
Tea Partiers? Where? Oh, You Mean The Ones in the Front Row?

Charles Johnson1/20/2010 3:18:25 pm PST

re: #132 captdiggs

They certainly fund raised for his campaign.
Perhaps they are disappointed now, but they would still support him over anyone to his right.
But that misses the point. A candidate can’t be responsible for those who decide to cast their votes his or her way.

And I’m sure you were standing up for that principle when Barack Obama was demonized over his associations with Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright too. Actually, I’m sure you weren’t.

Why not wait to get to know this senator before the demonization.

Gee, now it’s “demonization” to point out that his victory party was full of people waving “Second American Revolution” flags?

No, it’s not “demonization.” It’s pointing out a fact. You can scream “demonization” all you like, but it’s a transparent attempt to divert attention away from something you think is damaging to Brown.