
The Bob Cesca Show: Hurricane Irma

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)9/07/2017 6:14:30 pm PDT

re: #108 EPR-radar

One thing I would have liked to see the feds do with Harvey aid for Texas is make it contingent on Texas dipping into its own rainy day fund to a reasonable extent.

I doubt that would happen but anyhow, I really loathe Republican officials who vote against disaster releif when it hits blue states and regions but immediately beg for the money when their state gets hit. I saw Rubio was on CNN earlier. Rubio, the same coward that voted against Sandy relief. FWIW, I ahve no problem helping any state or region after a hurricane, tornado, or whatever but the Republicans who vote against releif when it’s not their state especially a blue state hit by disaster can kiss the hairiest part of my ass.