
Ahmadinejad Mocks Obama's 'Change' Slogan

jcm6/27/2009 11:00:43 am PDT

re: #121 iceweasel

I get what you’re saying, but Obama’s measured statements aren’t aimed at the mullahs— they’re aimed at everyone else, most of all the people of Iran.

Many of whom, even when they’re anti-Ahmadi, aren’t exactly pro-America, and who would switch allegiances if they thought America wanted to control their election outcome.

The Mullah’s are going here what they want. No WORDs will cause them to loosen their grasp.

As to the people, especially the young demonstrators are tired of the Mullahocracy, and decidedly are looking west, Iran has (had) a high of internet use.

Freedom, Liberty aren’t American values, they are what every persons yearns for. Recognizing what the people of Iran yearn for is not a mistake.

Fence sitting in the end is always a mistake.