
Video: Trump Audience Member on TSA: "Get Rid of All These Heeby Jobbies They Wear"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam6/30/2016 6:27:52 pm PDT

re: #170 Shimshon

The US doesn’t ignore Africa, there are troops in off the top of my head, 4 countries right now, and close relations with many others. The problem is corrupt Africa governments love China more because they get free money no strings attached and all the bribes they can stuff in their Swiss and Dubai bank accounts. America likes to promote human rights and fighting corruption and corrupt people do not like that.

Point taken, but China encourages its businessmen to set up firms in African nations. Not that it’s going so well. It seems Chinese businessmen don’t treat the locals any better than any previous colonial or semi-colonial power, and there have been worker strikes and even government pushback on broken Chinese promises.