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Charles Johnson9/18/2009 10:10:18 pm PDT

At Hot Air, where they’re “cleaning up their comments:”

As a vet and as a man who went overseas i must say
I am so sick to death of these IDIOT leftist women
Constantly complaining about how america didnt give them
a free abortion all paid for by the government..

You know ladies you should realize that in ALL of the
muslim lands the women there ARE KEPT BAREFOOT and PREGNANT
and usually are married to some 80 year old man at age 12

In the united states of america

you arent forced to be pregnant each year
you arent forced into marriage at age 12
you arent forced into multiple marriages under pain of DEATH
you arent killed dif you try to vote
you arent killed if you try to speak
you arent killed if you try to DRIVE
you arent killed if you try to go to work
you arent killed if you try to walk without a relative

so Mrs obama before you go bad mouthing your own country
I suggest you go to a muslim land and try seeing what their
womens lives are like..

and if you manage to get back here to the USA with your HEAD
still attached you might jsut appreciate this nation
just a little bit more!!!

UNLESS you are goig to capitulate and betray all western women just like HILLARY CLINTON, PELOZI and others
who all talked big
But as soon as they went to a muslim country

they all started to wear burkas and told the sheiks
how Friggin wonderful it was to see them
NOT killing their muslim wives in front of the damned news cameras this visit..

you liberal women and your stinking hypocrisy makes me sick
you complain about this nation
but when its time to take a real stand in the muslims land
then all of a sudden all of you
go running down to BURKAS R US to find a fashionable one
to cover your lying hpocritical liberal FAT ASS.

veteranoutrage on September 18, 2009 at 11:03 PM
