democrat as city manager.

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 9:40:12am

re: #283 darthstar

So, is ASAP an acronym. or an initialism?
As I have witnessed it pronounced as both A-S-A-P and “Aye-sap”

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:40:49am

re: #291 Timothy Watson

I know we all had a good time mocking Megan McArdle the other day, but I had missed this specific tweet:

[Embedded content]

That would be news to the Irish (the Irish Republican Brotherhood being formed in 1858), the Italians (they had just concluded their Second War of Independence in 1859), or the Germans after the failed Frankfurt Parliament in 1848 and the start of the Second Schleswig War in 1864.

She obviously is unfamiliar with the history of nationalism. Nationalism definitely meant something in the 1860’s. There were tons of Nationalist revolutions in 1848 in the Austro-Hungarian empire oto. Megan should just shut up and realize she was wrong.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 9:41:40am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:42:31am
#277 Eclectic Cyborg:

That’s not quite the right way to think of this. We’re early in this. We’re not going to win many early on. Right now, we have to keep in mind how well we are doing in places that we shouldn’t be winning in. It’s going to take some time before we win, but making races competitive that otherwise wouldn’t be is a good sign.

If you need some good news, Lincoln, NE elected a Democratic majority to their city council the other day. They also elected a Democrat as city manager.

Yeah and hoenstly we’ve got a lot of entahisum too. There are four or five people running as Democrats for the Congressional seat here. The seat has been held by a Republican for my entire lifetime and Cook Political Report considers it a toss-up. I think I’m going to volunteer for State Senator Wexton’s Congressional campaign next year and maybe Kaine’s re-election too.

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 9:44:59am
HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:45:49am

re: #298 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

If Fox had itsway, pogroms would make a comeback.

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 9:47:08am

re: #299 HappyWarrior

If Fox had itsway, porgroms would make a comeback.

There were threats of violence against school administrators and the school.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:47:36am

re: #300 Timothy Watson

There was threats of violence against school administrators and the school.

I beleive it. Sigh.

Stanley Sea  May 5, 2017 • 9:49:52am

re: #292 HappyWarrior

Can we stop trying to offend people and actually try to treat people like people?

That’s her job.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:50:10am

Question that needs to be asked is not “Why are you easily offended”, it’s why do you have to go out of your way to be an asshole to someone. I’m all for inappropirate humor. I love Cards Against Humanity but we should try to treat people with respect instead of just trying to be offensive as possible for our own shits and giggles.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 9:50:32am

re: #302 Stanley Sea

That’s her job.

True and it pays very well.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 9:52:40am
Charles Johnson  May 5, 2017 • 9:59:40am
Charles Johnson  May 5, 2017 • 10:00:56am
Joe Bacon  May 5, 2017 • 10:01:03am

re: #31 Anymouse

And Bill Maher is the asshole? I can think of exactly zero people who have been killed in the name of atheism. Denied service because they went to a church. Had to seek a special dispensation from state government to swear an oath of office in the name of God.

Fella, I remember this…

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 10:01:24am

re: #306 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

I wonder what Beaumister will think of the distraction. He’ll be back in NYC before oyu know it anyhow. Such a pathetic lying asshole.

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 10:04:08am

re: #281 Dr. Matt

Kushner and Christie are supposedly in charge of dealing with the opioid epidemic. So Trump goes and plans to shut the office responsible for managing US drug policy.


justaminute  May 5, 2017 • 10:05:23am

That film of Trump and House Republicans celebrating millions of Americans losing their health insurance so the rich can get a tax break; would make a great ad for 2018.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 10:07:34am

re: #308 Joe Bacon

Fella, I remember this…

[ pedantic mode ]Um, as Anymouse said, those people were not killed IN THE NAME of atheism. They were murdered by a fellow atheist IN THE NAME of murder and stealing money.[ /pedantic mode ]

Eclectic Cyborg  May 5, 2017 • 10:08:05am

re: #307 Charles Johnson

Is this real? Holy shit.

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 10:09:45am

I need a hand with this…..any takers?

Eclectic Cyborg  May 5, 2017 • 10:10:28am

re: #314 Dr. Matt


I cannot.  May 5, 2017 • 10:11:18am

re: #314 Dr. Matt

That’s not a sandwich, that’s a vertical meatloaf.

Joe Bacon  May 5, 2017 • 10:11:44am

re: #312 The Vicious Babushka

[ pedantic mode ]Um, as Anymouse said, those people were not killed IN THE NAME of atheism. They were murdered by a fellow atheist IN THE NAME of murder and stealing money.[ /pedantic mode ]

I couldn’t remember. Thanks for the memory jogger!

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 10:12:32am
Joe Bacon  May 5, 2017 • 10:14:33am

re: #314 Dr. Matt

I need a hand with this…..any takers?

[Embedded content]

Oh that’s nothing compared to the In-N-Out 20X20!

Guaranteed to clog every artery!
FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 10:16:41am

re: #314 Dr. Matt

re: #319 Joe Bacon

I feel my blood flow being restricted just looking at that

Joe Bacon  May 5, 2017 • 10:19:35am

re: #320 FormerDirtDart

I feel my blood flow being restricted just looking at that

Dr. Matt, I remember the time a guy ordered a 100X100 from In N Out.

No way in hell will I post that because anyone who just looks at it will see their cholesterol level raise by 100 points!

Belafon  May 5, 2017 • 10:20:17am

re: #319 Joe Bacon

That was a rather funny Amazing World of Gumball episode.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 10:21:05am
Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 10:22:40am

re: #321 Joe Bacon

Dr. Matt, I remember the time a guy ordered a 100X100 from In N Out.

No way in hell will I post that because anyone who just looks at it will see their cholesterol level raise by 100 points!

I can’t imagine that they can serve up an evenly hot 100x100. 3/4 of the patties are probably cold and greasy by the time they get it to you.

mmmirele  May 5, 2017 • 10:22:48am

re: #323 The Vicious Babushka

Those must be the “Little Sisters of Politics.” I swear, my blood pressure goes up seeing those people.

GlutenFreeJesus  May 5, 2017 • 10:22:58am

re: #272 Dr. Matt

Burn this to your memory:

[Embedded content]

Where are the “survey markers” over their faces?


ObserverArt  May 5, 2017 • 10:23:20am

re: #180 HappyWarrior

I’m tired of it being acted like it’s unusual that Obama as a former President taking money for speeches. And honestly, as much as I dislike Wall Street, we need to stop acting like everyone who is affiliated with it as the devil incarnate. There are a lot of people who our beliefs about gender, racial, religious, etc equality who work there. I’d rather have them part of our coalition than some bigoted steelworker or coal miner who doesn’t believe those groups should have equality. I am really not liking the new left populism anymore than I do the right populism. By all means, let’s regulate Wall Street, let’s NOT like everyone on WS is a scumbag.

Hey folks!

Happy, you know what I think is the problem with the cartoon? The same problem with coverage of Hillary and really so much of our media and on into the arts.

Laziness. The easy mark. Obviousness. Lack of creative outlook.

The reason the guy did the cartoon that way was because that is the main take on Obama getting the check. Everyone is saying it, so let’s give ‘em what they want.

I’m not all that familiar with him, but if he is an editorial cartoonist, then he had someone tell him what they wanted. So, he gave it to them.

I like the fresh outlook, the different take, the flip-side, the bizarre.

But our whole marketing plan in this country is sell the same stuff as everyone else.

It is why Fox took a lead in ratings and everyone else is trying to suck up to the same crowd. There was the article the other day about the new guy running MSNBC. He obviously wants to be a both-sider kind of guy, maybe even lean a bit more conservative. And he finds himself in a dilemma because the evening shows, the most liberal are now gaining in ratings and taking it to Fox. The article hinted he doesn’t like it, as it is getting in the way of his visions.

What? You have a chance to be different, to maybe take a postion that gives you ratings that no one else has. But he may still go ahead with his changes.

If I was above him and read that article, I’d call him in and tell him to get out of his own way, rethink it, and if he refuses, maybe send him on his way.

America can be downright safe and boring in my opinion. We seem to not want to challenge our brains.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 10:24:23am

re: #323 The Vicious Babushka

The “Little Sisters of the Poor” were EXEMPT from the birth control mandate. All they had to do was sign a document saying it was against their religion to provide birth control so that their non-observant employees would be able to obtain birth control elsewhere AND THEY REFUSED TO DO THAT.

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 10:27:26am


How does this make ANY sense?

mmmirele  May 5, 2017 • 10:27:26am

re: #328 The Vicious Babushka

The “Little Sisters of the Poor” were EXEMPT from the birth control mandate. All they had to do was sign a document saying it was against their religion to provide birth control so that their non-observant employees would be able to obtain birth control elsewhere AND THEY REFUSED TO DO THAT.

Like I said, the “Little Sisters of Politics.” I despise that order. They’re not about God, they’re about earthly politics.

FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 10:33:14am
plansbandc  May 5, 2017 • 10:35:35am

re: #179 The Vicious Babushka

The new definition of dying due to lack of healthcare: Not benefiting as much.


Romantic Heretic  May 5, 2017 • 10:36:53am

re: #265 The Vicious Babushka

It seems to me that every one of these derp spewing ‘conservatives’ has a smug look on their face. A look that says, “I’ve never struggled with anything. Least of all actual thought.”

That these sad imitations of human beings are elected to public office says bad thing about the electorate.

Stanley Sea  May 5, 2017 • 10:36:58am

re: #311 justaminute

HI JUSTA! Long time! Hope all’s well.

ObserverArt  May 5, 2017 • 10:39:34am

re: #208 Barefoot Grin

I’m furious. MSNBC, CNN have had an endless stream of conservative politicians and “economists” who all say verbatim: “Obamacare was a disaster; look at Iowa; look at Virginia.” Not once has anyone stood up to them and asked “Isn’t it only becoming a disaster now that Trump is in office and the GOP has signaled the end of the individual mandate? Isn’t this a self-willed, hoped-for disaster in those states? Aren’t there counter examples where the ACA has been a success?” They do no service to America and are complicit in its destruction.

You mean like this loon?

This guy was on All in with Chris Hayes Last Night. I wanted to reach into my TV and throttle him. These guys are such bold face liars they can do it without flinching. Stick to those GOP talking points and stick hard.

The other thing they never talka bout and rarely asked: how would the ACA have worked if all the states really bought into the program and worked it the way it was designed? Nope…cannot ask that. Grrrrr.


The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 10:40:40am

This congressman doesn’t think Planned Parenthood is necessary because women can just get birth control from grocery stores

Charles Johnson  May 5, 2017 • 10:40:50am
FormerDirtDart  May 5, 2017 • 10:40:57am

I wonder if she was sent out there specifically to field questions on “typical” per-existing conditions, like pregnancy and rape…

Romantic Heretic  May 5, 2017 • 10:41:26am

re: #280 Barefoot Grin

Yep. Some of those guys, if they got their wishes, would see no federal money going to health care.

Except, of course, their own. After all they’re too important to pay for their own healthcare.

ObserverArt  May 5, 2017 • 10:44:39am

re: #229 Timothy Watson

That’s so racist I thought it was a parody until I checked…

We should send Huck some cantaloupes. Maybe he could call his buddy Steve King up and invite him over. After they drink all that hot salsa, those cool cantaloupe slices will be real good.

I cannot.  May 5, 2017 • 10:45:25am

re: #338 FormerDirtDart

That still looks like she’s totally incapable of doing her job, and knows it.

lawhawk  May 5, 2017 • 10:45:34am

The trouble with people who think that people showing empathy have trouble?

Rational thought? What’s the rational thought behind gutting Medicaid funding to the tune of $800+ billion? Who is harmed by that? Who loses?

Who gains from the redistribution of that $800 billion. Millionaires/billionaires whose tax returns get a big boost from lower taxes.

No, the problem people like Goldberg here thinks there’s a rational thought that supports the mass redistribution of wealth from everyone to the rich.

The right doesn’t have a problem with redistribution of wealth so long as it all flows to the rich. Everyone else can get fucked.

gocart mozart  May 5, 2017 • 10:45:55am
ObserverArt  May 5, 2017 • 10:46:34am

re: #233 The Vicious Babushka

Trump will make sure they get a 5-minute standing ovation at his next MAGA event.

You didn’t see the studio audience signs that flash when you need to applaud?

Mr TV. And he sucked at that too.

Teukka  May 5, 2017 • 10:46:54am

re: #342 lawhawk

The trouble with people who think that people showing empathy have trouble?

[Embedded content]

Rational thought? What’s the rational thought behind gutting Medicaid funding to the tune of $800+ billion? Who is harmed by that? Who loses?

Who gains from the redistribution of that $800 billion. Millionaires/billionaires whose tax returns get a big boost from lower taxes.

No, the problem people like Goldberg here thinks there’s a rational thought that supports the mass redistribution of wealth from everyone to the rich.

The right doesn’t have a problem with redistribution of wealth so long as it all flows to the rich. Everyone else can get fucked.

You know what one of the significant symptoms of Narcissism and psychopathy is?

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 10:47:51am

Huckster’s wife is the WH propagandist for the day:

Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders

ObserverArt  May 5, 2017 • 10:47:59am

re: #239 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

Oh…my buddy Robby Portman.

Gonna have to e-mail bomb him some more now that this is known.

The Vicious Babushka  May 5, 2017 • 10:48:18am

Where’s Sean Spicer?

Timothy Watson  May 5, 2017 • 10:50:06am

re: #346 Dr. Matt

Huckster’s wife is the WH propagandist for the day:

[Embedded content]

Uh…daughter, not wife.

jaunte  May 5, 2017 • 10:50:21am
darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 10:50:23am

re: #318 Dr. Matt

Every time I see the smoke from an out of control weeks long tire fire I think it’s someone burning the Huckabees in effigy.

ObserverArt  May 5, 2017 • 10:50:49am

re: #247 FormerDirtDart

Senator Rand Paul ✔ @RandPaul
I have formally requested from the WH and the Intel Committees info on whether I was surveilled by Obama admin and or the Intel community!
9:12 AM - 5 May 2017
3,241 3,241 Retweets 7,399 7,399 likes

Seems Randy hasn’t been getting enough face time these days. Time to get in the news.

Nah, time to get out of politics you do-nothing fake.

(alpuz)  May 5, 2017 • 10:51:17am

re: #348 The Vicious Babushka

Watching power point presentation on the difference between a fence and a wall? Either that or scream therapy I’m guessing.

darthstar  May 5, 2017 • 10:52:33am

re: #348 The Vicious Babushka

Where’s Sean Spicer?


jaunte  May 5, 2017 • 10:53:13am
Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 10:53:57am

Huckster’s wife daughter just said the latest job reports showed increase in coal jobs.

Dr. Matt  May 5, 2017 • 10:54:56am

re: #349 Timothy Watson

Uh…daughter, not wife.

They are from Arkansas….one in the same.

HappyWarrior  May 5, 2017 • 10:55:17am

re: #342 lawhawk

The trouble with people who think that people showing empathy have trouble?

[Embedded content]

Rational thought? What’s the rational thought behind gutting Medicaid funding to the tune of $800+ billion? Who is harmed by that? Who loses?

Who gains from the redistribution of that $800 billion. Millionaires/billionaires whose tax returns get a big boost from lower taxes.

No, the problem people like Goldberg here thinks there’s a rational thought that supports the mass redistribution of wealth from everyone to the rich.

The right doesn’t have a problem with redistribution of wealth so long as it all flows to the rich. Everyone else can get fucked.

Yeah Jonah, it’s so dangerous to consider otehr people. Go home, you and NRO are drunker than Buckley was.

sagehen  May 5, 2017 • 10:58:39am

re: #311 justaminute

That film of Trump and House Republicans celebrating millions of Americans losing their health insurance so the rich can get a tax break; would will make a great ad many great ads for 2018.

gocart mozart  May 5, 2017 • 10:59:57am

re: #310 lawhawk

Joe Bacon  May 5, 2017 • 11:00:58am

re: #358 HappyWarrior

Yeah Jonah, it’s so dangerous to consider otehr people. Go home, you and NRO are drunker than Buckley was.

Happy, wait for Jonah Jerkoff to have a stroke. He’ll sing the same tune his God Ayn Rand sang when Medicare covered her lung cancer surgery…

Sir John Barron  May 5, 2017 • 11:01:00am

re: #358 HappyWarrior

Yeah Jonah, it’s so dangerous to consider otehr people. Go home, you and NRO are drunker than Buckley was.

“Empathy and compassion are dangerous and perhaps un-American. Also here is my great moral absolute values of pro-life.”

Barefoot Grin  May 5, 2017 • 11:14:19am

re: #342 lawhawk

The trouble with people who think that people showing empathy have trouble?

[Embedded content]

Rational thought? What’s the rational thought behind gutting Medicaid funding to the tune of $800+ billion? Who is harmed by that? Who loses?

Who gains from the redistribution of that $800 billion. Millionaires/billionaires whose tax returns get a big boost from lower taxes.

No, the problem people like Goldberg here thinks there’s a rational thought that supports the mass redistribution of wealth from everyone to the rich.

The right doesn’t have a problem with redistribution of wealth so long as it all flows to the rich. Everyone else can get fucked.

This is the guy who gave us “liberal fascism,” right?

Bubblehead II  May 5, 2017 • 5:03:11pm


Jebediah, RBG  May 8, 2017 • 10:43:12am

re: #38 dell*nix


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