
Guardian's '2010 Buzz Words' Takes Swipe at Assange

CuriousLurker12/26/2010 6:31:54 pm PST

re: #139 ozbloke

Thanks again, that second link might prove helpful, its about the original leak.

You’re welcome.

Though I’m was looking for answers to two questions.
1. The edited video released by wikileaks, did wikileaks edit it or did they release somthing that was given to them edited.

That’s easy. Assange admitted to Stephen Colbert that he/WikiLeaks edited because “we will try and get the maximum political impact for the material”. Starts around 2:30:

2. Who released the unedited video, wikileaks or the US Govt.

Wikileaks. It’s also in the video above.

Please don’t feel you have to find the answer for me.

As I said above, not a problem in this case as it was a recent post. I’m outta here for now. Later, lizards.