
Overnight Open Thread

Charles Johnson8/13/2009 8:42:31 am PDT

re: #968 opnion

It seems to me that the Seniors at the Town Halls are not being at all paranoid about having their healthcare rationed & even denied.
That is not a leap when you consider that Obama was the only Illinois State Senator not to support the “Born Alive Infant Protection Act.”
He failed to agree that babys born alive during a botched abortion deserve medical care.

This is a complete distortion of the truth.

The Born Alive Infant Protection Act was not simply a bill to protect infants “born alive.” It was an attempt by the anti-abortion lobby to change the way abortion is defined in the law, and undercut Roe v. Wade. The bill Obama opposed was intended to increase the liability for doctors and hospitals that perform abortions.

This is a good post about it, with lots of quotes from the actual bills and the deceptive language introduced by the Stanek-Santorum crowd:

This is NOT as simple as “Obama supports baby-killing.” I am NO FAN OF BARACK OBAMA, but there’s a lot of dishonesty going on in this issue — from the right-wing side.