
Christine O'Donnell Takes Palin's Advice, Will Shun Media

friarstale9/22/2010 10:40:27 am PDT

re: #6 Lidane

With O’Donnell, it’s her own verified words being used to expose her as a batshit insane nutjob, since she’s on video saying them. You can’t compare the two at all.

MTV and Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher for O’Donnell, Saturday Night Live for Franken.
I think they’d make a wonderful pair in the Senate., very entertaining.

In all seriousness, I am agreeing that she’s a poor candidate and it’s obvious she is afraid of national media attention, and she has very likely ruined the GOPs chance of getting the Delaware Senate seat.

Her dream is ending.
Not appearing on those shows is like hitting the snooze button and putting the pillow over her head.
The same dream won’t come back just by closing her eyes, but that’s what she’s trying.