
Major Scientific Society Boycotts Louisiana to Protest Creationism Bill

Nerdy Fish2/17/2009 10:02:11 am PST

re: #180 Sharmuta

I hate when the DI gets it’s way and these conversations start talking about religion, because it’s not what this is about.

This is about non-science being taught to the children instead of real science. Teaching them a methodical, scientific way of learning- a thought process that with the rise of collectivist, leftist thinking, we could really stand to teach the kids. If we stand any chance of correcting critical thinking skills- it is in science we can look for help. We need to improve science, not by adding ID, but by defending the empirical data and the process which brought it about.

My personal opinion, Shar, is that we need to focus on mathematical disciplines first. Public schooling in math is in a shockingly horrid state of affairs; the only reason I have any skill in mathematics is because I am self-taught and attended a private university. Once the kids can do math, then they can start realizing empirical science.