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1 wrenchwench  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:00:04pm

That's nice, but if Matt had been reading LGF, he would have saved himself two or three years of ignorance about Ron and Rand.

2 Charles Johnson  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:19:16pm

It's a good read, but I have to admit my reaction is, "Well, duh."

3 HappyWarrior  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:20:26pm

Well yeah. No offense to Matt but a lot of this was obiovus to me a long time ago.

4 Locker  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:29:33pm

Matt has a broad audience and while LGFers may say "duh" I'm quite sure the message is hitting people who are not as "clued" as your standard Lizard. Obvious, I guess, from the text of the quoted mail items.

5 Charles Johnson  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:35:52pm

It's always mystified me that Ron Paul has so much support among liberals. The guy is PROFOUNDLY illiberal.

It must be the anti-war stuff.

6 HappyWarrior  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:42:34pm

re: #5 Charles

It's always mystified me that Ron Paul has so much support among liberals. The guy is PROFOUNDLY illiberal.

It must be the anti-war stuff.

IT's exactly what it is. And it's so stupid too. The guy is a bonafide reactionary on many issues near and dear to liberals.

7 Jack Burton  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:47:14pm

re: #5 Charles

It's always mystified me that Ron Paul has so much support among liberals. The guy is PROFOUNDLY illiberal.

It must be the anti-war stuff.

And the anti drug war stuff as well. Every dumb below-21 year old college kid (you know the ones who think they know everything) I knew that supported him in 2008 supported him for those 2 reasons and had total ignorance of everything else he stood for.

8 HappyWarrior  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:51:47pm

re: #7 ArchangelMichael

And the anti drug war stuff as well. Every dumb below-21 year old college kid (you know the ones who think they know everything) I knew that supported him in 2008 supported him for those 2 reasons and had total ignorance of everything else he stood for.

Yeah, there's that too. I mean I oppose the drug war too but I do not like nor do I trust Ron Paul. Never have and will.

9 prairiefire  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:51:50pm

Many libertarians I know are the young adulr kids of Republicans.

10 prairiefire  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:52:24pm

re: #9 prairiefire

pimf adult

11 Randy W. Weeks  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:55:05pm

Ron Paul sounds "intellectual"?

Coulda fooled me.

12 HappyWarrior  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:57:58pm

Some libertarians I know are reasonable but the ones that think Paul is always right and if you question him or his ideas you must be some kind of moron are just asses. I think I've told the story before of how when I was discussing foreign policy with a Paul supporter that you can't assume that the Founding Fathers would be isolationist in 2008 since it's a different world in 2008 than it was in 1789 and I got caleld a sheep or some crap like that. They think there's only one way and that is the Paul way which is utter horseshit.

13 Michael McBacon  Tue, May 3, 2011 2:12:37pm

Oh, teh crazy. I was in downtown Saint Paul, MN during the RNC convention in 2008 and ran into Ron Paul supporters wearing wigs and Revolutionary War-style outfits. They held up a sign ranting about "King George the Worst".

14 Lidane  Tue, May 3, 2011 3:24:22pm

re: #5 Charles

It's always mystified me that Ron Paul has so much support among liberals. The guy is PROFOUNDLY illiberal.

It must be the anti-war stuff.

It's the anti-war and supposedly anti-drug war/"civil libertarian" stuff that draws in people from the left. I've seen that a lot.

It's evident in the Page I had about some doofus from Counterpunch suggesting that Ron Paul is somehow more progressive than Barack Obama. It's pretty much the entire sum of the guy's argument. Very crazy stuff.

15 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Tue, May 3, 2011 4:26:34pm

re: #5 Charles

It's always mystified me that Ron Paul has so much support among liberals. The guy is PROFOUNDLY illiberal.

It must be the anti-war stuff.

it's anti-war, and it's also a lot of IT outsider nerds

If you want to see some fun stuff, go dig up lists of Ron Paul contributors, and look where they work. it's a whole lot of Google, Apple, Microsoft. it's a lot of IT guys, people with specialized computer skills who are loners, and talented ones.

Libertarians are often outsiders. They're often self-made people, solitary people, nerds. Rush fans ^_^; They're often really smart, and also myopic and selfish. The two Ron Paul people I know are both gay. (and both pretty strange, strange as me anyhow)

16 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Tue, May 3, 2011 4:27:16pm

re: #3 HappyWarrior

Well yeah. No offense to Matt but a lot of this was obiovus to me a long time ago.

Tiabbi writes for Rolling Stone, he does a good thing, since your average rock fan is not a political junkie.

17 Decatur Deb  Tue, May 3, 2011 4:30:04pm

re: #5 Charles

It's always mystified me that Ron Paul has so much support among liberals. The guy is PROFOUNDLY illiberal.

It must be the anti-war stuff.

And the pro-ganja stuff.

18 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Tue, May 3, 2011 4:30:13pm

re: #15 WindUpBird

oh, i forgot the Ron-Paul-freak friend of my brother, who works for Google as some IT sorcerer, makes a massive coin, and has A) an equally massive firearms arsenal B) lives way out in the woods near the Dalles, and C) built a functioning underground bomb shelter with years of canned food

he's also an excellent gamemaster, loves to run zombie survival horror.

So when I think of Ron Paul guys who could be friends, I think him.

19 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Tue, May 3, 2011 4:31:25pm

re: #17 Decatur Deb

And the pro-ganja stuff.

that helps!

it's like Ron Paul gives them the opiate politics, and the evil Ron Paul shit is...ding! Stuff those guys don't care about. They couldn't give fuck numero uno about Planned Parenthood.

There's a whole demographic of people who don't get laid much, or don't have female friends, and that's Ron Paul easy pickins

20 funky chicken  Tue, May 3, 2011 5:18:16pm

re: #5 Charles

It's always mystified me that Ron Paul has so much support among liberals. The guy is PROFOUNDLY illiberal.

It must be the anti-war stuff.

I heard him today on the Diane Rheam (spell?) show on NPR. The guy is just nuts, and IMHO immoral. He is against all federal help for Alabama in the tornado aftermath (specific question was emailed in) and against the FDA (pro "food freedom" and other nonsense.)

Also favors "teaching the controversy" vs federal curriculum guidelines for science education.

I simply cannot understand his appeal to anybody with an ounce of intellect.

21 funky chicken  Tue, May 3, 2011 5:21:18pm

If anybody's interested in listening:

the Alabama question is near the end.

22 unwashed masses  Tue, May 3, 2011 8:14:34pm

Actual quote:

If you live in an area where there's tornadoes -- I live in an area where there are hurricanes, but I don't think people outside of the hurricane area should pay for me living on the beach.
The whole thing is, the reason people live there -- say, on the coast especially -- is there's the moral hazard that government will take care of us. You know, that -- well, I -- and, you know, they'll say, well, you have government insurance. Well, why don't you buy a private insurance? Oh, because it's too expensive, which means it's too dangerous. So we go and say, well, it's not dangerous. The government, which is stealing from somebody who doesn't live there, doesn't have the benefits of living on the coast, and they go and build where they shouldn't.
And people live in Tornado Alley. You say, I'm vulnerable to a tornado. What I should do, have a safe house, and I'd better get insurance.

At least he's consistent, no matter how unpopular it is. Unlike most politicians that will say whatever is necessary to get votes, and then do the opposite once in office.

23 Winny Spencer  Tue, May 3, 2011 9:44:10pm

re: #19 WindUpBird

that helps!

it's like Ron Paul gives them the opiate politics, and the evil Ron Paul shit is...ding! Stuff those guys don't care about. They couldn't give fuck numero uno about Planned Parenthood.

There's a whole demographic of people who don't get laid much, or don't have female friends, and that's Ron Paul easy pickins

I should be a die hard Paultard then. I also have aspergers, clinical depression and am overall quite different from most.

24 Michael Orion Powell  Wed, May 4, 2011 12:02:52am

I attended CPAC in 2010 and worked the Campaign for Liberty (who managed to get me in free) table. C4L's main selling point were three anti-Abraham Lincoln books. That subject outnumbered books on the Federal Reserve, the War on Terror or Alexander Hamilton. The next year, blatant white supremacists came out unapologetically. This is not coincidence.

Given that, I could see myself voting for Gary Johnson. Johnson is a West Coast guy, and while the West Coast isn't a racist free zone (is anywhere?), the bigotry is not reminiscent of a brutal historical institution like Jim Crow, slavery, segregation or the Ku Klux Klan. Johnson is absolutely on the right side of immigration, seeing immigrants from Latin America not as a bain on our existence but as a boon to our economy and cultural fabric, as is he a firm opponent of the war on drugs. The worst complaints about him that I've heard have been typical liberal gripes about his spending policies (he would advocate a drastic cut in many programs) but he doesn't have the creepy Confederate flirtations of Paul and his sons.

25 wrenchwench  Wed, May 4, 2011 10:52:47am

re: #24 OrionXP

I attended CPAC in 2010 and worked the Campaign for Liberty (who managed to get me in free) table. C4L's main selling point were three anti-Abraham Lincoln books. That subject outnumbered books on the Federal Reserve, the War on Terror or Alexander Hamilton. The next year, blatant white supremacists came out unapologetically. This is not coincidence.

Given that, I could see myself voting for Gary Johnson. Johnson is a West Coast guy, and while the West Coast isn't a racist free zone (is anywhere?), the bigotry is not reminiscent of a brutal historical institution like Jim Crow, slavery, segregation or the Ku Klux Klan. Johnson is absolutely on the right side of immigration, seeing immigrants from Latin America not as a bain on our existence but as a boon to our economy and cultural fabric, as is he a firm opponent of the war on drugs. The worst complaints about him that I've heard have been typical liberal gripes about his spending policies (he would advocate a drastic cut in many programs) but he doesn't have the creepy Confederate flirtations of Paul and his sons.

Please look into Gary Johnson more closely. New Mexico is not "west coast", but that doesn't matter. New Mexico may or may not have fewer bigots than other areas, but that doesn't matter. Look at Johnson himself. He voted for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party for president in 2008. So even if Johnson is not a racist, he doesn't mind voting for one. For president. Against Barack Obama. The Constitution Party is also extremely anti-choice. I don't know whether that reflects Gary Johnson's position, but again, he's willing to vote for that, and help them gain ballot access.

Here's a more recent development. Johnson is in the top five on that list, and I would be hard pressed to choose which of the others is the most disgusting person of the bunch. If you don't know them, do some research. (I'm sure you've heard of Tom Tancredo.) These are Gary Johnson's people. Maybe not "creepy Confederate flirtations", but certainly nothing more pleasant than that. Maybe worse, if only because it's gone beyond "flirtations".

26 wrenchwench  Wed, May 4, 2011 10:54:54am

re: #22 unwashed masses

At least he's consistent, no matter how unpopular it is. Unlike most politicians that will say whatever is necessary to get votes, and then do the opposite once in office.

You're a pretty weak Paul supporter, but a Paul supporter none the less. "Consistent" is not virtue when it comes to being hard-hearted.

27 Michael Orion Powell  Wed, May 4, 2011 8:37:30pm

re: #5 Charles

It's always mystified me that Ron Paul has so much support among liberals. The guy is PROFOUNDLY illiberal.

It must be the anti-war stuff.

Ron Paul has been one of the most honest and consistent opponents of the war on drugs on any party ticket. With Gary Johnson, he's no longer really a monopoly in that department.

28 Michael Orion Powell  Wed, May 4, 2011 8:39:57pm

re: #25 wrenchwench

Please look into Gary Johnson more closely. New Mexico is not "west coast", but that doesn't matter. New Mexico may or may not have fewer bigots than other areas, but that doesn't matter. Look at Johnson himself. He voted for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party for president in 2008. So even if Johnson is not a racist, he doesn't mind voting for one. For president. Against Barack Obama. The Constitution Party is also extremely anti-choice. I don't know whether that reflects Gary Johnson's position, but again, he's willing to vote for that, and help them gain ballot access.

Here's a more recent development. Johnson is in the top five on that list, and I would be hard pressed to choose which of the others is the most disgusting person of the bunch. If you don't know them, do some research. (I'm sure you've heard of Tom Tancredo.) These are Gary Johnson's people. Maybe not "creepy Confederate flirtations", but certainly nothing more pleasant than that. Maybe worse, if only because it's gone beyond "flirtations".

I really have to beg to differ when it comes to the Johnson/Tancredo comparison. From Reason:

Johnson said he doesn't like the harsh tone he's heard in the immigration debate. "At an event the other night and some guy says, 'What we need are A-10s flying low across the border ... guns blazing.'" Johnson said. "I said, 'Really? You want to kill the immigrants? ... We are on different pages here. We really have a serious disagreement about this.'" But a couple of minutes later, Johnson said, the man apologized and said he didn't mean what he said. He said such emotional reactions to the problem "have to do with the notion that (immigrants) are taking away jobs from U.S. citizens."

29 wrenchwench  Thu, May 5, 2011 9:37:38am

re: #28 OrionXP

I really have to beg to differ when it comes to the Johnson/Tancredo comparison. From Reason:

It wasn't meant to be so much a comparison to Tancredo, as pointing out that he's on the same dais as Tancredo, talking to the same people, sharing ideas, all in support of the Save America Foundation, which features Glenn Beck and G. Edward Griffin on their homepage. And not just Tancredo. Here are those top five I mentioned:

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
G. Edward Griffin
Tom Tancredo
Gary Johnson
Sheriff Richard Mack

Griffin is a staunch Bircher. He wrote a recent, popular anti-Fed book, The Creature From Jekyll Island, I'm sure you saw it on the C4L table at CPAC. He's an anti-Semite. Napolitano you can read about here at LGF. Sheriff Richard Mack is on the board of Oathkeepers. Also on that list are Joseph Farah of WND, and Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oathkeepers. I don't know how into the Libertarian philosophy and organizations you were and are. I don't think I'm giving you new information. But if you're going to defend Gary Johnson, you're going to have to defend the whole man, not just a slight improvement over Tancredo. Johnson's defense of immigrants is that they pay into Social Security but they don't collect, so it's a net gain [that's from your link]. Hardly an enlightened position. And what about his support for the Constitution Party? I don't see opposition to war, including the war on drugs, as reason enough to support Gary Johnson.

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