
Overnight Hope-a-Dope

Charles Johnson1/29/2009 9:46:17 am PST

re: #1533 Throbert McGee

There’s nothing unusual about this kind of cut-and-paste nonsense from creationists, unfortunately. I’ve learned from these discussions that whenever a creationist cites a quotation, or a specific scientific issue, you should Google the phrase they use — because 9 times out of 10 it’s a direct cut-and-paste from a creationist quote mine or website.

You’re right, they have no real understanding of these issues, they’re just parroting the talking points because that’s what fundamentalist preachers tell them to do — go out and do battle with the evil evolutionists.

So, over and over, we get:

* The Miller Urey experiments
* Peppered moths
* Haeckel’s drawings
* The “Cambrian Explosion”
* Irreducible complexity
* Piltdown Man
* etc. etc. etc.

Every single one of these talking points has been conclusively debunked for years, but they just keep recycling them.