
A Bad Lip Reading Remix: “DeSantis for PRESIDENT”

171Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines
July 2023
re: #166 sagehen My older daughter still has the giant Raggedy Ann doll I got her for her second Christmas (1978). I don't think she ever had a Barbie either, which is surprising given her mother's aggressively evangelical/domestic outlook. She ...

Video: Philomena Cunk’s Moments of Wonder: Climate Change

300Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines
February 2023
"At the next Ramstein conference it will be decided to train and send heavy fighting squirrels to Ukraine. Russia is already threatening escalation" Auf der nächsten Ramsteinkonferenz wird Training und Entsendung von schweren Kampf-Eichhörnchen in die Ukraine beschlossen werden.Russland ...