
Matthews to Bachmann: 'Are You Hypnotized?'

Charles Johnson11/03/2010 3:12:53 pm PDT

re: #139 MurphysMom

I watched the Youtube version, which is a little longer, and Matthews goes on for about a half-minute describing the leg-thrill incident. Seemed a bit defensive about it to me - ended with a pouty statement something along the lines of “and now they’re making fun of me for it”. But … maybe defensiveness is in the eye of the beholder.

As to the hypnotized part, do you suppose he REALLY thought she’d been hypnotized? Or was it a rhetorical and snarky question? I can’t imagine a serious journalist dismissing the idea that she wanted to say what SHE wanted to say, no matter what he asked … and instead going with the notion that The Amazing Kreskin got a hold of her.

Here’s the whole thing — I don’t see any defensiveness in what Matthews says about the ‘tingle’ business. And what he points out about Bachmann’s calls for investigations of ‘un-American’ activity is vastly more important. Sure, he’s poking fun at Bachmann, but she doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously.

I wish more journalists would ask the kind of off-the-wall questions Matthews does. That’s when things get interesting.

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